i Capital Journal Classified Column , , XVEETTHrHO ELECTEICAIi Balem Eleetne Co, Masonic -"ample, 127 North High b.i t . . TRANSFER AND DBAYAGB Balem Truck k Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Telephone . Slain 1200 Main493 CHIROPRACTORS 00 PEB CENT PURE CHIROPBAC tie bring the results in most eases. Obsolete adjuncts deceive the igno rant. Tit pure unadulterntd chirn. practic adjustments and be convine-p- H. May, D. C, 308 Hubbard bldg, Phone 5S2. 1 13 WOOD YARD r . . . CHINESE PETSICTAN DE. L. M. HUM CUBES ANY KNO WN disease. All kinds of Chinese herbs and medicinss. 15a South High St. Phone 283. DENTIST DB. F. L. UTTEB, DENTIST, BOOMS 413-414 Bunk of Commerce bids. Phone 606. FOBS OLD FUES REMODELED AND made over to suit. We carry a large stock of genuine furs and mike them op in the latest styles, at tie Wert Fur Company, 217 South High. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Eeal Estate Security THOS. K. FORT) Over Ladd ft uugh bank, Salem, Oregon THE FUEL QUESTION ANSWERED by Salem Fuel Yards. Lots of old fir, 2d growth, oak and ash wood, also coal at $8 per un and up. City office 124 S. Liberty, yards at 752 Trade, Phones 837 and 529. ' 12-26 "WATCH REPAIRING WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELBY repaired, Karl . Neugebauer, . with Central Pharmacy. ii-4 WANTED WANTED Old false tfeth. .Don't mat ter if broken. I pay $3 to $15 per set send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. L. Mazer, 2007 8. Fifth street, Philadelphia. Pa. 1-1 WATER COMPANY ALEM WATEB COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills payable monthly in advaace. ' DENTISTS MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Bates, on approved Security. Homer H. Smith, wiom o, mcuornack Uldg., Salem, Or- HATTERS AND CLEANERS ELLSWORTH, THE HATTER Men's ana women's hats cleaned, reblocked and retrimmed. Old hats made to look like new. We carry a large --. iw nuuona. 4M0 court St. OSTEOPATH DB8. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WOL-- .. -usteopathic physicians and fterv specialists. Graduate of Amer- lean school of Osteopathy, Kirksville. Mo. Ttet graduate and specialized in Mrvoi ' diseases at Los Angeles Col. lege, offices 505-508 u. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Besidence 1620 Court. Phone 2215. FOX BALE sacrifice. I wish to state and FALSE TEETH THAT STAY PUT. Two cases corrected Saturday 24th, stuck like a porous plaster. Names on application. I can do the same tor you. Ten years practice in Sa lem. (t. t. 'White, D. M. D. 12-27 LODG-0 DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Or Cedar Carer.,,, No. 6246, meets every Vharsdar -evemug at 8 o'clock iu Derby prtiuiius, wnnr urt wi aign streets, ft. F. Day, V. C. f J , A , Wright, Clerk , rof LODGE) No. 4, A F. A. M, states communications first Friday (a - Hick month at 7 :8u p. m. in the Masonic seiapie. vrea A. MainUre, w. M, B. it Culver, secretary. CBNTRAL LODGB NO. 18. K. -f p Derby building,- ever Tuesday evening . i. hlu w cmt I ioir, rfuil L, cipp, U. J. ; uiw a w b mum m. 1ALBM HtJMANB SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Loo Tlilnon, secretary. All oases of cruelty or neglect f dumb animals i should be reported : to the wxeiarv ror lareatiganaa. OH MOLAT COMMANDBET, No. 6, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday la each anth at 8 o'clock p. m.. In Masonic Cemple. Sojourning Sir Knight are ia. vtrvrun. j suriim IV OJTCI. WHU ' US. ' v-xi, at. i.. , a. a, -xoieisen receraer. WOODMEN OF THB WOEUX Meet everv i um uikuv t s o civck in lierny bldg., Court and High- streets, A. 3, Bireinink, c C. : L. S. Geer, clerk, 507 utux sweet, jraone ova. FOB SALE at remove to my native must sell my how a. one half acre ot gooo. iana on ear line, good house and chicken honae. nlentv nf fruit Will take 11300 and pive trms Sno T? . W A rn. r!r -kt- Square Deal Bealty Co. Phone 470. 1360, meets everv Thursday eveninc in Darby and Lafky building, Court and High streets; Mrs. Sylvia Schaupr. 1971 ,,Majket, oracle; Mrs. Malissa Parsons, recorder, 1296 N. Commercial. 855 ACBES, 120 cultivated, fair im prevements, Linn county, Oregon, for Salem residence or income prop erty, not over $19,000. 25 acres, 19 acres cultivated, fair improvements, 7 miles out, for modern Salem resi dence, 10 acres well improved, mile from car line for , larger farm, not over $15,000. 4 cows, two horses, harness, . wagon, two cream separa tors for 5 passenger auto not over 500. Want 3 $1000 and 1 $5000 loan on good real estate. 158 acres, all cul tivated bottom land, close in, fair improvements, good road only $75 per acre. 150 acres river bottom, fair improvements, $68 per acre. Socolof sky, 341 State. 12-0 FOB BENT IX)B BENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, reasonable. 855 : N. Commercial. tf UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly n o, meet every xnursoay at a p. D., In I O O F hill, A. A. Gueffroy, M A; C. A Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug store, 888 State street R. N. A '"Oregon Orape Camp" No 1360, meet every Thursday evening In- Derby and Lafky building: Court and High streets ; - Mr. Sylvia Schaupp, 1971 Market, oracle; Mrs. Maligna arsons, rammer. 126 North Commercial. MOVE B3P AIRING TEE I1ARKETS 'J Today being a national holiday, all markets were closed. Hazel Green School Has Thanksgiving Program (Capital Journal Special Service) Hazel Green, Nov. 28. Frank Zeilin ski and Frank Franklin autocd to Port mud and Vancouver a week ago Sun day. Edgar Johnson and family spent Sun day, a week, at the Williamson homo. John Franklin has unlisted in the Engineers corps. - The Misses . Myrtle Curtright and AdahLatham took the civil service ex amination for post office clerks on Sat urday at Salem. John and Philip Pictrok of Stayton stopped to see their sister, Mrs. Bliss Zoiliuski. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gregory and son Koger ot oalem, - were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan .Rogers last Bun day. Mrs. E. A. Dunigan had the misfor tune to sprain her ankle last week, while out in the pasture looking after a pet suoep. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Peppering of Jor dan visited their daughter, Mrs. George eiiinsKi, last week cad. Mrs. F. B. Jackson and son Andrew returned from Astoria last Wednesday. Mrs. A. Weincrt is slowly improving in noaltn. Carl Johnson and his brido are now located in their cosy new home. A join Thanksgiving program was given at the school house by the pupils on Friday atternoon. Several parents and menus were in attendance. There will bo no school next week on account of the Teachers' Institute iu Salem and the Thanksgiving holiday. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chap man, visited them last Sunday from Au burn. Mrs. Kurtz of Howell Praisie spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Zcilinski. F. M. Montgomery has moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Bhodes. , Miss Mary Dunigan spent the last week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Zeilinski visited the former's slstor, Mrs. Gertie Mulholla iu Salem Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dunigan wero the guests of F. Fisher and daughter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fassett and infant son from Washington, arrived Sundry to visit Mrs. Faaset 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhapman. Miss Hilda and Miss Mildred Wil liamson attended the Pie Social at Mid' die Grove, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Aspinwall nave been staying with Mrs. Aspinwall 's par ents Tom Van v leave ana wife ror the past week or so. Saniiaa Bible School Rally December 2 The Bible school rally of the Santi am district will be held in Turner Sun day, Dec. 2. The following ig the pro gram which will bo given at the Meth odist church, beginning at 10 o'clock in the morning: Devotional, W. J. Warren, pastor of M. E. B. 8., Stayton. Ilan.p department, Miss Mabel Wil' Hams, Salem- Duet, Mrs. O. A. Massey and Mrs. W. Martin. Turner. Educational evangelism. Bev. A. W. McftTarland, Turner. . , , - Announcements. -11 a. m. division into classes for study of lessons, International Sunday school lessons. Primary and beginners, . Miss Alta Patten oi', Salem. s. Junior L-ovi" and girls, Mrs. Mary Mulkey, Meiama. Teen ago boys, Earl Cotton, Shaw. ' Teon age irirls. Nora Crabtree. Stay. ton. Above eighteen years, Vr. Brown, Salem. -, . Basket dinner. Noon hour session. " Cradle roll, Miss Wells, Salem. Superintendent's conference, i Devotional, 2 p. m.. Goorere Simmons. Aumsville. Business, 2:20. Solo, Mrs. Chas. McAllister. North Santiam. Instrumental music. Stayton Bible schools. Soul winninir in Bible school. Clara G. Esson, Forest Grove. Holo, Mrs- George W. Moore, Turner. Quiz hour, Mrs. Clara G. Esson. For est Grove. . Everybody welcome. - Phili ps, S. do Giraruin, John do Coudit, d. J. do Boss, J. T. do Donrflor, Edward do .. Chatfield, C. W. do . Bonuey, Geo. F. do Mclilwain, C, E. do - Hueberger, Theo. do Follis, V. F. do Alexander, Gideon do Eder, Henry do Miller, Chas G. do . Ashby, Jos. B. do Byrd, L. A. do Lewis, John do . , ; 'NINE .6.20 fcischo, A. Beumina relief 22.50 School Superintendent's Office, 4.s0;otitz, Dora do ' 15.00,Beaver State Printers tards and 41.60 j Sweanngen, eLucinda Charlotta ' letter heads .. . 4.50 53.H0 do . : '. 12.00 : Gentle. Thoa. H.xTMnm unuint local instituto Miscellaneous Account. keener, B. B. Juror . Litchfield, Geo. P. bailiff Dragor, W. F. juror . Moore, Mary Agnes relief Moore, Mary Agnes relief Deshazcr, Hulda Marie relief Acheson, L. W. juror . Siewert; A. A. do . Gearhart, H. G. bailiff . Casliatt, C. E. examination Byrd, W. H. do 32.00' Expenses Sheriff's Office. 48.60 Commercial Book Store The paper 40.20 and ink ; 51.00 Commercial Printing Co. envelop- 53.80 es . 53.00 Hauser Bros, repairing no. ma- 44.60 chine ;' 54.40 Kapphalin, Jas. auto hire 40.60 Miller, Florence, work on tax 27.20 books .... .. 48.40 Moorcs & Co., Boas E. ; legal 52.80 blanks Needham, W. I. sheriff adv.' for 50.40 stamps 75.00 Needham, W. I. auto hire 24.40 i Northwestern L. D. Tel. Co tele- I 75 1 phone calls i. .... 7V,n The Pac. Tel. ft TeL Co. tele- 32.00 1 Phone ealll 17.15 36.60 1 Tattoil Bros, fasteners, pencils 48.40 et0 3.95 15 00 1 Portland By. L. & P. Co. gas 4.20 5.00 ougers raper Jo bind tax re 5.00 ce'P'S 2.25 5.25 1.00 1.50 47.50 2.37 25.00 15.90 11.45 4.91 2.00 TOVE8 BEBDILT AND BEPAIBED Wheat, soft white Grain 80 years experience. Depot National and American fence. Biseg us to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. ljoganperry jind hop hooks, Wheat, red . $1.831.87 $1.85 Balem Fence and Stove Workg, 250 Shorts" per" ton ...J. Conn street. Phone 124, SCAVENGER Wheat, lower grades on samplb Oats . 7580c Barley, ton $4S Uran $35.50 $38.50 $22 $23 $21 SALEM SCAVENGES Charles "Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse, of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and eess !ools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Besidence Main 2272. jHay, cheat, new .... 'Hay, vetch, new nay, clover, new Butterfat SECOND HAND GOODS BUY SELL AND EXCHANGE Men's clothes, shoes, hat3, jeweiry, watches, tonls, musical instruments, bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit cases, trunks, cameras, typswriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. 52c 50c 45c Creamery butter ; Country butter rone, veai and Mutton Pork, on foot 14(5il3e iVeal, fancy 1214o Steers : 67e Cows ,. i(35( Bulls 435e Spring lambs iiWes Lambs, yearlings. ll12Me 5(ae . 10c MISCELLANEOUS Eggs and: Poultry Eggs, trade Eggs, cash Hens, pound Turkeys, dressed j Turkeys, live, No. -1 . 50c 48c 1517? . 26c . 39fffl21e 25(i 26c 28(a)30c B2ANS THHESHED See RHw i?n. I Frys, dressed tein, care Hostein k Greenbanm, 240 . Spring chickens 1617c N Com'l St., also bean cutter for rent 11-11 Turnips, sack Vegetables Cabbage . TEAMSTER? LISTEN Call Silverton i tJ?n5 ear1"5 phone Black lii for wood, pole wood'J, . " . hard wood, old fir, and 2d growth, 10.tat0es in cord., you can do well by calling ST?en 0,on8 T me. J. Zoncyth, Silverton. 12-14 1 0r"ong- in Back . lnVTHAM 'S STOBAGE HOUSE- $1.50 2c & .... IK,; $3.503.75 40c $2J 111 : Age! News Items (Capital Journal Special Service) Mt. Angel, Nov. 29. Lieutenant J E. Wobb will return Wednesday "even ing to Camp Lewis after a visit with relatives and friends. He gave an in teresting lecture at the Rex Sunday evening, telling tho pcoplo about camp life and how Uncle Sam transports nis troops. Among the teachers from here at tending the institute at Salem are B. L. young, Miss Helen Kober and Miss Emma Young. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saalfcld are bo' ing congratulated upon the arrival of a bauy girl, oorn jNovemoer 10. isne has bucn christened Henriette Marie. Mr. aud Mrs. Geo- Humpert of Mon tana are visiting friends and relatives. 'Joe Krnse, Phil May and Misses Ad eline and Vera Kruse motored to Port laud to attend the Land Products show Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zollner spent Sunday with relatives. Mrs- E. W. mrnum entertained in he.nor of her grandmother, Mrs. Dyke on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sioborg and Mrs. Wit ter of Mankato, Minnesota,- and Mrs. Henry Kelsey of Salem visited the May and Keber families . between trains Wednesday. John Schmaltz and Miss Agnes Schneider were married at Vancouver lawt week. Father Dominic entertained the churci choir with a dinner Thursday evening. Games of all kinds wore af terward enjoyed by all in the parish hall. Rosedale Has Meeting of Parent Teachers (Capital Journal Special Service) Bosedalo, Nov. 29 The parent teach ers meeting met at the school house Clayton Bloom and Mr. Irwin have Friday eveiuing. Mrp. Jermie Burris was elected president and Mrs. Anna Brawn vice president for the coming year. A short program was 'giv n -by the school, after which refreshment's consisting of sandwiches and coffee were sorved. Mrs.. Bessie Gardner w n.t to Port.- land Saturday eve, where Bhe met her husband on his return from his wnrk at Edmonton,' Wash. They visited his parents and returned horn - Sunday UVt'lllUg. Mrs. Bessie Bates is visiting her parents at Dundee, Oregon, this week. Mrs. Harry Smith in acrain on the sick list, with Ti r old trouble .of asth ma. Orrio Fowler went Monday, to work near Astoria f6if a while, gone to a lumber camp to work. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Hop kins started Monday to Belliugham, Wash,, to visit relatives. They expect to b gone about a week. Cecil Pearson and Ealph Fowler aro expected home this evening from New1 berg -to spend Thanksgiving with tho home folks. Mrs. Bates' S. S- class successfully surprised her Tuesday oveniner. It be ing her bithday they took this way of ou-jiik iiunr ajipreciauon or ner worn as teacher for seyeral years. They pre sented hor with a set of - silver tea spoons as a token, of th,eir regard. Bc freshments were served and all had' a merry time. There were nineteen pres ent. - Cashatt, C. E. examinations '! loioo I Western Union Tel. Co. The tel riyrd, W. H. do .; 10.00 Downing, B". E. juror ..... 36,60 Cashatt, C. E. examination . 5.00 " Poor Account. Sanders, Fred, relief .. . Bullis, Mrs. Florence L., do Lueier, Stephen, Sr., do .. Jfreeman, it. do 8.00 8.01 10-00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 12.50 1000 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby criven that tho dersigned has been appointed adminis tratrix oi the estate of Zaidoe E. Pal mer, deceased, by the honorable county :ourt of the state of Oregon, for tho county of Marion, and has beon duly qualified as such administratrix; and that all persons havintr claim against said estate are required to present uiem, wun tne necessary vouchers, to the undersigned at' her home at Dnllns. Polk county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. 1917 published Nov. 1, ORA L: COSPER, Administratrix of tho ostato nt 7U dee E. Palmer, deceased. i.ast publication November 29, 1917. California tomatoes Trrde and Winter St Storage pcrliTrffn PePPra t.n 4175 ju.r i.m-tl, - TM,- aoi t ume, ca-aie UNDEBTAKEBS i Cauliflower Celery $1.75 10c $2-25 . $11.40 75c WEBB 4 CLOUGH CO. O. B. Webb, A M. Clough morticians aad funeral ' P1'1 directors. Latest modern methn1 .bs Tigf and Date known to the profession employed. 'f,lgs' , 8 499 Court St- Main 120. Main 98S8. rmedary da- VETEBINABIAN Fard dates ', Golden dates eg Fruit 12r $1 J2.9C $473 $2-r. 15o OR W. G. MOOEEHOUSE, COUNTY OigVted7 .ciriinaimu, giamait: vwrutu wm- GrnnA fruit versity. Office Cherry City Feed Granes tables, 544 Ferry St. Phones, office Lm'ong $1 4.504.73 6.75 1K9, res, and night 1510. .'Crauber'rieV; barrel iiacanas JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY' BetaU Prices Creamery butter -$1.50(5)2.00 . $13.30 - 5&e 55t IN THE COUNTY COTJBT For Marion County, Oregon In the matter of the estate of A. Olinger, deceased, Citation: To Alton N. Olinger, James H. Olinger, J. B. Olinger and Mrs- B. Ring, and all other persons interested or concerned in the estate of A Olinger, deceased: In the name of the state of Oregon: lou are hereby cited and requested to apwar in the county court of Marion county, state of Oregon, at the court room thereof in Salem in tho county of Marion, on tho 31st dav of December, 1917. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. thereof, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why II. H. Olinger, as ad nyin iterator if raid estate sWouJd not be granted power, authority and li cense to sell at. private salo for cash the following ai'scnhcd real property belonging to Slid estate, towit: Commencing at a point on the north line of Mill street 133 feet west of the west line of Capitol street: thence north end parallel with Capitol street 100 i'oet; thenoe west and parallel with Mill street 67 feet; thence soiMk and parallel with Capitol street 100 feet; thence east along the north line of Mill street 07 feet to the'placo of be ginning. EXECUTRIX NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby criven that the un dersigned have been appointed by tho county court of Marion county, Ore gon, executrix of the last will and tes tament of Mary Payton,' deceased. au persons having -elaims against luch ostato shall Dresent them ot Port land, Oregon, or to McNary & McNary uiorneys at Salem, Oregon, within s;x minims irom tne aato of the f rat. mih- lication of this notice. This notice is published the first time on this 25th day of October, 1917. MRS. ANNA M. MAXWELL, Executrix of Ithe estate of Mary Payton, deceased. Rogers, Joseph W., do 9.00 Lantz, Catherine, do 8.00 Lucior, Steve. Jr., do 8.00 Green, H. A., do 17.00 Martin, Mrs. Kate R., do . .... 10.00 Stripling, Hulda, do . 8.00 Lachapelle, Mrs. A., do . 10.00 Scobie, Mrs., do . 15.00 Boys and Girls Aid Society, do 10.00 Snodderly, Flora, do . 30.00 Barton, Mrs. M., do 15.00 Henry, Mrs. Olive E., do .. "10.00 Remick, W. M.t do 12 00 Schmidt, Katherine do 15.00 White, Mrs. J. F. do . . , 20.00 Foster, Mrs. do .' 12.00 Guonn, A. L. do , 10.00 Smith, A. H. do 15.00 Morton, Mrs. Caroline do 5.00 Mack, E. A., do 8.00 Ketchum, M. B-, do ,.... 10.00 Mrs. Chalifau'x, Grandma, do 10.00 Dickinson, S. A., do .... 10 00 Knott, Mrs. MeMna, do' .. 12.00 Jeandoia, Mrs. Chas. do 8.00 Brock, Norm, do .... . 10.00 Russell, James G., do : 5.00 Carlson, C., Carl, do 10.00 Old People's Home, relief for Mrs- Julia D. Hurtel , 15.20 Haynes, Mrs. Caroline relief . . . 10.00 Miller, Mrs. Vina H. relief 10.00 Groshong, Mrs. J. N. relief 10.00 Wallaco, Mrs. E. reliof .... . 5.00 Barrier, Mr. and Mrs- relief .... 15.00 Reiuhart, Rosalia relief . . . . k . , 8.00 Lawrence, Charles relief , 10.00 Buffun, W. B. relief 10.00 Kelson, Gust relief 5.00 McDonald, John relief 10.00 Wells, H. A. relief 5.00 Wyckoff, Martha E. do 10.00 Fishburn,, Mrs. E. G. relief , 5.00 Murhammer, Sabina do 20.00 Imlay, Mrs.-Francis relief .... 40.00 Barnett, Elizabeth relief ;.. 12.00 Dodge, Ulyssa Ellen roliof .... 10.00 Ponny, Mrs. Alico relief ' 10.00 Stevens, Mrs. Jano relief ...... 10.00 Miracle, Mrs. A. relief .-. 10.00 Btone, William relief 5.00 Livock, William J. 1J. reliof ... 10.00 Hepburn,' Mrs. Albert 'do ' 8.00 Lunn, Mra. O. C. do 10.00 Luors, 'Herman do 8.00 Hardin, Grace Ellen do 25.00 Jiallictt, H. do A 10.00 Burson, T J do 10.00 Coy, Milton do 8.00 Brown, James, do 10.00 10.00 9.25 1.00 8.67 8.50 2.00 1.30 2.00 7.00 2.25 1.10 6.00 1.00 .00 2.35 1.02 8.50 8.55 2.70 Corbin, Lizette, do Gliddcn, J. H. do Hardwick, Charles, do Moore, Mary Agnes do 10.00 1000 10.00 7.50 fTTvfH riAtmm (Continued from page eight.) Schmitt, Jake help with steam drill .. Van Handel, J. B. furnishing " ste m . Rausher, Frank, Jr., shoveling rock L irson, A Bell, Alvis do ZT" Carter, C C. do . Bell, Iuadore do Williams, S. running roller... Hunt, Norris breaking rock , Fresh, F. M. hauling rock Boedigheimer, Jno. do Weltur, Oco. do 22.00 38.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 6.00 4.00 13.75 2.00 Salaries. Sheriff's Office. Paulus, Goo. S., deputy sheriff,. 100.00 Bower, O. D., deputy sheriff .. 9000 Sloper, L. L., deputy sheriff .. 80.00 Christenseii, II anna tax clerk 07.00 Clerk's Office. Kloepping, H H deputy clerk.... 90.00 Herrick, W. B. do .. 80.00 MacGregor, A. J., deputy clerk. . 65.00 Arms, A M deputy clerk 53.00 Kecorder'i Office. Hickox, C. G., deputy recorder.... 80.00 Savage, Helen, deputy recorder. 65.00 Treasurer's Office. Richardson, W. if. deputy treas urer - 8 LOO Assessor's Office. Steelhammer, O. A., deputy as- sor 100.00 Lewis, C A clerk examining roll 75.00 Shelton, R. clerk writing roll .... 75.00 Tasto, Arthur sti no, making in dex .x 54.00 Gearhart ,H.azel clerk checking roll - 10.00 Roy, Mrs. A. A. do 5.00 West, G. E. do 10.00 Court House. Morgan, Cal janitor 55.00 Kirby, B. P. do 65.00 Hobson, L. do 55.00 egrams Clerk's office. Boyer, U. G. adv. for stamps ... (jommercial liook Store index cards . Great Western Garage welding stand Oregon Statesman legal blanks...: Patton Bros. Mimeo stencil paper Rodgers Paper Co. mimeo. paper Sims, Paul M. rubber stamps etc Recorder's Office. Brooks, Mildred R. adv. for stamps . . National Carbon & Ribbon Co. ty pewriter ribbons . , Pac. Tel.-& Tel. Co., The tele phone .. Patton Bros, erasers, paste, etc Shaver, B. A. printing record . book Treasurer's Office. Commercial Book Store pens Drager, D G adv. for stamps Surveyor's Office. Fred rick . Post Co., The plumb bobs ; ... Herrick, B. B. Jr., adv. for stamps . Assessor's Office. Oregon Statesman cards Paeitic Tel. & Tel. Co The tele phone and calls Patton Bros, adding machine pa per etc . Rodgers Paper Co. paper . West, Ben F. adv. for stamps & express . Co. court and Commissioners. Anderson, 8. F. auto hire 4.00 Daily Capital Journal, The pub lishing claim docket .. 54.40 Oregon Statesman do C9.84 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., The tele phone and calls 5.70 Court House Account. Ashliman, Louis plumbing reprs Barr, Theo. M. rcd.air valves etc Brannnu, Mrs. J. M. aundry..... Const Chemical Co., floor dress ing $15.00 continued Evans, H. E. 'dray age 1.00 Farmer Hdw. Co. Tho Ray L. step laaaer .... Hanson,- A. -M. -window glass ete w Hauser Bros, work on door check Moore, W. -W. putting top on stools Portland By. L. & P. Co. lighting court house , 86.85 Ro.stein & Greenbanm towels 1.50 Salem Hardware Co. brass faucet 1.50 Snlera Water L. & P Co water.... 66.71 Schhuder, Joseph repairing chair 1.00 District Attorney's Account. Carver, Angcline stenographer.... 25.00 Gehlar,'Max adv. for stamps etc 3.75 ' t Circuit Court Aocount. Kapphalin Transfer Co. auto hire Pacific Tel & Tel Co. The tele phone aud calls . Belle, Lucile bailiff Jenkins, G W. juror . Tctor, R D. do Strickliu, Lucile bailiff Aldricli, L. P. witness Heine, W. C. do Doe, Hullie do Justice Court Miscellaneous City of Silverton fees in Alex McMains case State vs. Bames, Webster, D. justice .. Gill Co., The J. K. books Hoppes, W. C. adv. for stamps ixausas state ISoraial School, The reading text , , 14.00 Maria, Mrs. N. C. exp judge local fairs 6.60 Meyers, H. W. & M. L. bunting 7.23 Oregon Statesman -program cards ete 12.75 Pacific Tel. ft Tel. Co The tele phone and calls , l.68 Polk & Co., R. L. Marion County directory , 8.00 Reid, Cora E. truancy 36.00 Rodgers Paper Co. envelopes S.60 85 Scofield, Harry exp account in- atitute .- .. , : 75 Smith, John W L adv for stamps 2.00 Smith, J. W. L. exp account local f-irs .. .. 3.15 Smith, W M adv for stamps etc 63.07 University Supply Association books, etc 15.85 v Health Officer Miles, Dr. O B registrar 1916- 1917 .. (Continued) Beauchamp, Dr. H A registrar. 8.75 Van Winkle, Dr. J O do 2.00 Beebe, G H do 7.25 VV ebert, Louis do 2.25 Gooding, J H do 1.00 Hubbs, G W do Bauiuan J T do . Fruit Inspector Constable, C O salary and ex pense .. . .. Ellis, 8 A relief, Indigent Soi- 10.00 5.00 dior account .. . Joyce, Hattio do i , Fishbirrn, Mrs Joseph do Leslie, Mrs. Barbara do Coffin, Mrs. Lucy do . ' Hockett, Emma, relief .' Point, Chas R do . Beeman, Alvira II do 10.00 15.00 10.00 103.70 ' 10.00 10.00 ' 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 Hoosier, Jacob do . Johnston,-Morris do . ! Poor Account! Cont'd. Anderson, Sol F auto hire 4.00 Austin's Grocery, groceries .. 37.01 Bowerman, Mrs. L M room rent 3.00 Brougher, A L groceries . 19.10 Champ ft Son, S H do .. 6.00 Cooley, Jos B do ... . 2.55 Cottage Undertaking Parlors, burial J. Nanigan , , 25.00 Drake's Grocery, groceries . 21.71 Fair Grounds Store, the do (Continued 18.40 Harlan, F P do S0.00 n.Od Jack, W. 8. funeral xp. 25.00 Lievuij-josiT sawing wood 1.5U Littler, J B shoes 2.90 Maple Grove Dairy, milk 6.50 Miles, Donald W house rent 10.00 Moore's Drug Store, medicine, etc . fl.80 Pacific Tel ft. Tel Co., The, at poor farm . : 1.50 Roberts, C M groceries 7.55 Taylor, Earl E supt. poor farm. 380.73 1 Salem Deaconess Hospital, eare of patients .. . 10.00 Salem Deaconess Hospital, do 61.00 Salera Hospital do 158.00 Scott, J E house rent 8.00 Spauldiug Logging Co., Chas. K., wood .. .. . . 8.75 Vabis Casi Grocory, groceries . ' 8.00 Webb ft Clough Co.j burial exp. 25.00 - Jail Account Neodham, W I, board for pris 1 oners 75 8.10 3.75 2.00 3.75 ; 1.25 Juvenile court Jackson, Hattie M exp. convey ing Martha Windsor .. . Dog Tax Account Batty, J II refund 1 Allowed .. . . .. Disallowed .. .. ... Bowen, J T do ....Allowed , . Disallowed . Cornelius, 8 H do Allowed . Din allowed , David, Mrs. Fred do Allowed ..., , Disallowed .. , .. 30.77 4.35 5.00 9.00 39.00 6.20 48.60 Fisher. Thed. do 15.00 1 Hassler, Pearl P do 2-"0 1 Allowed 2.20 ! Disallowed 4.20.,BelIv. Dick do Disallowed 7.20 3.95 9.40 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 1.70 1.70 Dawning, E. C. supervisor jyuscoiitneous con t. Sulem Bridee. McNary ft McNary attorney fees 125.00 Miscellaneous. City of Aumsville bgl. 1-2 share of tax 213.17 City of Aurora do , 308.07 City of Butte ville do Jfl.og City of Jervais do 275.13 j City of Jefferson do 302.46 Uity of Mt. Angel do 541.78 School Superintendent's Office. Reid, Cora E clerk .. 60.00 Smith,- J W L supervisor 120.00 Hoppes, W. C. supervisor ...... 120.00 Poor Account Cont'd. 6.00 1 Byrd, Eoy D. county physician 50.00 6.00 1 Jackson. Hattie IS... SDecial of- 16.00 fU-er 55.00 42.50 Stock InsDector. Morehouse, W. G., county veter inarian 33.60 Sealer of Weights and Measures. Jones, J. F., salary and ex pense .... 40.18 County Court and Commissioners. Bushey, W. M. traveling expenses .35 Goulrt, W. II. Co. commissioner. 71.40 Hunt J. T. do 68.80 Witness the Hon. W. M. BmW, IX1 "S-,,00, MUH judge of the county court of Marion fts Mills do .- 133.87 county, state of Oregon, with tho seall J , --1752.Sr. of siiid court affixed, this 26th day of -ovemJer, wit. Attest: U. O. BOYER. (SEAL) County Clerk. Dt.e.27 Flour, bard wheat Floor, bard wheat -.. Country butter r-ggs. dozen Sugar, 11 lbs. for Sales limited to $1 $2.8003 $2.75ol3 50e 55t $1 City of St. Paul do City of Stayton do City of Turner do 93.99 61 7.0 ....273.02 Ci'y of Woodburn lo 1538.29 GENERAL FUND. Circuit Court Account Pjrter, Edw. 8. juror Lowry, J. A. do Simmons, Grover do .. (Dickey, J. A. do Clifford JL. do Dependent Mother's Account. Barnes, Letta M relief ' 20.00 Brnnam, Emma R. do 15.00 Chambeilin, Margaret Odelia do Co6k, Alice do Deshazer, Hulda Marie do Gibson, Gussie do Griffith, Na.i E. do Hartifir. Clara do :3.40 1 H,.. kpr. Frwlft dti - 3-2f McOrath, Etta relief . 6.00 I McMains, Birdie C do ""JJ Moore, Mary Agnes do 15.00 10.06 32.00 25.00 22.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 11.21 17.50 Varney, P. M. Constable ., .... 10.40 D..1. Tl- 1 OKIUI VB. X1 U Wil. Webster, D. justice Varney, Percy M. constable Neymer, R. H. witness Ncymer, Lydia do Brooks, Lawrence do - . Dako, Everett do Crosian, E. M. do . Miles, O. B. do State vs. Crowder. Webster, D. justice . Batty, George acting constable state vs. John Doe. Webster, D. justice .... State vs. Gillern. Webster D. justice Varney, Perry M. constable .... 7.00 State vs. GiUem. Webster, D. justice 4.95 Varney, Percy M. constable 1.70 State vs. Grnlshgl. Webster, D. justice 4.70 Varney, P. M. constable .. 1.70 State vs. Hrudka. Howell, E. E. justice .... 1.70 Jones, J. T. constable 2.60 State vs. Hrduduka. Howell, E E justice 1.45 Jones, J. T. constable Coin, A. N. witness Hampton, Joe do .. State vs. Letcher. Webster, D. justice Varney, P. M. Constable State vs. Lowis. Webster, D. Justice Vanit y, P. M. constablo .. State vs. Lindke. Qiiine, Geo. K. sheriff she-riff State vs. McBride. Webster, D. justico , Varney, P. M. constable State vs. P.aymond. Webster, D. justice ... State vs. Short. Webster, D. justice Varney, 1'erey M. constable State vs. Shupe. Webster, D. justice.... State vs. Stewart. Webster, D. justice..., State vs. Williams. Webster, D. justice Varney, Percy M. constable ... Coroner's Account. Clough, A. M. investigations Insane Account. Byrd, W. H. examinations Webster, D. J. P. acting judjje 5.20 4.40 3.95 4.70 3.75 1.40 1.40 4.95 1.70 3.70 2.75 7.50 3.95 2.25 2.85 5.20 1.80 3.10 5.20 1.70 37.20 10.00 10.00 -4.05 ,43 1.35 ,15 4.03 .,45 1.35 .15 S.40 1.35 .15 1.35 .15 2.70 .30 2.70 .30 1.33 .15 1.33 J3 1.35 -.15 Schmiedecko, C F do . - Allowod . 4.05 Disallowed . .45 Small, Brazier do .... Allowed 1.35 Disallowed .. - .15 Tracy, Roland do . . Allowed .. l.d-5 Disallowed - .15 Wagner, R A do Allowed .. . 1.33 Disallowed . .15 Wcatherill, Geo. do Allowed .. Disallowed .. .. Wright, W F do Allowed Lovre, John G, do Allowed . Disullowed Nicely, Mrs. M A do . Allowed .. Disallowed 13.35 (-Quail, Christ do Allowed .. Disallowed .. Robertson, Ben do Allowed .. . Disallowed Salisbury, W D refund Allowed Disallowed .. 1.35 .15 1.33 . .15 1.33 .15 5.00 Disallowed .. Zimmerman, C do Allowed .. ... .". Disallowed Rebate of Fees Nof fard., N A rebate State Fair Account Capital City Transfer Co., dray age - 2.50 Farmer Hdw. Co., Bay L chain and hooks, etc . : 1.00 French, H 8 removing exhibit etc .. 28.00 Kakaguchi, K 8 vegetables - " 3.75 Misbler, Al work on exhibit 9.00 Portland Ry L ft P Co., electric motor, etc (Continued) Utterba.-k, I It fruit 2.00 White, B N sand 2.50 Tax debate Amps, S rebate - 4.50 Durettc, F R do -.(Continued) Grabenhorst, G II do 30.72 Southern Pacific C do Disallowed St. Benedict's Abbey do 4.02 Poor Account Cont'd. Gilchrist, Alma relief 20.00 Schmidt, Katherine do 10.00 Remick, W M do 8.00 Keith, Mrs. L F care of Mrs. Donaldson 10.00 ViVV