TAAEE llllll lilliiiiililiiilllllllllllliilililW hi uiai ma ii ii in am raj mm mm ma ui mmwt 19 W W WW WZI WSJ n ri ii ii ti u ii II S3 II II 11 The HOOSIER Thermometer Says Cooler Kitchens for 14 More Salem Women" ybu gcf jour MONEY For your work on the farm where you have patrioti cally done your share, in feeding the world, and you .Official Notice To 'Stop TIi til! are ready to shed your work clothes and it V- RESS YOUR BEST COME TO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAE, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1917. 3 ml M . x ' For The '- fyly. Last Time ft Remember 8 a. m. tomorrow and be here as soon after that as yon can!. For only a few, a very few Hoosier Specials remain x for the final day of the Hoosier cut-price sale. And these few may be taken and probably will be before night! That closes the ale. There will le no more at this reduction when these are gone. The maker has given us official notice a IoUowb: Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets cannot be void at reduced price after Suturday. Restore your retrular price 55 higher cm Monday. Reports from all states in dicate the most successful sale In Hoo aier's history and thousands of women made happy. Yours truly. HOOSIER MFG. COMPANY. Valuable Hoosier Features' Thpro 1b plenty of mihum pored room abovo nni around tho poroeliron work-tablo. No owe Jens little partitions to chop op theiace. The Hoosier gives you b biu table Bpnoo to work nn It givoa you VI vital points not found In all other cabinets oombinetu Here are five, 1. All-Metnl, GIiisa-Front Flour Bin . Genr-Driven fabnker Flour Sifter. 3. Storage Spnco for 400 Articles, all within arm's reach 4. lnift'iilouiIJlK-CapacJt7 SasmrFtn. 0. Tle New Roll Doors that you can sllii out for clean tutf. $ Benjamin Brick AND LET HIM FIT YOU OUT IN U n u ti u :lothing i$ate, Furnishings, Shoes UjulEMBER I never fail to make good and please. Benjamin Brick The House That Guarantees Every Purchase. The House With a Conscience. v f I' 13 II II II II u It n ti w 11 u 11 n If 1 n ii u o tl II ti II tl tl El Ii 11 11 M n u n rs u ii n is n $1 Puts the Hoosier In Your Kitchen Yes, you can save $5 cash by pay ing $1 tomorrow, if you come before the last cabinet is taken. The terms of the sale are these: 1 Pay only $1 when you order the "Hoosier Special." 2 Pay the balance only $ 1 a week. 3 No interest, no extra fees. 4 Your money all back if you are not delighted. ( 5 Bona fide cut of $5 in the price, but sale ends absolutely when the few remaining "Hoosier Specials" are gone. Not A Pantry Don't think the Hoosier is only a pantry. It is not. It combines a pantry, a cupboard and a large kitchen work-table all in one. Some women think a pantry and a cupboard give all the convenience, they need, but you who have them know that you must walk endlessly back and forth in preparing meals and cleaning up afterwards. The Hoosier. saves you all those miles of steps. Sit Down at Your Worlc The Hoosier has places for 40ti articles all within arm's reach. Yott C. S. HAMILTON FURNITURE can sit down restfully at your work? The big porceliron table-top Is acidi proof, dent-proof and scratch-proof j ' It slides out and leaves yott plenty of knee room. JMore thana million women have? . the Hoosier, and they are doing your hour's work in thirty minutes; Savai toil, save steps and save health and etrength-7-not for the day, not for tho yreek or month but tor a liietiml, RememBer 8 A.MJ It costs you nothing to investigate! " If you decide that you want this beau4 tiful cabinet, you save five dollars in' just about five minutes. But leaseht sure to le here early) Selling will resume promptly at 8 a. ml m iillllil: t State House News Articles of incorporation were filei tnis morning by the G. P. Johnson Pi ano company of Portland for the pur lOf of dealing in pianos and organs. The capital is fiO.OOO and the incorpi Tatt.rs are G. F. Johnson, H. C. Long ai!0 F. Claire Johnson. Georjje F. Kodgers is going into the shipbuilding business and so help win 1he war for the United States, accor-1-jjig to articles of incorporation filed thi8 morning with the corporation com mifsioner. The capital of the new com pany is $100,000 and it is planned to build ships of all kinds- The plant will be located at Astoria. The incorporat ors are Georgo F. Rodgers, h. E. Eolfc and C. A. Koppich. . Certificates of dissolution of the fnl low4iig companies was also filed: Iron clad Soli company, and the Progressive La nil and Building company. ' The Irwin-Hodson company of Port land have been grant'ed the contra 2t for printing the bonds for the $500,000 issue of highway bonds. The cost of engraving and printing will be $375. Thfi commission has adopted a picture of Multnomah falls with a Columbia highway bridge in the foreground for the seal of the commission. This is a characteristic picture of the great high way and will embellish the bonds. C. C. Chapman, editor of the Oregon Voter, has written to the public serv ice commission protesting against the proposition of Oswald West, receiver for the Home Telephone anil Telegraph company, of giving a commission of $6 to any one who brought in a subscriber for the Home phone. Chapman says this is a violation of the previous or der of the commission and is unjust and discriminatorv. The advertisement appears in a Portland paper and so licits women and girls to get subscrip tions, for which the commission is to be paid. A petition signed by 144 c: izer.s of Garibaldi was received by the public service commission requesting that tho Southern Pacific company be reepjired to maintain a station agent at that place. Garibaldi is on the S. P. line to Tillamook. HOOVER IS READY TO 9 Has Agents Thoroughly In formed of Plans Awaiting His Orders Washington, Aug. 9- Herbert Hoov er is awaiting only the word of the president, formally designating him food controller under the new food bill to begin his work. lhc machinery for executing the most sweeping law ever passed bv con gress is ready today. Throughout the country agencieB are awaiting for or lers from Washington. The work will be done .at first on a volunteer basis. With tne law as a club in his hands, however Hoover expects to swing into Hue tlusHmaii percentage who DaiK at control. From the producer to the consumer Hoover will work along volunteer co operative lines, seeking concessions, a general reduction in prices on neces saries and a tremendous saving in waste. As soon as he is formally named con troller, Hoover will issue a series of statements outlining his program. Hoover conferred with the president today regarding the administration of the different food control branches which will be named as soon as the bill a law. TO TitAIN 20,000 HORSES needed for the artillery brigade olono. Camp Fremont, Menlo Park, Cal., !A remount station will be established Aug. 10. Twenty thousand horses are 'at the camp and although it is the only to ne trained for war work at Camp Fremont, it became known today fol lowing a visit to tho camp by General Liggett, western army department com niander- Ten thousand horses will be one decided upon by Washington to date, it is reported that other stations will be established at the American Lake, Wash., and Linda Vista, Cal-, 'aiitomncnts as well. I WILL BE WITH YOU SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY "WW M.uniii..i'H',i.i . UK, vnwnmfj I33l v. -x-r . I i ;;;!:;,79w.:;;.:,,;:? R : in The fastest and best comedy I ever made "WILD and WOOLY" YOU KNOW WHERE THE OREGON WHERE THE CROWDS GO AN ECONOMICAL, DELIGHTFUL LIGHT P&ACE TO TRADE note 111 Urn 3V2 Interest Money invested in Woolens will make at least 30 per cent We are offering you a suit of clothes for about One-Half the price charged by most tailors. And for Only One Day MoreAn Extra Pair of Pants Free , ' Scotch Woolen Mills Store 426 STATE STREET j Because a corporation organized in jthe state is deemed a resident corpo ration it. may legitimately serve as an 'agent for a regularly licensed insur jance company, according to an opinion 'of Attorney General Brown in response I to a query from Insurance Commission ' cr Wells. ,The attorney general holds jthat such a corporation is a resident al j though none of the directors live with in fhe state and business is done by the secretary. I If the commission received by the 'corporation took the form of a-rebate or a reduction of the premium paid by !the applicant, for insurance, it is held :to be unlawful and a violation of the law against rebating, according to the i attorney general. ! Harrison G. Piatt of Portland, a member of the law firm of Piatt an 1 Platf, has written to the public service commission complaining that the em ployes of the Southern Pacific com-, pany do not use care in directing pas-1 sengers to trains. He ssys that his wife! desired to go to Xeahkahnic on the Til- lamook line on August 7 and tnat sne was advised to take the train at the East Morrison street station at 8:37 o'clock. This train she took, tellina several of the employes at the time ithat she wished to go to Neahkahnie. ,It was not until she was near Clacka mas that she was informed by the con ductor she waa on a California-bound I train. As numerous complaints of a I similar nature have been made, the commission will investigate. st NEW PROCESS REMOVES SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ROOTS fc sc c 5C 5c Sjfi sc jc 3C C 5C 3C 5C Women troubled with unsightly hairy growths will be delighted to hear that they can now actually remove the hair entire roots and all easily, quickly, harmlesslv! It is dono without the use of liquid, powder, paste, or electric needle. The new phelactine process is not to be compared at all with any other meth od. Nothing like it ever discovered. It causes the hair roots to como out be fore your very eyes instantaneously leaving the skin smooth and hairless as a babe's. Its action is so positive, certain, every druggist sells phelactine umler a money-back guarantee. It is non-odorous, non-irritating, non-poisonous a child could safely eat it- Get a small stick of phelactine today, fol low the simple instructions; you will be wonderfully surprised. the purpose of giving a lower insur ance rate where fire hazards have been removed as the result of the inspection of Salem by the firo marshal's depart ment will be made within the next thirty days, according to an announce ment of James McCiine, manager of the Oregon fire rating bureau of Port land, who held a conference with the state insurance commissioner yester day. Because the firo and water facil ities generally in the city do not war rant it, no "general re-adjustment of rates will be made. The re-checking was asked for by Chairman McGil christ of the Fire Prevention commit tee through State Fire Marshal Har vey Wells. SAYS j A re-checkingvof the business dis trict of the city of Salem by the in jsurance rating bureau of Portland for of PostToasties with cream ti L on hot davs IN CITIES EVERYWHERE TOMORROW WILL BE WIRTHMOR WEEK When the New Mid-Summer Style in These Worthy $1 Waists Go On Sale. I ij;7 m C C6 CS 1 In these days when sales are rampant let us emphasize the fact that these Waists are NEWjust fresh from the designer's studio. They were de signed especially for us and the Wirthmor Stores in other cities for the progressive merchants who are determined to give their patrons at all times the Newest in Style and Utmost in Value. , , . i, rl. The Standard Dollar Waist of America and true to their name WIRTHMOR SENO 15 WW MAIL ORDERS-H E PAY POSTAGE 4ie State st SAlEAVUKtfcrUN