TKK DAD.Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. SATEM. ' OREOON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1917. SEVEN n MM UK TODAYTOMORROW 1 . - owV! 7 COOK. JLN 1 .COOLKJM x" I or To&sis j V . A Lii Jill -&?rm Now is the time to consider kitchen- D fi0',,Vi comfort this summer now is the time 1 COOK to buy an oil cook-stove. f 11 f WITH A J J PEARL I ForSaleby - W. W. MOORE FUENITUEE COMPANY E. L. SUIT & SONS SPENCER HDW. CO. BAT I FARMER HDW. CO. SALEM HDW. CO. IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO 0. S. HAMILTON MAX O. BUREN . CHAMBERS & CHAMBERS Look for the specially-decorated win dows of the merchants listed at the left. The orange discs proclaim a message welcome to every housewife. They tell how the New Perfection drives out the drudgery and discomfort of summer cooking.and atthe same timegivesbetter results than your regular kitchen range for all-the-year-'round cooking. This is New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Week. Ask these dealers to explain how the long blue chimneys of the New Perfec tion Oil Cook -Stove prevent all smoke and smell. Learn the comfort and econ omy of cooking with Pearl Oil. ' MV PERFECTION Oft CCDR STOVE i W I URGE CONTROL OF (Continued from Page One.) offset the increase. Gambling in coal has been going on tend in order to meet the shortage in Ibituminous coal many 'industries have Used antnracite in steaming sizes, thus (lowering the output of domestic sizes, 'The commission believes that- the ieoal industry is paralyzing the indus- tries of the country." says the report, es ''and that the coal "industry itself is ;tion" and a dangerous tendency toward mediate offect upon industry or upon the systematic distribution of coal; priority of the movement of high freight rate commodities and to use the dcviee of the 'long haul.' " Th" commission warned that if. con ditions continues as they now stand, there will be real suffering in this country next winter, while industries and public service corporations will be I hard hit- The speculative element in coalpric is causing "an irreparable situa paralyzed by the failure of transporta-i inflation in all business, due to the fact meat account. northward. Government control has been forced upon both the allies and Germany in varying forms and this nation, the com mission says, can learn a lesson from their experience. ' The commission, in its report, pointed to the fact that the country is facing a nation-wide coal famine in recom mending that the government take over all coal transportation facilities, land and water, and operate them on govern- jtion. Railroads to Blame "The coal problem cannot be worked lout so long as the railroads are permit ted to divide" and allot traffic";' to lay embargoes without regard to their im- that all contracts allow a liberal niar- The commission suggested that coal ,gIn tor sKyrocKeting or coal prices. ',jroauce,. be naid their full est f . m 5,ti. i . i 1 The New England situation is i, j . i uuctiuu Pius it uiiixuriu pror.ii per ton "acute," the report adds, by reason I tha .4.- . l 4. ana that the transportation agencies of disruption of barge transportation ..i.j , k 7: GRAND THEATRE MON. & TUES. Matinee 2:15. Evening 8:15 THE It 2 -26 tYES ''WORLD k io ins sm Will Be Assigned As Needs Require Regardless of Per sonal Preference By Webb Miller. (United Press staff Correspondent.) Washington. June 20. Men drafted into tho new armies by selective con scription will to a great extent, have to take their chances as to the branch of service in which they want to serve. An announcement by Provost General Crowder today stated that the assign ments to the different branches will be made at the discretion of the war de partment. Most of the men brought into the army by selection are for the infantry. The draft is for the army alone in no cases are the men to be assigned to the navy. In the proclamation of exemption regulars by President Wilson, provisions are made for physical examination of men drawn for service who arc absent from the place of registration. The war department places the burd en of learning whether or not they are drafted wholly uponthe absentees. It was suggested today that they make ar rangements with friends to notify them at once if drawn by the lottery. Another official announcement cau tions eligible men that because they escape the first or subsequent levies, they arc not released from liability to service. Absentees are warned that the gov ernment cannot pay their expenses or reimburse them for traveling expenses incident to reporting for physical ex aminations for actual service. Thousands or "wanderers" who reg istered by mail in their home towns are affected by this order. General Crowder points out that there are two kinds of exemptions, permanent and conditional. All occupational ex emutions will probably be conditional and the exemption will cease when the holder changes into another industry. SWITZERLAND FIRES FOREIGN MINISTER His Activities In Aiding Ger many Were Violation of Neutrality Paris, June 20. French newspapers today hailed the resignation of M. Hoff maun from .the Swiss confederated coun cil as marking tho end of the long con tinued, Swiss peace moves, some of which have been so persistent as to create irritation in allied eountires. Hoffmann's retirement was directly due to his transmission of German sep arate peace bait to Petrograd and was forced by the demand of a number of Swiss newspapers, who saw In such a move a breach of neutrality likely to give affront to allied nations. Dis patohes from Berne today indicated that the ' Swiss foreign department would hereafter probably be under di rect control of the Swiss president, M. Schulthess. Swiss newspapers have recently been bitter in their comment on Hoffmanns "mixing in foreign intrigue. Hoff mann's place in the Swiss icaeratea council was that of federal councillor and chief of the political department a post corresponuing to loreigu imua- ter. .Robert urimm, tne wiss socialist, who bore to Petroarad the German separate peace proposals, has been de ported from Russia and the Russian government, it was understood today, has withdrawn from the Swiss ministor at Petrograd the right to communicate with Berne in code. Presumably Swiss Minister Bitter at Washineton was acting under instruc tions from Hoffmann when his persist ent attempts to foster German contriv ed, peace plans shortly after America's diplomatic break with Germany, caus ed considerable adverse comment in the United States. CORNS HURT T0DAY? Lift your corn or calluses off with fingers and It won't pain you one bit Yes! Von truly can lift off every hard "com, soft corn or corn between the toes, as well as hardened calluses on bottom of feet without one bit of pain. A genius in Cincinnati discovered freezone. It is an ether compound and tiny bottles of this magic fluid can now he had at any drug store for a few cents. Apply several drops of this freezone upon a ten der, aching corn or a cal lus. Instantly, all soreness disappears and shortly you will find the corn or cal lus so shriveled and loose that you life it off with the fingers, lou feel no pain while ap plying freezone or afterwards. Just think t No more corns or cal luses to torture you and they go with out causing one twinge of pain or sore ness. Yon will call freezone the magic drug and it really is. Genuine freezone has a yellow label. Look for vellow label. force such changes "as may 4e expedi ent to make the sovereign will of the people prevail." The anti-government parties have heretofore never been able to unite but recent reports that a new ministry of anti pro-German wos projected, com bined with the paralysis of industry throughout the country, brought all factions together. One other factor, it was reported, was the ease with which the military forces wrung concessions from the government, indicating in view of the agitators, that tho mon archy was aware Of its own weakness. London newspapers express intense interest in the outcome. Germany has long poured a golden stream of money into propaganda work in Spain. - One feature of the situation which cauwd considerable satisfaction here was the apparent dissatisfaction throughout Spain with the Gcrmanophile court and ministers who surround, the pro ally king. WOMAN NOW III PERFECTHEALTH What Came From Reading a Pinkham Advertisement . 'Uf w V H ,M,s Joyful, t ' if Mil 1 1- F !"!; v. 7: ( W G IARIES RAY IN THE HITTER You'll Laugh Till Your Sides Ache. Held Over Today Pauline Frederick in THE SAPHO OREGON REPUBLIC MAY BE IN - Patewon, N. J. "I thank you for the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they nave matie me well and healthy. Some time ago I felt so run down, had paina in my back and side, was very irregular, tired, nervous, had such bad dreams, did not feel like eat ing and had short breath. I read your advertisement in the newspapers and decided to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It worked from the first bottle, so I took second and a third, also a bottle of Lydia & Pinkham 's Blood Purifier, and now I am just as well as any other woman. I ad vise every woman, single or married, who is troubled with any of the afore said ailments, to try your wonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and I am sure they will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did me." Mrs. Elsie J. Van deb Sandb, 36 No. York St, Paterson, N. J. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, if yon need special advice. By Harold Bell Wright The Most Talked of Photocrama of the Age. . Two Hours of ThrilL 4 r.d Romance. Seat sale opens Friday a. m., at Opera House Pharmacy - Matinee 25, 50, 75c. Evening 25, 50, 75c, $1.00 -"i. 1 0f the president, all such means being ; operated as a unit, the government to pay a fair compensation, based on normal profits and cost of upkeep. Among the serious aspects of the sit- nation, the commission points to these ; important facts: Tl. . ..1, , a i i should have been built up during the! I summer months, particularly in the j northwest, are not being built op, with , , the result that- next winter will see ! coal famines in that region, i That the barge service which carries f nel for New England has been divert-! ; ed and no longer is carrying eoal, with i threatened coal shortage for New Eng-j land factories. . I That water carriers on the Great , Lakes, whiea should be carrvine eoal i west, are returning empty beeause of ine lauura ox rail transportation. That mine labor disorganized, ow ing to irregularity of employment due io irregular car supply. That speculators are getting undue I priees for coal, and finally, that the sit- uation is not being remedied by the j volunteer arrangement undertaken by I the Council of National Defense; nor is the situation likely to be remedied 1 by any plan adopted voluntarily by the raureaas. ' The commission points to the expe riences of all the nations engaged in war and reeoniniends the adoption of the remedies they have had to adopt. Pro-German Cabinet Causes Movement to Clear Coun try of Them BILL FOR $600,000,000 FOR AN AIRSHIP FLEET Calls for Production of 30, 000 Airships Will Be In troduced Friday Washington, June 19. The first war nArni'ilnnn Kill .Drririnn nn omirnnria. jtion of $1)00,000,000 is nearing comple tion and will be introduced in congress, probably Friday. It will carry an ur gent recommendation from the secro i tary of war for prompt and favorable for machines with these plants, allow ing unusually high profits so that the plants may properly equip themselves to expedite the enormous work demand ed oi them. The question of reasonable profit probably will be the biggest bone of contention on the bill. The statement will further explain expenses for main taining training camps, schools for me chanical education and tho like. ! : Aviators are now being turned out of these schools ready for practical training at tho rate of about two hun I dred a wecli, but this is not sufficient i and a call for volunteers is under con- sidcration. There will bo twenty train jing camps. 10c SOME SHOW TODAY 10c m --;IN- .. "The Bishop's Carriage "LIBERTY" The Big Patriotic Feature PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL The official 1917 pictures. See our Cherrians in the Parade. , - lOc BLIGH lOc London, June 19. A republie may be in the making, in Spain, according to meazre advices which sifted through i action. the Spanish censorship today. Per- j Meantime congress wants to know ex sonally. King Alfonso commands the actly how $600,000,000 can bo put intq respect and confidence of his people, j aircraft when aeroplane concerns herc but the anti-monarchists are aimins at ; tofore have not been able to deliver the German-influenced ministers and ! '0 machines to the war department. the German-dominated court, with which the king is surounded. Economic unrest has contributed toward further ing the republican movement. Dispatches received here today indi cated rhat the anti-government forces had effected a combination and form ally announced their determination to ft MOST ALL CKLS ECTS LIKE POSTTOASTIES TKS R5ST IN I CCLI FLAXES AY' The plan of the new i-ill calls for production of thirty thousand new ma chines for the first year over two thousand a month within a few months. Aware of these nmtterings by con gress, the administration will render a detailed statement as to contemplated expenditures. This will show: millions for aeroplane engines, hundreds of thousands for wings and the like; tens of thousands for equipment and tiain- inz aviators and yet more thousands for supplies. This statement is being prepared un der tho joint direction of the signal corps, war and navr. department and the aircraft production committee of the Council of National Defense. It will explain that automobile plants will ten der 40 per cent of their - producing equipment to manufacturing aircraft engines at a reasonable profit. Other factories will be utilized by the government to produce planes, etc. The statement will suggest that con gress choose between government oper-j ation of the few real aeroplane factor ies of the country, or granting contracts II fl II II tl II E1 M a ti ti ti ti ti t! tl tl tl tl II ti ti it ti ti n ti ti n ti ri n I! i! 1 11 i f L 2Z3 3 tl UYTODAY TOMORROW MAY BE LATE Clarks Seedling trawb e r ri e 4 Boxes for 25 FOR CANNING, $1.25 PER CRATE GOOSEBERRIES 25c GALLON ti if ii ti ti ti ti ii U ti ti n ti ti ti ii ti ti ti ti ri tf ti ti ti ti . n ti El RflTHfiRnPEDV- Ml !! H Bllfflll IBIllffilB II I lllf. ri a b w mm wamw wwaas w j