THE DAILY CAPfTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCT., 24, 1917. SEVEN MM - NEW TODAY - CLASSIFIED ADVEKTISINO BATES Bate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word '. lc One week (6 insertions) per word 5c One month (26 insertions) per word - ITe The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements. Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately. Minimum charge, 15c. FOB SALE At a bargain, modern 6 cheap. 1630 N. Winter St. 10-24 WANTED TO BUY Fat cattle, will pay top price. Peoples Market. Phone Mi. tf WANTED Old couple to live on ranch and look after chorea. Q- W. Eyre, tf WANTED Woman to do -cleaning one morning a week. Phone 2144. 10-24 8TEAY HORSE TAKEN UP. Light bay. B. 4. box 22, 10-24 ITALIAN BEES FOB SALE Koute 1, box 2. 10 80 FOB BENT 3 heated sleeping rooms, close in. 143 Court St. 10-24 WANTED Fresh cow, heavy milker. Phone 827. 10-25 WANTED A eirl for . cooking and down stairs work. Phone 658. tf HAVE YOU WOOD SAWING I Call phone 7. tf GET YOUB TRESPASS NOTICES New supply of cloth ones at Capital Journal. tf NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING Apartments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tf WANTED To give contract to dig 5 ncrcs of potatoes. John H. Scott Phono 622. 10-24 WANTED A good farm hand. See J A. Mills, 320 State St. Phone 91F 15. 1024 CAbiiAGE FOB KRAUT Good qual ity, 2c pound delivered. Phone 48F11 or write Box 32, E. 8, Gervais. 10-30 WANTED 100 more or less good grade Angora goats. C. C MeCorkle, SUverton, Or,, B. 4. 10-24 WILL TBADE Two lots on N. Com! St. for auto or motorcycle. Call 1986 Chemekcta St. 10-27 FOB BENT .Close in modern 6 room flat, on and after Oct. 26th. Inquire at 695 N. Liberty. Phone 1351. 10-27 TEN CENTS A DOUBLE BOLL AND upward for choioe wall paper at Bu ren's Furniture store, 178 Commer cial SU tf FOB BENT Three acres, good house, barn and poultry park, bottom land, good for 1 truck gardening, milo west steol taridge. Box 50, B. 2. 10-26 8PITZENBERG AND BALDWIN Ap ples for sale, 75c per box. Mrs. Os car Meyer, Phone 64F21 evenings- FOB SALE Percheron mare, 3 years old, good worker; 2 year old Clyde colt; 1 year old Clyde 991 N. Cot tage St. 10-25 FOB SALE Or will trade for acreage close in, house, two lots near school fruit, good well. W, H, Box 40, Gen. Delivery. 10-24 LOST Brown and white terrier dog, finder please call 2F24, reward. Dog answers to name of ' Snickers." 10-25 WANTED Experienced timber man able to hew timbers, 2 or 3 months work. E. E. Dent, Jefferson, Or., R 1. Phone 49F23. 10-30 TWO BOOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted Good accommodations, to respectable parties, close to car, on paved street. Phone 1499M. 10-25 FOB TRADE 35 acres of land in Washington, 20 acres bearing apri cots, 15 acres plow land, to trade for city property. See J. A. Mills, 320 Mate St. 10-25 SNAP 220 acres 8 miles from Salem, about 90 acres in cultivation, bal ance in good timber, close to railroad good roads. Price per acre $35. 11 A. Johnson & Co. 10-25 FOB SALE OR WILL TBADE FOB property in or near Marshfield, Ore gon, Salem residence property of 8 room house and several lots, close in. Phone 1434. 10-25 WANTED TO BENT Stock ranch of 200 acres or more, will trade acre age valued at $3000 for stock and machinery. Address H. W. B. care Journal. 10-35 FxBM FOB BENT 120 acres Btock farm, 25 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture, plenty water, fair buildings on it, cheap for cash. Call or write J. B. Macy, Brooks, Or. tf FOB FORDS The Eisen Regulator Positively regulates yqour head lights, can't get out of order, lasts , as long as the car will- Free trial. Have one put on, takes 10 minutes. 143 Court street. Phone 1341B. tf FOB SALE Or will trade for farm property, 8 room house and seven lots, barn, chicken house, garage. Only 3 blocks from Court House and on paved street. Address C. D. care Journal. tf ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM DRY GOODS TALK-THE OUTLOOK FOR FUTURE Ginghams that we are selling at 15c a yard, is quoted at 17ic wholesale and will be a 25c "seller in the Spring. The same can be said of the heavy Quting Flannels that we sell at 1214c, now lTVfcc wholesale and advancing. The 3-lb. Cotton Batts we retail at 65c is worth 90c wholesale. All piece goods are ad vancing at a rapid rate. We will soon be compelled to advance our prices. So our advice is to anticipate your wants and stock up. Table Cloth, bleached, at 29c Yd. Nice mercerized Table Cloth at 45c and 50c Yd. ' Worth more wholesale. Ladies' Hosiery Our 25c ' Hosiery is worth $3.5Q per dozen today, and still . advancing. They will be 50c in the spring. Our Millinery is the best and our prices the lowest in the city. Let us show you. Sheets Men's Men's Wool 81x90 ' Corduroy Overcoats 75c ' Pants $2.50 $6.00 . Boys' Men's Ladies' Coat Sweaters Coat .Sweaters rri qu 75c 90c Union Suits Men's Union Boys' all wool Boys' Khaki Suits, winter Suits, color Outing weights nice patterns " Flannel Shirts $1.15 $5.75 50c . Men's - Silkoline Boys' blue Work Shirts figured, yard Serge Suits 65c and 59c wide, 12c $4.50 Felt Slippers-We have the best, Daniel Green makes. We have them for Ladies, Men, Misses and Children Now is the time to buy. Get in your supplies. Pay the slight advances, and some are not advanced at all. Avoid paying the big advance that is sure to come soon. 240 COXlEROAl STREET, SAIB1, OREGON HAVE TWO OBJECTS TO RAISE WHISKERS FIRSTJF THESE The Other to Get Their Picture, Whiskers and All, in Oregonian The business matters coming before the Public Service commission are not as a general thinir hiuhlv humorous. This is quite natural, for grade cross ings snaue more toward tragedy and car shortage is decidedly serious. How ever, an occasional letttor comes in from some one, generally someone who has a kick coming, or thtuks he has, against some public utility company, that is like a gleam of light throws, on a dark road. Such a letter was received; yeate day, coming from Pendleton &ud buiug written by Charles H. ttuUd. ductal was evidently mad clear through when he hit the type writer and poured out his woes, troubles and Auge. lie al leges that he wanted a phone moved by those in charge of the phones in that city. He asked the young ldy who chows gum and hands out information and bills for the public what "was the date of his phone being placed in his office, and was told it was October 2, 1016. He wanted this information so as "to avoid .paying an unholy toll to a heartless corporation for moving his phone," the price for the same Being arbitrarily fixed at $3.50, and aa tha date was September 30, he was wise to iitquire, as it meant $1.75 a day if he did not wait. However he was in a hurry for his phone and aa the com pany could not get an extra jam at him if it was moved after October 2, it was in no especial hurry to move it. Its manager, name Butcher, told Mr. Budd, so he says, it would be several days before the phone could be moved as there were 75 or 100 other phones to be moved ahead of his. Mr. Budd admits telling the manager WANTED Position in town, by young man. Phone 1737B. 1Q-3V CABPET AND RUO WEAVING Mrs. Lillio DcBord, 1898 Currant Ave., Balem. JL1-24 FOUND Mink furs, 2 miles thjs side of Mt. Angel. Owner identify at this office and pay for ad. 10-24 FOB SALE Estey organ, light oak pi ano case. Phone 267ffl, 1206 N. lth street. 10-30 T III II .1 BEANS We will pay cash for beans phone 222 or write and I will call on you. Chas. E. Lebold. tf FOB SALE Team, weight 3200, 6 and 8 years - old, also one horse weight 1350, 7 years old. 220 N. Frqpt. 10-26 A CHiLD DOESN'T LAUGH AHD PLAY IF CONSTIPATED If Peevish, Feverish and Sick, Give "California Syrup ofjsw ' Mother! Tour child isnt naturally cross aiid peevish; See if tongue is cat-J: this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or aet naturally, has stom ach ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gen tle liver and bowel bleansing should al ways be the first treatment given. .Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a tea apeonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged in (he bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless, delicious "fruit laxative," and it never fails to effect a good "inside" cleansing. Di rections for babies, children of all ages and grown ups are plainly on the bottle-Keep it handy in your homo. A lit tle given today saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist ror a Dome or camornia syrup of Figs," then look and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syr up Company." LOST Earring, diamond set in onyx. . either at golf links or on way to same. Beturn to Journal office. Bo ward. ' 10.26 tko ia w.a lvinor TTa pnnfARHAd the said manager threatened to throw him out of the office, ana to use nis own words added: "I told him about his r.nt,r lornnnv iridic of h arorin or 3.50 pv..j jw.vjw.j ... . n for moving the phone. The big stiff who is six reet ran ana weigns pounds threatened to whip me and throw me out of the office, which would have been worth going far to see. I admit that I have no great ac complishments to my credit but can -truthfully and conscientiously say that I have not yet met a corporation stool pigeon who could throw me out of place, let alone whip me." Mr. IRudd -gifts considerable other stuff that was bothtring him, off his chest and concludes a strong and vig orous plaint with a few thoughts on the commission, and on Oregonians and their ambitious defires generally. He concludes a remarkably frank state ment of private opinions thus: Ala livinc in Clrevnn t.WO VeaTS J realize that there is a class of peo- nld in (IrAOrnn WHO Bfiflm IO COme nere for only one purpose and that is to see if they can live nere imy jmma wnu out starving to death and how long the whiskers will grow on the male species, knowing that if successful, mnwna tiivill nfOP flpflth ttlA Til OTTl ' : -.nnn;an il afcnvf nt trnnii nAwR. might print their pjstures on the last page, wmsKers ana Tin. as a parting snot at ins coiuiuiheiiuii Uv buub. .1" tha tt-o lattAr T wrote von in regard to the power company, I stated that it FOB SALE At a bargain, modern ft room Dungaiow, paveu street, 101 au x200. See Rostein & Greenbaum, 240 Commercial St. 10-26 5 PASSENGEE FLANDEB9, 20, IN fair order, first $175 takes it, or will swap for Bmall roadster. E. N. . Walter, Turner, Or., B. 3. 10-30 MALE. HELP Civil service examina tion for postmaster at Salem No vember 14. Examination open to all citizens and appointment to compet itor making highest mark. Complete course of instruction and sample ex amination papers obtainable from J. C. Leonard, (former civil service examiner) Kenois Bldg., Washing ton, D. C. 10-25 sjc fc jJc )c )(t sc sfc jt js sfc sjc ( ss Woolen Rags 5c a Lh. ' Clean white cotton rags, 2c per pound; any auto tire with rubber on it, 5c per sound. We are also contracting for fifty carloads of iron. Phone us what $ you have. WESTERN JUNK CO. :e Salem's Leading Junk Dealer. Phone 706. N. Commercial and Centex Sts. 3C3iCSC3jC )f! j(c SjC i(C 3fC St J)S 3fC Another 100 Per; Cent Picture The World's Biggest Motion picture THEWHIP ' by Cecil Raleigh . and Henry Hamilton, produced by Maurice Tourneur It is modern. " It is about people of today. It has a thrill in every reel. It is clean. All men, women and chil dren with red blood in their veins will want to see it. Friday, Saturday and Sunday LIBERTY Farm and Crop Improvement Our policy of backing up t"he Farmer whenever possible is one which we be lieve not only helps him help himself but which contributes to the good and welfare of the community as a whole. We are interested in seeing greater acreage under cultivation in Marion County; in seeing improved -methods for producing and handling; in the bet terment of cattle, hog and sheep herds. . Tour money on deposit at the United States National Sank helps ns carry on this good work safely to both yon and . . this institution. . . ; . -., fealero Oregon gR flffl IffW !P s? W 1 n tf II II 11 tl II II II tl U a El ii m-mrn im rst fr n m Tl I lirtwist ihuxmi iwi ft, ttm itmummin a look Before You leap Also Look Before You Buy DAY. HERE ARE 11 II XI 11 a n a a i nt 11 If 11 II y ti ti ti ti ti ti u ti ti ti M fi ti il tl !! ti ti ti u WE ARE HAVING A FURNITURE SALE EVERY SOME OF OUR SPECIAL PRICES NOW ON: All Wool Art Squares, 9x12, regular $12.00, special A . $9.00 Union Art Squares, 9x12, regular $8.50, special $7.20 9x12 Rag Rugs, regular $12.50, special $6.75 85c Ingrain Carpel, special 55c 16-4 Printed Linoleum, special 75c $125 Ialaid Linoleum, special L.. ...... 93c 50-pound Felt Mattress, regular $12.50, special .....! $9.85 Full "size Floss Mattress, Art Tick, roll edge, regular $13.50, special . . $1125 Other Mattresses at Reduced Prices. fire Screens and Spark Guards, regular $2.00 Spark Guard, any size . . . . $1 25 Folding Fire Screens, regular $325, special $2.65 Folding Fire Screens, regular $5.50, special $3.85 Andirons One-Fourth Off. $12.50 Cast Iron Cook Stove . .$9.85. $12.50 Steel Cook Stoves .... .$9.75 A few used Gas Ranges and Heaters at very low prices. Couches, Davenports and Rockers at Special Prices.? C. S. HAMILTON House Furnisher, 340 Court Street it "m am mm iw im dim mm in tmumM m mi mm mi baa. m mmm mm mi t 11 M I M I t I I t t r i t t t t i t t i r t t t I I I I t f I I t t 11 t I I t I I I t t t If I M I t m tm mmum mi looked to me as if the public servico commission bad declared an open sea. son tor subscribers. After two years, my belief is strengthened." That is why the assertion was ven tured that Charles was mad. No sane person unless roiled would make such assertions about Oregonians having but one wild desire, and that to get their pictures in the Oregonian after death, or would have credited the com mission with having created an open season for subscribers of a public util ity corporation. They Jon 't need it. It might ne added the troubles he alludes to had all been adjusted before the letter was written. ? McARTHTJB 10AK SPEAKER. ; i r Dallas, Or., Oct. 24. (Special) Con grcBsman McArthur of Portland, to :iight addressed one of the largest crowds ever assembled in the Dallas high school auditorium. He spoke con cerning the liberty loan and showed how important it is that Americans fhould support this with their money to the limit of theit ability. Miss Rose Parrott spoke about the food conservation- campaign, detailing the urgent necessity of co-operation on the part of families in adhering to the programme outlined by Food Commis sioned Hoover. County Judko Kirkpntrick presided. BLIGH THEATRE TODAY VAUDEVILLE Bess Moore In all new songs and costumes Vitagraph Feature MARY ANDERSON in "The Divorcee" Special Two-Reel Comedy Buy a Liberty Bond Today BLIGHT THEATRE Funeral of Stuart Close Next Friday Afternoon The funeral services of Private Stuart Close who was killed at Kelly Field, Fort Sam Houston last Thursday, will fee held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the First Baptist church. The services will be conducted by the Rev. George F, . Holt. A. A. Hall, commanding officer of the Mexican Service Veterans with a detail will at tend the funeral in a military capacity and render appropriate military honors. Stuart Close was a member of the Seventy Sixth Aero construction corps, stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and was the son of Mrs. Adeline Close of 130! North Commercial street. Ho enlisted about a year ago from Grants Pass. He was 18 years old. A ltttor was received by Sirs. Close last Mon day in which her son noted his good health, although he had boon off duty from a sprained ankle. Mrs. Closo is a widow and moved to Salem recently to give her two small children the benefit of the Salem schools. The father died several years ago. For tho past two years she haa lived at Lebanon and prior to that time at Grants Puss. The ycamo to Oregon in 1903 from Minnesota. The three-cent stamp is already here, although it will not come into general use until Nov. 2, when it will take the place of the two-cent Btamp. It is of a pale lavender color with the face of George Washington. The three-cent stamp has been issued for several years and is an old friend of the postoffice employes. For the letter of one ounce, after Nov. 2, it will be the pale laven der decoration on the upper right hand corner instead of the pale pink. o The Standard Oil company expects every one of its thousrnds of employes to buy at least one liberty bond. In or dor to encourago its men to invest, tho company has arranged to carry bonds for its employes and permit they to pay at the rate of (10 a month. Should any employe quit the service before tho bonds purchased have been paid in full, tho company will take them up. As each employe now gets a yearly bonus, the company will allow the bonus to apply on tho purchase of the bond, if so de sired, llence it is a sure proposition that when any one sees an employe of the Standard Oil in Salem, there is tho assurance that the employe is the own er of a 2nd liberty bond. Theodore Kosloff, famous Russian dancer, appears with Farrar in "Tha Woman God Forgot." n TODAY Jack Gardner IN ' VUVH A IUVVV An interesting, compelling, at tention holding drama wound around the romantic character of a member of. the Canadian Mounted Police. Little Mary McAIister IN Mi "Do Children Count Stories" fi Jock UWarwr in "Open Places 3 If QUALITY CO MFORT SERVICE YE LIBERTY THEATRE "THE WHIP" Starts Friday. 4 Motion Pictures of Company "M Starting Tomorrow Tr-ken hst Saturday in Salem and other scenes of Salem and Salem people. See Yourself as You Looked Last Saturday Sartinr Thursday at THE OREGON