0 THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1917. SEVEN Bargain Day Specials in JEWELRY We will make a special price on Grucn anJ other Wrist Watches. See our Wrist-Watch window. ach watch plainly marked as to price. Other Bargains for Saturday, June 2 Sterling silver inlaid sagars and creamers, $ 1 .00. HartmanBros. 12 D.vt.Sp3cial Knives and Forks, Reg, $5, Special $4 Bud Vases, in silver flate, regular $ 1.50, special $ I. Reduced prices on Clocks. Watches, Silverware, Athenic Bronze, Cut Glass, Wedding and Graduation Gifts, etc, Patent train which mart th Ormm Vrrithtn po$tibls. THE OLD WAY You csn save 20 per cent to 40 percent by buying here on BARGAIN DAY Hartman Bros. Co. Quality Jewelers and Silversmiths State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Oregcn QUALITY SERVICE PRICE This is a Bargain Day Store ;9C ijs 3C )J? )jC S(C )f )C 9( JC SjS C )Jt )C ! COURT HOUSE NEWS I jit Byron B. ITerriek, Jr., who has been county surveyor for the past 22 years, is no longer a single man. That fact hn i,ilr W nevertheless it isi""s ol 'Vision, as unmugeci ycsier ' " ' true. On Tuesday evening he was mar ried to Winifred Clark, bookkeeper in the county cleric's office, nnd they left for Mnrslifiold for a wedding trip. Mrs. Clark has been in the county clerk's office for about three years- They ex pect to return to this city next week. . H. H. dinger hus been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of A. Olingor, who died in this city May 11, 1SH7. The -probable, value of the estate bt given ns (14,000. The heirs are H. H. dinger, tsalem; A. N. dinger, Everett, Wash.; .Tames H. dinger, Knlem; J. B. dinger, The Dalles, and Mrs. B. King, of Port land. ' In the matter of the estate of Milley ' A. Meredith, who died here reeently, F. N. Bush has been appointed administra-1 tor and W. 8. Walton, I,. P. Aldneh anil Max Gehlhar appraisers. Tlio estate is ( .valued at $2,000. DEATH FOR GUNMEN , , ... ' San Francisco, May 31 The f fret , Vleath seuteuee ever passed on n !-an a-'rancisco Chinese for a tong war mur der was pronounced lute today by Su perior Judge Dunne. r;v: o,Z vora chi;;;; lie sentenced vong mug 10 uemu undertaker, two months ago. Last Times Today VVILLIA It in "THE TALE OF TWO CITIES" 7 Big Acts Bath House Tangle 2 -Reel Foxfilm Comedy Starting Friday MARGARITA FISCHER in "MISS JACKIE OF THE NAVY" Ye Liberty LAST TIMES TODAY ' John Barry more in "Tfre Man From Mexico" BLIGH THEATRE VtHITHIN WAV Rivers Are Falling But Did Much Damage I.ewiston, Idaho, May .11. Cooler weather lust night caused a recession of the Snake ami Clearwater rivers to day. This afternoon they were drop ping uu inch an hour. The town of Whitebird on the iSiilinoii river, south- dnv to the extent ot tittv thousand dollars, according to word brought here today. A concrete school house and several residences were washed away. .Mines in the (irungevillu district were flooded by water from the .Su! purtly under water yesterday, is cut inon river. Htitcs on the Clearwater, reported partly under water yesterday, is cut off from communication today. The damage there is heavy. It)!! ; PERSONALS : Mr. E. R. Hise is in I'ortlund for a few days visit. A, W. Hehrnnk, of Aumsville, is a !Sn- lem visitor today Mr. and Mrs. George Hurst are in the city from Bilverton. Mrs. P. H. shanks, of Arlington, is in the city visiting relatives. A. M. MeConuell and Bertha MeCon- nell, of Freewnter, are in the city. Harrv Ashford left Tuesday for Chi- cago, where he will make his home, Mrs. Lilah Fcrrell Irwin, of Port land, formerly of Hulem, is in the city. Miss Martha Brnger wns in I'ortlund v" y -- J. W. Sherwood, state commauder of the Maccabees, is in the city on his way to Mill City, R. L. Gilson and family, of Lebanon, were in the city Decoration day, guests at the home of W. B. Gilson. Mrs. E. Hnvter and Mrs. F. Manston left yesterday over the Oregon Klectrie for Blind Slough, Ore. .1. K, Adams, navy recruiting officer in charge of the Salem station, went to Portland yesterdnv. Mrs. G. A. Rockwell and Miss Roclt- 1 well, of Portland, were in the city for ' the Decoration day exercises. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Olnisteiid, of Port land, are guests at the home of U. E. Bolinger. They will return Sunday. William J. Liljequist, sales manager for the Spnulding Logging company, I was in Portland Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Corn, of this city, were Portland visitors Decoration day and were registered nt the Washington- I Mr. and Mis. W. I. Siiiuott and Mrs. Gertrude Lonsdale, of Portland, were visiting with friends in Salem yester day. ! Mr. nnd Mrs. George Hoey, of Oregon City, former Salem residents, were here yesterday for the Decoration day exer cises. , Mr. and Mrs. W. Coolev left this morning over the Oregon Klectrie for Peslitigo, Wis-, where they will make their home. ' Mrs. Ksther Dinner Sehre'tber and Mrs. Shedil. teachers of tlio public schools at Shedd, were visitors in the city yesterday. I William Skinner is in the city from San Francisco and expects to make this city his home. He will play in the Sa lem Cherrian Military band. Among those from Salem who went to Portland this morning were K. J. Ad ams, of the state highway commission: Frank Miller, George Wills and F, G. i Deokebach. Report Says General Villa Is Defeated Washington, Way 31. General Villa was defeated south of I.aMula by Gen eral Ciareia, May 29, according to war department advices today- The official telegram reporting the defeat Haiti : "t'oinniRndiiig officer at Marfa, Tex a, reports that the Mexican command ant at Presidio says Villa was defeated south of LaMula by Garcia on the 29th. "The commanding officer at Presid io also reports that Kio .las with about I IX) men left Palvo for Ojinaga. Vi! listas reported opposite lialvo proved to be refugees. ' ' The department wan not advised, however, concerning the occupation of ojinuga by Villistas anil the dispertnl oi the small Caranzistn forcea there. Announces Special Prizes at State Fair Special prizes aggregating more than !)i2u()0 will be offered in the livestock department at the 1917 Oregon state fair, according to announcement of Secretary Lea. Jt in expected that com petition in this department will be keener this year than ever before on account of additional regular prizes j which are more attractive than former- ! ly. ! This two thousand dollars is divided : about as follows: $1140 in the swine i department, 132 in the sheep depart ment, and $01. in the cattle depart ment. As for the horse department there is no special prize, although sov eral horse associations are putting up attractive trophies. , ! The American Shetland pony club ot' Indiana offers a ribbon for the chain ipion mare and one for the champion ! stallion. Two silver medals are offered I by. the Shire - Horse society ot tiieat Britain and Ireland tor the best reg istered champion stallion and best reg istered champion mare. The American Shire Horse association has offered a silver trophy for best champion Shire stallion and champion Shire mare. ' Trophies and special prizes are award ed for cattle ami swine, which are ex pected to uttract a great deal of inter est. Publicity Program of Good Roads Advocates The publicity program for good roads as announced by Walter L. Tooze is as follows: ' Tonight Addresses by August lluck esleiu and Walter L. Tooae at the Swe gel school house. Tonight At Monitor, addresses by Chris Schubel of Oregon City and Hlaino McCord of Woodbum. Tonight At Seeley school house, ad dresses by Levi Stipp of Oregon City and K. If. Marconi of Woodbum. Friday evening Addresses at Broad Acres by Chris Schubel and Blaine Mc Cord. Friday evening Addresses at Lives lev bv J. L- Patterson and Walter L. Tooze'. ' ..... ...) Saturday evening Addresses at Don ald by Chris .Schubel and Walter L. Tooze. Saturday evening Addresses at Lib erty by George F. Rodgers, John II. Scott and L L. Patterson. As the. election is next Monday, the campaign for the $0,000,000 road bond issue will close with the meeting held Saturday evening. Many Agitators Are Arrested in East Columbus, Ohio, May 31. The drag net of the United States government tightened ill Columbus today and three men were arrested -here for disloyal anti-registration plotting. T4ie men arrested are: Harry K. Townsley, in whose printing shop it is alleged anti-registration literature wns printed; Amnion Henuucy, age 24 and Albert Valniher. They are charged with circulating the alleged treason able literature. " Mae Marsh Robert Harron El Blanche Sweet Henry B.Walthall Dorothy and Lillian Gish ia"""""",""B """"l"" All Appear In a Wonderful Six-Act Production "Her Condoned Sin" 00 0 produced by Dr. W. Griffith Who Mad "Intolerance" m r YE LIBERTY THEATRE 3 Days, Starting Tuesday, June 5 No Advance in Prices rRY JOURNAL WANT-ADS JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY 1 1.. S C , I 4 ' ! - -ij'0& r 1 ltf , . -- -r x .c eM-tiife;:.'- fr ifaifrwr WakK-at- n M.,aiiii,il(&tfi.iftilWMfc iiimit -i RI'SSIAN EKVOI.HTION WILL PREVENT PRINCE OF WALES FROM TAKING A ROYAL BRIDE Rusia 's revolution had the result of giving in creased sctrength to the movement which has been in progress in Great Brit ain since the second year of the war in favor of the Prince of Wales' selec tion of a consort from among his non-royal countrywomen rather than from any of the foreign dynasties. It had always been taken for granted that he would wed one of the four daughters o f the Czar and thereby further cement the alliance which has existed for the past nine years between their respective countries- But the abdication of Nieh olas II. and tho circumstances in con nection thcrewith'havo rendered quite Impossible the realization of any such matrimonial project. Fifty Warrants Issued For Those Opposing Law ' Kansas City, Mo., May 31. Fifty warrants were issued late this afternoon by Frank M. Wilson, district attorney for, members of the so-called Federation for Democratic Control, charging them with conspiracy against the govern ment. The first imest was made late this afternoon. Elea Lukoskey was in his photograph shop when a secret service man called to tako him to the district attorney's office. Government secret service agents ar rested Raymond I. Moore, Thomas Sul livan and Kline Smith in the court room of Judge Bird's court 'following the hearing on the plea on an injunction against the draft law. Fifty Los Angeles Gunmen to Break Strike! Los. Angeles, Cal., May 31. Fifty gunmen left Los Angeles over the Santa Fe at 1:3d p. m- today to serve as strike breakers in the Clarksdale copper strike in Arizona. The men were recruited at the army ana navy noio ciuu rooms m tuc "" ouiunng ' Everv one of my men is an ex-army man," said an officer of the Bolo club by the name of Preston "we non r i want anybody who can't snoot straight." "tiverv man who goes must know how to handle a eun," said C. I., ler rv vchn handle adjustments.' "This is to be no picnic." he added. Juror in Mooney Trial Was Illegally Drawn San Francisco, May 31. Set back by the discovery of an illegally drawn jur or in the box, the selection of a jury to trv Mrs. Rena Mooney Tor complicity in the preparedness parade bomb mur ders -will be resumed tomorrow. Judge Seawell late today dismissed Daniel Kellv from the jury when it was shown his 'name had been illegally drawn. The judge then allowed the prosecution 10 additional peremptory challenges and the defense 20. The prosecution immediately exer cised three challenges and the defense one, thereby reducing the jury to sev en MINISTER ADMITS GUILT Minneapolis. Minn., May 30. Ar raigned late today before United States Commissioner Atiuoti on cnts sending through the mail a letter tend ing to incite arson, murder and assassin ation. Rev. C. U l.ehnert, pastor of the Centraol German M. E. church here, ad mitted he wrote such a letter. He. was bound over to the federal grand jury in $2,000 bail. Dr. l.ehnert in reply to a request from the Minneapolis, Liberty Loan commit tee that he eVoperat in obtaining sub scriptions for the loan told the commit tee members they could "go to hell" and declared it his hop that "Wilson will be shot before this war is over." SUMNER "To Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sumner, May 29, 1917, a daughter. She has been named Violet Dolores. ASPINWALL To Mr. and Mrs. Bert Aspinwall, Decoration day, May 30, 1917, a son. They live en rural route No. 8. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Henry Steinkamp to L. F. and J. E. Ramboz, John Hanse el 49-9-1 W. Jesse A. Hastings and wife to Lillian Dull, V. K. Pringle cl 14-8-3 W. - W. Carlton Smith to Arthur S. and Harriet A. Benson, pt G. W. Taylor cl 20 and 21-8-2 W.; pt lot 7, blk. 2 Uni versity add. A. S. Carson et ux to W. Carlton and Lotta C. Smith, pt. G. W. Taylor cl. 20 and 21-8-2 W.j pt. lot 7, blk- 2, Univer sity add. Agnes C. Bonney to Security State bank, J. B. Ducharnie cl. 64-5-1 W. Ida B. Godfrey et al to Cecil Wende roth, lot 12 blok. 17, Riversido add, Sa lem. Chas. L. Stewart et ux to Geo- F. and Nancv O. Peed, Jas. Davidson cl. 48-7-3 W." OGILVIE IS WINNER San Jose. Cal.. May 31. Harry Ogil- vie of Lindsay. Cal., today stands win ner of the Pacific coast amateur trap shooting match, having won the event here vesterdny with a run of 100 birds. H. Lorenson "of Newman, was second and Frank Troeh of Vancouver third. Lorenson and Ogilvie tied for the high amateur average for the Pacific coast tournament which closed yester dav afternoon, with 330 out of 340 each. C. Yocum of Tulare won the Pa cific coast handicap, taking it from D. Davison of Modesto in a shoot off. COMMERCIAL CLUB OFFICERS The directors for the Commercial club for the coming year have all been elected and are as follows: Social department J. -J. Roberts. N Civic department Dr. B- h. Steeves. Industrial department.Theodore Roth. Mereantilo department P. E. Fu! lerton. Agricultural department L. J. Cha pin. Legislation and taxation E. T. Barnes. Tourist and publicity William Mc Oilchrist, Ja. . REFUSED INJUNCTION Kansas City, Mo., May 31. Judge Daniel Bird of Jackson county circuit court late this afternoon refuved to grant an injunction to Judge .1- D. She waiter, acting for the Federation of Democratic Control, against the en f ore em ent of the draft law on June S. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Ads PV Rl Prompt Sfirrto "Four Busy Stores" urniture Specials BARGAIN DAY Saturday, June 2 Shuman & Clay Pianos, De Luxe Ranges, McDougal Kitchen Cabinets, Freeland Tables, Whitney Baby Carriages. ; . : t .M&lll&i'lMEM Perfection Oil Stoves, Puritan Oil Stoves, Willam ette Brand Tents-Flies and Awnings, Community Silver, Mazda and Sunny Monday Washing Ma chines, Simmon's Beds, Tiger Springs. Rugs, 75c to $110.00 20 per cent Off Linoleums, 50c to $1.50 yard .20 per cent OIF Carpets, 40c to $2.00 Yard ....... 20 per cent Off Ranges, $8.00 to $100.00 ! 20 oer cent Off Cook Stoves, $3.00 to $15.00 . ..... 20 oer cent Off Kitchen Cabinets, $10.00 to $48.00. . 20 ner cent Off Extension Tables, $9.50 to $45.00 ... 20 per cent Off Dining Chairs, 90c to $7.50 ........ 20 per cent Off Buffets, $8.00 to $39.50 ..... . . . : 20c per cent Off Davenports, $27.50 to $75.00 . . . ; . 20 per cent Off Settees, $40.00 to $185.00 .-20 per cent Off Rockers, 75c to $65.00 .......... 20 per cent Off Library Tables, $8.00 to $35.00 .... 20 per cent Off Dressers, $4.00 to $75.00 . ........ 20 per cent Off Dressing Tables, $10.00 to $75.00 ... 20 per cent Off ' Chiffoniers, $5.00 to $75.00 20 per cent Off Beds, $1.00 to $75.00 20 per cent Off Bed Room Rockers and Chairs, $1.40 to $29.00 20 per cent Off Breakfast Tables, $2.75 to $4.50 ... 20 per cent Off Tabourettes and Pedastels, 95c to $5, 20 per cent Off Oil Stoves, $5.50 to $16.00 ........ 20 per cent Off RefrigeYators, $9.50 to $45.00 20 per cent Off Babv Carts and Carriages. rf - -.j- i t i . a 20 per cent Off on all Draperies, Curtains, Portiers I and Cooking Utensils and the thousands of articles and Cooking Utensils and the thousands of articles in our enormous stock consists of. 404-448 COURT STREET PHONES 508 and 941 1 fc3 a S1.50 to S50. 20 ner ct. Off