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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1917)
EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. . OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917. MM NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVXSTISXNO BATES Bate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word le One week (6 insertions) per word 5e One month (26 insertions)per word..l7e The Cpital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us Immediately. Minimum charge, 15c. HAVE you phone 7. WOOD SAWING; Cell tf HORSE AM) COW FOR BALK Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front St. 7 0 .WINDOW CLEANINO, service. Phone 1391J. JANIT O R 83 FOUND Lineman's belt. - 1 Phone 8F31. 7-7 FOR SALE 4 and 0 weeks old chicks. 1259 S. Liberty street. 7-ti WANTED Man to rim road roller. 8oe county roadmastcr nt court house. 7-0 1 OK SALE 2(10 White Leghorn pullets Inquire 2370 Fairgrounds road. 7-0 CABINET OFFICIALS FIERCE ATTACKS ARE 'APPLICANTS UNDER 31 WIVES SIGN CARDS REPULSED BY FRENCH Will Stand In With Hoover in Conserving Country's Food Supply (URLS OR WOAIBN WANTED-At the Glove, Factory 1455 Oak St. 7-7 FOR RENT 7 room modern cottage v close in. $17. Phone 1422. 7-o TOR SALE Good bicycle. Call at as sessor s office or phono 4.19. 7-u FIVE BARREL RUSSELL WAGON tender for gale. G. II. Benjamin, Oer- vais. l-l FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, fresh in few days. IMione 83F3. 7-5 WAITED WANTED At Roynle Cafe teria. - tf .WANT A GOOD GENTLE SADDLE wonv. 1'hone 11 F6. tf FOR BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf TRESPASS Noticoa for sale at Jour nal office- ti FOB BENT t room furnished, mod ern in every way. Phone 117, 85a . 12th St. tf WANTED TO BUT Mohair at East - Balom Tannery 5th and Oak. Phone aieoM. tf. FOR SALE 8 or 10 dairy cows, most ly Jerseys. Fred Steiner, Summit, Or. . 7-9 WANTED 100 Logan berry pickers, will pay a good price, (food, shady cunip grounds, l'hono 7DFJ4. 7-1) IFOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, lights, bnth and gas. 031) N. Liberty St. 7-G NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSKKEEP ina room and sleeping rooms, 25o Con ter, or phone 1525. 7-5 Washington, July 5. Wives of six of President Wilson's official family have followed the lead of Mis. Wilson end signed Herbert Hoover's food con servation cards. - Eleanor Lansing, wife of the secre tary of state, signed card No. 3. It pledges the secretary's household to one FOR SALE 2 lots, house and bum, yhentless meal a dnv and cuts venl and price $i)0. Apply owner, 22'JO Mil! , ,.mb from the family bill of fare. The .7-7 I Lansings will practice strict economy ; , . 1 in the use of butter and sugar, but fruit V ANTED A dairyman who lias hadjlma vegotables will be served in abund- rsj'riirurr n 1 1 u u unliving mill-ill in. gnCO LOST A pair glasses in a case, on Broadway, A liberal reward. Jcssio ivlillor, 1890 N. Otli. 7-5 French Repulse Most Savage Thrusts Made During the Year By Henry Wood, Phone 1431 or 4!)1. FOR SALE Good 2d hand empiro mow ing machine at a bargain. See O. N. Howell, 1125 Hines near 12th St. 7-0 I I Julian Gregory states she has five "BCK e rrencn cnecnect it so com meinbers in her household, that she em-1 Ple'elythat the rreuch commanding; l.ioys a cook and that the occupation general. was able personally to remain or ner ureau winner, i. w. uregory, is - " ""v u.w.B mo attorney general of the United States. battle. The Germans did not capture a TO HAVE JQUAL SHOW Adjutant General Corrects Error About Second Series of Officers i 'Washington, July 5 In view of the (United Press Staff Correspondent) tendency on the part of well qualified! With the French Armies in the Field, men under 31 and men without military July 5 The German crown prince's Tuesday night attack on a front of 12 miles between Jouy and Craonne was Germany's greatest offensive action on the western front this year. Head quarters reports, assembled today giv ing data of attacking regiments and losses gave .proof to this belief of French commanders today. p.otwithstandiug the force of this FOR RENT 0 room modern furnished bungalow near Center and 21st St. 7-7 experience to hold their applications for the second series of officers train ing camps because of apparent mis understanding of the war department's memorandum of information, dated June 4, 1917, General McCain, the ad jutant general, issued the following statement today: ."The statement that mature men will be given preference for the second series of officers training camps seems to have been misunderstood in some ' quarters. This preferenco will only! apply w h'ere qualifications are equal, j There is no intention to bar out appli- ... i-.P..:., tt.... . .i: single foot of French noaitinn. cations by men under 31. In fact, ex-i lull. ..1U nue Ul llie:- " " I .minim. ntfir. W I,..- :.,...,J i rotary of agriculture, with eight in the I. moreover ineir losses were stagger-1 r"'"';.,.-" '"I " " 1 ..use, will welcome the whoatless meal "!? i .freff rd the flSes f 2o to 35 the most 50c size Melholatum only 39c Jack Tar Middies A most pleasing assortment of the popular Jack Tar Middies', made of best cotton twills with cotton and flannel collars both in. white and blue., Long and short sleeves, sizes 4 years up to size 44v They come from the wash like new. Prices are $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, and 'a regulation , Navy Middy : at $3.50. You'll surely want several for the out of door days. WANTED Six teumsters Farm O. S. Hospital, Leo M and return to the cornbread of the After fighting all night Tuesday, the i (,ot) " ' si.nth, from whence they came. She will rencn troops on Wednesday received I their chief commander's order announc- "There is also some misunderstand ing about the necessity of previous I 1.-1.1 J! 1 1 ivBiie i . . . , ,. , ' , u ....!. .i . military experience. The cmvernmpnt iumouga Mrs. rruaKun rv. iane nas annai ui American iruups in.. . . - - . , ,.. 1 the aviation J"aris and ordering the French soldiers , im.uuigiii ami to further to join in a general Fourth of July "irceim "leu, ana military experience, I i ... thnimh , 70! a son, Franklin, Jr., in FOR BENT Strictly modern 8 room corP Bhe. Plc3s9 the Lanes dwelling, close in, $20 per month. Bee f ervice o the country by g"in8 into celebration, rf!nrni.u ! Hoover's army. bldg. Phone DO or 1023. tf' Mrs- Kedfield, wife of the secretary ' I "f commerce, and Mrs. W. B. Wilson, WANTED-Woman or girl to do gen- v:,re ln" 8rl!,ry OI "luor. eral housework. Phone 747M between slBncu tu0 carus' 0 and 7 o'clock mornings or even ings. 7-7 also WANTED 15 cherry pickers, good crop, good orchard to pick in, good equipment, Call phone 50F11 Eoln, Or. Picking commences at ouco. 7-7 PRUNE II EN Before contracting to have your fruit dried give the Hiilgin dryer the once over and get our prices for drying. Fruit called for and delivered at a minimum price. Jefferson Road, Phone UFO. 7-5 OPEN FORUM .( ABOUT SPEED-MANIACS The announcement was greeted with tremendous enthusiasm in all the trenches. WANTED Hay to bale, have rfirst class outfit. Phone 7F13 or address B. A. Reynolds, R. F. D. 3, Salem. 7-C WANTED $3000 at 6 per cent for . years, farm security. Sec J. A. Mill: 320 State St. 7- NICE Furnished housekeeping apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tf GET YOUK TRESPASS NOTICES New supply of cloth ones at Capital Journal. tf BEAUTIFUL HAIR SWITCHES Hade from combings. Some real hair switches at halt' price. 144 Wilson St. Phone 8S3W. '7-0 HAY FOR SALE 230 tons clean clov er, more or less, ready for shipping July 10th. Is. Jr. Lar ountnino. Uer vais, R. 2. 7-7 WANTED A good young bull of ser vicable age, fawn color and register ed one preferred. Phone 4;F14 or address John Girurdin, Turner. Or 7-5 LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED Good camp grounds, wood and wa ter. Sa.lcm Heiuhts. R. 3, box 111, M F. Woodward. 7-9 LOST Round iet pin mounted in sold goid leaf In center set with pearl. Return to Capital Journal and re ceive reward. tl TOR SALE 23 aeres, 20 acres In Tottntr fruit trees, planted to beans. Vfnst soli, am going away. Phone TS2B. Don't call nnless interested, tf JFOB BALFWSee me for finest location la town to live. Have to change rll mate on account of rheumatism. High nriced niano nracticallr new and furniture will go in if sold soon. 1875 Saginaw. ir WANTED 100 Loganberry pickers, 45 acres, stendy picking, fino enmp ground, free wood and potato patch, water piped on ground, Yi mile trorn ear at Salem Ileights. B. Cunning ham. Pnone 21F3. 7-7 FIVE ACRES CREEK BOTTOM LAND 4 acres in potatoes; owner gets Vi on Hi acres and 13 on 2ij acres. Price (125 per acre, 1150 down and balance 6 per cent. Sco J. A, Mi!l.i. 320 State. 7-5 FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 acres close to good town: good buildings, nil in cultivation, clear of incumbrance, Price $4500, will take $25110 city property, terms on balance. AddrcHs G. F. P. 880 N. Winter, Salem. Phone 2123.1. 7-7 Wanted man and wife and young boy to work in small sawmill; millmeii nt $3.90 tor twelve hours work; berry pick ers, will pay one cent a pound; two men to work on a farm $1.50 a day and board; girl to do general housework in coun try; two teamsters. Snlem Em plovmeut Agency, Room 14, llreyman Ulilg. Phone 848. All Hands Pciat to Our Want AcU e Ihs Result Prodaccr 1 ' 0 Italy Enthuses at Great Celebration Rome, July 5. ' ' America will not sheath the sword she has drawn until there is a final decisive victory over autocracy," declared American Ambas sador Thomas Nelson Page, at Rome's monster celebration of the American Fourth of July. Page wa. the central figure in the demonstration which was the most im pressive and the most enthusiastic Italy has witnessed in years. Thousands jam med cnpltol square and cheered for Am erica again and again. Soino of the na tion's highest officials were present. Premier Bosselli presided and his words of appreciation for America's entry with the allies evoked great enthusiasm. To the Public I have been using Chamberlain's Tablets for indigestion for tho past six months, and it affords mo pleasure to say I have never used a remedy that .ii. .... ".. n v.. Rilev. Illion. N. Y. Chamberlain's Tab lets are obtainable everywhere. Will Raid Drug Stores ' If Law Is in Effect Seattle, Wash., July 5. Mayor Gill announced today he would send police squads to raid every drug store in the city if Corporation Counsel Hugh Cald well rules that the state bone dry law is in effect. This measure i being held up for a count or referendum signa tures. It is reported to have failed. "I'm not going to sit," said the mayor, "ami twiddle my thumbs while the drug stores unload the stocks they put in, anticipating the hone dry drought." Stomach Troubles and Constipation "I will cheerfully say that Chnrn- borlain'a Tablets are the most satisfac tory remedy for stomach troubles and cou'stipatioii that I have sold in thirty four years' drug store service," writes S. II . Murphy, druggist, Wellsburg, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Last Tuesday night a speed demon cluimed another victim when Willie Ector was crushed beneath ,the wheels of a huge car driven bv some speed crazed man man is hardly the word because had he been a man he would at least hnvo stopped to learn whether or not his victim was killed, and to render assistance, instead of which he rode on lenvine him maimed and bruis ed and he now lies in a hospital with small chance to live. This happened a few rods from mv home. Where are the laws of our state that these things are allowed to continue? The road north, called the river tond is a very popular one for autoists and hundreds or them pass daily. Living on this road I have excellent opportunity to see tho reckless driving and-speed ing out here. Drivers are not content to drive decently but some of them race and those who don't happen to race drive all the wav from twenty to fifty miles an hour. About one out of a doz en drives at a safo speed. If we don't need a traffic officer I don't know where one is needed, and the people of this district appeal to Sheriff Need ham to protect us from these demons who think no one has a right to the road but an autoist. M KS. PEARL COOPER Pacific Coast League Standings W. L. lct. San Francisco 50 3(1 .1509 Salt Lake 47 37 .500 Los Angeles 45 44 .50(5 Oakland 44 47 .44 Portland 37 47 .440 Vernon 30 54 .400 Yesterday's Results At Salt I-ake Portland 7 3. Salt Lake 7 4 (first game called end of 11th iiining. time limit.) At Jan Francisco San Francisco 8- U, Vernon 1-4. At Los Angeles I.o Angeles 7 i. Oakland 2 4. Local Boards Busy Perfecting Details for Selective Draft Washington, July 5. Tn every part of the country today local exemption boards were completing their work and posting their registration lists with the serial numbers that will be used later in tho nctual draft of men for the national army. Under orders from Provost Marshal General Crowder, each local board must meet, organize and assign serial num hers to the names on the registration lists. As soon as the last precinct is finished tho draft will begin in Wash ington. Under tho law, tho names and num bers must bo posted and copies furn ished the press. When a number is drawn in the lottery later in Washing ton, it will draft the man holding that number in every procinct in the coun try, Three Are Penalized for Fast Traveling E. E. Taylor, proprietor of the elec tric works at Stayton, was arrested yesterday while returning from Port land to Stayton by the speed cop who charged him with going at the rate of 35 miles an hour- Taylor protested he was not going that fast but the speed ometer of the officer registered 35 miles and the judge assessed him $S, which he paid. He said that while in Portland he received .a message that the electric plant had broken down and as ho was the only one who knew how" to fix it he hurried back. J. W. Stute, of Woodburn, was ar rested for speeding. He put up $10 bail but had not shown up in Justice Welister'R court shortly after noon. J. W. Dnball, of Camas, Washington, was also arrested. Ha put up $10 for an appearance but so far failed to appear. Is Not Shifting Men. London, July 5. Germany has not yet started to shift men from the west ern front to the north to meet the Russians, judging from evidence at hand, Director of Operations Maurice declared today. He characterized the - German of fensive against the Chemin Des DamC9 as an effort of the German general staff to restore a failing morale among the troops, due to the long defensive situation on which they have been fighting. According to General Maurice, it is impossible to overestimate the effect of the Russian offensive on Russia herself and on the allies and the Central Powers. Sinco the start of the war, General Maurice said tho British alone had tak en 117,770 prisoners and had 51,0.aS of their own forces captured. In the same period the British captured 739 guns and lost 133 to the enemy, later re-capturing 37 of these. The figures, he said, did not include Arrica. v i though desirable, is not strictly neccs sary." Applications for these camps will close July 15. District Attorney Arouses Their "Irish" san rranciseo, .luiy a. Kosolutions adopted by 5,000 Irishmen and women, protesting against what is declared to be United States District Attorney Preston's imputation that Americans of Irish birth are disloyal were tele graphed today President Wilson and the California congressmen and sena tors. The resolutions demand that the president rebuke Preston "for his ex pressed statement that h has the right to interfere with free speech and as semblage of law-abiding citizens." JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Automobile Veils $1.50 A good quality Chiffon, two yards in length with the edges neatly hemmed. Almost any color that you can think of. They are here for your selec tion and now is the time to be1 prepared for the summer outing 2: : ?1.50 Sport Skirts and Dresses In good wash material, many pretty designs and patterns; to hasten the salo 1 O' -,-2. reduced l'J M ifflCC Trunks and Bags Supply your traveling needs at .this store. A very complete as sortment to select from at right prices. You Can Always Do Better at Tn Mi: A. 3l COODIOOODS Uncle Sam Loaned . "All's well that,ends well," but this m-iAA AAA AAA HI 1 ' r " ""' w MbU.UUU.UiHJ lOfJaV the opposite. On the return trip from T Washington, July 5. Additional Albany last night, four people, riding on two motorcycles met with a serious ac cident when on of the machines struck loans of $100,000,000 to Great Britain j a piie of gravel and ski,tdcd, throwing and $(i0,u(10,000 to Italy were made by the treasury department today, bring ing the total war loans to $1,203,000, 000. The loan is divided as follows: Great Britain $685,000,000. Italy $100,000,000. France $210,000,000. Russia $100,000,000. Miss Alvina Mohr, a Portland girl, t the ground, breaking her leg just above the knee. The accident occurred about a mile and a half south of Jefferson, and the injured girl was brought to tho Willamette Sanatorium here. Belgium $45,000,000. Serbia $3,000,000. Trying to Fool Russians. By William G. Shepherd, (United Press Staff Correspondent ) Petrograd, July 5. Germany is us ing the air now in an endeavor to circulnte propaganda against Russia '3 fighting. Vladimir voitenskv, formerly a resi dent of New- York, read to the work men's and soldiers' congress today a radio message "signed "Hindenburg" which Had been intercepted by Russian wireless stations. It urged the Rus sians not to fight "because their ad vance was assisted by the imperial cap italists who were among Germany's enemies" Voitensky created a tremendous burst of patriotic enthusiasm by de claring all opponents to Russia's ad vance were Hindenburg 's friends. TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE 1 6 0 4 1 Laven- BID8 INVITED The undersigned will receive sealod proposals up till five o'clock p. m, Wed nesday, August 1st, 1917, for the pur- tiase of tiny tons of grain hay, crop 1917. The eitv reserves the right to re K-1 anv or all bids. Another Victory Over Submarine An Atlantic Port, July 5. The torv of another supposed victorious battle with a submarine was told by passen gers of a British steamer arriving here today. According to their story at 7 o'clock on the evening of June 20 the U-boat appeared about 500 yards away from the ship, which was immediately swung around to bring the guns into play. Fol lowing shots clouds of black smoke arose from the submarine and it was not again seen. National B. H. E New York ! 3 8 1 Brooklyn 0 14 5 Benton. Tesrenu and Rariden; Che ney and Miller. Boston 3 Philadelphia 0 Tyler, Nehf and ragressor; der, Bender and KillirVr. St. Louis 9 10 1 Pittsburg 6 12 2 Horstman, .Meadows, Ames and iton- zales; Steele, Grimes and Fischer. (11 innings. ?o other scheduled. American First game B. H. E. Washington 2 12 0 New York 10 2 Shaw and Ainsniith; Fischer and Nun amaker. Second gnme Waslunton-New York Gallia, Johnson and Henjy; Love and Alexander, (tied in the lOtlO. First game K. H. E. Philadelphia. 3 6 1 Boston 4 8 2 Bush and Schang; Mays and Thomas. Second same K. H. E. Philadelphia 3 7 0 Boston 4 7 1 Seibold and Schang; Shore and Ag- ew. ! 'hicago . 6 8 0 Detroit 11 14 0 Danfort'n. Wolfgang and Schalkjj Ehmke, Bolnnd and Stanage. . First game B. H. E. Cleveland .. 5 10 0 St. Louis 3 9 2 Lambeth, Coveleskie and O'Neill; Martin, Molyniaux, Parks and Sever otd. ' Alleging that Gottlieb Hirsih treat ed her cruelly and inhumanly, that he has a terrible temper which he does not control, and that he threatened to kill her, Regina Rosalia Hirsch has begun a suit tor divorce in the circuit court. She says they were married in Taeo ma, 1907, and that Richard and Edwin Hirsch, aged 9 and 0 respectively, are the issue of the marriage. She says in her complaint that after living with him for ten years she has been forced to return to her parents. 5he asks custody of the children and a decree adjudging her owner of a cer-, tain piece of land. TRY JOURNAl WANT ADS' Are the Dead Conscious Hear Mr. Hayward tonight in the tent in Marion Park on this great subject. SPLENDID PREMIUMS FREE Every subscriber of the Daily Capital Journal who receives the paper in the city by carrier will be presented with a new and complete World's War Atlas When he pays six months subscription to the paper ($2.50) at one time. Every mail subscriber who pays one year's subscription ($300) will receive the war atlas free. . This offer applies to old and new subscribers alike. Beautiful Needle Book Those subscribers not wishing the war atlas may have in its stead a handsome beautiful leatherette needle book, filled with a wonderful assortment of needles, crotchet hooks, etc. It is a valuable and very handy premium. The terms are the same for both premiums: six months' sub scription by carrier in the city, or one year's subscription by mail. Call at the office, or address SALEM, OREGON They Ir.Iaj.t EARL RACE, City Recorder. 7 io TRY JOURNAL WANT JIDS 4 351 ihj'""