THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1917. ' ; xiNE The Daily Capital Journal Classified Telephone i and Business f Directory A Quick, Handy Reference for Busy People j EVERYTHING ELEOTSICAL Telephone Electrie Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North High Msin 1200 Wles. , ' TRANSFEH AND DRATAOE (Mem Truck ? Dray Co., corner State end Front etreeU . Main 74 V Willamette Valley News V ; eopted the fcir.d luvitation of neighbor ! C. T. UePvw't in ..1. .. 4i, : " "lr "i Merson Way into Liuu cimi1v ' . a. 1... . v cm uy a or : jj. Turner ami Aumsville, then to Stsytou, Francis Keaniitdi is home from Port land, where lie bus been going to school Walter Uolinan motored to Salom But urday. Mr. Foster has been busy cutting his clover hav latelv. Mr. I.cgg started picking his goose berries Monday. L. G. llulgin motored out to the Hul- giu ranch Sunday. Strawberries will goon be rie in this section if hot weather continues. Mr- U'icklaflder of Dallas has moved to Salem to reside, he was formerly of this neighborhood. , . A "roup of young folks motored over to Viliip Springs Sunday tor a jiienie. lee cream and lunch wes served tit noon and the remainder of the day was spent in playing games; all onjoyed a good time. . . FOB SALS FOB SALE OR TRADE A comfort able home n a good locality in Kan as, oh oanta re it. K. will nceept va cant lots in Salem. Square Deal Real ty vo., zvz u. o. Bank BIdg. MISCELLArfEO0g FLORA A. BREWSTER, M. D. Neo- nuugisi, nervons ana cflronic diseas ea specialty. 35 vrs. experience with : drng, surgery and arugless method. Examination free. 712 Stale St. Phone 1300. INSURANCE For fire insurance in standard companies, call on P. J. ivuntz, 309 Hank of Commerce. 6-27 CHIROPRACTIC SPmOLOGIST OS. O. h. 8COTT Graduate of Chiro practic ' Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If yon have tried everything and got bo relief, try Chiropractic . spinal adjustments and get well. Of fice 406-7-8 TJ. S. National Ban building. Phono Main 87, Residence, Main 828-E. UNDERTAKERS WXBB CLOUGH CO. O. B. Webb, X II. Chrugh morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods Vsown to the profession employed. 409 Court. St. Main ,W0, Main 9888 WGDON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 253 North High street. Day and night phone gTOVX BJEPAIRINQ 8TOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIHEp 9 years experience. Depot National and American fenM Sizes 6 to 68 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, ate..' Loganberry and hop hooks. Balem Fence and Stove Works, 158 Court street. Phone 184. OSTEOPATH DBS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Eirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized is nervons diseases at Los Angeles Col lege. Offices 505-508 U. S. flat. Hank Bide. Phone 859. Besidence 1620 Court. Phone 215. Fruiiland Items (Capital Journal Special Sorvice.) Fruitlnnd, Ore., June 20. The school election today (Monday, the 18th) re sulted as follows: For director, M. J. Cernik; clerk, N. J. Bowers, re-elected. The board as it now etniuls: M. J. Ceruik, three years; P. J. Egglcr, two vears; Wm. Donaldson, one year. There was a large nttendance. Sunday your reporter and wire ac t THE MARKETS I WATER OO MP ANT BALEM WATER COMPANY Offie corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. BOAVANOER 11T.VU BP 4 Trip VltPT? PV.,.ln. e. proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contract at reasonable rates. V6r"Q and eess pool cleaned. Office phono Mais E247 Residence. Main 221 Z. MONEY TO LOAN ON . Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD )rer Ladd & Bti.h bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money - at Lowest Rates, on tpproved Security. Homer H, Smith, Room 6, MoCoraack Bldg., Salem, Or. LODGE DIRECTORY HODREN WOODMEN Of AMERICAOr- Jo Cedar Csuip, No. 16248. meets every bnrsdST evening t 8 o'clock In Derby ealldlng. corner Court and Hlija streets. J. f. Day, V- V. ", J, A, Wright, Clerk, SAf.BM LODGE No. 4, A. F. ft A. M, Seated communications first Frldav In each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Fred A. Mclntlre, W. M. : 8. Z. Sulver, secretary, A. O. C. W. Protection Lodge No, 2, meets every Monday evening at 8 in the McCornack hail corner Court and Liberty street. L. R. Mason, M. W.z 8, A McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown tiaancler; R. B. Duncan, treasurer. CalN'TRAL LODGE, NO. IS, K. of P. Derby building, every Tuesday evening S? "eh week at 7 :30. Loyd T. Rlgdoa, C. C. ; W. B. Gilsoa, K of H and a, BALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tlllsou, secretary. Ail cases of cruelty or neglect of dum animals should be reported to the secretary for investigation.' DB MOLAY COMMANDER Y, No. 6, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday lu each tuuum ai o o ciock p. m.. in aiason! TRAVELERS' GUIDE OREGON BLECTRIC RAILWAY CO. NOBTH BOUND Lv Salem 'irain No. Ar Portland 4 :r am..... 2 Owl 6 :55 a m 7:15 a m 8 ........ 9:25 a m :45 a m .... 10 Limited . , . 11 :35 a -to 11:20 t a 12 1:35 pm 1 :r0 p m 14 4 :00 n m 4:00 p m .... 16 Limited .... 5:50 p m 6:30 p m ....... 20 7:40 p m 7:65 p m 22 10:00 p n sooth bound Portland to I.v Portlani 8:30 l n Salem 8 :35 Eugene 10 :E5 a m The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the. retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. . Wheat is weakening:, with hi(h priiv at $2. Hens, too, are on the toboggan, with quotations of 11 and lo cents. Po tatoes arc but two cents a pound, and cabbage 1S l'10 feeling the effect of summer production and dropped from four cents to three today. Wheat Oats Barley, ton liran Shorts, per Hay, cheat Hay, vetch Hay, clover Butterfltt Grains ton Butter : 2 "7Ki .... 40 3 ..... .... is .... $15 $13 .... 3Sc 8 :30 a 10:45 a m . 2:05 p m ., 4:40 p a . i :05 p m . 9:20 p m . 11:45 p m . Lv Corvsl'ils 4:10 d m . Lv Kugene ( :.y.j am.. 1 :fi5 p m . Temple. Bojsnrnlag Sir Knights arei 6:25 p m 12 :us p m courteously Invited to meet with us. Qita C. Niles, E. C; H, B. Thlelsen. recorder. - 5 Limited 7 e . . 13 Limited ... ..17 Ltcal ... , 19 ,...21. Owl rosth bound ..... 20 ...... ...10 Limited ... .. 10 Limited ... 22 .... 2 Owl ..... .10:11 .12:55 p m . 4 :15 p m . 6:40 p m . 8:10 p m .11 :20 p m . 1 :55 p m Ar Salem 6:30 p n Ar Salem 9:45 a m 4 :00 p m 7:55 p m 4 :35 a m Lv Salem BALEM COUNCIL no. 2822 Knleht. anS I :?5 m Ladies of Secnrlty Meets every 2nd and 1 J" ',?, 4th Wednesday each month at Hurst i !, iSf Hall. Visiting members are Invited ' to " 9 attend. E. F. Walton, financier,- 40 8. Hth Street , ! Lv Salem . . j :1S p o fACIFJC LODGE NO. SO, A. T. ft A. M.I Mated communications third Fridnv!r. a., u.uuiu il i -. " t m. in tue Masonic Temple. W. H. Daacy, W. M, ; Brneat H. Choate, secretary. . WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mest ever Friday night at S o'eltck in Derby bidg.. Court and High Stt. A. J Swelnlnk, C. C. ; L. S. Oeer, clerk. S07 Court street. Phone 583. UNITED ARTISANS Csplta! Assembly No. 84, meets every Thursday at- 8 p. "-. In 1. O. O. F, hall, A. A. Guefroy. M. A.; C. A. Tlljbert, secretary, Crown Drug stare, 838 State street. 6 :45 p m Lv Corvallls 8:25 a m , 12:12 p m . 2:41 pa , 4:10 p m . 6 18 p a , SOCTU BOUND Ar Eugene ..21 Owl 6:50 a m . 0 Limited .... 12:25 p m Ar Albany T 1:50 p m Stops at Corvalls At Albany 9 -6 :10 p m Ar Albany 7 :35 a m Ar Uugene .... IS ....... 8:50 u ia COBVALLIS CONNECTION yOBTH BODNO Creamerv bntter, per pound ; 4Dc Country ' butter 3032c . porlt, veal and Mutton Pork, on foot ..-13&S)l4c Pork, dressed "... , 1718e Veal, accordine to quality 8&l3c btcers 78c Cows 5(itMlc Hulls rifeOV-c Spring lambs lie Lambs, yearlings . ., ... 9c wethers ti(g)3c Eggs and Poultry Eggs, trade ........, 28c Ijugs, cash : zic Hens, pound He, Broilers, live, over 2 pounds ........ 18c Hens, dressed, pound . 23c Vegetables Turnips, bunch 45c Cabbnco 3c String garlic .'. 7c New potatoes GV-..C ! i'otatoes, per 100 lbs. .....,... $2 Green onions 40c Onions, in sack $2 Celery, crate $4 Turnips, sack $2.50 Cucumbers 7oc$1.15 Green peas .... Kadishes , - California tomatoes Asparagus Figs and Dates Black figs ....' -.I-. Golden figs Dromedary dates Ford dates 7c 40c .. $2 40c . Ec ... 10c .. 15c $3.73 $2.3 71.1101003 quoj c 'japjoaax -saoa Hidnsqas viit$ -ajR isjssais qSiu po jjnoj 'Saipiinq u1 n tnmj a) ioiaai cpsjnqx tm max 'ooei "Oif ,.dmo dui) uoMan.. y -k n Pbons 1436M. Lv Salem 10:15 a a 4 :16 p m 12:55 p m 6 :40 p m 10 14 18 20 22 BOUTS BOUND . Ar Salem 9:45 a at 1 :45 p oi 4 :O0 p m Fruit Peaches Aprkots Strawberries, kical A pples ., Urauges, navels l.em us, per box linnanas, pound California grape fruit Florida grape Iruit lionev "ocoanuts .. .... $2 $2.25 $1.25 . $12 .;. $3.2.")f(4 $3.25(a)5)0 . 6c $3.50 ....,:. $r)7 $3.75 ... $1 Retail Prices Creamery bntter . Country butter 6 :'so p m i Kggs, dozen .7 U5 p m Ar Corvallls .11 :33 a m . 6 :36 p m . 2 :20 p m 8:00 p m -40 B .. 7 18 . - Su-im-Geei I.ins Nc 73 Arrives at Salem 9:15 a m No. 1 leaves Salem 8:50 a m No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) ....2:00 d m No. c4 Leave Salem 3:05 p ml cmonection soutu or lieer. Sius, Falij Cirr aso Wbster No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor ...,.7:uo a m Na. 163 Lv. talem, motor 9:43 a n no. loa lv. Haiem tar Multnomin Bad Alrll 1:40 p ro No. 167 Lv. Salem, motor 4:00 u m t no. io: i.v. paiem. motor :io o No. 239 Way Kr't lv. Salem. .. .6 :00 a m No. 162 Ar. Salem 8:30 a m So. 164 Ar. Salem 11:10 a m No. 166 Ar. Salem 3:15 p o. ins Ar. Salem .6 :iw p m No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:43 p i N. 240 Way lr t ar. 8alem ...2:30 p a bugar, cane ... Sugar, beet Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley . 45c 40e 35e . $8.75 $8.55 $3.10Ca3.50 $2 HO3.20 v.urru we croseu tUe river over into l.iuu. Wo suu' some nice country, some fine crops of growing grain and several new residences. On the way home we culled at the I'ome of T. K. Hcrriu, near the reform school. Tom is one of the uld neighbor we lived near 25 years ago up in the red hills. Here we met other oi the old acquaintances of a quarter of a century and more ago. Time is mak ing his inroads on these old friends as well ns on ourselves, as the whitened hair and changing countenances testify. We are nil siuwly but surely passing down the western side of the hill.- H. 0. Todd has returned from th'e Portland Boso Carnival. He reports the occasion was not at all up to that of past years, neither in attendance nor in the exhibits- -Some years ago basket upon basket of roses from Salem went down to Portland to grace that city's fine display. And did Portland give Salem its due credit- therefore? Did itt It is beginning to get somewhat dry and some of us wish it would rain! What did I tell you lust Jiarck nnd April when the heavens were weeping cupiuus tears on tne damp and sodden earl hi Germany, that hot bed of monistic volution, is now giving to the world an exhibition of the Darwinian doctrine of the survival of the fittest though Dur win was n r.ngnsuman. Those cham pions of materialism, Ernest Heackel und August Woissmumi and others have boen the great protagonists of organic evolution, and that the creator had little or nothing to do with human develop ment, granting there be a creator even. The German autocrats probably imbibed this kind of "Knltur" and so decide thoir own race only ought to survive. It appears there are thieves in the community. At different times of late the family of H. C. Brossler has missed sundry articles taken from the barn, and on Sunday night an attempt to pick a lock into the dwelling house was made. A bit of broken wire was found in the lock and the lock had to be taken from the door and taken apart. From now on a 22-22 or something as good awaits the night prowler. P. J. Eggler is. remodeling his barn so as to operate a horse hay fork. Carroll Bunner has returned from irarrisburg. Ho did not find , the ma chine painting business congoninl and the lure of "No. Placo Like Home" proved the stronger. Cloverdale News (Capital Journal Special Service) Cloverdale, June 19. Several cases f measles are again found in this niHlihorhood. Road supervisor are busy dressing up the roads enabling the farmers to get to market wkh more ease. W, Young reewttlv sold one of his farm j to a. Mr. Ijoonev-who is taking possession' "now'. '"-- ; - ' ' - The annual scwwl rhoeting was a quiet yet enthusiastic affair hero yes terday, L. E. llennis was elected di rector to serve three years. Walter Blu- co being the retiring member. Arthur K un lie was elected elork to serve one year. Miss -Gertrude is to be employed at the Judge Duncan home this summer. Dr. Staples motored to Salem Monday Mrs, 5. H. Whitehead and Mis. G. W- Fan-is were visitors at the Fliflet home last Tuesday. ... i ,., Mrs. Walter liluco, .Levi Fliflet and wife attended the rose carnival in Port land last week. f. .Schifterer and sister, Emma, mo tored to Portland to visit their sister there nnd attend the carnival. Owen Hadley leaves tomorrow for Scuttle where lie will visit for a short time. Arthur Kuiike and Anna Fliflet were married in Snleni last Wednesday morn ing. Thev will attend rose carnival in Portland and then make an extended visit through the north before return ing to make their home here. The young couple are both popular here and their host of friends extend to them their well wishes Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craig were shop ping in Salem last Friday. f' -.Jr.: & , it 5- 3 The assertion that there is not a hackneyed character in the Clone drama. "The Kyoa of tho World" hold true nsevidenced by its initial showing at the Grand -Opera House next i'onday and Tuesday. Outstanding players of tho east are Sybil, the mountain girl; h Grange,, the novelist; Taiuo, the physical wreck of a mis-spent life; John Willard, the convict, and Aaron King, who tries the-short cut road to success ad becomes the mark for a designing woman. . In La Grange is pictured a short story writer who haunts tho intellectual lanes in life in quest of material for Ins stones but in whose heart still burns the lovo for sentiments of early days. Sybil the mountain girl, is a pure souled miss whoso hand ia sought by James Rutlidge, the bull necked art critic. John Willard, tho convict, plays an important part in the story, hi escape from the prison camp and the ex citing scenes that follow being especially interesting. The downfall of Myni Willard. violin teneher, gave much food for thought, and the actions of her daughter, Mrs. Taine, are such as to warrant her delVat in the closing chapter. Tho crowd which witnessed the initial performance wu small, but in tie ovening the house was filled with an appreciative audience. "The Eyes of the World" will be shown Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, both matineo and evening. Tho selected score was played by an eight piece orchestra, ' Children Cry FOR ftf TIBER'S CASTOR1A mer and Anna Gille. Miss Alice Mathey spent Friday af ternoon and evening in Salem. Jennings Latimer leit Friday after noon for a two weeks visit with rela tives in Eugene. A large number of Auburn's resi dents attended tho services at tho Con gregational church Sunday. j-.ima urimui is now at home tor tho summer vocation. Selma Olson, Sara Latimer and Airs. Smith were business callers in Salem Friday. A large number of the young folk ftf Aulllli-n ntt.emlerl tlia ,.i iiil i-.m 'a iltt v exorcisea nt the ITnitmi V.vunuel u-u I church Sunday morning. sjc Sjc 3fc sjc 3c s(. jfC 36 34 sfa RED CROSS NOTES fcijeale jc sc Marion fell in line last night with a charter nicniBership of 40, at a meeting which was splendidly planned and con ducted. Chester Leo was chairman of the evening, nnd was later elbeted tem porary chairman of the auxiliary. The meeting was held in the hall at Marion, which was donated by the owner for the purpose. Messrs. Huckcstein, Mey ers and Snyder, and Mesdames Fisher, HELPS TO SOLVE THE ; COMMUNITY'S PROBLEMS. Weekly Report of Union Stock Yards Gates Items (Capita! Journal Special Service) Gates, June IK. We are having some summer-now. The snow, is oing off the mountains. . . - - Mrs. Sadie Fair of Kellogg,-Idaho, is day, got only steady bids, prices ranged visiting her sister, Mrs. Stvlteid, this from $5 to $7. There were only a few North Portland, Ore., Juno 19. Yos- terduy's receipts wore; 800 cattle, 1,000 hogs, 400 sheep. Cattle: Yesterday's market in beef steers was active, with prices ranging from 25 to 55 cciils higher, which was the first real uptura the market has had for about a month. Buyers had to stop lively to get in at nil on tho supply, wuku nun pom out -iu ine eany morn ing hours. All killers seem to be in need of immediate supplies. While, there were no strictly fat steers in the entire run, with the exception of one head at $10.50; they are quoting prime liiird grass steers from $10.25 to $10-50; four loads of very good California steers brought $10, which sold about 25 cents higher. Several loads of very good yearling steers although not fat brought $9.25 to $9.50, ordinary and medium steers brought the biggest advances for the day, most of which sold 50 cents higher, Svith one sale fully 55 cents higher . Sales on these grades ranged from $8 to $U. Demand for killers did not Bccni to want nud prices were fully steady with a week ago, and in many cases fi5 cenls higher, that is, on- Tut stuff. The best cows sold from $8.25 to $8.75; with a few choutc heifers go ing at $. I hin dairy bred stuff, of which there was quite a spread yestor- Prominant Community Development Authority at Chautauqua, i In keeping the community develop niont phase of .('linutuuijua prominent ly lu tho foreground Hie 'KIllKon-Wfilte Cbuuiuuqua each year secure nu ex- WILLAMETTE BITER ROUTE. Orejwa Cifa Transportation Company Bus is leare Saleia for Portland Monday, ftVdop&day and Friday at 11 a. m. ; and Tnetaday, Thursday and Saturday morning t B a. m. Kor Corvsilis the hoets leave Ka)-n Tujadsy. Thursday and Saturday eveninaa at 8 o'clock. Boa, iMva Yori land ir Saiem at (1 At ach uoroing- POETLAND MARKET Portland, Or., June 20. Wheat: Club $2 -" Hod Russian $2 -ISlucKtem $2.05 Kortyfidd $2 Oats, So. 1 white feed $45.50 - Darley, feed $42.50 Hotter, city creamery 3a39e Eggs, selected local ex. 32fii:Mc Hens 15c Broilers 18(a20e Geese lie . Livestock Market Portland, Or., June 20.--Cattle re ceipts 19s. Market steers atoady : rows 15 ceuts lower. Light steers. $i).50(j; 10; heavy steer $l.5of'i HJ'i; cows $MZii .25; heifers $s.5ofti M. Sheep receipts 13.XS. Market 25(o50 lower. Host east of mountain lambs $1.1.35; vall,-y lambs $1 i:i.2.',; welh- er $10(fi 10 .50: ewea $.S.."0. Hog receipts 227. Market weaker. Heavy $14.!mfn 15; light 1 t.r.idi 15. I week. Mr.-and Mrs. Kuss Stnffonl ace the proud parents of a- fine boy, born June 10th- Mother und babe doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolf of Woodburn were visiting in Gates Sunday, Kobert Monroe went to his mines Monday; he expects to be goue for some time. Mrs. Lee Dike and little daughter ex pect to start for her old .home in Ne ll rusk a this week. ' - Mrs. -Maggie Hoacmuu passed awav atdier home three miles east of Gates Tuesday; was laid 1o rest in Fairview ceiircti'rv Thnrsduv, the funeral was ittcndcd by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson made a flying trip to Salem this week. Air. and Mru- Churchill went to Sa lem for a few days. Mrs. Genevieve Gates is visiting friends in Gates this week. Siu- expects to return- to her home in Woodburn next week. Miss Grace Gaff'ney is home on a vacation for a fw weeks. - Mrs. Si. M. licvier made a trip to Al bany Snturdav. ' Auburn News (Capital Journal Special Service) Auburn. June 20. Miss Anna Gille has returned to brr home on Auburn avenue, having spent several weeks vis iting her sister, Mrs. Dan (Jlcason oi John lay, Or. Among those who attended the Chns. t'orbes Taylor lecture Mondav evening were the .Minsi'i Sara and LucilTe Lati- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTORIA thin bulls on the market, with very little demand and steady prices- Best heavy bulls selling from $7 to $7.75. Hogs. With the smallest Monday run of hogs in years on the market yesterday it did not seem to have any effect on effect on prices. All tho sellers could do was to get a steady bid. .Demand continues very light. Several loads of prime hogs brought $15.25 for the bulk of good hogs. Packers were not willing to give over $15, Pigs and grass hogs are still being cut very hard with the bulk bringing $12. Sheep. Prices in the sheep house arc from 25 to 75 cents b.wer tfian a week ago, al though there wa a steady market yesterday- Good to choice spring lambs are selling mostly gjt $13.50, with culls from $11 to $12. Yearlings, wethers and ewes, especially heavy ones, were in for trim ming at the close of the week, prices off 50 to 75 cents. The choice shorn year lings sold from $10.75 to $11 with weth ers from $10.25 to $10.50 good to choice shorn ewes brought $9 to $9.50; with good heavy ewes from $8.50 to $0. Culls are selling from $5 to $7, fieeeipt of sheep the past week, while not heavy, were of comparatively good volume, but demand was not very great. t: ; I j E. TURNER. pert tn tills Held. This year they were exceptionally fortunate In obtain ing the services of Dr. A. K. Turner, national authority on municipalities. Dr. Turner Is not only one of tho most sought after lecturers In Chautauqua, but also a leading power In the Chau tauqua movement Itself. Dr. Turner gives communities what is called the "Turner Walk" a progressive stride of purposeful "pop." Children Cry fCR FLICKER'S CA3TORI A 'I " 1 -i Ba Schucking and Miss Elizabeth Levy completed the Salem representation. Miss Levy entertaineoTlhe meeting with a violin aolo. L B, Geer, of the Im perial Furniture company, furnished a machine for the party. Macleay Hag 108. Tho permanent organisation of tho Macleay auxiliary was ffected Tues day evening when O, L. Murtin was elucted chairman,. Mrs. i fi. Goodell and Mrs. Ben Kaiser, vice-chairman; Mrs. J. M. Martiiij secretary, and W. A. Jones, treasurer. At tho close of the meeting it was announced that tho membership of the auxiliary was 108. a gain of 68 in less than two weeks. Hesidents of the Old People's Home will listen to a lecture Given bv Mrs. E. E. Fisher this afternoon. She will toll of the aims and workings of tho Bed Cress. Mrs. B. O. Schucking will organize an auxiliary this afternoon at .Rickey, among the members of a needlo club there. Auxiliaries Increase. Up to the present, over 70 auxiliaries to the Bed Cross have been organized in Htuion and folk counties. Some of tho latest to report are the Good Samar itan auxiliary, of Silvcrton, with 7 momlMTs, and the I. I. Steven auxiliary of Woodburn, with 32. Dallas has re ported S7 general members. The local headquarters '-request that all auxiliar ies furnish it at least monthly with a complete list of members. Knitters Busy. The knitting department has com pleted 50 pair of sox, which will soon b shipMd to the base hosuitals. This department has asked for scan yarn of all shades and colors, for use in making wristlets. Steel knitting needles are also in great demand, and the loan or donation of the samo would be greatly appreciated. i argo comes soon. Fargo will soon be organized as a call has come to headquarters for organizers. It. is probable that the organization will bo effected next week. It is important that all neighborhoods desiring auxil iaries notify headciuarters either by let ter or telephone as soon as possible, as all the organizers are on a high nervous struiu, and will soon have to rest. Busy Everywhere. The examination fpers of the 27 who took tests in the preparation of surgical dressings were being corrected this morning by Mrs. H. E. Clay, woo reported that the papers were exception ally well written, and that many 100's and 99 'a were given. Oak Grove to Work. The Oak Grove auxiliary has made a request for hospital garments, to be made by the ladies of that auxiliary. Charles V. Galloway gave a patriotic address at the organization of the North Howell auxiliary Sunday evening, which was well received. The charter mem bers number 47, and the community will be canvassed for more- Mrs. Monroe Gil bert aud Miss Florence Cleveland sang a duct. TJe Journal classified aria irfromvour dealer or from us. Outfit coiutrtl a Durham Duple Domino ftuor wkfa whlla AmcrU can Ivory haadio aofrty uw-o, cropn,na attach. ootna at aient na 6 burhara Da. LiL- ploK Biaaaa, aukad ia BeoviocreaiaaUievKjS i K'iE ' a. ar I J.i : L.-:.Vi v) Every reader of this. i paper may secure 7 ia w" . a S fV IM IU Flex Do;iiicR$i.o( OURING THE UFA OF THIS MDVCTiS CM . N r DURHAM DUPLEX RAZOR CO. JwyftvMJ. mt vnn esTicFirn wini vmio MMW rYinu ? and your complexion mxll tak can afyoa. n$ ; ftunose auaa aids. OHOOSS CftCMC CLCAYA TMS PURE. VV-.' 0AINTV, TOtLCT CReAla THAT MAS STOOD TMS TEST FOR YEARS. '''SSSV maHCi (is; tmn iiw ietvc. SNS lOd OH LAAQt. MPtt JAME3 C CRANE, 104 FULTON STRUT. MW TOUR INN V Sell it the Journal Want Ad Way.