p FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES' . CIRCULATION IS OVER 4400 DAILY FORTIETH YEAR NO. 162 rnr SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1917 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS. If II II , VII II II . .i.L I VI! II M 1 1 i HOW MH1 DRAFTED WILL BE SELECTED : MpillIGTOIl Resignations From Local Boards May Force Draw ling Over the Week ; Ei PERSON LIABLE f 1ST INFORM HIMSELF Regis its Must Get Their Nun, and Then Await the Drawing By Webb MUler. (United Press staff correspondent ) Washington, July 7. The fate of 9,640,938 men on the national army reg istration rolls will be held in a huge glass bowl filled with little gelutine capsules. The number on paper squares in each of these capsules will designate the men drafted for America's armies. A final plan of the unique method of singling out the men for the first levy is before Secretary Baker today. Unless a shift is made in present ar rangements, this is the method or the draft lottery: Squares of paper numbered serially will be placed in gelatine capsules. These will be thrown into a big trans parent globe. On the day of the draft, eapsules will be drawn at random 'from the erlobe. Each slip indicates for - draft every man bearing that number in each of the more than 4,000 counties and citiesc in the nation. The slips are numbered from one up as high as the number or men register ed in the largest precinct in the coun try. President Wilson's advisory- board lin settled r.pon this method as the fairest that can be devised. "Every ac tion is open to the public scrutiny. Mar Draw Whole Number. The drawing will probably be hold in some large room in the war department. A committee of prominent men will be appointed to act as official witnesses, testifying to the impartiality of the lot tery. " In the provost marshal general's of fice today clerks were busy numbering the half1 inch slips that will choose the draft army.! . As soon as the last precinct has com pleted its organization and affixed the red ink serial numbers to the registra tion cards, the draft lottery will take place in Washington. Although General Crowder urged e? ery board to complete their labor by today, officials assert that the draft may' be delayed through next week by. resignations from the local boards. President Wilson himself has given consideration to the various plans for the draft lottery. It has not yet been fully decided whether the first drawing should cover only enough men for the first levy or the entire 9,019,938 registered. In the latter case, the numbers of every man registered will be listed in the order drawn and this list will stand for future levies, the second draft to begin at the sei ia number In each district where the first draft ended. j Twenty men selected by Provost Mar shal General Crowder will do the actual! drawing of the numbers from the glass j globe- " Watch for Your Number. America's men of draft age will be I (Continued on "age six.) (DC n A DTIU UDli LI ft l 1 1 li It don't make much difference what else you've got if you haint got ap plication. "I don't know how thev feel about it t day, but when I lived in th' country a farmer thought anything1, will onn.1 enftiah fir . m t " i . 1 L- j - ' ava .. . .... . . . ....... 'Sqnre Marsh Swallow. Educational Leaders Meeting in Portland Portland, Or., July 7. Educational leaders from every corner of the United States are gathering here today for the annual convention of . the National Educational association. :. The meeting of the council of the as sociation will be held this afternoon and tonight to outline policies of the organisation. The conrenton proper will Qpon Monday and close next Fri day night. i Fourteen departments and 21 allied organisations meet with the National Education association. Eight thbusnnj delegates will attend the meetings. ROOSEVELT STARTS TROUBLEAT MEETING Shakes His Fist in Gompers' Face at Meeting in Honor of Russians New York, July 7. The Russian war mission is at home in New York. A. young "civil war" was staged for them when Colonel Roosevelt launched a vit riolic attack on Samuel Gompers, prcsi dena of the American Federation of Labor on his attitude on the East St. Louis race riots. Roosevelt accused Gompers of at tempting to justify the killing of the negroes. It all happened at a mass meeting of welcome" to the Russian misison at Car negie hall. When Roosevelt referred to the "ap palling brutality" of the East St. Louis riots, Gompers came back with the assertion that he would "yield to rone in expressing detestation of acts of violence-" Gompers said the importation of ne groes from the south was "an exercise of tyrannic power like that ,which exi isted in old Russia." ' . Colonel Roosevelt could contain him self no longer and jumping from his seat he launched bis attack on Gomp ers. ' . : ' . "Murder is murdeT,' he shouted di rectly at-Gompers, who' turned" white with anger. "And I'll not let you or any one justify it." His eyes blazing, he continued: "I am not willing that a meeting called to commemorate the birth of de mocracy in Russia shall even seem to have expressed or to have accepted apol ogies for the brutal infamies imposed on the colored people." -Roosevelt shook his fist in Gompers' face when he shouted: "If we apol ogise for murdering helpless women and children, then how can we praise the people of Russia f" The hall was in an uproar, but Mayor Mitchel restored order. Gompers did not, or didn't have the chance, to answer the attack. He is expected to make a statement today. Market Was Uncertain But Developed Strengh New York, July 7. The New York Evening Sun financial review today said: , The strong technical position to which the market has been reduced as a result of continuous bear attacks was demonstrated this morning- when secur ity prices were marked up a point or so on small covering opera.icns. Th.j cains accomplished in the day's short session were otherwise without signif icance, the market being al-nost ex clusively in the hands of small pro fessional contingent. Stocks were hesitant :,nd uaccrtsin at the outset, but before the end of the first hour considerable stion'th de veloped in spots aid tne entire market exhibited a firm tendency. Rails were very dull, but vb-.t little buying therj was nere ir ieci su.:i i.rupcjbin-s r Reading, ?t. Paul, Baltimore and Ohio, and New York Ccnrtal a point or more at times. Peneul Mntura was again weak and so'iie two points lower. Others in this fctOiip ew firm. Stee'.s and coppers wore all fr.ictional'y high er, while Xatior.ul Euain-Miig, Central leather, Marino preferred aul Crucible Steel were partteulrrly favored. John Deere Plow Co. Wonld Dodge Taxes ' Springfield! 111., July 7. What is believed to be a move to escape a cap ital stock tax being assessed by a num ber of states in the union was taken bv the John Deere Plow eompaay and allied concerns, today, in the shape of a- gigantic- redaction in its certified amount of incorporation.. The papers were filed with the secre tary of state. The following companies certified to stock reductions: John Deere Plow- eompany of Port land, Oregon Molioe 4230,000 to $2, 500. John Deere Plow companv of Omaha, Xeb.. Moline T.00,000 to 2,500. John Deere Plow eompany of San Franciseo Moline 2."i0.000 to $2,300. The bill to tax large corporations fail ed in the last ernernl assembly, but the redaction no doubt is being made in states in whi(.n tn, companies eper- ate. GERMAN KOIIEY IS BAClGLWlil MAKING TROUBLE United States' Attorney . Reames Says Government Has the Proof THREATEN TO DESTROY EASTERN OREGON CROPS One of Prime Objects Is To Destroy - Shipbuilding Industry 5js sfc sffe Jfr 3(e sfc iflc sfe sc A GERMAN MOVE Portland, Or., July 7. The government has conclusive proof that the I. W. W. is backed by German money. - The I. W. W. is the greatest menace to the welfare of the United States today, and Uncle Sam is going to force the issue, learn who is boss the govern ment or the I. W. W. . These arc the outstanding fea tures in an interview granted today by United States Dis-, trict Attorney Clarence Reames, Portland, Or., July 7. Unprecedent ed I, W. W. activity throughout the Pa cific northwest today is considered more alarming than ever, before. Offi cials of Washington, Idaho and Oregon admit the situation is growing more ser ious. I. W. W. strikers have tied up log Btne cnmDS in eastern Washington and 'the Idaho Panhandle. Threats against the law and order in Yakima valley have led to reaueNts for troops. Farm ers ol the Inland Empire have been told the I. W. W. intend to set fire to tho wheat fields when the grain is ripe and dry. Farmers throughout the three states are forming home defense guards, "armed and prepared to resist by force if necessary activities of the 1. W. W. "Tho situation from the information which has been coming to me is alarm ing; much more alarming than the peo ple realise," said Governor - James Withyeonibe of Oregon, today. "I want tho citizens of this state to become alive to the fact that this I. W. W. movement is a real threat, a real men ace that is confronting us. "One or the prime objects or tne i. W: W. is to choke life from the infant shipbuilding industry if they can ac complish it. ' 'Aly information leads me to beliove that these men mav be backed by some great organized move which is against the national life and independence ot tho United States. " I Globe is Terrorized Globe, Ariz., July 7. Terrorism must be stamped out in Globe. Citizens, are organizing today for law and order and the virtual expulsion. of the 1. W. W. according to resolutions adopted by the citizens committee. " Htrikers are said to be defiant. Geo. LcClair, deputy sheriff, was ambushed and beaten. His revolver was taken from him and hurled in his face. Kven the presence of federal troops has not restored order trucks carrying food to pumpmen are halted, workmen arc jeered and stoned, and posses are de- lied to identify aud arrest a single as sailant. ' After the settlement of the strike, which appears today as remote as ever. citizens "are opposed to the employ ment of members of the I. W. W.," in the language of the resolutions made public throughout the town today. The resolutions include clauses brandiue the I. W. W. "as public enemies of the United, tSates, " oppos- nz mediation between them and mine operators and agreeing to attempt sus pension of all meetings of tne 1. . . "where treasonable and incendiary and thratening speeches are made." .. Idle at Jerome Jerome, Ariz.. Julv 7. Fifty per cent of the miners here are idle today and others in the district are crippled as'.groes are all armed and prepared to . V 1 1 .. f t Uf W 1! I. a fnrntM.1 tliair hntnPfl " the result of the I. W. W. called strike. So vote has ret been taken by the international anion on the question of whether the strike should be submitter! to fall membership vote. It is declared , that if onion leaders had riot declared men might lay off until official action was taken, li would nave worked to day. There has been no disturbance thus far. Soldiars Prevent Biot Globe, Ariz., July 7. Intervention of soldiers with fixed bayonets was all that prevented a general riot here to day when two me,i were fatally injur ed in an armed clash between metal mine workers and union men. The gun fight, resulting when work men were- challenged going on shift, took place at the Old Dominion mine picket line. One man was shot through the body four times. His companroa was Crippled Girl Because She Was "Bother" St. Johnsbury,, Vt., July 7. Because she "was a bother" to her father's housekeeper, Olive Bradshaw, a little crippled girl, eight years old, was kill ed, according to an admission said to have been made to county authorities by Miss Etta Hicks, the housekeeper and her neighbor, Mrs. Alvin Keunis- ton. . , v According to authorities the women tuid the girl's body was hidden some where beneath a pile of rocks, A gen eral search is being made today for the body of the child. .Scores of farmers, have formed a searching party. , ; Authorities ay the two women fagreed. on, their story that one choked the little glr while, the other beat her with a club. - , "LADY FROM MO'iTAIIA" STIRS DEPARTMENTS Miss Rankin Gees Slumming In Offices and finds Things Washington, July 7. Miss Jeanette Rankin plans to ask a congressional in vestigation, of. .working conditions among women at th bureau of engrav ing and printing, ioj a speech schedul ed for Monday in too house. . At the same timetshe will introduce a resolution asking an investigation- of hours women .in the federal money and stamp printing bureau are employed daily. Washington has Ueeu stirred for a week by Miss Rankin's exploit in go ing on a three hour four of the bureau as simple "J. Rankin" with Jack Connolly of Boston, 'secretary to Rep resentative Carter of. Massachusetts. Mi.sH Rankin found. J she charges that women are forced by. Director Ralph to work unendurable hours. She took the question up with the treasury depart ment but was unable to obtain satisfac tion. Then she determined to introduce a resolution demanding congressional investigation. .'V . A point of Miss Rankin 'n speech will 1; that though Ralph defended the over tune work by citing the war and stated he could not obtain tfirls. Civil service officials told her there are 500 girls wailing for positions at the. bureau. NEGROES HAD PLANNED ATTACK JULY FOURTH Negroes in East St. Losis Admit Such Uprising Was Intended V.nst St T.nnia Til .Tit! v7 Tlovalnn. i ., j , u ments of the countr Srand J"7 Probe at Belleville today, into the rioting of Monday and Tuesday here, which cost the lives of at least 32 negroes aud five white men, are awaited .with keenest interest here. It is known that a rep resentative from the office of Attorney General Brundage will be present to see that local official use proper diligence in conducting the probe which is ex pected to reveal sensational testimony, involving Dr. L. N. Bundy, negro den tist and black leader, who is alleged to have been the brains of the negro uprising which resulted in the killing of two white detectives and precipitated the race riots. Bundy has disappeared. That negroes had planned an exten sive uprising for July 4, and were arm ed and prepared to carry it out, is al leged to have been stated by numerous negroes questioned at the coroner's in quest yesterday. The inquest was secret, hixteen blacks were questioned and five are said to have admitted the; were members of the mob which early Monday morning killed Detective Cop pedge and inflicted wounds on Patrol man Wodley, of which he later died. Statements credited to Mrs. Ida Wells Barnes, former teacher in a negro high school and a well educated negress, said that other negro outbreaks are ex pected in different cities. "Chicago is a powder box which any incident is apt to explode," Mrs. Barnes is quoted as having said, "and the ne protect their homes. Mrs. Barnes is here helping her peo ple, she said, and insisted the only con dition under which they would return to East t. Louis was the ferreting out and hanging of the, white murderers of the negroes. , MOONEY JURY GETS HOLIDAY San Francisco, July 7. In view of the statement by the defense that its testimony ia the Bena Mooney bomb plot trial would be completed next week. Judge Seawell granted the jury a holiday today. The defense plans to muster its wit nesses according to subjects and to rush the case through. cut in a hand to hand battle with knives. Two I. W. W. leaders are in jail. They are Aujtrians. GREAT AIR FLEET IDSLOHD DEAD NUMBER 37 141 Are Injured and Among Them Many Women and Children GERMANS HAVE CEASED THEIR ATTACKS ON LAON Russia Starts New Offensive with Great Artillery Battle atPinsk London, July 7. Thirty-seven men, -wrmen-arid rhilrtren were killed and 141 wounded when the fleet of 20 German aeroplanes bombarded London early to- uay. Lord French officially announced the casualties this afternoon. Of the dead, 2s were men, six women, and three chil dren. The injured included 74 men, 30 wo men and 37 children. The admiralty announced three of the German air raiders brought down over the North sea and Lord French an nounced the destruction of another which was brought down at the mouth of the Thames river. The raid was the greatest from the standpoint of the number of enemy ma chines .participating that London has suffered Binee the beginning of the war- Tho casualties were not so heavy as were suffered on June 13 when 157 per sons were killed and 434 injured. . . Twenty Airships In Fleet London, July 7. A fleet of "ptob ably 20 enemy airplanes" raided Lon don today. . Lord French, commander In chief of the home oefetifta ftrer made toe pre liminarjr announcement parly today but without giving details. Previous to this announcement of the London raid, Lord French had .issued a statement saying:" "At 9:30 this morning hostile air craft in considerable numbers and in two parties, have been sighted off the Isle of Thanet and the east coast of Essex." , The raid on London occurred at 10:30. ' " "The enemy aircraft approached Lon don from the northeast aud proceeded north and west," Lord iTenca stated. "They crossed London from the north west to the southeast, dropping bombs at various places. " The enemy aircraft were attacked by anti-aircraft guns. No teports of dam age or- casualties were announced in Lord French's first statement of tho raid. ThiB is the first raid over London it self since the big one of June 13. On that date 1(3 German aeroplanes kileld 157 persons and injured 432 the larg est casualty list of any such raid since the start of the war. There have been other Talds since that time over Essex and other co&st counties, but none of the aerial visitors reached Loudon. Attacks at Laon rrulUess. Paris, July 7-, Germany has appar ently become convinced of the fruitless nees of her counter offensive against the Grench south of Laon. Today's French official report detailed a cessa tion of fighting in that region and a resumption of artillery activity at an other part of the line east of Uheins, in the Laroyeie Pantheon untl south of Moronvillers. The night was calm else where. In the period from June 21 to June 30, the statement said 19 enemy aero planes and one captive balloon had been downed. Fourteen others, seri- fVwitinue4 on paga three.) Chase for Dolly Dimples Begins Monday Morning Grand Get-a-Way Scheduled for 12:10 P. IVL, in Front of The Bligh Theatre . At 12:10 Mondav afternoon Miss Dol ly Dimples -will make her. sensational debut on the streets of Salem. Promptly at the above named hour Miss Dolly will be in front of the Bligh theater, in a large auto. She will drive down state street and from that minute the chase is on. As a preliminary to the public appear ance Miss Dolly will visit Benjamin Brick's store, State and Liberty at some time between 11 and 12 a. m. Between 1 and 2 p. m. she will be at Rosteia and Oreenbaura s, 246 X. Commercial. To capture her all that is necessary is to approach her on the street or is one of the above named stores with a sales check showing that you have made a purchase in one or the other of these Corn Some Higher Wheat Takes Drop Chicago, July 7. Dry weather throughout the southwest .and a good demand for corn had a bullish influence today on corn, which was from 3-8 to 1 3-4 higher. September opened 3-8 higher at 11.55 and closed 1 1-2 higher. December op ened 1 3-4 higher at 41.16 12 and closed at 3-4 higher, July wheat sold off opening 3 cents down . at 2.10 and closhing 3 down. September opened 3 up at 41.94 and eolsed unchanged- Out were higher, July opened 3 high er at 66. September opened unchanged at 54. December opened 1-8 higher at 56 3-8 and closed 5 8 higher. Provisions were generally steady on a steady to lower hog market. HIGH COST OF STEEL SETS COURT THINKING Steel for Bridge Offered Year Ago for $100, Now Priced -: at $160 ; County Judge Bushey and the eom-J missioners were in a good old-fashioned stew today; in fact, they have been in a stew ever since the bids for the steel bridge across the Willamette here were opened yesterday and the price of construction found to be $247,901. lie feels that tho steel company has a prod in his ribs, as he and his com missioners represent the county. The cost of tho now bridge is felt to bo ex-, cessive Ijr view of the fact that tho estimated price a short time ago was about 18(,000. In Judge Bushey 's estimation, the war is not all responsible for the great advance in the price of steel as quoted in the bid of the Coast Construction company, which was the lowest bidder. The judge says that the steel company in tho east, from which the Coast Con struction company gets its steel, is furnishing the United States govern ment with steel at 56 a ton, while the price quoted in the bid was $160 ton."- ' . i ; . He said this morning that this same company offered put up the eteel superstructure one year ago for $100 a ton, so that now when the price is given as $160 a ton he feels it is al most highway robbery. Even at that price he says he does not think the .Coast Construction company , would make any money on the deal. A few days ago, Judge Bushey said an agent of the Steel company was in 8alein and looked over the finances of the county. He says the agent found the county (had money and so iput on a geod price The agent declared the government . had commandeered the steel plant and that the only reason Marion county .could get the steel was because the government deemed tne road a military road and (ne btiilding of a bridge a military measure. The judge was considering several propositions today but. would make no statement as to what he and the court was likely to do. -However, he said be expected to come to a decision late this evening as to what course he was going to pursue. BOUGHT PORTLAND THEATRE San Francisco, July 7. Purchase of a half interest in the Hoilig theatre, Portland, Ore., was announced today by representatives of Klaw ft Krlanger, New York theatrical firm. This gives Klaw ft Erlanger a complete chain of Pacific coast theatres for their productions- APPEAL TO REASON BARRED Washington, July 7. The mails have been barred to numerous publications for opposition to the war since the es pionage act was approved, June 19, it was learned today. The latest stop order was issued yes terday against the Appeal to Reason, so cialist weekly of Glrard, Kansas. stores and. say to her "You are the Missing Miss Dolly Dimples, Do you deny itf " .' If thus sccosted, she will escort you to Mr. T. G. Bligh, the manager of the Bligh theatre who will pay you the re ward $50, if she is euptured on the streets of Salem, $100 if the identifi cation is made in either of the stores in . which she appears Monday. For the protection of the public this one absolute rule is made it is abso lutely against the rules of the affair for anyone to try to held or in fact iput their hands on anyone. Miss .Dolly 1 will refuse to acknowledge her idea Itity to . anyone who touches her Simp Jly give the salutation and she, will a'd jmit her capture. GERMAN AGEHTS TO BESETtTCUT UNITED STATES Ccunt Yea EerastcriTs As- sistants vifLljKKsntei to Berlin CONSULATE ATTACHES AND CONSULS KUST GO Only the Surface Scratched and Other Tipsters Will Be Rossded Up By Carl D. Groat. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, July 7 All German dip lomatic agents are to be cleaned out of the United States as the government proceeds with Its work of stopping th leak of military information to Ger many. . Count . Von Bernstorf f 's assistants who remained in America when the German envoy departed are to. leave in a short time for Berlin, a high govera ment official stated today. H. Cnhuffhausen and M. Bern, Ger man consular secretaries, will leave first. The remainder, some of whom ha been temporarily attached to the Swiss legation, will leave later. Tho state department today made ar rangements for Bern and Chsnf fhansen. consulate attaches, under Swiss protec tion, to quit the eountry. Others, including German oonsuls "scattered at several ' points, German clerks and other German employes, will follow. ,. American employes of the Spanish embassy, in Berlin,- assisting - in -handling American interests, will be remov ed directly thereafter as a natural retal iation". ''-' ' .. . - -No Evidence Against Thea. The government has no, tv)denee againBt Bern or Chauf fhatfscn. It ia acting only as a precaution and to satis fy a public demand that - possihto sources of German news in this eoun try be choked. !- Removal . of tho Teutons has been un der consideration for several weeks bat the recent spy scare brought the situa tion to a head. !' ,. ; ' Arrests of two German aaents In New York yesterday came as a eoinci dence it was stated officially today. They had been watched for noma time and their arrest , was planned, before Germany had spy news on the sailing of American transports. , . . . . . Ho charges are laid aflainat thes men but they will be interned at KlHsj Island for the duration of the war, where there will be no chance of com municating with the kaiser. , Further strangling of the German spy svstem in this country through arrest of kaiser agents, was predicted here to day as imminent. Just where these hauls will be made- or what- the cases against the men may be, was shielded from the .public lest premature publication thwart govern ment plans by giving the spies a ohanco to escape. Just a Beginning. It was indicated, however, that in arrests of two alleged Teuton agents in New York, the government find only scratched the surface in its efforts to round up Germany's tipsters who in formed the kaiser of America's troop movements. Meanwhile the American oensorship is under fire. It is condemned for eom- ission and omission and both enats and home members threatened to intro duce today resolutions for inevstiga tions. In the first place, congressmen are wroth at the fact, that in loading in transports was so open that every ono with eyes might know of it. Secondly, there is dissatisfaction at the manifest opportunity of German agents to get their messages out or tne eouniry nom bv mail to tho south or 6V eaol to neu tral countries adjoining Germany. Meantime the secret agents, or an branches are helping in the touni-nni of spies. - . ' ' - ' The state department is ie wearing house for the secret servioe activities) and probably will be given s fuller hand to direct, the 'work, of all depart- (Continued o page fens.) t THE WEAHIm : ' OTge: v To "Tiight and Sun day 1ir. "HOW t0 WU