THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1917. r TWO lAcoinrxoBli itOILlUG : foists y- ' I J JUl wiiiwn. w oubjvu i m II i II i I II i i , ; xjagatkai i(jti i j'tj -, 1 1 l(i'li 'I W j ' By ALINE THOMPSON Mr. anil Mm. Asuhcl Bush motored to Newport Sunday, returning this morn ing. . . -v Sovoml day aso, Mia. Charles Jones had a hmihII group of inatrona at her home for an informal afternoon, her guroits being the members of a Kensing ton club. A delightful al fresco luncheon was enjoyed tho guests gathering about mall tables placed under huge treon Mrs. Jones was assisted in tlio serving by her daughter, Miss Kuth Jonea. The guests were Mrs. K W. Morelaud Mrs. John O. Bailey, Mrs. William JJeil, Mrs. Leroy Leedy, Mra. W. 1). t'lark, Mrs. Noma- C. Hunter, Mrs. Fletcher, Mia. K. M. Uoffuell and Mra, K. it. Choate. ' Mina Vera Waito who has been viait ing the W. W, Kinmoas family for a lew days, has resumed to her homo in Seattle. . , :..,.:.,' Announcement is made of Ike mar riage of Glenn Goodrich, formerly of El r FOR CRACKED and CHAPPED HANDS Dsmtls Euealyptu Cliitmant AT All. DBUQ TOI Tuaia ssc Jans coe Salem, to Miss Sadie Aabury of Stock ton, California, which took place in that city on Sunday, Juno tho third. Owing to the recent death of Mr. Goodrich's father, tho late William Goodrich, the wedding was very small and simple, only relatives and a few friends being present. Following their wedding trip Mr. anil Mis. Goodrich will make their homo at tho Walsh apartments, in Stockton, t'al whore the former is associated with a wholesale meat company. Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Kndicott were j hosts Saturday evening for a prettily appointed dinner in honor of Hi' v. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and their son, Charles Forbes Taylor, the boy evange list of Pasadena, California. Cover for 8 were arranged about a table adorned with fragrant roses. ..', Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thomas and children of Newport, who have been visiting at tho home of Mrs. W. E. Thomas lor a few days, left yesterday for a motor trip to Hood liiver and other points of interest. They were accompanied by Mr. Thom as' sister, Miss Kthcl Thomas. . Mrs. Walter Spaulding has gone to The Dalles to bo with her brother, Mil ton M. Miller of Company K, Corvallis, who received a severe injury from the fulling of a tree Friday evening, while on duty at a tunnel, near Hood River. $2,893 A SECOND (Continued from Page One.) liberty loan was made public here to day in the form of a message to the Chamber cf Commerce of Pallas, Tex as. "I am glad to learn that you are " 1 " - - I ' . . . arousing additional interest in tha lib erty loan," sani tne rmancier, w hnnkintr house has subscribed for $30,- 000,000 of the flotation. "This loan furnisnes me soundest possible security to on investor. That Srovisioa of the loan which give the older the right to convert it into any uUuinni,t isHiiett riurino the pres ent war is sure to prevent ny perma- nent aeciine in mo iumv -the present loan. Hut entirely apart from the ques tion of security and yield, the one es- ; i i., ... whinh nil must remember is that every individual who buys a ilijeny juaa iic'ug M1 w -.,, win the war." Seattle Come Through Seattle, Wash., June 12. Seattle will over subscribe the $8,200,000 of the lib- l,.o hnn,l dinted to this citV, according to tho local committee today. With three (lays remaining, still 2,200,000 to be raised, but in one .!... vtor,lv the total raised was $1,5X3,000. Yesterday was the first of four davs drive by the boy scouts and it netted- $500,000 in subscriptions. Sacramento Get Eusy Sacramento .(.'al.. June 12. Sacra mento will stage a monster patriotic parade tonight as a una1 buhmh j i:K.,.tv l,.in .Irlva 8ix thoUBOnd VOUUg men who registered for selective ser vice on June o, representing iuvoo -will go to war, will make an appeal to iknu, wVn otnv nfr home to do their bit by buying liberty bonds. Following tnc paraue, in nmn w .;nn,,i oiioiil. i.odcts. marine corps and scouts will participate, a patriotic . :il u l.nt.l Mniun'hM mass ineeuug iw uj m.,.,. "i in muiln bv Governor Stephens, J. F. iseylaa, and others. Tacoma to Get There Tacoma, Wash., June 12. Eighty five per cent of Tacoma 's alloted share of liberty bonds, amounting to $1,862,-8.-)0, have been sold, it was announced today. A final campaign was begun this The annual alumni banquet of the Kimball Theological college was held several davs ago at the home of Mrs. E. Huule, on North Winter street. About 35 guests, including the mem bers ni the faculty, their wives, and tho students attended the affair. Rev. Thomas 1). Yanebi of Inde pendence acted as toastmaster. D. Les vioi.i. nf r,.linnville. welcomed the graduating class, and J. Stanley Van Winkle, graduate, responueu. Other responses were given by Rev. O. O. Oliver of Amity, Rev. V. R. Jack n,, nf White HiiliMiin. Wash.. Ur. John O. Ovall, of the Sweedish Methodist ehureli, citv, nev. v ununi .innoii tho Central Howell Congregational church, F. M. Jasper of Lenta, aad Ur- 11 T Tnlhntt A feature of tho banquet was the- singing of a hymn, composed ror ine occasion bv Mrs. Edwin Hherwood, en titled "O Strong Sons of Battle." Miss Jennie Fry went to Portland Saturday, returning that evening. Sirs. Alice Loughlin of Juneau, Alas ka, is spending several days in Salem as the guest of Mrs. Catherine Brown, 355 Bellevue street. Mrs. Loughlin came down from tho north a week or so ago as a delegate to tho Rebekah convention, which was held in Vancouver, Washington, last week. FORD DODGE FRANCIS TlQTQUrCAR EXCHANGE JenUe'twn) plif Sri plaed lo 6knoled receipt of your. Inquiry Hh r: rents to 4 our experience lth Zerolon; nd to iay that It it an entj .tlrelT altefaotory. iubrl, isant for Ford ears. Wharo It ha been uad In thea oar a It ha sroran an aoonoil l99.n4.tffioint oU., Vary tnilj jourt? f i.e.. imn I "fei Bndoised bj leacM w Disirikilors because the records of their service departments show that Zero lena, correctly rerined from asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubri cation with least carbon deposit ? ss nr and mors power because Zerolene keeps t tutxicanng body at . ' ' , cy Under heu. Less carbon because, bein( oasds from asphalt-baa crude, M - tuns clean and iocs out on eahausi Smlmi SiUoi liiitti-liiiwsili iScailBlyswion w&am. tfm anct fft MJr hAnnoM cbAH (mm yam cm j7F nson n rs- J -a l:m UV&ss taba UNJ Ham 4 r.;. .. if J STANDARD OIL COMPANY tCAUFOMNtAl SALEMLODGEOEELKS PEE8EIIT CITY WITH FINE FLAGAKD POLE Fonaal PresesUtioa with Ap propriate Exercises To Be MadeVYeteday Flag day exercises, when the Salem lodge of Elks will officially present the city of Salem with a flag pole and flag, will be held Wednesday evening, June 13, at Willson Park, where the polo has been erected, about half way between the fountain and band stand. The exercises will be held nnder the auspices of Balem kclge, No. 336, B. P. O. K-, with Exalted Ruler Walter E. Keyeg and officers of the lodge in charge of tho ritualistic work. Louis Lachmund, chairman of Elks' Flag day, has officially invited the fol lowing lodgesto participate in the exer cises: Grand Army of the Bepublie, Woman's Belief Corps, Ladies of the G. A. K., Bed Cross, Honor Guard Girls, Spanish War Veterans, Moose, Masons, Odd Fellows, CBcrnans, Artisans, vtoou men of the World, Modern Woodmen, Knights of Columbus, Foresters, Knights of Pythias, Maccabees and Yeoman. Members of these organiza tions have been asked to report to the Elks' Temple at 7:30 o'clock Wednes day evening and line up for the march to Willson park. The Cherrians will attend in full uniform and will meet at tho armory. The Program. Tho program beginning promptly at 8 o'clock is as follows: Selection Cherrian Military band. Vocal solo. Presentatiou of "Old Glory 'r by ba lem lodge, No. 33t), B- P. O .E., with ad dress bv Louis Lachmund. "Star Spangled Banner." Chernan Military band. Besponse in behalf of tho city. By Mayor Walter E. Keyes. f) Poll), "Lncover jour nemo, oujo. By George C. L. Snyder. Address, "The Bed Cross and What It Stands For." By Judge Henry E McGinn, of Portland. VIrw Dnv Ritualistic Services. By Salem lodge, No. 330, B. P. O .E. Vocal solo. Erection of Floral Liberty Bell. anr ' Aui.t Lann Syne." By Mem bers of the Salem Lodge of Elks, led by Dan G. Langeuberg. Tribute to the Flag. By Ch&s. V. Galloway. Medley. By the Chernan Military band. Selection. By the Chernan Military band. . , , Song, "America." By tne auuiento. In case of rain, the exercises will be held in the armory. morning in a determined effort to raise tho remaining fifteen per cent before night. 1 . . Bunks will remain open trom six to nine p. m. tonight to allow bond pur chases. TEUTONS LOSING (Continued from Page One.) The artiulery fire was "rather vio lent," the war office said, against taii- fornie pla"- southeast ol omeny, around Mont Blanc and Coinillet. nvp w.,iea,t vAcnnnflittaances at sev eral points, imprisoning several," the statement saiu. The Austrian Version. Vienna. June 12-" After gvat sac- ri'tiee, the enemy penerraieu i i. .,..,,,. ow, at Ariuco. onlv to be completely ejeeted later,' declared an official statement today of the Italian offensive in the lrentino. i.Ti, v..torl Italian attack on the Settecommuni plateau and in the Su- gana valley began alter seeral u artillery firing," the war office said. Berlin's Bforj Of Tt. , : l ,,.l,m. .Tnn 12. After ..u-.,..) hv the Enclish cavalry at Alesines in an ntternonn atiacls, "only remnants" of them returnea, an onicm war office statement announced today. ..j...i, nt M,,ine." the statement declared, "the attacking infantry was repulsed by our counter attacn. Russians Attack Germans. t, . . .i in. ! Russian artillery set fire to the Teutonic staff headquar ters village of Meerishki, an official re port declared today. . .r n....I..Mi.l there "Tne military man Hu..w... i,.i ..,. tho lic fire. Dursued by our artillery." th-3 war offiee asserted. Meerishki was located cy ue fice as a village three miles north ot Tveretch- Soa'e Minor Raiding. London, June 12 Field Marshal Haig reported onlv raids and partial engage ments in his statement today. 'North of Neuve Chappelle we suc cessfully raid-d the enemy and captured 13 prisoners." he said. "South of Neuve Chappelle. east of Armentieres and north of Ypres hostile raiders pulsed, a number of the enemy being killed and a few taken prisoner. Caught Austrtans Napping By John H. Hearley. rl'nited Press staff correspondent.' Rome, June 12. Italy's new Trentuto offensive is not intended to anpptant but rather to harmonise with the Isonzo and Carso activities of her armies. Kniphasis was laid on the war office aims to permit no lessening of the drive ports from th. Trentiuo today mdieateJ t,enel i .i,htb . .... 1! AOSiriHS uwi.f"", pecially between Adiee and Brita. A VERSATILE FORGEE tlt es NEW METHOD HxiMUVxio SUPERFLUOUS. HAIR BOOTS Have vou "tried everything" for that annovinsr .hairy or fuzzy krowth and about given tip in despair? Well' there s just one tning more to try, ana vou must try it. because it is the one home treatment that reaches the very root of such troubles. The new process is not to be compared at all with de pilatory, electrical or any other meth od you've ever heard of. It is differ ent because it actually removes roots and all you see the roots with your own eyes. Just get a stiek of phclactme from your druggist, follow the simple in structions, and if it doesn't do exactly as stated you can have your money back without question. Thelactino is odorless, non-irritating, and can be used with entire safety vou could even cat it with impunity. It is an in stantaneous method. SAYS SPY IS AT WORK III NAVY JPARTHEIIT Anonymous Writer Gives Sen ator Freliiighuyscn some Live Pointers Wo li t n a tn n . .Tuna 11. Followinc sen Isatioual disclosures before the senate naval affairs committee, in which See- vntavv Tlantla iWlnrcd tllCfC WAS S SPV or traitor in the navy department, the committee this afternoon ordered a sweeping investigation into chargeB of defects in ordnance and ammunition, communicated to Senator Frelinghuy sen. " 1 In letters to Frelinghuysen, the anon ymous writer made specific rpierencea to confidential documents in the de partment, showing that he had access to them either directly or through an informant. un..HUf liioii nre mi the trail of the person who sent the letters to the New Jersey senator. Senator Swanson, acting chairman of the committee, stated this afternoon that the writer will be brought beforo the committee and questioned. Jt was strougly intimated that a dis charged and disgruntled employe had written the letters. Daniels says spy n..;i ,io,.inr,l that the revelation t,n-rd.i a ,nir nr traitor piUUll DWVncu a fj must be at work somewhere in the naval establishment and that he should be apprehended and sent to the peniten tiary. . Frelinghuysen hastened to assure tne committee he was not endeavoring to get information from spies or traitors; that he had made every effort to es tablish the identity of tho author ot the letter ana tnai n " ,. t' in the navy department ho should be appreheuded and dalt with according ly." i ! 1UH BVIjattlluutt, ,-. ine the hearing held by the second senate committee nawuu iu accidents, thought to be line to defect ive ammunition, aboard the Mongolia and St. Louis. , . ' Daniels declared upon inquiry from Phelan that his "resentment" at the disclosure was based entirely upon iue liavintr nccess tO confidential governnient files was abus ing this privilege, o.......... .i.. .., n.i.rht nnssib y be acting mitt uic , - . , i in good faith in an effort to disclose unsatisfactory conditions. The committee then went into exec utive session to study the anonymous reports, "seme of which arc true and some false," Daniels said. MOKE TONO WAR COMING 11 The nolit'C de- RIM11UU, - - Ai? r'pivod , word thftt uuruh Chinese gunmen are being imported to Oaklana trom noriuem t-" fear that hostilities umy Be resumtu ion. c,. rrL. r,:--, and tha SllCV SlUCS lue oiug vv... . nt hniinir n ncace conter- are fti pi"1"1 o " ence in San Francisco. The ditficultv thev are having in the aujustmeni ui their difficulties is creating restlessness that the police fear will culminate in nothcr battle. 'nTTntM!mimimnMtiinfmMmiMiimmiii'fuiMimM!,iiinnii ituuuiiuimiiiuinMHiiiMUjiuiiuiliiiiiliiUHiiiiiiiuutiMliuiiil Portland, Ore-, June 9. Forged regis tration cards, marriage certificates and honorable discharge from the army are foT sale in Portland, seeording to re ports reachina the police today. Iflice say they will probably have the dealer in lhes C(,nserittinn-ffo(lj"in forgeries tia jail before nightfall. FREE Cook Book Wouldn't you Lice to taste the delicious crisp-crusted biscuits and hot bread that Cottolene makes? Wouldn't you like to see how quickly and deliciously wholesome Cottolene does all kinds of frying? Wouldn't you like to taste de licious cakes and cookies made without butter with Cottolene? We believe you would. So we have printed a Special Cook Book containing 239 recipes by famous cooks. We shall be glad to mail you this Cook Book free. If you prefer to us some of your own recipes be sure to use one-third lea Cottolene than you use ot other shortening. Cottolene b richer and goes farther. But thh unusual Cook Book is well worth writing for. Write The N. K. Fairbank Company, 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, HI. Cottolene "Kait Good Cooking Betttr" At grocers in Una ot convenient aixea "SHIPLETS" June White Sale Every article in white at reduced pricesHouse hold Linens, Household Bedding, White Wash Dress Goods., Corsets, Hosiery, Undermuslins, Lingerie Waists AT GOODLY SAVINGS EXTRAORDINARY Every Suit and Coat in this store now assorted into two big lots- Lot 1-Special Lot 2 Special $12.48 $17.50 Here is your chance to get an excellant garment at a iiiiie price U. G. Shipley Co. Quality Merchandise Popular Prices Bad Stomachs- The Penalty Stomach sufferers should take warning- Gall Stones, Cancer aud Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto In toxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appendi citis and other 'dangerous ailments, are some of the penalties. Must stomach, liver and intestinal troubles are quick ly overcome with Mayr's Wonderful Iiemcdy. This favorite prescription has rcstoredo millions of people. Let one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Komeny prove today that it will help you. For sule Liy J. C. Perry, druggist. New Books at Public Library This Week . Fiction Adult Clemens: The mysterious stranger. Johnston: Limpy. Sherwood: Worn doorstep. Miscellaneous Brittain: To Verdun from the Boninic Corrothers: In spite of tho handicap. Franck: Vagabond journey around the world-' Hall: Thrift. Hoar: Tho submarine torpedo bout. Huard:. My home on the field of honor. Hutron:, A boy I knew and four dogs. Jones: Caribbean Interests of the Cnited States. Juvenile Miscellaneous Couch: Koll call of honor. Canavan: Ben Comes. Kastman: Old Indian days. Moses: Life of Paul Revere. Wade: Ten little Indians. -Wade: Ten biji Indians. RUSSIA IS PLEASED AT AfiffilCA'S STAND Presidents Message Is h Hearty Accord with New Government's Ideas By William G. Shepkerd. (United Press staff correspondent.) Vetrograd, June 11. President Wil son's message to Kussia sounds the keynote of Russian feeling so aptly that it might have come from the lips of the workmen's and soldiers' council. It was so regarded universally in I'etro grad today. Russian newspapers did not get the message until after midnight Saturday night, so that no Sunday newspapers contained any editorial ewnment. A canvass of editors in Fetrograd and Moscow, however, indicates that the Russian press generally conservatives as well as radical will approve the mes sage. What hit the popular viewpoint most was the president's phrase inter preting thoi0eatlitiio territory'should For PJiecinaiisa "General Debility and Nervena- ness th;ir is nothing better than massage or electric treat- meats. DK. EVA MURPHY 3S1 State St. Phone 736J i . !SafeTt7 If 1 Office Hubbard Building Ight phone, Marion Hotel, 2010 5 and 7 passenger enclosed and open cars. Special rates for commercial md country trips. be transferred without consent of tho people therein. The Wilsonian phrases, they held, might have been uttered by the workmen and soldiers themselves, including President Techeidzc of tha council. BILL SUNDAY BEATEN New York, June 12. Billy Sunday can beat the devil at any game he plays, but ho can't beat John D. Rockefeller, Sr., playing golf. The 53 year old evan gelist and the 78 year old Standard Oil billionaire crossed clubs on the links at Poeantico Hills with the result that John V, beat Billy two up in a nine hole maich. Billy was spending his day of rest with Rockefeller. He suid he had seen a lot of country esfStes, but that Poeantico Hills "had 'em all stop- ped." ' - - W Strfrancis1 ms& Mfk SanTyaiacisco . fnk finest location-: acingHnion Sqtaare OOOTfooms from?0 perTDai flpprectated by Discriminatmg7rave!ers tkecllTor(doDer fc "fc 4 Used Furniture Wanted I Highest cash prices paid for t used furniture. E L. STIFF tt SON, Phone 911 or 608. - ) The Capital Junk Co. Pays the Highest Price for all , kinds of junk. PHONE 296 271 CHEMEKETA ST. t DR. C H. SCHENK J Drugless Phjrsician Superintendent flydro-Electre 1 Therapeutic Institute E02 te 206 Masonio Temple t Phone 1188. Hours 9 to 57 to 9 it cars ofgy,rtfmx Any kimd AitymE Aatos to Rent with or wiihent drivers. OSce Bligh Hotel