Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 24, 1917, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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7 Ear 'Orv9tal White" Soap; 7 bars onlr to each OP
family 4 ,0C
Tp to $30.00 Ladies' Suits and Coats, velours and Poplins, (MA AC
sport styles v U.D
o5c New Bound Mesh Veilings, black, white, blue tape, Q YdfiA
10c Can of 7
J in 1 Oil C
fheSj1f0r C1"hlren 811(1 isses many styles, high and ! QQ pjj.
39c Yard, Xew Spurt Cloth, 30 inch wide, latest ' J(Jg Yjj-j
23c All Linen . 1 A 1? L
Ilanker.-hicf 1 5?C t&Ctl
Bed Spreads, 70S0, white qa
crocheted; hemmed iOC
Conts' Cotton Thread ' 7 e nr
black or white IGF ZjC
Uncle Sam r
Far Soap j(J
Curtail) Cretonne", values Goo nt
to (iOc yard, at
39c Sport Fabrics, popular for dresses 1 A 17 1
d 19c Yard
33c Hair
Brushes .
19c Each
fti.OO Women '1
covered heels
s White Leather Shoes, lace.
Fine Dress Ginghams, 32-inch, newest
patterns, only
15c Yard
Dress Ginghams, 27-inch, checks, stripes and plaids 11 ir 1
lie Yard
Women's Silk Dresses, regular up to $30.00 values d10 0P
y ; $12.85
All Boys Wool Suits OA n n .
Rncea ZD Per lent
Fiee, a pair of high low Stilts with each boys Suit.
Balbrian Union Suits, sizes 34 to 3s onlv, nr
tn'1av .'. 03C
Men 's new Xeckwcar, latest nr ri 1
d,i"8 Zdc each
Tbirlmm Safety Razors Free to first 24 persons between 11-1 o'clock
Pictures 7x11, Oil Paintings, copies of old Masters, nn
food frames ; JJJg
All Around Town
May 27. Union meeting Uni
tarian church, 3 p. m., Gov.
Withycombe will preside.
May 2l'. Open niht at hij:h
school, everybody invited.
May 29. Concert by College of
Music, advanced class, First
M. E. church.
May 30. "The Social Pro
blem" playlet at penitentiary
8:15 p. m.
May 30. Memorial day. All
stores closed.
June 4 Special state election.
June 5. Kegistration day. All
men between ages of 21 and
31 years.
June 2. Saturday, Bargain day
in Salem.
June 8. High school commence
ment at armory.
June 13. Commencement exer
cises Willamette university,
First M. E. church.
June 14. Flag Day.
June 18. Election of school
The Ladies Aid aoclety of the rirst
Presbyterian chnreh will imt't in the
church parlor tomorrow Finlny May
23, lit 2:30 p. ni. All ladies t bo . lunch
i 11 v i'c.l.
At their weekly drill lat evening, the
Cherrians voted to take pait i 'be
Decoration day parade an 1 exercises
and it wag agreed that all lio.d.l wear
their uniforms with red tic- and white
; 0
"From Aiyntn 1, 1914, to December
1, li'lii, lS,.r)( 10,000 soldiers were killed
or taken prisoners." This fact and thou
sands of others, in fBCt "' question
you may ask about the gr-'at war is
found in the Capital Journal s War At
las. Ask us about it.
Mary C. Rowland, M. D., oUices over
Golden Rule store- Special attention
to Women and Children, and Diseases
of the Skin. Office hours 10 to 12 and
2 to 4. 0 11
Mrs. Andrew Burns, a sister of John
Miss Margaret Garrison, of Willam
ette university, who won the inter-collegiate
oratorical contest recently held
at McMinnville, will leave Friday for
Log Angeles where she will represent
Oregon in the iuter-stnte contest, to be
held June 1.
hr. Stone's Ditig Store makes free
delivery. Phono 35.
The ladies of the Chautauqua Reading
Circle have given a shelf of books to the
Salem public library and "ill add to it
from time to time. The library will be
known as the Von Eschen Chautauipia
Memorial, in remembrance of Mrs. Flor
ian Von Esehcn, who was president of
I the Reading Circle at the time of her
Marr, of this city, and a former resi
dent of Salem, died last Monday at her
home in Kennewick, Wash.
Don't forget A meeting at the Uni
tarian church, Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Members of all of the churches'
of Salem invited. Gov. Withycombe
will preside. 3-20
A marriage license was issued yester
day afternoon by the county clerk To
Ellsworth M. Wilson, a fanner of Tow
ers, and Esther Cox, a Salem teacher.
Franco-American Hygienic toilet re
quisites, creams, powders, soaps. Nu1
Bone t'enset Parlors. Phone 1032. 5-215
A marriage license was issued by the
county clerk today to Walter L. Miller,
a merchant of Monitor, and Margaret B.
Lichte, of lit. Angel.
Ladies aid celebration. The ladies aid
society of the Scandinavian church will
have a celebration and sale in the
church cor. S. 13th aud Mill streets,
next Saturday evening, May 2i. at 8
p. m. Good program. Refreshments serv-
rree admittance. All welcome.
Whcn a man Is accepted for service
in the navy, it is fc sore sign that he
ln.s at least ?0 teeth in good working
orrW ami that these 20 will not be like
ly to bother him vbiic on duty. Since
January 1, the navy recruiting office
in the city has accepted 5 applicants
end rejected 135. A big majority of
rejections was on account of defective
The annual state encampment of the
Spanish War veterans will be hold at
llillsboro June 5 and 6. The following
delegates will represent the local or
ganization: C. W. Brant, Li my Hew
lett, J. H. Arnold and O. L. l.yntheeoin.
The alternate delegates arc '. Wil
son. 1-:. F. Moore, B. W. Walcher and
A. T. Wool pert.
. 0
Columbia university is putting out
some interesting war ouliotins, which
Must Pay Penalty for Poison
ing Wife's Parents In Order
to Get Their Money,
Ossining, X. Y., May 24 Dr. Arthur
Warren Waito slept late and awoke
cheerfully to fHrr his lust day in the
death house nnd prepare fur his alk
down the curtained corridor to tho
death chair, there to pay the extreme
penalty for poisoning his father in law
for his millions, nt eleven o'clock to
night. After a hearty breakfast the still
debonair dandy, who cut such a swath
in New York social and amateur sport
ing circles before it was discovered he
married t iara Peck of Grand Knpids
and murdered her father and mother
for their money, dabbled at his very
wenk poetry and read mnga.iues. Calm
and indifferent, outwardly at least,
Waito never once referred to his ap
proaching death; nor to his family,
llis mother is dying from grief lit her
home in Grand Kapiils. llis father dieil
of n broken heart n month ago. His
brother Frank, his only loyal friend
throughout, has turned snowy haired
in less thau u year over his brother's
A letter to ft New York friend from
Waito's divorced wife, Clara Peek
Waite, quoted her today as saying sho
is sorry Arthur must die, hud hoped
his sentence would be commuted to life
imprisonment, but will feel "freer"
when it is over.
"My joy," she is quoted as saying,
"will be unbounded."
Mrs. Margaret llorton, the woman
who was infatuated with Wuiio, has
not been near him in the year he has
been in the death house.
Warden Mover tested the elect rie
chair today and placed it under scaled
locks nnd guarded the death house to
prevent any tampering with the apparatus.
Nu Bone Corset $4.50, $5.50 to $15.00
A. E. Lvons, 1(53 X. I.inertv. Phone
10:5:2. ' " 3-2(3
Willamette university will take part
in the Decoration day parade next Wed
nesday. This will include not only the
students but also the faculty. may he read at the Salem public library.
0 1 Thev are written bv lirominent men in
and out of til 3 universitv and cover such i
the ppecial and also to decide (he route
to be taken and in fact arrange every
thing in order that everything may be
done for the good of tho organization
nnd the glory of Salem.
H. B. Wolfe, of the Rigdon & Rich-
unison undertaking parlors, was the
first man to register at tho office of
the county clerk requiring all men to
register June 5 or it' away from home
to send in their registration curds. Hi"
home is in Brownsville and he will be
31 years old on the tilth of June. As
registration day is dune 5, he comes in
under the registration net by just, II
days. A man who is 21 years old on
the fifth of June will be obliged to
register while the man who is ill on
tint date, does not come in under the
i Save auto tire expense. We are ready
I to 1)0 doulile tread lock t itchipii:. See
it 'lark Goobel, :M1 Xorlh t'onimoiviul
! street.
There are many other bargains too that can not be
mentioned. Remember this day only for these
specials. Come Saturday and make these savings.
I Lewis McKinuey, who has just com
ideted a course at. the ("atiial Kn-ine-s
! college, has accepted a position with the
Hammond T. umber company ar Oak
Point, Wash. Ho left this nioniiri"; to
1 take up his new work.
I Crabs cooked this afternoon at Dotys
niai'Ket- Pnoue 212.1. 121 1 m 1.
I ' 0
I The wind has been front the south
1 every day this month exeeptinc two
I and cloudy every day with the excep
tion of two. The. river is falling with
: a stago today of six feet and the range
of temperature Tuesday was from 5!) io
Crabs cooked this afternoon nt Dotys
market. Phone 2123. 121 S. Com'l.
Three young men made application
for navy service yeserday at the re
cruiting station in the postoffice build
ing: D. H. Ritchcy, fireman third class:
Keith M. Harris, hospital corps, and
Henry AV. Gortmaker, hospital corps, all
o'f Salem
Ada Miller in concert at the Grand,
June 1. Exchange tickets now on sale
at the Opera House pharmacy. May be
reserved at, advance sale May 31. All
seats reserved, 50c. Gallery 23 cents.
Thirty-seven car loads of troops will
pass through the city this evening in
three sections, the first being scheduled
for Salem about 0:30. It is under
stood most of the troops are from south
ern border and will form part of the
new regiments at Vancouver.
i ; O
Fa nn," '
to 1'inani
It seems hard to keep the Willamette
boys from service with l'n"e Sam.
Word was received today from Kind C.
as, r.nii.-t mom. tor ini';i 'i, who 11,15 ocon Moiiymg 11111 nisi
Gciman Subjects Within Our , winter in Xew York t'ily, to the effect
1 .Mobilize ;ne Count rv Home ! Hint lie had joined tin; qmirtermi':.ier 's
d Preparedness, "" How j department f H,, .nmv, entering the
' I'm
Good news.
oral manager
w riles the '
follows ri-ghid'
.-alem: "Pl'ii
been unproved
ing the enlist n
has been ant in
c,ii;:niencc at
J, II ,
' j sei ice at .New loin ( ity. .Mr. (iilltey
J was anious 1o not onlv get jnto the
service, but also to see some active work
nnd for this reason joined the mid or
transportation service, with the rank of
sergeant. He expects soon to be in
fiance. .Mr. Giil.cv ens graduated three
ni opriat ion cover- i years iigu fioui iilameite university
I station building 1 and later v, as ass'nd a nt bbtarian 1," the
prenic court.
? ' " (..'ity Garde
Dyer, assistant geit
e Southern Pacific
iiiiiicrciiil club as
c new' S. P. depot at
1 1. i-ii'ictil ions have
1 'oust ruction will
y date as praeti-
i Tho Woodman of the World drill team
of Pi will go to Albany Saturday evo.11
, iug instead of Friday night as formerly
.announced. This i the team under the
i direction of l S. (leer that, will exem
iplify the new- ritual of the W. . W. to
; several of the lodges in the valley.
Heretofore, the Woodmen of the World
I have used the ritual in force in the east
land Canada, but now the Pacific coast
j will have one o'f its own.
The foresters of America, Sherwood
I lodge, Xo. Ill, has been invited to pay
the (lervai'S Forester lodge a visit. The
invitation has been ad opted, although
no date as yet deemed on. The Ger
vaia lodge has only 25 members, but it
happens to be l!o; liveliest lodge of ils
sizo in the stai" with the distinction
of having more real money in its treas
ury than any country lodge in Oregon.
0 ,
William McGilchrist, Jr., recently
IO cents
p o u nd
Doily Varden Trout 25c r.
Newport Halibut 15c lb.
Royal Chinook Salmon 20c lb.
Halibut Cheeks 15c lb.
We also haye Salmon Trout, Shad,
Perch, etc.
444 Court Street
Phone 211
Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Waal
June 1. Exchange tickets now on sale
at tho Opera House pharmacy. May bo
reserved at advance sale May 31. All
seats reserved, 50c. Gallery 25 cents.
Here is a chance for the tired busi
ness man to enlighten himself on one
of the all-important questions of the
day. The book for his Bpecinl enlighten
ment is entitled, "Why the Dollar is
Shrinking." It is a study of money
conditions nnd of the high cost of liv
ing and may be found at the Salem pub
li clibrary.
l)ance at Ryan's hall Sat. 26. 5-25
elected director of the tourist, nnd pub
licity department, of tho Commercial
'club, has appointed ns his assistants for
j the coming year Dr. H. II. dinger, Watt
I Shipp, Win. D. Evans and Max Ge.hl-
Ada Miller in concert at the Grand, bar. The first duty 0 f this department
will ho that ot providing for a big one
day Fourth of July celebration to take
the place of tho annual cherry fair.
A campaigfii for new students was
launched this week by the students of
Willamette university. Tho plan in
cludes tho writing oi' a personal letter
to all high Bihool graduates in Oregon
and Washington, especially to those
who will probably enter some college
next fall. On the' first day of the cam
paign 500 names were given to students
and each will receive a letter telling of
the advantages o'f attending old Willamette.
Next week will see the last f the
California strawberries and unless the
southern Oregon crop gets some un
shino and warm weather, thero will be a
week or 10 days when none will be on
the market as the home crop is about
three weeks lat.o.
The hoys of the mouual training de
partment of the Grant junior high
school will have an opportunity to do
some real hard practical work. At tho
last meeting of the board of directors
$229 wns voted to extend the manual
training building at Grant, giving it an
addition of 20 by 22 fccU This will be
oono Dy tno boys of the manual training
Own your home: modern 6
room bungalow on paved street,
lot 50x200. Easy terms, just
like paying rent. See Bostein
& Greenbaum, 246 Commercial
tfc department under th flirAption of Prnf
.1. ' r t -n ,1 . - : . " "
y- noneit, neact of the manual train
ing work of the city schools.
The Cherrians as an organization will
go to Portland one day t.o attend the
hose Festival. This was lecided last
evening at the Wednesday night drill.
A committee composed of W. M. Hamil
ton, L. 8. Geer and Chauncey Bishop
was appointed to arrange tho details for
off'cers for
e held oil Hie
7. At this
'rer, sec re-
Eipect China to
Formally Enter War
f'.A Inn l - Al .
to the , M belllgnrent ,,lr(. J
ct today by cccpUii.-e by Ir w
Ting K.i.B of the rot f ,,:,;,.,
. lmrpe.1 with formation f , w rnb
inet. Ho .ucceedg Tuan ( , Jui hu!
w dinniiiMed by prcidemial mandate '
lr. Wu'g choice w, nnivcisnlly
plmi.lod today. It vim confidently I
pected lie would b able lo Cli hc
fuetmnal fight in the ( Lin. H. ,arli, ,
ment, by which provincbil niiliUry rvJ
rriior have heretofore block,.,! ....... I
ng or a resolution pledging , ,,!', ,
h war declaration aKnliit. Timn
lui wm leader of miliUrv faction
...... .( r...-.-.. iu 1 rrniucni l.i yuan j
ou inig point.
I ACfTinv ci,.-
nt . "ill
tcr wnrlc ir.uh.r. 1...... - .
1 I f 'c,'ll jir,.j.
of and 5(1 it assured of a ... 1
2 50 to mo a day, ve i, hV
cneed. No quest ions aokod and trans
pollution fr-e.
The case of Johnson against Stevens,
. , ,oii lui fin, uuningcii for alleg(..i
frtni.l in the sale of a cow, i heing tried
weDMer s
iu .indue
Tho annual election of
the Coie.in.'i.-.,! clul- il 1:
evening of Thursday, .Ion
meeting Ihe vesiden I , tie
tarv ami mummer of the club for
coining year W'll be elected nnd the rati
fication of the election of ilcini'tinPnt
directors. Th report of the manager
of the activities of the club for the
past year will be read and also a gen
eial financial statement given. This
will bo the mosl important club meet
ing o'f the year.
James Smith and Leon Butler, two
gentlemen of the road, who were found
guilty yesteiday in 1he Jefferson .jus
tice court of having stolen brass from
Tied Gooch 's saw mill, were given lilt
days each in the county jail and were
brought here yesterday evening nnd are
now doing time. It was while the of
ficers were searching about Jefferson
for Tony Lewis, the Italian who was
wounded as a result or an attempt to
burglarize a candy store there early yes
terday morning, that they found the
When it comes to genuine patriotism,
whilo the northwest Pacific coast states
do not hold quite so many patriotic
parades, it is noticeable that, recruiting
at the army and navy headquarters is
more active than in the. east. For the
week ending May 10, the navy recruits
for the Portland district numbered ns
follows: Portland, !)6; Spokane, 20; Sa
lem, 7; Pendleton, 5; Kosoburg, 3; and
Eugene, 1. And for Ibe week while
Portland recruited 00 for the navy oth
er western cities were as follows: Salt
Lake City, 101; Los Angeles, fifi; Seat
tle, 87 ; Denver, 41, and San Francisco,
During the past potato season, since
InEt October, Mangis Bros, have pr.xl
out more than $120,000 to farmers in
this vicinity. On account of the unus
ually high prices, thig is about $75,000
more than would have been paid in a
normal year. Tho firm has shipped 140
carloads, about equally divided between
shipments to the castf and those to the
south, including Texas. The southern
farmer can raise early potatoes but
these will net keep through the winter,
llcnco the south is obliged to buy pota
toes raised. in northern states. Tho Ore
gon potato is even better than the Cali
fornia product. Tho price of potatoes
for the past 10 years has averaged be
tween $1 and $1.25 a hundred.' This
year the figure went as high ns $1 a
Bridtre workmen are' wanted 1t the S.
P. A 8. for work between Portland and '
Seaside Any man who can do careen
ing tried
court this utter
it .h
Ihls information Is for those wii0 do
it"t happen to have iu their home lih
rwry useful books such ns otcttir'n
nlmaniie or Aver 'a American Alinniiric
for 1!M7. Friday the sun will rise in
Oregon at 1:21 nnd set at 7::i:i am) the
alii'unnc says it will rain, which isn't ni
l ad guess, considering mat the alianmic j
wns printed about six months ngo. And 1
while the sun is rising in Oregon all
4:21, down in central California it tar
-- , . , 1
rics a iiitio longer aun me not appear
j'litil 4:43. But it hasn't as far to travel
down south, hence it sets nt 7:10. It
Becnis Oregon has about 43 more min
utes of daylight tomorrow than the land
of oranges aud the lemon tree.
The Capital Junk Co. J
Pays the Highest Price for all
kinds of junk.
PHONE 296 Hi
Drugless Physician
Superintendent Hydro-Electro
Therapeutic Institute
202 to 206 Masonic Temple
Thono 11R?..
Ilonrs 9 to 57 to 9
Auction larti'k!
1 ;r
- 1"HRCK(
oak j.
A 1 t-
1 oak mJ. u
mmm, 1
ng, t,a r , I
'on UaltaU. coal 1
Kitchen ittenrils. ,
things whichthepuhUcu
1" on morning of
tm. sharp on ttm,. j 1
your househcld fumltur
stll Hams on communm. rl
stock salea conducted Slri
in the Mate. Satisfaction t
tur. should attend this sale
everything offered It gooi
terfim ii&ri.:. I Fcr Rheumahsm
f $ $ $ $
for Thursday, Friday
'd Saturday
55 rn
?rh lln 1
1 lb. of our best 50c Ten,
English Breakfast, Spider Leg
or Gunpowder for 30c wit n
order of other groociier,
amounting to ,?1.00 or over.
Household Furniture
We pay the Highest Cash Prf
or will sell on commissloj '
the Auctioneers
Phones 611 or 224 I
Hi n, if .
General Debility and Seralf
ness thoir is nothinf tel
than mnssngo or electric tri.i
meat). I
3S1 Stale St. Jtae i''
Geo. E. Good, Prop,
Special No. 2
4 lbs. of Curve Cut Macaro
ni fr 25c with orders of other
groceries amounting to $1.00
or over,
Special No. 3
2 10c Loaves' of Bread for
15c with orders of other gro
ceries amounting to $1,00 or
Special No. 4
1 No. 5 pail of Lard Com
pound for 90c with orders of
other groceries amounting to
$1.00 or over.
Special No. 5
1. lb, of Royal Baking Pow
der for 40c with order of other
groceries amounting to $1-00
or over.
Economize by placing your
order with us today.
'Grocer to the People"
Phone 68
855 N. Commercial Street
We are paying for egg:
29c cash; 30c in trade.
- JB
Office Hub'
Marion W
for coma"1
T T . -
J 3K
Autos to
AM Kini) -jf-
i drivers.