SEVEN STATE'S EVIDENCE COMPLETED TODAY Defense Begins This After noon and Will Be Long Drawn Out The Triumphal March 1 n LAST TIME TONIGHT TTTT T Ol Tf 7? A TTT ' 3 At His Best THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917. 'arch lit j I "The Aryan' The OREGON Tomorrow Pauline Frederick in "Sleeping Fires" y WAR SECRETARY (Continued from Page One.) thority upon which the present censor ship is operating. In other words, if a newspaper or press association does not submit to a censorship the government will simply close down on its cable privileges. Secretary Baker made the following statement today: "Pending the coming organization of General Periling a headquarters in France and the arrival there of the correspondents accredited to represent American newspapers, temporary ar rangements whereby cablegrams from Prance dealing with American troop movements are transferred to the war department for distribution, will be con tinued. This is in the interest alike of the army and the newspapers and af fords a certain reliance as to the pub lication of the cables from France. "The arrangement is temporary and will be replaced speedily by a more di rect -method of dealing with this news. "In the meantime, an adequate force lo deal promptly with this matter will lie on duty 24 hours daily and will deliv r the dispatches in the order they Some so that no disadvantage will re sult aside from delay in transmitting ,to Washington." NorthcUffe'g Idea Washington, July 5. Private cable leak and not so much what is printed In the nowspapersi is the deadly peril which this government must wipe outj mi its campaign against spies. This was the warning given by Lord Korthcliffe, head of the British com mission in this country, in an exclusive interview with the United Press today. Pressed constantly for interviews liver since his arrival in America, North liffe has been notably reticent for fear that pro-German influences might eek to create the impression that he fe "butting in" with advice to Amer ica. He was found by a United Press staff Correspondent today working in his hirt leeves, dictating to a stenographer. "The censorship question t" he echo ed, replying to a query. "If the censorship can effect the saving of a single American life, it is worth while. "The present censorship in Great Britain, about which you Inquire, was arrived at after more than two years of experiment and is worthy of consid eration. Three Classes Of It "It is roughly divided into three sections, the most important being the cable censorship. Then follow in their respective order, newspaper censorship anu tne censorsnip or mails. "These censorships aim primarily at the suppression of information likely to neip tne enemy and at the discovery of information which may be of as sistance to the allies. "The cable censorship of private and commercial messages presents the great est difficulty. "It would be easy for a well inform ed spy to cable to a neutral country, a few domestic or business phrases con veying news of priceless value to the enemy. Spies who have been caught, tried and shot in England, have usually been found Jit possession of what ap pear to be business codes. In one case I remember the spy and his accomplice posed as traveling salesmen in Dutch cigars. Various brands of cigars repre sented certain kinds of ships. uama ieaK3 Dangerous "People are much too prone to con sider the newspaper leak whieh is open to all eyes and not to consider the pri vate cable leak, which is the really deadly one. ' Power to open all overseas mail, such as is possessed by the British gov ernment, also is essential. "Newspaper censorship is a compar atively simple matter, helped as it is by the good will of the newspapermen themselves, who in Great Britain fre quently help the censor. "Newspaper censorship in England is effected through the channel of an institution known as the press bureau. The story of its early eccentricities is best forgotten. It has now, as one of its heads, Sir E. T. Cook, formerly one of the leading newspaper editors. All. war news passes through this central esiaDiisnmeiit. reciinu-ai army an navy matters are referred by tho press bureau to experts. Delays occur, but delays are part of the war. The com mander in chief in the field, Sir Doug las Haig, has supreme control of al! news sent out hv the cnrrsnntwliit with his army. There you have censor snip at a glance. Entitled to News "Democracies are entitled to the ful est news of their soldiers and sailors, The war correspondent is no longer re garded as a nuisance as in the early days of the struggle. He is looked uno as a valuable ally and is so treated by . u .. !..: . i. i i - i. iuv uriiiBu aim j: rem u unities. " We have found that the more news, the fewer ugly rumors. Press comment is invaluable to democratic govern nients. The newspapers focuses the ideas and suggestions of millions of watchful minds. It often affords valua ble pointers to government departments its criticisms suggest and stimulate The recent struggle for the rc-estab lishment of a free press in Great Brit nin lias restored liberty of expression to patriotic writers. "The systematic publication of the news, good and bad, is a means of giv ing confidence to the governments of democracies." GERMANY TRYING (Continue from page one.) - Secretary of the Navy Daniels indi cated strongly that the navy depart ment had been thoroughly investigated and that he had found there could b( no leaK from that source inasmuch as the orders were sent out on a special se cret code and wore sealed when deliv ered to Admiral Gleaves ot tho de stroyer convoy. It would not have taken a particularly efficient German spy, however, to collect the news of the transport sailing. To get it to his gov ernment required greater efficiency of system. The preparations and sailings were well known in the American port from which the transports sailed. There are also sufficient open cable and wireless routes whereby the spy could send an I I " 'JLWIU jl i i ... ...... I I .1 ., . ..,,..:.-.'. ' - I r" monii Tire fail, a cheerful, willing j I adjustment will be promptly made. i Lot, L. Fearea 4 Son Weare running a Front Door Business" This Btgn tot one saw Would nmvorhangoomr any Diamond Shop, DRIVE OP TO THE FRONT DOOR WITH YOUR ORDERS, BUT GO AROUND TO THE BACK DOOR WITH YOUR , . TROUBLES Orders and troubles alike, all come in the front way to our storeand get the same courte ous attention. But the notable fact in selling Diamonds is that there have been mighty few kicks. We thought you would like to know that. Fact i3, no matter how particular you are about the kind of tires on your car, we are far more particular about the kind of tires we sell. - - Diamonds had to prove themselves to us before we would trust our business reputation to them. So, in answering our riid requirements, and your big question, "how far wUl they go?" Diamonds aro right to the front with an answer of "5000 miles usually," and frequently better than that." We can put your size on your car as soon as you drive - up to oar rront door. Lot L. Pearce & Son, 236 North Commercial Street, Salem, 0re W . J"ei . i-AC 1 r San Fra:ici:"o, July 5. The state fiually rested in the Kena Mooncy bomb plot ease today. Although announcement was made several days ago that the state's ease was ended, several days have been con snnicd in, reading letters found by the police iu raids and copies of "Th uiasr, aicx HerKmau g radical paper. ab soon as too state made its an nouncement, Defense Attorney McNuti moved to strike from the record the tea timony of J. H. Mentz. a detective, and Detective Dowd, of the United Rail roads, on the ground that it referred to alleged dynamitings which had been barred by the court. The court will rule later. The defense will open its testimony tins artcrnoon arier a brief opening ar gument by McNutt. Thomas Thompson, former United Railways conductor, was suddenly call ed to the stand by the state today. He testified that on July 11 of last year, ii days bctore the San Francisco pre pareuness parado dvnamitincr. a man whom he later recognized as Warren K, Billings boarded his street car. He was carrying a suitcase and was accompan ied by another man. The defense ob jected at this point and a long argu ment followed after which Judge Sea- wen announced: "If this evidence is merely to sho Warren Billings had a suitcase, it will be admitted. Otherwise it will be bar red." Tne caso of i'rank U. Oxman. accus ed of "fiaming" evidence aeainst Tom Mooney, was called before . Superior Judge Urittin today on charge of sub ornation of perjury, and the case was put over until Saturday. WHEN BOARDS TILLED DRAFT WILL BFGIN Soon As Cards Are Numbered Selection Will Begin In .-Washington ..; By Webb Mliier. (United. Jress staff correspondent.) Washington, July 5. The draft lot tery will be staged in the Capitol on the day following completion of organ ization of the local exemption boards. X he minute the local boards are completed and have numbered more than 9,500,000 registration cards, we will be ready for the draft," was the official announcement from Provost Marshal- General Crowder's office today. General Crowdcr has urgently insist-. e3 that the boards finish their labors before Saturday. He emphasized that "every day lost now means o day lost in organization of the armitfs of the United States," in message to every board. General Crowder declared it is an imperative national necessity that the serially umbered copies of the cards be in the hands of the states adjutants general nd another copy be mailed to Wash ington before Saturday. is weed tor nasi. "The first test of the efficiency of the great national war organization on Inch von are an important member comes now," the message reads: "This is the most important element in the conduct of a war. It is plain to see ow great the nation's dependence is each particular man in wnom tne president has expressed his confidence bv nrmointment to a local board. "It would be difficult to over-esti mate the value to the nation of the thing you are here called upon to do, or the importance that it be done witn- the limit herein indicated." In spite o'f the call for, haste, official vacancies causect tnese. resignation T7t yillZN we arinounccd Bevo recently, our - hopc3 were high. We knew" that we had the most unusual soft - drink that had ever been offered: A Leverage combining - the nutri tive c::tract3 of wholesome ce reals, .the zeet of Saazer Hops, a flavor all its. own and abso lute purity. We knew this be cause, true to our cv.-n idcab, we had experimented for yeara before we were satisfied to say, "We offer you Bevo it is a different soft drink it is good r.nd it is good for you." High as were our hopes for its reception, we have realized them . far and beyond our expectations. Bevo today is an estab lished popular success. Ev erywhere the same question ; is asked: "Have you tried Bevo?" ( J Now, one final word. Wc f rom- ise you that, in accord with the known principles of Anheuser Eucch and all its products, Bevo not only will forever maintain, its present high , standard of qualify, but as time goes cn o-r great endeavor shall be to make this soft drink even more per fect in every detail of its good ness. You will find Bevo at inns, res taurants, groceries, department and drug stores, picnic grounds, baseball parks, soda fountains, dining cars and other places where refreshing beverages are . sold. Guard against substitutes. Have the bottle opened in front of you, : first seeing that the seal is unbroken and that the crown top bears the Fox. Bevo the all-year-'round soft drink Bevo is sold in bottles only, and is bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch St. Louis ' BLUMAUEE & HOCH Wholesale Dealers, Portland, Oregon - ' Families suppliedl by dealers innocent apeparing message, which, in a pre-arrnged code, would notify-Berlin of the departure of the -ships. Then Ber lin could have wirelessed her U-boats to get on the likely route and thus bag the transports. It is believed here this is wnat Hap pened. The spy hunt is going on careilly. Meantime there is talk of co-ordinating the various secret agencies under a. sin gle hold, in order to avoid duplication of effort or loose work, which, it is claimed, has resulted under the present scattered system of several independent groups. Praise Navy's Work. , London, July 5-All England rang today with praises of the exploits of the American naval convoy to the trans ports bearing America's first expedi tionary army to France. As the aver age Briton saw it, there were two out standing lessons in the failure of the American navy to be taken 4y the Ger man submarine surprise attack. First, it was held here that the Bub ,,:,. lnuimi'u was thus nroved con querable with a sufficient number of destroyers. . Second, and most important in the British view, the manifest prepared ness of the Germans for the troops in dicates how thoroughly and systematic ia the Teuton spy system in America. - Privately, many officials today ex pressed amazement that the United States had failed to profit by Eng land's experiences in this regard. On all sides todav the greatest anxiety was expressed "that the United States had not fully appreciated what it means to combat the Wilhelmstrasse secret agents. It was hoped, however, that this example of German, efficiency in spying would spur the United States in to drastic combing out of enemy agents. from tho boards. Any disposition to shirk the duties without a exeuse for resignation will not be tolerated. Department officials today pointed out under the law- such members can be forced to serve. Evasions constitute a punishable misdemeanor. So far the number of resignations is far from alarming. Although it is still held iu secrecy, the method of . drawing the "key" numbers of the draft is practically com plete today. In a few days it will be explained in another set of regulations. Says United Stales Alone Can Save China A PENDLETON TRAGEDY 5)c jjc SjC ;jc )C The German government has put thi ban on German opera sineers coniini Pendleton, Pre., July John Bowman, carpenter, phot and killed his wife and then kill ed himself at their home here today. Neighbors heard the shots and ran to the Bowman house to find the two bodies on the kitchen floor. Overturned furniture and marks on . the body of the woman indicate a desperate struggle preceded the shooting. v. j to America. It if had never dono any) ! thing worse than., that wo should no( lbe at war with Germany today. J tions" are behind the monarchical San Francisco, July 5 The one thing! movement, centering their efforts in the that will save China from the blight j 16 northern provinces of China where of a bloody civil war is interference j the people are not progressive and not of the United States, Soo Hoo Nam;in toucn with outside affaire. The Art, editor of Chung Sai Yat Po, thei ... , . ., . Chinese daily newspaper here, declared edltor Pred,cts that the S1X today. ...... provinces win iUMigb mu uiuuaiuiij' iu He believes that "certain other na-'the last. V THE RESURRECTION A live sermon on a dead sub ject. Hear Mr. Hayward tonight in the tent in Marion Park. i is renown THE WOULD OVER FOR ITS WONDERFll FUtVOR MB StViilJY STREHGTH-DVILDiriG -:-.':--..Q,aPiLITIES'.-- pa sssfe- if ill" mm "THERE'S-'' A nES&Oij" Last Times x , Today fit J ; L T'Li-p i rs I it , iiiif; j WOniO PICTURK tnnaK SARAH "Hoihtts'offmmi Ye Liberty FRIDAY SATURDAY AND A WORLD P1CTUR1 n n a oy . M Aie ETHEL CLAYTON iZMan's WoifQrt" with 'KLiPFwewe