Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 02, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    of Ti
Editor and Publisher
January 2, 1918
I Page
fie Vapttai J
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
t Sec. and Treas.
Dally carrier, per year
Daily by mall, per year . ,
15.00 Per Month 4!
3.00 Per Month 85
W. D. Ward, New York,
Tribune Building.
Chicago, W. H . Stookwell,
People's Gag Building
The Capital Journal farrier hoys are Instructed to put the papers on the porch. If
the carrier does not do this, idIhhcs you, or uckIvi.'U getting tho paper to you on time,
kindly phone the circulation runiuiger, as this Is the only way w can deterinlue whether
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Is the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation Is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau of Circulations.
Latest: advices from both the Italian and western
fronts are to the effect that the Teuton forces are pre
paring for a supreme effort on both. Great masses of
troops are being assembled at each point, and the fighting
which is already of formidable character it is expected
will soon assume proportions as large or larger than any
of the battles of the past year. News from both fronts
will be awaited with considerable anxiety by Americans,
as on the results depend largely the part America will In the lower house of congress the democrats have but
have to assume in the war. If both fronts are held, and i two plurality, and cannot boast a majority. There are
the Germans are unable to break through, it will mean 211 democrats, 209 republicans, six independents and nine
that much less work for the American troops. It will vacancies. So, on strict party lines the independents are
ueiuonsLraie uiat uom mat ume on uermany can oniy
fight a detensive war, and that all hopes of gaining more
It was an Irishman, of course, who said: "God help
tne rich; the poor can work." Evidently this is the view
the editor of the Oregon Voter takes of matters, for his
principal worries are over the misfortunes of. the down
trodden rich and the helpless corporations. The Warren
Construction company comes in for considerable worry
on his part and yet anyone who has made even a cursory
examination into the business methods of that humble
little company will not doubt its abilitv tn take care nt
itself. The Voter was also much wnm'pH Ipst. the stntp
lose the services of President Kerr of the Orep-nn Agri
cultural college, and yet recent events indicate the state
will never be able to get rid of him as. both he and the.
board that appoints him and raises his salary on demand, I rPa,1.-v'
are Deyona tne reach of the recall
of that little scheme of the 0. A. C. president, the Voter,
of which the supreme court said: "it is devoted to the
advancement of every material'interest that tends to
promote the general welfare of the state," has joined
"the silent majority" and is as dumb about the 0. A. C.
graft as the Oregonian, the Oregon Journal and the
balance of the Portland press.
l.OCll mis
usMrid js
I eluded Donald for his selfishness
not wanting his little brother to
share his pleasures.
I sb tuo biggest" was all he would
say in return.
When, Nellie came back I left them
and dressed for dinner. We always. went
early when wo intended-to play cards;
The Daily Novelette
Bhcerluck Bones, the great detective,
rarely rode in the subway during rusk
hours, preferring to walk and . sav
time, but on this particular afternoon
finding walking rather painful because
of a dislocated knee and a sprained
ankle sustained iu the notorious
, "It will be delightful," I assured
her, and I meant it. It would obviate
Bob and mo playing at the same table.
I may have imagined it; but 1 thpught
Bob also look relieved.
' 1 Husbands and wives cannot play
together!" Mrs. Baldwin, announced as
we toon our places, -jur. coirou amijSnooter diamond case, he boarded
Mrs. Garrett, will you play with Mrs. train on the U-19 route,
i'arnesworth and Mr. Lansing Mrs. freely had he seated himself bo
liolton with Mr. Baldwin, and I will in-1 .i,u . t.r.r. T-nn,i,T thin., k.,;tt;rr
und so I dressed for the evening. I took ' f lict myself upon Mr. Garrett." I sweater, when she spoke to him."
special pams, aB JMsie iiau advised, not Wo all took our places amid nmehj "You'll pardon my boldness, won't
even seoruiug tho aid of a littlo rouge laughter caused by Bob's protesting you?" she said, "but aren't you Sheer
on my pale cheeks. Wliat he would have chosen her had she luck Bones, the great detective J"
iiou came lU, just as dinner WM'Wt it .n him to. wtbint a. nnrtunr. i T huim a1U.1 ho m.
nau ueguu io iear ue was noi
Q. i twining auu niu ivitKi nas uu ureut xt
uiiiuc me cauusui c , mnue me wean.
ground must be abandoned. Admittedly the Teutons
armies are now at the summit of their strength, and from
this on must become steadily weaker. While this may
also be true of France, Italy is not yet at the summit of
her man power and England through her colonies can
still add to her strength. At the same time America with
her millions will by Spring be in the f ightiig with an
abundance of reserves, and while the outcome may be
delayed, there can be but one. The kaiser and his leaders
know this, hence the desperate attempts to force peace
So far as Russia is concerned she may come back in a
way, or she may not. The only hopeful thing about the
situation as far as she is concerned being that no matter
what is done she will be an uncertainty, and therefore a!
danger to Germany. As far as the allies are concerned
the only way to treat her is as though she was out of it
entirely. We must make all our plans as though Russia
Hid not exist. "
Once the kaiser has learned definitely that he cannot
break through the allies lines, the peace moves will be
come more frequent and more urgent. For this reason
the results of the next few weeks will have more than
their usual interest.
in the commanding position having the balance of nower
i i it i . i -. .
ana oemg aoie to cast the deciding vote in case of a divis
ion along political lines. With the vacancies filled they
. 1 J 1 I 1 11. v
mignt lose tnis ciud, hut so long as they hold it they can
maiie ootn oia parties accept their terms,
Villa, the flea on the Mexican dog, continues to make
the life of that animal an uncomfortable one, and the
worst of it is that some of the fleas get off the dog and
bite white folks. However it is quite a different thing
hunting a gang of bandits and hunting an especial bandit
out of a dozen or more gangs of them. !
Prosecutor Heney has been engaged to investigate the
activities ot Armour & uo. and other great packing firms.
The public can rest assured that if Heney finds them not
guilty of the charges made against them of "profiteer
ing," that they will be whiter than snow.
Little Morrow county leads the list irTthe Red Cross
drive with a per centage of 175, and Umatilla is next with
her per centage, 147. Only four counties of eastern Ore
gon fell below 100 per cent and only five of the western
counties exceeded it.
Latest dispatches from Guatemala are to the effect
that the loss of life due to the earthquake there of a few
days ago was greatly exaggerated, but that the property
destruction was even greater than at first announced.
There is said to be much suffering and already a ship
load of provisions is nearly at the nearest harbor, sent
The difference in dates is noticed in the fact that we
can now say "Salem's new steel bridge will be completed
this year," while two days ago it was not to be completed
until next year.
He doth, protest over-much," she -plied.
replied gaily, as we commenced to play. j "I knew yeu from your pictures,"
I was rlohuhted to hear Bob's lallL'll slin cried. "Oh. how thrilliusr for a
You look very nice,." he said as riny out occasionally durins the even- little nobodv like me to meet vou faco
we sat down to dinner, "I shall hustle jng. I was enjoying" the game, and the j to face! To see the noble forehead
into my duds after we finish." people with whom I played. I felt very, that hides tho colossal brain that can
I tried to appear natural, to ignore i thankful to tliese new friends of ours, j unravel any mystery, the brain from
the fact even in my own thoughts ll knetf an evening alone would be hard which neither science nor man haa
that he was only with mo oa sutfraire.' fur both Bob and me while evcrvthiiisr any secrets."
ami to talk ot impersonal matters. I j was so fresh m our minds. And, too,
repeated what Donald had said anent 1 doubted very much that Bob would
his being tho "biggest" and his wil-lhnvn ccime homo had it not been for
lingncss that George should remain as the bridge engagement.
lie was. ) He and Mrs. Baldwin won, which ad-
"The little rascal's jealous, that's'ded to his good-nature. Bob -was like
till," Bob replied a tender smile light- many people who play cards; it was the
ing up his faco. desire to show he was a good player,
"But I have tried to bo very care- not the stake for v.hich he played. Asl
l'ul not to make him feel that way," e simply kept count of points and tho
J replied. "I know a first child is apt loser at tho end of tho month enter
to bo a little jealous when the second tained at the theatre, it wasn't that
baby arrives." i,a minded losins save for the reflee-
-more ian a uiue some or them, l tion on his playing.
remember hearing mother tell of a We stopped at sharp eleven and ad-
noighbor- whose children were very j journed to the dining room, where we
jieurjy 01 an r.go. w nen tney were ielt : sat down to a delicious supper. Mr.
alone one day, tho older child triod to
chokp the baby; and when reproved
said 'he wanted to be the baby,' I im
agine wo don't realize how they feel
when they see another supplanting'
mem." -
"My,, you don't think Donald would
hurt the baby do youf"
"'No, I didn't mean to intimate that
he would. Donald is a manly little chap
and older than tho child mother told
"He is a darling!" I said with such
emphasis that Bob laughed aloud.
V JNaturally you would think so," ho
responded, then that subject exhausted
we finished our dinner almost in silence
When we reached tho Baldwin's we
found Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, a charming
couple whotii we had met only once be
fore, Mrs. Karnesworth and a Mr. Lan
sing a bachelor friend of Mr. Baldwin.
I thought I would have two tables
Baldwin seemed so delightful to be host
that I thought with a sinking heart
how I had blocked any attempt ii Bob's
in that direction, no matter how sim
On the way homo I broke the si
".Elsie telephoned she was coming
over to luncheon tomorrow. If you are
going to be at home I shall ask Tom
to come over to'dinuer."
- "I have an engagement," he return
ed, then as I . said nothing, he added
"perhaps I can break it. Yes, I will
call it off if Tom will come. It is a
long time since ho has been over.".
' ' That is my fault,, I havent invit
ed them,"
"Find ont 4f he is coming as early
a. you can, and let me know, if he isn't
going to show up I 11 keep my engage
ment," Bob replied, showing me plain
ly he would not conio to be alono with
tonight just for a change, ' ' Mrs. Bald- me
win told us. I The thought was bitter! but I crush
Our morning contemporary was one of the first to fall
for the troubles caused by habit, and its new year's
edition is credited to the vear now gone into the discard,
there by the Red Cross as soon as news of the disaster It was a 1917 number.
and its probable extent were known. The Red Cross does
When the Elks went over the top it was all off with
that Red. Cross deficiency. They literally "horned in."
The Red Cross on learning of the earthauake in
Guatemala, and the consequent suffering immediately
appropriated $10,000 for relief work and will send more
as soon as the requirements are known. It mav be said
of this organization as a certain distinguished person
said of himself. The world is my country, to do good my
The great detective adjusted his tie
modostly. -
"Ive just learned the correct trenck
stitch!" she continued excitedly.
"Look, I'll explain it to, you. See, you
take two up and two down and snitch,
hold back, and then you double pass
through this little loop and ruz
zle three, and then you drop one and
a half and interject,' aud by-pass' f out
and turn under, and "
But a sudden thump interrupted her
Tho jreat detective had slid off the
seat unconscious, and his noble fore
head all wrinkled in his vain efforts
to follow her, had thudded unmusical
ly against tho floor of the car.
The gratifying results attending
the faithful use of the new medici
nal combination, Hood 's Sarsapa-.
rilla before eating and Peptiroa
after eating, are seen in purer blood,
stronger nerves, improved condition,
of the whole system.
They are results thnt myive this,
course of treatment the most eco
nomical for sufferers from impure,
impoverished blood, weak, unsteady
nerves no other accomplishes so
much for each cent expended.
Hood 's Sarsapnrilla and Pept
iron aid each other, and to take
both is to derive a four-fold benefit.
If a laxative is needed in coimec- '
tion -with them, the gentle and thor
ough Hood's Pills should be used.
ed back all feeling and said:
i 11 let you know iust as soon as I
possibly can. Perhaps I had better tele
phone before you leave the house in. the
morning; then it won't interfere with.
your plans in any way if he cannot
'That's a good idea!" and Bob turn
ed a plainly puzzled face toward me; '
it was not my usual manner, of meeting
sucn a condition.
(Tomorrow A Clever Woman)
not ask who it is helping but assists distress and re
lieves want and suffering wherever it exists. That is
whata makes the deliberate firing en Red Cross ambul
ances by Germans out of the. catalogue of crimes and
places it where it belongs in the class of fiendish
Oregon has filled her Red Cross quota notwithstanding
the fact that it was nearly double that of any other state.
Not only has she done this but the returns are still com
ing in and indications are she will have more than a quar
ter of a million members of the Red Cross to her credit
when the final count is made. According to population
this is about rtOO out of each 1,000. It may be added that
no other state has even approached this percentage.
Oregon banks show an increase of $:57,110,12G.52 over
the recources of 191G with a grand total of deposits
November 20, 1917, $198,958,775.40 as against $164,590,
980.74 on November 17, 1916. The grand total of re
sources November 20, 1917, was $241,475,469.0:. This
would give about $290 to each person in the state.
Let us restrain our exuberance of spirit over the fact
that we are having a touch of Spring, at least until we
find out whether we are having too much of it. Already
buds are swellilng that should not, and if the present
weather keeps up for any length of time it is going to
cause trouble. It's good enough what there is of it, and
there is enough of it, such as it is.
Coos Bay industries started the year with the evident
determination to make it a busy one for practically all the
big mills and shipbuilding plants worked full time New
Year's day. 1 : 1 . 1
, , ., ,,
Among other new year resolutions for the' farmers,
since there is nothing to swear off any more, it might be
wTell to swear on, and make the pledge be that a small
tract will be planted to flax.
r- .4
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
A Government income tax officer will be at the
Court House from January 2 until January SO; 191S,
and will, to all those who wish it, explain the new
income tax law, and will furnish the necessary in
come tax blanks.
All persons having an income of $1,000 or over
will be required to make a report.
Rippling Rhymes r
Buy No w -at
by Walt Mason
Our very large storage basement is CQMPARATIVEY EMPTY AT PRESENT.
The first of December we had some 5000 unopened packages h reserve; now
all the reserve has been placed on sale somewhere in or six big salesrooms.
A good old word that's gone to seed! Yet
"gumption" is the stufF you netd, if you
would gain renown; if you have gumption
you will win, though alll the planets may
be in a plot to hold you down. So many
live from mouth to hand,- and spend, their
lifetime pounding sand, out yonder in the
rain! They've had advantages galore, and
golden chances at their door have knocked,
and knocked in vain. With good intentions
in their hearts, they failed in all the busy
marts where worth while things are done;
they found this world a killing frost, they
had no gumption and they lost, while chaps
with gumption won. The man with gumption hews his
wnv ti'fim rv v ttitinn rlav hv rmv rn snmptrnnc mfrni,
and rrne; as Lincoln rose from low estate, until upon tne
White House gate one day he nailed his sign. The man
without it hits the pike with everything that mortals
like, to cheer him on his road: but all his ventures turn
out ill ; at last last the poorhouse on the hill becomes his ; :
punk abode. Tis gumption spurs the laggard step! It iff
suinas ior sense ana grip ana pep, ana an imngs nara iOi.'
beat ; 'twas Eli coined the word, I think, and Eli was the j Q
t -J
All Muslin Underwear
One ass o rtment of
slightly soiled Muslin
,Underwear at .
An Immense Stock of Curtains, Nets and Scrims
Lnportant Redactions for the
12c Scrim 10c
18c Scrim 13c
20c Scrim 15c
25c Scrim 20c
35c Scrim 25c
75c Scrim 62c
40c Scrim 28c
45c Scrim 32c
50c Scrim .39c
60c Scrim ...'49c
Alt WTHj
Stupendous Cut
in Embroider? Prices
$6.00 Embroider's S3.00
$3.00 Embroider's $1.50
$2.25 Embroider's $1.23
S2.00 Embroider's $1.00
$3.50 Embroider's $1.73
$1.00 Embroideries 50c
S5c Embroideries.. 42c
50c Embroideries ..33c
45c and 40c Embds. 29c
24c Embroideries.. 14c
10c Embroideries.. 7c
5c Embroideries ... 3c
Ccmcr Court and
Coal Street, Salem
honored gink who landed with both feet
P V th