THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1917. SEVEN "HEEZA BOOB" By Mort. M. Burger nH iid hnoK.HAl' MtEt A PRIErtO OH Mlft& HEAEr- AT- O WiSJftSr- IOM& match puwJ) You5TOMg PS1 7Yr CAtv&r 1 I Ihe Daily Capital Journal Classified Telephone and Business Directory Quick, Handy Reference for Busy People tMttttMMMM? , Telephone EVER V THING ELECTRICAL IBalem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, J 27 North High Main 1200 TRANSFER AND DRATAGE Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 74 M nam. HI e FOB SALE HEADER, DOES THIS INTEREST youl We have five acres of good soil close to carline, well drained, spring "' brook crossing the place, convenient to city, cheap for cash; also a com- fnrtnhla hnuAA'-in lintH- Salom -and good lot, price $750. Terms easy. Call 470- Square Deal Realty o- FOB BENT FOB RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, reasonable. 855 N. Commercial. tf OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WOL TOM Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksvillo, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col. lege. Offices 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence 1820 Court. Phone 2215. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St. Main 120. Main 9888. STOVE REPAIRING BTOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 60 years experience. Depot National and American fence. Sizes 20 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. SCAVENGES , BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of. all kinds removed on monthly contracts t reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & xjush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, on approved Security. Homer H. Smith, Boom 5, Met ornaek Bldg., Salem. Or- LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. 6240, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. B. F. Day, V. C. ; J, A, Wright, Clerk. -.! LODGE No. ' 4.' A.' F. ft' A. M . Stated communications first ' Friday In each month at 7 :80 p. m. In the Masonic aempie. rrea a. juciuure, w. Al. S. Z. Culver, secretary. A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No: 2, meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Geo. F. Masou, M, W.; S. A. 'McKadden, recorder ; L. Brown, Financier; B. H. Raymond, treasurer. CENTRAL LODGE NO. 18, K. of P. Lerby building, every Tuesday evening of each week at 1 :80. John ijlilup, C. C. : W. B. Gilson, K of it and S, SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY-D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tlllson. secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary lor investigation. DB MOLAX COMMANDERY, No. 6, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., In Masonic leinpie. sojourning Blr Knights are courteously Invited to meet with us. Glen C. Nile, B. C. ; H. B, Tuielsen, recorder. BALEM COUNCIL No. 2022 Knights and Ladies of Security Meets every 2ad and 4th Wednesday each munth at Hurst Hall. Visiting members are invited to attend, is. Walton, financier, 4HO S. 14th Street. PACIFIC LODGE NO. SO, A. F. & A. M. - Stated communifatious third Friday In each mouth at 7 :30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. W. H. Dancy, W. M, ; Ernest U. Clioate, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in Derby bldg., Court and Higa streets. A. J, Sweinlnk, C. C ; L. 8, Geer, clerk, 507 Court street. Phone 583. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m.. In I O O F hall, A. A. Gueffruy, M A ; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug store, 338 State street. B. N. A. "Oregoa Grace Cam.D" No. 1 360. meet every Thursday evening la Derby ana i.aiKy Duiiuing, court and nigh streets; Mrs. Sylvia Scbaupp, 1971 Market,' oracle; Mrs. Maliasa Persons, - recorder, 1296 North Commercial. CmtBOPBAOTIO-SPiyOLOaiST DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If yon have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and get well. Of fice 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank building. Phone Main 87. Residence, Main 828R. WATER COMPANY BALEM WATEB COMPANY Office eorner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills payable monthly in advance. NOTICE I write insurance in the best old line companies, against Fire and Lightning, and live stock against death or accident from any cause- G. W. Laflar, Salem, Or. 8-30 Some say a baseball player ought to be just" the fellow to throw hand grenades. But something like that was said of pianists when the type writer wap new. And it wasn't true. l TRAVELERS' GUIDE I OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. KOBTH BOUND Lv Salem Train No. Ar Portland 4 :35 a m 2 Owl 6 :50 a m 7:15 am 6 8 :l!f ni 9:45 am 10 Limited 11 :35 a m 11:20 am 12 1:35pm 1:50pm 14 4 :00 p m 4 :UO p m .... 16 Limited .... 6 :50 p m 6 :3 p m 2U 7 :40 a m 7:65 pot 22 10:OOpm SOUTH BOUND FOtTLAiD TO &ALE1C Lv Portland 6:3i) am Salem8:35; Eugene 10:53am 8:3'lim S Limited 10:11am 10:45 am 7 ........ 12 :55 p in 2 :05 p m 9 4:15pm 4:40pm .... 13 Limited .... 6:40pm 6 :5 p m 17 Local 8:10 pm 9:20 pm 18 ll(pm 11:45pm ...... 21 Owl 1:55pm busts aoujw Lv Corvallis . Ar Balem 4:10pm ........ 20 6 :3o p m Lv Kngene " Ar Salem 7:"5m .... 10 Limited .... 9:45am 1 :.'.." pm .... 10 Limited .... 4:00 pm 6 :25 p m . 22 T :65 p m 12 :li5pia 2 Owl ...... a a m aODTH BOUKD Lv Ralem Ar Eugene 1:55 an ...... 21 Owl 6:50am 10:15 am B Limited 12:25 pm Lv Salem Ar Albany 12:55 pm 7 1 ;C0 p m : THE MARKETS t sc sfc sjc sjc sc jjc (c sjc sc sc sc dc s(c The following are quoted higher to day: Oats, at 00 and 05 cents; butter- tat at 44 cents; country butter at 35 cents;- hens, 12c and broilers, 19c. The lower quotation is tor watermelons at $1.25. Grain ' Wheat $2 Oats 6065c Barley, ton $40 Bran $38 Shorts, per ton $40 Hay, cheat, new $17(fi)18 Hay, vetch, new $17(fl3 Hay, clover, pew $1516 uutter Butterfat 44c Creamery butter, per pound 40c Country butter 35c Pork, Veal ana Mutton Pork, on foot 13y2(5)14 3-4c Pork, dressed 18c Veal, fancy 9(5 Be Steers ,. 67c Cows 4(q5e Bulls : 45M'C. Spring lambs , Do Lambs, yearlings 7c Ewes : 45c Eggs and Poultry Eggs, trade 3Se Eggs, cash 33c Hens, pound 14c Broilers, live, over 2 pounds 19c Hens, dressed, pound . 22c Frys, dressed 30c Vegetables Turnips, bunch 40c Cabbage 2i42c String garlic .'. 7e New potatoes . , 3V2C .Green .onions-.- i... , 40e Onions, in sack , .. $1.50 cuenmuers 40c Oregon tomatoes $1.251.50 Figs and Dates Black figs 10c Golden figs , 15c Dromedary iate ., $3.75 Fard dateg 7. $2.25 Fruit Peaches 6075c Apples , $2 Pears ...... Plums zJlL- $1.251.50 Apricots . - ; $1.401.50 Oranges, Yalenciag ..,....;..;..... $4 Lemons, per box $7.758 Bananas, pound 0 c California grape fruit $3-50 Honoy $4 Cocoanuts $1(0)1.10 Cantaloupes $1.102.50 Watermelons $1-23 Retail Prices Creamery butter 50c Country butter .. 40c Eggs, dozen '. 40c Sugar, cane $.su Sugar, boet .; $9.30 Flour, hard wheat $3.10(5)3.25 Flour, valley $2.903.05 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., Aug. 10 Wheat: Club $2.35 ' Red Russian $2.32 Bluestem $2.40(5)2.45 Fortyfold $2.35(52.37 Oats, No. 1 white feed $4848.50 Barley, feed $4(46.50 Butter, city creamery 4445c Eggs, selected local ex. 38c Hens 16c Broilers 1618c Geese 8c Daily Livestock Market Quotations Portland, Or., Aug. 10 The follow Stops at Corvallui Lv Salem . Ar Albany 4 :15 p m 9 -. . 6 :10 pra Ar Albany 7:35 am I,T Salem Ar Eugene 5:45 pm IS 8:50 pm COKVALI.IH C'OJiNKt--riO KOBTH BOUND 8:S5am 10 9:45am 12:12 pas 14 1:45pm Lv Corvallla Ar Salem 2 :41 p m 16 4 :00 p m 4:10 pm 20 5:30 pm 6:18 pm 22 7:59 pm SOUTH BOUND Lv Salem Ar Corvollls 10:15 am 5 11:33 am 4:15pm 9 (:38pm 12 :55 p m 7 2 :20 p m 6:40 pm 13 . .- 8 3Kpm Salim-Geek Lisa No. 7.1 Arrives at Salem 9:15 am No. 73 Leaves Salem 9:50 am No. 75 Ar Salem (mixed) 2:00 pm No. 74 Leave Salem 8 ;05 p at o connection soutn or teer. Salem, Falls Citt and Wester No. 161 Leaves Salem 7:05 am No. 103 Leaves Salem 9:35 am No. 1H7 Leaves Salem 3:45 pm No. 169 Leaves Salem 6:o0pm No. 164 Arrives Salem ll:O0am No. 166 Arrives Salem 3:10 pm N'A 163 Arrives Salem 5 :35 p m No. 170 Arrives Salem 7 :20 p WOODBUBS-SPBINUFlKLD-GEEa BRANCH No. 76 leaving at 9 :50 a. m. and No. 75 arriving at 2 p. in., will it discon-tinued as passenger trains. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE" Oregon City Tran0poriatvm Company Boats leave Salra for Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 a. a. ; and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 6 a. m. For Curia 1 1U the boats leave Salem Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8 o'clock. Boats leave Port land for Salem at 9:45 each morning. WILLAMETTE YALLEY NEWS Fruitlaad and Prelum (Capital Journal Special Service) Pratuiu, Aug 10. Little Ralph Coul- son has been ill and needed the aid of a doctor. Edua Voght has gone to Portland to work for her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lucas Voght. . ' The Misses Dorothy and Naomi Run ner and Hannah Lambert, who are del egates for the Y. P. A. and Sunday school convention, winch is being hold at Jennings lodge, are visiting in Port land this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dcvries and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Devries and family and Chris Steambeck motored to Quinaby Sunday to attend tho camp meeting The Lattin and Alfred families nave moved back home after camping for three weeks at Roberts berry ranch, where they picked Logauberricsi the pickers got 30c a crate; all did fine, even little Ruth Lattiu making high as $1-50 a day. ;. Mr. and Mrs. Amos isegley and son of McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Steiner and family of Pratura took dinner with Geo. Kleen and family Sunday. Servicoe' were conducted at the M E. church at Pratum Sunday by Dr. Talbot of tho. university. August Kutner and wite are out joy riding in their Maxwell. Mr. Roberts treated his pickers to a big blow out Tuesday evening, it be ing the last day of picking. W. R. Lattin has purchased 10 acres of land adjoining his place, known as the Mcllwaiu place, he aUo has built a new porch, painted his house and im proved it &a such an extent that it is the nicest home in Fruitland. The Ladies Aid society , of tho M. T. church of Pratum had a'grand and glorious time Wednesday afternoon when they went to, have a good old fashioned serenade on Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, . who were recently marriod at Salem by Rev. John Ovall. The cou ple were much surprised and received many useful presents, too numerous to mention. All enjoyed themselves after which a grand lunch was served of everything you could think of to cat. Those present were Mosdaiucs Frazier, Powell, Dick Kleen, Theodore Klcon,. Rainsire, Al Myers, Iseubeck, Witham, Oscar Myers, Albert Leycty, Herman Dovrics, Geo. "Kleen, Silkc, Clarence Johnson, Margaret Bishop, Lydia Pow ell; they all departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Anderson good luck and happi ness in their future life. Who's next? WacondaNews Wacomla, Or. Aug. 10. Miss Alice Palmer of Salem visited Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Palmer. Mrs. D. M. Kccne and children, Cath erine and Clarence, are visiting this week with relatives in Woodburn. Mr a. W. Thurman is a recent pur chaser of a new Maxwell. Mrs. M. J. Kesslcr who has been quite ill is able to be around again. A. M. La Follette and L. Townsend were in Portland Wednesday on busi ness. Miss May Patterson who was oper ated on at the Salem hospital is report ed to be improving. Mr. Henry Stafford was a Salem vis itor Wednesday. Mr. Albert Egan lias been visiting in Portland a few days of this week. A fire of unknown origin destroyed the home of A. E. Evans last Thursday evening. The building was so dry that it burnt to the ground before anything could be saved. Mrs. E. P. Habert and son, Walter, went to Portland Thursday to spend a week with friends and relatives. This week will see the finish of lo ganberry picking around Waconda. From all reports the crop is about one third short. TheWaconda and Gervais Ladies' Aid societies met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Harrison Jones o sew for Mrs. A. E. Evans. Threshing of Spring grain is well be gun in this vicinity showing a yield somewhat below expectations. Asphalt, which was known to the an cients, is said to have been employed as a binder in masonry by the Baby lonians. ' , It's all right to lay something by for a rainy day, but don't invest all the money you have in umbrellas. Phila delphia Becord. t ing arc today's livestock market quo tations: Cattle Receipts 222 Tone of market weak and 25c lower Best beef steers $S(6 8.75 Good beef steers $7(5 8 Best beef cows $6(0,7 Ordinary to good cows $4(6 Best heifers $0 25(5 7.25 Bulls $4.50fi;6 Calves $8.50fe9.50 Stocker and (feeder teers $4.50(& 6.75 Hogs Receipts 238 Tone of market strong to 15c higher Prime light $15.79(815.35 Prime heavv $15.00(5. 15-75 Pigs $14(5-14.50 -Bulk $15.60 T - Bhe'ep Receipts 611 Tone of market steady Western Iambs $12(5 12.75 Valley lambs $11 Co 11.50 Yearlings $S. 75(5 9.25 . Wethers $S(at.50 Ewes $3.50(57 "fir Closing Oil all sTSyffi!fffi. -n gn-4" :i 1 - '" 111" " "".-.'..".J11 AH Ladiss Pumps, up to $5.00, all sizes and leathers, nowgo at All CMldren's Barefoot Sandals, up to $1.75, most all sizes, goat............... ... All Children's Black and White Tennis Shoes, up to size 2, goat All Women's and Boys' Black and White Tennis Shoes, up to size 6, go at ( AH Men's Black and White Tennis Shoes, up to size 11, goat Ladies' Dress Shoes, all sizes, up to $5.00 grades, to close out ... Men's Dress Shoes, all sizes, up to $6.00 grades, to close out Big line Ladies' White Canvas Pumps, up to $4.00 grades, to close out $2.95 .95 .50 .65 .75 2.95 3.95 1.95 We have experienced men to fit Arch Supports and correct all foot ailments; ccnsultaion FREE Wednesday of each week is RUBBER HEEL DAY when we put on all 50c New Live Rubber Heels at one-half price . . . HANAN SHOES BALL BAND BOOTS WITCH ELK BOOTS t 326 STATE STREET PHONE 616 ' HEFMCE EDUCATOR SHOES DUX BAX OIL FOX PARTY PUMPS . Next to Ladd & Bash Bank