Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 10, 1917, Page ELEVEN, Image 11

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    THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. Saturday, nov. io, 1917.
Capital Journal
Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High
Salem Track ft Dray Co., corner Stats and Front street!
tie bring the result in most eases.
Obsolete adjuncts deceive the igno
rant. Try pure nnadulteratd chire
praetie adjustments and be convinc-
ad. P. H. May, D. C-, 306 Hubbard
bldg, Phone 58!S. 11-3
disease. All kinds of Chinese herbs
and medicines. 153 South High St.
Phone 283.
413-414 Bank of Commerce bldg.
Phono 606. 11-4
made over to suit. We carry a large
stock of genuine furs and miko them
up in the latest styles, at the Wert
Fur Company, 217 South High.
On Good Real Estate Security
Over Ladd k .wish bank, Salem, Oregoi
Eastern Money at Lowest Bates, on
approved Security. Homer H. Smith,
Boom 5, MeOornack Bldg., Salem, Or-
ad women's hats cleaned, reblocked
and retrimmed. Old hats -made to
look like new. We carry a large
took of fine ribbons, 495 oourt St.
DBS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WOL
TON Osteopathic ' physicians and
serve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican sehool of Osteopathy, Eirksville,
Ho. Post graduate and specialized in
mcrvoua diseases at Loa Angeles CoL
lege. Offices 605-508 U. S. Nat. Bank
Bldg. Phone 859. Residence 1620
Orrort. Phone 2215.
FOB SALE at a sacrifice. I wish to
remove to my native state and
must sell my koine, one half acre ot
good land oa ear line, good house
and chicken house, plenty of fruit.
Will take $1300 and give terms. See
Square Deal Bealty Co. Phone 470.
355 ACRES, 120 cultivated, fair im
provements, Linn county, Oregon,
for Salon residence or income prop
erty, not over $19,000. 25 acres, 19
acres cultivated, fair improvements,
7 miles out, for modern Salem resi
dence. 10 acres well improved, Vn
mile from car line for larger farm,
not over $15,000. 4 cows, two horses,
harness, wagon, two cream separa
tors for 5 passenger auto not over
$500. Want 3 $1000 and 1 $5000 loan
on good real estate. 158 acres, all cul
tivated bottom land, close in, fair
improvements, good road only $75
per acre- 150 acres river bottom, fair
improvements, $CS per acre. Soeolof
sky, 341 State. 12-9
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, reasonable. 855 N.
Commercial. tf
SO years experience.
Depot National and American fence.
Biaes 26 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250
Oonrt street. Phone 124.
s- s
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contract
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
247. Residence Main 2272.
Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry,
-watches, tools, musical instruments,
bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit
cases, trunks, cameras, typswriters
and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337
Court street. Phone 493.
Wa-NTED Old false teeth. Don't mat
ter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set
end by parcel poet and receive
check by return mail. L. Mazer, 2007
8. Fifth street, Philadelphia. Pa.
12 1
ea Cedar Camp, No. 5246. meets every
naraday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby
fcattdlnfc corner Cnrt and High streets.
B. r. Day, V. C; J, A, WrlfBt, Clerk;
LODGE Na. 4. A. F. A. if.
Btmtee communication nrst Friday ts
Kk nonth at 7 :SO p. B. In the Haaoolc
Venal. Fred A. IfcOntire, W. M. ;
B. a. Culver, secretary.
Darby banding; every Ttmdiy evening;
t sack week at TSO. Joan Solpp, C. C. ;
r. B. GUsuo, K of R ana B.
Classified Column
Main 1200
Main 71
corner Commercial and Trade, streets,
Bill payable monthly in advaace. -
A. M. Cloueh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed
499 Court St- Main 120. Main 9888.
veterinarian, 'graduate Cornell Uni
versity. Office Cherry City Feed
stables, 544 Ferry St. Phones, office
zitfy, res. ana nigm ov.
repaired, Karl Meugebauer, with
Central Pharmacy. 11-4
tein, care Bostein & Greenbaum, 240
N. Com'l St., also bean cutter for
Tent. 11-11
Trsde and Winter Sts- Storage per
ton $1.75 per month. Phone 394. tf
& resident; Mrs. Lou TUlaon, secretary.
11 eases of cruelty or neglect ef dumb
animals should be reported to tbe
secretary tor investigation.
Begalar conclave fourth Friday m each
nth at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic
temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are
jonrteoosiy invitea to meet wun us.
Glen C. KUes, B. C; H. B, Tbielsen,
Friday Bight at 8 o'cleck In Derby
bldar. Court -and High streets. A. J,
Bwelnlnk, C. C. : L. 8, Geer, clerk, 607
Court street. Phone 688.
R. N. A. "Oregon Grape Camp" No.
1360, meets every Thursday evening
in Ds,rby and Lafky building, Court
and High streets; Mrs. Sylvia
Schaup, 1971 Market, oracle; Mrs.
Malisea Parsons, recorder, 1296 N.
UNITED ABTI SANS Capital Assembly
Na 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p
nt. In I O O F ball, A. A. Gueffroy,
M A ; C A. Vlbbert, secretary. Crown
Drug store, 838 State street
a. N. A. "Oregon Grape Camp" No I860,
meet every Thursday evening in Derby
and Lafky building. Court and High
streets; Mr. Sylvia Bcbaopp, 1971
Market, oracle; Mrs. Mai less hwrSona,
recorder, 1286 North Commercial.
Ly Salem Train N. Ar Portland
4 :85 a m 2 Owl 6 :55 a m
T:lSam 9 8:25 am
9:45am 10 Limited ....11:35am
11:20 am 12 1:35pm
1:50 pm 14 4 :00 p m
4 :00 p m .... 16 Limited .... 6 :60 p m
S:SOom T:40d
7:66 pm 22 10:00 pm
south Botnni
Lv Portland
6 :30 a m 8alem8 :35 ; Eugene 10 :55 a m
K:80am 6 L:aKd 10:11am
10:45 am 7 12:66 pm
aOfiDm 4:15pm
4:40pm .... 18 Limited .... 6:40pm
A:05om 17 Local 8:10 pm
9:20 pm 19 11:20 pm
11 :45 p m 21 Owl 1:55 pm
Lv Corvallls Ar Salem
4:10 pm 90 6:30 pm
Lv Eugene Ar Salem
7:35am .... 10 Limited 9:45am
1:55pm .... lff-iitnlted .... 4:0Opm
5 :25 p m 22 7 :55 p m
12 :06 p m 2 Owl 4 :86 a m
Lv Salem Ar Eugene
1:55am ...... 21 Owl 6:50am
10:15 am 6 Limited 12:25 pm
Lv Salem Ar Albany
12 :55 B m 1 1 :60 p m
Stops at Corvallls
Lv Salem Ar Albany
4:16 p m V ........ 6:10pm
Ar Albany
7:35 am
Lv Salem Ar Eugene
6 :46 p m IS 8 :60 p m
HOITH senna
8:25 am 10 9:45 am
12:12 pm 14 1:45 pm
Lv Corral I Is Ar Salem
2:41pm 16 ........ 4:OOpm
4:10pm ........ 20 ........ 6:30pm
6:18 pm 22 7 :65 p m
InfM anmn
Lv Salem
10:15 am .
4:15 pm .
1255pm ..
6 :40 p m . .
Ar Corvallls
6 ll:33am
6 :36 p n
7 2:20 pm
18 8:00 pm
SAum-Gan Traa
No. 73 Arrives at Salem ,9:15 am
No. 76 Leaves Salem 0:50 am
No. 75 Ar Salem (mixed) 2:OOpm
No. 74 Leave Salem 8:05 pm
No connection sonta of Geer.
Siuv, Fills Cm aao WaaTcaw
No. 161 Leaves Salem 7:05am
No. 163 Leaves Salem 9:35 am
No. 167 Leaves Salem 1:45 pm
No. 169 Leaves Salem 6 KH p m
No. 164 Arrives JSalem ll:O0am
No. 166 Arrives Salem 3:10 pm
Na 168 Arrives Salem 6:35 pm
Na 170 Arrives 81 en 7:20 pm
WoopwcN-8prNuraLi-0E Bbasch
No. 76 leaving at 9:50 a m. and Na 75
arriving at 2 p. ol, will be dlscoo-tlnuea
as passenger trains.
You lxtferM acquainted wmi
yoi results noiTratter what
your want may bo?.
58L K
No American Tobaccos Allowed in
France Except
Snppcec you were in France today;
perhaps in the midst of a crowded stret
alone; no acquaintances among all these
strange people; shut off in a large meas
ure from real social intercourse with
them by a lack of knowledge- of. the
You can without much strain of your
imagination, realize just such a -fiitua-
Suddenly around the corner, com we
young fellows in the trim;, businesslike
khaki uniform of the army of your own.
What would you dor
You 'd rush up to them and- grab their
hands; you'd laugh with joy; you'd lell
them who you are, where you come
from; you'd try to discover some acr
tpaintances; or common experiences.
And after a few minutes suppose one of
Margaret Mason Writes on
Gotham Fads and Fashions
By Margaret Mason
The negligees
They wear these days
Are simply out of sight.
But you, my dear,
In one, I fear,
Can 't hope to be not quite.
New York, Nov 10. Diaphanous and
gauzy, transparent, thin and sheer, are
adjectives to be applied to negligees
this year. Of filmy lace and chiffon,
Georgette, illusion, too, when you've
donned one there's no illusion left re
garding you.
The opening night of "Chu Chin
Chow" the wonderful display of Orien
tal costuming quite took my breath
away. The latest styles qf Bagdad were
shown on models fair. 1 saw at onee
our negligees I'd tracked right to their
lair. Revealing all, concealing, naught,
the beauties made parade, in. geld , and
silver, bits of gauze and gorgeous hued
brocade. Boleros, Turkish trouserettes,
and floating scarfs of gauze, afforded
naught of camouflage for. any little
And all the time in smartest shops
along the avenue, are offered similar de
signs of negligees on view, as Oriental,
temperamental, elemental, too, as any
now parading in the "Chu Chin Chow"
"Documentary roues . in time" so
reads the cryptic phrase, placarded in
a window. that shows much that doth
amaze. Of course its on the avenue and
quite a nifty shop, and the show within
it's window makes everybody stop, ex
cept a poor old blind man as he passes,
even he, heritates a bit to listen even
though he cannot see. For the negligees
exhibited are loud and blatantj too, in
Oriental colorings of every hectic hue.
Of Georgette crepe they all are made,
one thickness, if you please, in one piece
sort of shift designs, on some up to me
knees, are crude and coarse and crewel
designs embroidered all by hand, while
round the round neck and the sleeves
repeats the crewel band.
A Georgette crepe of vivid green is
done in yards of blue, red, yellow, helio
trope and black and almost -every hue.
ArSuuJ the hem the belt and sleeves, all
flowing and the neck, aud two medal
lions of the yarns adorn each breast,
bv heck!
For the Improvement of Commercial
Street from tne North lone of Mis
sion Street to the Soutu Olty Limits.
Nouce is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, will at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m.
on the 19th day of November, 1917, or
at the same hour at any subsequent
meeting of the common council there
after at the council chamber m tne
eity of Salem, proceed to assess upon
each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land liable therefor, its proportionate
share of the cost of improving Com
mercial street from the north line of
Mission street to the south city limits.
All nersons interested in the said
assessment are hereby notified to ap
pear at said time and place before the
i "cmmon eouncu and present tneir
tions, if any they have, to sail
assessment and apply to the said com
mon council to equalize their propor
tionate share of said assessment.
By order'of the common council the
7lh day of November, 1917.
11-10 City Recorder-
Those for Sammies
thsm said, "Have you got anything to
smoke.!" What would you dof
You'd Hand 'em Out.
You 'd go the limit. If you had cigars,
you'd hand them over; or cigarettes,
you'd say, "You bet I have; good Unit
ed States smokes; the kind you can't
g3t in France. You fellows are welcome
to what I have; and if you'll come to
my hotel, I'll give you more."
Under ordinary circumstances yon
couldn't do it; the French customs of
fice, wouldn't let you bring in a lot of
American smokes. But you can do jubt
that, without going to France. You tan
eead.oae or 50 of the Capital Journal's
ffpeeial, smoke kits to our soldiers in
France at 25 cents each. The French
government admits these kits duty free.
A postcard in each kit, stamped with
your address on it, ready to mail, will
come back to the cender of the kit.
. A purple robe hangs, flowing down
sans belt or girdle any, adorning it are
yarn designs, not just a few, but many.
A crepe of Gobelin blue is done in
yarn all shades of yellow while one of
rose when donned will have designs up
in some fellow.
Why "Documentary" they'Te called
I Teally cannot say, unless because oft
in divorce proceedings on display, as
Documentary evidence is found a
For wear beneath those negligees are
combinations shown in crepe of color
and designs in yarn to match their own.4
.Lees worldly and more sweet sixteen
a little model is, in pink or blue which
most suits you. So very dainty 'tis.
Of flesh Georgette the packet waist all
frilled in point d 'esprit, shows under
neath a satin band of ribbon rosily on
which are rosebud garlands while the
skirt full pleated falls. Its of a fash
ion always good whose beauty nover
palls. Another one of corn hued crepe
has chiffon tunic blue. The Empire
waist is flower girt. It's something
very new.
Some chiffon velvet robes are here on
flowing lines all banded in marabou or
softest fur with tassels Bilken stranded
adangle from their flowing sleeves and
on the girdle ends. Indeed this robe
more coversome more hope of comfort
lends, in case aoaJesa winter we, like
Europe, have .to face, in which event
deliver me from one of gauze, in which
event deliver me from one of gauze
and lace.
The boudoir caps are 'bout the same,
they really don 't much vary. Some now
are showing fur pompoms that are most
chic oh very. While turbans of bro
cade and gold are very smart to wear
with harem robes of gorgeous hue that
trousers boast, a pair. And with the
documentary robes we've mentioned
here-to-fore of course they're yarn
darned Georgette caps that you will
just adore.
But this I know and tell you so that
whether cold or coaled if you have
bought a gauzy robe and for it paid
much gold. Although you shiver like a
leaf youll really have to wear it.
You'll feel more dressed to wear a
smile so simply grin and bear it.
Hands Point
to Our Want Ads as
the Result Producers
Eyerytody watches them
TJifiJ brinf timely results
London. Nov. 9. "I will continue
te believe Russia will abide by her
honorable pledges, until I am con
vinced to the contrary," declared
Bobert Cecil, minister of blockade, in
hie weekly interview with the United
Press this afternoon. The statement
was in answer to a question as to the
possibility ef Bussta making a separate
"Conversation with the American
mission," Lord Robert continued,
'"have been, stimulating."
Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 9. Rus
sian Cossacks of several, great districts
are" organizing into- separate govern
ments, with the idea of affiliating into
a Russian confederation, according to
word reaching here today.
The move was started by the Kuhan
Cossacks in proclaiming a republic
among themselves.
Copenhagen, Nov. 9. Finland's posi
tion today is desperate and her outlook
hopeless, according .to an appeal sent
President Wilson today by Professor
Wendt. The whole nation, he declared,
approaches the winter in a state of
Wall Street Rallies
From doom Attack
New tfork, Nov. 9. Tho New York
Evening Sun financial review towj
The gloomy atmocphere which per
vaded Wall street yesterday, was to a
large extent dissipated through some
hard tmnking over the real signifi
cance of events of the past 48 hours
in Russia.
Wall street was relatively cheerful
today and this was reflected in ad
vance in securities prices of one to
four pointB.
Tho sieel, copper, shipping, muni
tions and equipment stocks figured in
the advance. General Motors was
again under heavy pressure and Amer
ican Telephone also. A factor not to
be overlooked in this upturn was the
summoning of bankers and business
men to Washington to confer on the
economic and financial situation.
New York. Nov. 9. Today's liberty
loan quotations: 3Va's, 99 3-8; 4 's 100.
Losses From Divers -
for Week Reduced
London, Nov. 9. A marked decrease i
in the British merchant ships sunk dur
ing the last week is noted in the admir
alty report tonight. Only eight vessels
over loOO tons were sunk by mine or
submarine and four vessels under that
The summary: Arrivals, ziai; sail
ings, 2379.
British merchant vessels over 1600
tonB sunk by mine or submarine, includ
ing two previously, eight; under 1600
tons, including one previously, four.
Fishing vessels sunk, none.
British merchant vessels unsuccessful
ly attacked, including five previously,
Print Paper Price
Will Be Reasonable
Washineton, Nov. 9. There was
stronc indication today that the print
paper situation will soon be settled and
a reasonable price Jnxed unuer govern
mental control.
The print paper makers indicated in
the so-called paper trust case in federal
district court, New York, are under
stood to have proposed that a maximum
price of $3 a hundred pounds be fixed
pending anonuncement of the final
price by the federal trade commission.
It is said the paper men have of
fered to plead in nolo contendere and
accept fines in the trust cast. The
fcdoral trade commission admitted it
was taking preliminary steps toward
print paper price fixing.
Automobile Industry
Prepared to Co-operate!
Washington, Nov. 9 The automobile j
industry committee, to co operate witti
the war industries board in cutting
production of pleasure cars and turn-;
ing plants over to government wrif ;
work, was completed today with thesa
-If red Reeves, Detroit, chairman ; ;
Hugh Chalmers, Detroit; John R. Lee j
of the Ford company, and A. W. Cop-:
land, Detroit- i
Thi pnmmit.tee. with beadouarters
in Washington, has already begun
"Minnol TT. Kellv et m to Charles'
H. Davig (Q C D) claim 25-9-4E.
Joseph M f'any ct ai (V "
John W. Fahy, 51 acres, claim 92-5-2W ;
C. M. Long to Lee A. Grenz, 5 acres ;
claim 29-9-2W. i
P. H. Fitzgerald ct al to Anna
Brack, 300 acres, claim 54-5-1W.
P. H. Fitzgerald et al to Anna ;
Brack (Q C D) claim 69-5-1W.
A. M. Dalrymple et ux to P. L.Tra-;
zier, north 50 feft of lots 2 and 3, i
bloek 1, Willamette addition- ;
V.rl TT Kn. her nt. ill to Laura I
Kocher, 16.25 acres, claim 21-.1-W.
J. Baumgartner et ux to-J- rreauay
lot 9, block 15, Riverside addition to
Louise J. Davis to O. L. Davis, 14-95
acres, part of Iotg 2 and 3, Collcridge
Myrta M. Johnson to C. W. and Net
tie J. Tibbett, lots 8, tt, 10 and 11,
block 32, Oxford addition to Salem.
George R. Hill et nx to C W. and
Nettie J- Tibbett, lot 12, Oxford ad
dition to Salem.
Mary M. Gowan to B. F- Fresh, part
of block 1, S'.ayton.
Arcnz Construction company to "ath
ArinA Arpnr. lritjl 4. fi. 6. 7. S. K. -
Martin's addition to Salem.
Lclia S. Bortzmcyer et ux to Mrs.
Jennie Harwood, tract 39.5 acres Dim-
ick homeslead tract.
N'Mickcl to Charles Entelt. 23 acres
claim 3-6 1W.
Emma A. Russell to Bex L. Russell,
64 acres, claim 27 6-lW.
Suffragist Hunger
Strikers Forcibly Fed
Washington,. Nov. 9. Four forcible
feedings have been administered to the
two suffragist hunger strikers up to
this, afternoon. Relatives of Alice Iaul
served notice on Jail Superintendent
Zinkham that if he died as a result of
her treatment for picketing the White
House, he would "have to answer for
her murder."
Denying the two suffargists resisted
feeding, Zinkham said they "took it
like Iambs."
Dudley Field Malone, former New
York port collector, hastened here to
champion their cause and seek Pres
ident Wilson ' aid.
Brain Blood-Supply Most Be Good
The importance of having pure blood
is perhaps never more deeply impress
ed on us than when we are told by
physiologists that if the brain is sup
plied with impure blood, nervous and
bilious headache, confusion of ideas,
loss of memory, impaired intellect,
dimness of vision, and dullness of hear
ing, are experienced, and in time the
brain becomes disorganized and tho
brittle thread of life is broken.
The more we learn of tho usefulness
of the great blood purifier, Hood 's Sar
saparilla, the more grateful we are for
this old and successful family medi
cine, which has accomplished so much
in removing scrofula, rheumatism and
catarrh and other blood diseases and
correcting run down conditions of tha
system. If you need a 'blood purifier,
get Hood's SarsaparillB.
National Defense Council
Will Soon Be Dissolved
Washington, Nov. 9. The numerous
subordinate committees of the council
of national defense, Including some of
the leading business men of the coun
try in their membership, will soon be
dissolved and eliminated from the gov-
Send a Tobacco Kit
to Some Boy Over
in France.
"Many times during the Civil war when we had finished a meal
consisting of a sip of weak coff , men who smoked took their pipes
and puffed away as though tbey were as contented and happy as at
home," said a Civil war veteran this morning in discussing tobacco
for soldiers. "Lack of food and insufficient clothing didn't affect
them as much as it did the few of us who did not smoke, and we oft
en envied them their ability t forget their troubles in tobacco."
Because the soldiers desire tobacco, the Capital Journal has ar
ranged to send tobacco to men in the service. Anyone may contribute
to this tooacco fund by send ing a quarter to the Capital Journal,
The kit contains a tin of pipe tobacco, two packages o twenty
cigarettes, three sacks of "the makings" seven books of papers, an8
there ia a stamped postal enclosed on which the rcciiient may write
a few words of thanks back to the contributor.
Send in your quarter now and join the list of contributors. Yon
won't miss the quarter and how happy it will make some boy
"somewhere in France."
The Capital Journal Tobacco Fund
In accordance with your offer to send popular brands of tohaceos and cig
arettes to our suidiem in Europe in units of 50e packages, each for 23c, I en
close f and will thank you to send the kinds I have marked be
low and enclose in each package a stamped return post card addressed to me
and comprising:
2 Packages of Lucky Strike Cigarettes, Retail at 20c
3 Packages of Bull Durham Cigarettes. Retail at 15c
3 Beoks Bull Durham Cigarette Papers
1 Tin of Tuxedo Tobacco, Retail at
4 Books cf Tuxedo Cigarette Papers
(Your Name)
(Street Address)
(Citr and Bute)
a ray noons
Tape's Cold Compound"
Opens Clogged Nose and
Head and Ends Grippe
Relief comes instantly.
A dose taken every two hours until
three doses are taken will end grippe
misery and break up a severe cold eith
er in the head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged np nos
trils and air passages-in the head, stops
nasty discharge or noee runnisg, re
lieves sick headache, dullness, fever
ishness, sore throat, sneezing, Boreness
and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed up! Quit-blowing
and .snuffling! Ease your throbbing
head! Nothing else in the world gives
such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold
Compound" which costs only a few
cents at any drug store. It acts with
out assistance, tastes nice, causes no
inconvenience. Be sure you get the gen
uine. ernment service. In making this an
nouncement, this afternoon, Director
Gifford stated that ararngements have
been made to perform their duties
through tho war industries board and
committees representing all industries
essential to the government war sup
plier tu, i temoa, nnot uojjh
eijt ir u rsujuof en. v pM
aa Titii say xvaoi M.as
4 J