Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 22, 1917, Page NINE, Image 9

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TT'ESDAY MAY 22, 1917.
he Daily
apital Journal
Quick, Handy Reference
for Busy People
XI i
Sealed pfpOM, addrPwed , y R
iitl",,H',r"rT of ,h bord o'f ' re
gent. On-H .R Agricultural CuuVcol
aid board of regents uuril S clock
p. m. May SJ m; fur .
'ig or all material and it.-
I at .. .. - m .... ' ITiiuiui'
oi an labut required for th.
jj'on anj completion of the librarvi
ibuildmir. for tha Aori.-lt....i ..,":
state of Oregon.
AH bijs to be cudor.e.l p.,. . i
V f
i Woodhrn News
MTTTTT TT tt4oata.
Hst-tri Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200
t Truck & Drf Co., corner Stats and Front streets Main 74
r r : t ....
" ...urary building.'1 Said proposals
.- -. r,.ru upua lue aoove date by
Hie Mid board of regents. .
All the work and material must eon-
iherV0 U',.PtaB "J specifications
therefor o file at the olfice 0f the
TrXut', t0r,a11 eun of h
architect. Jolia . Benues. 1040 Chain-
mt of ( uiumen c building, Portland
Ka. h j,ropoiil must be accompanied
uy certmed cheek of five per rent of
tbe amount of the bid a a guarantee
.- ic nuccessiui bidder will enter
"to s contract according to aaid clan
nd specifications. Said check to be
wade payable to the Agricultural Col
lege of the State of Oregon. If for any
reason the bidder fails to execute the
proper eontruct and bond
wilUJD ten days after uotif
I lie
The foltewlnj prices for fruiU
and vegetables are those ,,k,d b
tbe wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what U paid to the produeer.
All other pricea ar those paid the
producer. Correction! w made
The lural quotation on wheat today
is around $2.25. tin account if the un
certainty of the market and aUo the
small qtiautitie that are being offered,
there is but lit'l. buvsig.
Onions are cheaper and the same mav
be miid or California totnatoen. The
market in geiierai is verv quiet. Kng
house are fuian slow waning to' find
out what u ,;oiiij to happeu in tan
nation of
eeeptanc-e f hi bid. then n it
certified vhtk will 1
ithc Aarieultural Collev nf th t..i
of Oregon. Mav22
XIX AT A HA ltd A IN Seven
"i twe ftir y house nlantered
ihuut. r"u . wood hed, two
lotf. plenty of fruit mid room
Wdeii. Siii:ire Deal Heulty .'o.,
I;, 8. Hniik l.ldc.
TiV f AT . n .
: .... ill.. I - m a .mmnw
LQ.. In Mnaonl..
fir tknignts are
tilen C. Nllea. is. c n u -m r,
liien v..
i A. BREWSTER, M. D. Nen
iit, nervotw aDd chronic diseaa
"ipetialty. 35 vre. experience with
j, (iirgerr and drugless method,
ination free. 712 8tat 3t. Phone
f 8tB. Full line nursery atock.
,an prune a specialty. Nursery lo
i one railo east of penitentiary,
test B. 6, Salem, Ore. Phone 100
A,,:,LC9l?.N0' 2022Knlehti and
ITh tt-SJ Buf'ty Meeta every and and
m.?,i W.nr."d1' eb """nth at Hurst
a I" er" are Invited to
Oats, new
Shoita, per ton .
Hay, chp.it
Hay, vetek ,
I uy, clover
Of the Alley In the South Block of Creamery butteri i per' pound"
ll.ittPUa ne.a-Hwnr.l.. j ji . . I i ' 1
Hth Street
IT IV con,n?1"'lcatl0ns third Friday
In each month at 7 :30 p. m. In tSe
Mnaonlc lemple. W. II. Dancy. W M
Erneat H. Cuoate, aecretary. '
Friday night at 8 o'cleck In Derby
bldjt., Court and Dlgh 8ta A J
Bwelnlnk. C. C. ; L. 8. Oeer eieik
607 Court .lr.f' Bi ..Jr.?" t"!"''
), L. SCOTT Oradaate of Chiro
tio'B Fountain Head, Davenport,
, If you have tried everything
! jot no relief, try Chiropractic
J adjustments and get well. Of-
- 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank
iinfz. Phone Main 87, Besidence,
J 828-R.
1 1 CLOUGH CO. 0. B. Webb,
if. Clciigh morticians and funeral
ctors. Latest modern methods
m to the profession employed.
i Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
:tora and undertakers, 252 North
a itreot. Day and night1 phone
M SCAVEXGEK-Charlea Soos,
prietor. Garbape and refuse of all
removed on monthly contraeti
i reasonable rates. Yard and eosa
ill cleaned. Office phone Meir
I Kesidenee, Main 2272.
N Good Real Estate Security
Udd & Buah bank, Salem, Oregon
m Money at Ixiwest Eatea. nn
ed Security. Homer H. Smith,
a5, McCornack Bldg., Salein, Or.
DNITED ARTISANS fnnltal . a. ....
No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p.
I. O. O. F hall. A. A'aueftroS.
A. , C. A. v Ibbert, aecretary. Crown
lrug sure, 838 Stute street,
H. N. A. "Oreeon flrnn. n,,,"
1300, meet every Thursday evening In
' " 'V nd Lafky building, Court and
High etreets; Mn. Sylvia Schaupp,
Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per
sons, recorder, )iW8 Nortll Commerc,aI
I'uone 143UM.
Ovaries Cartwrieht Addition
Notii e is hereby given that the com
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose and
intention to improve the alley in the
south block of Charles Cartwright's
Addition to the city of Salem from
the east line of Capitol street to the
west line of 12th street at the expense
of the abutting and adjacent property
by bringing said alloy to the estab
lished grade and paving the same with
a six inch Portland cement concrete
pavement in accordance with the plans
specifications and estimates of the
city engineer for the improvement of
said alley which were adopted bv the
common council on April 10, 1917", now
on file in the office of the city record
er, which for greater certainty and a
more detailed and particular "descrip
tion thereof are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and intention to make the
proposed improvement of said alley
by and through the Street Improvmcnt
Department of the city of Salem.
isy order ot tne common council.
EARL RACE, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this no
tice, May 19th, 1917. Mav 31
Lf Salem Train No. Ar Portland
4:.H5 m ..... 2 Owl 6:B5 a m
7:11 a m 8 9:25 a m
:45 a m . . . . 10 Limited ,,.11:39 a m
HSOlB 12 1 :35 p m
1:50 pm 14 1:011 p m
4 :00 p m .... 16 Limited .... S :50 p in
5:30 p in ., 20 7:40 p m
7:55 p u 22 10:00 p m
south bound
Portland to sai.bm
Lt Portland
0:30 a m Salem 8:35 Eugene 10:55 a m
Country butter 3032c
xiggi ana routrr
Eggs, trade 30c
Eggs, cash 2(a29c
liens, pound 13c
Hroilers, dressed 23c
Hens, dressed, pound 23c
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, on foot 13 3 -4 14 3-4c
Pork, dressed 17SJHe
Veal, according to quality .... 8(al2'ic
Steers . 89c
una OlafC
Bulls 5faGc
Spring lambs lie
Lambs, yearlings 9c
Wethera 79c
(Capital Journal Spp-ial Service)
Voodhurn, May 22. Kay Durant has
gone to Portland to join the army avi
ation eor..
Henry Uoamau, Agel &9 year, 4
months, was laid to rest in heilp Pasi
cemetery Sunday May 13. Christian
Science services were held at the house:
the O. A. R. officiating at the grave.
He is survived by his wife, they be
ing marrieu over fi8 years, two sons,
Charles Keaman of Woodburn and
Bruce fieaman of Butte, Mont., four
grand children and four great-grandchildren.
Harry West it substituting for Bay
Trullinger, mail earner of H. . D. 2,1
Mr. Trullinger having a tea day lay off!
. Mrs. A. Hock and children of Sil-
verton and aister, Mrs. J. L. Miorey,
and children of Woodburn are visiting
.their mother in Portland.
I Mrs. S. W. Maupinattended the state'
... 'J.2." , convention of Rchekahs at Portland as
(ia67e delegate from Loyal Lodge No. 6 of
40(u42j Woodburn. The delegates held a recep-
$43.tiou at the Multnomah hotel in honor
"of Miss Partridge, supreme record keep-
BoiBrgpPoiidS '
$i BoilirIbinls
for powtrC mileage
Bki, in a Wrailit4,iutM fohnt thl
hoi jmf points (rad-oalry im hi a cofltiniMiat
unbrofctfl cKfv givtnf easy ttrtmf . quick
and tnooth mutlur;, fowl anal !(.
Botlm( pnimn alja rronl (awliw tuiky
Aa the U C. Burru M Stanriinlt Hint,
gravity H yoa Mthmf ft mxtart, hw
evtf cleverly co.Tcoca4 and no matter what
itt (iivity, can aa lot cr.unboki
aencs af boiling ywnla.
Rett Crown H fTiatanfeed t be a itraicrit
dittilM renenry cawkne, ihe h.ling foort.
e4 which f em a cormnuoua cbaui. Red Crown
it aot mactara.
Figs ana Dates
Black flga .. ,
Golden dates ...
Dromedary dates
... 15c
8:30 a in
10:45 a in .
2:05 p m ..
4:40 p m ..
0:05 p m .
8:20 p in .
11 :45 p m . ,
Lt Corvallla
4:10 p m .
Lv Eugene
7 :35 am..
1 :55 p m . .
5 :25 1) in .
iz:ui p
7 ....
..13 Limited .
. . 17 Local . ,
19 ....
... 21 Owl ..
10 Limited
10 Limited
... 22 ....
m 2 Owl . .
Lt Salem
1:53 t m 21 Owl .
10:15 a m
12:55 p m
.10:11 a
.12 :55 p in
. . 4 :15 p m
..6:40 pm
, . 8:10 p m
..11:20 p m
. . 1:53 pm
Ar Salem
. . 5 :30 p in
Ar Salem
. . 9 :45 a iu
. . 4 .00 p 111
. . 7 :55 p m
. . 4 :33 a in
tue Alley in Block 47, City of Salem
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose and
intention to improve the alley in block
47. of the city of Sulevu between the
north line of Ferry street and the
south line of State street at the ex
pense of the abutting and adjacent
property by bringing said portion of
said alley to the established grade and
paving the same with a Portland ce
ment concrete pavement six inches in
thickness, in accordance with the plaus,
specifications and estimates for the im
provement of said portion of said alley
adopted by the common council May 11,
1917, winch are now on rue in tue oi
t'ice of the City recorder, and which
for greater certainty and a more de
tailed description thereof, are hereby
referred to and made a part hereof.
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and intention to make the
proposed improvement auove cieseruieu
by and through the street improve
ment department of the city of Salem.
Hv order of the common council.
' EARL RACE, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this no
tice, May IS, .1917. May 31
Cabbage 5c
String garlic 7c
Xew potatoes 8c
Potatoes, per 100 lbs $22 25
Green onions 40c
Lettuce, California, crate $2
Onions, Bermuda, crate .... $2.502.75
Onions in sack $3.50
Celery, crate - $2
Radishes .. 40c0
California tomatoes $2.50
Asparagus 40c
Spinach., . 5c
Broccoli 4075c
Cucumbers j.-i $11.15
Green peas ' 5Vjc
Turnips, sack $2.50
Turnips, bunch 45c
Strawberries $1.00
Apples 50c(o)$l
Oranges, navels $2(5)3.25
Lemons, per box $3.75(54.00
Bananas, pound o
California gTape fruit $3-50
er of Port Huron, Mich. Mrs. Kittick
also attended the convention from this
Rev. J. (J, Hessler of this city has
been reappointed as evangelist by the
ilillshoro Free Methodist conference.
Mrs. Cammack and daughter, Mrs.
Sadie Winner and son of Portland, vis
ited at the home of C. C. Cammack last
Dr. O. P. Overton of Brownsville was
visiting old friends the last of . the
Mrs. A. E. Austin and Mrs. W. A.
Chapman were joint hostesses at the
home of the former, Thursday after
noon to the P. E. O. The state inspec
tor of the work of the order, Mrs. E.
Seymour of Forest Grove, was present
in addition to the initiation Mrs. L.
Lawrence and Mrs. A. E. Austin were
elected as delegates to attend the state
convention in Portland May Zl. The
hostesses served a fine lunch.
Marvin Hertzler is visiting in this
citv. he is from Crane,
Charles 11. Berrynian oi Dougevmc,
Wis., stopped off here Saturday to vis
it an old friend, E. P. Marconi. Mr
Berrymau is on a tour of , the Pacific
A number from Hubbard and Silver
ton attended the dance given Saturday
night by the Honor Guards,,
The Priscillas were pleasantly enter
tained by Mrs. L. M. Bitney Tuesday
afternoon. The time was spent in sew
ing and a social time. A fine lunch was
served by the hostess. Mrs. Billy .ones
of Sheridan, AVyoming, was an addi
tional guest.
Mrs. W. ftl. Urav or uswego spent
Thursday with Mrs. H. L. Gill.
Mr. and Mrs. Keimetn 1'oorman
drove from Portland to Woodburn Sun
day. Colonel Poorman and H. M. Aus
tin returned home with them, coming
home Monday evening. ,
A large number of bankers and wives
arc expected here Thursday from Polk,
Lincoln, Linn and Marion counties. The
Honor Guards will serve the banquet-.
Mr. and Mrs; W. A. Roberts spent
kV 4na anlA 'fi smrvrftl "
i Tl tl" "J f B :4lrOML ' "
V I "Tlx Golit of Quality 1
Evfrww ,9 tt44iTmmT' Jr M v "..-...j
U: 2Sr
Cloverdale Items
years experience.
pot National, and American fene
m 26 to 58 in. high,
fflts oil and varnish, etc. .
ganbey and hop hooks.
om Fence and Stove Works, S5'
wt street. Phone 124.
Lt Salem
4:15 p a
LV Salem
0 :45 p m
B.H. WHITE and B. W. WAL
" "srpatliic physicians tnf
m specialists. Graduate of Amer
school of Osteopathy, Kirksville
fost graduate and specialized it
-mus i diseases at Los Angeles Col
J Offices C05.50S V. S. Nat. Bonk
f Phone 8.i9. Besidence 1020
-tot. Phone 2215.
" -wr; t,c.CH COUNTKR-
.n.k J. sar ana crca"b 10 cents,
i-T ttm doughnuts, 15 cents
r.'!a All kinds of sand
Z?.y ,.nIlrs n"d soft drinks.
--'""lr J'tiniinr.l Bi.ip, 5.31
1L ,...lf?,er0I1 ani Trade streets
jme monthly in advance.
nifla, ' Pv 1 ' No- 524(i' meeta every
;rfMlnr ,Z , T'j. at 8 o'clock lu Derby
--ill' 1 A, Wright, Clerk,
iB i-oiM
No. 4,
A- F. ft A. Mi
lch """"ClltllMlS fll'uli I.VI.l,, In
ra!ii. p"1. ' s." P- m. In the Masonic
a Sulvw Mclntlre, W. M.
:''t" erv"'M,,r?tef,tlon l'n(ise No, 2.
''foacVh' ;,u,,,,"-v ev;,nlnB at 8 In' the
m, I "'J!1 "'"or Court and Liberty
?Mde ' 8. M. W. ; S, A,
W,Vn,r; A. L. Brown!
ii. Duncan, trpnnncor
K. of P.
: Week ga't ? T,,P8'",y evening
fJil8l". K of It and U.
'3t?ito? ?0CIETTD. D. Keeler,
i s ot tlT -""son. secretary!
'mil. .K..c,r,elty or neglect of dum
5 Limited
Ar Eugene
6:50 a m
12:25 p m
Ar Albany
1 :50 n m
Stops at Corvalis
Ar Aiuany
9 5 :10 p m
Ar Albany
7 :35 - a ni
, Ar Eugene
13 8:50 u m
Ly Corvallla Ar Salem
8:25 i m 10 U '45 a m
12:12 p m 14 1 :45 p ra
2:41 p m 10 4:00 p m
4:10 p m 20 5:30 p m
0:18 p m 22 7:53 p m
Lt Salem Ar Corvnllls
10:15 a m 8 11 :33 a m
4:15 d m 9 5::i P m
12:55 p m 7 2:20 p m
6:40 p m 13 3:oo P m
Sai.bm-Cfeu Link
No. 73 Arrives at Salem 9:15 a m
No. 70 Leaves Salem 9:50 a m
jjo. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) ....2:00 p m
No. 74 Leave Salem 3:u P
No connection south of Oeer.
Florida grape yit $5.506.50 j a f ew days last week, in rprtland at
Houey ,
Retail Prices
Creamery butter 45c
Country hutter oc
Eggs, dozen 35c
Sugar, cane $9.00
Sugar, beet $8.80
Flour, hard wheat $3.455?3.70
Flour, valley $3.203.40
No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor 7':00 n m
No. 103 Lt. Salem, motor 9:45 a m
No. 105 Lv. Salem for Multnomah
and Airlie i P m
No. 107 Lt. Salem, motor 4 :ou p m
No. 109 Lv. Salem, motor 0:15 p m
No. 239 Way Fr't lv. Salem 5:00 n m
lVn 1C' Ar snlpm o .00 a
N. 1(14 Ar. Salem 11:10 a 111
Of Washington Street
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose and
intention to improve that portion of
WnsliinPton street between the east
line of Fir street and the west line of
Libertv street, at the expense of the
abutting and adjacent property by
bringing said portion of Washington
street to the established grade, con
structing cement concrete curbs and
paving said portion of Washington
street with a Portland cement concrete
pavement six inches thick, in accord
ance with the plans, specifications and
o0r,,ntna for 1I10 imui'ovoment of stud
portion 0 Washington street adopted
by the common council 011 the 11th day
of May, 1917, which are now on me in
the office of the city recorder, which,
for greater certainty ami a more uc
tailed description thereof are hereby
referred to and made a part hereof.
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and intention to make the
above described improvement by and
through the street improvement depart
ment of the city of Salem.
Bv order of the common council.
" EARL RACE, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this no
tice,' May 15, 1917.
Portland, Or., May 22.-
Club $2.03
Bed Bussiun $2.02
Blnestem $2.07
Fortyt'old $2.0
Oats', No- 1 white feed $50
Barley, feed $8
Hutter! city creamery 39(a40c
Eggs, selected Ial ex. 33( 33K.fi
Hens 17c . .
Broilers 17ft 22e
Geese 11 fit 12c ,
Livestock Market
Portland. Or., May 22. Cattle re
eipts UH. Market steady. Light, steers
$10.50(5) 10.75; heavy steers 10.o0
10.75; cows $9(u-i..0; heiters $9(i;10,
the home' of their son, Winifred Rob
Mrs. K. 6. Emmett entertained a tew
friends Wednesday evening in honor of
Mrs- O. P. Overton ot Brownsville, rive
hundred was played after which a dain
tv lunch was served.
Naomi Hicks spent Friday and Sat
urday in Portland visiting her sister
and shopping.
Harry Bailev wno is teacinng near
Silverton spent the week end visiting
friends here.
"The New Co-ed" given by the sen
ior class of the Woodburn high school
was a fine success. The opera house wae
crowded to the fullest capacity with
an appreciative audience. The charac
ters all displayed great talent and were
a credit to their instructor Supt. Col
lins. The songs by the H. S. chorus
were applauded long and loud.
journaTwant ads pay
Sheep receipts none. Market nominal.
Hest enst of mountain lambs 3.5()(f.';
1 ; vallev lambs $1 3m. T3.0; wethers
$12.2512.50; ewes $9(5)12.
Hog 'receipts 28. Market strong.
I Heavy $l(S(a.l(S.25; light $1.;. iota 10.10.
, (Capital Journal Special Service)
Cloverdale, . May 22. G. W. ' Farris
was seen in Turner Monday with a
load of hogs.
. P. A. Wood and son, Carl, motored
to Salem Tuesday.
Orandma Peetz of Salem came out
Wednesday to visit with her son, Her
man, and familv for a short time.
Miss Winnio Wipper came homcV Fri
day to visit for a few days.
The high school pupils of this vicini
ty attended the ball game in Salem Sat
urday. Cloverdale school closes next Friday;
there is to be a program followed by a
basket supper.
Mrs. Herman Pectz will move to
Turner soon to take charge of the cen
tral telephone office.
The ideal Kcbekah lodge invited in
a few of their frdiends to enjoy the
evening with them on aSturday even
ing, May 19.
The Turner band furnished the in
strumental music and it was highly en-
loved bv all.
O. A. Jiaiwood, tne grand guardian
of the grand lodge of Oregon, was with
ns for the evening, and gave a snort
talk on the work of the lodae and es
pecially mentioned the orphans and old
folks home in Portland.
The principal speaker of the even
ins was Mr. Adams of Silverton who
gave such a good talk on Odd Fellow
ship, he told of how few in their first
few years and how they grew from
year to year until they stand one of the
strongest orders of the world, lie tola
of the aid given to their aged whom
misfortune has lott destitute ana ot
their care for their little orphans. He
spoke of why and how they are plan
ning .to build a new structure for these
same unfortunates, lie ftrougnt out tne
fact that 110 politics whatever was con
nected with this, how the very oest par
ties attainable are hired to look afte:
these children, and many other point:
on Oddfellow-ship. -
Salem lodge and Silverton lodge were
also represented'.' Mr. Patterson, N. O.,
and Mr. Chenoweth, V. O., and Mr. Me
Kirov and others from Chemeketa lodge
and Mr. Baker of Stayton lodge all
giving short talks and praising Ideal
lodge for her progress as she is not a
vear old vet.
Others who took part in the program
were: recitation, Laura Nicely; duet
Misses Helen and Sybil Feet.; duet,
Misses Emma and Ida Hohl; and then
the ladies served a lunch in the banquet
i hall to some 125 people, making it a
late hour when all departed.
The Oddfellows and Rebekahs of Tur
ner hope in the near futnre to have
several of these friends "who learned
of what they stand' for and are doing
join with them in these orders.
Mount Angel Items
(Capital Journal Special Serviec)
Mt. Angel. May 22. The play "Tho
Unwritten Law" was rendered last Sun
day by the Dramatic club. It was well
attended, the proceeds being $111.
Mr. Ernest of Spokane came to visit
his uncle, Mr. Ernest,' who is not en
joying the best of health.
Archbishop Alex Christi of Portland
came last Sunday evening. Monday
morning he ordained Fr. Leo Walsh iu
the chapel on lite butte.
Miss Maude Bach went to Monitor
to clerk in one of the stores.'
Mrs. Arnold Ruef and two sons ami
Alois Imped of Stayton paid a few days
visit with Mr. anil Mrs. Matti.
Miss Bertha Schwab left Thursday
for Sulphur Springs, Wash., where she
will keep house for her uncle.
Schmidt Bros, have been kept busy
showing people how to drive the Ford
this week. They soiu one to .. ineiu,
O. C. Long, Ed Riugstad, "Wilhelm
Lichts anfl P. S. Tuchs. -
The voting ladies sewing circle will
be held at Miss Eberle's home. Wednes
day evening.
Mrs. T. H. Kockweil of Pasadena,
Cal., is here visiting her parents.
i,.. T.' a Ti..ll.. 0 V ti.;ti,
attended the Knights of Columbus statu
convention at Portland.
One of the most striking results of
the great war in Europe, is the extent,
to which women are doing the work
of men. Travelers to England anil
France report that practically every
able bodied man is in uniform and wo
men by the thousands are engaged in
doing men's work Reting as conduct
ors and drivers on the cars and doing
all sorts of heavy work beside.
This shows unexpected possibilities
in what has been mistakenly called the
weaker sex. Women arc subject to ail
ments whieh men do not have, ami
when so ailing become weak, helpless
sufferers. But a remedy has been fonud
For forty years, Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has been making
such women will and strong, and as
able to do work as any other woman.
No. 108 Ar. Snlcm
Nn. 170 Ar. Sniem
No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem
1:00 p
.7:45 p va
.2:30 p m
Of Leslie Street
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council deems it expedient so to
irclr.S-::::::::.. ;
Leslie street from the east line ot torn
mercinl street to the west line ot Lib
erty street at, the expense of the abut
ting and adjacent property by bringing
said portion of Leslie street to the es
tablished grade, constructing cement
concrete curbs and paving said poitun
of Leslie street with gravel ceme.it-
Ilclies THICK IU ui-i ui. ......
I... 1. ,.i,..,u Biiec.ifientums and esti-
Oregon City Transportation Compana
Knnta leave Salem tor Portland Monday.
n'.in,rtnif nnrl Fridav at 11 a. m. ; and
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings
at a. m. ror I'orvniuo m ":
n, Ti.ori,tT .nnrl Saturday
r'..rY'Vmck Boats leave Port- concrete, six .
land lor Salem at 0:45 each morning.
"Y ySfe
mates for the improvement 01 sum pi
tioi, of said street, adopted by the com;
mon council
file in the
which for greater certa
detailed description
on Amy '1 """ . 1
office of the city recoroei,
rtainty ami u nn'ir
thereof are hereby
i . , t
referred to and made a pari ne.eu .
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and intention to maKC
I ,s.? imorovement by and
through the street improvement depar
ment of the city of Salem.
Bv order of the common council.
, im, HCE. City Recorder.
n.,te nf first publication of this no
ticc, May 15, 1917.
May 20
r . (vs " -l '""y
r77Z I fT CMUSTN T54 AfaTTEftA ( . HEf Louie - f
0VR ) WEK jU K ( V 1 t SLIGHT
j j
iJm Vii fMMLX . . - 1 1
'' 'or iuvestltilr l tU
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