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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1917)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1, 1917. SEVEN "I1EEZA BOOB" By Mori. M. Burger MIMII11IIIIM lilHllllllMr I The Daily Capital Journal Classified Telephone and Business Directory A Quick, Handy Reference for Busy People EVERYTHING ELECTKICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 Korth High .. Telephone Main 1200 TRANSFER AND DRATAGE Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 74 FOR SALE READER, DOES THIS INTEREST you! We have five acres of good soil close to carline, well drained, spring brook crossing the place, convenient toicity, cheap fur cash; also a com- ,4ori8bl64oii88J in, .north Salem and ;: good lot,, price. $750. Terms easy. Call 4U. esquare cal tfeaity to- FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicelv furnished house keeping rooms, reasonable. 8.35 N. Commercial. tf OSTEOPATH DR8. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WOL TOjN Osteopathic physicians and neve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksvillc, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Ijos Angeles Col. lege. Offices 503-50S 0. S. Nut. Bank Bldg. Phone S.)S. Residence 1620 - Court. Phone 2215. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUCrH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St- Main 120. Main 9SS8. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN' OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. 6240. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and HiRti streets. R. P. Day, y. C. ; I, A , Wright, Clerk s 'rrt LODGE No. t, A. P. tt A. M, Stated communications nrst Friday la each month at 7 :30 p. m. in the Masonic ' Temple. Fred A. Melutlre, . W. M. ; 8. Z. Culver, secretary. A. O. U, W. Protection Lodge No: 2. meets every Mouday evening at 8 iu the McCornnck ball, corner Court and Liberty streets. Geo. M. Mason, M. V'.; S. A. atcl' adden, recorder ; A. L. Brown, (Financier; B. H. Raymond, treasurer. j(c sje !jc THE MARKETS Sugar took a jump of 3 cents a sack today, and nearly all vegetables are quoted higher. New hay quotations ate placed at if 1(1 to $17. Grain Wheat ; ; $2 Oats :. 5700c Barley, ton .'. $40 Bran $37 Shorts, per ton '. $39 Hay, cheat, new : : $Ki(irl7 Hay, vetch, new $tifn l7 Hay, clover, new : $14( 15 Butter Butterfnt 42c Creamery butter, per pound , 45c Country butter 30."!2c Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 13M(14 3-4o 19. 13H 0f7c 4(a 5c 4i5V'C 10c 7c ... 55sc 34c 32c 13c 18c 22c CENTRAL LODGE NO. 18, K. of r. Derby building, every Tuesday evening oi eiicn wees at t jotio smup, c. C V. B. Gilson, K of li and 8. SALEM HUMANE SOCIE1T D. D. Keeler, president ; Mrs. Lou Tillsou, secretory. All cases ot cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should . be reported to the secretary tor investigation. DE MOLAI COMMANDER Y, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., iu Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited' to meet with us. Glen C. Nlles, K. C. i U. B, Tbielaen, recorder.. Pork, dressed Veal, fancy Steers .V. Cows Bulls Spring lambs Lambs, yearlings Ewea Eggs and Poultry Eggs, trade ... ". Kgas, cash !.'. Hens, pound ... Broilers, live, over 2 pounds Hens, dressed, pound u..... Frys, dressed & ; . 30c vegetables Turnips, bunch . : 40c Cabbage 2214c String garlic .:..'....;.. ....... 7c New potatoes 3'jC Green onions .l....i 40c Onion), in sack .:......; $1.50 t:ucumwvs ... 40c Green peas 4c California tomatoes $1.25(tt 1.50 ' Figs and Dates Black figs .. Golden figs Dromedary dates ...... Fnrd dates Fruit Peaches Apricots Oranges, Valcncias '. $4 Lemons, per box $7.257.50 Cuban grape fruit $7.50 Bananas, pound 5'ic California grape fruit $3 50 Honey $4 Cocoanuts .. $l)1.10 Cantaloupes 2.5tl(i.'t Watermelons $1.75 . 10c 15c $3.75 .... $2.25 6075c .... $140 Hop Market Climbs: Price Now Fifteen Cents Purtlnnd, Or., Aug. 1 The hop mar ket is climbing lust. Only a few weeks ago buyers would not consider new hups at any price. New contracts are strong at l.i cents- Five hundred bales of 1917 yakiinas were sold ou contract at 15 cents, and the same price was l-'iucl for 1000 bales or Alendocinos and Sonumns. Buyers were freely offering 15 in both the California districts yesterday. Ou Monday 12 cents was paid for new crop orcgous and later a cent more was bid. Now the market is quoted at 15 cents and it is doubtful whether any hops could be bought at that price. The Pacific coast crop is not looking good. Until recently u was thought the reduced acreage iu Oregon would produce 40,000 bales. Now some of the dealers believe it will not go over 30, 000 or 25,000 bales. In addition to the bad effects of the prolonged dry spell and the poor cultivation, due to the labor shortage, the red spider is caus ing du mage around independence and in other sections. A letter received from California yes terduy said thfi crop situation is bad in that state, as tuere has been ten dnys of very hot weather following an ab normally dry season. The writer said the California crop would be less man bales. Washington will not produce over 211,000 bales of hops this year, accord ing to authorities in that state. The total United States crop may be under 150,000 bales, while a conservative esti mate of the sttpplv needed by brewers is 185,000 bales. Crop conditions in New York state tire given by the Waterville Hop Re porter as follows: "During the past lour warm pleasant days ninth work lias been accomplished iu the yards. The vines arc presenting a fine ap pearance and only a small amount of mold is noticeble. Close watching and spraying are the only means of com peting successfully, with this plague. Humors of good offerings for contracts arc about the outlook for a satisfactory though light, harvest, is very piouiis- '"!" .... The Chicago Brewers Bulletin says: Local dealers are receiving more in quiries than tor a long time past, a number of sales having been consum mated in the last few days. Eastern advices indicate similar conditions." ' Willamette Valley News . Successful Meeting Was Closed at Jefferson Sunday (Capital Journal Special' Service)' Jefferson, ..Aug. 1. The Oregon Ep worth League institute closed a most successful session Sunday evening, July 29. The Institute was held in Miller's grove, just across the Santiam river from Jefferson, and the delegates and faculty members camped on the beauti ful spots this grove affords. There were fifty eight registered delegates, who took the entire course of the work, al though many came to the evening lec tures and sermons. Owing to the serious illness of Dr. W. V. Sheridan of Chicago, who was to Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTORIA have been dean of the. faculty, Dr. T. W. Lane of Portland, very ably filled the place, lie also hud charge of tho Rible study classes, and the Epwnrth League methods class. Rev. G. O. Oli ver had charge of the class in Chris tian stewardship, Rev. A. SS. Hisey rec reation, Rev, Jos. Knotts missions, Dr. K. H. Hammond temperance, Miss Nel lie Curtiss social service, Miss Delia Milligun assisted by. Miss Tinttie It. Kisell junior league methods, Rev. Wal ter Lee Airheart methodism and Dr. Charles II- Parkinson led the morning watch. On Sunday, the closing day of the institute, an old fashioned love feast was held at 7 a. m., Sunday school at 9:30, sermon at 10:30 by Dr." T. B. Ford At 3 p. in. the lifowork service was con ducted by Dr .T. W. Lano, at which ser vice thirty nine young Christians gave themselves to some spocial jvork when the call should eoine for them to go. It was a most beautiful consecration ser vice, and it will never be forgotten by those who were permitted to see it. The closing sermon was given at 8 p. m. by Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA j Dr. Carl G. Doney. ' ; ' After a week of the closest fellow Uhip together, tho delegates from over jtk state, and the faculty members feel lthat it was indeed good to lave been I there, ami the inspirations received during each day's services will do much in determining the characters of those : who could not attend, as well as those ;who did. They will be better fitted to 'carry on the work of God in the church land the organization of the Epworth ! League. I Tho slogan for 1918 is, "200 dele j gates." Poost for it. TRY 'JOURNAl WANT AD3 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MllliiM Retail Prices Creamery butter ... 50c STOVE REPAIRING STOVES BEBCILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experieueo. Depot National and American fence. Sizes 20 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. . SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos. - proprietor. Garbage and refuse o? all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess- pools cleaned. Office phone Main S247. Resilience Main 272. MONEY TO LOAN On SALEM COUNCIL No. 2022 Knights and Lames oi security fleets every uo ami 4th Wednesday ench month at Hunt Hall. ' Vlsitiug members are invited to nuenci. 1-J. . Walton, financier, 4 So S. 14th Street. PACIFIC LODdK NO. 00, A. F. & A. M, Stated communications third Friday in each month at 7 ::0 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Vi. II. Duncy, W. M, ; Ernest li. dilute, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORM) Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in Lvrby bldg.. Court and High street. A. J. Sweiuink, C. C. ; I.. S, C.eer, clerk, 0o7 Court street. Phoue ui3. UNITED ARTISANS Capital ' Assembly No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m.. in I O O F hall, A. A. Guei'froy. M A ; C. A. Vlbbert, secretary, Crown Urug store, 33S State street. Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & iush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, on approved Security. Homer II. Smith. Room 5, Met ornack Bldg.. Salem, Or- CHIROPRACTiaSPINOLOGIST DR. O. L. SCOTT G raduate of Chiro-:LT PalelD practic 's Fountain Haad. Davenport, j 4 :33 a in Iowa. If you have tried everything j 7:15 am and got no relief, try Chiropractic j j ;J J spinal adjustments and get well. Of-, iopm fice 406-7-8 1. S. National Bank! 4:00Dm building. Phone Main 87. Residence,! 0:!0pm B. N. A. "Oregon Crape Cntup" No. IIWO, meet, every Thursihiy evening in Derby and I.iifky building. Court and High streets; Mrs. Sylvia Scliaupp, 171 Market, oracle ; Mrs. Mallssa l'ersons, recorder, 12UU North Commercial. I TRAVELERS' GUIDE Country butter Eggs, dozen Sugar, eane ., Sugar, beet Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley 40c 40e .25 9.0!i $3 l.80(u,2.90 PORTLAND MARKET Poraland, -Or., Aug. J. Wheat: Club 2.15 Red Russian $2.15 Bluestem 2.20 Fortyfold 2.15 Oats, No. 1 white feed $48 Barley, feed $44 Butter, city creamery 43(S44e Eggs, selected local ex. 3e Hens lZCa lGc. Broilers 18(u20c Oeese 8c Livestock Market Portland, Or., Aug. 1. Cattle Lt SMem 4 :1S p m I.T SaTero 5 :45 p m Weekly Report of Union Stock Yards Norfh Portland, Aug. 1. The run of livestoek at the Portland L'niou Stock yards for the week 'a opening was light er iu the cattle and bog pens with a slight increase in the suecp sheds, in comparison with the offering of the previous week, and the general market conditions wcro very satisfactory. Cattle Of the 000 eattlo submitted, a large proportion were well bred Short horn and Hereford animals, carrying a fair kill. There were very few "fin ished" cattle, but the bulk were "good." Buyers from all along the coast competed for selections from the heard and the market took a strong turn with a rise of iH to 35c in ull lines, except first quality steers, which re mained about steady. The following quotatious are made from the sales of the morning: Best beef steers if K.50(g,u ; good beef steers $7..'l"(u 8; best beef cows 5.7(t? 0 75; ordinary to good cows 4i ..1.75; best heifers ."i.7."jf .73; bulls 4.30f 0; calves 8..KilM.2; stocker and feed er steers 4..")0(Vi 7.2."). Hogs More than 800 hogs found their wav to a steady market at. last week's prices. The feature of the day I IS 8 -.50 p m COItVALLIg CONNECTION Main 82SR. ATTORNEY AT LAW OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. KiiitTH novTn Train No. Ar Portland . . Owl O :.-.." a ai B !t ai . 10 Limited .... 1 1 ::;." m ...'.. 12 1 :.t.1 p m 14 4 :x p m . 10 Limited .... & :."0 p m , . . . . 2U 7 :40 p ffi 10 MM' p m 8:25 am ., 12:12 pat .. Lv Cnrralli" 2 :41 p m 4:10 pm . . 0:18 p m . . arH Bof.ND 10 . .... 14 .... 16 .... 20 .... 22 SOt'TH liOCND 7 :uo p m I. Bnlem 10 :!." in 5 4:15pm u 12:.r..,p m T 0:4upm 1.1 KAI.EU flEEB 1.IXB No. 7-1 Arrive at Kalem No. 71 Leaves Kaiem ...... No. 7." Ar Salcna fuiixed! . No. 74 Lenve Salem Stops at CorvnlllH Ar Allmuy ........ K:10pm Ar Albuuy 7 ::t. a ai Ar Eugene , a I(,p, by a ear load of hogsj trom La tlrande, Oregon, shipped by i Tom Johnson. This should not be tak en as representing market conditions, j been use the load carried exceptionally! heavy kill, and were a good buy at the 4 '(at n m i unvalu ed price, oviirm, i-wimiouiis i . .. E :.' pni rant the following quotation: , .. Prime light 1."..0(u I.j.HO; prime; heavv 1.-.4UC 1j.;j0; pigs fl.'i.OOfrt 14.10 Ar Corrallis lji,k" l.).f0. I "" 5 Mrjnm Sheep There have been some choice j k rti p n 1 herds passing through the yards at con-; . .. 8 :Oo p in j trait prices somewhat above the prices: quoted, but these sheep were not hand-i . . , .fl :15 m I led in the open market, and ranmit be1 . . .!) :.o a IB : .WO(i in-l.n,tiii-in', lh BinrLt. Th pnr-! . 9:4S am , 1 :43 p i Ar Mueiii I tTS?WSHiBkasaSMNaOTMMMKWSW 1 '""tdii li -. fty f . . I' i'i-' H ! iat'-' $1 if 8P . .2 :ihi p i 8 :.'!n a m 10 :4o a m 2 :." P m 4 :40 p m 6 :o."i p m 9:2Dpm 1 1 :45 i m ERNEST E. BAKER HAh RESUMED his law practice at 201 Salem Bank of Commerce. Telephone number 'JiW. ; WATER COMPANY ; SAT.TTAf TCATKR COMPAXY Office corner Commercial and Trade stroots. ''J.f"""1" Bills payable monthly in advance. j Lt' ' " 1 ' I 7 am notice :f:? I write insurance in the best old line 1 12 :o5 p m .. companies, against Fire and Lightning,! paiem and live stock against death or accident i i a m ... from any cause G. W. Ijiflar. Salem. '" Or. 8-30 j il' ji 10 . . Sut'Tn iMisp POKTIJIXD TO 81. Ell Lt Tortlnnil - :S am 8ulemS:H.: Eugene S Limited ........ 7 .. 0 .... 13 Limited , 17 Lix-al . . 1 2t Owl .. SuKTH BOt'NO ..... 20 .. 10 Limited . .. lo Limited . 2 Owl '. '. . aoini But-ND ...21 Owl ... . . 5 LlaiiteU . . 10:r .10:1 . 1 2 :."., p ai , 4:10pm . 6 :40 p ai . 8:10pm .11 :L'pin . 1 :Z'o p m No connection smith of leer. S-U.KM, lALUI ClTT ASO WesTKR! 3 :U5 p iu Ar Salem . O :3i p m Ar Salem . f :45 a m , 4 : p m . 7 :."" p ru , 4 :5 a m No. 10t leaves Snlem 7:05ara " No. H17 Leaves Salem S :45 p m " I i..o r . u 1 0 ..... j .... Mii r.i ir-ui .U :nt ,IH No. 1114 Arrives Salem 1 1 :0i a m No. UM Arrives .Salem 3:10 pm No. 1GS Arrives Sulem r, :3."i p m No. 170 Arrives Salem 7 :20 p Oi WoorKri(N-Si'KiNt;FiEU-Gt::B Braxi:ii No. 70 leaving at V :v) b. m. and No. 77. arriving at 2 p. eh., will be discon-tinued as pasnenirer trains. TflLLAMETTR KlVfTt ROI'TB Owjit dtp Tranfr1a1io Comixmii floats leave Kuli-ni for Vtl.ind Moadnv. Wednesday sad Vridnr at 11 B. 01. : and ITucsdsr. Thursday and Satiirdnr mumliin Ar Fiirene!ir C a. m. Fiw CorvaHU the twmls leuve . . 6 :-"0 s in ; Snlem Tuesday. Thursday and Suturd.iy . . 1 2 :-" p m eveuines nt H o'cl.w-k. Bimts leave I'ort- Ar AH.:iny j and lor Kalrai at O :43 ea. b moraine. . 1 :.",o p ui rent prices are: Western lambs H.o0(eil2; valley lambs 10.."u(?i 11 ; yearlings S.50fo; wethers x(?i S.."0; ewes :i."i''f il-5o. ceipts 35. Market steady, unchanged. Sheep receipt 240. Market steady and unchanged. - 1 Hog receipts 79. Market firm and unchanged. . j CASTORIA Ftr Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years LENDID PREMIUMS FREE Every subscriber of the Daily Capital Journal who receives the paper in the city by carrier will be presented with a new and complete World's War Atlas V When he pays six months subscriptien to the paper ($2.50) at one time. Every mail subscriber who pays one year's "subscriptioa ($3.00) will receive the war atlas free. ' This offer applies to old and new subscribers alike. Beautiful Needle Book Those subscribers not wishing the war atlas may have in it3 stead a handsome beautiful leatherette needle book, filled with a wonderful assortment of needles, crotchet hooks; etc. It is a valuable and very handy premium. The terms are the same for both premiums: six months' sub cription- by carrier in the city, or one year's subscription by mail. Call at the office, or address , . ' A SALEM," OREGON 1 Always bears the Signature .''Ja alafrff.iii;;l;:,'!ir