THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1917. TWO ! t i ; i V. t Ml and a "cold snack" How doe this sound as a suggestion for a mcs! some cay during this hot weather? Cold boiled hom, potato tilad, rye had, and ice-cold Bava. . ... . Hero was made with meals and "between meals" in mind. It's a all-"round soft drink. Enjoyable end refreshing all by its If and of just the flavor to g o with any food hot or cold and to make it taste better. Pure wholesome nutritious, Bevo the all-yenr-'round scft drink. Sold in botlU only nJ bofjed ccliiiwy hy I ""P OCHTY Br ALOSTB THOMPSON Mrs. James Withycombe and her;ness is to be discussed and it is urged (laughter, Miss Mabel Withycombe,' passed Tuesrtal In. CorvalEis with friends, having; motored over in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kreft motored to I'ortland last week end to visit their daughter, Mrs, C. ,T. Fleming, who is passing the summer there at the home of William Fleming. Mrs. Frank Thompson was hostess yesterday afternoon when she entertain ed the Woman 'a Relief Corps auxiliary of the Red Cross, informally at her home in Salem Heights. About 30 members of the corps en joyed the afternoon which was devoted to sewing. Tonight 7:30 to 'clock, at the Salein public library there will bo meeting 4f the Woman's club. Important busi- All Choked Up With Catarrh? . Why Continue Makeshift Treatment? Sprays and floucnes wui never cure you. Catarrh ia annoying enough when it chokes up your nostrils and air passages, causing painful and diffi cult breathing and other dicomforts. But the real danger corns when it reaches down into your lungs. This is why you ahould at once realize the importance of the proper treatment, and lose no time ex perimenting with worthless remedies which touch only the surface. To be 11 If ii i! II II 1! tl II II n ii ti ii ii tl it H ii H M f I 11 ii fl fl ti ii tl !! tl 1 1 ft IS M M II M M 11 tl tl tl 11 11 11 M 1 1 I i i i i I EXTRA SPECIAL Odd Lots Men's Hats, Boys' Hats, Men's Shirts, Boys' Shirts 5c Each Odd Lots EXTRA SPECIAL Job Lot Men's Suspenders 5c Pair Clean Up Sale of Men'Sj Ladies' and Children's Shoes . Odd Lots $1.50 Men's Soft Dress Shirts 98c ; Sample Lots $1.25 to $1.50 Men's Night Robes Saturday Only Sim III m lW P that all members ho present, The Marion County Veterans associa tion are making arrangements for their big annual picnic, at Bilverton which will be held on Thursday, August the second. The Bedgwiek Poet, Xo. 10, Relief Corps and all auxiliaries of Halem, Wioodburn and Silverton will partici pate in the event. Particulars will bo given later. Mrs. William H. Kldridge, accom panied by a party of friends includ ing Mrs. B. E. Lee Stcincr and her daughter Miss Barbara Steiner, Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner and Mrs. William It, Daney, motored to Mchaina today for a picnic on the Bantiam river. ,..' Several days ago, Mr. and Mrs. J- H. Baker with Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin L. rid of Catarrh, you must drive the) disease germs out of your blood. Splendid results have been re-j ported from the use of S. S. S., whichj completely routs from your blood the Catarrh germs, for which it is a pen feet antidote. S. S. S. is sold by all druggists. If you wish medical advice as to the treatment of your own individual case, write to-day to Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co., Dept. B Atlanta, Ga. Si Extra for one day only-- Saturday, July 28th, clean up sale of all odds and ends Summer Goods, must go, at the Remnant 'and Sample Store 254 N. Commercial Street. Sample Lots of Ladies' Muslin Under wear, Corset, Gown, Skirt, Combina tion Suits, values $1.50, $1.75 and $2,00. Saturday only, choice 98c Each Summer Goods Must Go Mill End choice Saturday . . . .()c Yard 25c Flaxon, Saturday J3C Yard 20c to 25c Fancy Crepes .... g Yard Blanket Sale for Saturday $4.00 Blankets, Saturday only $37 A few pairs of second grade, which were soiled in transit you can have $2.75 Pair KIT & SAMPLE STORE 254 N. Commercial Street Thomson the Remnant Man Extra Special Sample Let Boys' Wash Suits 59c Each W Wf &t flW 2 ("W COMPANY'S ARMY (Continued from Page One.) their favor. An e.qual number mem bers of the Switchmen's Cnion of North America will strike if the B. B. T.'s demands are granted. Fifteen hundred non-union men are expected to follow the latter. The strike not only would seriously affect commercial but also military traffic. -' , The B. R. T presented a number of demands to the railroads July 2. Many of these were granted, hut "the split came over the closed whops. The switch men's union is affiliated with the Am erican Federation of Labor while the ii. fi. T. is not. Case is Continued. Tacoma, Wash., Jujy 27. After, a delay which kept the crowded rourt room in suspense until noon, the hear ing of the case of the Public Bervicc commission against the Tacoma Railway & Power company and the striking trainmen, was continued until 10 o'clock Saturday morning by Judge Chapman, and it is believed certain an outside judge will be called in to hear it. RUMOB OP CHOLERA EPIDEMIC Copenhagen, July 27. Persistent rumoTS reached here today of a cholera epidemic raging in many German cities, particularly Hamburg. Baker and their guest, Mrs. L. Dela hovde of Cripple Creek, Colorado, en joyed a tour of the Columbia Highway. 9 Mrs. Frank Boworsox has had visit ing her during the week her brother, r red Kerr, of Lebanon. A picnic was enjoyed Wednesday ev ening by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Littler and son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. A- A. Under- hill, Mrs. E. E. Upmyer, Mrs. W. P. Littler and Mrs. Bparde who motored to Spong's landing. A meeting of the Englewood Unites Brethren aid society was held on Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Pascoe. During the afternoon two interesting papers were read, one by Mrs. Alonzo rainier on "Uirrerent Aius l nave at tended in Dakota, Oregon, etc.," and the other by Mrs. Frank Neff, on the founding of the Red Cross society. Later the hostess served, refreshments and was assisted by Sirs. Neff. Those present were Mrs. M. Rowe, Mrs. Alonzo Palmer, Mrs. M. Hummells Mr A. At. Wilson. Mrs. C. L. Davis. Mrs. 8. P. Hale. Mrs. A. M. Essom, Mrs. Walter H. Ackcrman, Mrs. itorton, Mrs. W. Ruth, Mrs. C. H. Lockard, Mrs. F. H. Neff and Mrs. M. Lodar. The Salem Patriotic League will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Young Woman's Christian association. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. Charles L. Dick who has been passing a few days in Portland with Mr. Dick, returned today. . t 40c Ladies' LTnion Suits 27c a Suit ii ii n n ii n nil mm mak mm finn T tr """ '"' uja- extra! SPECIAL M Men's Sox jj 2VocPair ill El Limit 4 pairs to tl 11 the customer. tl II EXTRA H ii; iii EXTRA Ladies' Hose lie Pair ii Men, Take Notice any Hat in the store $1.98 Values to $3.50 Sample Lot Ladies' Shirt Waists, value to $2.00, Saturday price 69c Each I! I! II EJ n II II II II If II fl 11 II II II II tl II 1 1 ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. State House News The officers of the eity of Umatilla, all of whom are women, have written to the public service commission asking that the commission visit that city for the purpose of making-an investigation relative to the insallation of railroad crossing signs, which the commission ordered put in by cities where there are dangerous crossings. The women of ficials would like to have the crossings in that city inspected. On account of changes made in the irrigation laws of the state, it may be necessary for the water rights of the Ochoco irrigation district to be taken over by the state, which would require an additional expenditure of ) 50,000 bv the district. This would create diffi culties which would delay the certifica tion of the district bond issue until after another election is held. On this ooonimt th pertifiration of the $900,- 000 bond issue may bo delayed several days. Samuel Hill, railroad magnate, has turned over to the Home Telephone and Telegraph company, of which Oswald West is receiver, the sum of $23,375 for the installation of 3171 telephones, ac cording to information received by the public service commission yesterday from Mr. West. Receiver West also no tified the commission that the oner oi the company of three months service Vn fnr nhscribers after August 1 did not apply to those who installed phones before that time- The Barbour Flax Spinning company of Patcrson, New Jersey, has written to the state board of control offering forty cents a pound for sixty tons o 191tj flax.. Recently the bard of control sent two hundred pounds of flax to this company as a sample, and it js on the strength of this sample that the or fcr is made. At the rate of forty cents a pound, it he deal is closed will bring into the state the sum of 48,000, which is considered to be an excellent price. At. a meeting of the trustees of the A. K. Burbank trust fund, which con sists of 24,481.30, the sum of U81.44 was divided between the Boy s and Girl's aid society of Oregon and the Baby Home of Portland. This was done in compliance with the terms of the wills of Mr. and Mrs. Burbank, both ot whom are deceased. The governor, the secretary of state and the state treas urer, form the board. Notice was received yesterday by the public service commission of the death of Brakeman .If M. Kelly as- the result of the breakintrn tw of Soutliel'n Pacific freight in tunnel No. two near (Jlemlale. When the train broke in the tunnel, Kelly was walking over tops of the cars and stepped off the the He end of a car striking on nis neaa woa (nk.-ii to Hoseburg out died en route- J M. Creamer of Portland, and J. T. Not of Baker, were reappointed mem bers of the veterinary board by Govern or Withycombe this morning- Morrison and Kern, Inc., filed arti cles of incorporation with the corpora tion commissioner this morning with a ....ui nt Ainno tn do aeneral con tracting and construction business. Ths incorporators are H. F.' Morrison, Ar- i L'Am Xnnnii Kern. An increase in the capital stock of th Alhnnv Saeam Laundry from $!,- 000 to ioioOO was filed this morning. Certificate of dissolution of the Co T it on.l Trim couniany was llllllllll. filed today. Two fatal accidents were reported to the state industrial accident eomm. ,irinw the imst week, according to the weekly report. The fatalities were i v Kell'v. McMinnville, railroad oper ation, and" Denver Marsh, Jacksonville, railroad operation. There were 4o0 acci in nil. of which 361 were subject to the provisions of the compensation law. REMOVE THOSE HAIRS ROOTS AND ALL (Absolutely New Method) 1 The new wav to remove disfiguring I I growths of superfluous hair, roots and I II all, will astonish and delight you. You as never saw or heard of anything like ! Ji it before. It is not depilatory and not If electrical. You simply get a stick of Illphelactine from vour druggist, and fol- ; low the simple direetione at home In a IIif.,. .m,.!. vr.ii have removed the of- I T ! J : fending hairs', roots and all. With your II;..wn eves vou see the roots come right out. 1'helactine is absolutely harmless, non-poisonous and perievuy odorless. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re- funded. 1,000 More Carpenters Ordered to WorlOn Great Cantonment I S j Taconia. Wash., July 27. Orders 1 1 1 went forth today to add 1,000 earpen 1 1 j ters and helpers to the force of 3.200 II iniii-Viiien alreadv employed in build ing the great army eantonment at ' American Lake. Following positive as- nee by the West Cosst Lumber " ... .i . j .i:-.: F men s association, laai umtn' ; lumber will be: maintained at a rate ! sufficient for all needs, the contVae-' tors sent out s call for more workmen. 1 1 Two bun.tred structures are now un der wav. Union wages and eii;ht hours are the conditions prevailing. 1 Besides the immense building oper- j i t tions, hundreds of men are employed I j in installing water and sewer systems J J i'and iu building road With the nssur i:nee that the lcgginj and lumber mills I strikes will not be allowed to "inter- WILL KNOW AUGUST 10 San Francisco. July 27. Au gust 10 is the date set for no tification of successful appli cants for enrollment in the sec ond officers training camp to open August 27 at the Presidio according to announcement to day. A list of 1434 California applicants picked as the most suitable, is being examined and from this list 478 will be ap pointed along with 48 alternates Other states have proportionate quotas. GIRLS ESCAPADE IS CAUSE OF TROUBLE Mrs. A. Benson Arrested and Her Husband Wanted for Aiding Girls Mrs. A. Benson who lives in North Salem near the bid polytechnic school, was arrested this morning ty Chief of P lice Cooper, on the charge of assist ing and aiding Osa, Roberts, Josephine Mary Oliver, and .Margaret iireunan, inmates of the Girl's Industrial school, to escape last Sunday evening. Mr. Benson, who was dairyman at the state mute school, could not be found by the offieers but it was learned that Wednesday he had suddenly left the city for the harvest fields. He it is al leged was the state employe implicated in the trouble that arose between the runaways and caused thim to return to the school after being awsy two days. Mrs. Benson appeared in Justice Webster's court this morning, and un less she can furnish bail, will be given a preliminary hearing Saturday. If she can furnish bail the hearing will probably be next week. It is desired however, by the authorities, that Mr. Benson be apprehended shortly so that both can bo given a hearing at onco. The story told by Josephino Oliver about two boys coining to the school fo them in an autoinobilo has been ex ploded as a fabrication when the girls admitted they warned away irom mw school alone. They went immediately to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benson, where they were given shelter, food, and clothing. They remained there Sunday night Early next ' day they were taken to the woods north of the Benson home and supplied with blank ets. Here food was brought to them. Monday evening they were taken to the Benson barn, where tlicy were to be lodged for tho night. Two ot tne gins um u"i tions of Benson and the dissatisfaction arose that broke up the escape. Osa. Roberts and Margaret Bremiau re turned to the city and telephoned to the school. Josephine Oliver 'remained in the barn and was found wrapped up ia the blankets bv Sheriff Needham and Chief Cooper. At the investigation Wednesday the girls would not say whether improper advances had been made or not- Recital Saturday Night at Fair Grounds at Baptist Assembly The recital to be given at tho Bay o..nmiilv at tho faircrouuds batur- i.rht. 'bv Olca Norsren, John- Frederick Mason and Lena Belle Tar tar, brings before the people of Saleii some of the best in music and dramat ic recitations which can be heard out side of Chautauqua. Miss Norgron, the pianist and accompanist, is a graduate of McMinnville college, of O. A- C and a pupil of Miss Ressler, of the American Conservatory of Music, and Victor Garwood. Mr. Mason, reader, is a graduate of McMinnville college, and is a pupil of J. Sherman Wallace, and other public speakers. Miss Tartar, contralto, is local furp w ith the delivery of materials. completion of the cantonment Septem ber is assured, contractors assert. MAYR'S Wonderful Remedy for STOMACH TROUBLE One dose convinces. J. C. PERRY and other reliable druggists Qlnion Square-ScirtTrancisco . ike center of ike, Ciiytiettnd Glar Day. -iocoTSocmf. - . Appreciated by TXscrimt noting "Travelers iftilissrfd&eK ft p SB! M f 1 B .. S1 .a teacher of singing, with her studio in the Durbin building. Following is tho program: (a) The Trout Schubert (b) The Violet ""g (c) Opeu Thou My Love, Thy Blue EVCS ... Jiasaviici Miss Tartar (al Dance of tho Gnomes Liszt (b) Alareh wind (a) Gunga Din (b) Boots - Mr. Mason (a) To Spring , (b) Tarantclle Op. 13 Kikling Kipling ... Greig . Nicoli Miss iorgrcn (a) Mifauwy (b) Summer Bain . (c) Spring's Awakening Miss Tartar (a) Nathan's Flat ibl Tho Eetort Discourteous. Forstet Willby Buck . Cooke .Harvey Mr. Mason Says 1,500 Will bet in Somewhere Son Francisco. Julv 27 "About 150(1 as nearly as I can figure it, will get in somewhere,' 'was tne statement vi n Did you ever suffer from the terrible malady knoyn as "puppy loce?" If so you should see Jack Pickf or Louise Hof f in "Seventeen A most delightful and humorous tale. VAUDEVILLE Bridewell Sisters SUNDAY and MONDAY MARGUERITE CLARK in SNOW WHITE LONESOME LUKE---PLUMBER The OREGON Extra Lov Prices on Late Arrivals We had some Two-Strap Canvas Pumps come in late so we will put them out at the following special ly low prices Women's sizes, 2'2 to 7 $1.63 Misses' sizes, lift to 2 $1.43 Child's sizes, 82 to 11 ...... . $1.20 Child's sizes, 5 to 8 93c These are just the thing for vacation and outings and to fill in until you want to buy fall shoes. if .-':."!".,. ,'r, CI " -V ' ' . . . . ' - --" " ' F. W. Sladcn today in discussing th number of student officers from the Presidio camp who would receive conu missions. Rumors that leBS than half that number would be commisisoned wero quieted by Sladen 's statement. About 100 engineers who will be eom- uiissioucd from the training quarters i Vancouver barracks and some ou or ' A D.lrnlnil WDM llllt e.viators training ai mri.j ncluded in the estimate. Infants-Bothers : Thousands testify ; 1 The Original Malted Milk Upbuilds and sustains the body No Cooking or Milk required Used for V3 of a Century Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price. 1 and k4 I