HON TAKEN ON URAHENDHENTS Jleefe Called for !onday to Take Ac Concerning Them .THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. PRECOX TITFn a v MAY 22. 1917. THREE ,j M.ll-t. of Ward "r''' ...V jk it nil count of "" I ,.c,t week !',l.lc t serve council :"r,c,(th ward. The re. , ,civcl u.l ; . ed on file .if two candidates to fill ".Ulil-nHn MUlet. who ,, ll bin salary and emol : .cures i'h th honored .. ..maented to me iir . Th first was mi"". "- nr.-. rn, " .,u too fitlii'i vcten of the aevrnth ward. The !. tun of new alderman to fill the v cen y will he taken up an a spc-i 0r ler of buino at the i .,.. rUti.Ly Bizl,t. i On la.it.ou of Councilman Kllii.lt. 1 apefial meeting of the council wai rail-i ff e.l for neat Monday niKht at which ra time tne amendments to tie eharter ! f! will be brought up for diaeuMion. Thig'M roHaed re aivtviMment aiiiendiiient nor E the question of calliiiK a aporial rityfl IIIM WWf W9WMJlnvJtfl A FEW OF OUR MANY PRICES that of night. Soma Wages Raised By resolution, the siiIhii.-k of never ill of the men in the street department were rained. The increases are an fob hoilowx: W. M. Zeieher, mechanic in! street department, from 75 to $S0; ; Leonard Zwickcr, expert in the newer department, from jH'.IiO to L'.Tj a day: i Walter Hirdwell, dog catcher, from : $2.50 to 2.7f a day; teamster fioirr j 2.25 to 2.50 a day; common laborer from twenty five eeuta to thirty eeuti an imur; unvni jcrman, atableman, from $00 to $H5 a month. I In accordance with instruct ion from i 0. Iretnn Wlin ' .. II U . n - other was ,IBr,-1".- .Untioii was asked ''y -0 NEGLECT ..i f fill's and two condi- .jly become . using worse. Believe ILE REMEDY of merit and guarantee to Sold only by Me Bml "ital Drug Store, J. K'gg, mm' ISM T TIE TODAY g n n n u n a ii ii u it n n n ii a n m TOMORROW 5s OMAN HOOD j Great Prepared ness picture yingr to Capacity. WHY DALTON H II H II 1.1 tl m the council, several weeks ago Recorder; Kae" asked for bids on a rock crusher. I Lust night several bids were received and opened. The amounts varied con siderably, the lowest beinq $!i"5 and the highest 20ti5, The bids were re ferred to the spccml committee having. tne matter in cnarge. Hoth Htate and Commercial streets will be better lighted if the several pe titions for electric signs are granted. The following petitioned the council lor permission to install electric signs in front of their places of business: () .T. Sehei, The Salem Woolen Mills store, Hteusloff Brothers, The Capital Drug Stie, Chambers and Chambers, and Jfeyers Htore. The petitions were refer red to the committee on lights with power to act. In regard to the bill due on rock crusher rolls that were purchased by the city in the spring of JSdti and on which tne sum of iillil was paid, Coun cilman Klliott moved that a warrant bo drawn for the amount yet unpaid, which amounts to $12i(). The original cost of the rolls was .$17."0. ' Some Other Matters The matter of the acceptance by the city of the deed fo Hush 's pasture was made a special order of business at the special meeting of the council next ..londay night. The report of the park committee was read last night, it was without any recommendation. The building committee reported that according to information given by Ar chitect l'ost, if a stairway was built in the tower of .the city hall so that the tower could be used in erecting a flag pole from which to fly the big Am erican flag recently purchased, the cost would be about $4(13. If the pole, is put up on the ridge of the main building the committee stated it could be erect ed at much less cost. The building com mittee reported that its funds were overdrawn at the present time and that if a polo was erected the. money would have to be taken from another fund. New Office Created One of the most important measures to get by the Kalein council in a long time was the lire marshal ordinance, which was passed last night by a vote- two. Councilman r.uciiner n M H n u ii n ti 14 11 v 11 ii u I ( A FEW OF OUR MANY PRICES 1 Lot Pure Worsted Suits, reg ular $25.00 ; $7.95 AH Men's Trousers One-Half Off Summer 2-Piece Underwear, regular $1, each 49c Men's Garters, regular 25c .... 16c Two-Piece B. V. D., regular 50c 19c Boys' Raincoats, regular $3.50. . $1.75 MEN'S HATS, REGULAR- $2.00 cut to $1.35 $3.00 cut to $2.10 ..$3.50 cut to $2.49 Eirick Biroso ClOSiNG OUT ALE Continues to Bring Big Crowds WHY NOT? When men can come here and buy the newest and best lines of Clothing from blue serges to fancy mixtures in any size from 34 to 48 and save from 25 to 50 cents on the dollar? ' Delayed shipments of thousands of dollars worth of new Spring and Summer Clothing, Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Shoes, etc., have just been unpacked and every arti cle placed on sale at prices to defy any competition or sale ever advertised in Salem. No war prices here: REMEMBER no selected lots; our entire stock of high "grade Clothing, etc., is sacrificed in our desperate and sin cere effort to close out and quit business for good. BRICK BROTHERS SSS! Underwear Porisknit Union Suits, regular $1.00 69c Work Shirts, regular 65c 48c B. V. D. Union Suit, regular $1.00 89c Men's Sox, black and tan, reg ular 10c 4c Wool Underwear, 2-piece, reg ular $2.50, each 98c White Canvas Hats, regular 50c 23c Wool Sweater Coats, regular $4.00 $2.00 iala fa wft raj iW fefl Bfttt it il itiin it WH W$ 'Pi'W SW iaaaai apjll wkt ialta &aat aattS aaa4 Z3 tl m n tt n ii ti it it 13 II w IJ ii a ii ii H tl II n M n m XA II II m 'm n n n 13 11 tl n n i; 13 ' El IS CI n u wmtm HE DARK ROAD THE ' regon rhe Best Always" of nine to and Wilson voted against it. This ordinance creates in the city a fire marshal, who is given power to en ter all premises for the purpose of in spection as to fire hazards. He is em powered to order the removal, or the repair, of any place or thing that in his opinion constitutes a fire hazard and consequently a menace to lite and property. He can do this by serving written notice personally or by man. He can prohibit the storage of com bustibles and can regulate fire ex tinguishing apparatus. Jn other words this ordinance cre ates an officer who is charged with l..l,:,... off.... tlio onfetv of the DCOIHO nf Hi., eitv nn rlniithoiized to do SUCH things as best to prevent fires and the loss gf life and property from fires. If property owners receive notice rom the fire marshal to clean up their prem ises hereafter, it will behoove the prop erty owner to do so. And, under the state law, should he neglect to obey the order and there results a fire with at tendant loss of property of a tenant or perhaps loss of life, he is estopped, from setting up any defense against a claim for dainaes brought by the ten ant or person injured. Hutton is Appointed Chief of the Fire Department Hut ton is made by this ordinance fire marshal of the city of Salem, which is in pursuance 10 me simp i .....v went into effect yesterday. The state law makes the insurance commissioner hief tire marshal ot the state. lie nan several deputies. Also, the duets ot tne PEOPLE ASK US what is the best hair tonic. e always recommend THAB6 MASH HAIR TONIC We know the formula and it is a .) SnlH nnlv bv us, 50c and ii.no. Canital Drug Store, Z. J. Eiggs, Salem. Ore. . t i tl i ! I m iiiiiiiiiiiiiif! rHm rrrrr We Invite You to Take a Look !:: FASHION HINT- -A WHITE I.ACE HAT WITH FLOW EES A STRAW. CROWN AND various fire departments are by virtue of their office deputy fire chiefs. Po; lice officers, by virtue of their office, are deputy fire chiefs. It is in pursu ance to this new law that the ordinance was passed last night. While the Massachusetts, legislature by repealing the law that forbade Sun day gardening has removed the legal inconvenience, it at the same time must have taken about all the fun out of it. AT THE DISPLAY OF GOOD SHOES IN OUR SOUTH WIN DOW. THESE SHOES CONSIST OF CORNS PEEL RIGHT OFF WITH GETS-IT Drops, and the Corn is a "Goner!" Wlien vnu've eot to walk on the side of your shoe to get away from those awful corn pains, there's only one com- The Just Wright Shoe $5.00 to $7.00 a pair Our Special . . . . $5.00 to $6.00 OUR FULL LINE CONSISTS OF ARMY SHOES, MEN'S RED WING WORK SHOES, BOYS' DRESS SHOES, OUTING SHOES, IN BRIEF "EVERY SHOE FOR EVER Y PUR POSE." OUR HOBBY IS "SHOES THAT FIT THE WEAR ER." WHEN YOU PAY US $5 TO $7.00 FOR A PAIR Ot SHOES, YOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT NO ONE COULD HAVE SOLD YOU ANY BETTER SHOES AT THE SAML PRICE OR LESS. "OUR GOODS MUST BE RIGHT. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE biles. They loft in the direction of the railroad bridge near which the decapi tated body of the child was found some days after she had disappeared while on ner way irom nome to school ft ,,,, . ,.. at ii o'clock in the When Parsons was being tied to tlie morning a Turner, 3 o'clock in the af- tree, he made a confession saying he tcrnoon at Marion and in the evening chopped the girl's head off and assault- 0 C'0CK " Jcneison. a 1 -u j ext Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, ed her body. t, Wnmnns cib 0f Salem will be ad- Ho implicated two other negroes who ,,,, lw waitPT T.. tw nnd Miss he said afterwards assaulted the body. (.n,.lloi; Marvin, t.hn state librarian. Hundreds of women are in the mob jn tljQ au(itorium of the Salem public cii.frnifv "Hfltm .In 111 KrflWll ' ' iM TS. ti. "6"' . .""" . , . , iiiurary Minnie Woods, motlier ot tno aeaa gin, ..ifr, " -gJ'int lii Ti V mi T irir ""' liiull iri'l' flrftnWIiii iff in Your Corns Won't NEGRO EXPIATES (Continued from page one.) Tjiessed themselves in favor of the bonds by a two thirds majority. Meetings favoring the road bond is stio will be held tnis wcck as ioiiows: Mount Angel, Tuesday evening with ad dresses by Benson, Bowerman, Toozo, llofer and Deckebach. Wednesday three meetings will be addressed by J. Warren Kerrigan Will Appear IN PERSON at the OREGON THEATRE SATURDAY Matinee and Evening JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY use ,u.i,u. ii.pvII Slirlvcl, l-yonen and i'eel On: mon' sense thing to do. Put 2 or 3 d'ons of "Gets-It" on the corn right away Pain aid inflammation will dis appear, the corn will begin to shrivel from that instant then it loosens and falls right off. rn...'.. nn other corn remover in the world that acts like "Gets-It." No new discovery has been made in corn removers since "icts-i " born. Don't forget that fact, "Gets It" does away for ever with the use of salves that irritate, bandages that make a bundle of your toe, plasters that half do the work knives and scissors that draw blood. Use "Gets It" no more digging or cutting. "Gets-It" is sold everywhere, 2ac a bottle, or sent on receipt of price by & Co.. Chicago, 111. Sold in Salem and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry, Opera House Pharmacy. Ainr.1inir to Mr. Tooze. the cam- was brought to the stake in time to see ,,aign j progressing successfully and th,e torch applied. When tho fire be- the outloolc favorable. neath the negro was blazing, a collec- m tion for a tombstone for the girl's grave jn tjie C11tente allies, pact against the was made. separate peace nothing was said about Person wa cho ned to a log to winch a Hpuarato truce, to be sure, but Rus- branches of trees and other wood had gia should be reminded that a truce, been fastened and saturated with gaso- jf it lasts long enough, cannot be dis- line. When the fire started to Mini tne tinguished from a peace. doomed negro did not utter a word, not even a groan. As he burned, two men each cut off an ear as a souvenir, utn crs tried to cut off toes and finger.. As others tried to cut the body, a leader mounted an automobile ana cried: "Don't cut any ot hint ott, let all of the dog bum." They stenped back and cheered as the body smoked and sizzled in the flames. A speaker who asked the mob to pause 'for prayer before the fire was started was liooteit uown, rue num shrieking "He didn't give little An toinette a chance to pray and he'll get none from us." "Let him puffer ten million pains to pay for the girl's death," she screamed. Her appeal was received with a cheer. None, of the members of the mob were masked. All defied the officers openly. Many of them are well known ttirougn out the country. The little, thing, as it may seem, when your grocer sends you a big wrapped loaf of Meeting at Gervais Endorses Road Bond A meeting of those active in the work favoring the (i,000,0OO road bond issue was held Monday at Gervais. Ad dresses were made by Simon Benson, chairman of the highway commission, former state senator Bowerman, Walter L. Tooae and Ceoige Koclgers. mere was a largo attendance of both men and women and according to Mr. Tooze on a rising vote, the Gervais people ex Sell it Journal classified ad way. J r lbs' iifl I 1 lmm ! il t I "T,WBIBIIW1 when you merely ask for bread is really a true act of friendship he has given you the best he can. CHERRY CITY BAKING CO. TurnA RAT? A PlHECfTION WILLIAM FOfc THREE DAYS STARTING STARTING TODAY Theda Bara In her first special De Lux Production "THE DARLINGS OF PARIS" Special 2-Reel Hank Mann Comedy YE LIBERTY