Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 09, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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Marguerite Clark
In "Miss George Washington',
. The Story of a Girl who could not tell the truth
Two Boys and a Piano. ,
Tuesday and Wednesday Dorothy Dalton in "Wild Winship's Widow"
Thursday Only Geo. Behan in "Marccliini Millions'"
y Friday and Saturday
(Continued from Page One.)
quarters at Shanghai. The collapse of
the luonarchial regime in China was
foreseen here. High Japanese authori
ties insisted from the first that it would
not endure and would receive neithor
internal favor nor external recognition.
Reports received today from Peking
declared that Imperial Prince Polung-I
pei, an anti-monarchist leader, has been !
assassinated. He was formerly a gov-1
' eminent delegate to the St. Louis ex
position. As part of their other war program,
the republican troops under Nishi
Chung and other generals propose tOjTwejftk Btreet Blld tho High street pav
attack Chang Hsitn's forces at Huchow,,. caseg g0 a8 t0 correot thcm and
thereby iso atmg the war lord. Jmako theiu conform to the opinion of
Une ot tbe peculiar developments OI , .
the Chinese internal situation was the
formal nermission. granted at Canton,
for the unrestricted gambling, under
certain taxation rules. The funds thus
Raised wi" beTsed i theitnZai
ial campaign.
New Government Formed
Washington, July 9 A democracy
has been re-established in China, ac
cording to state department dispatches
After a week of skirmishing, during
which Hsuan Tung, the young emperor,
was set up at the head of a monarchy,
official reports today indicated the
Manchu emperor had been driven out
end the former Vice President Keng
Kue Chang, established as president of
a new provisional government at Nan-
Dispatches stated the democracy was
restored July J.
At the state department it was said
Fcr Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears .
Signature of
In Cherry-Picking Time
"Many hands make light work" when all the boys
and girls get busy. But they'll have to work fast
to keep up with Big Sister, when she's using the
Cabinet Gas Range
With a Cabinet Gas Range preserving is out of
the way before dinner time comes.
The heat of the Cabinet Range is so easy to
regulate and control that "canning' by gas is the
ideal way. No hot kitchen; no syrup spilled over
through excess heat, leaving the range mussed ,
up and sticky! Everything done "just right."
Cost for fuel small.
Now that the canning season is here, order your
Cabinet Range without delay. Phone now and
we will have one properly installed by our expert
within a few hours.
Tlhe Ga Co,
Telephone 85
'Where the Crowds Go"
Clara Kimball Young i n
Make Plain the PonitsOn
Which the Court's Opinions
Were Based
- Ag a result of the recalling of tbe
mamlatAa n'f tlm mnrAma nnnrt in f.fifi
. ren(lereil in thosa ca8e. the
corrected mandates have been returned
to the lower court.
In the returned mandates, the
court indicates that the point
the pavements were faulty or not buj
on the validity of the notices of inten
tion to pave and the validity of the as
sessments. The following is the returned man
date m the South High street case
And the court Having examined
the allegations of the parties and the
testimony produced, rinds tnat tne
notice as published was not author
ized by the common council and did
not confer power or jurisdiction up
on this body to take proceedings for
the improvement of South High
street from the south line of Mill
street to tho south line of Bush
all foreigners were probably safe. Both
sides offered guarantees of their safe
ty. All legation guards of British,
French and American troops reached
Peking.' ... - . :
Communication with Peking is in
terrupted and few official disnntnhes
are reaching the nited States.
Republican troops are reported con
verging toward Peking, to drive out the
Alanchu forces now in possession
"T h e Easiest Way"
Btreet, nor to assess the cost thereof in behalf of th French soldiers,
against any of the abutting property,' Tha debate in tho chamber was led
and that said assessment is invalid.' y former Minister of Marine Augag
It is therefore ordered, adjudged andneur- His demand that tho govern
decreed by the court that this asses-1 ment "cease shifting army commands"
menr, attempted to De levied by the
city of Salem upon the property of
the respondents in this case on
South High street as described in
their complaint be and the same is
adjudged and decree to be invalid
and is hereby cancelled, annulled
set aside."
The South Twelfth street cases are
disposed of as follows:
"And the court having duly con
sidered the allegations of the parties
and the testimony produced finds
that the notice given by the recorder
declaring the intention of the com
mon council lit the city of Salem to
improve Twelfth street between Mis
sion street and the south oity limits
was not published five days as requir
ed by the charter of Baid city.
"And based thereon and upon the
record in this cause, it is ordered,
adjudged and decreed by the court
that the assessment attempted to be
levied by tho city of Salem upon the
property of the respondent J. H. Al
bert for the improvement of Twelfth
Btreet between Mission street and the
south city limits be and the same is
cancelled, annulled and set aside."
: -
If New York Were
l i m u i m mi lUuuf i ii k
By Marian Bonsai Davis.
ilrt. Davit ipent tix months in Pari
at a volunteer relief worker and Kith
clear journalistic vision hnt translated
tear time Paris into terms 0 peaceu!
New Tork.
"1 have sever yet liccn able to visua
lize the situation In l-'ronce. It ia too
big, too terrible, too dramatic I do my
tmall part here mechanical); as a mat
ter of course. I work little and con
tribute mj mite to the Red Crosa. Why
I do it, I vaguely know but -anoot feel."
This statement from an active Red
Gross worker probably representa the
mental attitude of a large combei ot
To really get the "feel" of France ti
day Imagine New Tork were Paris.
Then would be days of crashing bands
and flying banners; glittering detach
merits of cavalary with hundreds ol
horsetail streamers floating out from
gold helmets; aeroplanes and dirigible
buzzing overhead tronifport motors rum
bling and Red Cross smhulauces speed
ing In and out of every street: organ
ind orchestras in the churches and 01 the
drals playing sbiloly marches and brill
lent fanfareK on the fPte days; soldier
coming and soldiers goinsr color musk
drama thrills
If New Tork were Paris there would
be signs on some of the white marhb
mansions. "nosii!xl Amiliary 117." 01
'The Re-education of the Mutilated."
or "Hospital for Men Hliinlcd in Battle. "
The mirrors nf wine of 1 lie brilliant
cafes would n flo-i aproned women sort
big and packing bandage, blankets,
shirts, pajamas: typewriu-ra for the
bookkeeping en the dining .tahlcs; tine
of ether, labelled. widy 'or iwailing, on
the bar.
Into the Peunsj Ivanto Sutinn gnd the
Grand Central would pour stresios of
old people and t-ltiMreii. looking be
wildered ah i( in s dream refugees.
Big 'ui'didv ' 'r' "' would be
m " ' )n I-1 - - i
i ; ... (,m I 1 w l
Chamber Also Expressed
Gratification to America
and Russia
Paris, July 9. French newspapers
today hailed the chamber of deputies
vota. of confidence in the government
and its lodgment of all direction of
military service with the ministry as a
step toward concentration of control de
sirable in the present situation.
The just came before dawn Sun
day after seven days' secret ses
sion. Premier Eibot and his cabinet
were sustained by a vote of 357 to 1(17
after the premier had explained his
plan for tho government to assume
"full control of all services of the army
without interference in the actual mili
tary operations."
A special resolution of ereetinir to
the American regiments arrived init0 tho state reform school, by having
France and to arrive was adopted. An- worthy bovs paroled in his care. About
other resolution thanked and congratu-1 four years' ago Mr. Brick made a na-
I lated Russia on her successful offensive
and tontinuously retain responsibility
was directly responsible for the voto.
Speaking from the ministerial bench,
Vice-Premier Viviani answered vigor
ously tho charge that ho had used his
tour of America for "personal political
"My only purpose in speaking on
this subject in the chamber recently was
to show France the real sentiment in
America," he declared.
Philip Glover, well known pioneer of
1840, died at his home near Sublimity,
Ore., Sunday morning. Ho was 88 years
of age. He married Delilah Kdmunson,
who together with seven children sur
vive him. The children are: Mrs. Ame
lia Conick, of Klipsan Beach, Wash.;
Henry Glover and John Glovor, of
Grand View, Ore.; Arthur Glover, of
Salem, Ore.; George Glover, of Sublim
ity, Ore.; Mrs. Ellen Lambert, of Stay
ton, Ore-, and Frank Glover, of Dallas,
Ore. The funeral will be at the resi
dence at 2 o'clock p. in. on Tuesday,
July 10, 1917. Burial will be in the
family cemetery on the place.
1 Ul llllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Paris We Would Know
iLtJiuuLiMQ i Mm J rnii'iiiffl
If "New York wers Pans" refugees
be working in a shop like this one at
turned into hostels, and families from
."orty and f.fiy miles out, and also from
great distances, who had built tbeir little
home by a timetime of thrift and sav
ing, would livo crowded with he rfm
aunt 01 two or three thousand other
lu;ineieK families
Soldiejs -our men and boys wou).
fi.ri-ve oe leaving ihose utationj (as 'hey
;mv started to leave la thin ouiobers)
u their war hack to the front after the
.hort leave. Id the subways wc would
lee them coming or going, very matter
of fail caked with mud coming in 01
brushed off going out . bulky, worn shoes
..'P their feet, oattcrerf ateel helmets on
their heads, hcarj.Joaili 00 their barks,
end somewhere, always, always the
uiyaterlous bundle Tor or from aome
ime of them would have tirla torn"
mothers, sad some would I e .ii.te alone.
Wi would have learaed ' rcau tbeir
uniforms, and would km 'roro the
symbols 00 srro and collar tjeir military
dutr. the number of times Minded and
their length of service. We would have
learned, too. not to be surprised at see
ing the metis Is for "conspicuous bravery"
od the breasts of the 111 nourished, on
promising looking ones wt would know
that they night have assumed commsnd
when tbe last officer had fallen.
If New Tork were Paris, at Five o'clock
In the evening thousands of person 1 would
i 'V7- 5 fad I
' '. h
I Jr'1-: ' U r T?
-.w ... . f . .-,M.i...i)ttt,(i aij
mmtmmmmmmmimtmmama hi mm mi BimlrlrJ :
Buys Out Brother; Merchant
Has Reputation as Soci
ological Worker
Benjamin Brick, who for tho past
I three years has managed the clothing
i "rm of Brlck brothers, htate and Lib-
erty streets, has purchased his broth
er s interest m tno establishment.
About a year ago the firm advertised
a dissolution of partnership sale, but
for some reason the deal did not go
through. However, at this time tho deal
is consummated and Benjamin Brick is
now solo proprietor.
Benjamin Brick eaino from Portland
where he enjoyed an enviable reputa
tion for business integrity. He was also
known for his charities, and as a vol
uuteer juvenilo' officer of Judge Oa
ten 's court, Mr. Brick's hobby appear
ed to be to keep tho boys from going
tional reputation for himself as a re
former, when he cleaned Portland of its
so-called vice clique. This was a sensa-
How "War Feels."
n wvm urn", wwiimiTPPirii'
from Mains end Florida, perhaps, woult
Nancy, and Fifth avenue would look lik
be starting to the different churches for
the daily service of "songs and prayers
for our soldiers." Tbe scrubwoman and
the woman of fashion, the veteran of an
other war. tbe grimy private returning,
the immaculate young officer starting
out, the white haired scholar, the mother
from the country come to see ber son
In the city hospital would pray there
Glorious heroisms would be lived In
tenements palaces and flats A people
would have been caught op Into another
sphere ot consciousness by tbe Inspira
tion ot miKbty sacrifice, becoming super
men and supcrwomco lo s heroic age,
A few ucrsona would remain nntAiiched.
But tbe great army at horns. . behind
h. an,. .k. .. .i . ...
glory commensurate with Its sacrifice.
Sometimes, If New Tork were Paris, the
soldiers would start back to the front
with bands but oftcnest, even when lo
detachments, not to music and not In
military step. The rich, coveted reward
of days sad olgbts of fighting, would
sometimes be the saluting of the flag.
Oar soldiers men ana boys hare
started for those battlefields
Choking farewells Prayers Faith.
Courage. Victory)
The American Red oes asks for
SI OO.Ol K).(X1 Immedit'.ely. I ia needed
for tbe Victory.
riBiiii 1
Attention, People
Dolly Dimples will be with us for the whole week.
We took this manner of advertising our store, just
to start something in SALEM. We hate to see tlw
town, or rather the city, slumber. We could not
have a CHERRY FAIR, or Round-up, or Festival
Week, or anything else, for that matter. But we
will get into the running in time. So, good people,
have patience, and we will get till these things. How
ever, by way of diversion, we struck on the
stunt, and if you can find the party, good for you, as
you stand a splendid chance of proving your sense
of observation, and incidentally cop off the $50 or
$100 award by finding the clever Dolly.
Before going on the scent, you must purchase some
thing at our store and have the sales slip in your
possession; then go to it and seek--"Seek and you
shall find." Dolly will be in our store between 10
and 12 Monday morning.
And at the Bligh Theatre every matinee and evening
Special Bargains
During the Dolly Dimples week we shall have special
bargains to tempt you to purchase your necessities
in .',:') un
clothing, Hats,f Shoes and
Make your headquarters this week at Benjamin
Brick's, Formerly
Brick Bros.
The Corner Store State and Liberty Sts.
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase The
House With a Conscience.
I want to remind you that now is the time to pur
chase your season tickets for the Chautauqua.
I believe in Chautauquas. Tickets for sale at my
store. , BENJ. BRICK.
tional affair and in tho net were ninny
ot Portland's liiominent citizens. But
without fear or favor -Mr. Brick did
his duty without compensation.
since conuiiir to nuleni .Mr. llink
jhas been one of its most loyal boosters.
8omo time iigo ho tried to have the
Commcri'iul club chnnga its name to
tho chamber f commerce. Jlo was elect
ed in 11)10 as director of the Publicity,
Convention and Tourist department of
the 8aleni t 'iininieicial club, and Inst
year directed the. Halem Cherry fair,
which was classed as the best cherry
fair Halem has ever had. Ho has always
been found in the front rank in any
thinir for the uplift of Halem. and this
voiir is one or the uuarunturs of the
Halem chautauqua,
Mr. Brick is iil years of tige, and
judging from his past success in busi
ness, social and booster work, he doubt
less will have a brilliant future here.
Brother May Go on Boad
Isadore Iirii k, whose interest is pur
chased by his brother, will leave Hn
lem today or tomorrow. He will go di
rectly to Seattle, but has not formulat
ed his plans definitely, and after a trip
0 l.os Angeles may return to tno At
lantic coast.
Mr. Brick lias followed the vocation
of a traveling salesman and may re
turn to that occupation.
"I want to say this for Halem and
its people," said' Mr. ftncit yesterday,
"Halem has the finest people on the
face of the earth and is the most beau
tiful city 1 have ever seen in my trav
els. Now some of you may not think
this about Salem people, but I do, for
it has been my experience. Many peo
ple have become my friends while I
have been here and want to bid them
goodbye. 1 hope they will continue to
support the store where I have been in
terested with my brother. The only
thing that prompts me to leave Sulein is
that my experience here is my first
venture in a business of this kind and
I find it too confining. Hut it has been
a uood experience, and I have learned
la lot in tho two years 1 have been
Industrial Rally
Planned for Donald
! '
Supervisor Jay V. Fike was in town
a while yesterday afternoon milking ar
; ruugcmcntg far a big industrial dub
'rally to be held at Donald on the ninth
jof August. It is expected that all of
ithe clubs in this corner of the counlv
iwi" take I,art 1 ,h,a ' v ili b nnp
;of the biggest events of the kind ever
1 pulled off.
It 1 planned to bold it in the Cone
grove, and it will be an all day affair.
A parade through town, led by the Don
ald band, will wind up at the grove
at 10 a. 111. Governor AVithycombe will
be present and deliver an addvess; a big
basket dinner will be served at noon,
and during the afternoon a monster
program of races and other sports will
be enjoyed at the park.
A committee consisting of Jas. P.
Feller, O. A. Cone and O. O. Freeman
has been named to have charge of ar
rangements. Record.
Six Million Farmers
to Form Organization
Ht. Paul, July P. representatives f
six million American farmers are here
today to complete organization of the
American Federation of Organized Pro
ducers and Consumers which will lend
the farmers in an organized fight to
prevent war speculation and to insure,
reasonable prices.
Announced objects of tho conference
are :
First Establishment of maximum
rand minimum prices for fond products
by a commission to be headed by tLe
secretary of agriculture.
Second Prohibition of speculative
activities in boards of trade, stock ex
changes and chambers of commerce.
Third Government control of the
marketing and distribution of necessi
ties of life.
Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment
TuBgs 5c Jan. BOO uTT.,
The Sunshine
in j
"A Small
Town Girl"
A Thrilling
2 reel Comedy
n .