THE DATLY HAPTTAT. JflTrRMAT. SAT.FT nbl-finw vcrvTrt?aTkvr t r - - . . " " " vnmiwn, irmJlltjOUAl, 1 PAj. O, lilli. . FIVE I i'" :" , :-:::.-:::r"''nr""-'-.".'J.. ' """ " - -m-- , V - II i...i.i..inii..iii .i-iiiu.ii -4 . . r NEW TODAY ltlll""HtltttlMnHH1llllllll CLASSIITED ADVEKTISIHa BATES Bate per woid KW Today: Each insertion, per word-le One week (8 insertions) per word5e On month (29 insertions) per word 17e Tha Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements. Bead your advertisement tha first day it appears and notify na immediately. Minimum charge, 15c HAVE YOU phone 7. . WOOD SAWING t -Call tf FOB RENT 5 room bungalow, wood in basement. Call 427R. tf FOB SALE First class 2d growth fir Phone 491. 12-5 FOB SALE First class 2d grtwth fir". C. A. Nelson. Phone 1357 , 12-8 COB oak. SALE Cheap, 14 cords of dry Phono 103F23. 12-0 FURNISHED house keeping rooms at 758 North Com'l. 12-6- POTATOES 8F23. for sale. Phone evening 12-5 5 SMALL pigs for sale. Rt. 6, box 65. 12-7 WANTED Boy to work mornings aBl evenirfgs. Call 606 South High St. 12-5 'FOB SALE 1914 model Ford, A-l en gine. Address C. S. Capital Journal. W. H. GALVAN1 MS ONRUSSIAN AFFAIRS Native of That Country Lec tures To Alliance of " Labor and Democracy in S i "If yon would turn half a dozen I. W. W's loose in Salem the aoise they would make would upset tho town. That's what happened in Russia when ithe present Bolsheviki resinie came 12-5 jinto power-" Thus was characterized the present FOB SALE Two cows, one fresh, one situation of affairs in Russia by W. soon, une iioisiein Dun, 8 months uaiwni, a native or mat country, old. 771 N. Com. 12-5 in an enlightening address at a mee'tr . ling of the Alliance of Labor and De- W ANTED Teamster to rlrU-o tonm in I'moeracy last evening at Waller hall city. Inquire phone 4S3. 654i Ferry street or i"vani stated tnat tne uussian V1 ' e 1 -ll 1 - 11 BOOMS for rent, close in, with board Call 292 N. Church St. 12-7 FOB SALE Ladies tricvele in good condition. Call at 19i N. Front. 12-7 FOB SALE S. C. White Leghorn pul lets. Phono 827R. - 12 7 FOR SALE Young 1336 N. 14th. cow, some hav-12-5 FOB SALE 3 dozen B. Leghorn put lets, Beall strain. Phone 30F13. 12-5 WANTED Woman for general house wcj-k. fhone 1204. la-a Tim : i m plot of ground of their own and Uieft TWO housekeeping rooms, nicely furn- h. ,J fl,onft thpv mnii. thp,r liv. ished, for $2 per week street. Phone 704. 633 Ferrv 12-6 to be leit alone as they made their liv- jSng from the soil. They did not want .the war and were forced into it orig- , , . , , , finally only at the point of the bawnet. NOW VACANT one nice, heated room I.Thus when the Bolsheviki, which Mr with board. "Tho Taylor's," 1510 icalvani characterized as I. W. W'a btate bt. tf land the worst element in the empire, wanted to ge into -power, they went SALEM employment Agency, room 21 !mon the peasants and the laboring rsusn -jjreyman Building, No. 147 masses and shouted tor armistico ana North Com. St. 12-10 pwice. Mr. Galvani thinks it a great mis- WANTED Wood cutters. Phone 33P fortune- that the Bolsheviki came into 34 or' address William Sheridan, Tur-jPwer but he believes they are but a ncr. Ore. Bt 1 'temporary mindoranee and that soon tne more conservative element win SPECIAL SALE SPEC! SALE ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS .WEEK FOB SALE At a bargain, 10 near Salem. Phone 73F21. acres 12-8 O. I. C. REGISTERED ghoats for sale. Phone Ed Loose, 64F14. 12-7 WANTED Small potatoes. Phone 65F 12. . ... - , 12-0 500 SCOBE CABD pads fo sale, Jour nal office. tf WANTED Wood cutters. Phone B. 1055 tf FOB SALE 5 acres of bottom land, a bargain. Address L. J. care Journal. 12-9 FOB RENT Completely furnished . room house, furnace. Call 745 Ferry St. afternoons. 12-H 'FOB SALE 1915 Ford, good condi tion. Cheap if taken at once. 694 N. Com. . 12-6 FOB SALE House, barn, garage, fruit etc., with one or two lots, excellent location. A bargain. Phone 2325, 12-6 FOB THE PUBLIC Potatoes lc per lb., delivered any amountPhone : 709. r-i . ; ., .., ' iz-u NECKLACE found on X. Cottage. Own er prove property and paying for ad. 892 N. Winter. ' 12-5 LOST A leather bill wallet on street between High and Liberty or near .Baptist church. Heward. Leave at Journal office. . 12-6 FOB BALE 1916 5 passenger Ford, 1st class condition. Ira jorgensen. 150 S. High. 12-G FOB SALE Full blood Poland China s.ioacs, 125 loa- .Paul Winslow, lit 3. 12-6 FOB SALE OB TRADE 1916 Ford, will take horse or cow as part payment- Phono 37F5. 12-13 MfTST sell quick, good cheap home, fruit, garden, chicken park. Excel lent terms. 12 C care Journal. tf NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING Apartmonts. 491, N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tf FOB THE PUBLIC Potatoes lc per lb. delivered, any amount. Phone 163. 12-10 WANTED from one to two hundred acres grain land to lease. C. E. care Journal. 12-5 FOB SALE This week, full blooi Buff Orpingtons and Partridge Rock pullets. 1902 N. Church. Phone 1935 B. 12-0 again be in the saddle. The Marco. 1917, revolution was the greatest event in the history of Russia in tho opinion of tho speaker. The throne for the past 200 years, said the speaker, had been a place for drink and intemperance, usurpation, execution, assassination, corruption, i . i.ii FOB SALE 50 laying hens and pnl- Te.eeution, open nmraer, aaurj, lete, White Wyandotte and W. B C. "t In n, 't17 in the r1 t 'u dl oo, , said the speaker, "has so much bru- uukjiui US, A UUUt? OtUE O. .lii-D ..... X to its people, so many ef them assassin ated or thrown into dungeons to rot." There is not a single family of any standing in all the vast empire but one or two of its members have been sacrifices on tho altar of Russia's free dom. "At the beginning of the war Rus sia called tiurteen muuons or troops to arms. Since that time I believe that fully one half of them has been tost through the cowardly and brutal tfeach crv of the imperial frovernment- which old the life and soul of the empire to tho Germans. And vou have heard of- the holy' church of Russia? It is no better than the imperial government. The two have worked together for cen turies in persecuting the 180,000,000 toeotde of the realm. What can you ex- Ipect in a country where this has been going on, where tne oest ana nooiesi Blinds have been harassed and execut ed and made outcasts t " 1100 BABTLETT pear trees, well head ed, 3 year old, orchard grown, 15c in largo orders. Earl Pearcy, State Hospital, Salom. "12-5 ONtlONS FOB SALE Buy your on ions now at iVj to z. cents, if tak en at once. Phone 1390R, Call 1267 Marion St. tf 10 GOOD men wanted at once, inside work, the year round. We work our men on the merit plan. Call 6 to 8 p. m., '1973 N. Com! St 12-10 FOUND Stray bay horse with white spot in torehead, owner may have samo by paying for ad and feed. Rt. 8, box 140. 12-5 SPECIAL MENTION of all lines condensed in a very few words. GE-3 DAYS PRE-XMAS Reductions on ready-to-weara very , unusual offering. PIGS AT AUCTION I will sell 24 seven months old pigs at Woodry's auction house Saturdav, Dec. 8, at 11 a. m. J. W. Woodruff. . 12-7 SECOND hand auto will bo accepted as part payment on $UU( residence, terms on part. Address 11-C care Journal. tf CAUGHT adrift, two row boats. Own er can have same by calling on Jos. Martin, Salem Water Co., proving property and payine charges on . same. 12 5 ium (south entrance) of the Commer- 5t 3C 3 3fC ( 3 C SjC CITY NEWS sj( sjc sjc ijc The funeral of Mrs. M. M. Whitting- ton was held this morning at ten o 'clock at the family home on North 15th street Interment was in the Lee Mission cem otery. o On Thursday night at the auditor- Three Days Sale of FURS . Three Days Sale of WOMEN'S Three Days Sale of WOMEN'S Three Days Sale of WOMEN'S Three Days Sale of WOMEN'S Three Days Sale of CHILDREN'S DRESSES Days Sale of CHILDREN'S COATS SUITS . DRESSES SKIRTS . WAISTS at one-half at one-half at one-half at one-half at one-half at one-half al one-half Three Three Days Sale of SWEATERS, PETTICOATS, OPERA WRAPS, RAIN COATS, KIMONOS at one-half ViTfctftf RMnn&fl- Comc to ln!s time'y event. Save on M tPU l VM tUL&l Merchandise that cannot be duplicated Ynu ran alwavs T "h uu ueuerai jj XIOOOR Toyland and Xmas Goods 2nd floor LOST On river road about 2 miles north of Salem, ,iust beyond the Pearmine place. Purse containing small change and keys. Finder may keep the money lor reward if brought to the Journal office. 12-7 GET TOUB TRESPASS NOTICES New supply of cloth ones at Capital Journal. tf TEN CENTS A DOUBLE BOLL AND upward for choice wall puper at Bu ren's rurniture store, 179 Commer cial St tf BED wool is high now, sell or trade yours to us. Best market price guar anteed. uren's Furniture Store, Commercial street.. 12-16 HOUSE and lot close in io .exchange for acreage, give location and de scription in first letter, Address D 5 care Journal. 12-6 WANTED Single man to .loin our southern sales and advertising crew, leaving Salem Sunday. Personal let ter only will secure interview. Ad dress 6-C caro Journal. 12-7 FOB EXCHANGE 1 light horse, har ness and spring wagon, for a good work mare, must be gentle and true, not over 10 years old, noboot. L. C Denison, Rt. 1, Independence, Or. 12-5 FOB ,SALE dred fifty ,10B TRADE One !hun acres of rich river bot tom land, 25 acres hops, some clear ed land, housA and barn, hard and cotton wood timber, for $65 per ac, terms. See Merlin Harding at Sa lem Hdw. Co. 12 6 MEDIUM team for sale, weight 1000 also wagon and harness. Inquire of xieiiry xiair t Jin vca rum'u, uiuhiib. Or. 12-5 WANTED Dairyman Must be exper ienced in milking and teerting 3 dav test cows, must be clean and gi3 geod recommendation. Wages $75 per month and board. F. A. Doerfler, Sil rerton, Or. tf ciat club the Salem Woman's club wiM givo a reception to the members of tno Commercial club and their wives, and to tho members of the Horticultural society which will convene in session on that date. Refreshments, music and a program are being prepared. Eight o'clock is the Tour. o The Cherriaiid will hold their annual election of officers tonight in the rooms of the Commercial club. For the po sition of King Bing several possibilities have been mentioned the strongest of whom are Hal Patton, W. M. Hamilton and Wm. Gahlsdorf. Mr. Gahhdorf says "nothing doing" as far as he is con cerned as "little Wilie is going to give his time to business the next year." But a King Bing will be elected all the same. Hudson Council No. 1, Royal and Se lect Master of the Masonic order, held annual election of officers Monday ev ening as follows: Thrice illustrious master. Dr. O. A. Olson; deputy illus- trous master, E. C. Carleton; principal , been much re8poll8e Bhown by the stud "uurH" "L "u,,v - ra" ents. .bast year a class of over 60 in urer, Lott L. Pearce; recorder, Glen C jlihln .tnrtv nnsap,l !. .,miHnn D. prescribed by tho state educational de went hungry well, it wasn't because of the lack, of tempting viands .which the restaurarteurs set forth. And to day was wheatless'day regardless bt the fact that wiieatless day officially does not begin till Dec. 12. Graham and rye bread were set on the tables and counters today and there was not a single diner who made a kick or did not relish the "staff of life" set be fore him. Rev. Jacob Stocker, a former stu dent at Willamette University and member of the graduating class of '15. addressed the students at chapel toflay on "What constitutes a good educa tion f" Mr. Stocker said that education was primarily a drawing out process rather than a drawing in procedure as commonly considered, and that the man who neglected to educate the spir itual part of his being at the same time he was developing his intellect was only half doing the job. Tho value of an historical education, he stated, did not lie in the memorizing of dates, but in the realization of the underlying principles that lead up to the historical events. o Dr. Frank Brown gave an Interest ing lecture at assembly hour at the high school yesterday on "Bible Study in Schools." Since this subject has been recogniped in the public school curricu la and credit given for it there has FOB SALE 1915 Ford in good condi tion, char for cash, if sol.l at once. Phone 508 or 2501J5 after 7 p- m. 12-5 FOB SALE CHEAP Duroc boar, sub ject to register, 10 months old, 250 pounds, 3-4 mile northeast of Lans ings' corner. Potter, box 34, route 7. Salem, Oregon. tf SALE 'Four acres in fruit, eood buildings, best location in Salem; al so five acres two miles out, will sell cheap if taken soon. Call and see ownerr 2590 Cherry Ave, north Sa lem. 12-8 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT For the Improvement of the Alley In t-ie South Block of Charles Cart Wright's Addition to the City of Sa lem, from the East Line ef Capitol Street to the ' West Line of 12th Street. Niles; captain of guard, A. A. Hall; conductor of council, H. B. Thielsen; steward, C. E. Keinke; sentinel, H. Schcemaker. The installation was eon- ducted by illiistrous grand master of the state of Oregon, G. G. Brown, as sisted by Grand Marshal A. F. Marcus. Yesterday being Tuesday, the restaur ants of the city practiced for the first time of observance of meatless dfr: The habitual beef cater, if he was looking for beef, was disappointed, but some very appetizing substitutes were offered in the way of fish, oysters, poultry, etc, and the meat eater who Notice is herebv given that the com mon council of the city of Salem, will, well by cabling 17th Aay. o Deieniber) 1917' or at tne same nour at anv subsequent at the TEAMSTERS LISTEN Call Silvertoo phone Black 1T4 for wood, pole wood, bard wood, old fir and 2d growth, in cords, yon can do me. - meeting of tho common council FOB FOBDS Tha Eisea Eegnlater couneil chamber in the City Hall, pro Positively -regulates your head- jceed,to assess upon each "lot or part lights, can't get ct order, lasts thereof its proportionate share of the s long aa the ear will. Free trial Jeost of improving the . alley in the Have one put on, takes 10 minute, (south block of Charles Cartwright's 143 Court street Phone 134 IB. tfdditiou to the city of Salem, from ths least line of Caoitol street to the west PRINTING We have moved into the iline of 12th street. I i JT. M. C. A. building, 301 N. Commer- All persons interested in said assess ! eial street. Call and. take advantaga iment are hereby notified to be and ap- j of our "get acquain - 1 ni0 War at said time and place before th , good, watermarked 1 " -'" aid common council and present their' size 8 V ill for $3.75, nd cuvIop, a I objections to said assessment, if any, to match, size 6 3-4, 1000 for $4 Other jthey have, and apply to the common' printing in proportion. Our printing council to equalize their proportionate is high in quality and lower in pnt-e 'sua re of said assessment. , feeuae printed in a business effi-J By order of the common council this1 eiency shop. See ns before placing, 3rd day of December, lf17: yoar printing orders. Shaver Prexs. j EARL RACE, Phone 2179. 12 8 ' 12-12 City Recorder., Only One "BBOMO QUININE" To get the genuine, eall for full name LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GBOVE. Cure a Cold in One Dv. 30c. partment, and one surprising feature was the fact that there w'cre more boys than girls in the class. o "Some tire." That's what it la, all right, and so have remarked those who have seen the large Goodrich cord tire on display at the front of the Watt Shipp company store. The tire is 42x!) inches, weight 132 pounds and costs complete $227 almost as much as a Ford. The inner tube alone costs ap provimately $50. It is a new type of inflative tire for heavy trucks to take the place of the solid rubber tires. The advantage to be gained is that heavy! in 1S69 and he wts sent to look for it." DEPOT BEING MOVED Relic of Pre-fiistoric Age Doomed to Pass Into Realms of Oblivion "The old-timo things are passing giving place unto the new." The poet who gavo substance to tlu above sentiment must have had in mind an event, taking place in Salem today. It is pathetic when youth is cut off at the verge of manhood, but when the old pass away full of years and after a long and useful life there is no cause for mourning, but rather a cheerful submission to the immutable laws of life to which a peaceful death is the happy solution. This is true not only of life, but of buildings; aud Salem will view with becoming resignation the passing of the' venerable building which for so many years has served as a depot for the Southern Pacific. Its days are numbered. It has traveled lar, but it has reached the end of its journey, or will tomorrow. Since last Friday workmen have been digging under its ancient foundations and put ting tho skids under it. Tomorrow it will be on wheels and will have the right of way north alone the track for a couple of hundred feet where it will bo placed temporarily while it watches the new depot arise in its old place. A stranger waiting at the depot this morning asked one of the men digging around the foundations what be was doing He received the rather start ling information that "the Southern Pacific had just learned Ben Holladav had lost a quarter under the beildiniri ; PERSONALS i J. B. Knowles of near Bickreall is re ported to be quite ill. Mrs. Fred Browning is quite ill at her home on South 21st street. Mabel E. Morrow left this morning for Tacoma over the Oregon Electric. J. M. Chappell was in the city yester day from Dallas in couuection with busi ness afafirs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson and lit tle daughter left today over the O. E. for Puyalluy, Wash. Miss Grace Done was a passenger this morning for Cciitriiliu, Wash., traveling over the Oregon Electric. Miss Helen Dull arrived in the city this morning from Eugene for a visit with friends at this place. . Dr. W. E. Stanton formerly in tho Salem Bank of Commerce building, has opened offices in the U. S. National bank building. Joseph W. Chambers and Kenneth Mickey, both prominent Salem young men, leave today for service iu tho navy. Bert Tratt of the Ilibler barber shop has enlisted in the quartermaster's de partment of tho army. He is in Portland now taking the required examination. W. II. I'isher, formerly chapel guard at the penitentiary, and wife have ar rived in tho citv from their ranch near CASTOR I A Fit Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature Portland whore he will enter tho navy. Mr. Uoatty will try for tho position of Gunner's mute, which position h for merly held wheu grauted an honorable discharge. Austria's Peace Terms Paris, Dec. 5. Premier Czerniii of Austrift-Hungury announces his coun try's pence terms us based on recogni tion of national inteeritv. economic liberty, comply o independence of all countries and guarantees of the na tion's free development, according M a lunch dispatch printed in L .Infor mation today. TOO WEAK TO FIGHT The "come buck" man was reall never dtwn ai'd out. His weakened condition bccai ;e of overwork, lack ef exercise, improper eating and living demands stimulation to satisfy the cry for a health giving appetite and the refreshing sleep essential to strength GOLD MKDAL Haailem Oil Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland, will do the work. Thov arc wonderful Children Cry F0K FLICKER'S CASTO R I A . WANTED Household Furniture have bonght and sold over 300 houscsholds in the last 1 1-2 years; there must be a reason. Phone 10 or 51 before yon sell and you will loam why. WOODP.T The Auctioneer trucks equipped with this style- of tire can travel at a rate of speed of 30 miles per hour, or more than twice as I fast as when, equipped with solid tires. The saving in time would thus be con siderable enough, the manufacturers figure, to offset the differenee in cost. OBITUARY NOTICE Mattie Honkola. a prominent far mer at Eruitland died at Portland, Orr; Nov. 28, the immediate cause of his death being diabetes. He was born Jan. 23, in Finland and emmigrated to 'the U. 8. in isr. He spent 15 years ' in Alaska. On March 4, 1911. he was ! married to Hitina Johnson and they j located at Fruitland, where he Tesid led for tho past seven years. Deceased jwa 49 years of age. I He leaves a widow. Mrs. Hilma Hon kola. and three children, also two Children Cry FC3 FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A This was probably an invention of the workman. Some other person disrtosed to be facetious, has written on the corner of the building a brief obituary which reads. "Just as I am without one plea." Pope Will not Assist Rome, Dec. T. The pope is not as- I gisting and does not intend to assist j in the negotiations for peace or an ar mistice bet weenRussia and Germany, j the I nited Press was authorized to state by the Vatican today. brothers, John Honkola of Reedlev, f'al., and Jacob Honkola of Brni ket. i North Dak., and a sister, Mary I'irila, I of Bracket N. Dak.,- all are attending tho funeral. Mr. Honkola was a ;rood neighbor. thrifty farmer, a kind father, and he i missed by the entire community that , rcs;ected him highly. Services were j held at two o'clock this afternoon at Webb & dough undertaking parlors. ' and were in chargo of Rev. Jacob Stocker. Interment took place at tao Jason Xce eemetcrv. Baker, They intend spending the winter in Baiem. Thren nf thean entsnlen ench .lnv Kockey E. Mason of the druggist put a man on his feet before he knows firm of I'oshav-Mnson of Alhuuv was lit. tthriv Ilia iiIlIu huu in the city today on professional busi-! uric aciil poisoning, the kidnevs, grav ness and incidentally ealling on his j el or stone iu the bladder, utoimieh de druggist friends, jrangement or other ailments that bo George Beatty who recently resign-'fail the over zealous American. Don't cd his position as a member of the city! wait until you are entirely down and police department left yesterday for out, but tnke them today. Your dru;r- '(gist will gliully refund your money if To Cure a Cold In One Day jthey do nor help you. Accept no sub Tako LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE , stitutes. Look for the nr-ne GOLD Tablets. Druggists refund money if it 'MEDAL on every box. throe size?, fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S- signa- They are the pure. rTiginal, imported ture is os. each box- 30e. Haarlem Oil Capsules- VULCANIZING TIRE SERVICE RUBBER BOOTS HALF SOLED G'Jro wu AWUKTON Phone 36 128 S. Commercial Street i