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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1917)
THB DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALS OREGON. FRIDAY, NOV. 23, 19i7. SEVEN nrnnAiiiifl IIDUSINESSMEN ARE G n ti El II - NEW TODAY y E CLASSIFIED ADVEETISINQ RATES Kate per word Miw Today: . Each insertion, per word le One week (6 insertions) per word 5c One month (26 insertions) per' word . 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements. Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately. Minimum charge, 15c. HAVE TOD ohone 7. WOOD SAWING t Ca.ll tf YOUNG geese Phone 64F14.- for Thanksgiving-11-24 FOB SALE Trained Australian Shop herd dog. Thone 2142R, 11-24 OAK BABBELS Half barrels and ten gallon kegs at Fry' Drug tore. 11-23 WANTED 25 to 30 good Jersey cows to be fresh in 6 weeks or two months. J. IT. Bales, Waconda. 11-23 FOR SALE or rent blacksmith shop lot, tools, and stock cheap. 2045 Pa cific highway. 11-24 FOR SALE Young geese, alive or dressed. Phone your order at once. 2F3. 11-21 WANTED Two thoroughbred Buff Orpington cockerels. Wm. A. Bond, Rt. 6, box US. 11-23 WORK WANTED By man with team W. R. Grender, Aumsville, Or. 11-24 FOR RENT 5 Toom bungalow, wood in basement. Call 427R. tf WANTED Lady St. cook. , 223 N. Com, 11-23 FOR RENT-642J. -5 room cottage. Phone 11-27 FOR SALE Two sows . each.' Phone 1SF13. with 6 pigs 11-20 FOB SALE 2 milk cows. 2204 Lee St, ' Phone 174R. 11-24 WILL EXCHANGE Wood hoise. Phone 84F4.; for good 11-26 FOR SALE Team horses and mules, 2100 North Commercial St. 11-24 500 SCORE CARD pads for sale, Jour nal office. tf WaNTED-E. -Wood cutters. Phone 105S tf NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING Apartments- 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tf WANTED TO BUT Fat cattle, will pay top price. Peoples Market, Phone 994. tf WANTED A man with 25 M mill to log and saw 10 to 50 million feet of timber. X Journal. 11-23 WANTED Used bicycle, gents or la dies; also kerosene gas mantle lamp. P care Journal. 11-24 FOR BENT 8 room house and barn and 5 acres of land in city limits. W. A. Liston, agent, 484 Court. 11-24 HONEY to lend in various sums from $700 to $3000, on approved security. W. A- Liston, agent, 484 Court. 11-24 FOR TK-a-OE Two good lots for Ford car. or anything elso of value. Phone 2057M. 11-26 FOB SALE First class second growth wood; also good covered wagon Phone 14F13- . H-28 HOUSE keeping rooms nicely furnish ed at Myrtle hotel. 633 Ferry street. 11-24 WANTED Pointer pup, about 6 months old. Address E. L. Myers, 1430 Bellevue, Salem. 11-24 20 GOOD men wanted at once, inside ,work, the year round; we work our men on the merit plan. Call 6 to 8 p- m. 1973 N. Coral St. 11-23 FOR SALE Hoover potato digger for sale cheap. First class condition. H. W. Bowden ono mile west Kaiser Bottom school house. Phone 29F3. tf WANTED Woman housekeeper for family of 3. Good wages. 1885 S. Cottage St. cor. Rural St. Apply af ter 6:30 p. ni. tf nOUSE FOB BENT At 285 N. High St. Enquire at 285 N. Com. St. or 679 N. High St. J. A. Patterson. 11-29 SALE 1916 Ford roadster- Car looks and runs like newj new tires, speed ometer, shock absorbers, tire rack and extra tire. $340. 844 Mill St. 11-24 News that submarine -sites are to be inspected seems to mean more than ap pears on the surface. John Darby of Shaw is in the city, James Smith is iu the city from Sil verton. J. C. Cannon of Turner is a Salem visitor today. B. C. Miles was a Portland visitor Thursday. John Gremmels of Silverton was in Salem yesterday. John Darby and wife of Shaw were in the city today. Herman Pcetz of Turner was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jxeeue or snaw were in the city today. Benjamin Brick is attending to busi ness matters in Tacoma. Miss Alto Johnson left yesterday for a short visit at American Lake. Mrs. E. Ireland left this morning for Seattle going over the Oregon Electric. Dr. F. H. Thompson went to Port land yes terday on professional busi ness. Dr. G. C. Eshelman of Portland, su preme medical director of the United Artisans of Oregon, was in the city yesterday. James F. Ailshie, Jr., student of the Willamette University, is home from Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, where he at tended the wedding ot fcls sister; E. L. Wood, Jr., of the Falls City News is in the city on his way home from a visit at Wilburton, Oklahoma. He says things are booming in that country, especially among the cotton farmers. Commercial Street Will Op pose Change In Regulations by Petition Great Merest Taken In Superfluity Shop Great interest is being shown in the Salem Superfluity shop which is to be opened in the Masonic building next Of Hydro Carbon Gas Maker. 50 Saved in Cost of AH Fuels. Come to our Demonstrating Room .and see. it. operate. J ; THE GREATEST HEATING DEVICE ON EARTH 361 State Street POTATOES Wo are always in the market for small lots or car lots, why lock for other buyers! Mangis Bros. tf CARPET and rug weaving. Mrs. Lillie DeBord, 1898 Currant Ave., Salem. ' 11-27 GET YOUR TRESPASS NOTICES New supply of cloth ones at Capital Journal. TEN C'EXTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND cpward for choice wall puper at Bu- ren's lirniture store, lis uommer- eial St. tf FOR SALE For less than cost, good Bcven room modern house, block from carline, $100 will get possession II. E. Bolingcr, Hubbard bldg. tf WOMAN wanted for house work, elder lv ladv preferred. C A. Tucker, Sa lem, Et. 4, box 103. Phone 11F22. 11-20 POTATOES We are in the markot for potatoes, any quantity, sax furn ished. Phone 115. Wm. Brown & Co. Inc., Salem, Or. - 11-27 FOR RENT 160 acre farm, 40 under cultivation, 5 cows, 2 work horses, farming implements, good barn and - nine room house. Inquire 1427 N Church St. H-24 BED wool is high now, sell or trade yours to us. Best market price guar anteed, -.uren's Furniture Store, Commercial street. 12-16 TEAMSTERS LISTEN Call Silvertoa phone Black 174 for wood, pole wood, hard wood, old fir and 2d growth, in cords, yon can do well by calling me. tf FOR FORDS The Eisen Regulator Positively regulates your head lights, can't get out of order, lasts as long as the car will. Free trial Have one put on, takes 10 minutes. 143 Court street. Phone 1341R. tf TEETH that fall or other faults cor rected, if such is possible. No charge for examination. 10 years practice in Salem. Dr. E- T. White, dentist, 318 I V. S. bank bldg. Phone 298. 11-23 FOR SALE Bnff Minorca cockerels from pedigreed stock, will be reas onable if taken soon. Address Mrs. E. P. Mills, Salem, Or., Et- 6, box 78. 11-23 MUST be sold Jjy Saturday night 7 room plastered house, bath, toilet, electric liehts, close to car line, in grood eondition, good as a liberty bond. Price tl350. $350 cash will handle this place. H. A. Johnson & Co. 1123 The New Farrar Building The parking of automobiles on Com mercial street betewen State and Che mcketa is entirely satisfactory to the business men on the two blocks, ac cording to a petition circulated yester day directed to the honorable city council. In fact, it was an unanimous vote of all the business men on each side of the street that the city fathers should just forget all about the ordi nance and let things stand as they are. The Commercial street merchants are not troubling themselves about what is going to happen iO the parking of cars on State street. The petition is just for the two blocks on Commercial in cluded in the proposed ordinance for bidding the parking of autos during business hours, and reads as follows: "We the undersigned merchants and business men angaged in business on either side of Commercial street be-, tween State and C'hemeketa respectfuL ly petition your honorable body to amend the proposed traffic ordinance so as to permit the parking of autos on either side of Commercial street be tween State and Commercial." Beginning with the U. S. National Bank on the west side of Commercial at State street, the signatures to the petition are as follows: David W. Eyre, G. W. Johnson & Co., Pomerov & Wal lace, J. H. Albert, W. T. Jenks, Emil A. Shafer, Sampson & Gidden, Weller Bros., Commercial Book Store, The Bootery by J. B. Littler, Gale & Co., E. D. Gilbert Co., H. F. Bonesteele, John Loper, Fletcher & Byrd, S. C. Stone, A.- E. Van aut, Dwight Misner, People's Secondhand Store, The Tire Hispital, J. A. Patterson, J. E. Busick Grocery. On the east side of the two blocks, beginning with the Barnes Cash Store, the signatures are as follows: B. T. Barnes, Dan J. Fry, A. W. Schrunk, Kwong Fook & Co., Thomson's Sample Store, Epstein & Greenbaum, Lot L. Pearce & Son, W. H. Welsh, C. M. Lock wood, Bay Farmer Hardware Co., J. L. Stockton, Boskenhamer & Covey Bak ery, W? B. Gilson, Ed Blessing, James Inglis, Salem Suitorium, Salem Wool en Mills Store, George Waters, Salem Hardware Co., Ernest Anderson, George S. Holland of Pateison's cigar store, Thos. A. Eoberts,,' . JOIN THE ARMY By Wearing a Pair of OUR ARMY SHOES - A vast army of people are wearing Aniiy Shoes and getting foot satisfaction. We will make you factory prices this week. Values $G.50 this week $5.50 We have a few Young Men's Shoes left in both leather and Neolin Soles, which 'we will sell at following prices: Shoes from $6.50 to $8.00 will go at $4.90 Included are two tone colors. Shoes from $5.00 to $5.50 to go at ; . $3.95 $4.00 Work Shoes go at $2.85 $8.00 Tilt Shoes to go at $6.35 We have 10 pairs of handmade Loggers if your size is here, at $6.65, worth $12.00. Remember we do not advertise shoe values that you do not know about, as others do, but we give you standard goods and Shoes that you buy every day. Tuesday, November 27. Since the an nouncement made n the papers yester day, many articles have already been offered, including blankets, dishes, flour bowls and children's clothing. All of the money received from the sale of these articles will go to the Bed Cross and hfe army Y. M. C. A, There will be no.-expense whatever in conducting the shop as all tho service has been volunteered. The offerings are to come from homes and none of tho business houses will be solicited- The officers having charge of this shop are as follows: . Mrs. Alice Dodd,' chairman; Mrs. Chauncey Bishop, Miss Dorothy Pearce managers; Mrs. W. H. Burghurdt, Jr., sales manager. Soliciting committee Mrs. Geo. J Pearce, chairman; Mrs. J. A. Carson, Mrs. B. H. Cart wright, Mrs. Wm. Gal loway, Mrs. Chester Cox, Mrs. A. D. Palmer, Mrs, Fred&fcewart, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mrs. Frank Purvine, Mrs. Geo. Wood, Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. Lizzie Welborn, Mrs. B. H. Downing, Mrs. F. C. BoW ersox. Committee on collections Mrs. B. S. Wallace, Chairman; Mrs. Thomas Kay, Mrs. John Wallace Harbison, Mrs. C. H. Robertson, Mrs. E- T. Earnes, Miss Mabel Withyeombe, Mrs. II. J. Clem ents, Miss Lela Rigdon, Mrs. Jos, Al bert, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. J. A. Eahn. Publicity committee Mis. E. F, Carleton, chuirman; Mrs. J. C. Nelson. it n ii II ri ti ii a ii ii ri ti ii ci ii u ts ti n El El 11 II U n u n ti ii ii u a n n ti EJ ra ti ti pi ii 11 n n u n ii n ii H ti ti ti 11 M M II II II II II 11 Week Em! Sale ti ii u )C j6 5C jlf sf( St aC 3(C jfc 5t )6 J6 )(C 3(l $ Court House News t a II ti pi H u u u ii CLOSES TOMORROW NIGHT These "Special Sellings'' will be withdrawn tomorrow night. There are all timely offerings either as useful and appropriate Xmas presents or house hold needs. . Silkoline Covered Quilts In various patterns and designs, full bed size; excellent values at $1.50; 3 days selling, 2nd floor ()gc on-r. Comfort Batts high grade double corded cotton, 10 corded wool, full 2 pound weight, size 72x84, strictly high grade batt, 3 days only, 2nd floor $1.69 Men's Shirts New Fall patterns; a dressy Shirt for white collar, soft cuffs attached; full line of sizes 14 to 16; 3 days only, men's section g()c Cretonne Patterns A clean up on "out of stock" patterns. These are not old shop worn, out-of-date Cretonnes, but crisp, clean new merchandise. Used . for draperies, pillows, shoppink bags and novelty articles. Values up to 60c a yard. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2nd floor 23c Fancv Sewin Baskets Woven of wheat straw and bamboo, neat, durable and practical sewing; all new stock Four sizes . . .89Cy 98c, $1.19, $1.29 Dr. Parker's Waist and Garters The most scientific and best Hose Supporters made for children. All sizes from 2 to 12 years, 3 days only, notion department 29c Oriental Lace 27-inch wide, popular widths for flouncings and making up the new Jabots. New this Fall and were marked at special introductory price $1.19, 3 days only gjfo Ladies' Handkerchiefs To introduce our new stock Xmas Handkerchiefs, we give an extra value. 3 Handkerchiefs, beautifully embroidered in colors, put up in a handsome box; lace and handker chief department, per box 9c Serpentine Crepes A large assortment of Kimona Crepes, 30 inches wide, 3 days only, yard-- ltc Hack Towels A fine quality of Huck Towels, size 18x36, shipment just in. Now is your time to supply household needs; 3 days only, Domestic department, 6for-- $1.QQ Ladies' Underwear Fleece lined Union Suits in two styles. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length, or 1-2 low neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length. A new; clean line of mer chandise bought for this Fall's sell ing; 3 days only, ready to wear de partment , . Qgc ; V Ladies Kimohas , In flowered flannelette, of excellent quality and high grade workmanship. A large assortment of patterns. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ready to wear section ()gc g New Shipment Beacon Blankets In Cribs, Bath Robe Blankets, Indian Robes, Traveling Rugs and Heavy fancy plaid Bed Blankets. This is all high class merchandise, right in line for Holiday business. The full line is priced close for quick selling. Big display on Second Floor; come in and look them over and make early selections. Chrishnas Is ComingBeat It Here SALEM'S TOYIJND Second Floor. YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTEE AT Wan Judge Bingham opened court here again this morning and is hearing the arguments in tlicamit of Smith versus nmith, a divorce case in which Hilver- ton "parties are endeavoring to settle their martial trouldes. Armitrentl v the defense is relying on an agreement I on for change of venue to Morrow made by the parties fome time ago as county has heen filed. It is based on the a bar to further proceedings in the way fact -tliat an tie defendant reside in -.'hum J SPECIAL SALE LADIES' SUITS AND DRESSES All new, classy, high i it ti u IJ It 11 1 ti ii u H 11 11 M y 1 1 n m H a E1 U 11 11 If 11 11 ti ii II M ri ij n ti n n u 11 mm II 1 II 11 ti M U Ea ri ii ri u ii ri ii 11 1 II m m n ti n tj m m ii m m u grade Suits and Dresses nannaancEnacascaisEaasannasaaaHiiBBXjaaEsaH of property settlements. that county and that it should be tried mere on account or mo convenience or In the suit of A. C. Mulford against narties and witnesses. Geortre Howton and Myers, an applica- A marriage license was issued today! And just by way of keeping in trim to Chas. T. Matherly and Lena Cooper I (Vllt,(ll Oregon will soon stage its au both of this county. , , , ., , . uuui ra.oui anve, ruo state as usual, being expected to head tho list When e final returns arc in. JOURNAL WANT m PAY E A. J. PARIS SHOE SHOP 379 STATE STREET TODAY Charles Frohmans Famous Plays In Motion Pictures. MISS OLIVE TEL The Beautiful and Talented Stage Star, in "THE UNFORSEEN" Mutual-Empire Production Adapted from the famous Frohman Success COMEDY WEEKLY SATURDAY- 4-Big Acts- mrruuivUitiE, VAUDEVILLE All New THEATRE WATCH FOR "THE GREY GHOST" STARTS TODAY- -3 DAYS ONLY ' s I Sunshine Mev ii ' i By SLVRY RIDER, ,'. . ;' 1111111111 M m mm A m tSV Ut. M-J I.: v. . i , ' , y I winsome personality en-irms everyone, i ne cast i If I DAM I H!i j 6'' V " ' v ? L. in-hules a monkey, a parrot, kitten, and a IlAKUiN I 1 !s y 4 X i $ 4if!4i4W0Wy'fi I bullfinch, ami von wit' tain about tiieir f.nncs I VS.. . t 4. 1 " - --,i..-iT-r -, T- (u'M, Ok. Mae MarsK it . m . IP Mole At her best in a story written especially for her. ..She just radiates joy, and her quaint, winsome personality charm everyone. The cast iiHmlcs a monkey, a parrot, kitten, and a bullfinch, and yon wit' talk about their unties for weeks. Tn 'addition, ''Sunshine Alley" marks the return tJ the screen of Miss Marsh's, old partner. and ROBERT IIARON The pick of the World's best 2'; i ' 1 '1 A I m.' - l- !. LiU LV V V,j j II 11 11 ti ti u u ii ii t! M II ;j M ii ti ii is m mm