Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1917, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917.
All Records Broken
For value giving at the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY'S
GOLDEN RULE STORE, where you will find the
Lowest Prices All the Time on All the Merchandise.
Our method is not the usual custom of special re
ductions on some few articles to attract the eye, and
which only hold good for a limited time. Don't fail
to give us a call and one look at our goods will con
vince you of our exceptional values. Then it will be
a cast of 0jjCe a Customer Always a Customer".
All Around Town
Hi' '
Mrs. G. Q, Tooker left this morning
for Bavalli, Mont.
. Arthur E. Stewart left this morning
for 8ioux City, Iowa, via the Oregon
Mrs. E. T. Albert, of Eugene, who
has been visiting friends here has gone
to Portland.
A. W. Fish arrived in the city from
Boise, Idaho, yesterday evening and
will remain for a week.
' Mrs. A. M. Little, a sister of Mrs,
Carrie Chapel, is visiting in the city
for short time. She is from Kansas
Bliss L. Darby, former member of
the state pharmacy board, and now a
druggist at Glendale, is in the city vis
iting ins Drorner, ur. iarDy,
.' O. X). Reese, of Marshfield, Is in the
city where he will make his home. He
is a member of the Federated Musi
cians. . Mrs. Carl Abrams, of Salem, and
her ' two children, arrived here last
evening. " They will visit with Mrs.
L. Abrams, the former's mother-in-law,
for the next 'few days.; Roseburg
, Mrs. J. C, McElroy, who had been
to half m for several weekB, returned
Siere today. Hhe was accompanied by
Mrs. J. F. Branny,, who will make a
fow days' visit in this city. Roseburg
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keith, of Al
bany; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Be Vbre and
daughter, and Dr. Cecil F. Lindloy, of
Salem, were in the city Monday, hav
ing come from Salem by motor car
noseuurg Kcview.
ijc ifc i( ifc )c jfc j(c ic sffc jfc )Jc jf(
CLEVELAND To Mr. and Mrs. Georgo
, W. Cleveland, 1134 North Front
street, June 23, a boy, to bo called
: George Raymond.
A cheerful, light hearted woman is
the joy of a man's life. Beauty will
fade, a good figure will change, but
the charm of health and cheerfulness
will endure to tho end. But how can
. woman bo cheerful and happy when
dragged down by some female derange
ment, with a backache, headache, and
often ou the vergo of a nervous break
down. , Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is the standard remedy for such
ailments. During tlie last 40 years
thousands of homes have been made
happy by this woman's great remedy
for woman 's ills.
Undersized Clark's
Seedling and Wilson
Strawberries at
per crate
Do your canning. .
Strawberries won't last
much longer.
First, game r ... . R. H. E.
Boston 6 12 1
Brooklyn 5 8 2
Barnes and Tragressor, Cowdy; Dell,
Smith and Meyers.
Second game R. H. K.
Boston 7 ii i
Brooklyn 3 7 Ji
Nchf and Tragressor; Cadirc,
Coombs and Miller.
First game ' R. II. E.
New York 4 10 1
Philadelphia 3 9 3
Torsreau, Bailee and Bariden; Alex
ander and Killifer.
Second Game R. H. E.
New York . ,, 5 8 4
Philadelphia 6 7 0
I'emtt, Middlcton and Raridcn;
Mayer,. Oeschger and Burns; Killifer.
R. It. E
Cincinnati 6 12 1
Pittsburgh 5 14 4
Schneider and Clark; Cooper and
First game r R. II. E
Chicago 5 7 0
St. Louis 6 17 1
Domaree, Hendrik, Packard and El
liott; Ames and Snyder.
R. H. E.
Philadelphia 6 16 1
New York 7 9 2
Bush, Falkenburg, Noyes and Mover,
Sehang; Cullop, Love, Shaw key' and
Washington 3 12 1
Boston. ... 2 11 1
Shaw, Johnson and Ainsmith; Mays
and Thomas.
First game R, H. E.
St. Louis 2 7 3
Cleveland 5 7 3
Sothoron and Severoid; Bngby, Klep
fer, Morton and O'Neill. '
Second game R. H. E.
St. Louis 2 Jl 0
Cleveland 6 11 0
Groom and Severoid; Lambefh and
Billings. "
First gamo R. H. E.
Dotroit .'. 9 16 0
Chicago 2 6 ' 3
Mitchell and Spencer; Faber, Benz,
Wolfgang and Schalk.
June 26. Second Band Con
cert, Willson Park.
June 18-27. Bed Crose cam
paign to raise $35,000.
uotys Market must have 125 fat
hens at. once. Doty has one order for
80 hens at once. Phone 2125. 121 S.
June 27-30. Teachers' examina
tions in Oregon.
June 25-30. National Volun
teer Army Recruiting week.
June 30. Shrinors' convention
in Salem.
Juy 4. All-state celebration at
fair grounds.
July 9. City election.
July 15-25. Salem Chautauqua.
July 18. Willamette Valley
tennis association meet ia Salem-
The Commercial club has decided to
J help the loganberry men this year in
securing pickers. All local help will be
! employed, but if rfhe result still leaves
farmers without help, many will be
uruugui irom rortiand to pick. The
Commercial club will register pickers.
Dr. Stone's Drug store makes free
delivery. Phone 35.
Arthur Seley, son of Mrs. Etta Squire
Seley, of Salem, has just informed his
mother that the final examinations
i have been given him, and that now he
nr. D. X. Beechler, who has been
practicing dentistry at his residence
on the Pacific Highway, announces the
opening of his office, at 302 U. 8.
Bank Bldg. tf
a yeoman in the navy. Mr. Selev
stated that he is now located on a train
ing ship at Son Francisco-
Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. Terwilliger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors.
770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724
Four Hudson Super-Sixes have been
The Wells Fargo Express company Slivered by Vick Brothers during the
ib getting a new cement floor in its PaBt weeK- iwo 8 to Monmouth, one
basement in the D'Arcv buildini? on bemg purchased by John Stump, and
Court street. . tn other by William Riddle. Felix
' o i t-'omegys, of Amity, and M. Mahoney,
J. Bay Pemberton, pnysician and aur- f Gervais, wfcre other purchasers.
geon, room 212 Masonic fi i ir. Phone o
1 - Terwilliger Funeral Home (home of
i the Iiininnotor). residence parlors, home
Artnur w. McFarland, who has been I1Ke- a,,y cuiuaimer. rnone
in tha A. .I...... mi. l : i a -.1 " "
a I v uiK.ci oemmary i ( Th! farmerg of morgan are planning
"ul"i ., was in ine euy aunaay, to
filling the pulpit for Rev. Carl Elliott
of the Presbyterian church. He will
care for the Presbyterian churches at
Turner, Marion and Pleasant Home
this summer.
Miss Lucile Barton announces Changs
of address to 598 N. 17th St. ( block
N. of Center). Classes are now being
formed for summer work in singing and
correct placing of the voice. Phone
1588. 7.13
For genuine patriotism here is a ctory
which is hard to beat. Yoshiye Fukuda, every effort ia ijeing ,nado to rush the
a little Japanese girl, but six venrs old. i, "
construct a co-operative warehouse
and nave employed Fred Ieeg, of ca
lem, to draw the plans. It will be a
one story frame building of heavy mill
construction and will be 40 by 80 feet.
S. L. Fawk is one of the men interested
in its construction. -; The plans will be
ready in 10 days and bids will then be
called for its construction.
The Wittenburg-King company's en
gine house on North Water street is
taking definite form, and tlie work ot
construction has begun on the process
rooms proper. It is hoped to have this
unit ready for operation by autumn, and
donated 25 cents to the Red Cross when
tho solicitors were seeking funds. All
the Japanese in the city have subscrib
ed very liberally to the cause. -
Lena Belle Tartar, contralto, gradu-
Lloyd MorWy, aged 25 years, who is
believed to be deranged of mind, last
week bought a horse and buggy here
and started to drive to Portland on the
west side. He got down the river a dis
Second Band Concert
Willson Park Tonight
Hear JtheJ'Jazz" Band
Lovers of that new creation which
is taking tho country by storm the
"Jazz" band will have nn opportuni-i
ty to hear it in its fullness tonight, at
the second band concert to be held in
Willson Park at 8 n. m. H. N. Stoiiden-
meyer director, John Uraber manager.
Miss Pauline Liska will give a vocal
The program is as follows:
1 March, Hall of Fame Allen
2 Overture, Princess of Iiulia....King
3 Waltz (a) The Missouri Walts
(l) Whispering Hearts Aronson
4 v.omic. opera selection, Wonder
land Herbert
5 Vocal solo, Somewhere a Voice
is Calling Tate
Miss Pauline Liska
i March, tlarland Entree King
. naracleristic, Passing of the
Bed Man King
8 tirand selection, Sonnanibuln....
9 Jar.z one step, Oh Johnny, Oh
Johnny, Oht Olman
10 Kxeerpts from Robin Hood. ......
- do Koven
11 March, In Honor Hound ....Keefer
O. W. Brant, Le Roy Hewlett, J. H.
Arnold, and O. L. Lyntheeonie are the
delegates from Hjil Hibbard Camn,
Spanish-American War Veterans, who
will leave Wednesday for the annual
state convention which will be held at
HUlBboro during the days and uights of
June z ana 28. It is expected that
in addition to the delegates there will
be a large delegation of veterans go
over. The party u expected to number
2!L.mT?i?:U. S??!erM7'flChic0o tauce when he broke the shafts. He
managed to get into Portland and tried
to buy an automobile. He was captured
Sunday morning and taken iu charge by
the proper authorities.
' " S. E. Baker, formerly attorney In the
Commerce building, has resumed prac
tice at tho old stand. Since he was
diKcharceil from the officers' reserve
corps training camptftt the Presidio, on.i
account of a wouna reccivea wnue in u
skirmish. Mr. Baker has been recuper
ating and although, he says he has a
! very sore side, he w ill again go to
Studio Durbin Bldg. Phone 338. 6-29
Rockey Broncushio, after attending
the funeral of his brother, Frank, of
Junction City,-' Ore., returned to Ta
coma,. Wash., Monday evening -to r
sumo work. Mr. Broncushio was form
erly a student in the Salem high school.
Summer school for lower grade chil
dren will begin July 16 and continue
2 months. I'rice fl.oo per week. Mrs.
Marie Scheuerle, 395 N. 14th. Phone
Harry O. McCain, a former Wil
lamette student, who has been engaged
i a B-...-i of Salem, has finally been accepted as
yeurs, reiurneu Tsunuay eveiuut irum , t ' , . . j. -
Kansas City and Chicago, where he
C. B. Durdall, a prominent young man
y Commercial and Court Streets. Formerly The Chicago Store
ii ,
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1 1 j ,
ti f y-ZN-x '
11 it - ! il l-
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II ,.l : I
Ladies New Fibre Silk
Sweaters, AH the New
shades, jus t r e c e i v e d
& Go.
The personal writing machine
Fries 150
Call or write for descriptive mat-- 5
6. M. LOCKWOOD, Distributor
216 N. Com'l St. - Salem Or.
, Orivillo Baldwin, only son of Mrs. M.
A. Baldwin, died Saturday morning at
the home in Portland, of tuberculosis,
from which he suffered for several
Mr. Baldwin was born in Princeton,
Mo., and at the timo of his death was
B9 years eld, He ceme with his par
ents 10 -ortiana in iw)i ana attended
the Ladd school and the Y. M. C. A-
He was admitted to practice pharmacy
by the state board about two years
ago, and practiced for eighteen months
in the store of FTank Ward here. !
Since that time he has been with the
Blumaner-Frank drug company in Port-,
land. He was well known here by a
large circle of friends who appreciated ;
his many excellent qualities and kind-;
ly nature. The fact that he was ill
was unknown to the majority of his '
His death leaves his mother entirely
alone. The funeral will be in Port
land and the burial will take place in
a Portland cemetery.
mm f ajXj))
Any kimd . ' Any time
Autos to Rent with or without
drivers. Oice Bligh Hotel
Household Furniture
We pay the Highest Cash Price
or will Bell on commission
the Auctioneers
Phones 611 or 221
For Rheumatism
General Debility and Nervous
ness their is nothing better
than massage or electric treat
ments. DR. EVA MTJRPHY '
384 State St. Phone 756J
ifC sc )jc st '3C j)C
went on a business trip. He expects to
be in Salem until after July 5.
Miss Elma Weller will receive pu
pils in the study of music beginning
June 2S, for terms call 1351. Studio
695 N. Liberty. j
Dr. A. E. Young, of this city, left this
morning for Fort Slager, Wash., where
he will tnko an examination for the
Inmlsmnn for electrician radio, after a
long experience in obtaining weight
Mr. Durdall was under weight and left
his father's store on High street two
weeks ago in order that he might gain
tho necessary avordupois. He was en
listed through the local navy recruiting
The following hoys were sent to Van
couver this afternoon by Corporal Toy
nf the local armv recruiting station
dental section of the officer's reserve Oscar C. AV ebb ago 22, of Anmsville-,
corps. Ho expects to take tne examina
tion Thursday. Fort Slager is near
Port Townsend on the Puget Sound. j
Meeting of Salem Lodge No.
1, A. F. & A. M., this evening.
Work in tho M. M. degree.
Visiting brethren welcome, .
0 ,
Three marriage licenses were Issued
yesterday by the county clerk as fol
lows: John L. Green, of the Portland
police patrol, and Gladvs N. Kelsay, a
who goes into the medical department;
H1K1 JUIlllllie x . ----
Plains, who goes also into the medical
corps. William O. Wilson, of Salem,
age 20, was routed to Vancouver this
morning where he will go into the med
ical department.
A. A. Hall, attorney in the Bank of
Commerce building, has gone to Nor
wood, New York, to visit his father.
Attorney Hall has been in Salem sev
eral years and expects to return in
about six weeks- He is registrar at the
Willamette university college ot law
Mrs, Emma Hint, bookkeeper at the
county clerk's office, has quit her post
of duty for a time to take a woll-earn-fi
rest. It ia expected she will be
oca at Her work in a few -weeks-
An Informal Jollification luncheon
will be held Wednesday evening in Jhe
iuro room or the uerOy building by
the mon and women who took part in
the big Salem Bed Cross drive last
week- Each person attending is to pay
for his or her own plate and the price
is fixed at 50 cents. If any one has
tne tdea that any of the money raised
in the drive is to, be used at this lunch
eon, it is time to get it out, for not one
cent is to be so used. Kach one pays
iur n piaie ana everyone is supposed
to come brimming over with jollifica
tion and celebrate the big event in s
proper way. The time is Wednesday
evening at 6:30 o'clock.
teacher of Scotts Mills; Floyd E I. Ho-ved with the Third Oregon on
gan a papermnker of Port and, and Let- ,,le:sl,aJ. bor,,or 8g eorporal. He
is also vice-conimander of Tia Juana
ta rage, of Silverton, and Frank Pohl
Schneider, a farmer of Brooks, and
Bertha Ackerman, also of Brooks.
To discusa charter amendment. There
will be a meeting Wednesday June
27th at eight o'clock at the Commercial
club hall to take action on the pro
Camp, No. 1,
Mexican Border Service
.'".r. . ' ;i ....,.,.,,. 'em Pacific Lecture Bureau, wnn neau-
L : .. -ii ennrters in New York. He
ameudmenst are vicious and all per.
E. S.
Commerce. Phono l!t0,
Views of California' and Oregon will
be shown at the First Christian church
tonight by Lecturer Irwin, ot tne .-.uuu.-
has over
i.n oonn feet nf cinema film.
ameudmenst are virions ana an per- . " - ,.),.
sons opposed to their adoption are in- Mr. Irwin carrie, h ow Jfu
vited to be present and express them- nalia, which includes a f ire-proof bootn.
selves. y a'd with bis otner cqmi"""1' " fr
, o ' L ton. The lecture will be free. Mr
Baker, attorney, 201 Bank of .Irwin was lecturer for the company i
8-28 1 the P. r. I. exposition in i"-
vniist nowi Your country needs you!
Vm.r resident calls you! The army
x r-nine nn. rou loval Amen
cans and let's help free the world that
our children may live in peace. H. P.
McCain, adjutant general, Washington,
r c fineh is the teleeram received
local armv headquarters this morn
hv Cornnral Toy. Boys, come up
.,,.1 not urntisintcd with him, and with
Sergeant Ballantyne, who is assisting
him. Consider the recruiting station a
club-room, a meeting place for all boys
with red blood in their veins.
. o
In order to he sure that there will
be a supply of labor during the coming
summer to harvest the crops that have
been planted for war pnrposes. State
1-abor l onnuisisoner Hoff is senaing out
a circular letter to various sources of
labor in the state to ascertain as soon
a possible just what the situation ia
With his letter he is sending a aeries
of questions to be answered and re
turned to the office, and with this ma
terial he espects to handle the supply
of labor for the harvest.
$8 A TON
Big 1 One
Fuel Co.
FHONXS 1321; 946 M
Bg5 i
M - Jy jxiL P
m ( - lr7" :r--'":rri( ft 'W m
i ' jHJ,. I.m;frnr!i8ai4a iH: i m
. f(S Capital Journal m I
I . .. pi , War Atlas MH .
m . mi
iigf rroiuseiy musirateu jn several colors, tic- mil
lures Ui -r"cs gunsr oaiue scenes, etc 1
itui LiuiLKut?i irvii iii'i i-fiftiiiM rauvp w?it rs. m t a.
IB strenStn of nations. Photographs of presidents, f j
IU rulers, penerab. admirals. snMiprs anA stated. PHI
Jitl ' ' " Eli 1 "
ig men. j
lm " foa fr rtll cf A e Mill
1 IHg m. vv a. Mti ouiObl AL-f O ;i
IH Pay $3.00 for one year in advance bv mail and ml
I I fcA -..1 ... " " 1
ll&y VOU Pet me Atlas TrPP nr it vnn aro a iitv enfv C3I
p scriber getting the paper by carrier, pay 6 H
M months ($2.50) and the atlas will cost you 3
nothing. n
1 jggSTTg
$ Used Furniture Wanted I
Highest cash crices Daid for
nstd furniture. 4c
Phone 941 or 608. 41
V ffl i 1
isafeTT ii
Office Hubbard Building
Night phone, Marion Hotel, 2010
5 and 7 vassemrer enclosed anil on
ears. Special rates for commercial and
country trips.
I llr AfTfM 9. P.
liiUC Ot 1UCW1 wu.
We want all the hop wira and .
iron. Highest prices paid tor
same. Call 399- Addrcs3 10?
S. Commercial. &
: The Capital Junk Co. I
Pays the Highest Price tor all '
kinds of junk,
Dregless Physician
Snperintendent Hydro-Electro
Therapeutie Institute
202 to SOS iUsonio Tempi
Phone 11S2.
Honrs 9 to 67 to
read in the Journal ia all live
Marion county homes Try 'ess.