Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 06, 1917, Page THREE, Image 3

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1 1
- . .s
f H V'
Pauline Rrederjck.
A Powerful Story of Mother Love and Self Sacrifice
Those Whistling Fiends
Times of Peace and War
Taken by the U. S. Govt
Watch for Our Big Triple Bill Sunday
To Give Salemites
Picnic In Portland
Are you loyal to Salem It seems
Watch for
Coming Sunday
Pretty Girls
Excellent Costumes
Special Scenery
4- a v aww m.
San Francisco, July 6.
Twelve more Presidio officers
reserve corps candidates were
ordered to active duty today.
They are: Captain Eoy W.
Keal, First Lieutenants Clark
Bonner, - Russell Tripp and Ber
nard Quinn; 8econd Lieutenants
George Cohen, John T. Duncan,
- Brayton Wilbur, Alex- MeGee,
Lester Dunne, Robert Boyd and
J. B. S. Johnson.
that there are many who are not now
residents of Salem, but who have been,
who have a warm spot in their hearts
for their old home and so people of
this type, who are now residents of
Portland will give a "Salem" celebra
tion and picnic at "The . Oaks" in
Portland Sunday, at which time all for
mer residents are expected to show up.
Many Salem people are planning to at
tend, and all Salem people are welcome.
A local committee was formed to ar
range for a program, which will be
given at 2:30 p. m. The personnel of
this committee is: Miss Margaret Cos
per, Mrs. W. H. Eldridge, C. P. Bishop,
Judge G. H. Burnett and Joseph H. Al
bert. They have arranged for three
speakers, who are: Judge George H.
Burnett, Mrs. Olive Knwright and
Charles B.' Moores of Portland, a for
mer Salem resident. Judge Moreland,
who was to have been on the program,
injured himself in a fall recently to
such an extent that he will be unable
to speak. The committee feel that this
picnic will be of the greatest import
ance, and ought to be attended by ev
eryone from this city who can. .
Try Journal Want Ads They pay
of our
in Man's Woman"
-c A
Reel .
Survey Will Be Under Direc
tion of Salem's Fire
Chief Hutton
The state fire marshal department
begins today an inspection of buildings
for the purpose of ascertaining if any
fire hazards exist. This survey will be
under the direction of Chief Hutton of
the Salem tire department who is the
city fire marshal, and when it is com
pleted a report will be made to the fire
prevention committee appointed by the
mayor of which William McGilchrist Is
chairman and William Kvans secretary.
This entire survey will be at no ex
pense to the city, but in a measure will
be of nreat value to those who are in
terested in eliminating such hazards in
their building that nre now unknown.
At the meeting last night Chief Dep
uty jay Stevens of the state depart
ment gave an interesting talk with
sterooptican views showing such haz
ardous conditions found during the ore
liminary survey made in Portland while
he was fire marshal of that eity, and
he has also suggested tht where these
conditions nre found in this city that
pictures De laKen in order that they
can he shown to the fire prevention
committee appointed by the mayor.
One important move that the fire
prevention committee decided upon was
the recommendation of teaching fire
prevention in schools. Mrs. W. E. Kirk
and Mrs. E. E. Fisher, members of this
committee, will no doubt take a great
interest in effecting this movement be
fore the schools and women clubs:
which clubs are greatly interested in
the safety of children.
(Continued from Page One.)
ers for more guns and that orders have
been given by German commanders for
a curtailment in the expenditure of
shells wherever possible.
Captured cartridge shell cases are of
steel now. Apparently lack of brass
and copper has made the enemy try
this metal for ammunition cases for"
field guns and howitzers. Steel cart
ridges are also being issued to soldiers
now. Attempts have been made to
make these steel cases available for
use in machine guns, but up to the
present they persist in a tendency to
burst and jam the guns.
Captured automobiles from the Ger
man lines show construction almost
without brass or copper. Motor lorries
show fabric and wooden tires instead
of rubber.
Estimates from prisoners give about
lo per cent of the present German
fighting infantry made up pf men 21
and 22 years old. From 12 to 15 per
cent are men averaging 20. Lads of
19 are now being brought to the front
iu large numbers and about five or 10
per cenj of the fighting infantry ' is
made up oi these youngsters. Uerman
prisoners say home depots are now fill
ing up with 15 year old youths and even
bows of 17 are undergoing examination
preparatory to conscription.
German Attacks Persistent.
Pans, July 6. Germany still con
tinued her offensive against the French
lines today, but there were no massed
infantry attacks after the repulse in
flicted early in the week. The war of
fice statement today detailed the Ger
man activity as mostly by artillery fire.
"Between the Aisne ana .uamieue
there was severe artillery firing and en
emy raids failed," the statement "id.
"In Champagne, notably around Monts
Casque and Teton, there w as violent ar
tillerying. West of Cornillet and south
west of Tahure an enemy attack was
easily reoulscd.
"On the left bank of the Mouse
northwest of Hill 304 we destructively
cannonaded enemy organizations."
(Continued from Page One.)
senate convened today recommended
the prohibition of all spirits, beers and
wines. He introduced an amendment
that would kill them all.
Robinson, opening the plea for beer
and wines, after offering a proposition
to forbid spirits only,, said:
"My substituto for the committee
amendment conforms in letter and spir
it to the compromise suggested by the-
presiaent ami agreed to Uy the auti-Sa-loon
To Relieve resident
"In the next place the committee
provision is not only subject to criti
cism because it expressly imposes upon
me cnier executive amies which are
legislative iu their nature, but it also
is objectional to senators on the other
side of the chamber because they claim
it confers a great political power and
influence upon the executive. It is urg
ed that the existence of authority of
the president to confiscate hundreds of
millions of dollars""' worth of proporty
through the activities of agents upon
whose judgment and conduct he must
necessarily depend is unprecedented
and unreasonable. Expressing no ap
proval of hig argument, 1 mention it
merely to emphasize the fact that un
less the congress determines this ques
tion for itself the passage of the food
control bill will probably be indefinite
ly delayed."
Roasts Wilson
Senator Vardaman, Mississippi,contin
uing the argument against tho liquor
triumvirate, spoke scathingly of Presi
dent Wilson's stand in behalf of beer
and wines.
"May 1 not express regret," he said,
' ' that the president did not employ his
virile and sarcastic tongue in holding
up to the world the little bunch of wil
ful proponents of liquor, for scathing
rebuke because they were holding up
the food bill, instead of calling upon
the friends of temperance." "!
Senator Sterling, South Dakota.added
his voice to counsel against beers and
wines as well as spirits.
They talk of economic unrest if we
do away with, all intoxicants, "Sterling
declared, "but 1 for one, believe a
bread riot is more to bo dreaded than
beer riots. If it hadn't been for liquor
there w'ould not have been the disgrace
ful scenes in Easts St) Louis, 111. In
states where there is now prohibition,
crime has diminished, labor has improv
ed and industries have prospered."
Goes to Jury Tonight
After three weeks of wordy battle,
the case is expected to go to the jury
late today. A verdict may come before
sundown. '
There is no question as to the fate of
spirits. They will be given the death
penalty. Beer and wine are expected to
The senate chamber was crowded ear
ly to hear the final speeches beginning
at 2 p. m. Under a decision handed
down Into yesterday, debate today is
limited to ten minutes by each sena
tor on the section under which all of
the famous beverages are now subject
to conviction.
On the different questions as they
will be voted on, the, following predie
tions were made today:
To prohibit manufacture of spirits
and leave the fate oi beer and wine to
the president, wets and republican drys
will constitute a small majority against
such a verdict.
To prohibit all three, spirits, beers
and wines, about thirty radical votes
Twill be cast favoring such a verdict
with a majority against it.
To prohibit spirits and not interfere
with beers and wines, an overwhelming
verdict is expected.
With these questions disposed of, the
senate expects to dispose of the whole,
food measure by next Wednesday or
Flour drops 40 cents or more but
we're still unable to buy a loaf of fresh
bread and ride home for a dime.
Two Vessels Report Presense
of Submarine Near
Chesapeake Bay
Washington, July 6 That an Ameri
can navy vessel had sighted what was
apparently the periscope of a submarine
close to Hampton Roads was reported
to the navy department today.
Other ships at once took up the
search for the submarine and Secretary
uameis ordered that the most thorough
investigation proceed.
If the object seen was a periscope, it
wsb not that of an American submarine,
according to intimations at the depart
ment, though no statement was made as
to whether our undersea boats were op
erating in that vicinity.
The official report followed, press re
ports last night which said two incom
ing ships sighted a periseope five miles
off Fortress Monroe in the bay, Daniels
uia not make clear the exact location
and, while he left the impression that
it was "close" to the roads, it was
believed the report said in fact the
periscope was sighted within Chesa
peake bay.
The report had added significance
from the fact that German U-boats are
known to be operating farther from
their home bases than previously, while
unofficial reports indicate that Ger
many is turning out submarines of larg
er size and cruising radius than ever
before. -
.. (Continued from Page One.) '
Romance! Thrills! Love! Life! Glowing with the
fire of real artistry, filled to the brim and overflow
ing with splendid characterizations, and striking
situations, this is an offering that grips and holds
the attention of every spectator. See this story of
' modern life.
Italy Getting Busy.
Rome, July 6 Indication that Italy
is resuming her ottensive was contain
ed in today's war office report, detail
ing a "pushing forward" of the ad
vance line and capture of enemy out
posts around Selo Wednesday.
"Northwest of Selo on Wednesday
night we pushed our line forward, cop-
lurjug enemy vuipunvra t
the statement said. "We maintained
our positions against violent counter at
tacks." Success Was Brief.
Salonika, July 6. By a sudden of
sensive, Teutonic forces on the Mace
donian front succeeded in gaining a
ht-ief. temriorary footing on British
trenches west of Dolzeli, according to
announcement here today. ine assault
was made in the evening and the en
emy was immediately driven out by a
British counter attack.
Dolseli was captured by 'the British
last April. It is close to Lake Doiran
on the extreme right wing of the Mace
donian fighting force.
Attack is Repulsed.
London, July 6-Repulse of an at
tempted raid on British lines in the
neighborhood of Bulleconrt was report
ed today by Field Marshal Haig.
i Refused to Fraternize
Petrograde, July 6. German troops
tried vainly to fraternize with Russian
troops on the Rumanian front but a
I fusillade of artillery fire answered
' their showing of the white flag. The
incident was related in today's official
statement, as indicative of the deter
' mination with which the Russians on
! the Rumanian front were particpating
j in the offensive started by General
: Brusiloff on the northern line. It oe
; eurred in the region of Baliestehi. The
I Teutons yelled invitations to the Rus
' sians to fraternize, but were not ans
! were dexcept by shells.
I General Brusiloff reported a brief
but sharp infantry action northwest of
Rybniki, near Dzikelany and artillery
I ing along most of the front where he
has been pressing the enemy hard.
Berlin, via London, July 6. Artillery
actions between Zborow and Brzezany
on the northern (Russian) front, were
reported in today's war office state
ment. .''-'- : f
(Continued from page one.)
York today to discuss with firess asso
ciation heads the best methods to be
used in handling cablegrams from
abroad and at the same time is taking
up with the cable censors the matter of
stopping spies from sending innocent
apeparing messages to neutral countries
which may bear news to tho German
Newspapers are expected generally to
refrain from publication of news suf
ficiently far in advance to permit Ger
many to mobilize her submarines on the
transport trail.
As an indication of the means tak
en by the enemy spies to obtain in
formation, a member of congress to
day related the following story:
"Before the war a young German
officer ingratiated himself with in
fluential New Yorkers and secured a
position in the state department. IT"
was regarded as a trustworthy, ef
ficient man. But he was forced to
bide his time two years before his op
portunity came.
"One morning a uesK in tne state
department was found broken open
and on the same day the young man
failed to appear. A state department
code was stolen. The man had left
for Germany."
by the I. W- W., he declares.
. May Act As Mediator. ,
Phoenix, Ariz., July 6. That former
Governor George W. P. Hunt may act
as President Wilson's special mediator
in Arizona strikes was indicated to
day by publication of a letter received
by Hunt from the president. John Mc
Bride, federal conciliator, is en route to
Globe today aftor having conferred
with Hunt. Hunt wired President Wil
son his acceptance.
Hello Girls Win.
Hoquiam, Wash., July 0. Strikinf,
hello girls here and in Aberdeen re
turned to work this morning following
a conference yesterday afternoon be
tween United States Mediator Henry
White, of Seattle; District Traffic Su-
perintendent Cochran, of the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company, and J.
Graffer, representing the Pacific Coast
district of the International Electrical
The conference ended with a victory
for the girls.' They will get an in
crease in pay, and the company agrees
not to discriminate against union oper
' " tj : 3 w- W. Controls Union.
Denver, Colo., July (i. Charles' H
Moyer,' president of the International
Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter
Workers today declared that the I. W.
W. is in control of the local union at
Bisbce, Ariz., and that the charter of
tho local will be revoked within 48
"Wo assume no responsibility for the
action of that local. That is what I
telegraphed Governor Campbell," Moy
er declared. "Wo are going to revoke
that charter just as soon as I can get
a man down there to check up their
Strike Called Today.
Jerome, Ariz., July 0. Metal mine
workers of the I. W. W. organization
have called a strike for 3 p. m. today.
Demands identical with those of the I.
W. W. organization at Globe and Bis
bee a six hour day and many working
"reforms" have been presented to
the United Verde Mining company.
Miners of the regular miners' union
here are working amicably with Hie
mining companies. . -
Discuss Labor Troubles.
Couer d'Alc-ne, Idaho, July ti. Labor
troubles growing out of I. W. W. activ
ities in eastern Washington and the
A Public Letter
I desire through this medium to announce
that I have purchased Mr. Isidore Brick's
interest in the firm of Brick Brothers, and
from now on the CLOTHING, HAT, SHOE
at State and Liberty Streets, Salem, will be
under my personal management, and run
under the firm name of BENJAMIN
BRICK. ... ij,,
It shall be my policy, as in the past, to con
duct this business in an open manner, and
to the mutual benefit of my customers and
myself. No one purchasing anything at my
store can do so and be dissatisfied with
their purchase, for I will always willingly
be pleased to exchange any article or re-
-fund your money. Nothing fairer can be
expected or asked of a merchant, and the
slogan BRICK BROTHERS always used
. will be continued: ."We Absolutely Guar
antee Every Purchase."
I trugt my many friends will continue to do
their purchasing at my store, and to those
who have never tried trading at our corner,
all I can say is that we do a cash business,
and you can readily realize the merchant
that does a cash business can give you bet-.
ter value for less money. v ,
I will be pleased to welcome you all, and I
hope to see you soon,
Yours for honorable dealings, .
Beniamsn Brick
M M M M M j
Saull Pf Irr. M
ureal in ttery
I 11 ADTFro
As Age Advances the Liver Requires
occasional alight atimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE
. bears
Colorless or Pale Faces TSSlTSnflZlriSXSt Carter's Iron Mils
Idaho Fauhandle aro being considered
here today at a meeting of the Idaho
state council of defense, 25 lumbermen
and logging operators and Lieutenant
Governor Parker.
, After John McGraw
New York, July 6. Just what it
was John J. McGraw, manager of the
Giants, repudiated when ho signed a
denial of interviews attacking Govern
or Tener will be thrached out today in
the ottices ot the iNatioiial league.
Whether McGraw really said tho things
the newspapers of New York, attrib
uted to him will be brought out for
the public.
Sell it Journal classified ad way.
Advertised July 3, 1917.
Bartholomew,'. Mrs. R. A.; Coon, Win,
1).; Cormier, Mrs. Hallie; Cory, Miss J.
G.i Nemiie. Francis: Knplis 'An Ruin;-
Gauntt, W. C'.j Green, Mr, and Mrs.
.1. (3); Hay.den, Rev. Herbert B.j J-lilJ,
jinx; .lanseen, Mrs. Henrv; Johnson,
Mr. H. O.: Jolv. Mr Krwin- Jnni
George; Klaus, Fred; McCrellnn, Glenn;
jvicuee, Airs. Theresa; Mnrchart, .Mi
E.; Medcalf. Miss M. Laura: .N'eiil. Mr.
J. A.; fivan. Mr. Fred: Rvlauil. Mr
Louise (13); Hchaefer. Karl: Stnwnrt.
Mr., care Lant'e Medicnl Co.: Tim
jKhodes Co.; Waegner, Mr. Phillii:;
Welsh, Mrs. M.; Wood, Mr. John A.j
Voting, Mrs. Anna.
Accuses Insurance Companies.
Washington. July 6. German insur
ance companies snd other German in
terests in the United States are re
sponsible for a large part of the news
lnakaee into Germany, according to
Secretary of Commerce Bedfield today.
"Ag long as they are to be allowed,
to operate in this eountry we should ,
certainly keep -a very close watch on;
them." said Redfield. i
'Give all the kids
Post Toasties
They like cm"
The Last of the
Wilson Canning Berries
are now in.
Wilsons... $1 and $1.35
Clerk's ....$1.50 Crate
Currants.. $1.25 Crate
3 and 4 for 25c
Thin Skinned Water
melons Ac Jb.
In a fascinating
Mutual Weekly
I - W ; 1
3-Big Acts-3 Sunday
It v '