Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 22, 1917, Image 1

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T YEAR-NO. 122
Them Command of
Suiffe and Gears
ay Down It
ABOVE 15,009
sugtlienin? Hold On
i Recently Cap
lave Quiet Day
, Henry Wood,
m Staff Correspondent.)
ifiifh ArniirH in the Field,
ce Puniliiy Germany lias
3 fifteen thousand men in
M and missing in the
hich the French had to
full possession of all ini
son all dominating crests
filliers crest.
s are those of headcjunr
,vc uii ndciptntc idea of
it of the victory achieved
French double advance
ile' men are now in com
iniKirtant points between
ilet nml Teton. They arc!
4 mile of Moronvilliers
5 the French lines were
snl today there is a elear
' valley of the Suippe.
positions were attained
' fighting in an advance
y executed on hojh the
western ext remit ies of the
tli Take Day Off
l:iy 22. British forces
consolidating their newly
i in the lliudenburg lino'
iereil raids aimed to dis
fength and nature of the
mum forces. Field Mar
rcirt revealed no major
wiis, out showed effective
iritisli guns.
irrasCainlirai road north-
"H yesterday afternoon o
w nmmuiiition dump was
: iic said. 'The Nl.k of
);is f.-it a great distance
l of Epchy and north of
wo curried out successful
t the night. Fast of Bulle-
the Arras-Camlirni road
liens the enemy artillery
U nifcht." '
3 Prisoners Taken.
T I!:'. One thousand prison
sen by French forces in the
which ,( 1I0W firmv
toronvdliers crest, today's
mont stated. Tliere heavy
fter attacks against posi-
section conquered yester
P'lsed during last night,
itfico reported violent can
' t;',c I'biteau Vaucleri sec-
Brians Repulsed. ' ' '
ij 22. Austrian forces at
mt Dosso Alto and Mount
ake (Jarda nnd the
l'Ulscd with heavy losses,
;t"Jv's official statement.
German Version.
.ft ....! ... .
J'' were inflicted
" advancing
Had No License and
It Cost Him $25
Juuics Murphy, who lives five mile
uorth of Nalein oa the Nilverton road
appeared before Judee Webster vHt..r.
day and pleaded guilty to fishing with
out an angler', license. It cost him
ana trimmings. Uame Warden Ruy
Brenner says that Murphy claimed he
nau a license out Uia not have it with
him when the warden happened to find
him fishing a few day ago- As so manv
meu nave claimed to have angler's li
cense yet could not produce them, the
warden has turned over a new leaf and
L. ....... ft..- .t...A..- : .. i . .....
i la caugni risiung
nnu cannot prouuee nig license on de
mand, will be subject to arrest. The
old story about leaving the license at
homo will not work hereafter. The law
requires a fisherman should tarry his
license with him and Mr. Brenner is
now working on the letter of the law.
An angler's license now costs $1.50.
of 5.000 Frenzied 0
Atrociousness Take Part
in Execution
Madrid. May 25Ten persons
were killed and 5(J injured in se
rious food riots at Lisbon Man
day, aecordiug to. word received
here today. Troop, had diffi
culty in quelling; the disturb
ance. A number of bakeries in the
city were sacked jby the towns
people. Another dispatch from
Badjos today declared that riot
ing U spreading all over Petro
grad several proftincei report
ing disturbances.
The strict censorship is pre
venting details. !
These Armed, Are Located In!
labm and Desperate Fight
May Ensue
nch law j.
rdled this section this afternoon. With (
Memphis, Teun., May 22 Lyi
Kll Person, negro, dead, burned at the
stake seven milen from Memphis, on
the Macon road, this morning and with
(Dummy) Ford, another negro, captured
and ready to face the fate of Person, a
mob estimated "at more than 5.000 is
scouring the country around Memphis
i i u mini i-iacK. i
When Person was tied to the stake1
and the torch applied lie implicated
Ford and the third negro in the killing 1 1
and assault nf Anlnm,tt,. t?.,i it r
iiui, a iu-
near here, on
Norway, Sweden and Den
mark Bitter Over Sink
ing of Their Ships
Stockholm, May 22. Growing popu
lar and official resentment against (ier
nieny, due to recent losses of Swedish
ships by submarines was intensified to
day bv announcement that the steamers
Lizzie, tioeta nnd Knell had been cap
tured en route between Hweden ninf
Finland. Presumably the Qennun ves
sels which-mnde the captures took the
ships into port, but their disposition
was not reliited.
.Sweden, .Norway and Denmark have
recently suffered heavy losses through
(iernian I'-bonts. A stutement received
from Denmark semi-official sources to
day detailed resentment tliere because
of this campaign and declared since the
start of the war, MO Danish ships had
been lost through submarines and
mines, with 210 seamen lost. Of this.
-10, two hundred were said to have per
ished in the Inst three months since
inauguration of. the German unrestrict
ed submarine .warfare. , ,
Says "Boy Scout System
Makes Boys Ungentlemanly"
T.os Allffeles. tnl.. M.iv 29. finite n
littlo furore is brewing in bov s-out I with the barricaded ucgroeg is expect-
eircles today a result of the charge of d- Ford is still detained in his cabin
near here. He was shot through the arm
when he reached for his shotgun as- a
portion of the mob closed in on hiin.
Late, yesterday Parsons was forcibly
taken from sheriff's deputies who were
conveying him from Nashville, to Mem
phis, Tenu. The niou met the train at
Potts Camp, overpowered the guard,
seized the prisoner and after declaring
their -intention of summarily executing
him for the crime, made off in automo-
Area Six Blocks Wide and 24
Long Burned In Heart of
Residence District
New York, May 22. An un
successful attempt on the life of
Minister of War Kerensky in
Petmgrad was. reported todav in
n dispatch to the Jewish Daily
Foiward- ;
"An attempt oh the life of
War Minister Kerensky was
made just now," the dispatch
stated. "Kerensky escaped. All
the participants arrested. Hum
ors are that the plot was ar
ranged by the supporters of the
old regime." . ,
Loss Will Total Millions
OOier Cities Aiding the
Thousands of Homeless
Atlanta, Ga., May 22. Having burn-
cd through the heart of Atlanta's rcsi
donee district, making 10.000 persons
t . . , . . .
,"""'. V"n destroying at least three
- ; million dollars worth of nrnnortv mi
of rroncrtv. one
of the worst fires the south has ever
3T55leSC3r 1Tlnw Una fjnullu rrnUn ...wl... t
tuucii uimui vumrui
here early today. There was only one
! death. Miss Bessie Hodges died from
i shock. Sixtv nersmm worn iniuvnil
year-old school till
Ford had been arrested in connection
with the murder, which was committed
on the Wolf Kiver branch of the Ma
con road. He was rereased because of
luck of evidence. He is deaf and dumb
and the police could not 'get him to
write a statement.
According to latest reports reaching
here this n'fteruoon. Ford is being held
by the mob jr. the neighborhood of the
crime. He will be held until the third
man is captured, according to these re
ports, and the two will bo burned at the
stuno stake.
Dnu Armstrong, third negro, implicat
ed by Person, vas located together with
several other armed negroes, in a shack
on the outskirts of the Wolf Kiver dis
trict, shortly after 1 o'clock: this aft
ernoon. Leaders are rushing to Mem
phis for reinforcements and a battle
Eio De Janeira, May 22.
Brazil may declare war on Ger
many today. Such a course by
the government 'Was predicted
by newspapers and officials to
day. The greatest interest was
manifested in the text of a spe
cial message to congress which
President Braz announced would
be transmitted late todav.
iiev. Charles T. Murphy, rector of Trin
ity church that the boys are becoming
"far more ungentlemaiily nnd uncouth,
have used coarser language than they
did before the scout movement was be
gun. '
Murphy's remarks, made at the Epis
copal dieesian convention, were by no
menus unanimously accepted. Other
ministers immediately arose to declare
the boy scout work," on the contrary,
drew the boys closer to the church and
the rector.
(Continued on page three. y
- 'Gall
on at-
t roops this
mill lntnr of
'""""iff to today's official
advance failed.
lo, o' fnk: rm!,nt r
is bnn, r. " Pass 'em-
" "'oniler w L I s are,so This seems to be the general spirit
l"cy uatae
Bargains for Bargain Day
Are Numerous in Salem's
Many Stores
New Firms Are Being Added Daily
As Snlem's First Annuul Bargain
day approaches the merchants are
becoming more nnd more cognizant
of the magnitude of the event the
stimulus it will be to business in gen
eral, and the advantages it will afford
the buying public not only of Walem but
of nil the contiguous territory.
Eenlizing this, several more mer
chants have signified their desire to
line up with the Bargain day movement
and help make tho occasion the most
successful merchandising event ever
held in Salem.
To accommodate the shoppers who
will journey here to make their pur
chases, many ingenious sale plans will
be put into effect on this day of all
days for bargains.
That the bargains to be offered will
far outshine those of any similar event
over held in Salem goes withuui saying.
The merchants have their plans for the
conduct of their Bargain day business
so well outlined that tne shoppers will
they have put their shoulders to the
wheel of the Bargain day proposition
They are all working in harmony for
the upbuilding of better and more
friendly trade relations between Salem
and every other part of Marion county.
Mingled with this harmonious effort is
a good natural business rivalry as to
which will offer the most attractive in
dueements to buyers.
It makes little difference v.diat the
shoppers may want the bargain
stores are of such diversified character
that everythiiiff desired will be avail
able at rock bottom prices: Clothing
for men, women and children; shoes for
the wholo family: jewelry for the rel
ative, sweetheart or friend; furniture of
every description; hardware, stoves and
implements, millinery or tne most popu
lar effects; bicycles, motorcycles, etc.;
pianos and other musical instruments;
gas ranges and electrical supplies; dry
m' nru uui illll'U liitvL tile oiiuitipvio r-- ... , . u-i J
be afforded n wide range of choicet and! goods without end; automobiles and au
will find all merchanowe so systematic-1 toi.iobilo supplies; meals of iinn.ua
nllvdisplayedthatthetask of shopping merit; dental work at reduced prices,
wiil be greatlv simplified. Extra clerks movie shows extraordinary; grocer
will also be "engaged so that patrons , ies of endless vanety-in fact there is
will not have to "stand around indef-! hardly anything that money could buy
iuitely" to bo waited upon.
In speaking of tha coming event one
of Snlem's leading business men said:
"I'm going to show the people of Ma
rion county what a real live sale is. I
Iidva lnurl-a nf tiiprplifl niliaa nnd let the
buyers come ns thick and as fast as Day Store-"
il" mi .. !... 41 :,,.i;..tal Thn folloWl
inpy win, we v.ui give luviu jmniuuiH
service and prices far below the ordin
ary. My entire stock will be largain
ized. I do'not expevct a profit except
the profit of making many friends
among those who visit our store,
that cannot be purchased on Bargain
dav at bargain prices.
in order to aid the buyers in locat
ing the Bargain day stores, large cards
will be displayed in the store windows,
bearing the words, "This is a Bargain
of all the. stores, shops and shows that
Tho following business men nave al
ready joined the Bargain day movement.
Others will be added' f row day to day:
Imperiol Furniture company
Home furnishings,. Victrolas and Vic
London, May 22. Mexico has
presented a formal note of pro
test against the submarine war--fare-to
the GermB.n1'oreign- of
fice, according to an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from--Amsterdam
today. The Mexican min
ister in Berlin held a lengthy
conference with the foreign of
fice yesterday.
j X ... -".I"' VU.
1 The cause of the fire, which started
in a storage house on Decatur street, is
, unknown. Fire authorities believe it
! was incendiary- Mayor Candler be
,lieves it was accidental. An invpstiga-
j tion is in progress.
Today's great task is caring for the
thousands of homeless and destitute who
j lost everything in the flames.
I Vandalism was throttled beforo dawn
by the arrival ot student reserve of
ficers from Fort MeFhcrson, who are in
control of the situation. The only ar
rest so far was that of a man who tried
to steal, a piano standing on the side
walk. Eod Cross nurses and dozens of volun
teers cared for the homeless men, wo
men and children wnndering through
the devastated district where their
httrrrea had been. VCTaww w
' Petrograd, May A general
congress of workmen and sol
diers from till Russia has been
called for June 11 to discuss
"war," peace, finances, land,
labor, aimy organization and
the constituent assembly," ac
cording to announcement today.
sjc sji sjc (
Condition of Senator
Lane Is Declared to
Reflect Little Hope
' San Francisco, May 22. Shortly be
fore midnight it was rcpo-ted at Ft.
Francis hospital that Senator Lane 's
condition was rapidly growing worse.
"Senator Lane is sinking," was the
word given out.
"Senator Lane', c.onditio-i is ex
tremely critical," said Dr. . .Rvfkoge!
Monday afternoon. "He is s.u-feiinj
from hardening of the artc.-ies and a
general breaking down of the nervous
tissues. Aside from admlnisterlu r-somc
drugs, nothing more can be done for
him- There is nothing to do. TUs condi
tion may improve temporarily, but 1
cannot see much hope for bii.i. I fear
he will never leave the hoijiital. His
trouble had advanced too far by tho
timo he reached San Francisco for med
ical science to effect a euro."
Two other doctors are in consult:'
tion with Dr. Hyfkogel.
The strain caused by hai'd work dur
ing the present session of co igceii i."
believed to have been responsible for
the breakdown from whi;-h Senator
Lano is suffering.
At 11:30 it was stated at the hospital
that Senator Lane's condition was un
changed since last night.
Gives Senator Lane
But One Week of Life
San Francisco, May 22.
That Senator Lane of Oregon,
ill in a San Francisco hospital,
is worse and that the senator
probably ..will .."not live more
than a week," was the state
ment of Dr. H. A. L. Kyfkogel,
attending physician, this afternoon.
(Continued oa page ix.)
Residential' sections untouched by, the
blaze threw open their doors to" the
sufferers and Mayor Candler1 - an
nounced that while outside offers were
appreciated the city would take care of
its own. The fire was brought under
control only by the liberal use of dyna
mite. Private residences were blown up
on every side of the 'fire. Even then
the blaze was so fierce it rached out
and licked up piles of furniture in the
streets and adjoining alleys.
But Little Saved.
Seventy-five residential blocks of the
city were wiped out.
Few in path of tho fire saved more
than they could carry. People were
slow to appreciate the rapidity of the
fire's approach, even hours after its
start- The blaze progressed as fast as
a man could walk.
Families and individuals got away in
every sort of conveyance and on foot.
Many of them thought the city was
doomed. Hundreds came straggling
back along country roads this morning.
Acres of beautiful homes were blown
from their foundations in the 12 hour
fighting. Tho heavy detonations
thundered and shook the city through
the night, adding to the terror and mis
ery of the homeless folk hurrying off
into the darkness from the great blaze.
Fire fighting apparatus from the
neighboring cities rendered able service
and today continued to direct streams
of water on the long lino of smolder
ing ruins.
Burned Like Tinder.
Starting in the Skinner storage and
warehouse plant near Decatur and Fort
streets, the blaze' quickly spread to
small frame buildings nenrby. Dry as
tinder, they added fuel to the flames
which rushed north and northeastward
on the wings of a gale.
When the alarm reached tho fire de
partment much apparatus and many men
were already out fighting two other
blazes. This handic-pped the depart
ment and gave the fire its start. This
also gave rise to reports of incendiar
ism. Funds were being received today by
the local Red Cross and the Associated
Charities for the care of the homeless
Both white and black were cared for.
A path of smo"king ruins, six blocks
in width and 24 in length extends today
from Decatur street to Vedado Way. In
cluded in tho awath are the ashes of cot,
tages and of mansions.
Heroic Fighters.
Heroes faced the advance of the
flames at every turn. Pn 'onal belong
ings of inestimable valuf were rescued
'from homes in the path of destruction.
An endless stream of automobiles pour
ed up leading thoroughfares toward the
safety zones up town, bearing valu
ables. Flurries of wind sprang up fanning
the blaze to unmeasnrable fury. These
gales caused tongues of flames to leap
great distances ahead of the main fire.
Lashed by tho wind, burning structures
sent showers of sparks to envelope vast
spaces, precipitating countless blazes,
which rose beyond control before the
fire fighting forces could cope with
ftcorej) o'f firemen, soldiers and civil
ians were overcome. It was no uncom
mon sight to see a man in khaki or fire
man prone on the pavement while min
istering fellows endeavored to revive
(Continued on page two.)
All Male Foreigners
As Well As Citizens
Must Register June 5
Portland, Or., May 22. Among the
many questions asked every day at the
office of the adjutant general regard
ing requirements of the war census, to
be held Tuesday, June 5, the following
are typical:
1. "I am a man ."10 years old. I will
bo 31 on June 20. Do I have to regis
ter on war census day!"
The answer is, Ye. Every male resi
dent between the aaes of' 21 and 30
years, inclusive, must register. In oth
er words, every man who has passed
his 21st birthday and has not passed
his 31st birthday, muet register.
- If a man's 31st birthday should fall
on June 5, the date of the war census,
he is then 31 years old and not sub
ject to registration. If he is 31 years
old the next day, June 6, then he must
2. "I am a British subject, 28 years
old. I tried to enlist in the Oregon na
tional guard, but was reieeted on ac
count of poor physical condition. Do I
havo to register f '
Yes. All male residents between the
ages of 21 and 30 years, inclusive.
must register under penalty of impris
onment. This includes aliens of any na
tionality, Japanese, .tiinese, British,
Germans, Austrians, Mexican or other
wise. One purpose of the war census is
to obtain data as to the number and
occupation of all aliens of military age.
An alien, of course, will not be sub
ject to military service, but he must
3. "Does a man who will be 21 years
old tho day before war census day have
to register f"
Yes. And if he is 21 years old on war
census day itself, he must register. It
he is not 21 years old until June C, he
does not have to register.
Eugene, Gay for Convention,
Is Taxed to Provide for
.Delegates This Week
Eugene, Ore., May "22! The city of
Eugene is the mecca for the Odd Fel
lows of Oregon today- Every train last
night brought delegations to tho grand
lodge meeting and the Bcbekah assemb
ly, which convened this morning nt 9
o'clock. The streets are crowded with
visitors and pay with decorations.
Henry S. Westbrook, master of the
grand lodge, of Portland, and Earl L.
Williams, grand patriarch of the grand
encampment, of Milton, arrived last
night on the -special train carrying be
tween 500 and 600 delegates from Port
land and cities in the Willamette val
ley. Hi M. Beckwith, brigadier-general
and president of the Patriarchs Mil
itant, of Portland, and Mrs. Nellie
Wattenburg, of Klamath Falls, presi
dent of the Rebejiah assembly, with
17,600 members, arrived earlier in the
Patriarchs Elect Officers.
The council of the Patriarchs Militant
held its first session yesterday after
noon. Colonel W. M. urecn, of Eugene,
was elected vice-president of the coun
cil, and Lieutenant W. E. Wadsworth,
o'f Harrisburg, was elected treasurer.
The department commander, who is
president of the council, and the secre
tary of the council were elected for
terms of three years at a meeting of the
council last year. S. E. Watkins, of
Sherwood, is secretary.
Between l,.r00 and 2J,u00 delegates are
in the city today.
The meeting of the Rebekah assem
bly, will be the 3!)th annual session. .
Six Seek Wardenship.
Six candidates were in tho field to
day for election to the position of
grand warden. The grand warden grad
uates after two years to the position
of grand master, the highest elective
position in tho grand lodge. W. F.
Walker, of Springfield, is the present
grand warden. George W. Trefern, o'f
Ashland, is deputy grand master, to be
inducted into office as grand master
at the present session of the grand
lodge as successor of Henry 8. West
brook, of Portland.
The election will be held at 10 o'clock
Thursday morning. The candidates for
grand warden are:
Kerwin J. Nolan, of Samaritan lodge,
No. 2, Portland; Forest Hubbard, of Ba
ker City; Hanson Hughes, of Heppner;
C. C. Newcastle, of Hassalo- lodge, No.
15, Portland; J. E. Monahan, of Penin
sula lodge, No. 27, Portland, and L. J.
Adams, of Silverton.
The erection of a 25,000 building in
connection with the Odd Fellows' Home
at I'm) TliSrtv-seinnd and Holcate
! street, where the lodge owns a seven-
acre tract of land, will be one of tne
principal business matters to come be
fore the grand lodge tomorrow.
A report from the trustees will favoi
the expenditure of $10,000 raised for an
orphanage building in this connection,
together with $10,000 to be raised by
a 50-eent per capita tax on members
ard between $5,000 and $10,000 to be
borrowed for the purpose.
Foists Out Need of Correct
ness in Statements As To
Supporting Dependents
Local Boards Will Pass 0a
Claims for Exemption Other
Than Physical (hies
Washington, May 22. Men seeking
exemption from service in America's
new selective service army Wausa
they support one or more dependents
must be sure that the person they have
in mind is "solely" dependent 'on
them. Otherwise they must not "hide
behind petticoats or children."
This warning was given today by
Provost Marshal Crowder in explaining
questions arising out of -the June fifth
registration regulations. The mere fait
that one claims exemption will not nec
essarily exempt him.
The question upon which exemption
of those with dependents will be deter
mined, reads:
'Have you a father, mother, wife,
child under twelve, or a sister or
brother under twelve, solely depend
ent upon you for support t (Specify
"Consider your answer 'thoughtful
ly," Crowder advised. "If it is true
that there is another mouth than your
own which you alone have a duty to
feed, do not let your military ardor
interfere with the wish of the nation
to reduce war's misery to a minimum.
On the other hand unless the person
you have in mind is solely dependent
on you, do not hide behind petticoats
or children."
About Exemptions1
Crowder 'g official guide says on the
general subject of exemption:
Because you claim exemption from
draft, it by no means follows that you
arc exempt. For the information of the
war department you Bhould make a
claim now if you intend to prosecute it.
' ' Some persons will be exempt on ac
count of their occupations or offices,
some on account of the fact thnt they
have relatives dependent upon them
for support. In stating grounds
you claim- as exempting you, use one
of the following terms:
" If you claim to be an executive, leg
islative or judicial officer of the state
or nation, name your office and sajr
whether it is an office of the state or
"If you claim to be a member of
religious sect, whose creed forbids its
members to participate in war in any
form, simply name the sect-
If you are employed in the transmis
sion of the United States mail or an ar
tificer or workman in an armory, arse
nal or navy yard of the United States,,
or if you are a mariner employed in tho
sea service of any citizen or merchant
within the United States, so state
"If you are a felon or otherwise
morally deficient and desire to claim
exemption on that ground, state your
ground briefly.
State Grounds Briefly
"If you claim physical disability,
state that briefly. '
"If you claim exemption on any oth
er ground, state your ground briefly."
The registrar will pass only upon ob
vious physical defects such as lost arm
or legs. Others claiming exemption for
physical disability "arc liable to draft'
in "order that their physical condition
may be passed upon by army surgeons.'
Local boards will pass on claims of
exemption other than physical ones.
A citizen may note if he has a de
pend nt relative other than thoso abovo
specified, such for instance as a de
pendent grandfather, grandmother or
All persons within the age limits
must register, whether they are alien
enemies, naturalized citizens or declar
ants, though alien enemies "undoubt
edly will not bo drafted."
In answer to questions whether yo
aro married or single the answer must
be with rcBpcct to whether you ara
married or single now.
Aliens Must Register
The question as to race must be ans-
Tacoma, Wash., May 22. After serv
ing three months in the county jail for
slandering the memory of the first
president of the .United States, Paul
Haffer is once more a free man today.
He was pardoned by Governor Lister.
(Continued on page two.)
sjs ifc J( 9C jjc 3(t
3jc )( 9j( Sjc jc 5 3C
Oregon: Partly
cloudy tonight
and Wednesday;
n o r t hwesterly
ffGC&EfDl Fof)