Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 18, 1917, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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he Daily
pital Journal
Classified :
Quick, Handy Reference
for Busy People
wit i i
T .
Willamette Valley News
Missionary Work of
Evangelical Association
from .,,-., ..f tl. L.tji. .. , f
ou and V.,i,iKi tt the mi,.,,,,..
jiry work at !.. ,riK ,1P V(,lr
I had Un .d.Mfu ,1,.,,,!.,. .lif
' .. -t M' ri Yii'it mm.... ... i i t runiimv mhy , ritm ..... -...:
IIIIU Ueell I - S.HTUIII ,n hp
rm., t0
the member, i.r W roiif..reu,.e fur the
odihrntioii tonior-on of .Vl venrs in tue
ministry of the I.Vv. .. f ul'rl-
Halls Ferry News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
nan terry, ti,P., jiiiv i,.Til.. ,oa(
M- inn Ill:ir nin.t.iv
nner 1W17 ......r.. ....... I I
.1 "...ii in . nrH, i. u.
Krni.tmg r . I . i . I. ... , , t,.h Floyd hhelton Ik Kaitinv tot a call to
-oi ..l,.t, ,. I,,,,,,. ,rail,inif ,.0rM.,,thccJlorg. " CB" t0
"u,:,;dT:;7'oy .t::
(lie third .lay , komoii of t!,, ;Hth an
mini Oregon n.iilVr. iii c of tl,n Km,..
""' mtioii iii this t-itv.
I t ti Mil i il. I bia r........ II u.
of Nspemlle. III.. president f tliP as--ih-ioii.
delivered hi anniiiil address
in-fore tin- conference this morning He
minted out tl,.. w,k before (he e'v.ii
K.'IhiiI l.o.ly in 1017, and said the liilile
message iiiiim l.. curried outni.lo tl..
church itarlf ns a body
Savage wsg in charge.
Mrs. K. Park has moved to htr tew
home in Silvcrton.
Last Friday was the last day of our
x-ho.il. The day wan too stormy for a
picnir- but a good tune was enjoyed in
the school Louse. At noon ice cream,
cake and other good eata were served
and ahortly after a splendid rogram
wan heard.
The (.roKraui wan an follows: King,
far Spangled Banner; irahitc to tho
'lag the school: recitation, Kather
ine Keetie; song. The (lood Old Cnited
States, by the school; recitation, Opal
Hulihard; solo, Hazel Russell; Memo
ry Gems by the school ; duet. Lena Mav
hvans and Madge r'arr; address Mr.
Markel; son'', Oregon, bv the school:
solo. Miss Charlotte Russell: iintrii.tic
Main 1200
Electris Co, Masonie Temple, 127 North High
j Truck 4 Dry Co., corner Btate and Front tret .
Main 74
1 acres, choice In ml, ull
op'of crai" clover. Close in.
nUl. Tli'' l' !' offered.
, w,(iiiii1le. Also unod house
fine lot three blocks from car
one block from I'nved street.
e fUiiU.DO, ii'nl conitortalile
un.xl lot. " blocks to enr
.' ,,,'ire ftiriti. S,iuire Deal Keallv ,
'.'a.' f S. Hunk UldiJ, !
church bv th
ami by individual labors.
Mix Delia lirniit and ( Icoie Childs,
ot -Monmouth, were jsiven .liplomns cer
tifMiiK tlie.r ability t0 teach from the
liible tironerlv.
The misymiiiirv fi,.i,u r.t u i.. Country,
1'ortland, Tacoma. ltellinnliain, Miiwau-I A1,),'rt VUuV wn throiigli here Sun
kie, Albany ami (Ireuon fin- .i .' ly booking loganberry nickers. He
soon run an auto deliver.- ... u..n , , . . "' :r "
ppr,. w an.iress oy .Mienal t-nan.
l 'ir Croknn ;,,iiL . a lr. and Mr. C. ('. Russell and .lauKh
acre-onandt ar 2 1 " eene
" m v. i, iv-1 o.umuv eveninfr.
Win. Buffuu is working iu the Wolf
hop yard near lndeieiiieuee.
More than h0 cars of wood were ship
ped from this station last season with
the prospect of a tut of niore than 100
ears this season.
The first tiling the newcomer does
when locating at Kiver View tracts is to
throw away his hummer and buv a horn.
lho hmith family expect to work in
i,m, irpniis snowed t tl tl t HiTs
sionary work duriii;; l'.tlli in these cit
ies was fruitful.
Klnlmrat" plans nve bcint; made bv
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is Daid to rha n.nj.
All other prices am thoaa rmiri thl
ptoducer. Corrections are made
ov unnKinK shim ulley to the estah
lished K'inle and paving the same with
ia six inch I'ortiaml cement concrete
I pavement in accordance with the pluus
V urce'ry and dnigloH methods. ' '.v n.i no one is buying to nnv ex- " " ' u- '' ot tne
A.8 . i. Vio J,.- t Pl,nn ti nt eilher in sa .... i.h.,.i tngmoot for the improvement ot
.laiuauuu ' . ti,.,... :.. ""land nor winch n o.ln.ao.l i. 41, n
... ... in piHCMcauy no osTal) is led mar- ' .
l't ", will be none until ,He market !t0"'n!. . April 10, 1017, now
Htendies. When the unvemment ,.:. !n file in the office of the city record-
cials frowned at the speculators .,i,,vier' w""'1.1 .1,or, KriI,er certainty and a
LriRihl,":i The story on wheat is as ,W.w8: The
4 Ai,a,ianna with I IMUl'kct llllS liei'll .1 r . ,1 1 , 1 . , , r ..... ........ ..
t gpeaanv. wb. tij.cttvuLv t i i-.-.k '-.. , .-ms u
-pons uie jirusjieets gooa lor a
crop of loKiuis,
There is a friendly strifo among our
gardeners as to who will have the first
new peas and potatoes. From present
prospects Grandma Shelton will be a
winner. Her recipe for a good garden
is: "Good seed of the right variety,
and then don't be afraid of dulling the
hoe." 6
Wm. Snyder is the latest Tocruit to
ant.,, tl,n .f...l. I.....! Tf . 1
Addmont tf 'Vh,V" ' him a
,.., .; ..,. . ., ii.m.-i. ii-vri.iiy Bl.lu li JIOCKS Oil lie
est line ot l.th street at the expense Portland market for $21.15- This looks
of the abutting and adjacent property i;i ;,!; i.i . ' -A',,
,it,iiuj w a,uvl i.ii.'u ...I tun.
It we eould induce the railroad eoni-
Of the Alley In the South Block of)
Charles Cart Wright g Addition
Notice is hereby given that the com-1
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose and '
inu-iuiou xo mi prove tie a ev in the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Marion County, Department
Xo. 2.
W. II. Norria and Alice Norris,
plaintiffs, vs. Geo. G. Nelson, Olive J.
the onion fields in ti e I.V I i,;i, CK"" 018 wir Uty-Salem Lm-
uer .om)any, a corporation . H.
Uarnholdt, Kalph W. Karris, J. F. Day
and Geo. A. Day, partners doing busi
ness under the firm name and style of
Sunset Grocery Company, defendants.
To the above named defendants, Geo.
G. Nelson, Olive J. Nelson, -his wife,
and Ralph W. Farris:
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You arc hereby required to appear
and answer a complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause within six weeks from the date
of the first publication, of this Sum
mons and if you fail so to appear and
answer id Complaint, plaintiffs willjpany and through mesne conTermacet
apply to the court for the whole of the duly traniferrad to this plaiaUff.
relief oemanded In their Complaint, and
more particularly, to wit: For a Dvcre
foreclosing plaintiffs' mortgage o the
following described real property to
wit: Beginning at point ninety feet
East of the Northwest comer of Block
Kighte-n (1ft) of Nob Hill Annex to
the City of Maleta, running thence
outh parallel with Ilaxel Street one
hundred (100) feet; these Fast par
allel with tlertrie Art nue thirty (30)
That raid Uml? and premises be soil
by the sheriff of Marioa Otmnty, Ore
gon, and that the purchaser' thereof be
such aaie the plaintiff will be entitled
immediately put into poaeetMioa there
of, and out of the money arising from
to reeeiTo the above meatioaed
amounts, the same being the amount
due oa account of the execution of said
note and mortgage, and for the costs
and disbursements of this suit, and tho
charges and expenses of said eale, and
feet; thence North parallel with Haiel ! for judgmeat against defendants,
street one hundred (100) feet to the j 0e- - Nelson and Olive J. Nelson, hia
South line of Eleetrie Avenue; thence moi tor nJr deficiency that may
west along said liuo thirt (30) feet remain, aaa osrnng itua ueicauume
to the place of beginning tefetker with Bd u persons claiming by, through or
the following described rrcmisea, to- under them or either of them subse-
quent 10 ue czrcu.iuii ut nuu mvir
gage, either as purchasers or ether
wise, of all rights equity and redemp
tion ia . tha above described premise
and every part nd parcel thereof, for
such other, further or different relief
As may be equitable.
You are further notified that on th
fith day of April, 1917, the Honorable
Geo. O. Bingham, Judge of the abov
entitled court, made an Order at th
City of &alem, Marion County Oregon,
authorizing and directing this Summon
to be served upon you by publication,
thereof once a week for six (6) succes
sive weeks In the Daily Capitol
Journal, a newspaper published week
ly in Marion county, Oregon, and that
the first publication of this summon
was made on the 6th day of April, 1917,
and tho date of the last publication
thereof will be made, and the same wilt
expire on the ISth day of May, 1917,
and that defendants be required to
appear and answer said eonilaint on or
before the 21st day of May 1917.
R. D. DAY,
(Msy 18) Attorneys for Plaintiff
Beginning at a point sixty (60) feet;
East of the Northwririt comer of Block
Eighteen (18) in Nob Hill Annex to!
the City of Salem; thence t'outh paral
lel with Har.cl Btreet one hundred (100)
feet; tence East parallel with Electric
Avenue thirty (30) feet; thence North
parallel with Hush! street one hundred
(100) feet; thence West parallel with
Electric Avenue thirty (30) feet to
the place of beginning."
That plaintiffs will take judgment
against defendants, Geo. G. Nelson and
Olive J. Nelson, his wife, for the sum
if two dollars and fifty cents ($2.30)
paid for insurance on the buildings on
said premises and for the further sum
of four hundred sixty dollars ($460)
together with interest thereon at the
rate of six (6) per cent per annum
from the loth day of May, 1916, until
paid, and the sum of seventy-five dol
lars ($75) reasonable attorneys' fees,
and plaintiffs' costs and disbursements
incurred in this suit.
That said mortgage was executed by
Geo. G. Nelson and Olir J. Nelson,
his wife, to Falls Citjr Iiumber Com
7 Sts. Full line nursery stock,
ian prune a specialty. Nursery lo
i one riilo east of penitentiary,
iress B. 0, Salem, Ore. Phone 100
a L. 8C0TT Graduate of Chiro
itic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
4. If you hse tried everything
i got so relief, try Chiropractic
ill adjustments and get well. Of
406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank
ding. Phone Main 87, Besidonce,
it 828-R.
B ft CLOTJGll CO. 0. B. Webb,
51. Clcugh morticians and funeral
scton. Latest modorn method
.W1o the" Tirofession employed
i Court St. Main 120, Main 988.S
'30N-B1.CHARDSON CO. -Funeral
nctori and undertakers, 252 North
street. Day and night phone
fc,M SCAVENGER Charles Soos,
'pnetor. Garbage and refuse of al'
it removed on monthly contracti
reasonable rates. Yard and eess
li cleaned. Office phone Mair
. Residence. Main 2272.
H Good Real Estate Security
jLadd & Bush bank, Salom, Oregon
joneTto loan
:em Money at Lowest Rates, on
ved Security. Homer H. Smith,
5, McCornack Bldg., SabJIn,- Or.
8. nODGKIN-Genoral Insur
hW,et,yv.Boni'3' real estete w
1. Hubbard bldg. Phone 386. tf
1 years experience.
, 's 26 to 58 in.
and varnish, etc.
2 hop hooks.
'W t "I6 and Stove Works, S5
. y 'treet PI,nT,0 124.
W nIItTE and E- W. WAX
i Graduate of Amer
Po, L0080 Kirksville
'm-ouV. ,1? duatc and socialized ir
; Uff,(,,s oo.-r.ns V. S. Nnt. Bank
2lR U:XCH t-OTJNTER-'ish
,ofNlKi,r,l,1nul crcam' 10 cet.
?ahort T A" 1in,la of 8a,ld'
'''ment il , ."ll'rs soft drinks.
c!eR- COMPANY-Offic
:; commercial nn t,.i .t...
"8 DBVtV,l . a.io DI rut-IP
ll?bie monthlv jn .a
- m - - - . v a Hup,
Bi-Ut. .......
"Me,t ,, ' lirol,ably Lane coun
1 "i'ite i i'i ," suu, ilml (""' t' the
i today 1 '. 'p" i" Oregon,
' he',,,, , ,u"e on the farm
asnof 4 v,1"'s "f?0- ire
of the i '"'lstow. who bond-si-ttl,i
', .""""Krnnt trains
'"1 tins farm in 1S4S.. :
s- P. Al.. ,
'V. di,,,! . .
W:ls n . "i "loriiing, ngeil
"""'nr ot Albany
" S0.
nt lnf ' r, lni " filing
'out .i. ' ,V"C Ottker ret'iisino- to
fMoV,l to i. n w,, i"1'1 o,
10 come through."
ui iiiein tooK to the woods and the
market since then has been ro adiust
iiiL' itself.
'eal is weak. In fact, there is bardlv
nn established price fr c,'il as ir
rli:ingiN about ho often every week.
The egg situation figures' around ,'!0
cents a dozen. Some pay and some don 't
There is no established pri,.,, 0n sunar
and flour, as there is no combination
among the retailors. The prices quoted
are those that should prevail if the
dealers bought on today 's wholesale
more detailed and particular descrin
tion thereof arc hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
The common council hereby declares
I its purpose and intention to make the
i proposed improvement of said nllev
by and Ihrougli the Street Iiiiprovment
Department of the city of Salem.
Bv order of the common council.
EAKL RACE, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this no
tice, .Mav liUli. HUT. Mav III
Oats, new
Barley, toif
Shorts, per ton '
Hay, client '.
Hay, velch
It.iy, clover
iiiHa (i"c
$-10(u 42
per pound
2S( 2!lc
: i.ic
Creamery butter
Country' butter
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs, trade .-.
Eggs, cash
liens, pound
liens, dressed, pound 2I!c.
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, on foot 13 3 4() .14 34c
Pork, dressed 17(alSc
Veal, according to mialitv .... Sfu 12'.,c
Spring lambs ,
Lambs, yearlings
Figs and Dates
Black figs 10c
Golden dates 15c
Dromedary dates . $3.75
Cabbage ,
String garlic
New potatoes
Potatoes, per .100 lbs
Green unions 'J. -
ijotluce, California, crate
Onions, Bermuda,, crate ..
Celerv, crate
Radishes -,...,....
California" tomatoes
-a taae Alley in Block 47, City of Salem
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose and
intention to improve the alley in block
47, of the city of Salem between the
itni'tli lim, nf Vrri'r strtiot onil tlm
'sniitli line of Stnte street, nt the ex
f '! jpense o(' the nbutting and adjacent
to ' nrn, ,rt,.fv 1,,, brintJing. said portion of
said alley to the established grade and
paving the same with a Portland ce
ment concrete pavement six inches in
thickness, in accordance with the plans,
specifications and estimates for the im
provement of said portion of said alley
adopted by the common council May 11,
1017, which are now on file in the of
fice of the City recorder, and which
for greater certainty and a more de
tailed description thereof, are hereby
referred to and made a part hereof.
pany to install a telephone at the sta
tion it would be a great convenience to
our gardeners who want to make
freight shipments.
Frank Coleman' has been improving
the old Budd property by removing the
old rail fence a relic of pioneer days
and fencing the place with woven wire.
The grubbing of the wild blackberries
and brush whicji thrives along side rail
fences has added much to the beauty
and value of the place.
E. M. Croisan is doing his share to
wards landing a knockout blow to old
II. C. 1.. and is putting in a crop of
potatoes just east of the station. Ed is
showing the boys he lias not lost the
knack of his early training and is set-' 7
:.. i t.. . l T
ung n puce .in poiuiuuoiu uitii is nam
to equal. If there are any "doubting
Thomases" as to our having tho only
real and genuine show, just board the
southbound electric mid tell the con you
are bended for the Garden of Eden and
he will put you off at River View tracts
where you will probably find Ed with
hoe iu hand watching the potatoes grow
. Hall Ferryites are ooing their share
towards 'increasing, tho nation's food
supply. Dell Sheli(un' with several acres
of beans, C. W. Schwab, Earl Buffun
end Wm. Snyder with a large acreage of
potatoes;. Mr1). I.ankfort, a small grain
crop; Fidlcr & Sons, several acres of
sjeenbhage; Albert Main, potatoes and
onions; Win. Buffun, onions and cab
bage; Johnny I.ankfort, a large crop
of cabbage to furnish kraut for Kaiser
Bill's army when they surrender to
Teddy; Mr. Smith, corn and potatoes;
Ted Crowshaw, a general garden and
two sons for the army; John Coleman,
increased dairy products; Riley Fouts,
kale and potatoes; and last but not least
5( Ge
.... lie
. ... 9c
ri'l... ..,, ,.r,,.il lw,,.nl, 1pi. urnq
its purpose and intention to 'make the iconics .Tomes Seanlon with a patch of
proposed improvement above described garlic for our Itahnii allies.
by and through tne street improve
ment department of the city of Salem.
Bv onier of the common council.
" KAHfi RACK, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this no
tice, May IS, 1017. . May 31
Of Washington Street
Notice is hereby given that the coni-
imon council deems ir cxpeuieiu so io
5c I do, and hereby declares its purpose and
7c intention to improve that portion of
""."lOe ! Washington street between the east
$'fn.2.!liiu- of Fir street. and the west line of
" 40c Liberty street, at the expense of the
$2 1 abutting and adjacent property by
3 bringing said portion oi wnsningiou
Waconda Items
Capital Journal' Special Serpice)
Waconda, May 18. The ladies aid
met with Miss ilelina Algren Wednes
day afternoon- The afternoon was en
jovod sewing. The next meeting will
be with Mrs. C. C. Russell.
Miss Nellie I'aterson went to Sa
lem Wednesday.
Miss Gladys Vaucleave of the Hazel
Greene district visited the first of the
week with Charlotte Russell and Nellie
Miss Bonnie Olson returned to her
home in Monmouth for her vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Savage and sons
motored to Oregon City and Portland
street to the established grade, con
Annn structiiiff cement concrete cuius uui
to rr, nav nir said portion ot wusningiou , Sunday.
io,, Ltreet with .n Portland cement concrete A program was given' nt
r)(1 pavement six inches thick, in accord- Sunday, Mothers- Day. The program
40(S)7!ic I auce with the plans, specifications andjwns splendid and n good crowd attend-
T "
T '
i.-. insHiimfps for the improvement of said
fiV.e portion of Washington street adopted
io 'o by the common council on the 11th day
45c of May, 1917, which aro now on file in
the office of the city recorder,, which,
for greater certainty and a more de
tailed description thereof are hereby
referred to and made a part hereof.
Tl,,. i.niniiioii council hereby declares
Gre.en peas
Turnips, sack
Turnips, bunch .....
Strawberries .........
Apples ...... .. ...
Oranges, navels
Lemons, per box
nnnnnas pounu ;';,' i,.9c,ibe,l improvement by and
XlViiTM tugh the street inVovenient depart
lionev a.6o
.... $1.(50
,e 'its purpose and intention to make
Cocoannts $1.15
Retail Prices
Creamery butter
Country butter
Eggs, dozen
Sugar, cane
Sugar, beet
Flour, hard wheat
Flour, valley
,n,it nf the c.itv of Salem.
Bv order of the common council.
KARL RACE, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this no
tice May 15, 1917. May 2(1.
Portland, Or.", May IS. Wheat:
Club $2.(50. ;
Red Russian $2.58
Bluestem $2.03
Fortyrold $2.00
Outs, No. 1 white feed $."!0.."0
Barley, feed $50
Butter, city creamery 3!i(i 40c0
Eggs, selected local ex. 3 :!(.'! .''':;
liens 17c
Broilers 18c.
Geese 11 lit?.. 12c ' .
Of Leslie Street
Notice is herebv given that the com
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose and
intention to improve that portion ot
Leslie street from the east line of Com.
niercial street to the west line of Lib
erty street at tho expense of the abut
timr and adjacent property by bringing
said portion of Leslie street to, tho es
t,.i.i;i,n,l m-i.de. constructing cement
Misses Ellen Savage, Charlotte Rus
sell and Walter ....usoin, Bryan Good
enough and Frank Hilton visited Bea
trice Thiirninu Sunday.
Hey. Wood fin took Sunday dinner
with Mr. Edgar.
Miss Rose I'aterson spent over Sun
day with her parents.
The eighth grade pupils have been
busy taking the examinations, Carlton
Sealed proposals -addressed to N. R.
Moore, secretary of the board of ro
gents, Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Oregon, will be received by the
said board of regents until 8 o'clock
p. m. Mav 22d, 1917, for tho furnish
ing of all material and. the perform
ance, of nil labor required for the erec
tion and completion of the ; library
building, for the Agricultural college,
state of Oregon
All bids to be endorsed "Proposals
for Library building."-Said proposals
to bo opened upon the above date by
the said board of regents,
All the work and material must eon
form to the plans- and . specifications
therefor on file at the office of tuo
Livestock Market
Portland. Or., May 18. Cattle re
ceipts 143. Market steady. Light steers
$10.75(0 1L2.V. heavv steers $lo.50(ff
10.75; cows $H(tt.8o; heifers $9(0.10.
Sheep receipts 3"9. Market steady.
Best esat of mountain lambs $13; val
ley lambs $1212.50; wethers $10;
ewes $!((; 10.
Hog receipts 75.V Market steady
Heavy $15.75(516; light l5.50fel3.
, 1 .i,l i.n,,mr on
Te ie ree w-'iUi gravel cement college, Corvallis, Oregon, and of the
ot ' . ,i,;,.l.- in neenrilnncplnreliitect. John V. Bemies, 1040 Cham-
rote, sia in. i.rs .1 - . - i,,,:i,iini. i ... l.. ,, ,1
per or i uiiii"., u, B, ,uni
with the plans, specifications and esti
mates for the improvement of said por
tion of said street, adopted by the com
mon council on May 11, 1917, now on
file in the office of the city recorder,
which for greater certainty and a more
.i,nile,l description thereof are hereby
referred to and made a part hereof
The common eouneil he
,..,ri.,.,, mid Intention
abovo described improvement by and
through the street improvement depart
ment of the city of Salem.
By order of the common council,
" EARL RACE. City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this no
tice, May 15, 1917. May 20.
Each proposal must bo accompanied
by certified check of five per cent of
the amount of the bid as a guarantee
that the successful bidder will enter
n 5 contract according to said plans
nd suecif ieal ions. . Said check to be
rebv declares ; made puyablo to me Agricultural oi
t.i'umke the I lime nf tiie State of Oregon. If for any
reason the bidder fails to execute tne
urnt.pr contract and bond required
u-m.in ten duvs after notification of
the acceptance of his bid, then said
certified check will become forfeited to
the Agricultural College of the State
of Oregon. May22
Closing Out One-Half of
and at 9:00 o'clock I
FREE S5.00 PAIR MEN'S OR WOMEN'S SHOES to the oerson holdin the lucky
ticket amoi.fr the first hundred to enter our store when the doors onen Friday
nn i ar
l ane ii
MEN'S $6.00 DRESS SHOES but- MEN'S ARMY SHOES, Munson last,;
ton and lace, old prices ; our closing sold everywhere at $6.00 and $6.50 ;
out price ..... $3.95 the very best grade made; to close
out ...................... $4.95
MEN'S S7.00 DRESS SHOES both b '
ton and lace, old prices; our closing MEN'S TENNIS SHOES black and
out price $4.95 white, regular $1.00 grades go
at 75c
black and tan, styles sold elsewhere . s. f e n i i i in
for $3.00 and $3.50; closing out ALL Kinds of DiaCK and white IOC
p"c $1.95 PASTE POLISH goes at 5c ;
Salem's Leading
Shoe Store of Style
and Quality
PHONE 616'
Cut Rates on all Re
pair Work during
This Sale
Next to
Ladd & Bush