SEVEN HTMiittmmntTH4HttittiitttttTttt4ittt)tittttt'tt44ioitTTTtTm4m THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1917. The Daily I Capital Journal Classified Telephone and Business Directory A Quick, Handy Reference for Busy People T V TTtiTTTTTTtTTttTTitt EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL &alm Electric Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North High TBAN8FER AND DBATAGE ' Balem Truck Ic Dray Co., coiner State and Front street ...... ' Telephone Main 120C ... Main 71 FOE SALE I EOS BALE OB TBADE A comfort aole uouie n a good loc-nlitv iu Kan ' eas, on Santa I R. R. Will accept va cant lots in Snlem. Sqnnre Deal Real ty Co., 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. MISCELLANEOUS FLOBA A. BBEWSTEB, M. D. Neu rologist, nervous and chronic diseas es a specialty. 35 yr. experience with drug, surgery and drugless methods. Examination free. 712 8tat t. Phone 1350, INSURANCE For fire insurance in standard companies, call on P. J. Kuntz, 309 Bank of Commerce. 6-27 CHIBOPBACTIC SPINOLOGIST DB. 0. L. SCOTT Grad Bate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If yon have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and get well. Of fice 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank ' building. Phone Main 87. Besidence, Main 828-E. UNDERTAKERS .WSBB CLOTJQH CO. 0. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and fnneral . directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. ;-. 499 Court 8t Main 120. Main 8888. B.TT)n nt.ri r W a whs -b.n tp,. directors and undertakers, 52 Norto'J tugn street. Day and night phone 18S. STOy-E BEPAIBING 8TOVE8 BEBUILT AND REPAIBED 60 years experience. Dupot National and Americas fenct Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, Kt Court street. Phone 124. OSTEOPATH DBS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer lean school of Osteopathy, KirksvUle, Mo. Post graduate and specialized li nervous diseases nt Los Angeles Col lege. Offices 505-508 U. S. Not. Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Besidence 1(320 Court; Phone 2215. LODGE DIRECTORY HODREN WOODMEN Ot" AMERICA Ore ron Cedar Camp. No. 24(I, meets every a'hnrsda; evening at 8 o'clock la Derby - balidlnff, corner Court and Hlijli streets. J. r. Day, V. C. i J, A, Wright, Clerk, 81 .EM LODGE No. 4. A. P. ft A. M, Stated communications Brst Friday In each month nt 7 :30 p. m. In tbe Masonic lemple. Fred A. Mclntlre, W. M. ; 8. Z. Bulver, secretary. A. O. D. W. Protection Lodge No, 2. meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hall corner Court and Liberty rreet. L. R. Mason, M. W. ; S, A, McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier; R. B. Duncan, treasurer. CBNTRAL LODGE, NO. 1. K. of P. Derby building, every Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :3u. Loyd T. Blgdon, C. C.; W. B. Gilson, K of R ana It, SALEM HUMANE SOCIEfY D. D. Keeler. orealdent: Mrs. Lou TillBon, aecretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dmn animals should be reported to the aecretary lor investigauon. OH MOI AT COMMANDERT. No. 5, K. T Begular conclave fourth Friday In each month at 8 o'clock p. a., In Masonic Temple. Sojeurnlng Sir Knlgbts are courteously Invited to meet with us. Glen C. Mies, E. C ; H. B. Tblelsen, recorder. SAT.EM COUNCIL So. 2822 Knights and Ladles of Peenrity Meets every 2nd and 4th Wertneartav each month at Humt Hall. Visiting members are Invited to attend. E. r . Walton, financier, su a. Htb Street. PACIFIC LODGE NO: 50. A F. ft A. M. Stated communications third Friday hi each month at 7:30 p. in. in the Maaonlc Temple. W. H. Dancy. W. M. Ernest H. Cuoate, secretary. WOrIIEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'cieck in Derby Mdg.. Court and Bieh f ts. A. 3. Swelnlnk. C. C. ; L. 8. f!e-r. clerk, 6f7 Court street, rbone 5H3. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATEB COMPANY Offiee corner Commercial and Trad streets Bills payable monthly in advance. BOAVANQEB BALEMT SCAVENGER Charles Boos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contract! at reasonable rates.' Yitd and cess pool cleaned. Office phone Mail 8247, Besidence, Main 837. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Beal Estate Security THOS. K. FOED Over Ladd & Bash bank, Salem, Oregon HONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Bate, on approved Security. Homer H. Smith, Boom S, MsOornack Bldg., Salem, Or. TRAVELERS' GUIDE t OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. ffUBTH BOUlD Train No. Ar Portland .. 2 Owl ...... B:5S a m 6 9:25 a a . 10 Limited ... 11:85 a m ..... 12 1 :S5 p m 14 4:00 pm io-i.imitea ,,,, d:do p m 20 7:40 p m ....... 22 ........ 10 :0u p m SOUTH BOUND Lv Portlana o :so a m Balem 8 :3 Eugene 10 :S5 a m 8:80 a m .... 5 Limited ....10:11 a m .... 7 .,12:05 p m . . 9 ...4 :1S p m ,. IS Limited .... 6:40 p m . 17 Lecal .... 8:10 p m .... 10 11:20 p m . . 21 Owl 1:55 pm Lv Salem 4:35 a m 7:15 a m Q 'AH m m 11 :20 a at l :ou p m 4 :0 p m , 6:30 p m 7:65 p m 10 :45 a m 2:05 p m 4:40 p m 8:05 p m fi :20 n nt 11 :40 p m siobth aetrjtD Lt Corvallls 4:10 n m . Lv Eugene T :3o am. 1:55pm.. 5 :2Q n m . 12:05 p m ., 20 10 Limited 10 Limited .... 22 .... . . 2 Owl Ar Balem 8:30 p m Ar Salem 9:43 a in 4:00 p in 7:53 p m 4:35 a in south bound . Lv Salem Ar Eugene 1:55 a m ..... 21 Owl 6:50 a m 10:15 a m .... 5 Limited 12:25 d m Lv Salem Ar Albany 12:65 p m ........ 1 1:50 p m Stops at Corvalis Lv Salem - Ar Albany 4:15 p m 9 , ,. 6:10 p m Ar Albany 1:35 I m Lv Salem AC Eugene 0:45 pm IS 8 :BO p m CORVALLI8 CONNECTION HOBTH BOUND Lv Corvallls Ar Salem 8:25 I in 10 9:45 am 12:12 p m 14 1:45 2:41 p 4:10 p 6:13 p n Lv Salem 10:15 a m 4:15 p in 12:55 p m 6:10 p iu 16 4:00 d m 20 S:30 p m , 22 7:55 p m SOUTH BOUND Ar Corvallls 5 11 :33 a m 9 6:36 7 2:20 13 3:00 Salbm-Oker Lixb No. 73 Arrives at Salem 9:15 No. 76 Leaves Salem 9 :50 No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) ....2:00 No. M Leave Salem 3:05 No connection south of Geer. tUr.BM, FATJ.S ClTT AND WlSTBR No. 161 Lv'. Salem, motor 7:00 N. 163 Lv. Salem, motor 9:45 No. 165 Lv. Salem for Multnomah and Airlle . 1:40 No. 167 Lv. Salem, motor ....4:00 No. 169 Lv. Salem, motor 6:15 No. 239 Way Fr't lv. Salem. .. .S :00 No. 162 Ar. Salem 8:30 No. 164 Ar. Salem 11 :10 No. 166 Ar. Salem 3:15 No. 168 Ar. Salem 6:00 No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 Ne. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem ...2:30 Willamette, Valley News . . - tH,MTTHMIIItmttHIMmtHmiHHIIItHIMtlttmKt4tltHIIMIH- Stayton Flag Day Changed to Saturday, Big Crowd Expected (Capital Journal Special Service) Stayton, June 13. The committee having the flag raising in charge have changed the date irum Wednesday to Saturday of this week and it in antici pated tliut the city will entertain that day the largest erowda in its history, without exception. From Scio, Sublim ity, Lyons, Mill City, Salem, Aumsville Turner, I'nion Hill mul Kiugston the people will gather to do honor to the Star Spangled llanner and show their loyalty and sympathy for their home land in its undertaking to accept the challenge of i'rusnianisin in its deter mination to throttle democracy in' the world. It is planned among other things that children representing the states of the union will march to the scene of the flag raising and ns Old Glory is unfurled, salute the flag with a striking number of the program; that the Gills' honor guard and the Bed Crow society will be ill the parade and other special features, now being or rauged will afford an afternoon of pa triotic specialties not often enjoyed in nnv.but the laregr citiea. An out of town speaker will make the address aa 5 THE MARKETS : The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are thoae paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. : , The feed market is going down and the figure on flour is getting higher. New potatoes are coming within reason and California lettuce is offered at a lower price. . - Local strawberries are quoted at $.1 a crate and now that the good old sum mer time is about to be with us, lemons are going up. Today lemons are worth SO cents a box more than last week. 'Twas ever thus. Grams Wheat $2.03 Oats 00c Barlev, ton $t0 Bran ', '.. $40 Shorts, per ton ...A $42 Hay, .cheat $1. Hav, votch " ..'.. $L Hay, clover $13 . . .; Butter Butterfat u... 39c Creamery btiMer, per, pound ........ 41c Country butter 3032o ForK,.Yei and Mutton Pork, on foot "... .,.... 13-U Pork, dressed i... 1718c Veal, according to quality 813c Steers , Cows Bulls .v.... Spring lambs Lambs, yearlings Wethers ' - : Eggg and Poultry Eggs, trade , .' 30c Kegs, cash - as2nc Hens, pound 15c Hroilers. live, over 2 pounds itw Hens, dressed, pound 23c Vegetables Turnips, bunch 4."c Cabbage 4C String garlic - 7c New potatoes fiV-iC Potatoes, per 100 lbs. . $22.25 Green onions 40c Lettuce, California, crate $!." Onions, Bermuda, crate '. $2 Onions in sack $3 Celery, crate $4 Turnips, suck $2.50 Cucumbers - $11.15 Green peas 7c Kadisues , 40c I '..l i f nrnla. tnmntnea ' A'3.2:1 7W8C 67 5(a)0c ... 10c 9c 6c Asparagus Spinach ' Figs and Sates 40c .5c Black figs Golden rigs Dromedary dates Ford dates , WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. Oregon City Trantportolion Company Boats leave Saiem for Tortland Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 a. m. ; and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at i a. m. For Corvaliis the boars leave Salem Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday eenlngs at 8 o'clock. Boats leave Port land Saiem at 0 :43 each morning. CMTED ARTISANS Capital Assembly No. 84. meets erery Thursday at 8 p. m, la I. O. O. F. ball. A, A. Gneffrfy. M. A. : C. A. Vihbert. secretary, Crown Drug were, 33S State street, . ARumrWarlAdS try ens iommdse Tt:ra; twoj fKir.t 'ipiooj "snoe -aa.I 9iiiJT :rjo ijjk tirfl M.lusqJS Iis ViR !5S1H nil I! pa jjno3 -aaipunq iijiri poa Xqjitl HI 3afuaA Apjnqx iJa Mta VuI o ..dnjel S'iea;) hoSsjo.. ' V K "9 1'hooe 1436)4, Children Cry FCJJ FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Strawberries, local .... Apples Oranges, navels Lemons, per box Bananas, pound California grape fruit Florida grape truit Honey ... Cocoanula 10c 15c $3.75 $2 25 ...'. $3 .. $lfa2 $3(ii 3.50 $4(u'4.50 ...... 5Ve $3.50 (ir7 $3.75 .......... $1 and Miss Lulu Walton of Salem and a number of local people will be on the program. The affair will be held at the foot of Main street. The stage will be erected in the vacant lot adjoining Dr. C. FT. Brewer office. The general com mittee met again last night to perfect arrangements, lt is composed of J. 1'. Wilbur, C. E. Dougherty, John Thoiua and Horace Lilly. The children are be ing trained by Mrs. Clara l'ratt and Clyde iioffer, two high school teachers. The musical art of the program is in the bands of Postmaster Alexander and Professor Davis. At the meeting culled at the JIail office the other night to start the bull rolling there were present John Thoiua. Dr. Brewer, Kev. K. B. I.ockhurt, C. K. Daugherry. A. K- Alexander, Glenn Mnnkers," Horace Lilly, Henry Smith, C. E. Taylor. J. P. Wilbur, and others. The entire town is taking a great in terest in the tribute to be given the flag, with anything like fair weather Saturday, it is claimed will be one of the greatest days this section lias seen in many a year. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Winslow of Aums ville passed away on Monday and will be buried Wednesday. The funeral ser vice will' be conducted at the home at Aumsville, by Rev. E. B. Lockhart of this city. MrB. Winslow was 70 years of ago and had lived at Aumaville for the past 2li years. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Pound of Salem, and a son, W. K. Winslow, of Aumsville, and a son, Charles Winslow of Olympia, Wash. Dr. Pound, the dentist of Salem is a grandchild, as is nlso Miss Ruby Pound, formerly of Salem and now tak ing a course of training at a Portland hospital. Mrs. Winslow made many friends throughout this section during her long residence here. She had been a member of the Baptist church for nearly half a century. Glenn Porter, who passed the civil service examination, has been called by the government to active duty in the war and will no doubt in a short time be on the high seas on the way to France. The Staab family moved to Oregon City this week. Mr. Staab was city marshal of Stayton. Ijcw Thomas of Stayton was register ed at the Imperial hotel iu i'ortland last Thursday. ' Stavton people in Salem recently are J. W. Mavo, Harvey Heauchamp, Stan ley Starr, 8. 11. Heltzel, Henry Smith, Dr. Beauchamp, feliant Murphy, Dare Sloper Glenn Hunkers and Jake Span iel. - Jack Miller from noar Turner was in Stayton last week. 1 W. A. Weddle was in Aumsville on Monday. - The Ed Young grocery has changed hands, a Mr. Nelson, according to re port, of St. Paul, having mnde tho pur- chase. : v 1 Attorney V. A. Goode was in balem last week. v - : , Mrs. Stamp, sister of Mrs. -.Geo. Brown and Mrs. C II. Brewer, with her two daughters, Norma and Mary, are visiting here from Pendleton where she is the matron of the Eastern Ore gon branch of therstato hospital for FARMERS ATTENTION Having made connections with a most reliable wholesale produce house in Portland, we will be buying from now on, poultry, hogs,-: venl, eggs, potatoes and any other kind of produce. Our cream trucks will pick up anything you nave to offer or will buy on out premises, 288 8, Commercial Street. Cash paid right on the spot, no com mission or any other charges deducted. Sell direct through us to Portland and save the middlemen's profit. THE MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. PHONE 2188 the insane. W. K. Winslow of Aumsville Was a Stavton. visitor Monday. L. At Thomas of this city states that in a recent shipment .of hogs to I'ort land ho puid $ for one of the porkers- , The Stayton laundry will cease oper ating this week. Miss Lulu Walton of Salem ig to be the house guCst of Mrs. Horace Lilly over next Sunday, Mrs. Elizabeth Pound of Salem was iu Stavton Mondav. Silverton News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Silverton, Ore., June 13. Dr. I'ettit hag been having a long siege of sickness and not much improved at this writing. Mrs. Joe I.aia went to Mt. Angel Sim day with her two' children, Edward and Evelyn, who will spend part of the summer with their grandmother, Mrs. Hainpert. Mrs. Lais returned home in the evening. Miss Fern Sherlock ip in Portland this week to attend the rase festival. Sho is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Johnston, of Mouta villa. M r. and Mrs. J. Carman and son Max, of Kosebnrg, came Monday for a fow days' visit at the home of Mrs. Car man's parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. W Riches. Ed Johnson has rented his home on North Water street and with his wife and daughter departed for Portland Tuesday morning. Mrs. Charles Kccton was taken se riously ill Saturday afternoon and Sun day was taken to the Silverton hospital where she can receive special care. Viola Haines and Julia . Shields are measles patients this week, but getting along fine, . ' Mrs. W. W. Green left for Corvaliis Saturday to attend summer school- Edmund Tnusen visited the home folks and other Silverton friends at the week-end. Mrs. Will Bushman and little daugh ter went to Portland Sunday where they will visit relatives before return ing to their home at Vancouver, B. C. She has been helping to care for hor mother, Mrs. Pprague, the past six weeks. Irene Pettit and Ella Mooros were Salem passengers Saturday. Hazel Hartman has gone out to the ranch to spend the summer vacation with her parents. Albert Webb went to Portland Sun day with the big truck to take the household goodg of I. D. Thomas, who is moving to that city. Mrs. Will Ncal and daughter, Euth, accompanied by her mother, Mrs- Book ler. arrived in this city the last of the week. Mr. JNeal nas rented1 ine v. I.oe home on East Hill. Mrs. P. Circle returned the lat of the week from a visit at the home of her brothr, George Owen, at Oregon City. ".' Marion News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Ma ilon, Ore., June 13. The King's Daughters' ciass met at the homo of Mrs. John. Thomas Saturday afternoon and as it was also celebrating two hirrhdavs thev had invited the boys' class of the same age. Nearly all were present and had a delightful time play ing games till they were called in to eniov tho inviting lunch their hostess had prepared. Those enjoying the aft ernoon s pleasure were: jmisscs .nay Trester, Hilda Thomas, Gladys Colgan, Jennie Davidson, Amy Thomas, Hnz-el Colgan ,Esther Kussell and Musters Lester Davidson, Wm. Thomas, Edward Thomas, Keth Slighter, Lionel Colgan, Boise Trester and Mrs. L. C. Eussell. Mrs. ; Lnretz, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Schwoin'forth, spent, the Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S lASTORiA 1 The Supreme Dessert Summer Flavors Mint flavor made frcm mint leaves is the latest J iffy Jell flavor. It gives you an instant garnish jell for cold lamb, mutton and other meats. Mint For Lamb or Mutton Lime flavor made from lime- ; fruit juice is tart and zestlul and green. Like all Jiffy-Jell flavors, it comes in a sealed' viaL It gives you a jell for salads and for relishes. Mix your-saluJa into it and make them part of the jeiL Lime For Salads For Relishes Pineapple flavor made from pineapple juice is new in quick desserts. This flavor must be sealed to keep. And it must not be scalded. In Jiffy-Jell it comes in a vial, and you add it when the jell has partly cooled. Jiffy Mint Sauce For Lamb and Other RaU Dissolve one package ul Mint Jiff. Jell in one cup of bulling waiei. Add the' Mint flavor frum itia vial, theu a cup of suaiucd liquid from the pan Iu whicb toaat U cooked. Serva bol. Pineapple And Jiffy Jell fruit flavor makes a delightful cold dish for a dessert, foi a supper dish or a children's party. Keep several flavors on hand. Every day this sum met you will find a use foe J illy -Jell. WaukeshaPure Food Co. Waukesha, Wis. week-end visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Watson, at Bosedalc. Mrs. Miles Barber was a Balem visit or Friday. . Mr.' Albcrt Metznet came home last Tuesday to register. Ho returned to Eu gene the next day. Master Millard Crabtreo iB visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L, Cas tlemuii. Rev. I.. C. Eussell left this morning for Newberg to attend tho Oregon year ly meeting of Friends. Mrs. Kuos Presnall has been very ill but is some better now they think. Strawberry picking will begin here the last of the week if the sun con tinues to shine, which we hope it will. Fairfield News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fairfield, Ore, Juno l.'l. Frank and James Sfuliony and families visited at the home of their parents, M, W, Ma hony. . Lou Arel U planting between 40 and 50 acres of navy beans. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bliven and lit tlo daughters visited at tho home of his parents recently, John Imlah and family visited at Joseph Hugill's, of Woodbum, on last Sunday. Frank Smith and wife, ot Mtnyton, visited at the home of Howard Bliven, on last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. A. Or. Olson, of Portland, is visit ing at the home of his daughter, Hra. Carl Francis. . . Tho Misses Merle and Agnes DuBetto, Beta and Margarette Marthales return ed home from Halera high school. Mrs. J. B. Lovegren and daughter visited at the home of Mrs. Ed Smith. Leonard Mahony purchased a beauti ful JIudson super-six ear. "Perhaps, ' says the esteemed Bos ton Globe, "there may be truth in the report that B German secret wireless plant is in operation in the Olympia forest reserve in the state of Washing ton, about 24 miles from the Paeifia ocean, but that 's a long way from Ber lin." Yes, and by the usual modes of travel, it's a long way from anywhere else. CASTO RIA Fcr Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears tba Signature "THAT LITTLE GAME" Preparing to Quit Eetail Prices Creamcrv butter 45c Country butter Kggs, dozen Sugar, cane Sugar, beet I lour, haw wneat Flour, valley .... 40c 85c S.75 tfi.'io .'uu(a:i.40 $-M3M PORTLAND MARKET I'ortfand, Or., Jjiue l.Lr Wheat: Club 2.5i ' Red Russian 2.51 Kluestem fi.lil Fortviold 25G Oats'. No. 1 white feed 40.7.) Hurley, feed 42.30 Butter, city creamery "!'(itOe. Kggs, selected local ex. 31 lifti 32e Hens 17(5 lie Broilers 20tfr'22 Geese JK12e - Livestock Market " Portland, Or., .lime l.'J. f'nttlo re ceipts ;., Market, steers firm, other, weak.. Light steers !.."iflrti I'J: heavv steers 1(Vr $t.r,0; cows S.r s'..1u; heifers Sheep 'receipts 15.12. Market firm Host east of mountain lambs 1.1.75(u 1-1; valley loiiibo 13.."x.l(tt i:t.7.'j; voarlitt-; wethers !lf! 11.50; ewes !fa !.50. Iiug receipts 2(n.- Market steadv. Heavy $15.15;. light 15( U.IO. -7 HDCai i-rr i J ilDJUi-u i c-l THE LAST HAND FCf fMc. I'M rpr7- rSoi.N' TO CATCH ''"Aftv,! THAT TuJn" r. (v. V ( ! TWENTY CAR - B WITH YOO ImjjtT Arra v-fi Pfit. YCU BMSHtf HARD p. HOME" e THOUGH. L HF.Y LOVtE. A 2r" LlL' BYE OPENER, B w oPTcs wink y trs closin" Time. ill ' Milt 1' 5 Vv -. -V. -.-iiiJ -.J I bAV rIT THE - Q SICKNESS h TOO RHEM&$r gop ME ; E KMJ- You t ( CLiT THAT jrrr o iuff, ' flu EOfl HOORS ft 1 m pip it - y vj K- fc S A t ' .it'?. In