' TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917. Warner's Corsets H Modart Corsets SHIPLEY'S sic L JUNE, known traditionally as the month of weddings, has been living up to its long established reputa tion and has produced the usual crop of attractive summer brides. This week which brings a close to the proverbial month, was notable for the Bvrd-Cross wedding which although small affair was one of the most iiu- .portaut of the season. . . .. Bimplo and charming was tbe wed , ding pf Miss Veda Mae, Cross and Dr. Prince Wolverton Byrd, which was sol emnized Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock fit the residence of the bride's , parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Edwin C. (Jross. ' Kev. Richard X. Avison of the First Methodist Episcopal church officiated, anil the ceremony was attended only by relatives and the brido s girlhood chum Miss Ellen B. Thielsen. Miss Evelyn Hristow of Eugene, a eousin of the bride's, sang "God Made Thee Mine," and Mis Alicia McElroy jdsved the wedding march. The brido was given in marriage by ker father, E. C. Cross, and was attend ed by her small nephew, Edwin Curtis I rons, who carried the ring i" a lovely bride's rose. The bride, who is a charming girl, wore a creation of white silk net, mads full and short, over a foundation or ivory satin, the net being scalloped in satiii, and silver luce adorning the bod ice and skirt. The long filmy tulle veil was held full around the coiffure with a dainty wreurh of orange blossoms. Her bouuuet wns 8 shower of orchids lilies of the valley and bride's roses. The brido wore Her motaer-s wen ding slippers, and carried a handsome old laee handkerchief, which also be-lonp-cd to her mother. The residence was decked with love ly pink and blue garden flowors, artis tically arranged about the various rooms. Assistln" the bride's mother Mrs. K. D. Cross, were Mrs, Curtis B. Cross and His iun Thielsen. Or. and lirs. Byrd left for a motor trip through Oregon, and will be at home to their friends after Septoin uer the first at litfitl Center street. The bride is one of the most popular girls in Kulein society, and like her hus band hns always shared in the gayeties f the younger set. Both the Cross and ltyrd families aro among the most prom inent in Kaleiu and branch into many other old ami well known miiiilicB. The encasement of Miss Cross and Pr. Byrd whs announced early in the spring anil since that (into they have been delightfully entertained with pre nuptiul affairs, all of which have been more or lesB informal. Some of the out of town relatives who attended the wadding were, tho groom's parents and sister, Mr, and --..rs- John Calvin JJvrd and Miss Edna Bynl, of Spokane, WasU. Judge and Mrs. Charles E. Wolverton and Miss lean Wolverton of 1'ortlaud, Mr. and Mrs. larwin Bristow and Miss Evelyn Hristow of Ena-eiie: Mrs. Herman Brown of Oregon City, Mrs. Bolten and i Miss Wolverton of Monmouth, Mrs. Elian O 'Donald of Mihvaukic, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Fox of Rickreull, Mrs- Gertrude Cameron and two young sons, Malcolm and Billy Cam eron, of Uockburg, Muss., are the house guests of Mrs. Cameron ' sister, Mrs. John J. Huberts fur a few days. They arrived from the cast last Sat urday, going immediately to Silverton, where they will spend the greater part of their stay, visiting Mrs. Cameron's jiarents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hlade. They will be in Oregon all summer, mid later will jio to tho shore to visit the Roberts at their summer home In Agate Bench. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Bishop mo tored to Portland Thursday to attend the. annual golf tournament at the Wavcrly Country club, returning last ight. Accompanying them to Portland wore Mr. and Mrs. William H. Burg k.r,(t. Jr.. the later of whom went on la Pendleton, where she will ue median or ,iuiy. guest of Mrs- Wilson Mc-Nary for few weeks. Mrs. E. E. Berry Orchards, the Thielsen 'a at- honor ot Mrs. 8. Jessup of Boise, Idaho ,.iiv ..imitrv home, was the seeneUvho is visiting at tho Augustus E. ef one of the most delightful affairs of the week. Wednesday night, when Mr. mud Mrs. William H. Thielsen enter ;.,.l with nu in:jrmal supper and card party. l.v roses in tne pink and rose tints deck- Tba guests motored out early in the ed the prettily appointed table around evening and included a group of tho which covers were placed tor 6. married set who aro members of the After luncheon the party enjoyed Merry -Go -Hound club. the nmtiiiee at tho Oregon theatre, The r"idenee s decked with quan- Inter returning to tho hostess' resilience titles of lovelv garden flowers in a riot 'for a few game9 of bridge. f artistic coloring, and the nipper was Mr. Waters' guests were, Mrs. Jes- iterved at a huge lablo plaeed on the Isup, Mrs. Frederick S. otewart, Mrs. broad vine covered veranda. (Alice 11. Oodd, Mrs. W;, N. Purdy and An artistic arrangement of pink andlMrs. George E. Waters. 1.)... m ,. .i..,-L..,l tli. tl,l After i mi'iper the guests Bathe-red in the house Last nij;ht Mrs. Jessup was again lor an evening of "500". the honuree at an informal dinner tor Mrs. Rollin K. Page ud John H. Mc-iwlik-b Mrs. George il Waters w.is host Xary were awarded the card honors- ess. Covers lor 6 were placed about a Assisting Mrs. Thielsen were Miss table artis.icallv adorned with roses. Ellen Thielsen and Miss Edna Siming- ton. I Mr. and Mrs. Asnhel Bush, who have The club guests were Mr. and Mrs. 'been enjoying a several duys aujuurn .lofcn If. MeN'ary, lr. and Mrs. Thome at Newport and Agate Bench, motored i' stmiih Jr.. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rollin K ! home today, accompanied by Mr. and I'age, Mr. and Mrs. John I). Sutherland. Mrs. Melvin Plimpton who were their will -ass several weeks visiting her par-Vr- end Mrs. Ruben 1. Boise, Mr. and .guests. louts, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilcox, of Mrs. llenrv H. Thielsen, nr. aiiu jir, ruriiies ; KK-I-iy amisepttcl,,' tj.'rd M 8 curi!vjj tScr.t for S estessfVi rrrtvritnt blemish ft Jj end ic iticcs umurunil j 5 fl color. LkalfcsrcoiTnaiuS ; M3y VtnS - Couraud .jricitcrbrcsn j SsJ Trial S1W I FFMXT. IPKiv3Jt SUM, KewYark $L .11 I f Mrs. Prince Wolverton Byrd (Veda Mae J, N. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Maic O. Bu ren, Mr. and Mrs. Prank W, Spencer and Mr. and M.rs. rtonert a, Henung. ...icr guests were Mr. and Mrs. U. (i. Shipley and Mr. and Mrs. Perry II. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer Putnam left yesterday for Bend, Oregon, and are visiting the Robert W. Sawyers for a few days. Early in the coming week Mr. and Mrs. Putnam will go to Kla math Falls, where they will he the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Johnson. The Johnsons will motor to Bend for Mr. and Mrs. Putnam, and they will pass several days in Klamath, remain ing until after tho Fourth of July cele bration, when they with their hosts will leave on a motor trip to Pendle ton, Oregon, where Mr. Putnam will attend the state editors' convention, of which he is vice president. Johuson and Putnam ere old calleoe friends and both aro Psi U fraternity men. Mr. and Mrs. Putnam will bo away for several weeks, returning tho latter Waters entertained on Thursday with a charming luncheon in Strang residence. It was very informal little affair, only a few old friends of the visitor beiuir asked. An artistic array of love While at tho shore they passed tho ' greater part of tbo time ut Agate ; lieach getting their new liuiuo iu order; for the summer. ! Ail informal supper party was pre-j sided over lust uight by Mr. aud M i s. ; livde C. timhato, who entertained a small L'TOiui of the younger married set, who have been gutheriug together an season. The men of this little group ate pin-; ochle devotees aud up-r was follow-, ed l.y their isvorite di ersu-.n. j Thoe making up the club are Mr. ; o l j llrflliu:.. Mr ai.,1 1 I'iihw I, l. ,.. Ur. William I 'ml- 1 .'..! I,....'. - i l. ....1 t VSinL II a.i .'.v. a .'. ' ami i , a. . . ... Spears. Ur. and Mr. Claries H. Fisher wo- tofii to Euacu VV vduesdaT retunungiing Thursday. ! i ' V I'-Vl . 7 , i', k :. ys ,-.'t ft- i-- f ...- ! " ' ( By ALIKE THOMPSON Photo Earl LeRoy Jenks Cross) a cluinnlng bride of the wees: One of the delightful al fresco af fairs of the week was the picnic sup per given on Wednesday evening, by tho Hweet Briar club in the attractive grove surrounding tho nome of Mr. and Mrs. o. f. Kimball on the Wallace Road The liienie which is an annual event, marked tho final gathering of tho club this season, and the merrymakers in cluded the members and their families with a sprinkling of guests. After sup per, the evening was passed with games. The club members and their families participating in the gayeties were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn Adams, jiir. and Mrs. James Imlah, Mr. and turs. E. O- Moll, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Bonn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webb, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pettys, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fergusou, Mrs. J. B. Olinger, Mrs. Marie Mathews, Miss --ddrod Imlah, Miss Jessie Taylor, Miss Mildred Bonn, Miss Blanche Gibson, Wilmot Moll, Frank Belchee, F. J. Derby and Russell Beckett. Tho children were Hugh, Dwiglit and Howard Adams, Dick and Dwight Webb, Lnckwnmi Franklin, Clark Val entine, Mary Christine Ferguson, Gay nnl Backett and Margaret and Mabel Olinger. Guests of the club were Mrs. E. W. Page of Portland and Miss Margaret Kennon of Penn. Mrs. Walter L. MePougal, who with her small son, Walter Jr., has been passing a few weeks in Buffalo, N. Y., as the guest of Mr. MePougal 's parents Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. McDougal, will be home early in the coming week. Honoring Mrs. George Palmer Put nam, who, with Mr. Putnam, left yca-j terday to be gone for several weeks. Mrs, Zadoe J. Riggs entertained a few frieuds informally 011 Tuesday, with a matinee partv at the Urand theater with ten at The Spa. In the party were: Mrs. Putnam. I Mrs. Cltauneev Bishop, Mrs. I litford I Brown, Mrs. William H. Burghnrdt, Jr., Mrs. John J- Roberts and Mrs, Erwards of Bend, and Mrs. Riggs. Mrs. Monroe Gilbert is planning to leave Tuesday for Minnesota.where she ,am - ock .who ore at Uiennwood for the ,unlnier ir. Gilbert will c-oipai.y Mrs. Cil hort as far as Portland, and she will .... ... I.. HfiiMttlfjlil i isaifitp i IfSSlIii: I iiiiil i iiaiiis f M,i,h to Mrs. Gilbert's delimit heriing in California, came home victims hrot her and familv, Mr. and Mrs. Lea- da v uiht. making the trip m their ear j wilco- and small son of St- ran!. .;il be with the Senior Wilcox's at fileunwood. durum her visit there. Justice and Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris iptt today for their ranch at Coburg bridge, on the McKenzie. and wer ac- comimnied bv Mr. and Mrs. Homer II. A:,;L .I.A ..111 k. ,1ia; ,r,,rc TU. ... ku K.l.,a in tl..il ;o...:.i." 1 :ll ,K.,I...1 '....11 ana. nf ( 00 TOUntV. Who c-.uilll vnr, aim ... ii-.i.a.ii v ' iri . m iweek end. Kturnina Mondav. j Miss Irene Kunts who has been nurs - in -.erton for sometime, has re- jtuined Lome. . Good flews is it, indeed, to the many 1 Salem friends of Mrs. W. P. Lord and her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Lord, who 1 have been in the orient for the past I six or eight months, to know that they are now planning to come nome some time in July. The Lords left Manilla a month or so ago, and are now in Nikko, Japan, an attractive and picturesque resort in the foothills of the Fujiyama moun tains. Miss Lord writes friends from Japan and recounts the wonderful times she and her mother have had there. tone says tlic Japanese attitude to ward the American traveler ia always :! most friendly and that they are treated with the greatest courtesy and hospi : tality. j A coterie of young girls gathered as the guests of Miss Lenta Bauingartner on .onday, to participate In the gayet ! ies of an informal afternoon. Only members of the R. C. club were '. asked, and tho afternoon was spent ' playing games. Later delightful rcfresu ments were served, the table at which the guests were seated being adorned with fragrant roses. The members of the club enjoying the afternoon were Miss Frances Dick, Miss Huth Griffith, Miss Margaret Stolz, Miss Marie Hehulderman, Miss Nancy Thielsen, Miss Prudence Patterson and i Miss Catherine Hartley, s ''. Mr. and Mrs. George William Gray, :i who with the Anderson ( annons 01 ;1 Portland, have been spending a few days at thoir wheat ranch near Arling- ?i ton, Oregon, came noine yveanesuny. ; ; Mr. and Mrs. George F. Rodgers and :i daughter, Miss Margaret Kodgers, mo tored to Portland Thursday morning j and were accompanied by Miss Cornelia s Tevis, who returned home after a sev- i eral days visit wito tne noogers tani- y- Thursday night the Kodgers attend cd tho performance of "The Boomer aim" at the Heilig theater, motoring s home Inter the same night- i Miss Helen Jones of Portland, who t also has been the house guest of Miss s Hodffcrs, left Wednesday tor jeuerson 5 to visit her grandmother, .-rs. John Looney. i . ; Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner and young j son, -Milton 8teiner, are passing a week ' or so at their summer place in Neskow- 1 in. They motored to the beach last week accompanying J-'r. ou-iucr uu oil fnndnv. Miss Rita Steiner joined her mother and brother at the shore yesterday, and will remain over the week end. , : "Bert" Ford, who has been atteud .. tho Itniversitv of Chiaaao retnsnad home Wednesday to pass the summer with hi narents. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas K. ford. f This wns yonug Ford's first year at Chicago and he expects to return in the fall. Miss Nellie Fleighner oi -ariou, Ind. has arrived in Salem for a visit and is the guest of, her aunt, Mrs. Gernld Yolk. Other quests at the Volk home are Miss Leida Mills of Portland, and Miss Jessie CJirt. of Wichita, Kansas, who will be hefe over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas II. Galloway will leave tomorrow morning for a mo tor trip through southern Oregon. They will be awny for about two weeks and Inter will make a tour of northern Oregon, going as far as Se attle and other- interesting sound cit ies. A .Inlinhttul event ox Thursday wns the annual picnic of Chadwick chapter of tho Order of the Eastern Star at the fair grounds. Tho merrvninkers numbered over 1-5, kinm folk, including the members and their families. The women of the party gamereu ,i. .n,i onrlv in the afternoon and were joined at the Bupper hour by the men. ... . . ., n The. affa r marked tne oirtnuny - nivcrsnrv of the worthy matron, Mrs. F. E Shnfer, and she was gen a me mos bottle and cups, which were pre sented as a gift from tho members, by Ernast Kingo. 9 xf, .,,,1 M,. A. W- Olcott are the guests of their son and daughter-in-law ,i m Hen W. Olcott, and will be here the greater part of the summer. Tnev arriveu irum -. , and have only recently returned from Florida whore they nave uceo "..m. ing. Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith and chil dren motored to Portland yesterday and are the week end guests of Mrs. Griffith's father. Philip Metsenan, or Todav the Griffiths and a party aye tour of the Columbia Iligh- enjoying a way. Tom Ordeniann who has been study ing voice with r'rans X. Arens in New Vork. this winter, is en route to r-alem for the summer. T...W ni.,1 Mrs. J. C. Moreland have moved from Court street, snd have tak en up their residence at H73 Chemeso ta street. IV. and Mrs. Hert H. Tiite . who, .;.i, thoir hildren. have been winter They have been in tne souiu September and have spent the greater trt of their stay in 1-os Angeles. Crl Gabrielsou went to Tertland yes-terdax-, aeeompanving Ereel Kay and his sister. Miss Marjorio Ksy, who mo iore.1 down for the week end. .,..1 Itra. trCOriTe . AlStuewwi. , a itu aaiim. - . , I have been visiting at the home of tne (former's bro'.Ueiin law and sister. Mr. 'snd Mrs- S, Minsrd, south of the tity, lett a any or so ago tor .uonmoum en route homo. One of the gayest and merriest af fairs of the week among the younger contingent was the launch party given Tuesday evening by the Adelphian club composed of a group of young boys. The party w.ent up the" river for sup per, and the evening was merrily round ed out with games and music. About 25 young folk participated in the gay eties and were chaperoned by Miss Ruth Hodge and Harold Eakin. Later the evening was closed with refreshments at The Spa. Guests of the club were: Miss Helen Rose, Miss Maxine Buren, Miss Mary Jane Albert, Miss Ruth Barnes, Miss Laura Purvine, Miss Dorolhy Buchner, Miss Edna Gilbert, Miss Gladys Moore, Miss Elsie Gilbert, Miss Elizabeth Leonard and Miss Ella Ingles. The members of tho club are: George Doust. Herbert Darbv. Phil Elliott, Jack Lucker, Ralph Barnes. Woleott Bu ren, Fred Farrar, Hugh Walker, liar old Cook, Carl Smith and Adalio Es tcb. Mrs. Fred Ellis had several matrons at. her home for an informal sewing on Thursday, her guests being members of the Golden Hour club. The afternoon was devoted to sew ing for the Red Cross, and later the hostess served refreshments assisted by Mrs. Claire Vibbert. Tho rooms were prettily adorned with fragrant roses and oilier garden flowers. Tho guests wero Mrs. George Elgin, Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. Claire Vihbert. Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs. Homer Ingrey and Mrs. J. Bay Pemberton. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Calvin Byrd and daughter, Miss Edna Byrd, who have been the guests of Mr. Hvrd s niotner, Mrs.--.. A. Byrd, Sr., left Friday morn ing for their home in Spokane, Wash. The Bvrds visited in Salem for sev eral weeks, having come to attend the marriage of their son, J)r. rrince vt . Byrd, to Miss Veda Cross, which was an event of Wednesday. Visitintr at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Charles Elgin are Mr. Elgin's mother, Mrs. Josephine fclgin of Cortland, aim Mrs. H. H. Hewitt of Albany. Mrs. Hewitt came today and will vis it in Salcin over the week end. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Elgin had as their guests tho Misses Mildred and Emma Ellis of Medford, who returned home early in the week. m m As a farewell attention to Miss Neva VsiiL'hn. deaconess of the Methodist church, who left today for California, the Epworth League cabinet, compos ed of a group of young folk, gave a niorry picnic on Wednesday evening. The party motored to an - attractive place on CioUau crook for supper and tne evening was spent .m.yiiB The young folk asked to share in tho festivities were: Miss Vaughn, Miss Muriel Steeves, Miss Mary Pa rounngian, Miss Lida Belle, Miss Myr tle Richardson, Miss Mary Findley, Miss Norma Harper, lay Bolm, Ken neth Legg. Roswell Waltz, Willis V in ent, Bayard Findley and Dr. ft, . Avison. With sincere regrets Rood byes were said this week to Mr. and Mrs. F. Stiiv sou Gannett, who left early in the week for Portland, where they will maKC their home. V T At "Oakland Fields, the homo of Mr. and Mis. A. W. Bartlett near Oak Grove, in Polk countv, the marriage of their son, Paul B. Bartlett, and Miss nclen A. Adkins of Ohio, took place on Tuesday evening at o o 'clock. Bv W. .1. Warren of West Salem nerformcd the ceremony and tho wed ding was attended only by immediate, relntives ana a row ciusu iriti.ua u. the coude. . The bride, a very pretty gir., a .lnintv crnwn nt white, r" ... v.l The rooms were aitracnve wim u.. soms of thc season. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett both are for mer universitv students. Since her grad uation the bride has been teaching school, and Mr. Bartlett has been tak ing a post graduate course in music. The voting couple will make their home at ""Oakland Fields." Mrs. Roma C. Hunter and her daugh ter, Miss Macyle Hunter, have gone to Donald for the week end and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. ess: KIM ON BARR Says: 11 II Iff -f II n i v., fi j w ill V rv ii ii N n it Ei 11 M M To this end we offer our services so that you may be made aware of your tl eyes requirements BR. HERMAN W. BARR (htcmetrist-Opton. new location 125 N. Libert Street, I j I I Second Floor, I I a a I SI s awsistiisi m r mm jwm msi sin mm M a Outfitters to Women. Misses' and Children Wherever you gowhatever . the occasion, correct clothes have first consideration. And in this store's specially planned assortments of SUITS, COATS DRESSES. SKIRTS BLOUSES AND ACCESSORIES every requirement may be met most satisfactorily. Special displays have been conveniently arranged and priced with due regard for "patriotic economy" White Wash Dress Skirts ....... ..... ,98c to $6.95 Misses' Middie Blouses 98c to $4.98 Women's and Misses Sport Suits . v . .$3.98 to $16.50 Women's and Misses Bathing Suits . . . $2.48 to $6.95 Women's Knitted Union Suits . . . . ,35c, 50c to $2.48 Women's and Children's white Hose ..24c, 35c, 50c Women's Khaki Pants $2.48 to $3.48 Women's Lingerie and Silk Waists ..... 98c to $7.48 Big assortment Hair Bow Ribbons 22c Air Ships Free for July 4th Present this coupon at our store any ( 10 ) day before July 4th Good for one Air Ship. U. G. Shipley Co. Quality Merchandise Liberty The .Tolly Neighbors club met on Wednesday afternoon at tbe home of Mrs. J- E. Crolhera. The .i.ernoon was whiled away sewing for the Eed Cross, and it wnajeeided that the members cf the club auxiliary gather together once a week on Wednesday, with the next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. E. 11. Prothero. , The hostess was assisted in serving dainty refreshments by Mrs. Prothero. Tho members present wero Mesdames John Fisher, W. L. Hatch and son Don ald, C. H. Loomis, E. H. Prothero and son Stephen, lj. ,1. xounds and danen ters Alice and Katherinc, J. E. ( rothcrs and son Gene, Anna Cleason and Miss Letha I reason. Guests' of the club wero Mrs. A. V. Estes, Mrs. W, H. Harris and Mrs. 1). M. Course. Miss Xeva Vaughn, deaconess of the Methodist Episcopal church, left this morning for Orcville, California, where she will spend the summer with her to the regret of her friends, Miss Vaughn will not return to Salem this fall to resume her duties as dea coness, but will go to Cleveland, Ohio, thc ncxt few vears here sue win take up lier work lor The Misses Crissie, Beatrice and Nel iie Bramberg of Independence are vis itinff their sister, Miss Allio Bramberg, for several davs. "- Mr. aud Mis. George Vick and daugh ter have gone on a motor and fishing trip to the M.-Kenzie bridge and vicin itv and will bo away for about a week. Miss BeatriceCrawford left Thursday for Portland where she has accepted a position as stenographer for tho Hazel wood companv. .William Wallace Graham has issued invitations for a recital to be given ANYONE can read this whose vision is not very i defective. ' f 1 This matter is printed in larger type than is used in most newspapers, to enable those whose f sight is imperfect to read it without discomfort. If II you find that you instinctively pass over small type , S matter in favor of the larger, your eyes probably 0 need help. II The momentary blurring of vision while reading or sewing; the aching of eyes after close work; the I smarting sensation produced by strong light; the m sense of effort when doing work at close range for tl long periodsall these and a hundred more diff icul- . 13 ties from bad eyes. tl Scientifically-fitted glasses will relieve all such troubles and permanently improve vision. j But such glasses can only be had after eyes have II been properly tested, by one who knows how. aar an a aa, s. wm tm w a wm mm aaj w 1 Street Popular Prices by his pupils tonight at the First Chris tian church nt 8:30 o 'clock. Here is the programme: Berceuse Slav Franss Narn.la Mr. " Suver Spanish Dance No,;.' Moszkowsky Gene Barnes Sonatiue No. 1, allegro voce andante F. Schubert Hazel McGilchrist - ' Spanish Serenade Mctra' Loren Simpson Si anish Dnnco Xo. a Moszkowsky Legcndo Bohin Mary Schoettle (a) Liebesleid; (b) Licbesfreud (two old Venese waltzes) ....Kreister Spanish Dance No. 4 Moszkowsky, Uuth Perlich At tho Highland Friends church on Sundiiy evening children's day exer cises will be given, including the fol lowing programme: 0 Children's day song, school. Prayer, superintendent. Hocitaftion, Lillian crazier. Story of an early missionary, .Tacit Brntty- - Bird's nest, exercises, classes 1 and 2. Recitation, Edith Hardy. Solo, Herbert McMillan. Continued on Page Seven.) - SUFFERING FROM SURGEST can be avoided by using TRADE MABrt PILE REMEDY ' Believe voursclf of this ailment at home. Easy to use and thoroughly de pendable. Sold only try us ouc ana tl.00. Capital Drug Store, Salem, Or. I? 1HB PW B aa,,. t, ft ttlJaVfcwvtg