Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 04, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation In Salem Guar
anteed by the Andit Bureau of
Oregon: Tonight
and Tuesday ram
cooler tonight
southwest portion
moderate souther
iy gale interior.
51 flf C
Over Twenty-Seven Hundred
Thousand German Sol
i diers There
Little Actual Fighting Beyond
Trench Raid Is Reported
Late Today
By Henry Wood
United Press Staff Correspondent)
Wjth the French Armies in Field, Feb.
4. The Germans to date have concen
trated between 180 and 190 divisions
(2,700,00 to 2,850,00 men) on the west
ern front in preparation for their ex
jieeted spring offensive.
Since the allies drive last April the
maximum of German concentration ou
the western front consisted of only 155
divisions, until the Russian armistice
permitted the increase to the present
One hundred and fifteen divisions are
already ou the lines, while the remain
ing b'5 to 75 are held in reserve, presum
ably for the purpose of rushing into a
surprise offensive or checking the al-
lies, should tho Germans leave to thein
ti.o ;;f np i... . : - -
xiLiiiiubivu ui inn Bluing ui i.i:ustve.
l'l.a nn..nT.a i:n i.. .i:.. :
The Germans still have sixty divisions
on the Russian front, consisting of
worn out, decimated units, from wuich
the best soldiers have been transferred
to the western theatre.
British Troops Said.
London, Feb. 4. British troops raid
ed enemy trenches east of Havricourt
early last night, Field Marshal Haig
reported today. . .
In the neighborhood of Lens and
northeast of Cavrelle there was "some
hostile activity."
Enemy Repulsed.
Paris, Feb. 4. A strong attempted
enemy raid failed northwest of Coucy
Le Chateau in the sector west of Fies
jies last night, the official communique
stated today.
There was mutual artillerying along
the right bank of the Meuse.
Calais Was Bombed.
Paris, Feb. 4. Calais was bombed by
enemy airplanes of the Gotha type, it
was officially announced today. "There
were no victims and no material dam
age," the statement asserted.
Only Artillery Duels
Berlin via London, Feb. 4. Artillery
duels and reconryoitoring expeditions
were described in today's official state
ment issued by the war office.
Rurjored Troubles In Ger
many at This Time Are
Not Taken Seriously
Washington, Feb. 3. America must
quicken its" army preparations not
slacken them in tho face of the report
ed labor disturbances in the central
powers, Secretary of War Baker declar
ed today.
In his weekly war review ho said,
"while dissatisfaction is no doubt rife
in Germauy and strikes of increasing!
seriousness nave occurred, we must not j
allow any reported disturbances to af-
rcct the erreciiveness or speed of our
armed preparations.
Baker warned that despite her troub
les, "Germany is stripping all other
fronts for the coming struggle in th3
West." .
In the faco of this crisis, the allies
are preparing, he said, "having num
erical superiority, both in men and
"Complete and elose eo-operation be
tween the allies and ourselves," he ad
ded, "and a harmonions understanding
supreme commands of all the forces en
gaged promises to show positive re
sults. Unity of purpose on all fronts
will thus be obtained.
"Our patrols hve been active in no
man's land," he said, commenting on
American activities in front line
trenches. "Our scouts have made them
selves familiar with the details of the
hostile positions opposite them.
'The operations in which our troops
have so far been engaged were of a :
minor character. Around January 31 j
'Continued on page two)
k 1tchg3ck,nebraskas'
copp senator
M .
Makes Atf A In Speech To
day On rybody Con
, nseted i War Work
Washington, Feb. 4. Declaring that
the war department is "better equipped
with brakes than with motive power,"
and that chaos alone has resulted from
other departmental work, Senator Hitch
cock. Nebraska, todav resumed demands
in the senate for further co-ordination
of the nation's war efforts.
Hitchcock's attack came in the face
of personal and urgent demands by
President Wilson for less discussion of
the war cabinet bill and more action on
vital legislation. It marked the opening
of spirited discussion in the senate and
house over the Chamberlain measures.
Hitchcock charged specifically that:
The war department has fallen down
in most of its important tunctions.
Secretary Baker's efforts to correct
defects in his department would be fu
tile. The transportation system has fall
en down and is a " gigantic wreck. ' '
There is no power to coordinate trans
portation across Atlantic and production
Lack of proper directing authority
has resulteu in the present fuel situa
tion. The present condition of our ship
building is "nothing. less than shock
ing". j'jiTorts to move food for bur allies
and ourselves have miscarried. (
The Nebraska' senator asserted that
this situation was due to the failure to
inuke the various departments work to
gether and coordinate their efforts.
"The president is quoted as object
ing -to any change in the law on the
i ground that he is responsible for tho
. ? ...i i -j
tcouuuct or me war, xiiiciicocn. suiu,
. ... i v ' .
"It would be a monstrous wrong to
hold him responsible for the many short
comings because nothing by the geniuj
of perfection and the power of omni
see nee could enable one man to look
after these vast interests.
11TT- i. i a; J - .1
jiu vuuuui a one uuiu uesign auu i
emirini't mir difficult t'nTuimi nnlicv. ner-
o r . i c
fftvm tlift illitipa .if f'mnmumli.r in I'll if
of the army and navy, act as his own
prime minister, design all legislation for
congress to pass, dictate all industrial,
financial and political activities of the
country and look after the expenditure
of 25,000,000 a week. It is out of the
question and out of reason
Taking up the "failures of the war
department," Hitchcock declared the
military affairs committee, after con
sidering the revelations made at its in
vestigation, decided it will serve no pur
pose to make scapegoats of a few
"It decided it would perform its
highest duty by recommending to the
senate such a change in the law" as
would give the executive an up-to-date
war making organization," he said.
He declared that the present system
is obsolete and cumbersome, so that ef
ficiency is well nigh impossible.
We round provisions for checks,
cautions, delays, debates and disagree
ments, but little or no provision for
(Continued on page, three)
All Germans Not Registered
by Saturday Night Will Be
Treated As Enemies
Washington, Feb. 4. Detailed infor
mation including personal habits, arid
business relations of every German to
gether with his photograph and finger
prints will be taken by the department
or justice in a national registration
week beginning today.
A certified card, showing that he has
Dl'eo registered must be carried at all
times on the person of German aliens
(and he may not change his place of resi
dence without iirst notifying and ob
taining the permission of the police or
postmaster of the town or city in which
he lives. v
L'arlier plans for the gradual registra
tion of Germans in the United States
with those in the eastern section to come
first were abandoned when it was in
timated that some Germans might avoid
registration by moving from one dis
trict to another.
The present penalty for violations of
any of the provisions of President Wil
son 's alien enemy proclamation is in
ternment for the period of the war but
if a policy suggested by high govern
ment officials is pursued there will be
a revision of the law in order to make
the punishment more drastic.
Before the clock strikes midnight Sat
urday every one of the German aliens
in this country not including women or
children under the age of 14 years, must
have registered or will be considered
a dangerous person and will be interned.
(Continued on page two)
"By Robert J. Bender
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Feb. 4. The United
States today - ig developing its great
est punch of the world war.
Americans are now pitted, man to
man, against the Germans along a
section of the Lorraine front, meet
ing steel with steel.
The allied council at Versailles has
rounded out a definite plan of cooper
ation by which the American and al
lied war eniets will mcot von new
ling's "peace camouflage" with the
thunder of increasing guns.
Today throughoutl the nation this
government Usi registering aliens
names, ancestry, business, thumb prints
etc. as a precautionary measure pre
liminary to what is to be the crucial
effort in the great war.
No Halfway Measures
There are to bo no half way meas
ures. The president decided that on
which ever side the greatest effort is
made tbisr year victory will fall. Neu
trals may oxpect sharp measures when
they aro deemed vital to this country's
New evidence of grim determination
to end the struggle in 1918 or soon af
ter by making tr herculean effort this
year, is manifest on all sides. Once
more it is felt the developments have
swuusf back out of the hands of diplo
mats and into the hands of the mili
Answer to Hertling
Tho allied war council has said in
answer to Hertling
Until you come from behind your
mask we must go ahead."
And working to that end, complete
agreement is reported on plans for the
conduct of tho war. The military chiefs
of the United States and the allies will
be given wide authority to act with
tt ji : .
out delaying any vital move for refer
ence to and approval by home govern
ments. The casualty lists of Americans dy-1
ing on the field of battle in almost
brought homo to. this country the real
ization that our participation in the
is now in deadly earnest. . More
more men are to be .sen across
i i
i ana
the seas. And while thus Tar fortuno
has remained at tho side of the trans-1
ports officials point out that anv day ,
may see one lost, tho victim of aU
boat that has eluded tho American
Tho kaiser's papers have scoffed at
the American soldier. They have laugh
ed at our officers, men upon whom,
tney say, eecrotary linker "has sew
ed epaulets." But these men, after
months of patient training, are ans
wering -the German fire in recent line
trenfehes wit)h jgreatl American iguns
Ships Are Pressing Need
Ships continue, a pressing need. The
Germans are sinking vessels on an
erage of over four million tons a year,
according to figures compiled here,
How closely the shipping program ofj-
fiWIm If
this country and the allies is . making
up for this cannot be accurately esti
mated. But it is now deemed unlikely
America can contribute more than
three million tons this year, although
Chairman Hurley of the shipping board
is still confident of five million tons-
The shipping lack, however, has com
polled sharp measures with neutrals.
Already Holland has agreed to turn
over a percentage of all her cargoes
to Belgian relief supplies, that other
ships may be released from this work.
Negotiations are pending with Spain to
insure safe shipment and delivery
across hor borders of other supplios
needed by the American . army in
France. (Pending adjustment of this
Spanish ships continue hold up in Am
erican harbors..
Embargo as Weapon
The American embargo will be em
ployed ruthlossly when needed. The
great punch muBt be developed this
year. President. Wilson says. America
will turn every weapon to accomplish
ment of this end. rne allies are can
inir for more troops. The last of the
first draft will be summoned to camp
by (February 15, it is planned today,
and the next draft will be called when
facilities at the training camps are
such, as to permit a now influx in oth
er words, when the first men drafted
have been sent across in such numbers
as to permit the entrance of more.
Congress will be asKea to turn a
deaf ear to encouraging reports of
strikes and riots in Germany when the
j war appropriation bill comes up soon.
Kahn Is In Earnest
The measures that will provide the
vast amount of money needed for
America's war work . during tho next
fiscal year aro toeing framed on the
basis of tho war lasting six years.
Chairman Dent and Ranking Republi
can Member Rnhn of the house mili
tary affairs committee say.
No thought of an early peace can
be allowed toi cut down America's war
must be on an immense scale, for it is
our hope, that the immensity of these
preparations itself T'I1 hasten poace
This war is as much ! war of Vnornlc
as of men, and the-eritieal year of the
is at hand, as President Wilson
"We must' show Germany that we
are coming 100,000,000 strong with em
phasis on the strong and this should
havo the psychological effect of bring
ing the Gorman leaders to terms, but
if it fails, wo will be much better rro-
pared to fight to the end
No Let Up In Work
' ' Bnt a slackening up in the war
work, so eay t come from the reports
of German revolts, or in any way cut
ting down the war program would be
a most fatal mistake at this time, ft
can mean nothing brit lengthening the
av-jWar. "
To help drive home to Germany the
realization that the United States is
(Caiiianea on pay tw)
Seventy-Two Thousand Addi
tional Recruits Ordered to
Army Camps
Apportionment to Various
Training Camps Announced
by Department
Washington, Fob. 4. Another large
detachment of drafted Americans 74,
500 men will start into war training
camps February 23. This will leave 72,
500 more in tho first draft to be call
ed later, the proyost marshal general
announced today.
The date of calling out of the remain
ing 72,500 has not yet been determined.
Apportionments for the movement
February 23 were mado today by the
war department.
States in which the 72.500 troops to
be called out later are located include j
New York, West Virginia (colored); all
JNew rjngiand states (colored only);
Florida (colored only); North Carolina,
(colored only) ; Alabama (colored. Only) ;
Georgia (colored only): Tennessee ( col
ored only;; Louisiana (colored); Mis
sissippi (colored); North Dakota, Ari
zona, Colorado, Missouri, (colored);
Nebraska, Now Mexico, South Dakota,
Texas, (colored); Indiana, Kentucky,
(colored); Delaware and Ne'.V Jersey.
Following are the states which will
havo completed their full quotas under
the firBt draft when the February 23
movement is oven
Maryland,' Idah, Oregon, Wyoming,
Virginia, Montana, Utah. South Calo-
lina, California, Nevada, Washington,
Minnesota, Kansas and Oklahoma.
Tho last call on the first draft and
the first call under the second draft
will clme it is stated, as soon as the
soldiers now in training have been pro
perly trained and sent across. This de
pends largely upon supplies and tonnaije.
The movoment will continue for the
next five days, appointments to the var
ions camps being made as follows:
Camp Upton, 7500, New York troops
rormeny allotted to Camp Dix, 4,287;
other Now York troops 3,213.
Camp Dix (7,000), all from Camp
Camp Meade (6,090), Pennsylvania
4,570 and West Virginia, 1520.
(Continued en poe throe)
Fight Is Expected to Center
Around Senator Chamber
Iain's War Cabniet Bill
Washington, Feb. 4. The battle
around the Chamberlain "war cabinet"
bill promised to feature a week in the
senate and house with vastly important
war measures playing a role as yet un
determined. '
There is much work to be dono. but
whether the battle between factions
in congress and the administration over
the "war cabinet" bill will reach such
proportions as to make action impos
sible, remains to be seen. Following
Hicjicoke, Senators Wadsworth and
Weeks threaten to speak and in the
house Representative Glass is preparing
the opening gun of what promises to be
a lively skirmish.
Administration senators have planned
to obey the White House request for as
much silence as possible on the Cham
berlain bill and as much action as pos
sible on other war measures. But they
are training their guns for spirited re
ply if the opposition fire becomes too
hot. ' -
Tomorrow Secretary of War Baker
will again appear before the senate mil
itary committee for direct questioning
in his sweeping statements recently
covering America s worn in war.
Botimo, here is the real business the
senate will take up between oratorical
Railroad control legislation as com
ploted by the interstate commerce com
Legislation to create a war finance
corporation to direct the use of the na
tion s credit during the -war.
Authorization to the president to call
into military service skilled workmen
and agriculturists.
Coal and sugar reports from investi
gating committees.
And in the house the following will
be under consideration.
The railroad bill.
The urgent deficiency appropriation
Daylight saving bill.,
War finance corporation bill.
The Hoover compulsory wheatless and
meatless and price fixing bills.
Personal Feeling High.
Behind bitter and dramatic debate on
the senate floor today over the Cham
berlain "war cabinet" bill, the gov
ernment wont rapidly ahead with its
preparations for a great stroke against
liorinany in 1918.
Sweeping aside tho request of Pres
ident Wilson to cense discussion of the
(Continued on page three)
By Joseph Shaplen
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Petrograd, Feb. 2. (Delayed). The
first intimate Btory of former Czar
Nicholas ' seculded life of exile at To
bolsk came out of Siberia to the Unit
ed Press today.
A. L. bucliuuotf, constituent assembly
member from Tobolsk, described Nich
olas Bomanoff's intimate doings, his
triuls, sorrows and heart burnings.
ouchanoti declared that:
Nicholas is bashful and different.
Ho is scorned by many of his fel
low townsmen. . t
stripped of his glory as czar of all
the Jlussias, lie is regarded by tho Si
berian peasants as a commonplace
something too dull to be of any inter
est. The people who formerly trembled at
tho czar's ukase now turn their heads
away when ho takes off his hut to
The family of Basputin, the black
monk, lives nearby.- Out treats Nicholas
The former czar's favorite reading is
the exposure of his own private life at
court which is being printed m several
European newspapers.
"At first," Baul Huchanoff, "tho
population was very much interested
in Nicholas. But the people soon accept
ed him as a commonplace.
"On his first puljlic appearance ho
went out to attend morning mass at a
nearby church. He quailed at the pros
pect of walking "through the streets and
chose a secluded road, where he could
be hidden from sight. But the people
discovered hira there. He was followed
by a crowd of the curious.
"For the first time in his life Nich
olas was of the people, walking with
them. Ue respectfully took off his hat.
The people scorned him. They mado no
reply to salutes.
"Tho Komanoff family is receiving
French and Russian literally and also
the newspapers which are printing the
exposures of Nicholas' private life at
'court. The former czar and his relatives
are especially interested in the Rasputin
'episodes. The family of the black monk
lives near Tobolsk but they never visit
"Sawing wood in the mornings hasj
Death Threat Will Probably
Force Striking Mobs Into
News Filtering Out of Ger
many to Effect That Strike
Is Breaking Down
. 'sic
Amstordam, Fob. 4. Fifty "
German strike demonstrators if
were gathered on a corner in
Moabit, the Deutsche Zeitung
relates, when a policeman ask
ed them to move along.
"Excuse me," said one, "but
I am Deputy Scheidomann of
the reichstag. "
The policeman pointed out
that Schmdomann was not
thcro in his capacity as a mem
ber of the reichstag, but as a
Scheidomann moved.
jc JC )c sc 3f
By Lowell MeUett
(United Press staff correspondent)
London, Fob. 4. German militarism
faced its supreme tost within its own
borders t6day. The common people,
whoso general Btriko to enforce de
mands for food and consideration of
peace negotiations reached its elimax
in rioting and bloodshed last week,
had the alternative of" returning to
work or paying the extreme penalty
death by the firing squad.
Tho fate of Germany and In a les
ser degree, the whole world depends
upon the strikers' decision,
if they submit to the supreme com
mands ultimatum, it will nwan that
Gorman militarism has won another
victory nnd tihat tho central powers
nw- airain concentrate thoir efforts in
preparing for the spring drive against
the allios.
If they do not submit, bloody civil
(Continued on page seven)
greatly improved Eomanqff physically.
His wife prays frequently, but she is
'also very adept at cards and plays in
the evenings.
"Nicholas is busy in his spare tinie
teaching his little son history.
"Under his father's instruction th
ex-tzarevitch has becomo very familiar
with all tho big episodes of history, all
of course, from the Komanoff viow
Washington, Feb. 4. A new loan of
$3ii(l0,0l)o to !k;gium was announced
by the treasury department today.
This brings tho Belgian total to $89,
Abe Martin
A bright baby never performs when
you want it to. Ther's too many folk
eonfusin' stint with conservation.
I Two I