THE DAILY CAPITAE JOURNAE, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUG. 20, 1917. St H ere's the ill Better Willard Here's the Willard Battery with Threaded Rubber Insulation which made such a remarkable record in two years' test on 35,0p0 cars. . Come in and let us explain the vital importance of this better battery insulation in postponing the day of repairs. . V Don't forget, either, that we're still on the job to help you get long life and service from your Battery. AUTO ELECTRIC SHOP 418 Court Street 1 STORAGE BATTERY I.- II V I CI I IQVHlardT t y breaded Rubber Insulation j r I ITALIANS BEGIN (Continued from Page One.) By William Philip Slmms (United Press staff correspondent) With the British Armies in the Piold, Aug. 7. (By mail) British tanks, so bedaubed with mud and slime from Flanders quagmires that they look like moving mountains, are spreading tcr tot among the Germans. The gigantic -dlfoodismore I I daintily seasoned when you use y LESLIE SALT in the convenient sidespout pck eg 1 THE ONLY INDEPENDENT BAKEET IS SALEM IS HIE MODERN BAKERY 439 COTJET ST -WE SELL 2 LOAVES OF BREAD FOR ISc mud turtles lumber and creak through the bogs, spitting red flame from their mud-encrusted guns and creating panic wherever they operate. One lone tank today reported the capture of sixty Germans near St. Ju lien. While wallowing along to the enemy line, the monster encountered one of its kind stopped by a direct hit from a German anti-tan gun. The uninjured charged the gun and literally smashed it out of commission. Eight Germans were captured here and turned back to the advancing British infantry. The same tank, creenine along, aided in the capture of Pom- mern redoubt and Pommern castle. It crossed the deep cut marking the re doubt and sent word back that it was clear of the enemy. Meanwhile another tank crashed its way through the castle defenses, while the Germans fled pre cipitately. Advancing intantrv round the defenders massed in the redoubt position which the first tank had clear ed. More tanks were summoned. Four slid roaring over the redoubt and took it, the Germans surrendering. Then it was discovered that the detenders had first fled from the redoubt to the cas tle and theu back from the castle to the redoubt. There was no other place to flee to after the redoubt was for the second time under attack, since the first tank which had reported the re doubt clear, had covered the rear. All prisoners frankly confessed their pan ic at the steel monsters. Tanks Cross Canal Crossing of the lpres canal by these tanks under constant shell fire and gas clouds was one of the great feats of the war. But te secret of how it was done will not be told until the war is over- ' The monstrous strength of the giant miles, extending from Avocourt wood tc Bezonvaux. For a week now guns on both sides of the Verdun sector have been violent ly active. The roar approached drum fire yesterday and the infantry eame into action immediately afterward Front dispatches today fold of des perate fighting in these clashes, ex tending into a great struggle over the whole of the 12 miles. French troops forged ahead at numerous places. Haig Announces Galas London, Aug. 20. Further gains in the Yprcs sector were announced by Field Marshal Haig today as tho se quel to vigorous fighting last night in Flanders. "Our line was slightly advanced sourheast of St. Jlinsholk," he de clared. The British commander in chief al so reported repulse of a German coun ter attack against new British posi tions southeast of Epeky. There was violent fighting in this sector. South of Lens the British troops made a successful-raid. Thanked the Navy Amsterdam, Aug. 20. Kaiser Wil helm expressed formal thanks to the German navy for "preventing the ene my breaking through on the Flanders front," at his. recent inspection of the German base at Heligoland, according to word received hyere today. The emperor was accompanied by Admiral Von C'apclle, minister of ma rine and Count Von Holtwndorff. He was escorted by a flotilla of heavy and light cruisers destroyers, submarines and seaplanes. FRANK DERREL THE HUNAN FLY. TONIGHT Wili Climb Marion Hotel at 7:30 and May Try Court House Tomorrow Frank Derrel, "the human fly," will give an exhibition of his skill this evening at 7:30 by climbing the Marion hotel. Derrell is the only real genuine human fly, outclassing all others in his line, who are only gnats and mosquitoes in comparison. He climbed the radio tower at San Diego as one of his stunts, and this is a trip up an almost smooth wall for 600 feet. He has climbed the most difficult buildings in the United States, and can outclimb anything in existence except the wojld-be society women who arc forced to climb a purely imaginary family tree. Derrel requires something more tangible than that, hence con cedes -he society dames can beat him. He intends to climb ths court house tomorrow, if he can get permission of the couaty judge, which he expects to do today, and will make announcement at his climb tonight as to whether or not he will make this one, and if so the hour. Derrel is Raid to be the most persistent fcuinan fly in existence sticking to a wall like a real fly to the smooth Md of a bald headed man and apparently having no more diffi culty in negotiating a wall than the house variety of fly has in scaling the parapet and dancing on the hurricane deck of n hairless victim. ELL-A MS Absolutely Removes Indigestion, One package proves it 25c at all druggists. GREAT WALKOUT (Continued from Page One.) ably not over two thousand men in the four northwest states walked out as a result. -s The I. W .W.s demand an eight hour day, better sanitary conditions and re lease of "war prisoners" and a class which includes a large number of in terned Germans, slackers and Indus trialites. Army authorities here today began WW. " :f SI ! If ' " J if . n "The Captain of the '.. Grev Horse Troop" is the first Hamlin Garland story to reach tho screen. The photo- drama, which comes to the Liberty theater on Tuesday, has unusually pic turesque qualities. Writing with the purpose of presenting tho problems of tne American Indian, Mi.. Garland hit upon a charming romance. the story in brief tollows: Cantam George Curtis, of tho Grey Horse Troop is detailed to a Tctong reservation as agent to displace tho cruel, oppressing Sennett. Curtis believes that the In dians can be developed, educated and made happy by kindness. He finds the settlers, cowmen and sheep herders an tagonistic. They want the land for graz ing their stock. . Jtilsie Brisbane, daughter of ex-Sen- ator Brisbane, is staying at the agency to paint Indian pictures. Tho displaced aeent, Sennett, is her uncle, and nat urally she comes to think Curtis unfair in ejecting the man. But, as Curtis goes steadily lorward in his plans, she is made finally to realize how right he has been. The settlers provoke trou ble, an Indian kills a herder who at tempts to insult his wife, and mobs threaten the reservation, Curtis arrests the murderer, convoys him to the near' by nail, averts the mob rule and, in the end, wins not only triumphant acclaim for his theories, but r.Isie as well. T nf-ium , mii hi m my r i , n ,i . rm ... n ., ,. , ..n , , . , . , , fa m I 11 1M b GUUU PULIUY an investigation of the plans and ac tivities of I. W. W. leaders, following the arrest yesterday r James Rowan, in charge of the strike here and a num ber of leading I. W. W.s. Rowan was arrested bv Maior Wil liams and a squad of euardsmen at the W. W. headquarters. The I. W. W. did not offer resistance and outside the hall a double column of soldiers with ! Ii tllfl TnHuotrialWn.. V.... 1 t. I t-d through the streets. Street Speaking Stopped. A crowd gathered and followed the rested agitators. "I've wired Hay wood," one man yolled at Rowan. "No talking to men in the ranks," major Wilkiug commanded. The investigation into the activities of Rowan and his associates is being made by army authorities. No charges have been placed against the men. Twenty seven men were arrested. Following the refusal of city author ities several weeks ago to prohibit I. W. W. street meetings, Major Wilkins to day ordered all street speaking by the agitators stopped. Soldiers today patrol tho streets on which the I. W. W. have keen holding meeting.. Army authorities are determined to stamp out the I. W. W. movement in this district. Spokane has been center of I. W, W. propaganda ror mouths. Strikes in the Idaho Panhandle and eastern Montana were conducted from Spokane. Litera ture was sent from here to all points in the northwest and agitators met here and planned new campaigns. To Buy Your MEN'S AND BOY'S ii ICLOTHINGII 11 H M (I U li II ti it 1! S! IJ 13 II .' fl li II If II If II II II M -AT- THE HOUSE THAT GUARANTEES EVERY PURCHASE THE HOUSE WITH A CONSCIENCE THE CORNER STORE, STATE AND LIBERTY iPffff WfW 9 It li it II ri ti ii li U fi IJ n ri ti Ready to Shoot Portland, Or. Aug. 20. The Pacific Northwest today is prepared for the I. W. W. Armed farmers in the Inland Empire sharp shooters with the rifle ever handy are oiganized into a Bemi-mili-tary organization in practically every county. Like the minute men they are ready to take their guns and repel an attack. Sheriffs in every Oregon county have named a force of special armed depu ties the best shots in every commun ity to repel an I. W. W. invasion. Spanish American war veterans are or SALEM WILL LINE UP FOR ONE DELIVERY It Is Not the Delivery System But the Abuse of It Needs Correcting This it what one of the Teal progres sive merchants of the city said this morning: ."Salem may be a trifle slow and inclined to look with suspicion on everything new that is proposed, but gauized in a number of towns. Troops the chances are it will line up on the are scattered at convenient points t! , . . , , , jiMiiiiiiui juurim-iit in rpgaiu to Hie 00 livering of packages. It is not the delivering of packages, but the abuse of the d livery system that should be changed. It is quite often that fam ilies require from the same store, three to four deliveries a day." At the meeting of tho Business men's tnrougnout tne rour states. In Ada county, Idaho, a force of 825 deputy sheriffs today is ready to take the enthusiasm out of the I. W, W. They are well organized and can take the field on short notice. Guardsmen at Port Angeles, Wash., yesterday wrecked the I. W. W. hall throwing the furniture out on the street Tuesday evening, this delivery and dumping I. W. W. literature iuto the harbor. Corporal Egan, who is al leged to have led the militiamen, is under arrest today. prencSi Attacking Today Berlin, via London, Aug. 20. Occu nation of Talou ridee bv French troons turtles creates constant amazement, without fighting, was announced in to- violeat French assault is in progress over a NO DELIVERY. OUB MOTTO: "QUALITY AND PEICE." i THIS ' IS THE PLACE TO GET THE BEST BREAD IN SALEM AND SAVE MONEY. NO STALE BREAD FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE. jUne tank encountered a nuge imiy ia-'dayg Offjciol statement. A I den motor lorry. stucK in a diten. it j-rench assault is in pr. i stopped and obligingly hitcned tne front of more thau fourtCen miles-, ac- iruui axies ou a us iutu cording to the war office. lumbered ahead. There was a crash and ( Gn both banks of the Mcusc, the yens or dismay irom iuc ioiij unvcr. French this morning attacked mag The tank had pulled out the front wheels, the motor and part of tho WTifA ii'i new battle of Verdun, ex- (Ccassis. . . . ,. , . 'tending over a front of 12 miles, rrom j One tank, running without "guts Avocourt wood to north of Bezonvaux. jcrashed iuto a railway engine, knock- ig ,jcvei0p;ng to the advantage of the ine it off the track. The tank s crew, vnv, not a bit dismayed, promptly went over "Numerous prisoners have already janci pusncu me eiiK'uvj "-. " been taken. The bravery exhibited oy ! rails again, sending it xiff puffing eon-'the p,,,,,,!, troops is incomparable." jfentedly. The war office also detailed a vio- British Tommies have named the ,ent eontinuation of the artillerv duel monsters curiously. One encounters in Begjnm jn the Champagne sector !such names as "Gog, Ariadne, Beelze- the p,.ench efficaciously bombarded Ibub, Bloodstone, Black Arrow, Bally eerman positions and took manv pris jHaclcIe, Coquette, Crusader and Gon- onerg in rgid Around Badonvillers a idolier." . .'German raid was repulsed. This latter tank's crew had a good. jn upper Alsace the statement re i laugh at the expense of a German aero- portej considerable artillerv activity, i plane. The flyer tried to fight the v Qf the fighting on the northern and great lumbering caterpillar. It swoop- eastern fronts, the statement said: !ed and ducked and rattled great sheets i In tne oituz vallev there was stub iof bullets. All rattled harmlessly born fitting, the Rumanians are, re iagainst the tank's impervious . hide. ' 8;st;g attempts to drive them back to iThen the aeroplane gave up in dis- ward the Trotu9 valley." 'gust. On the Russian front the statement I . reported: Fierce Battle at Verdun ,.0n thc we5tern bank of the Sereth ' Paris, Aug. 20. A new and terrifie an(j at jiaraseti railway sttion, 2200 ;battle .was reaching the climax today prjsoners were taken in stubborn strug ; around the bloody ground near Verdun- gies." i Todav's official statement declared, ' the fighting had "developed in our ad- Germans Forced Back vantage. The-conflict was over a front ur ad- Germans Forced Back London, Ausr. 20. By sheer weight of 12.of steel, the British forced continued recessions of the German lino in the Ypres-Poelkapclle sector today. A brand new battle wrinkle greatly aided the British drive. It was the use of tanks equipped with smoke devices. permitting the lumbering war machines to progress enveloped in a veritable fog which prevented accurate location for the artillery. The British losses have been extra ordinarily light, considering tho in tensity of the drive. The crumbled, shell "torn ground conquered, however, showed heavy German losses. Airships Drop Bombs London, Aug. 20 "Many tons" of bombs were dropped on the Ghent rail way station and siding. Thoront sta tion and the Bruges doi ks last night by British seaplanes, an admiralty state niTt nrnonncp.1 today. Yesterday morning the Germans attacked the aer idrome at Snellingham and in the en suing battle one enemy machine was downed. All British machines were un injured. Italian Drive Winning. Rome, Aug. 20. Italy' great of fensive had spread violent fighting over nearly a hundred miles of front in the Julian, Carso and Isonzo fronts late today. The Italian drive, begin ning last night, was reported as ex tending everywhere, with splendid progress and great captures of Aus trians. , British and French gunners are co operating with General Cadorna's troops. Every inch 'of Austrian de fenses from the Julian Alps to the sea is undr the pounding fire of the allied artillery. Bad For The Irish. , Butte, Mont., Aug. 20. An aggres sive alliance between the Industrial Workers of the World and the Pearse Connolly club, a radical Irish home rule organization, is the most menacing as pect of Butto's labor troubles today. James Larkin I. W. AV. leader, is known to have had several conferences recently with officers of the Irish or ganization. Much secrecy surrounds the conference and the plans of the two organizations. " The Pearse Connolly club was much opposed to the United States entering the war on the side of England, staged an anti-draft demonstration early in June and opposes the government at every turn. Eclward Byrne, Jr., agent of the de partment of justice for this district, and his representatives are gathering evi dence to deal swiftly and severely with instigators in Montana and the north west, Montana district attorneys were in structed to prosecute immediately those men whose activities could be construed as hostile to the government. Larkin did not leave for Portland to direct the general walkout last night as he announced ho would. He is extreme ly busy here working quietly. Authori ties are watching him closely. Citizens Aroused. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 20. No I. W. W. disturbance in western Washington or in the vicinity of Seattle had been reported early this morning despite the threats of the organization to call a general strika in the state today to en force the demand that I. W. W. held in jail in the eastern part of the state bo released. Spanish American war veterans of Seattle will organize tonight "to put down street treason." They claim that appeals to constitutional authority hare been fruitless. Governor Lister, in Tacoma, in com menting today on the general strike threatened by the I. W. W. to enforce demands that members of that body in jail in eastern Washington be released, said : "The time is about here when we shall find out whetnr one man can give orders that jail doors shall be open ed or he will cause the fruit crops to lot on the ground." Governor Lister met with the state council of defense at Tacoma today. It is thought here ho will lay before the il a definite plan of action to check any disturbance by the I. W. W. Los Angeles, ( a!., Aug. 20 So great has been the exodus of members of th'i I. W. W. from southern Ciilifornia to nmise proposition will be taken up There seems to be a general agreement that under the present war conditions, everything that can be done in an economic way should be done, and one of these is the reducing of the over head expense of useless delivering. One of the plans is to provide each house with at least one delivery a day. In some lines, such as meat markets, an early morning delivery and a 2 o'clock in the afternoon delivery will prohably soon be established. The grocers may also fall in line with this system, although there las been no meeting to arrange for a uniform sys tem of delivery. This will be discussed at tho 'meeting tomorrow evening. The Meyers department store is fall ing in line with tho national movement, initiated today in Portland, by making two deliveries in the morning and two 6 FOR CRACKED and CHAPPED HANDS Dennis Eusatyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUG STORES j TUBKS 25C JARS 600 join tho "armies" in the northwest, that not enough men remain here to launch any movement. This is the concensus of opinion of thc I. W. W. who met Sunday to dis cuss the local situation. "Southern California is not immune from an 'attack' however," one speak or said. "Our great army is mobile and some day it may visit southern Califor nia, to correct some of tho existing con ditions which are far from satisfactory to us. Much depends on how the attack on the northwest ends." Russia Will Reject Pope's Peace Proposal Washington, Aug. 20. Rejection by Russia ol the pope's peace proposal was forshadowed in an official state ment issued this afternoon at the Russian embassy. The Statement fol lows: "The answer to tho Vatican's peaco proposal has not yet been formulated by tho Russian government, but there is a feeling in Russia that the proposal has been made with some inspiration from iho Contral Powers. It is con sidered in Russia that the very basis of the Vatican's proposal is inconsistent with the democratic aims of the Rus sian people in this war and non-acceptable from thnt point of view." It was explained the inconsistency of the Vatican '8 proposal is that it recognices the right of Serbia and Belgium to independence while leav ing open tho argument at the poaco conference disposition of Alsace-Lorraine :ind the liberty of the Juogoalavs and such other nationalities as may ex press a desire for autonomy or indo dependenco. Tho Vatican's proposal, it is snid, ignores the most vital principle proclaimed by Russia tho right of each nation to determine its own destiny and thus leave the fate of certain subject nationalities in tho hands jf other powers. in the afternoon. In the long run, tho customer pays for all these extra deliveries. In this national economic movement, it now seems up to the customer to display some patriotism and be contented with at least but one or two daily deliveries. Anyhow, it is evident, the majority of merchants firmly believe the deliv ery system lias been overdone and that something should be done to prevent the delivery of small packages. The only new thing about, food con trol is that the government is to do the controlling. TRY JOURNAL WANT IDS fh r TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TOO . A Picture of the Great West, showing Life ss It was in the Days of the Prosecution of the Indians and the Great Debt which we owe them Captain of the Gray Horse Troop Featuring Antonio Moreno and Edith Story Watch Announcement of Goldwyn Program LIBERTY THEATRE Also Two Good Vitagraph Comedies 5. .. . .. ........ ' ' ' ' M"' 0 Thvee I The Photo Dramatic Event of the Season I starts Days I Tomorrow 'CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG?- IN "COMMON LAW" Starts Tomorrow BLIGH THEATRE Matinee and Evening Robert W. Chamber's Seven Acta Z2