Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1917, Page TWO, Image 2

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Clear Away Dress Sale
on Spring and Summer Dresses
- J. J fel . w
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rri.E simple life is now tho accept
I cd thine, and economy ia the or
der of the dar in to tut as it does
not border on a frugality which would
upset economic conditions.
In fact, it applies more to the food
situation than to any otyer, for, after
all, there is no threatened shortage of
Tai incut.
The hotels and clubs Lave lessened
the number of courses at meals, and
the menus are made to fit tho condi
tions ininosed by eiubarzos.
That hospitality and the social graces
do not dciiend absolutely on a lavish
ejciiendittire of money is being demon
xtmtvd daily at the numerous affairs
that have brightened the monin just
past. There have been luncheons, bridg
es and dinners galore, and no one de
precates the fact that they are not
t-laborato, costly affairs. Everyone
welcomes a return to simplicity, and
most of all do the very people who have
been in the whirl of extravagance with
oil its tedious formality.
The alorious weather now is the
(juration for motor picnics and all friv
olities typical or summer tune, ana prac
tically everyone is spending the biggest
part or the timo out of doors.
Tho beach cottages are opening rap
Idly, and in another week or so all of
society will be enjoying its annual re
Honoring Miss Kdith Johnson of
Factory ville, Penn., who has been her
guest for soveral days, Mrs. Ardee L.
Wallace entortuincd informally on
Friday afternoon with a sewing bee.
An artistic array of sweet Dcas and
other garden flowers adorned the rooms
and the afternoon was marie memor
able by Miss Ada Miller who aang
several charming vocal solos.
Mrs. Linn C. Smith assisted Mrs. Wa!
Those .asked to moot the visitor were
Mrs. Paul L. Schmidt, Mrs. Linn (J.
Hroitb, Mrs. Hnrry Wcndoroth, Mrs. K.
R. Griffin of Seattle, Miss Ada Miller
and Mrs. Hairy J. Weidmer.
Miss Margaret ftodgcrs. will leave
Tuesday morning for Vancouver, B. C,
where she will be the guest of Miss Zu
letto London, the charming young
daughter of Mr. and Airs. T. W. B. Lon
don. She will be away for about two weeks
and will be aocom)anied by Miss Paula
Linn of Eujjone, who will join licr in
Miss Ida, Simmons, a charming Salem belle, whose engagement was announced
today in Portland at a luncheon tor widen her aunt, Mrs. Harvey Wells,
waa hostess. a
If 6-G
Tho Outdoor Girl
Protect tl skin and
complexion) from all
weather,, conditions.
Soothing and healing
after exposure, Relieves
unburn, tan and rough
tfv Hunnl cl-in.. TV.. Ik
J today. ' , , w,
ouraud'a VOft
Oriental Crmm
'" Stmt 10c tar Trial Slat
This year has been unusually prolif
ic in engagement announcements, many
of the long entertained suspicions of
the winter's gallantries becoming veri
fied, as one after another of the feted
maids announced the mnn of her choice.
Scarcely a month has gone by with
out its news of several betrothals and
marriages, until socioty is so accustom
ed to them that every week One looks
for more and more.
The latest girl to bo added to the
list of brides-elect is Miss Ida Simmons,
whose engagement to Joseph M. Kieg of
Portland, was made known today in
that city, at a charming luncheon for
which her aunt, Mrs. Harvey Wells, was
hostess. Only a few close friends of
Miss Simmons were asked to shore in
the excitement of the announcement,
and the artistic luncheon table was
done in a pink color scheme, with love
ly rose pink blossoms forming the cen
ter piece.
Miss Simmons ia one of the most
charming maids in Salem and is very
accomplished and interesting. She also
is extremely good looking.
The news "of her betrothal ' has
brought with it one clement of regret,
in as much as Salem will lose this at
tractive girl, who has made many
friends here, since coming from Port
land, a few years ago with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hurvey Welis.
with whom she has made her home the
greater part of the time since the death
of her parents. Miss Simmons former
ly lived in Spokane, Wash. She receiv
ed her earlier education in tho Spokane
schools, later finishing at
Wrights Seminary in Tacoiua.
Mr. Rieg is an eastern man, and for
merly came to Portland from Chicago,
111. He is a member of the Hotary club
and is well known in Portland business
circles. He is a broker and promoteT
nnd for several years has been interest
ed in the staging of a number Of auto
mobile shows on tho coast, and the Port
land horse shows which are brilliant so
cial events in that city each year.
The wedding will be an event ef
Guests at tho luncheon were: Mrs.
Zadoc J. Riggs, Mrs. George E. Waters,
Miss Hazel Downing and Mine Maude
Durbin of Salem j Mrs. Keith Powell
, -iice Binghnm) of Lafayotte; Mrs.
Hubert B. McKean (Haaelle Erixon),
Mrs. Fritz R. Behrends. Mrs. A. F.
Flegcl, Jr., (Minnie Chambers), Miss
Eugenie Calhoun Miss Lulu Rieg, Miss
Florence Clary, Miss Helen Boss and
Miss Anne Clary, of Portland, and
MiBB Frances Stewart of Seattle.
Mrs. T. A. Ramsey who, with her
charming children, nas been passing
several weeks in Salem as the guest of
her relatives the George G. Binghams,
has gone to Portland, where she has
taken an apartment for the summer.
The" left early in the week, accom
panying Mis. Koith Powell (Alice Bing
ham! of Lafayotte, who motored to
Portland for the duy.
Mrs. Ralph A. Glover entertained on
Monday afternoon with a delightful m
formal bridge. Guests were asked to
make up four tables or the game, anu
the card money as usual was given to
the Red Cross.
The rooms were artistically decked
Annie with quantities of rose pink and blue
L.aureroury ueus, auu me guui eio
for tho most part members of the host
ess' bridiro club.
Mrs. Arthur S. Benson assisted Mrs.
E SI SHI? ITS? 5"" S"" "",wwMiwrimnMiwi guigwwunmin
t Uriff WiM itis m Min im ain ii rtiw Mi mil in imi mim tmtbmmttmumKtmm
One ton of the dryest wood contains 10,000,000 heat units.
One ton of MENDOTA COAI. contai ns 23,000,000 heat units.
Only 800 pounds of MENDOTA COAL are required to go as far as one
ton of the dryest wood.
' cost you only $3.20. pounds of MENDOTA COAL would
Say the wood costs you $6.50, the 800
- .
A Saving of $3.30
One Ton of MENDOTA COAL at
Will save you exactly
$8.25 in your fuel bill
It is the best in Salem
SoU by C. W. NIEMEYER, proprietor Big One Fuel Co., "The man who
brought down the price of coal in Salem.'
Phones: 1321;946-M.
'BWtflHB V r"W (0
Tho club members playing were Mrs.
R. B. Goodin. Mrs. George Lewis, Mrs.
Edward Giiiingham, Mrs. George Wood,
Mrs. Arthur H. Moore, Mrs. F. G. Bow
ersox, Miss Calista Moore, MrB. George
E. Schaefer and Mrs. Douglas C. Min-
10. - . ,
Guests of the afternoon were Mrs.
John W. Harbison, Mrs. George P. Fox,
Mrs. William T. Neill, Mrs. Arthur Ben
son, Mrs. Roy Burton, Mrs. Asa I.
Eoff, Mrs. Lamb of England and Mrs.
Kate Kennell of Portland.
Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. S. Guy
Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lives-
ley motored to Portland Wednesday to
attend the performance of Al Jolson at
the Baker theatre.
Thursday, thev were the euests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Belcher at the Wav-
erly Country club and spent the great
er part of the day playing golf, return
ing home late that night.
i.any in tne coming week the Lives-
leys and their children will join the
Salem colony at Agate Beach, opening
tneir attractive home there for the sea
Mr. and Mrs. Asahcl Bush will leave
tomorrow for Agate Beach to open
their wonderful new summer Irome for
the season.
Thev will make tho trip to the beach
in their cars and will be accompanied
by tneir two small sons, Asanel, Jr., and
Stewart, and Mrs. Bush's mother, Mrs.
William u. Jtwot, who will be with them
most of the summer.
Although Mr. Bush will be with his
familr only for a few days at a time,,
he will motor ta the shore frequently,
and will speed most of bis week ends
Their place undoubtedly will be the
scene of much gayety during the sum
mer, ag they plan to entertain with sev
eral house parties, and will have guests
with them the greater jpart of the time.
Mrs, Henry W. . Meyers and Mrs.
Charles Gray are passing the day in
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lamport en
tertained Thursday evening with a
small informal dance in honor of James
Marr, who is leaving soon to join the
sicnnl corps of the U. S. army.
Those participating in the gayeties
were Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Griffin of Seattle, Miss
Helen Dcekabach, Miss Haael Down
ing, Miss Lenore tSaley, Roy Barth,
Lloyd Rigdon and James Marr.
The many Palcm friends of Miss
Irene Campbell, who wth her parent,
Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Campbell, formujr
ly lived here, will be glad to know that
she won the finals Wednesday in the
women 's handicap singles at the annual
Irvington club spring tournament, de
feating Miss Lily Fox in straight sets.
Miss Fox and Miss Campbell both play
ed a hard driving game, Miss Camp-
bell s slight advantage being in great
er covering ability and more careful
placement shot. She went through the
tournament with a heavy handicap of
owe 30.
Miss Campbell who is a former state
champion, participated in tho Salem
tourney last Summer and with several
other Portland players is planning to
be hero for the event again this year.
Mrs. Ernest Hofer and her daughter,
Miss Florence Hofer, who have been
sojourning in San Francisco, California,
for a lew weens, came home to
day. During the last week of their stay
in the south they were the guests of
tneir relatives. Mrs. Andrew Holer an
daughter, Miss Marie Hofer of Pasa
dona, Calif., who are passing the sum
mer in San Franeisco. Mack Hofer, who
accompanied his mother and sister
south, is now with his family in Ber
keley. They expect to remain in Califor
nia for several weeks longer, motoring
nome aoout the iirst or August.
-Mrs. .lames A. Wilson is passing a
few weeks at Seaside and is the guest
of -Mrs. t.. JS. .Merges of Portland, who
has opened her cottage there for the
....A party of Portland folk including
Mr. and -Mrs. Anderson Cannon. Mr,
and Mrs. Merrill Bruce Moo res and Mr,
nnd Mrs. George Kevins motored to
Salem early in the week and were the
guests of Air. and Mrs. M. L. Jones at
"Labish Meadows." They made the
trip from Portland in the Cannon car.
leaving Wednesday for Albany to at-
tenu tne rotinu up.
Miss Edith Johnson, who has been
the guest of Mrs. A. L. Wallace for
several days, has left for her home in
Scranton, l'enn. Mrs. Wallace accom
panied her guest to Portland.
A merry childrens party was given
on Wednesday attornoon by MrB. Jos
eph Bauch tor her little daughter, Mar
jorie, on her first birthday anniver
About a dozen woe tots participated
in the frolic, and the afternoon was
made merry with fireworks. Later tho
party closed with refreshments, the
youngsters circling a table decked with
huge basket of red rambler roses.
Tiny cakes marked the placed.
Mrs. George Miller assisted Mrs.
The little guests were Angoline Sun-
din, Veronia Cadwell, Marie Klutke,
Genevieve Sundin, Kenneth Hirons,
Juanita Hepner, Clairo Hepncr, La
Vergne Proctor Aorvel Hirons, Lthcl
Hepner and Jack Hepncr.
Mrs. William H. Lvtle will leave next
week for Portland, where she will join
her sister, Mrs. Robert Stanfield, of
Pendleton on a several weeks motor
trip through Oregon, Idaho and Washington.
Mrs. A. rJ. Hlomquist of fceauie, also
will be the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Stanfield, on part of the trip and they
will tour many interesting and pictur
esque places.
A visit to the various beaches, Seat
tle. Mt. Rainier, Crater Lake and Bend
will be iucluded in the Itinerary being
planned by Mrs. Stanfield.
The weddincr of Miss Gertrude
Swarts and Brvan Turner was solemn
ized Thursday afternoon at two o clock
at the home of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon S. Swarts on 127o
E street.
It was a small quiet affair and the
ounle were unattended. Rev. Holt of
the First BaptiBt church officiated.
Preceding tho ceremony Miss Bessie
Gill sang "I Love Yon Truly," and
Miss Opel George played the wedding
arch. Little John Anderson acted as
ring Dearer.
The bride wore a becoming gown or
hand embroidered white batist and her
veil was caught with tiny roses. Her
bonquet was a shower of Cecil Bruu
ner roses, and was caught by a girl
friend, Miss Mabel Savage.
The bride has been raised in Salein
and has many friends here.
Scores of music lovers from all over
the state flocked to Portland this week
to attend the Music Festival at the new
auditorium. The presentation of Eli
jah" by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy
was given on the opening night and
the occasion was the greatest musically
in Portland s history,
Amone the Salem folk who attended
tho festival were: Mrs. Walter ftenton,
Miss Beatrice Sheltun, Miss Minnctta
Magers and Misg hhna Wcllcr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts will
havo as their guests for the week end
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Young of Albany,
who will motor to Salem tomorrow on
their way to Hood River.
JJext week the Roberts and their chil
dren will leave for Agate Beach to open
their cottage for the season.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Gpodin was the scene or an exceptional
ly pretty ' wedding yesterday after
noon when Mrs. Goodin 's nephew, Rev.
Franu Rissley Kennel, of Berkeley, (."al.
and Miss Ruth Epperson of Richmond.
(.'al., plighted their troth.
A feature tf the wedding was tho
performing of the ceremony by two
ministers, Rev. William (. Elliott of
1 ortlaud and Rev. James Heady of this
Tho bride wore a charming gown of
white net and lace, and carried a bou
quet of pink and white carnations. She
was given in marriage by her brother,
Heber Epperson of Richmond, Cl.
The wedding march was played by
Miss Mabel Patrick, and little Fern
Winchcll acted as ring bearer, carry
ing tho ring in a huge easter lily.
The residence was decked with Caro
line Teslout roses, Canterbury bells,
and lavendar sweet peas, and the cere
mony was performed beneath an areh of
easter lilies and ivy. f ollowing the cer
emony a buffet lunch was served. -
A huge basket of pink Cochet roses
and lavendar sweet peas centered the
table, over which Mrs. Arthur H. Moore
and Mrs, John Risley of Milwaukie, Or., j
presided. j
Assisting m tne serving were tne
Misses Mary Starkweather of Milwau
kie, Or., ;viiss Maoel Patrick and Mar
garet Goodin.
Rev. and Mrs. Kennel left for a so
journ at Seaside and upon their re
turn will make their home in lierkcley,
Cat. Rev. Kennel has a number of
friends in Salem having at one time j
attended the Willamette Lnivcrsiiy lor
a few mouths.
Mrs. ( P. Bishnn went to Portland
this morning to attend the Salem picnic i
at the Oaks. I
Wednesday, Mrs. Bishop will leave j
forPendleton to ioin Mr. Bishop who
All Spring and Summer Dresses for Women, and
Misses' Wear in Pongee Silk, Taffeta Silks,
Lingerie and Sport Models are offered at exceed
ingly small prices.
Lingerie Dresses $4.98, $7.48, $9.75. $12.48
Silk and Sport Dresses ........ $12.48 and $17.48
If you are interested in a dress do not over-look
this offer. '
U. G. Shipley Co.
Quality Merchandise
, Liberty Street
Popular Prices
Mrs. S. Jessuu of Boise. Idaho, who
has been visiting at the Augustus
Strang residence for a few weeks, left
Wednesday for Oregon (lty, where she
s uie guest or Mrs. John Loder.
later Mrs. Jcssun will return to Sa
lem for ft. visit and will be tho cuest
of Mrs. Fred S. Stewart and Mrs. E.
E. Waters. '
As a pre-nuptial attention to Miss
Gertrude Swarts, whose marriago took
place Thursday, Mrs. Gooree Miller
and Mrs. Joseph H. Bach were joint
hostess fora miscellaneous shower nt
the home of the lattor on Tuesday af
ternoon, r
Tho rooms were attractively and ap
propriately adorned with scarlet hearts
upius anu reu ramuier roses.
A unique feature of the afternoon
was the fairy wedding with little Pau
lino Johnson and "Bonnie" Snyder act-
ng as tho bride and groom, and Ken
neth Hirons and La Vergne Proctor as
the attendants.
About 35 friends of the honorec were
asked for tho affair and sho was the
recipient of many useful and attract
ive gifts.
Assisting the hostesses were Miss
Evelyn Grcuimeis and Miss Rosalie
Mrs. Wiley ' Ambrose and daughter,
Misa Florence Ambrose, of Los Ange
les, California, who have been the
guests of Mrs. Ambrose's cousin, Mrs.
George G. Brown for a few days, loft
Wednesday for Belliiigliam, Wash., to
join Mr; Ambrose. .
w .
Mrs. R. E. Lee Stciner and young son,
Milton Stciner, who have been enjoying
a tew weeks at their summer hoine in
Noskowin will return toniorrowjfccom-
panying Dr. ateincr who motowd to
: the shore Friday. ' " -t
Mr. aud Mrs. Paul L. Schmidt and
small daughter, Helen Claire, have re
turned homo from a two weeks sojourn
on tho Sound.
While away they visited in Olyinpia,
Auburn and Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. GrilTin,.,iif Se
attle, are the guests of Mr. and Mis.
Linn C. Smith.
They i-aiiio early in the week and
will be here until Monday.
Mrs. Eugenia Giiiingham expects to
leave soon for Newport where she will
pass the summer as the guest ot her
daughter, Mrs. F. T. King, of Walla
Friends of Miss Cora Talkington will! Walla, Washington, who, with her chil-
rejoice to know that she is rapidly iin-: dren, is occupying a cottage at the
proving from the recent oporation , beach.
which she underuicnt at the Saicm hos
pital. She is still however, confined to
the hospital for a week longer.
A party of the married eontinscut
including Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Mev-
ers, Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brown and
Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Ohnser motor
ed to Eugene today to spend the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shisler
C'Crtrude Cunningham.)
Miss Godson and Miss Mae Godson
of Westminister, Canada, arrived in
Salem several days ago and are the
guests of Mrs. F. A. Edwards at The
Court apartments. They will spend the
summer here.
Mis. W. Everett Anderson left Tues-
(.'nsAas oSad no panai)aOQ)
I Mr. Turner also is woll known in Sa
il Jlem. He is a University of Oregon muni
1 land a member of .the Sigma Chi frn-
ill tAi-mtv. I
t l " ihas been there for a few weeks in the
ml W and Mrs Tinrrv Staiiloton of i interests of his business.
fRosebiug who have been visiting the Sho will spend several weeks in Pen-!'
II Joseph Baumgartuer family for a few dleton and will be the guest ot her son i
II dsvs motored home Fridav and were and daughter-ia law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy'
t j I accompanied by the Misses Josephine i T. Bishop.
l aud Lenta Baiinmartnor, who will be!
J 'their quests for a week or so. j Miss Louemma Waters, the young
II I twin tl.eir visit in Salem, the Sta- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. irank at-
II pletons and Baiuiigattners toured the.ers, of Portland, is the guest of her
II Columbia Highwav. igran.tmotiier, -Mrs. i li. waters, ne
J j j ' ! came today and is planning to spend
! Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Graham, had j the greater part of the summer in 5a
II ' their guests during the week, Mrs. jlem.
I I !Grhi)m hrnther-iit-tn w nnd sister. Mr.l .
t and Mrs. Herbert Barhur, of Portland! Mrs. Zadoc J. Riggs and Miss Hazel i
li .,) Mr and Mr Robin,! Chapman of I Downing went to Portland yesterday
If 'Oakland. California, who have been vis- j to be guests at the charming engage-!;
Illiting relatives in Portlsnd. Uictit luncheon for which Mrs. Harvey j ,
11 I ti,.,. ... ... Ql. ml Mr I Wells was hostess todav. for her niece.
I i Chapman returned south from here. Miss Ida Simmons. 1 1
jjj They will spend the week end in ; .
I I : Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hodge hsd a few Portland, and tomorrow . with Missj
II 'friends at their home on Wednesday Prauces Stewart of Seattle, will be the j J
H levelling for an informal supper. guests of Mis Simmons and her fiance, ; I
11 j The table was arraaged a the lawn Joseph Rieg, on a motor trip over the j
I 3 'and the guent, included. Mr. and Mrs. j Columbia Highway.
E J i . H. Cook, Mrs. G. Stciner. -Mr. and
- Mrs Walter X rvmi sn.l Mis. (ier- Kev. aud Mrs. F. H. Xeff have vi:
aJ ilrudo Ait.cn lng 'hem the former's mother, Mrs. L.
T. I
The slogan is:
A Piano in Every Home"
Has your home a piano ?
If not now is the time to
hay it Everybody is at work.
Money is plentiful. It will be
a long time before you can -. - -get
one for less than we are
ashia? now.
Geo. C. Will
Salem's Music Dealer
432 State
i C. Lorhard of Portland.