Heprinted by the Marion Creamery and Produce Company, Salem, Ore., for the benefit of our patrons. VALUE OF SKIM MILK What It Is Worth to the Creamery Patron Address by Prof. E. II. Purr in ((on. Prof. E. II. Farrir.gton, of Wisconsin Dairy School, recently de livered an address at a convention in Sparta of Wisconsin Uutter inakers Association. His subject was: "The Value ot Skim Milk to the Creamery Patron." Skimmilk at the present time is worth nearly as much to the ereamerv natron as he received for whole milk some years ago. The majority of creamery patrons, i ininK, iau 10 realize inai meit- , comparatively little difference between the feeding value of skim milk and whole milk when fed to the calves, pigs, and chickens on the farm. Everyone knows that the butterfat skimmed from the whole milk is too expensive a luxury to feed to farm stock, but the tkimmilk left is too valuable a feed to waste at any price. i.vxxtinwpvnpriments without number have been made by scient ists and by practical feeders to skimmilk on the farm, and mam auempis nave ueen nmue iu in mate its value to the farmer, t hese experiments have convinced many farmers that they do not wish to sell their skimmilk, but .some of them do not know even yet that feeding calves, pigs and rhickens economically is one of the secrets of the farmer's suc cess Nearly every land owner knows that dairying is one of the most profitable lines of farming, but those, who get the largest re turns from the dairy farm are the stock misers as well as the sell ers of the dairy products from the farm. Many different suggestions have been made as to the best way of demonstrating the feeding value of skimmilk to the farmer, so as to convince him of its value. Probably no one subject has re ceived more attention from the professors and experimenters con nected with our agricultural colleges than the feeding value of .skimmilk on the farm. In the past these experiments nave Deen confined to noting the gain in weight of calves, pigs and poultry, hs the result of feeding skimmilk and without other farm feeds, but in recent years it has been shown at the Wisconsin College of Agriculture by Professors Hart and McCullum that skimmilk con tains an unnamed something absolutely necessary for the normal growth and development of farm stock, but which is not present in other feeds. For years chemists have analyzed feeding stuffs and reported the amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and mineral substances contained in each one. At first this was all that it was assumed necessary to find out concerning these feeds, but after a while some one suggested that the digestibility of the protein, carbohy drates, etc., was fully as important as the total quantity of these constituents present in all feeds. It is only within the past few years that the experiments referred to have shown that even knowing the total digestible protein and other constituents is not enough for measuring the difference in value of feeding stuffs, but in addition to this information we must find out what kinds of proteins are present in the different feeds. It has been shown that a single grain feed contains several kinds of protein and that these are always present in the same propor tion in the same grain. Further, it has been demonstrated that certain combinations of proteins are capable of supplying the par ticular something that is needed for normal growth and develop ment of animals, while other proteins and protein mixtures do not contain this mysterious substance. Up to the present time feeding experiments have demonstrated that skimmilk contains all the necessary proteins, and they are in proper proportion for the normal development of growing "animals. These experiments also showed that certain grain mix tures have caused the animals receiving them to become weak, blind and show symptoms of paralysis. Skimmilk is a natural food for young animals. It contains not only the right proteins but also everything else, including mineral matters needed for the growth of the animal's skeleton. There are no vegetable feeds that will take the place of skimmilk ; a suc cssful substitute has not yet been found. The value of certain patent or special feeds sold in small pack ages at high prices for feeding young stock is often due to the milk powdered or casein these contain. The well inf ormed farmer knows that he can supply these constituents to his stock by feed ing skimmilk, and that this is much less expensive than the high priced feeds mentioned. Nearly everyone knows that farmers selling their whole milk have difficulty in raising calves. Whole milk is too expensive for this purpose. If a farmer expects to milk cows as a part of his farming operations, he ought to grade up his own herd by selecting calves from his best cows, and he can only do this successfully by feeding them skimmilk. SKIMMILK TO CALVES. Although skimmilk is a satisfactory feed for young calves, ex periments have shown that it can not profitably be fed alone for anv e-reat leneth of time. Calves need some roughage in their feed alontr with the skimmilk in crowing digestive organs. A have its mother's milk for the first few days of its life. It may then be tauerht to drink by feeding whole milk three times a day at first, and gradually reducing the number to two feeds per day. After about three weeks a little skimmilk may be added to the whole milk, and in about ten days, by increasing its proportion, the skimmilk may be entirely substituted for the whole milk. Calves need grain or roughage before them continually, and this should be provided for as soon as the calf is two weeks old. Under l&uch conditions it has been demonstrated over and over again that a calf will make satisfactory growth and a normal development. A great number of feeding experiments have been made to show the value of skimmilk for raising calves. I have selected , one of these in which all the feed as well as the calves were care fully weighed for a period of time. Twenty calves were divided into two lots of ten each. One lot was fed whole milk and the other skimmilk, both receiving the same grain and. roughage ration in addition to the whole milk and skimmilk thev consumed. At the end of the feeding trial the gain in weight of both lots of calves was figured at the same price per pound, and the value of the whole milk as well as of the skimmilk fed both lots was found by subtracting the cost of the grain feed and the roughage from the value of the grain in live weight of the calves. Without recording the details of this experiment, I find that the calculations showed the value of the whole milk to be 89 cents per 100 lbs., and the skimmilk to be 61 cents per 100 lbs. In this experiment the grain in live weight of the calves was fig ured at 8 cents per pound. Present prices would undoubtedly change the figures obtained in this experiment, but the relation between the value of the whole milk and the skimmilk would be the same. SKIMMILK FOR PIGS. The digestive system of pigs is not the same as that of calves and on this account it is possible for pigs to grow to normal size and development by feeding them skimmilk .alone. It has been proved, however, by numerous feeding experiments, that better and cheaper gains in weight by pigs may be obtained by feeding corn or some other grain mixed with the skimmilk, than is obtained by feeding skimmilk alone. The most satisfactory ration for pigs neems to be about one part of corn to three parts of skimmilk. When the pigs are very young, however, the proportion of one part of corn to five parts of skimmilk has been found to be better. The calculation made by Prof. Henry from a large number of note the results obtained by feeding order to properly develop their calf must naturally be allowed to TITE PATLY CAPITAE JOURNAK. SALEM. ORFHOV. SATIUDAY. MAY 19, 1917. feeding trial M him to conclude that when corn u fed with about three parts of skimmilk, and corn ia worth 50 cents a bushel, ine money value of the skimmilk is 37 cents per 100 pounds, and when corn is 81 cents per bushel, the value of skimmilk is 4u cents per hundred pounds. , Gov. Hoard has suggested the following rule for finding tne money value of skimmilk: "Multiply the market price of live hogs "in cents per pound by 5. when skimmilk is fed alom but when fed with corn or barley, multiply the market price by l. Applying this rule and taking 9 cents as the market price or hogs make the feeding value of skimmilk when fed with corn or barley at 51 cents per hundred pounds. The Curler plan for estimating the value of skimtnilk w to as- .. . , J. r ..l. . ; II. . . 1 ... .m -i t inn With Sllllie thai 1UU POUI1U.S OI Minimum iru iru in vi M'"' .......... ------ torn to hogs is worth one-half the market price of orn per bushel. According to this rule, when corn is $1 per bushel, skimmilk is worth 50 cents per hundred pounds for feeding pigs. These estimates of the feeding value of skimmilk are all prac tical on and are based on many observations obtained from a large number of feeding trials. There will naturally ln some ex ceptions to them, but skimmilk has a peculiar value for growing animals in building up bone and muscles, and in developing the vital organs of the animal. It is difficult to give a money value to these points, but thev should be taken into account when one is considering the teeding value or sKimmiiK. SKIMMILK FOR POULTRY. Manv feeding trials have been made with growing chickens in which they have been given mixtures of grain alone and the gains in weight compared with those obtained by feeding mixed grain and skimmilk. One of these experiments in w hich 20 chicken.i were fed showed that the cost of feed per pound of gain with mixed grain alone was 4.5 cents, and with the lot fed mixed grain and skimmilk the cost of feed per pound of gain was 3.5 cents, or one cent less ner round of gain. It was noted that the chickens fed grain and skimmilk, ate more feed and were in better physical condition than those fed grain alone. , Another feeding experiment, made to note the effect of skim milk on egg production, showed that a lot of 32 hens fed for 122 days on a ration to which two quarts of skimmilk was added daily to 'moisten the grain, laid 1,244 eggs, and another lot of 22 hens fed at the same time on the sam grain rations, out witn no sium milk, laid 996 eggs. There was a difference of 218 eggs in favor of the skimmilk lot, and if the eggs are valued at 21 cents per dozen, the skimmilk was worth $1.22 per hundred pounds, based n the increased egg production: THE LOSS IN SOIL FERTILITY. The successful farmer knows that it is absolutely necessary for him to consider the subject of soil fertility on his farm. Most farmers have learned that by selling hay and grain crops from the farm the soil becomes exhausted unless stock is kept for the pur pose of converting these feeds into salable prqducts and retaining the fertilizing constituents of the food on the farm. An analysis of the different farm crops as well as of dairy products has shown that the fertilizing constituents in a ton of hay are worth about $4.50 ; a ton of corn about $5.00, and a ton of wheat about $6.00 ; and that every ton of these crops sold from the farm is taking just that amount of fertility out of the soil. An analysis of dairy pro ducts shows also that butterfat contains the smallest quantity of fertilizing constituents of any one of them, and by applying the fame calculations to dairy products as has been used in estimating the fertilizing constituents in farm crops, it has been shown that by selling a ton of butter from the farm, only 50 cents worth of fertilizing constituents are sold, while a ton of milk removes about $2.00 worth of fertilizing constituents from the farm. These fig ures plainly show that it is much more economical to feed the grain in crops to cows and sell cream from the farm than it is to sell whole milk, which contains over four times as much soil fertility as does the cream. CHURCH NOTICES ; (Continued from page one.) corilially invitod to attend our services nuJ to visit the reading room. Swedish Tabernacle, M. E. Corner South Fifteenth and Mil! streets, Eev. John Ovall, minister. Sun day school at 2 p, m-, Gust Anderson, superintendent. Mr. Andrew V. Ovall will have charge tomorrow. All cordial ly invited to attend. Englewood XX. B. Guy Fitch Phelps, pastor. Sunday school, 10 o'clock a. m., W. W. Rose braugh, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Young People's meeting at 7 p. m, Services instruc tive and entertaining. First Christian. Coiner Center and High streets. The trucks will make their usual trips to bring people to Bible school. The school assembly at 9:15, will be directed by Dr. H. C. Epley and there will be as sembly and special music by the orches tra. The contest with Eugene grows more and more interesting as it draws near the tiose. The Salem Loyal Wo men's class in in the lead but must not slacken its effort and attendance or Eu gene will yet win the race. The lesson lor Sunday is from Isaiah 28:1-13. As lesson study counts be sure to help out by stndy as well as attendance. Salem is helping h.j ally. We had 200 in the class lust. Sunday, and almost as many studied lessons. We plan for 300 tomor row. Come see if we get them. At 11 a. m. Mrs. Porter will speak on, "The Book That Turns the World Upside Down." The evening service will be at 7:45, -subject "The Voice and mes sage From the Wilderness." C. E. at 0:45 p. m., Miss Parsons, leader. Mr. Porter continues to improve and will be able to talic care of the regular serv ices after tomorrow. Commons Mission. Xo. 241 Stato street. Service, 3 p. m. Friday, 8 a. m., Prayer band. Friday, CHICKEN DINNER Every Sunday AT The Cherry Citv Home Restaurant 186 South High Street Owing to the high cost of Food the price is 30 CENTS Home Cooked Food Served . Home Style. We invite you visit our kitchen. ' 8 p. in., Bibl-l rending on "Second Com ing of Christ." South Salem Friends. Corner of South Commercial and Washington streets, H. E. Pemberton, pastor. Bible school at 10 a. in., B. C. Miles, superintendent. Meetings for worship and preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p. in. Junior C. E. nt '! p. m. Senior C. E. at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Thursday. i Leslie Methodist Episcopal. Corner .South Commercial and Meyers streets, Horace N. Aldrieh, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school, E. A. Rhoten, su perintendent. Classes for all ages ;Mrs. Mason Bishop, primal superintendent. 11:00 a. in., Public, worship, with ser mon, theme "God's Portion " 6:30 p. m., Devotional meeting of the Epworth League, led bv Miss Helen Ingrey. Topic, "Is It Easier to Be Good When Poor?" 7:30 p. m., Song service, and sermon by the pastor. Highland Friends. Corner of Highland and Elm streets Sabbath school, 10 a. m., J. A. Carpen ter, superintendent. Meetings for wor ship, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The young people from Liberty will worship with ua at the evening service and will have charge of the music. Christian Endeav or, (i,-45 p. m. Gospel team meeting Tuesday, 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p. m. Come and hear the Liberty folks sing. Josephine Huckett. pastor. Phona 1465. THE MOTHER By Berton Braley. I do not want my boy to go to war, To suffer cruel pain, perhaps to die, let if the cause he should be fighting for Calls him to fight, I know full well that I Would be unworthy of a mother's name If I should strive to keep him by my side. Tis mine to recognize his country's claim And let him go in all his vouth and pride. T will be brave the day he goes away, I will not show the terror in my heart, But Oh, Bear God! how I shall watch and pray Seeing my son, my splendid son, de part Pray that he does his atern task brare ly well Bearing his share of duty to be done, But that from out the storm of shot and shell Tr iic may come safe to my son! me, my son, T do not want my boy to go to war Marching itwajr to stirring fife and drum, But when there's need that he should battle for The fake of generations yet to come, When war and war alone will serve to save The things we hold most precious and most true, I shalt say "Go! "-I shall be calm and brave But, oht my boy, how I shall pray for youl 1 ' u HERBERT BRENON NA2IM.O VA. ;WAR BRIDES- BIO SUPER 1 FEATURE COMES TO THE GRAND "Wnr Brides." the first production by the Herbert Brenon Film Corp6ra tion for Selzniek Pictiires, will bo seen at the (Irund Opera House on Tuesday and Wednesduy, May 22 and 23. This photoranin will introduce to moving picture patrons a new Mar, Naximova. Well known on (he stage, she is now making her debut on the screen in a film version of the play, by Marion Craig Wentworth, in which sho made a sensational success in vaude ville. She had lefusrd all others until she saw "The Daughter of the Gods," which Brenon wrote ami directed, and was so charmed by the work that she signed a contract to appear under his direction. "War Iti ides" is nn intensely dra matic story, but while it kas to do with renditions brought about by war, there Margaret Mason Writes of Gotham Fads and Fashions By Margaret Mason. Boyg will be boys is no longer truo They now will be Boy Scouts or sail ors in blue, And little girls swagger in lied Cross togs too, Why really "Just children" you no more can view. New York, May 1H. All the iufantry is in 'full uniform these days. Young hopefuls at the age of five and six are miniature copies of honest-to goodueas Hoy Scouts with knapsacks, leggings, broad-brimmed hats and everything all complete, (juitv the best thing about the suits from a mother's viewpoint is the fact that they are made from the regu lation khaki and hence bear some prom ise of withstanding the constant fric tion of too close application to balas trades and cellar doors, and shocks of climbing ston; walls and apple trees, of wallowing in mud pies and damp sand piles and other delectable death-to-clothes stunts that boyish flesh is heir to. The sturdy Boy Scout shoes that come from size 10 up, almost but not quite, revive for harassed Bads and Mothers the erstwhile happy halycoii days of the copper toed boot. Another khaki model for small boys that is practical, serviceable and good looking is a norfolk suit with knicker bockers. Of course this hasn't the lure for the small boy soul that is just burst ing to grow up and be a soldier but it Las Ub good points even if they aren't patriotic ones. The sailor suits while of course they have always been on deck are now float ing on the very top wave of renewed popularity. A small boy can always be ship shape in a blue serge or white duck sailor or middy suit with all the neces sary adjustments of bo 'sun whistle, flowing tie and hat band gold lettered with name of his favorite battleship. For dress up effects there are cunning copies of officers' uniforms in regula tion blue serge and brass buttons an,T there arc also flossy white flannel sail or suits guaranteed to turn little Percy into an ice cream sailor fit to rival any chocolate soldier. While small brother is cavorting around in his martial marine and regi mental duds little sister is by no meaus out of the patriotic picture. At the ago of four and five sho is a good sartorial imitation of a Camp Fire girl jn khaki kilts and accoutrements. She is a ladylike sailoress in a middy blouse and skirt but her greatest achievement is a Red Cross uniform, white apron, cap, sleeve band and all. No little girl can resist such blissful npparel and ia even ready and willing to have her face and "paddies" scrub bed at frequent intervals in order to live up to it. These cunning Red Cross outfits are fine for the little ladies but toigh on the neighbors '.cats and dogs and the doll families. Tnbitha and Thomas Cat are worn almost to wraiths from too zealous nursing and the family setter has ceased to set. When they blossom out in party pret ties or Sunday schoor garb the little girls today have charming confections to choose from indeed. Tho color line is no longer drawn at pink and blue and white for tiny tads. They now look like wee golden girls in wonderful yellow creations of linen and cotton crepe that are quaint and individual of cut and dainty in hand embroidery and smock ing. Yellow is really a lovely color for childhood and these new yellow frocks and golden coats and sweaters are the new last word in Liliputian fashion cir cles. Yellow rosebud sprigged dimities, dotted swiss slips over yellow silk un der slips and yellow striped and check ed ginghams made up with plain whit or plain yellow are decidedly smart. AH the newest little girl models frocks have the cunnlngest pockets and collars and French touches, just like Mother'a bits of yarn embroidery, belts, are no battle sienen. A trcmli in ,iltlwn and the eff.,( f ,hf riRhi ' troops, but no battle ,,,.. i ,llai.,',,f The main story haH to do with m.ffcrnig. of the wo,,,,, at home. J,0 th. young wulow, defies the military of he village to refuse to beenn bride of the departing ooldiers. Kh, is iinpr.m.ned. but e-a,,,H, ,,! .,, , band oP mourning women to meet the king and protest against war. Her own individual monsagt. hc delivers in most drs i,i stic manner. Herbert llrenon has excelled himself in this production. previoui suc cesses, "Neptune's Dauxiiter," "The Sul of Broadway, " "The Clementesu Case," "The Kreutzer Honnta," and others, have won for him a reputation second to that 0f no other director in the world, ami he stakes his reputation upon "War Biide" as his greatest work dowu to the present. and fixiugs that all little nirls just love For hard work in the garden in these duys of each one doing her bit, there are delightful little overalls of pink, blue, navy and tan chanibrey Imiuled in striped or checked chamhiay of white and tho same shade with lovely big pockets to hold sand, pebbles .or a radish and onion or two when the wee enthus iastic gardener gets to raising a little food stuff on her own account. Of co, use there are sunlionncts to match. , Trapshooters To Get Oil Stock As Prizes By Peter P. Carney, (Editor National Sports Syndicate.) Shares of stock in reputable oil com panies will be the chief prizes in the state championship snoot of the Okla homa State Sportsman's association over the traps of the Tulsa Country and Oun club on May 2r, 23 and 24 and for this reason tho Oklahoma shoot will be the most important in the Southwest this year. Tho Tulsa club hopes to give the big gest state shoot in the country. Bo sides tho oil stock which amounts to a lot of money they will give $2,100 in cash and trophies. The oil stock was purchased ono year ago, and is paying t,ix per cent interest. The winners of the Btoek get the interest also. . There will bo 'four registered events at "100 targets on the second and third days of the shodt. The first event is the Harry Sinclair special; the second, tho Frank Gillospie special; the third, the J. H. Cosdcn special, nnd the fourth which will also tleeirte the State championship the Oil Field special. The Harry Sinclair mentioned is tne former president of tho Federal Base ball league. Ho is very much interested . tl, wealthy in tne snoot, as uro mc oil producers of Tulsa, and every one n.,uo will end souads to we traps in the State tournaments. One hundred and twenty shares of stock w u be given in the four events, based on w shares to the winner, 10 shares to he second high gun and five shares to the third high man. Well paying oil stock, as additional prizes, should be the moan of bringing out hundreds ol tiap SlTher Tulsa club has five traps con crete trap houses, a fine club hou , g has made arrangemen s take t shooters on motor imp "V". bflVe fields, and the "ien f .'fo tho arranged for this and o her tnp women who attend the tm'r"ah7un. There will be trapshootmg at n gh der powerful lights, by way of attempt will be made by the Tulsa club to make a profit on the t ment. All money, over IVe to refunded. May is a $Jai shoot in Tulsa. The fall, win spring are the seasons in wn- of the trapshooting is done. Of Interest to the B . School Girls of the State . . 7 ..-.nn of the The State Alumni ass.... r University of Oregon u" " " Mary a scholarship, which is cftl'c which Spillcr Scholarship the P'cation is to promote i" -" among the women of OrcRon; waied The person to whom tins w must be a girl graduate ot ,ftr. ed high school of Oregon . ship may be held more mitteW by the same person, if toW it. award think it wise to so pflV. The scholarsuip """ 'Mavy Spu- ment of board ami i'" lliver8ity ler Hall, - situated on - receipt8 campus , for one year. i How, "iGf p., 1- .."-'it k. n-. I. fla, L rots ,"!1kwUIj Cxt! of ik. , Dr. Kilm.,'.0'!!". it !"t nan, tilm f1"? hve tW ttt i sat.sfymg influeWe. : fine and a. k.. t during thipnttai frt trulj yin f 0et. 14. 1918 ' Letter t I Dr.XUmt(k. I BtaghMitoj, j i I I Prow What 8ann! 14 i Send In mh h n, ' Binghamton, N. Y, leu iraiue. will cuviitt B , will aim retmtiborilsii ;, information, telling tbsitti 1 and blidHpR ft'k nt; i mention the Sales Stilt 4. ai. neginar nn, m ula, size bottles for ,t,lii: Mil '(Iff 1 iliviii, who represent the Mwtlt' f DDnnimTinKL-iimriRi sale and eoniuptio, tf v ' holie liquors ni ipefaiti; other than those of than 23 per cent are mmy-; reaiatirauio, wmma, , to military mensndniWe ; L.t :.m . KnkiEitfJ -a-- men ueiuiwg hi avu": y tnose cnpKm i -tional defense; is pnimK -well as those of the swj ; to women or young peof a i 21 year, of age." f ARTICLE TW0-A1! tiu Amm will bf Id '; I HUB UWt.v ly under the law. , . ities of Toulon are &H execution of the Prohibition in ,hf ministered by time of warormJi f of peace trill I Freichwiuesorte-" These grewitbwtj. , '"' J sS8V whyBkouiaiBSr wear a to on her fare, this cm dc T j bjtk': asJs? he compared st a '1,;: electrical tine is .poisonous-"-"- , (fe(. ib the hairs s; i i, left as a"00" --. f child 'b- v niircha8 j j Anyone wk.f ' asking IT as'e -- r"f The folio1"! tppilf.it requirement! i . . L,' ...irfis"-; , h i,tM :c9totheJs'Clliltii issonsl .MfrKj. TTT. ".inntrs " St"1" ' mjot::;