THE PATLY CAPfTit ttt,.1t The Daily Capital Journal Classified Telephone and Business Directory A Quick, Handy Reference for Busy Teoplft EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High .. TRANSITU AND DBAYAOE Truck Pry Co., corner State and Front streets 1! 4 "or u ruawji,.. . . . ' Honorable liui,V ''r 0,ll'r of ... P. H. RKEVI3. - II'. If 1 7 ; SALEM. ORrrnv TiT..nn - "lUiMJAY, .MAY 24. 1917 THE MARKETS NINE Rickey News NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jr,k''y Biven that the ,' , "ir 01 . .... m-cca-cd. by the anon county. Ore ah ler-,,i.. I, James Gin4. ' ounty court of 1 n. ud lag ouaJi-1 ciuiinj ajaiiiat 3?f ''x:;,r-,;s: Salem. ,r . ' - ?.'."" "tree the . Oregon vouchers n;tU, from ,he date , f ii'M .nbJi,,ej April 20, J "''" i downward rimir ranges trnm ( t . -, . i i... i .... m ..,u jor (Capital Journal Special Service) Rickey, Or.., Mav 24 E. A. Lewi, motored to Salem and and fwarng; license Saturday evening joM ln-fore bed time. Aa tbi law rais ing the foe f hunting and frnhiug li i cense, to .1 wont into effect Monday ! Mr. Lewis saved the i of one dollar lea, 50 rent (for gasoline) hi h equals ; 5 eents. B. B. Gesner Saturday. owen frvHlue. Fred D i kiimn r,d nice and was a Salem visitor SM .,..., , I I " " -e, Fred Hickman Z fmuS to. A1l.h Gwner were B,H.ta of Brue I' i -line u l ' V N Ul?0 ou ,he le- Wa"en Walker Saturday evening. a of Ll ',aV 18 ,,ow ,0 1:5J Fra,,k K- CulT" n(1 M. 11 to . .He h.T 7 """?": ,b ,'!',.h tbi. P1W. Jnl.v verified, and with j "ereior within iWd ,l Vi . W . .. VP l'r"'"s. "av- reaped and ,h lui- ""neu Abn ?fi J-wiiu' is ilownnur.l ' i . IDA I-nst .iibluiition ji.,r ;4 j',,,. B. GUDFKEY, Adnimistriitrii ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE iiorsmncil bv enurt of Mn been Telejhonf Main 1200 Main 74 TOR SALE I IR MOI.AT COMMAVDERT. No B K T "nin at 8 oclmk n m ;?..l.u flllSU.K T A HAliUAl.N eeven einpie. Bojanrnlng sir K Irin. WW live '" . , . . tilen N'tlelL r . u . l"' rcoorder. ' iB1elaen, wood nui'il, ' two IIAIH1AIX Seven ttt'C ,1 ,.ln,lil. ilMIII. hrte lot-. I'leniv nf It ii i t iin.l room or junU'ii. I!IIV 'f,,nlt.V l'o., 'ven that the nn- ordiT of tho eoimtv niirii.n eountv. Ore.-,. .,', nilhOlllteil n. ,..:..:...'. ""pi..; of Theron If. Biirr, djeeased " persons havin.. el:,:,,,, .....!' j estate are required to present them Kith,,, six months lru,u H,Ue dafe o il . "" l"l"r vuuiheri., to the iindrrsijined t IIH.", X. oth St Sail-in, Ore. Iale,l this ami, day of April. 1917. tin 1.-4-..1 Administr.itHv St awbe rie, w ill 10 r for vaII,, iraw berries , Nlun ,e w , here will be buu, a week between he ( abtoriua shijum-nts and the bi. ,,1 i i ion, unless southern ship in. Oil' i Grains MISCELLANEOUS $2.1.V i")C $4.'! .tlti Butter .VllV attend 'r"rTb"' ioBA A. BItEWSTKR , M. D.-Neu-j pacifu: I.oiwie no. Bo. a k 4 a m Tolegitt. nervous und chrome rliseag- stated eommunn-atloni third KridaT Krn,-.t H. fboate, .Vcrrta', " imp, lurgery and driifilesa methodg.; IiimiMtion free. 712 btute Jt. Phone ! 1350. I ilJITLAXD NURPETtr High and! ferry Sts. Full line nursery stock. Italian prune n specinlty. Nursery lo- dtej one wne east ni penurniiarv. ure. i'none iuu "on., ouri and 111..1, Mla a 1 clerk. 0113. Court hi,, I vi V.XU11 on cm. i'none Address E. 0, Salem, ra : OEIEOPRACTIC 8PINOLOGIST 1, 0. h. 8C0TT Orad ante of Chiro prattic'i Fountain Head. Daenport, Wi. If you have tried everything ud got no relief, try Chiropractic isinal adjustments and get well. Of fice 406 J-8 U. 8. National Bank building. Phone Main 87. Residence, Jilin 8-8 K. UNDERTAKERS ilBBt CL0UG1I CO. 0. B. Webb, 1 U. Cleugh morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods 'mown to the profession employed. 439 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888. SUDON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 2S2 North Bi?h itreet. Day and night phone IS). i 8CAVANGER ALUM BLAVENGKK Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all linda romoTed on monthly contract it reaaonsblo rates. Yard and ess pooli cleaned. Office rhone Maul W. Resiilenen, Main 20';: i ON Good Real Estate Security J TH0S. K. FORD "Id4i & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon IKONE Y TO LOAN ern Money at Lowest Rates, on flraved Security. Homer H. Smith, 5, McCornack Bldg., Saloln, Or. JTOVE REPAIRING CN1TED No. 84, ARTISANS Cnpltal meets evrv Thn.,1... ' A,o0v rg m HiaiVVTeVtV W. A. R'... A "Oregon Grape ramp" No 1300. meet every Thursday evening in erl,y and I.afky building. Court aid 1? , street.; Mr.. Sylv-a Bchaiw lUil Market, oraele; Mrs. Melissa lVr !2frSf Norl11 fommerclal. TRAVEERS' GUIDE NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT Of the Alley in the South Block of Cuarles CartwTight g Addition Notice is hereby given that tho com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby de.-Iares its purpose and intention to improve the allev in the south block of Charles Cartwrinht 's Addition to the city of Salem from the cast line of Capitol street to the west lu. of 12th street at the expense of the iibuttnii and adjacent property by brinniiiL' said ullev to tl,n jlished Kiade and paving the same with .i six men rornand cement concrete pavement in accordance with tho plans specifications and estimates of the city engineer for the improvement 0!' said alley which were adopted by the common council on April 1(5, 1917 n,1w on file in the office of the citv record er, nmcn lor greater certainty and a more detailed and particular descrip tion thereof are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to'niake the proposed improvement of said alley by and through the Street Improvnien't Department of the city of Salem. By order of the common council. KARL HACK, Citv Recorder. Date of first publication of this no tice, llay I'.Mh. 1!U7. Mav 31 Or.KGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. NllHTH BOUND i.t naiem Train No. :3." am 2 Owl , 1 :1S a ui q ; 10 Limited ..." 11 :20 a n 12 1 :3U p in 14 4:00 p m .... 10 Limited ... 6 :!W p m ao 7 :05 p in 22 , BOUTIl BOUND PokTLi.ND TO BAl.KM Lt Portland 0:30 a m Salem 8 Eueene 10:!r a Ar Portland . ii :55 a m - :25 a m . 11 :3f. a m . 1 :3S p m . 4 MO p m . D :50 p m . 7 :4(i p m .10:00 p m : Wheat 1 Oats, new ! Barley, tun j Bran Shorts, per ton iHay, cheat ' Hay, etch 11 ay, eiovor Butterfat ''reamerv butter, per pound Country butter "' Eggs' and Poultry Eggs, trade K"s, cash Hens, pound Broilers, live Hens, dressed, poimd rone, veal and Mutton Fork, on foot 13 3-4(6,14 3-c . le 8(ri 1 2 "...c .... SfaSte ... (d 7c ... ofHie lie He 8 am.. 10:45 a ui . 2:05 p 111 ., 4:1!) p in ., ti :H5 p m . 9 :20 p m . 11 :43 p ui I.T Corvallls 4 :1o p m . I.v Eugene 7:3", am.. 1 :5S p in . . 5 :25 p m . 12:05 p m ., 0 Limited , 7 .... 0 .. 13 Limited . .. 17 Local ., II ... 21 Owl .. NOBTH BOUND -20 11 :4,i u ni 4 :0O p 111 7:.r", p m 4 :35 a in VK8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED years experience. K'o?7al ttna American fene "wi 26 to 53 in. hi"h. ta oil and varnish, etc. anJ hP books. Fence and Stove Works, I5e "t atreet Phnno 101 1 L OSTEOPATH f R H WHITE and R. W. WAL um 'mint .i.i . 1 . . . . "LUiU puyBiciant ana &nc,la1'' Ci"duate of Amer ft-t graduate .nd .eelalizVd 5 C Off' l'ars nt 1,09 Angeles Col Bkb tii'0.OS V- 8. Nut. Bnnk 1 uone 221:". nee 1020 JHCOUNTER Clrico , U:Xnl fOUNTKR-. Mk off ""'i"',"1 ('rpam' 10 c,"t!' Cl'e , oct""'t l,,gl,mMs, 15 Cents -Buemlr I u ,".''l,"r!i so drinks. ' I Ii ibr .WATER COMPANY 'Serfi. COMPANY-Otfie aak!iilfflothly in advance. ?1'GE DlRECTnuv h r""nr On , "i. ' AMERICA Ore !lDnij evSl --I". meets every "S cor,.? "f at 8 o d"'k 1 Derby l'i J, A. Wrk'llt Plnrt 1 rt.. . V... .""'II .K . nwnih . - iii'st KriilaT In "' Fred a " m',ln the Manlc I "tSnl..." A- Mclntire. w m,i V"cretary. ' . 0. rTrr Jt" ti,Z Zl rotpctlon WorniUV .u,,Uil . 10 Limited . 10 Limited 2 . . ."2 Owl' SOUTH BOUND Ar Eugene 0:50 a m 12 :2j p m Ar Albuuy . . f . . . 1 :50 p in Stop, at Corvalis Ar Albany 5:10 p m Ar Albiiny 7 :35 a in Ar Eugene 13 S :5U u 111 COKVALLIS CONNECTION NOBTU BOUND Lt Corvallls 10 .... 14 (! .... 20 .... NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT -a te AUey In Block 47, City of Salem Notice is hereby given Unit the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve the alley in block 47, of the citv of Salem between the north line of Ferry street and the south line of state street at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent property bv bringing said portion of said alley to the established grade and paving t lie same with a Portland ce ment concrete pavement six inches in thickness, in accordance with the plans, specifications anil, csi iuuites for the im provement of saiil portion of said alley adopted by the common council May 11, 1H17. which are now on 1'ite in the of fice of the City recorder, and which for greater certainty and a more de tailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The common council herebv declares 5 :30 p ni its purpose ami intention to make the t-anui 1 1 trot nisei I iimiroveini'ti! :i hove iiescnoei Liv ami inroimii me sueei ?,!te 41c Wo 32c 30c 2829c 1.V 20c ........ 23c 10c l.-)C $3 Cork, dressed . Veal, according to quality Steers '. Cows Bulls Spring lambs '. Lambs, yeailiniis Wethers 7(5,9,. iigs ana Dates Black figs (olden t'igs Dromedary dates Vegetables Cabbage String yarlic New potatoes I'otatocs, per 100 lbs Green onions Lettuce, California, crate . Onions, Bermuda, crate .... Onions in sack Celery, crate $2 Radishes 40c, California tomatoes ,2.. 10 Asparagus 40c Spinach Broccoli Cucumbers .... Green pens ... Turnips, sack Tuinisp, bunc Maurer, were visitors at the D. A. Harris hnft. Tne- day. Mr. Culver is a brother of U. J. Culver and spent his boyhood davs at this place. M. M. Magee and little daughter Margaret eelebrateT their birthdays Sunday with a birthday dinner. Those present were: J. H. Gray, H. Y. Magee, Guy Stirey. Glen Herikstead. Luie Ma gee, Floyd Grav, Ethel Shilts and Kate Sbian. all of Scotts Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harris, Miss Hawl Harris. Margaret Mngee and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee, of this place. A. Parson made a business trip to Salem Saturday. Those attending the Marion Count v B' I Field dnv exeicises from this place were 13 ! Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harris, Mis Hazel Harris, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lewis and son Robert, Frank Harris, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee and daughter Mar garet. Miss Muriel Whitney spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Whit ney. Irvin Caplinger was a Salem visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hager and little daughter motored to -Snlem Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hunter and son spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Hun ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilborn. Miss Hazel Harris, principal of tho Central Howell school, is home on her vacation. The Central Howell school secured the banner for folk dancer at the county field meet. I Mr. and Mrs. Nile Hilborn, Mr. and , Mrs. Dale Hilborn and daughter, Mr. j mid Mrs. E. A. Lewis and son Robertj spent Sunday evening at the M. M. Ma-. gee home. I Mrs. Geo. Edwards celebrated her tKJO Paint 8c ... 2(&2.2.- .7. 40c s)2.50i 2.7.1 $3.")0 ..10:11 a in ..12 :r.."i p m . . 4 :l.r p ni . . G:4ii p ni , . 8:10 p Hi ..11:20 p in . . 1 :55 p ni Ar Salem Lt Salem 1 :D3 a m 10:in a m I.T Salem 12 :55 p in Lt Salem 4 :15 p m I.T Salem 0:45 pm . 2t Owl . 5 Limited 9 8:2.i a m 12:12 p m 2:41 p m 4 :10 p m 8:18 p in I.T Salem 10:15 a in 4:15 p m 1 2 :r5 p m 0:40 p m Ar Salem H :4." a m 1 :45 p ui 4 :U0 p ni 0 :30 p 111 7 :03 p in SOUTH miVND improve- inent depai tmctit of the city of Salem. liv order of the common council. KARL RACK. City Recorder. Date of first publication of this no tice, May 18, 1017. ' May 31 13 Lixb No. 73 Arrives at Salem No. 7(1 Leaves Salem No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) . , No. 74 Leave Salem . . No connection south of Uecr. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT Of Washington Street Notice is hereby given that the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve that portion of Washington street between the cast lino of Fir street and the west line of Liberty street, at the expense of the abutting anil adjacent property by bringing said portion of Washington street to the established grade, con stnictinir cement concrete curbs and . r. ni- paving sunt portion 01. annus,'"" 11 a ra 1 street with a Portland cement concrete 5:30 p m i pavement six inches thick, in accord 1 II 111 ! nnnA xvltli tin. nl.'ins. snecilications and . 3:00 p ni !'.:, for ihe iiimroveniciit of sail ,.,,, m I portion of Washington street adopted 'b:,-,o a in bv the common council on the Hlh day 1 2 :io p mjor' Mav, 1017, which nro now on file 111 .3:05 p 111 :,i,' ni'Vi,.o of the citv recorder, which., Fau.s Citv and Westhbn No. 1(11 Lv. Salem, motor 7 :o n "i No. 103 Lt. Snlem. motor 0:45 a ni No. 105 Lt. Snlem for Multnomah and Ali-lIe No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor . No. 100 Lt. Snlem, motor .. No. 23!) Way Er't It. Salem. No. 102 Ar. Salem No. 104 Ar. Salem No. 100 Ar. Salem No. 108 Ar. Salem No. 170 Ar. Salem N. 240 Way Kr't ar. Salem for greater certainty ana a moie ui tailed description thereof are hereby referred to and made a part hereof The common council hereby declares its miniose ami intention to make the Jo mi auvo doscriueu impio.,,.. t I 15 , through the street imirovement depart .5 :0O 11 m Strawberries Apples Oranges, navels Lemons, (icr box Itananas, pound California grape fruit Florida grape fruit ... Honey I iicoaniils Retail Prices ( 'reamerv butter .'. Coimtrv butter Egf;s. dozen Sugar, cane Sugar, beet Flour, hard wheat Flour, alley 40f;7oc .... $ I (Vi 1.15 5i,;.c $2.30 43c $1.70 50cfa$l .... $23.25 i3.734 3 c $3.30 $5.30((( (i.30 $3.73 $1 45c 40c. 35c $0.00 $8.80 $3.25(5)3.70 ... $33.40 THOSE Shabby Floors Painted kitchen floors maka housework easier. Acme Quality Floor Paint f orais a smooth hard surface that cleans almost as easily as tile. No need of back breaking scrubbing ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT is inexpensive, a quart covers 75 square feet two coats, and it is easy to apply. The Acme Quality Painting Guide Book tells . all about painting, also waxing, staining and varnishing floors; what to use, how much will be required and how it should be applied. Free at our store. j ....... ...... Salem Hardware Co. 126 N. Commercial St. Phondl72 Rosedale News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Rosedale, Ore., May 23 Mr. and Mrs. P. A Hading oilrl C ,;i,. t t: .1.....1 birthday Monday. The Thandara club, attended the Friends', quarterly meet-' wIKi nave eeienraica tueir uinuuuys -, Vriilnv ami Sntnnlnu ,.H I,, i, this month. The other two members are Mrs. Grimm and Mrs. Dicknian. Col. Snyder, of Salem, will auction off the baskets at the basket social to be given at the Rickey school house Saturday evening. May 2C. Tho yiroceeds of the baskets will be used towards pay ing for the school piano. All are invit ed and ladies arc asked to bring bas kets. The following is the cast of char acter o'f the play, "A Loyal Friend," which will be given by local talent Sat urday evening: Royal Playford, every- visitnig among their friends. They re turned home early Wednesday morning. R. M. Camiiiack and iainiiy visited relatives near Turner Saturday, the 12th. Miss Agnes Cook, .of Portland, is vis iting her cousin, Lester Cook Mr. Robert Paulus and family moved last Friday to their new home, recently purchased of 8. Phillips. Miss Estelh Stroud, of Portland, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. R. M. Caiutuack. Mrs. J. Burris conducted the eighth body's friend, Irvin Caplinger; Gilbert grade ' examination Thursday and Fri- Fnimhiiw. a newspaper man, irank Harris; Raymond Alvarez, a Spanish diplomat, Howard Grimm; O 'Kelly, a nion o' the ould soil, Orvin Frysbie; Nubbins, the baker's boy, Alton Kit linn: Monte. Alvarez servant, Fred day. The class of four is as follows: Stella Blinston, Helen Canimack, Ralph Fowlor and Wilfred Crozer. Ben Cook and wife, of Portland, at tended quarterly meeting and visited friends here and in Salem. Several a PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., May 24. Wheat: Chili 2.5(i Red Russian $2-53 llluestcni $2.00 Fortvfold $2.50 Outs. No. 1 white feed $48,500 Hurley, feed $47 I !ul tor. city creamery 3il(Vi 40e Eggs, selected local ex. o.'Kii.iUS'.i liens l(i'.j(17e Itroilers 17(i22e Geese I l((i l2c Livestock Market Portland, Or., May 24. Cattle re- Oekmnn: Art nur ransnaw, uiuah d trnm sitt ir;ii .,j r.; ...i son, Claude Grimm; Mrs. M illy Marry- good crow(, frQm Saem a)so attc)1(1o(1 man, a jolly young widow, Minnie Snal- ,he inpeting Saturday, ler; Silvia Fanshaw, her sister, Mae Tlie!iliay evening Jjvs. Canimack en Edwards; Mrs. Grigg.ns, afterwards tei.lui,ie(,- 1he eighth grade class, their U'ivenv, a --wuiuy, Synopsis: Act 1, The Broken Home, "Bead to lie;" Act 2, Balking a Vil lian, "If You Do I'll Cow-hide You;" Act 3, Tightening the Coils, "Not To day, My Boy;" Act 4, The Rescue' "I've Repelled a Spanish Invitation." Admission free. ceipts' 872. Market 25 eents lower. Light steers $10.2,"(d. 10.50; heavy steers $l0.25(a .10.50; cows $99.50; heifers $!!(?( 10. Sheep receipts 213. Market steady Best cast of mountain lambs $13(ol4; valley lambs $!3.25(il3.50; yearling wethers $12.50(?i: 13.50 ewes $100(all.50 Hog receipts" Ui7. Market steady. Heavy Ki.lO( 16.25; light $l5.75(Vr Ki.lO.' JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY teacher and their homo folks. A musical program was given, after which ice cream was seived and the guests went homo feeling they had had a very pleas ant evening. The program was as fol lows: Song, "Farewell," by the; duet, Miss Estella Stroud and Helen Cammack; solo, Mrs. Mary Moore; in- ()urAirnistoiveyouRjsdh No m attci what landoi a WantAd uou put in our pawewilliwyourcsults strumental solo, Miss Lesta Cook; read ing from James Whitcomb Riley, "At Auntie's Hou9e," by Luella Stroud; violin solo, Del Blinstop; solo, Miss Stella Blinston; vocal duet with guitar and ukelcle accompaniment by the Misses Cook; duet, Nellie Fowler and Helen Cammack. The C. E. will hold their monthly business meeting and social at Mr. Cam mack 's Friday evening. All young peo ple are invited. It is to be a poverty social and the guests are asked to dress accordingly and bring their own lunch. From Sunset Valley notes in the Burns News: "The Sunset farmers will be in line this year with big crops of grain, potatoes and dried rabbits to help feed our allies in the big world war." at last I'va found Instant union Relief l dcrnt limp and fuss and worry I I don't scold and fret and bemoan mv fate and my feet Bunion Comfort" gave me instant relief stopped thu pain instantly gradually reduced ths inflammation and softened and dissolved the bunion without one bit of pain or discomfort. You can wear regular shoe 4 ' no pads, plntes or cutting just put on a "Bunion Comfort" and away goes your pain and away goes your bunion. Over 72,00) men and women have been cured last year and we guarantee that you will find com plete satisfaction with "Bunion Comfort'' or you need not pay one cent. Buy a box today try two plasters, and if you do not find instant relief , return the remainder and get your money back. We know what "Bunion Comfort" has done for others we know what It can. do for you so try thera at our expense. J. C. Perry's Drug store, 115 S. Com 'I. mi "THAT LITTLE GAME" Tearing Up the Deck ,f tU pitv nf' Snk'iii Bv order of the common council. F UH, RACK. Citv Recorder. Pate of first publication of this no- m II Mil. ' .' ,1.1.1 I' I n -.ii... - - - .2 :30 p m 8 :30 a m .11 :10 a m . .B :15 p in 0:00 p m to land jOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT wii.lamette RIVER ROUTE. ! Of Leslie Street n,.. nil,, TrniisnoiMffon ('oi;in; i ;.. i,,.,.iiv .riven that the com Boats leave Snlem for Portland Mommy , ;.. , ;f exi.edieut so Wednesday and Friday at 11 a. m no i i mm - - ,, Tnestlav, Thursday and Saturday mornings , a, heieby di . i.m . u s i I f a m. For Corvftltls the boats J" ! intention 1o improve V"' ." 1 Salem Tuesday, Tl.ursduy "nd, e'V'o f- Leslie street from tho ens line ot Co ii. t 8 o'clock. Boats leave i on " , ,no of Lib- ....... -P.- - - - . 1, ,,.,, nrr. lOlCrC 11 Mir . . i,... or nihppi sr. r" ml) , t,o expense or tne aoiu- . " .. -i- ..4- .... 1 1 u I' 1 l" hV I H ! II Li I M Mishcd grade, en,.n..-tn.B eem t '- eimcrete curbs aim puwK i SUMMONS , '" Pt,eel with gravel cement I. the justice court of the slate o UfJ; in(.,es thick in accordance Oregon for tho county of Marion , , S Plecificnt.ons anil es . a nr Unnso,,. ubiiiitiff, vs. Henry i" l I . , ,, rv(.,en t of suid poi- lion of said street, adnpteii i i' 11011 Ol .. j,, - , QW ; council on M.i Jlr , ne herebv roauired to appear , nf,.,. of the city reeoiu... evening at. 8 In the ! U0.,. the coninlaint filed against yon j i certainty'and a more ,-.i...i .V,n n- t nil SIX;"'"'" V " .. .!.... . l.n,Af detailed descripuon LEGAL NOTICES Lodge No. 2. wnnri, ,.. ""uiy even nir nt 8 I., tho It. n ii,.., - lj- "'own, """"in. treasurer. RArTTrrr Ft biini ",K' NO. M. Jlansen, plaintit:, iM. Ax tell, defendant. , I Jn the iiame of the state of Oregon IS. K. of P. Tuesday evening everv w' a ouLr'ir IW t-itigdou, Keeler. m?8' of crnJir" 1 illsnn- secretary. 'veSt'lgatlornP,rtC! t0 tUe within six uib-t'ail fllKJlVPI' . i n..t:iil (.iun weeks from the date of tlic yt PUL ,i .... ,. mo if vou rai iicatiou or mis biiiii"'""" - , . . -ft to so appear and answer the p "t will ap dy to the cour for w l ef demanded in his complaint to-w t , 1 or a judgment against you for the sum of $12.85 together with tntres t.oin April 13. 1015, and his costs and (Us bnrsemcuts herein. . tl . This summons is published n tne Daily Cardtal Journal once each week referred to and are hereby ..... made a pa" council hereby declares The common "''". ,(, th(, its purpose nun mum"'" , ,,-sa I r - ONCE A PERFECTLY GoOO , S i . f mS L ; , OOT DOT CAlse ' WORD I'M THROUGH V YA k" A Toulon r ANQ lit. m aj -e f 7 THAT th? net. a Flush : C &lrlJ ? LrOCK 'rHA6iGr, ) 'IM -tm0 'i'