SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, OCT., 2, 1917. A SOLDIER APPRECIATES HIS TOBACCO i I -x. WHITE SOX TRAINING FOR WORLD'S SERIES Exhibition Games with Cleve land Indians Provide Light Practice Kvcty soldier gets lonely nnd home Kick sometimes. The heart that beats beneath bronze buttons nnd khaki is utill only human, of course. And when one of our boys gets that lump in his throat ho just ean't swallow, there seems to be nothing that helps quite so much as a good, cool, soot hi irj dmolie the kind of smoke he used to linvo hack homo. . (looil smokes have been pretty Hcurce in the trenches. Rue we've made it ho easy for the folks at home to send the right kind the boys want that now there's really no excuse any more for them to bo without them. Twenty five cents stmt to our To bacco Fund will purchase almost twice us many smokes ns you enn buy your nolf over the counter. They come pack ed in.a nice little kit, ready for send- Hero's 45 eonts worth of to bacco which is gent you your quarter: A pnekngo of Tuxedo tobac co and four books of cigaretto papers. Three pouches of Bull Dur ham tobucco and three books of papers. Two packages of Lucky Strike cigarettes, twenty cigarettes in each package. A return postal card ad dressed to the contributor on which tho soldier will pen his appreciation and gratitude for the gift. s)t )c I ing; and in that -it is a post card, : stamned and addressed to tho nerson who gave the quarter. The French and American govern ments and the Hcd Cross help us do this. The tobacco is admitted duty free over there and the American stamp brings back tho message to you, direct from the happy man who received your smokes. And when you rend that soldier's message, you will sav that it is the biggest quarter's worth of satisfaction you over got for the money. Try it and see for yourself. Pntliliouse John is turning to poetry, which is one effect of political bossism that has never hitherto had to be Beck oned with. By H. C. Hamilton (United Press staff correspondent) Chicago, Oct. 2. The White Sox, minus the services of the two famous Kddies Cicotte and Collins hit Clevo land today as it was a kiah snot. After an exhibition game at Cleveland, tho wnitc )5ox and Indians boarded a train for Chicago for another game before the big series begins. The exhibition games will not be easy for the White Sox, for tlicyare scheduled for hard practice right up'ton tho minute of the battle with the tii ants. Thursday thev will assemble at White Sox park and will put in the OLD FOLKS NEED "CASCARETS" FOR DIVER, BOWELS Salts Calomel, Pills Act on Bowels Like Pepper Acts In Nostrils Enjoy Life! Don't Stay Bilious, Dick, Headachy and Constipated Get a 10 cent box now. Most old people must eive to the biiwvls- "Oiiie regular help, else they iincr irom constipation. The condition is perfectly natural- Jt is just as nat ural as it is for old people to walk slowly. For age is never so activo as morning going over their plans MS tlufcP-'PUJJi- ..TJjfc. muscles are less elastic. big struggle. Friday will be an off day Collins, Cicotte and Kid (Reason were at Fhiladelphia this aftfrnooB, probably to look over the Giants, al though Clarence Rowland deaied he wanted any great amount of informa tion about his opponents. Collins lives in Philadelphia and went there as a, sort of holiday, according to Rowland, taking Gleascm and Cicotte. They were to leave Philadelphia at 4 o'clock, go ing direct to Chicago, where they will join the club tomorrow. '"'" . Kddie Cicotte, Red Faber and Claudo Williams will get their final prepara tion for the big games tomorrow. Each of them is scheduled to work throe in nings against the Indians. Every regu lar will te in tne lineup. Howand has not made ui his mm as to the pitcher for the opening date athough it is generallv considered the Giants first will face the shoots of Eddie Cicotte. Rowland considers it not improbable that some other hurler will prove himself equal to famine the Giants in the first contest, giving him tho opportunity of reserving ' Cicotte for use on the first day away from nome. it Has been pointed out; how ever, that it would be possible for ,Ci cotto to work both the opening game at home and the opener in New YoTk,'so itowlana s uncertainty may be count cd as a negligible factor. Ho has practically made up his mind to start McMullin at third base in the big games, with Weaver at shortstop COAST LEAOUS STANDING. W. L. P.O. San Francisco 102 , 83 .554 Los Angeles . 98 84 .538 Salt Lake 90 84 .517 Portland 88 85 .509 Oakland 89 94 .486 Vernon '. . 74 111 .400 . Yesterday's Results. No games, teams traveling. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Counterfeiters at Work Council Passes Ordinance Forbidding Scalping Chicago, Oct. 2. The 1917 model counterfeiter doesn't bother with such trifles as (20 bills or (10 gold pieces. He goes right out and tiies to bunco the public with phoney world series tickets according to tho national com mission. The commish let the world know to day that the big city slickers can't put everything over on it, "Hnsclmll patrons are warned against purchasing world- series tickets except through the regular channels," read an (iiinotnu'emctit by the commission. "It has been reported that a plan for counterfeiting world series tickets is un der way. This information is believed to be correct." The commission also admitted its nliility to Sherlock Holmes the festive . speculator. I "Plans have been formulated where by tho management can trace tho tick ets that have been resold," it announc ed. "Tho management reserves tho priv ilege of refin ing admission to any per sons on tickets purchased from specu lators." For the Information of tho commis sion speculators are said to have been offering grandstand seats at downtown hotels last night face value iN.SO for three gaiues for the insignificant price of (35. The city council last night passed a special ordinance against ticket scalp ers and added a resolution instructing tho White Sox to lam tho stuffing out of the Giants for tho honor and glory of Chicago. GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST Chuck Wiggins Won. Toledo, O., Oct. 2. Chuck Wiggins, Indianapolis lightweight, won from Joe Chip, Allentowii, Pa., in a 12-round en gagement hero last night. Tho hoosier lighter won every round except the eleventh. New York, Oct. 2. Billy Miske, St. 'Paul's inneliino gun hitter, will meet I Clmrley Weinert for the second time to night at the Broadway Sporting club. i ansae's snowing against Curl Morris has boosted his standing among the heaviest. Smith to Met Dempsey. San Francisco, Oct. 2. Gunboat Smith and Jack Dempsey will meet at Keereation l'ni-k tonight in n four round ! bout. Smith is the favorite in the bet ting, Tho referee has not yet been Bad Stomachs The Penalty Stomach sufferers should take warn ing, (lull stones, cancer and ulcers of the stomach and intestines, auto intox ication yellow jaundice, appendicitis, and other dangerous ailments are some agreed upon of the penalties, .Most stomach, liver; and intestinal troubles are quickly over j Martin la Leading, come with Mayr'a Wonderful Kemedy. i Saa Francisco, Oct. 2. Speed Martin This favorite prescription has restored I who. was turned back to Oakland re nillions of people. lA't one dose of cently by the St. Louis Browns, is lead Wnyr's Wonderful Itemedy prove to ina ho " Cast league pitchers, accord day that it will help you. For sale by ' jllg to BVOrnges announced today. He J. C. Pcrrv. druggist. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT C. B. Clancey has purchased the retail floral business of C. F. Ruef and will continue to use Mr. Ruef's products. Mr. Clancey who has been connected with Mr. Ruef for past year will continue the business in the same careful and obliging way. All orders will be given prompt and careful attention. The very choicest flowres and plants only will be carried. Mr. Clancey solicits the patronage of Salem's best people 123 Liberty Street rhone3Sl DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY Try This! Hair Gets Thick, Glossy, Wavy and Beauti ful at Once Immediate? Yes! Certain? that's the joy of it. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a Dnnderine hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a cloth with a littlo Danderino and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strnnd at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or exces sive oil, and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin, liesides beautifying the hair, Dander ino dissolves every particle of dandruff cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and fall ing hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair fine and dony at first yes but really new hair grow ing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots" of it, sure ly get a US cent bottle of Knowlton's 1'nuderiiie from any drug storo or toilet counter and just try it. American League, W. Chicago T 100 Boston 89 Cleveland 88 Detroit 79 Washington 71 New York C9 St. Louis 57 Philadelphia .. 54 National League. New York 95 Philadelphia .. 86 St. Louis 83 Cincinnati 78 Chicago 74 Brooklvn 88 Boston ft) Pittsburg .. 54 L. 54 59 66 75 79 81 97 96 62 70 76 78 78 79 96 P.C. .664 .601 .571 .513 .473 .460 .373 .360 .648 .581 .544 .507 .487 .466 :'.470 .360 And the bowels arc muscles, So all old people need Cascarets. One rouBftt.; a well letuse to aid weak eyes with glasses as to neglect this gentle aid. to weak bowels. The bowels must be kept active. This is important at all agesj but never so much as at titty. Age is not a time for harsh physics. You'h may occasionally whip the bow els into activity, unt i lash can't be used every day. What the bowels of the old need is a gentle and natural tonic. One that can bo constantly used without harm. The only such tonic is Cascarets, and they cost only 10 cents per box at any drug store. They work while you sleep. Secretary McAdoo Appeals For Boys In France Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 2. William G. McAdoo, secretary of the treasury, to day dulled upon a great crowd which filled Tomlinson hall "to give the boys who have given their lives the means of defending themselves," in appeal ing for support of the second liberty loan. ' ' ' We want to let the boys, who are giving their lives, know that the line of communication ,three tousand miles wide and imperilled by the deadly sub marine, is protected," he cxmtinned. "We want them to know that Am erica will protect them with tne entire resources of this country; that if need be, we will surrender every dollar of property we have to the government. "We must be willing to sacrifice all our money for them as we know they are willing to sacrifice their lives for us." The secretary pointed out that the government does not ask a dollar ex cept in return for a safe investment. "If one single loan offered to the American people should fail, it would be a more fateful disaster than the loss of a great battle," McAdoo asserted. The thing that is underneath every war and without which war cannot pro gress; without which national security cannot be secured, and without which the wheels of government stop; without which all the affairs of American life could not live, is mon"ey." " year, the capacity of the plant doubled After the work of evaporating prunes is under headway, the Witten berg-King company will put its men n the field contracting for loganber ries at four cents and strawberries at five cents a pound. Capital Journal Want Ads Gets Results. regon Fruit Co. BEAN MILL S. P. Hop Warehouse Open for Business. Bring in your Beans. Free Storage 5000 Sacks just received. Address all Correspondence s to Oregon Fruit Co. Salem, Oregon CLOSED SHOP IS ONLY MATTER OJ SETTLED All Other Matters In Dispute In Portland Strike Have Been Agreed On Portland, Or., Oct. 2. Only adjust ment of the closed shop demand pre vents settlement of tho shipyard strike hero it became known today. Other is sues have been adjusted at the almost continuous conforence between strike leaders and shipyard heads. G. Y. Harry, federal mediator, how ever, is more hopeful than ever of an early settlement. ie predicts that the men will be back at work within a few days. . Working at Astoria. Astoria, Or., Oct. 2. The shipyard and lumber workers strike hero has been practically broken, mill and ship yard heads claimed today. All mills aro running as usual and more men are returning to the shipyards each morn ing. The yards will have full crews by the end of the week, the managers de clare! .. The Coal Strike. Washington, Oct. 2. A compromise wage advance offered the bituminous coal miners' in the joint conference here today was rejected by the United Mine Workers. Efforts to reach a satis factory adjustment will continue. has wou-six and lost three games, with and average of .667. Ericksou, of San Francisco, whose average is .659, is sec ond, but he lias participated in 41 games and won 27. Food Prices Doable Because Nation-Wide Strike Paralyzes All Industry (By Charles P. Stewart) (Tinted Press Staff Correspondent) Buenos Aires, Oct. 2. Food prices, already doubled by the general strike, trebled today when the last line of com munication between the city and the outside world was closed by strikers. Decision of stevedors, who joined the strike, tied up the entire port of Buenos Amos. All railroads are already stopped. The government still withheld a dec laration of martial law throughout the nation. Such F stop had been advertised as likely to be effective yesterday. No explanation was given of the delay. Oreat suffering has been caused nnumj.tlie poorer classes by scarcity of food, particularly milk. Famous Singer May , ' Buy Farm In Valley Mmp Alma Webster Powell, the pri ma donna who sang at the state fair was wonderfully impressed with the Oregon climate and remained in the city several days as the guest of Sir. and Mrs. J. O. Hall. She not only was greatly interested in this part of the west but expressed her intentions of returning next summer and investing in Oregon property in this part of tho Willamette valley. Mine Powell is the owner of an 800 acre farm in Massachusetts devoted to the raising of fine stsi'k and for this rensou was interested in the stock ex hibits at the state fair. Through arrangements with tho war department, Mine Powell will go to France this winter to give song recitals for the soldiers. Besides being n famous singer she holds the degree of LL. B from the Vniversity of New York and the degrees of A. il. and I'll- IX from Columbia University, New York Citv. By reason of thorough distribution with the drug trade in the United States and lower Belling c-osfcs reduced prices are now possibio lot Eckman's Alterative FOR THROAT AND LUNGS Stubborn CouKhji and Colda No Alonhnl, NarcoUo or Habit-fonnhiff Draff $2 Sizo $1 Size Now $1.50 v Now 80 Cts. EclrmaTi Laboratory. Philadelphia. Coast Guard Vessel Rammed and Sunk Washington, Oct. 1. A coast guard vessel on patrol duty off an Atlantic port, was rammed and sunk today, the navy deparment was advised this "after noon. The name of the vessel ramming the patrol boat has not been announced. The accident occurred early today. Work of raising tho sunken vessel was begun at once, the department stated. Every effort is being made to ascer tain the identity of tho - ship which crashed into the patrol boat. The navy department was advised later that there had been no casualties, though, a patrol boat carries about 125 men. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Afraid to Eat Wealthy Dyspeptic. Dies of Starvation An inquest was recently held upon a wealthy man who had died of starva tion. He was a victim of digestive trou ble and afraid to eat because of the pain which alwavs followed. This trag ic proof of the folly of dieting should serve as a warning to those reader wlio experience pain and unpleasant ness after eating. It should be remem bered that indigestion, dyspepsia, heart burn, flatulence and wind are usually t symptoms of excessive acidity and food fermentation. Tho acid retards) digestion, turfs tho food sour and causes fermentation and wind. UDvious ly, therefore, it is acidity which ia the root cause of practically all forms of digeBtice and stomach trouble, and that is why physicians advise suffer ers to take Bi-nesia after meals. Bi nesia is not a drug or a medicine, but an antacid and food corrective which can be obtained in either powder or tablet form Irom high class chemist everywhere. A teaspoonful of the pow der or 2 or 3 of the tablets taken in a little water after meals is sufficient to inBtantly neutralize acidity and pre vent all possibility of the food fer menting; and if dyspeptics would only adopt this simplo precaution they would soon find drug taking and diet ing unnecessary. Bi-nesia would enable them to eat hearty meals without fear of pain to follow. COL. WILLIS GOES EAST Lieutenant-Colonel Percy Willis, U. S. A., arrived here yesterday from the Philippines, accompanied by Mrs. Wil lis. They are on their way to Boston, where Colonel Willis has been assigned to duty in the coast artillery corps, to which branch of the scrvico he be longs. Colonel Willis was appointed to the) army from Salem, Or., in 1901. He had been a major in the Second Oregon and saw service in the Philippines in the) Spanish-American war. Colonel and Mrs. Willis are guests of Colonel Wil lis, brother, Eugene Willis, 663 East Ninth street. Colonel Willis will prob ably leave for his new post of duty the last of this week. Oregonian. CATARRH of the BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS Yinrh Cad- Me bears the (M1DY1 f name W I Beicare a f counterfeit Wittenberg-King Plact Gathering Employes for Beginning Season's Run Beginning next Monday, Manager Walker of the Wittenberg-King com pany will have charge of the plant on North Front street and may be seen at the plant by those seeking employment. Everything is almost ready for the operating of the plant and within a week or ten days as soon as employes are secured all will be ready for busi ness. Just at present prunes are being tak en in and shipped to The Dalles plant. Large quantities of prunes are also be ing placed in cold storage here. It is expected at least 123 will be employed iu the work of evaporating fruits thit fait, and within ((nother ASTHMA SUFFERERS . D 17" ress i our Cor 30V I will send you a $1.00 bottle of my Guaranteed Remedy for Asthma, on trial. Send no money. Pay after taking, if satisfied. Kemedy gives quick relief Una cured many after everything else failed. Mention nearest express offiee. Address George D. Hoover. Mfg. Phar- Capital Journal Want Ads OeU Beeults. macist, Dept. 67, Pes Moines, Iowa. il tal Ml II mil am ill urn - n 13 11 11 EJ 11 ri 11 II II n Now more than ever there is a growing demand for a good strong suit for the i boys. The Corduroy Suit has filled this demand more than any other line of Tl eoods and now that vou can eet a Cravenette Cordurov Suit this stvle will W become more popular than ever. uvoy iiJa4HlaiAaalSsfcJlssMlfc(B J SttMlttsAMHabsh JHti 11 II II u II n u ii ii M 0 w 11 M 11 11 El ti a ii ti ii ti ii si ii ti ii n ii ti ii n il tl tl u For good service the Cravenette Corduroy Suits will give better wear, stand rougher usage, will not show soiled spot so quickly and will cost less than any other grade of goods. " Everywhere the Cravanette Corduroy Suits ever before. Values $7.00 and $8.G0. SALEM -WOOLEN MILLS STORE are being worn more than It tl N II ma n tl ii II II tl tl II tl II tl 11 tl II 14 tl tl tl tl