Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 16, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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U . N
J i
A Dollar's Worth of
Value for Every
Dollar You Pay .
THAT'S what you get when yon
buy one of these new suits or'
They will give you more style, better',
fit, fabrics and tailoring more real
clothes comfort and satisfaction .
. than you can get elsewhere at the y
Collegian Clothes
are worn by men and young men who are
good judge9 of clothes, who demand correct
style, materials of value, careful tailoring.
If you are a clothes buyer of this discriminating
type, just come in and look over the latest
arrivals in -these new Collegian Suits and Over
coats. You 11 be impressed with the values
we are offering.
Clear, Peachy Skin
Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water
Says an Inside bath, before break-;
fast helps ua look and feel.
felean, sweet, fresh,
Sparkling and vivacious merry,
bright, alert a good, clear skin and
a natural, rosy, healthy complexion
are assured only by pure blood. If
only every man and woman could bo
induced to adopt the morning inside
bath, what a gratifying change would
take place- Instead of the thousands of
sickly, anaemic looking men, women
and girls, with pasty or muddy com
plexions; instead of the multitudes of
"nerve wrecks," "rundowns," 'brain
fags" and pessimists we should see a
virile, optimistic throng of rosy
cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath- is had by drinking
each morning, before breakfast, a glass
of real hot water with a teaspoonful
of limestone phosphate in it to wash
from the stomach, liver, kidneys and
ten yards of bowels the previous day's
indigestible waste, sour fermentations
and pisons, thus cleansing, sweetening
and freshening the etire alimetaryea
Hal before putting more food into the
; Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
oolds; and particularly those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion ond who
are constipated very often, are urged
to obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at l.ihei Afag .store which
will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient
to demonstrate the quick and remark
able change in both health and appear
ance, awaiting those who practice in
ternal sanitation. We must remember
that inside cleanliness is more import
ant than outside, because the skin does
not absorb impurities to contaminate
the blood while the pores in the thirty
leet of bowels do.
(Continued from Page Ono.)
war-" . . ,
Townley also pointed out the political
advantages of such a coalition.
"Let the two great classes of pro
ducers join behind the government in
this war," pleaded Townley.
"Let ns wipe out the middlemen. Let
ts put down the profiteer. We would
find, in a surprisingly short time our
people at home will be better and more
economically fed, our forces at the front
letter and more economically equipped"
Turning to the political aspect, he
.' f Remember this would be no mean
eoalition. The farmers represent 37 per
' cent, labor 25 per cent of the nations
voting stiength."
This speech inaugurated a whirlwind
It Is not often a, child requires medl
sine of anr kind. IX the bowels ra
tegular ana promptly dispose of undi
rected matter discarded by the stomach,
die general healUi Is very apt to be ex
cellent. In any case, puis, powders, and
lanseatinir or finpai&Wsis esjnpomsds,
inomld never be given to children. Any
therapeutic virruej sncb remedies may
possess Is largely nullified ay tiie young
nem' natural antagonism.
JPor most children a mild lazattve, &
liufstereft occasionally, is all that is
leeded to- assure normal regularity and
Vod health. Sr. CaUwell's (jyrae Pep
ua is a pleasant-tasting combination of
Hmple laxative her.M with pepsin, free
from opiate or narcotic drturs, and acts
ently yet effectively) children like it
tnd take It readily, so that it in the Ideal
remedy for the family medicine chert.
It is sold ia drag stores for fifty cents
bottle. A trial bottle, free of ciirg
Ban be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B,
Caldwell, 456 Washington St Montt
telio, Illinois.
tour of the east by Townloy. who comes
from the league's headquarters in St.
Paul to boost is politicio-agricultural or
ganization. Vice President B. L. Strayer of the
Farmers' Congress endorsed Townley 's
idea in a brief speech.
' ' I urgently recommend a strong win-the-war
coalition between the tillers and
the toilers," Strayer said. "This will
not only half win the war, but will
keep certain influences from working
the workers and farming the farmers".
Many Resolutions.
Committees now in conference have
more than 150- resolutions before them.
Several bitterly denounce the postal
censorship on newspapers. Not one re
fors to conscription of wealth.
One which promises to end. in a fight
on the floor of the convention proposes
no worker be accepted in the federation
who is not a citizen of the United States
or not declared his intentions.
Sponsors say it is directed against
alien enemies. South and southwestern
delegates, however, claim it is directed
against two million non-citizen Mexican
metal miners. ,
There are a number of these minor
issues before the convention, but its
general policy "to stand solidly behind
the government in the war," is cut
and dried. Pacifists and anti-war so
cialists have disappeared.
The convention has resolved itself
into a committee on means to win the
war. Combined with this is a broad, for
warding policy aimed to give labor its
full share of the world's peace plans.
The biggest development is the propo
sition now being threshed out of send
ing an American labor commission to
Europe to "Colonel House" the situa
tion from an industrial and labor stand
point. This may result in an interna
tiou coalition cabinet of labor leaders,
it is believed.
(Continued from Page One.)
Germans. Despite all their efforts, they
will not be able to keep pace with the
immense effort America is making.
"But the preparation must be thor
ough for air fighting is becoming daily
more compacaieu. sp"
tion of piloting, that of marksmanship
. .f i -oueA hottlna between
is au imperial, x i.u..u
opposing air-fleets will become more
and more frequent, and the demands
made on the combatants are severe in
the extreme. Uourage, cuuiuc-, w.
ceptional physical endurance are the
first requirements.
,,m.. n,in troinintr of vour young
ovcpntionallv for
men xus mem 41.. r-- .
the strain of air-fighting, and as there
is immense reserve of such embryo-airmen
in America, I feel certain that it
is in the air tnat ine 'B"V'; "
erica's war power will be first felt. The
aerial campaign which 19 imminent wil
be of immense importance for the final
victory, and during its ; crucial phases
America's air-fleet will line the air
with ours. That is why we airmen of
France know that victory is assured.
(Continued from Page One.)
upon the British government. His crit
icisms do not mean that the part Great
Britain has played in the war is de-
clinins m vaiu. - .
this week's small number of submarine
V BurLodTorthcUffe apparently feels
that with America's entrance into the
conflS rigid tests of efficiency to
wlTch Europe has not been ae-stomed
must hereafter be applied to the al
U' effort, to win the war. The only
iTSndirg this tesr1, Lord Northcliffe
is acting as America o
Furope. .
(Continued from Pafee One.)
enemv attacks at various point.'
News that the Italian troops had
stood their ground firmly and repelled
all efforts of the Austrian on the
Piave created great jubilation and in
creased optimism that the Piave line
I II 1 1 I'itfV J-
Thousands Have Discovered Dr.
Edwards Olive Tablets are
a Harmless Substitute.
Dr. Edwards? Olive Tablets-the eubsti-
I rote lor caiomia ure a nmu out sure
laxative, and their effect on the liver is
i almost instantaneous. They are the result
! of Dr. Edwards determination not to treat
j liver and bowel complaints with calomel.
I His efforts to banish it brought out these
I little olive-colored tablets.
I These pleasant little tablets do the good
I that calomel does, but have no bad after
I effects. They don't Injure the teeth like
I strong liquids or calomel. They take hold
of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why
cure the liver at the expense'of the teeth?
Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the
gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not
I to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards'
' Olive Tablets take its place. $
Most headaches, "dullness' and that
lazy feeling come from constipation and
a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards"
Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy" and
"heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded
brain and how they "perk up" the spirits.
10c and 25c a box. AU druggist
would prove an unbreakable defense to
the Germanic invaders.
Dispatches today reported that the
civil evacuation of Venice and prac
tically been completed. A few families
have insisted on remaining.
Confidence that Venice would be
saved the despoiling hand of the in
vader was based on the natural ob
stacles in the way of an advance close
to the sea coast. From Vecchia, around
which recent dispatches placed the
Austro-Gcrman troops, to Venice is
about 16 miles, on a direct line. But
intervening are numberless lagoons,
bays and rivers, with marsh lands scat
tered between. Kecent rains have
clogged the waterways to their flood
stage and . this was regarded as ex
tremely favorable to the Italian de
fenders. Planes are Destroyed
London, Nov. 16. Two German
planes wcto destroyed, two more fore
ed to descend out of control, and
bombs were dropped over German aer
oplane sheds at Handzaeme, in a sea
plane raid announced by the admiralty
today. The raiders had hoped to reach
the Uytzerke aerodrome, but failed ow
ing to high winds and, therefore, turn
ed their attention to the Handzaeme
aviation depot. I
All British machines returned safely
Germans Bepulsed
Pane "Wrtir 1ft Cin-rman trAnno Mn1
vainly 'last night to force relinquish
ment by the French of recent gains in
Flanders, according to tne war oilice
report today.
An assault north of Vcldock, broke
down under heavy losses inflicted by
concentrated French artillery nnd rifle
The statement also reports another
German air raid over Naney, without
civilian victims.
On the Meusc rijrht bank there was
lively artillery infi-
Chicago, Nov. 15. Joseph P. Cotton,
head of the federal meat committee of
the federal food administration, and
Joseph Davies, federal trade commis
sioner, went into conference with a
committee of packers late yesterday in
what was expected to be the final ef
fort to make fair profit schedules for
meats and by products
"Warms me up on
the inside-0
POST ioastie:
feWfcS "Armband IheGirt
Billie Burke, winsome star of "Arms
and the Uirl," the paramount photo
play which will bo the attraction at
the Oregon theater starting Sunday, is
a thorough "Little American" al
though she has globe trotted as she
expresses it, more than most other wo
men of iior ago. isorn in Washington,
D. C., Miss Burke was taken abroad at
an early age and it was chiefly in the
convents of France nnd Belgium that
she received her education. In addi
tion to this, Miss Burke has traveled
extensively through China and Japan
and in fact in almost every corner Of
the globe.
Law Applies OrJy to Dealers
Explosives Can Be Pur
chased As Usual
A few da3's ago a dispatch printed
in the Oregonian concerning the hav
ing in one's possession of explosives,
while not intentionally so, was mis
leading. It stated that "after Novem
ber 15 any person who does not" have
a license issued by the federal gov-1
ernment showing the purposes for
which the explosives were to be used,
will at once be arrested and fined up
to $5000 or seW to prison for one year,
or both, if ytiho iCircumsliaiiKes war
rant. This has caused many engaged
in clearing laud and such to arrange
to drop the work. There is no necessi
ty for this as they can still get ex
plosives and have them in their pos
session without fear of tho law. The
law was passed so as to permit the gov
ernment to keep track of all explosives
and prevent their being obtained by
enemies of the country for improper
use. It applies only to dealers. It pro
vides for the licensing of all dealers,
and requires them to keep a record if
all sales, to whom made ana tne pur
poses for which they are to be used.
Jt requires all dealers to take stock of
all explosives on hand November 15
and from that date to record all sales.
Hereafter it will be unlawful for deal
ers who have no license to havo ex
plosives; that is all there is to the law.
The person who buys from a dealer
with a license, and has his purchase re
corded by him, can get all the explo
sives he needs and can have them in
his possession without violating the
law. The person purchasing and using
explosives does not require to have a
license. Those engaged in clearing land
can go ahead as usual, only in purchas
ing they must'stato the purpose for
which the explosives are to be used.
Aiinual Convention
of Degree of Honor
The annual convention of the De
gree of Honor, central Willamette dis
trict, will be held in Salem Saturday,
Nov. 17. The sessions will be held in
the lodge rooms in the McCornack
It is expected that delegates irom
fifteen lodges will attend. The day ses
sions will be devoted to the business
of the lodge while the evening will be
given to initiation. A luncheon will
be served at the lodge rooms at noon
and a banquet in the evening.
Mrs- Nellje iPugH of Portland is
state president and will attend. Tho
secretary is Miss Greta Bailey of this
city. Officers for the coming year will
oe elected.
Mrs- Harriet C. Looncy of Jefferson
will deliver the address of welcome and
the response will be given by Grand
oecrctary Margaret E. Becker of Port
land. Ford Company Could
Trjn (hit 80,000 Motor
Trucks In Ninety Days
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 16- Three
months hence the Ford Motor com
pany could turn over to the govern
ment 80,000 motor trucks if the gov
ernment wero to order exclusive man
ufacture of trucks today. This is a
sufficient number to transport an army
and its supplies.
F. Klingensmith, vice president
and treasurer of the company, told
tho United Press today the output of
trucks could be increased to .1000 each
day, besides the present daily output
of nearly 300.
This would Tequire all the resources
of the company and the manufacture
of pleasure cars necessarily would be
" e are prepared to take such meas
ures," Klingensmith said, "if the
government asks the mobilization of
our industry for war- In the place of
each pleasure car we eould manufac
ture one truck and the present rate of
manufacture of pleasure cars is 3000
rprtWH Ty sww r'T"JI """ '
'.i(-ii,niiii:-'.i:'fV--Yfiii.if,iii khm,
JJutclier Order on
s Midget Market
M. SATURDAY. . . , ' . , ,. ,&m
Be sure and get a number and be in the Store, as numbers will be drawn until
some one present claims them.
v ; r
I i:
ejamiii wicks
Supplies From Mexico
Would Give America
Ample Stores of Food
San Francisco, Nov. 10. Fifty thou
sand head of Mexican cattle, 2,000,000
pounds of dressed medium anfl prime
beef, and 10,000 horse and burro hides
are without a market, according to D
B. Eastman, representing Mexican cat
tle interests, who is in San Francisco
today. And at the same time Ameri
cans are observing meatless days and
shoes are selling at record prices.
"I am offering 50,000 head of cat
tle at six cents delivered in Los Ange
les or Ban Francisco," Eastman de
clared, "and tho dealers tell me they
don't want them; that their storage
rooms and feed lots are full. Two dif
ferent export concerns have turned
111 HO
No Relief Mrs. Brown Fin
ally Cured by Lydia E.
pinkliam's Vegetable
Cleveland, Ofaio. "For years I Buf
fered so sometimes it seemed as though
1 could not stand
it any longer. It
waa all in my lower
organs. At times I
could hardly walk,
for if I stepped on a
littlo etone I would
almost faint. One
day I did faint and
my husband was
sent for and the doc
tor came. I was ta
ken to the hospital
end stayed four weeks but when I came
home I would faint just the samo and
bad the same pains.
A friend who is a nurse asked mo to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I began taking it that very day
for I was suffering a great deal. It has
already dona me more good than the
hospital. To anyone who is suffering
as I was my advice is to stop in the first
drug-store and get a bottle of Lydia E.
I'inkham'i Vegetable Compound before
I you fo home." Mrs. W. C. seown.
'iK"- III
2844 w 1201 st- cieveiand o
rlclc's 'Monster
n m t n
Salem Grocer Thankful
"I had been sick nearly 20 years
with stomach trouble and was slowly
starving to death as everything I ate
; caused terrible gas and pain and my
food did not digest. I was reduced to
115 pounds. A friend advised me to
take Mayr's Wonderful Homody about
4 months ago,' which I did and now
weigh 151 lbs. and can eat anything. I
am very thankful for Mayr's Wonder
ful Remedy." It removes the catarrhal
mucous from the intestinal tract, mil
allays the inflammation which causes
practically all stomach, liver and in
testinal ailments, including appendi
citis. Ono dose will convince or money
down 2,000,000 po'inds of frozen, in
spected beef at 11 cents and there is
no market for 10,000 hides."
Mayor of Philadelphia
Mast Face Jury Trial
Philadelphia, Nov. lti Mayor Thom
as B. Smith and Mercantile Appraiser
William ii. Finley must face charges
growing out of the thuggery in thf
" bloody fifth ward," a-, the last pri
mary election, and the case will go be
fore the December grand jury.
in a lengthy opinion, Judgo Martin,
who presided at the hearings of writi
of, habeas corpus brought by the may
or and Finley attacking the legality of
the proceedings brought before Judge
lirown, pointed out that tho charges
njiainst the mayor will consist of con
spiracy to violate the Sherman act, a
misbehavior in office and contempt of
The chnrgc cf conspiracy to commit
murder was dismissed on the ground
that there wan not sufficient evidence.
American Steamer Kansas
City Thought To Be Lest
Washington, Nov. 16. The American
steamer Kansas City is believed to have
been lost at sea, the navy department
announced today. She has been missing
since September 5.
The department's statement said:
"The navy department has received
no information of the steamer Kansas
City since she was reported separated
from convoy September 5.
"She is now believed to have been
lost at sea.
"J. A. II .Miiir, first class signal
man, assigned to duty on the Kansas
City, was the only navy man aboard.
ITis father is John Allison Muir, Roland
Park, Md."
V 'J,
Grocery Order on
Busick's Grocers
. , , - i ; .
Judge Kelly is Favored.
Albany, Or., Nov. 15, A resolution',
signed by every attorney in Albany waa
presented yesterday to Percy R. Kelly,
of this city, Circuit Judge of tho Third
Judicial District, suggesting that he be
come a candidate for Justice of tho Su
premo Court at the ensuing election. Ke
piiblicans and Democrats alike joined
in the resolution, which paid Jiulga
Kelly a high compliment upon his suc
cessful service as a Circuit Judge.
Judge Kelly said he could not make
any statement in regard to his action
now. Since it was announced recently
that Justico McCamatit would not bo
a candidate to succeed himself, friends
of Judgo Kelly in both Linn and Marion
counties havo suggested that he beeomo
a candidate.
is pure
Purity in cocoa means
carefully selected, scru
pulously cleaned cocoa
beans, scientifically
blended, skilfully
roasted, and with the
excess of fat removed,
reduced to an extremely
fine powder by a strictly
mechanical process, no
chemicals being used,
the finished product
containing no added
mineral matter.
Trade-mark on every
genuine pacitage
Booklet of chaica
recipes tent frea
Made only by
fi CO. ltd.
rs. u.. fat. opr.
Established 1730