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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1918)
I T THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 23, 1918. SEVEN Capital Journal Classified Column EVESTTHINO ELECTRICAJC Baleai Electric .Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High TRANSFER AND DKATAGE Balem Truck & Dray Co., corner Stat and Front Streets . Telephone Main 1200 Main 71 CHIEOPEACTOR3 100 FEB CENT PUBE CHIBOPBAC tie brings the results in mest cases. Obsolete adjuncts deceive the igno rant. Try pure unadulterated chiro practic adjustments and be convinc ed. P. H. May, D. C, 306 Hubbard ' bldg., Phone 582. U-3 CHINESE PEYSICIAN WATEB COMPANY SALEM WATEB COMPANY Office ' corner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills payable monthly in advance. LODGE DIRECTORY DB. Xt. M. HUM CUBES ANY KNOWN disease. All kinds of Chinese herb na medicines.. 153 South High St Phone 283. DENTIST DB. F. L. UTTEB, DENTIST, BOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce bide. Phone 606. 11:4 I WILL MAKE YOU A PLATE YOU can use. Bring in the one . you are not using or that bothers you. I can and will fix it. 10 years practice in Salem. Q. T. White, D. M. D.. 318 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beal Estate Security THOS. K. FOBD " Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MODEBN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in- Derby building, corner Court and High streets. B. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, Clerk. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillsort, secretary. All cases of cruelty or ne glect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investigation. R. N. A. "Oregon Grape, Camp" No. 1360, meets every Thursday evening in Darby and Lafky building, Court and High streets; Mrs. Sylvia Schaup, 1071 Market, oracle; Mrs. Malissa Parsons, recorder, 1296. N, Commercial. UNITED ABTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meet every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. ft O F. hall, A. A. Guef froy, M. A.; & A, Vibbert, secretary. EsfaKews Kales ( Capital Journal Special Service) Eola, Jan. 23. Morgan Beece butch ered two hogs Saturday, Ed Mitty helped him. Ralph Sehindler . c(f Salcjrn Visited his aunt and family, Mrs. Holman, Sunday. Mrs. Clifford Brunk is staying in Salem, keeping house for her father and brother, while her mother is away visiting in Portland with her rela tives, the Haskells- . ' Earl Ferguson came up from Port land Saturday evening to visit his folks and other friends, returning Sun day evening. He is working in one of the steel shipping plants and likes it very well. - Leo Patterson of Portland, and his uncle, Mr. Woodworth, visited the L L. Patterson home Sunday. , Mrs. Magee and children and tne Aeuff family went to visit the Pugh family Saturday evening, returning Sunday ' evening. The following children attended the Christian church Sunday school in Sa lem last Sunday, Marie and Floreta Brunk, Arlene Magee., Velma Acuff, Martha and Jennie Antrican. Wacesia Kcws (Capital Journal Special Service) Waconda, Or., Jan. 23. The beauti ful weather makes it seem like spring. The new pump at the school house has just been installed. Miss Nellie Patterson, Miles and Otto Bussell and Ward Bussell motored to Hazel Green to a surprise partv for I THREE GENERATIONS OF WOMEN UJivU I Wl Uul Crown Drug Store, 338 State street. Alvm Van Cleave it being his birthday. a surprise partv was given ttlenn MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Bates, on approved security. Homer H. Smith,, Boom 5, McCornack Bldg.. Salem. Or! HATTERS AND CLEANERS ELLSWORTH, THE HATTEB Men 's and women's hats cleaued, reblocked and retrimmed. Old hats made to look like new. We carry a large atock of fine ribbons. 495 Court St OSTEOPATH b. h. White and e. w. wal- ft 3C 9C 3 j(C sjt 9a Sft jc TIIE B1ARKETS The local market steady today. situation remains Grain Wheat, soft white $I.851.87 Wheat, red $1.S5 Wheat, lower grades on samplt. Oats ..... ; 8085e liarley, ton $5556 Bran $35 Shorts, per ton .'. $37-50 Hay, cheat, now $22 Hay, vetch, new .'. $23 Hay, clover, new $21 Tt.,f 4-a..lnl ' crn 1V1H n.i. r """" uuc woopainie poysicians and Creamery butter .... 54c nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer-. Countrv butter " 4R Pork. Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 14y.14 3-4 Veal, fancy 13(d15c Steers ... 67c vows 4(a1o,c Bulls 4r3)!x lean school of Osteopathy, Kirkviile, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col lege. Offices 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Besidonce 1620 Court. Phone 2215. FO SALE FOB SALE FiVft mnm linnoA uiock irom paved street, three blocks from carline; this house has bath, toilet, electric lights and, is on a fine lot. Price $1400. Terms easy, A five room house - on good lot, on paved street, close to car l"e P'enty of fruit. Price $1450, $400 cash, balance monthly payments- A convenient modern, house on car line, near school for $2500. Terms reasonable. A cheap house fo,barn on car line with Sood lot, $800. See Square Deal Realty Com pany. Phone 470. Spring lambs iiiwes llk)12c ... 5(ac 10c 355 ACRES, FAIR IMPROVEMENTS, 5 miles from town, exchange for Sa lem income property, not over $20 000. 600 acres nil cultivated, best of soil, 350 acres in crop, in Willam ette valley, fair improvements, equip ped, $50,000. 320 Washington wheat farm, for 40 acre bottom valley ranch not over $5000. 62 acres, all cultivated, good road, 1 miles out, trade for acreage or city, not over $5500. Want to apply 5 acre traa, close in as first payment on larger farm not over $7000. Box 215, Salem, Ore. 1.10 FOB BENT FOB BENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, reasonable. 855 N. commercial. Lambs, yearlings .. ggs ana Poultry Eggs, cash 43(S)43c Hens, pound 202lc Turkeys,, dressed 26(a)28c Tinkers, live, No-. J ..... 2123c Hens, dressed, pound ............ 27(0)29.! rys, dressed ... 26W2Sc Ducks, live 14(2) 17c Geese, live 1415e Vegetables $1 8e lc Turnips, sack String garlic Potatoes Sweet potatoes $5 Green onions . . . 40 Onions, in sack $2(a)2.50 California tomatoes ... $2-75 Lettuce, crate $22.25 Celery 75(i00e Sprouts .'. 12c Broccoli $1.85 Artichokes $1.25 Figs and Dates Black figs 12c White figs .. 13c Dromedary dates $4 65 Fard dates .. $2.50 Golden dates 14c MTSCEUiANEOUa ruunuAinu JNursery sale yard at Jiijrh and Ferry. Everbearing straw- uerries. van ana see stock and "ot prices frafore making your purchase, Fruit Apples $1.2o1.75 rears $1.50 Oranges- . $2.75(&4.75 Grane fruit nr? 7 tf j Lemons, per box $6.50(&7.5J I Bananas 6c STOVE BEP.UBING BTOVES BEBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot, National nuu American reni'-e. Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. EOAVENGSR BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. SECOND HAND GOODS BUY SELL AND EXCHANGE Men 's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments bicycles, fjjras, rifles, revolvers, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typswriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 flonrt street. Phone 493. UNDEBTAKEES WEBB & CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and fnncral directors. Latest modern methods . known to the profession emploved. 4 Court 8t.. Main 120. Main 888. VETERINARIAN DR. vV. G. MOORHOUSE, COUNTY veterinarian, graduate Cornell Univ?r sity. Office Cherry City Fesd "tables 544 Ferry St. Phones, office 2199, res. nd witrfct ISlfl. WATCH BEPATRINO WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repaired. Karl Nengebauer, with Centx-1 Pharmacy. 11-4 Retail Prices ! Creamery butter 60c Flour, hard wheat $2.70fd)2.8i Flour, soft wheat $2.50( Country butter .... 5tl Eggs, dozen . 50c Sugar, 11 lbs, for $1 bales limited to $1 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or-, Jan. 23 Butter, city creamery ode Eggs, selected local ex. 5!55c Hens 22!to23e Broilers 2325c Geese 20c Daily Live Stoob Market Cattle Receipts 295 Tone of" market strong Medium to choice steers $1035(2ill Good to medium steer! $9.35& 10.35 Common to good steers $7.75Co 9.50 Choice cows and heifers $7.758.50 banners .5fafJ Bulls 7r?i7.50 Calves f7-50ll orockcr and fppder steers $Cf9 Hogs Receipts 562 Tone of market strong Prime light $15.75felfl Prime heavv $15.7516.10 Pigs $13.75f 14.50 Bulk $15.75rttl6 Sheep Receipts 28 Trine of market 50c hiaher "Western lambs $1.515;;0 vallev lambs 14.50(S15 Yearlings $13(a 13.50 Wethers $12.50(313 Ewes (lOffill Note Portland market on shorn sheen. 25'- to 3c under nnotation. CASTOlRIA Ftr Infants and ChifcJrea En Use For Over 30 Years of Always bears the Eigaatra Savage Saturday night. It was Glenn 's 16th birthday. Miss Charlotte Bussell has been spend ing the last ten days in Portland visit ing relatives and friends.. The young folks of Waconda are re hearsing a play they are going to put on at the school house next Saturday night, January 27. Miss Beatrice Thurman went to Sa lem Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bussell And child ren Hazel and Charles motored to Salem Heights Sunday and took dinner with friends. Uncle Michael Eadan is on the sick list. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S r a. STO re i A Editor Journal: In the Journal of Jan. the 18th an able writer in fruit land called my attention to a remark made by me and published in the Journal about a week ago: "A few years hence this evolution theory will be dead and buried." My critic claims tct ein dorse the) Darwi,n doctrine of evolution, has read his "descent" care fully through, some parts twe or throe times, and it appears to him to be a well written, scientific romance. Per haps so, but according to Mr. Darwins "well written, scientific romance," millions of years ago, man cousistod of a little chmik of protoplasm; from that he evolved into a microbe, then into monkey; from a monkey he de veloped into EmperoT Nero to Atilla, Jesse James, Kaiser Wilhelm, Teddy Boosevelt, Mr. Hoover and the rest of ua. "The survival of the fittest, in cluding lunatics, lepers, the feeblcmind ed and the weary Willies, but if it is true that our ancestors wore monkeys, and developed us into what we are. what kind of a thing was the first ele phant, and the tirst mouse, and the first whale and the first porcupine f what was developed first, the goose or the egg, the tree or the apple, the oak or the acorn, tho plant or the straw berry! Tho answer to these questions are only to be tound in one book, it is the book that gives cheer and comfort to tho warrior in the trenches, it is the book from which the Salvation Army gets its inspiration to rescue the outcasts and to give comfort and as sistance to tho poor and needy; de stroy this book and you destroy tho Salvation Army, and the Young Men 's Christian association and every othCT charitable organization; destrov the Bible and it won 't take evolution very long tot develop ' man into . some thing worse than a monkey. IB the first chapter of Genesis the 11 verse we read: "And God said, let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed there of, upon the earth, and it was so." This goes to prove, that the trees and grass and herbs were created with the power imbeded therein to produce fruit and seed. The story of creation. as given tor us in the first chapter of Genesis any man not foundered on Mr. Darwin's "scientific romance" but find himself in possession of a goodly amount of "reason and com mon sense.'" SHORTY.. Art Panel f 50c Value fl K if I W 4 Only 10c mm 4 vt;- r. 4- v- s m j r: Mary Pickford Pompeion Night r -r Is adored the world over for her ability, character, and youthful charm. Mtss Pickford has again honored the makers of Pompeian toilet prep arations by posing exclusively for the 1918 Pompeian Beauty Art Panel. Above is pic tured only the head. The long panel shows the full length figure in beautiful colors. Size of panei, 28x 754 inches. Art Store value 50c. This panel and a sample of Pompeian NIGHT Cream sent for only 10c. See coupon below. POMPEIAN Night Cream Brings Beauty While Tou Sleep Faithful use of Pompeian NIGHT Cream every night cpon retiring makes the ekin regain or keep its fresh, velvety, youthful charm. In beautiful purple and gold jars at the stores, 40c and 80c. Guaranteed by the makers of Pompeian MASSAGE Cream (which exercises and youth-i-fies the face) and Pompeian HAIR Massage which removes deadly dan druff and beautifies the hair. IM For three generations women of this country have used and recommended to their children and children's chil dren the nse of that "famous old root and herb remedv, Lydia E, Pink ha in s Vegetable Compound, until today it is rccognizea every wnere as the standard remedy for woman's ills. It contains no narcotics or harmful drugs; is made from roots and herbs of the field un der the most sanitary condition, and any woman guttering from such ail ments shonliibe sure to give it a trial. CloYerdale Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Cloverdale, Or. Jan. 23. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craig returned home from Salem Monday where they have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Moored. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunke, Mr. J. D. Craig and Mr. J. M. Hamilton were in Salem on business Tuesday. Mrs. Budlong returned to her home in Salem for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drager visited here Wednesday at the home of their father Gus Drager. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farris were in Sa lem Wednesday to attend the Pomona grange. Miss Agnes Arnold went to Shedd, Oregon, Friday evening to spend over Sunday with her parents. Carl and Everett were Salem visitors Saturday. British Flying Corps Wants More Flyers . British subjects residing in the Un ited States who up to tho present have not had an opportunity of getting a commission in some branch of the Brit ish army can now have a chance to get a commission in the Boyal Flying Corps according to information received at the British and Canadian recruiting ofice, Third and Oak streets, Portland. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 30, and be possessed of a good education. Students, bankers, auto sales managers, technical engineers, and clerks are the class of men desired. The pay ranges from $1.10 to $1.60 while in training and when commissioned as a second lieutenant the pay is $5.00 per day. As this popular branch of the service is not likely to remain open very long intending applicants are urged to com municate with the British and Canad ian Recruiting Office, Portland, as soon as possible. CAHELESS USE OT SOAP SPOILS THE HAIR Soan should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair looking ita best. Most soaus and prepared sham noos contain too much allchli- This dries tho scalp, mal'es tho hair brittle, and ruins it The best thing for steady use is just ordinary niulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure ami " grcaseless), and is better than tho most expensive soap or any thinff else vou can use. One or two tesspsonfuls will cleanso the hair and a-silp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It muki-s r.n abund'aci'o of rich, proamv lather,, v hkh rinses out easi ly, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff r.mi excessive oil. The hair dris quickly find evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine anil silky, bright, lustrous, Hurry ami CHsy to manage. You can got niulsified' cocoanut oil at anv pharmacy, its very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months. London correspondent says the kais er is dominated by Hindenburg and holds the llirono only by consent of the chief of the Hun wolves. All the more reason to pray that the allies mav soon fret" uiimennurg, ami then put an end to his royal Hunness for good measure. DRINK MORE WATER IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Comfort Station Proves Popular with Public AND SWELLIIiG AWAY Judging from the patronage accorded ' it during the two days it has been open '. to the public, the new municipal com-j ffirt. RtRtlfttl la frmuriti 1 ....- 1 ' favor. The station is built and equipped Dot Slltf erf Gfl AbOllt YCET along the most modern lines. The inter-' ior is warm and dry and in the even ing is lit up with electric lights. It has its own steam heat and hot water sys-; tern, tho heat being generated in steam radiators containing internal gas burn-1 ers. Hot and cold water are provided at all hours, with soap and paper towels. Ventilating facilities are provided bv a Bysiem or tans operated by an electne ing, penetrating liniment right Into motor The station will be under the the sprain, ache or strain, and out control and general supcrvisiott of the comes pain, soreness, stiffness and city police department. It Will be open- swelling ed each morning at six o'clock and Nothing else penetrates, heals and closed each night at II o'clock. J. N. stren Duties Relief Comes the Moment Yoa Apply "St Jacobs Liniment" Don' stay crippled! Bub this sootfc- will look after janitor duities at the station, has been clothed with police power by the city council and author ized to arrest any evildoers caught de facing the interior of the station or otherwise doing mischief about the station. TEACHER'S TRAINING COURSE. Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, Jan. 23.--F. H. Shephard returned from Eugene, where lie made a survey of conditions with reference to estab lishing teacher's training course in In dustrial Arts. Mr. Shephard reports that if the school board at Eugene decides to put the course in he will go before the state board and recommend it. Children Cry FOR FLSTCKER'S O A ST ORIA tendons and ligaments so promptly. It doesn't fturn or discolor the skin ana can not cause injury. Don ' suf ferl Get a small trial bottle from any drug store- now Jimber up! Rub the misery right out. A moment after "St. Ja cobs Liniment" is applied you can not ifeel the slightest pain or soreness, an4 you can go aixrat your regular duties. "St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers pais. It has- beea used effectively for sprains, strains, soreness and stiffness for 60 years six gold medal award. LEGITIMATE PROFIT Keeps the permanent business man in front line business trenchesget your Job Print ing at THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PHONE 81 Don "There's Lots of Folks Who 9jl Chew or Smoke or swear or drink who carry a fall line of mean traits. 0y ' Only 10c and this coupon bring you 19 IS Mary Pickford Art Panl and sample of ' Pom p ciaa NIGHT Cnwm. Tear eff coepoa Now (Stmmpm mccmptmd, dim prefmt i mti Ti tomfatm Mfg. (V, 2100 Sapcrwr At., ClmUsd, O. Nam.. 4 Addraaa . City. ..........Stat.. ' Writ very clearly Eat Less Meat and Take Salts . for Backache or Bladder Trouble Neutralizes Acids Uric acid in meat excites tho kid neys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel liise lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kid neys clog you must help them flush oft the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region you eufier from backache, sick head ache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of wr.ter; also get tfrom any 'pharmacist four ounces of .Tad Salts; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then Set fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lem on juice, combined with litlna, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidnevs and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in nrine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jur"; males a delightful ef ffrvescent lithia water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Dmugists here say they -sell lo'-s of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kid ney trouble while it is only trouble. : Children Cry FOR FLETUiER'S CASTGRIA So why blame a "man's man" that does smoke, or swear, or chewforget it. His being "over there" for the ones that don't, as well as the ones that do, is enough. One more smoke, or more, for him, will not make any difference to you or to mebut just remember, he needs it, and needs it bad when he is out. He is putting up a fight that money can never repay him for let alone 25c, or even $1 worth of tobacco--so come right in to the Capital Journal's business office and have the amount that you wish to subscribe to this tobacco fund and when you do, remember also that the Journal can buy twice as much tobacco for the same amount as you can. Now, start this year right by forgetting personal opin ions, and send the "makin's' to him "'Over There." Clip out this Coupon: THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON In accordance with your offer to send popular brands of tabaccos and eig urettes to onr soldiers in Europe In nnitg of 50c packages, each for 25e, I alese , . aad will thank you to send the kinds I have marked be low and enclose in each package a stamped return post card addressed to bi and comprising: 2 Packages of tacky Strike Cigarettes, Retail at 3 Packages ef Bull Durham Cigarettes. Betail at 3 Books Bull Durham Cigarette Papers 1 Tin of Tuxedo Tobacco, Retail at 4 Books of Tuxedo Cigarette Papers .20e 15o 10e 450 , (Tour Name) (Street Address) (City and SUte)