Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 18, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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    nra daily capital journal, balem, oregon. Thursday, oct., is, 1917.
Thousands of Bargains in the 5, 1 0 and i
10e Cream Oil Soap; an olive oil
toilet soap ; regular price 10c . . ,7c
BOc Liquid Veneer, regular 50c
dze 39c
25c Sanitol Liquid Shampoo .... .19c
$1.00 Odorone for perspiration , .69c
15c Rose Water, regular 15c size 10c
60c Klux Compound, splendid
lotion 39c
BOc Malvina Lotion, reg. 50c size 39c
10c Colgate's All-round Bath Soap 6c
10c Oatmeal Soap 6c
10c Jergen's Honey-smoke Soap. .6c
10c Jergen's Heliotrope Soap .... ,6c
25c John H. Woodbury Facial
Soap 19c
$1.00 Jergen's Perfumes 79c
75c Jergen's Perfumes ......... 59c
25c Eastman's Perfumes 19c
25c Colgate's Smelling Salts" . . . . .19c
25c Colgate's Brilliantine
Perfumes 19c
50c size of Colgate's Bay Rum. . .39c
50c size Colgate's Toilet Water. .39c
35c size Colgate Shampoo ...... 22c
40c size Jergen's Shampoo ..... .29c
15c William's Dental Cream 11c
15c Colgate's Dental Cream. . . . 10c
15c Colgate's Shaving Cream ... ,11c
25c Silly's Dental Paste 19c
25c Sozodont Tooth Powder 15c
25c Egol Shampoo Powder 19c
25c Woodbury Facial Cream 19c
25c Hind's Cold Cream .19c
15c Witch Hazel Jelly 10c
Hilbert's De Luxe Talc Powder,
large size .-.23c
Hilbert's Lilac Cream 21c
Hubert's Toilet Water .69c
Hubert's Rose Water & Glycerine 15c
Hubert's White Rose Talcum
Powder 48c
Hubert's Shampoo Jelly 23c
Hubert's Cold Cream 23c
Hilbert's Complexion Powder ...48c
Jergen's Perfumes at Closing Out
Sale Prices.
A wonderful line of
Dishes, plain white and
gold band, for 5c, 10c
and 15c
Hand Painted Plates 15c
Berry Bowls ..... . .15c
Large Rolls Toilet
Lead Pencils
Men's White Hand
kerchiefs .......
Peroxide, large
bottles 10c
Hosiery for Women and
Children, 2 pairs 25c
Women's Handker
chiefs, 2 for 5, 10, 15c
15c Basement
Corner Court and
Cecal Street, Salem
Members of Federal Adjust
ment &ard Will Leave for
Calif orcia Soon
Portland, Or., Oot. 18. Coast ship
yard labor troubles are near an end.
TJjo federal shipyard labor adjust
ment bard, hero now, will leave for
8a Praaeiaca probably before the end
of this week and there, with represen
tative ss? the unions and employers
from Seattle, Portland and San Fran
ciaea, permanently adjust labor diffi
culties. In tee meantime, arrangements are
actively nder way to reopen Portland
shipyards, closed for four weeks, with
the old orewi back on the job.
This was learned today from an auth
oritative source following a secret meet
ing 01 the federal shipyard labor adjust
ment board with union heads and em
ployers last night.
Uader the agreement readied between
the shipyard heads and the unions, the
yarjs win aot employ another man un
til die entire labor trouble is adjusted,
aad the anions will aot continue their
efferta t picket.
Managers of several plants appeared
at the police headquarters this morning
and asked that all men who had been
arrested last night for picketing, be
released. Sixty-one men who were not
able to raise bail of 140 arrested were
William Cornfoot, president of the
Albiua Engine and Machine Works, said
today that peace in Pacific coast ship
yards was not far distant. He believes
all the issues will be satisfactorily ad
justed within the next week or ten
days, and that in the meantime yards
now closed will resume under a tempor
ary agreement.
It is believed likely that the same
wage scale and general working con
ditions will prevail at all coast cities
under the permanent agreement to be
reached at the Ban Francisco confer
ence. Sunday School Rally
at Jefferson Sunday
A county Sunday school rally will
be held in Jefferson Sunday next. The
schools (participating will be the
Friends and Presbyterian of Marion,
the Evangelical, Christian and Method
ist. Episcopal , of Jefforson and the
Looney, Talbot and Sidney rural
schools. Following Is the program at
Evangelical church;,
10 a. in. Song and devotional service.
Jewels Miss Alta Patterson, Sa
lem, county superintendent of begin
ners and primary.
Teaching Prof. J. B. Hatch, Jefferson-Preparation
of the Lesson Dr. S.
A. Bowman, Salem.
The Cradle Holl Miss Fern Wells,
Salem, icountr superintendent cradle
Unusual Type of Under Sea
Vessel Arrived In New
York Today
?ew York, Oct, IS. A captured
German submarine arrived in New
York today. It will be placed on ex
hibition in Central Park, where New
Yorkers can safely view one of the
kaiser's under water terrors from ter
ra firma.
The U-boat is the UC5. It is a sub
marine mine layer and was, captured
by the British in the North sea. It
was brought here on the deck nf
The war tTophy was to bo carted
throuah the streets of New l'ork to tli9
park this afternoon. It. is being trans
norted in three sections. Its total
weight is 114 tons-
In Central Park, tne submarine wifl
be used as a rallying point for liberty
loan meetings. Mayor Mitchel wiil
make a speech from the conning tow
er of the U-boat at the first meeting,
urging heavy loan subscriptions to get
Americans at home from ever getting
a clone view of a "live" submarine
on the rampage.
The three sections of the U-boat
weighed 35, 87 and 42 tons, respective
ly. The boat, when reassembled, will be
110 feet long and ten feet wide. It is
of an unusual type.
Official Canvass Will Be Re
quired to Finally Determine
Final Result
Des Moines, la., Oct. 18. Whether
Iowa will be constitutionally dry will
not ue decided until the official state
canvass is made within the next two
weeks, it was apparent todav. Tabulat
ed returns from all of the 99 counties
in the state, carefully checked, today
gave the wets a majority of more than
800 votes. While somo of these figures
tabulated are unofficial, the majority
are me nnai counts as certified to the
secretary of state here by the county
The totals today were: Wet (against
passage) 214,634; dry (for pnssazci
Thus far no complaints of ' fraud
have reached state officials. Whether
the dry clement would .contest a wet
victory is not known. The dry head
quarters have not conceded defeat
thus far, but haro made no claims of
If Angels Win Today Wiil
Force Seals Back Into
Second Place
W. L. P.O.
San Francisco Ill 9U .532
Los Angeles 109 89 .551
Halt Lake 97 92 .513
Portland 95 . 93 . .503
Oakland .-. 96 103 .482
Vernon 79 121 ;396
Yesterday's Results.
At Oakland Oakland 7, Portland 2.
At Salt Lake Salt Lake 8, Ban Fran
cisco 7.
At Vernon Vernon 1, Los Angeles 7.
San Francisco, Oct. 18. As the Coast
league pennant race approached its
close, the Seals, whose lead has been
commanding for weeks, found them
selves hanging onto the top oi the lad
der by a bare finger hold. A defeat
for the Seals today and a victory for
Los Angeles will put the Southern clui'
at the top of the heap and Hau Fran
cisco in second place.
The standing today is:
Won Lost Pet.
San Francisco Ill 90 .552
Los Angeles 109 89 .551
This is the closest race the Coast
league has seen in many years.
Kavy Versus Army.
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 18. Plans are
rapidly being completed today for tii
great army and navy football game at
Harvard stadium November 3.
According to reports, the teams wi'
represent the best material from both
branches of the service. The plan is to
bring together tho greatest aggregation
of football players ever gathered in this
The game is. in aid of the war camp
community fund.
Millions See Her Every Day
" . IkscV'v' - : i i
I VI f 0 V I 1 J
1 5 I I i I u
U " If 'J..; !i
roll department.
12 m. Basket dinner.
2 p. m. Song service and devotions.
2:30 Business session.
Onr Besponsibility to the Boy Will
S. Hale, Oregon state training school,
Bound table Our problems.
Special meetings at Chrittian church
10:30 Will 8. Hale, for boys over 10
At the M. E. church:
11:15. Miss Grace Sherwood, black
board demonstration for junior and in
termediate teachers and their pupils.
2:30. Miss Alta Patterson, for be
ginner and primary teachers and their
pupils. SHand table demonstration.
Russia Regards Peace
Offers As Hypocritical
Washington, Oct. 18. Russia re
gards the kaiser's peace offer as
''hypocritical, enigmastic and even con
trary to the reichstag resolutions," ac
cording to a cable to the Russian em
bassy today from Foreign Minister
"The German government does not
renounce a German peace which con
flicts with principles of law and jus
tice," said Tereschenko. ''It would
Onlv Consent to tiasiia njas.ttativm s.n
the basis of maintain! no tK ,.nn,j .signmont had a lot of
territnrio. Int calves which made the
JJ'. i MO. DVU1V jmi MOJ
One of the most beautiful of all ex
louenls of ths true dramatic art, Elsie
Great Horses to Race. r'ergugon, the popular stage star, now
Laurel, Md., Oct. 18. Omar Khay- ippears before more people In one
yan, Hourless and Sunflash II., face Bgut tnan sue heretofore entertained
the barrier nere tms awrnoon ui wuui h. govcral months. The answer is nio-
is expecteu to be the greatest race ever (Ion pll.tures and this Is one of the
run over tne turei traep. thief reasons why artists of the spoken
Th real contest is between Hourless . lll,.,, ' .
and Khayyan. Sunflash is an a.Kled ....
started, entercrl to comply wun ciin - "--. m
rules, and may be scratched at the lat talents of such celebrities as Elsie Fer-
minutc. ftison coum never be rulllllea were it
In their previous meeting, Omar hot for the scope of the motion pic-
Khayyam beat HourlcsB. xnat was in
the Lawrence realisation stake at Kei-
mont Park last month. If Omar tuiay
yam repeats, he will be considered the
nndinTiuted champion.
The course is ever a milo and a nuav
ter. Each horse carries 126 pounds. The
purse of 10,000 goes to the Red Cross,
no matter wnien nuru mm.
ure. TV here previously It took her an
entire season to tour only the lnrg
cities of the country It now takes lici
approximately one month to reach
every town and hntnlct In not only
tills but other countries. Miss Fer
guson's first photo piny, "Barbarj
Sheep," jnst released by Arteraft Pictures,-
is meeting with public favor
everywhere, and through the power ol
the screen she lias nlrendy entertained
twice as many people In n tew weeks
as the number she appeared before dur.
Ing her pust throe seasons In Ihcab
sia has announced the principles for
which the free people of Russia arc
righting. With regard to this Ger
many has made no open and frank
reclaration, always proclaiming the
supremacy of force to law, awaiting
tne moment wnen she will have the pos
sibility of consolidating her attained
conquests by force. "
Jersey Cattle Sale
at Monmouth, Monday;
Prices Paid Are Low
Monmouth, Or., Oct. 18. A combi
nation sale of registered Jersey cattle
was held Monday by Frank Loughary
& Son and G. G. Hewitt at Luckiamute
farm near Monmouth. Colonel J. W.
Hughes was the auctioneer and labor
ed hard, bnt the prices were below
the worth of the offering. The bv
young bull
averaee low.
oemg sjiyzu. iar. iiougnary
restitutions which would be decided .? . . .r.T7. BflVe a
upon at the peace conference itself. ' ' j X who i,T . ,nth " PT
if,.. !.; v.i n -j. !P'e who had a booth on the ground;
. , T. V. " 'J1"1 1 Congressman McArthur disposed of
general aims, fund.
formulated the allies'
Tereschenko said:
"On the other hand.
renewed Hus-
One-half Pound of our famous "Home Made"
Ginger Snaps to each purchaser.
2 Loaves of Bread 15c
Made from the Best Wheat "The Home made Loaf,
with the Home Made Taste."
Pies, Cakes, Pastry at moderate prices.
Visit Our Bakery Saturday and get our
Free Ginger Snaps.
Bodenhamer & Covey, Props.
179 N. Commercial St Old Statesman BIdg.
Following is a list of the sale:
Consignment of Loughary Son
' Practice at Night.
New York. Oct. 18. Columbia Uni
versity's football squad ia engaged in
ncftrchliirht practice tnis wee. i nucr
iroinir intensive training, luc recmu
work all afternoon and keep it up af
ter dark. Angus Mv.Oabe, who was ex
pected to star at quarternae.a mis sea
son, Is out Because oi ncari iruumc.
Golf Stars to Meet.
Boston, Oct. 1H. Chick Evans and
Francis Ouimet will meet here October
27. Ouimet is now with his regiment
but a furlough has been granted for
the two golfing stars as the proceeds
will go toward purchase of atliletie sup
plies for soldiers.
4 year old bull, Noble Kniperor, I'
8. SOflH, 11. ('. Hold to . II. Damnifies
Oresham. for $12.'.
7 vear old brill, Octavia's Duke, It.
O. 102270, S. Holt, Thomas, 1 10.
11 year old cow, Fadoma't Pansy,
212572, Frank Welch, Haiem, $lo.
6 vear old cow, Ijiie.kiamute a I'et
316,079, Dr. M. S. Skiff, Salem, $Hi0.
2 year old cow, Iiuckianinte 's 1'a
loda, 390,288, A. J. Wiegand, Wiuloek,
Wash., I2!S.
1 year old cow, I.uckiamute's Pet,
Gretta, 390,2!4, John Williams, As
toria, $70.
0 year old row, IiUckiamutc's Pearl,
290195, John Williams, $200.
year old eow, B. B. Oolda of I..,
2424K, A. li. ( handler, fltK).
1 year old cow, Octavia's (iolda of
L., E. K. Allen, Tangent, $95.
4 year old cow, L. I'rincilla. 3.1S723,
Mrs. V. O. Powell,- Monmouth. $1N5.
it "S.
aaaafcs4BaBaaAaaw at ! nWrlfi. T"miTrIa-l I MlliWrilUll lirf MssaV Att.d.X W mMtik.iM.
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City Food Aid Committee are traveling about the city on a truck and demonstrating
many new war recipes for making foods, all nourishing and cheap as possible. The
photo shows the wagon stopped on Fifth Avenue while the women demonstrated the
arts of making the foods.
1 year old cow, Priscilla Marella, The first football of the season is
203298, A. Latimer, Amity, $60. j to be played next Saturday aftcrnooa
7 year old cow, Melia Ann's Golden at 2:30 o'clock on the high school ath
I.as of h; 281361, J. E. Latimer, M-,,ctio fiel(l between the Salem high
Minnville $110 ; school team and Ncwbcrg high. Accord-
veorgc n. uimyeoinne,., Sewbf.re wa. .,. VPnT .... kinfl. nhl
J"" w, .,auy jorin s juaj-1 1, k.. ui jk . ,i ' v,wl
tiaifon, $95. '
1 year old Vow, Noble
L., 3(17075, A. O. Latimer.
year old cow, L. Primrose, 378500,
' ' ' Uf all the AVillametio Valley High school
; i'i1; ' athletic lngm. The junior class of the
!!T... o-ur,,n i'j'gh school will boost tilings along Fri-
A. ,W. lloimnu, Albany, $90
fl montlis old heifer, Princess Prim
rose, J. E. Gibson, Point Terrace, $5.').
4 year old cow, L. Little Darby, 338,
izt, iv. ji. McsafooHe
1 year old cow, L. Julia, 390289. A
i. jonnson, coiviiiiis,
day evening by holding a bonfire nt
tlie athletic field and doing sometliiii!
of a wi'nt.ino (iiuicc down town, ,pist
to ginger up the spirit of the seniors.
Mnnnwmfli I 1 "IlCipai d. t:, APlann, WtlO IS piCMI-
Schod Athletic League has called r
meeting of the league directors for next
6 months old bull, L. Emperor, 155, i Saturday morning to dirouss tho seW-d
uiu iur me romuig inoi.rail season.
A California inventor's suilcase is
provided with legs and can be un
folded and set up to form a writing
desk. Also, it might be trained to get
up and gallop out of a baggago room
when the cops come to pinch what it
has carried across the line from California.
140, J. W. Ilolman, $25,
3 year old cow, L. Lottie. 3(17008,
a. ifenssiioiT, Aisca, 11411,
2 year old cow, L's Ijottio Linda.
390297, John E. Gibson, $75.
4 year old cow, L's lane v. 338725.
t'oweil & Hon, Monmouth, S2I5.
t year old cow, L's ravnetto 390293.
a. v. iatnucr,
2 year old cow, L's Flenrctta, 338-
729, E. Walton ft Son, Aurora, $195,
1 year old cow. L's FlosHie. 390290.
McArtnur & mauir, Jicrrv, ess.
3 year old cow, L's Beatrice. 3381
727, decree A. Phillips, . McMinnville,
ti months old bull, L's Noble Duke.
a. r;. wieganu, zu.
2 year old cow, L's Ladv Octavia
338730, Clarke llembree, Alonuiouth,
2 year old eow, Noble Grace of L.
3117073, Jones Piater, Amity, $140.
o months old hull, L's J den! Duke.
.1. E. Finnieuin, Amity, $30.
1 year old cow, L's Oueene Edna,
.wvzi;, T. r'. unison, Jfalwy, $03.
1 year old bull, Leda's Noble of L-
155137, J. E. I-atimer, $55.
1 year old bull, (iolden Fern's Noble
of L., 15513H, E. It- Allen, $45.
1 year old cow, L. Ittv, 390292.
McArthur & Stauff, $75.
6 months old heifer, Loluvia's Priu
ss, 590300, McArthur & Stauff, $70.
1 year old bull. Ninette's Duks. 155-
134, John Williams, $43.
1 year old cow, Ijitnne'n Lola of L.
130707, A. B. Iliutz, Jefferson, $95.
Heifer, L's Itana, J. A. Keynohls,
mlependenee, $00.
Consignment of O. O Hewitt
5 vi.'ar old bull, Coblen Fern's No
i!e Jr., I(t374tt, (ieorge II. Withy-'
ombe, $125.
(1 months old bull, Edith s Oxford's
Boy, 0. F. (iibtton, $55.
3 -'ar old cow, Ladd s lcvina, 327-
851, S. 1. McKeo, Independence, $215.
year old cow, Fontaine's Ladv Anne
McArthur & Stauff, $75.
4 year old eow, Miss Jnllv Fern,
314493. C. E. Hildciil.rant. Silver. $225.
year old bull, E. W. Hoiieyman.
'hilomath, $105.
3 year old cow, lad s Viava, 33S24'I,
J. W. Parker, Yahmill, $210.
I year old bull, John E. flibon, $100
1 year old cow, Lad's Lcola. 363978.
A. S- Janner, Sheridan, $120.
2 year old cow. Hwee-t Dorothy's
Beauty, 34927(5, A. Dieckhoff, $305"
1 vear old eow, A. B. Chamller, $yi.
4 year old cow. Lad's Uertie B.. C.
Dieckhoff, $190.
4 year old eow. Lad s Ormada. 338-
45, J. W. Parker. $240.
Sour Stomach
Eat slowly, masticate vonr food thor
oughly, abstain from meat for a few
davs and in most eases the sour stoni
ach will disappear. If it does not, take
one of -.namierlain s lahlcts immcdi
awiy arxer supper. Ked meats are
most likely to rause sour stomach and
you mav find it best to cut them out.
The In-
liany r ood.
Mniim drliratm
bohin healthy; JreM
heatuty uatiiei well, J
"JWai la Motan' Milk"
A Perfect Food also far Invalid.
SV. ll'O. Tin.
Pbyictn's Big."-.-'' In francisKO CmL
" nrrvrv a i r
Bluebird Feature