Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 18, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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How Publicity Helped
Mrs. Thomas to Health
Doctor Had Decreed Oper
ation When She Head of
Mrs. Dunlap's
Norn- linn- ;io M.-s. K. i Pnnltqi il
rVK.-iib. Mo., wruto to tin" St. .lo'i'lt,
Mr. ivl'ri' tolling how, after year
of suftViin! with .tnm:uli tumble. flie
lt4.1 I....I, r.iiv.l nf ! ii tlil II t i t V of l'.'lll
i.-:iltti tbrou-li j
Using I'riitola anil Trao. This lottiT
was j.i;lilihf .1 and rra.l by Mrs tioorci'
t'm Tliomas ut 1hh ater. Mr., who liml
been t.ii.l by her litntor. alter mouths
of treatment for similar trouble, that
nothing but an operation would save
her. Mrs. Tuimia obtained Friiitola and
Travu from the driijt store, and fay:
''liy tlie time I had taken a month's treatment I felt like a new woman: the
first dose of Fruitola brought a lar;;e unrulier of g:ill :oaes and I am certain
J'ruitola and Traxo saved my life."
I'ruitola and Traxo are compounded from the original l'.lsall formulas at
the Ciniis lah.iratories in Month olio. Ml., and can be purchased in Salem at
Daniel .1. Frv 's Droit Store. si) North Oommert ial St.; a doctor "s proserin-j
tion is not necessarv. Fi uitola is a pare fruit oil that acts as an intestinal j
lubricant and disintegrates the hardened particles that cause so much suf
fering, usually sufficient to indicate its efficacy. Traxo is a tonic alternative
that is most effective to rebuild and restore the weakened, rundown system.
A booklet of special interest to those who suffer from stomach trouble can
be obtained by writing to the Finns Laboratories, Monticello. Illinois.
and Help Your Courtry?
U So, This Is the Way
0-'' . J
For tho"e who wuiM like to dhow
some of their jiatriotisin in the ay of
bluing n ei eriinent bond, esoivinlly
b'ui irijj a fe of the bond of the Liber
ty loan, the lolloniuit information is
The lioiuls with interest coupons at
tached luuy b, bought in denominntionH
t" 5tt. l-'i. iTuK) or I1.0H0. Itond that !
are registered as to interest and prim.;.
i al tiiay be bought m deiiomiua! ions
from lit) to ltit.t)tM).
Bonds are to be paid for in install
incuts: 2 pet scut on application, IS
per cent on June 0 per cent on
July III'; :itl er cent on August 15. mid
.".o per cent August 30,
Application for bonds may be made
through the local limits, or with the
"nTrrTTIj" 4
cteitT rnimv n'.ii.- ..'
IE?" ''A -
Last Day to Register
for June Election
mmm .mm.
; Watching the Scoreboard I
rclfic Coast Lesgne Btaudtngt.
W. !.. ivt.
San Franrisro 2l lit .61H
Salt Lake 2 l,i AMi
Oaklnml gn 510
Foitlaiid .'ii .47
Lou Aiigelcs lit .t ,4(i
Vernon lti g:i
Yestfrday'i Result.
At San Fr.im-isco, 3: Portland, 2.
At Salt Lai e, 5; Oakland. .
At Los Ainjeles, 7; Vernon, 0.
Tomorrow is the laM day to register
lor the eomini! .lime t election. The
tie county clerk'a otficc will be ohii for
Federal Heserve bank of the district or I registration until "i oMock in the af
with the treasury at Washington. Thejternmin when it will close, as the law
best ay is to call at one's bank and J,,, .iruvi,lo. This is a state election
make application for the loan. 1 he bank I . .... .u .
:n ....... i ... ,i. . i ,...:! d no reeisterm.' is necessarv in the
F.iht runa in the eighth pave thi
Ooduer a ictory over Cincinnati and
boosted theiu out of last jdace.
F.ddie Iiotisch jumped into the Na
tional leantie butting lotulcrsliip by
pounding tml four nafeties.
Four liita wero rredited to Penny
Kauff and two wero doubles-
Ml' .jVoiif.'.
GM !
- mi:
Th Onk ( ut the rrnslier on the Pee
The bonds draw:t 1-2 per cent interest ','1,v '"''!; AU "'" I"' done at I ho court Bm1 ,,,,.,1 ,, ,mt of f;rKt
,d the purchaser pavs par ami accrued I 1 h !,' '' m", "T, ! wlliU' ,h', S,,"U Wni the
tcrest. Thenpplica.it is asked to state U"',r 1 ''' .'' "'"" ,u" ,, hr,'"B , "l gabbed the top round of the Itul-
Willard a Pacifst
To the Nth Power
By H. C. Hamilton.
(I'uited Press staff correspondent.)
J'er York, May IS. Jess Willard has
not met au opponent in the ring foi
more than a year.
Willard has spent his time traveling
round tiver the country with a circus,
drawing a huge salary through the pow-
vi oi nis name, snowing tne people how
he knocked out Jack Johnson and
brought back the title to the white
Tom Jones, the barber, has traveled
with big Jess and has spent most of
hia time assuring the newspapers that
Jess would fight whenever the oppon
ent was found who could stand in the
same ring with Jess without melting
from pure fright at merely beholding
the huge bulk of the world's heavy
weight champion.
John L. Sullivan, James J. Corbett.
Bob Fitzsimmons, Jim Jeffries nnd even
Ja'-k Johnsou must have chuckled them
selves almost into hysteria by- this
time by the mere consideration of such
a champion a champion who dares not,
or refuses to fight-
Willard is wrong when he says there
is no one worthy of a match w'ith him.
Even though he is backed Ly Tom
ones, Jack Curley and the rest of them
he is wrong. Not only is there one man
ivho would be acceptable for a match
of the
relieved in
Each Cap-"'
name Jfit" .
interest. 1 he npi
on the blank whether
!iri Dot nhliiFixl t. r.-MttT MilWi'Vir.
prefers to';, . , T.. ,...
make full ,.avi..ent before the dates -is m,,0().sitrv , r Tht. ,H! ,,,.
d.cated and . such payments are to be iioll t, ,:,ime ,.,,,. ,,, ,.,,.,., n
made by check, upon what bank or trust, llm, 4 ; th(, $lii,)0 (10 ro!lll ,ol is.
company they will be drawn. Durinu the last lew davs of the
lliere is no red tape in buying a Lih-jl!ls, L.lature, effort was inude to
Poth lloff nnd Hughe lool:ed alike
i to the daks raid 14 hits constituted the
I sum total of their afternoon 'a pa
l tint.'.
erty loan bond. Just fill one the amount ; hllVl, Hn emergence clause attached to
. . l... 1.......1.. .1... l l. .. ..l i. i . . ...
iu it iivuriii, Siu- mi- nin mi nu, measure. Which woubl have pre
When Itching Stops
Ihere is one safe, dependable treat
ment that relieves itching torture and
.skia irritation almost instantly and that
cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 23c or $1 bottle
of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon
two per cent of the amount and the ap
plication goes in to the treasury depart
ment The treasury reserves the right to re
ject any subscription or to make allot
ment of the amount subscribed for.
The loan is what might be termed a 1 by tomorrow
popular one in every respect as no big I
bank gets a change ot a fat commission
out of it. The government has passed
tli,. limiilu ,l!inpt I A ilia ttormlt ami I hiwA
Carl Morris cither would make the fat wll0 ,niv will hav(, th tll!..iiu eare. for
and incompetent champion step rather by their local bank,
lively to keep the gilt on his crown i ' '
from being tarnished. It's about time' .J1nveIatiSi.lti"n .r th.e ,lo!1,tl1 ,.,)f John
'pjjp 1 1 "j ''1 iinT iaiiuiiii Miniitl I mill
-union, uiscioseu rne iaci mat ne nau
vented any actimi by the people. This
action failed. The measure for the $tl.
000.000 bond was carried by a majority
of one vote during the last days of the
session and those ho want to express
their opinion about U should register
ho began to show signs of life
fight fans wrnt it. He can't hold off
much longer and he'd better grab be
fore the grabbing gets too hot for hint-
Has Not Abandoned Series.
Kew York, May IS. Kd 0. Barrows,
president of the International league,
denied here today that he has agreed to
abandonment of the inter-league series
with the American Association. He said
such action would have to await the
vote of club owners in the International
league circuit.
Barrows also said he did not believe
American Association magnates were in
favor of the step.
money and certificates of deposit stor
ed away in every conceivable hiding
place. $1(1,000 thus hidden were found.
Besides this wealth his farm is worth
oOjOOO. He was Xij years old, and leaves
one daughter, Mrs. Hill.
Tor World's Championship.
Chicago, May US. A finish match
between Karl Caddoek and Ld "Strang
ler" Lewis was expected to be closed
here tonight for the second week in
June. It will be billed for the wrestling
championship of the world.
To Aid Red Cross.
Oakland, Cal.. Mav IS. Maurice Mc
T.oughlin and William Johnston, former
national tennis champions; John Straeh-
an, imam Davis, Miss Alary Browne,
Miss Florence Sutton nnd other tennis
stars will appear in indoor tennis exhi-
you will find that irritations. l)imnles ! bitiona hero tnnicht for the benefit of
macK neaas, eczema, blotches, ringworm the Ked Cross.
aim simitar skin troubles will disappear.
J A little zemo, the penetrating, satis
fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it
banishes all skin eruptions and makes
,the skin soft, smooth and healthy. ,
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O.
with the champion, but there are at
least two.
Willard has contented himself by
turning down the insistence of Carl
Morris by the assertion that Morris is
no card. "Morris," he suavely de
clared, "would not draw a houso of
Absolutely wrong. A championship
match between Jess Willard und Carl
Morris or a championship match be
tween Jess Willard and almost any ' terweifht,
ueuvyweigiu mar couiu De named would
draw an enormous crowd. The only
thing the .public would ask would bo to
hope that the promoters considered their
tastes enough to stage the affair some
where outside of New York or Wiscon
sinwhere a decision would settle dis
putes before they started.
Fred Fulton would be a good oppon
ent for the champion. It isn 't any
thing to snicker about. Fred Fulton or
Summers and Downey.
San Francisco, May IS A four-round
clash between Al Sommers and Jack
Downey, middleweichts, will be the
piece de resistance of the boxing card
at Dreamland rink tonight.
Will Send Six.
San Francisco. May IS. Six amateur
boxers will be sent by the Olympic club
of this city to Seattle to participate in
the far west amateur championships
May 30. They are: Rudy Peterson,
heavyweight; William Coulsting, ban
tamweight; Joe Bizzo, lightweight; Al
Demeuiconi, flyweight; Max Brodofsky,
middleweight, and Frank Murphy, wel-
p yilllsllpilr $i
Salt Lake Loses Bliss.
Salt Lake City, May IS. Manager
Bornhard, of the Salt Lake club, today
announced that Roy Bliss, pitcher, had
been sent to the Great Falls Northwest
ern league club under an optional agree
ment. -
If coffee was
the cause
change to
and sleep
There's a Reason"
.Boxing at Vancouver.
Vancouver, Wash., May 18. Lee
Johnson, Oakland negro veteran, and
Alex Trambitas, Portland feather
weight, will box 10 three-minute rounds
hero tonight.
Stayton News Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Stayton, Ore., May 18. At the meet
ing for permanent organization of the
Red Cross society here held Tuesday
night in the high school auditorium,
Mrs. F. P. Wilbur was elected chair
man; Mrs. J. M. Ringo, vice-chairman;
J. M. Ringo, treasurer, and Mrs. Kor
neik, secretary. The membership in the
organization is increasing fast the fol
lowing having signed up this week: Dr.
nd Mrs. G. F. Komeik, Dr. and Mrs.
Brewer, Dr. and Mrs. Beauchamp, Mr.
and Mrs. C. K. Dougherty, Rev. E. B.
Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lilly,
Mr. ana Airs. J. Walter Mays, Mr. and
Mrs. Dare Sloper, Emma Streff, Grace
Elder, Mrs. Joseph Fisher; Mrs. Lilly
Messlor, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Luthey,
Mrs. William Cladek, E. Roy, Ina Har
old, Ruth Fuson, W. A. Weddle, Mrs.
Lee Tate, Mrs. Ed Young, Mrs. Ellaj
Ware, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wilbur, Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Bennett, Mrs. W. F. Fol
ils, Mrs. Luther Stout, Wanda Brown,
Mrs. Kate Lounsway, Ella Williams.
The Farent-Tenehers' meeting at the
high school Friday night will be in the
form of a reception to the instructors
of the institution.
Mrs. Joe Peery gave a farewell recep
tion at her home this week for the
teachers in the schools who will not be
here next year: Miss Maude Hollister,
Principal W. C. Gauntt, aud Miss Bas-
Mrs. Horace Lilly went to Portland
yesterday. She will return today.
Mrs. Alva Thomas, who has been vis
iting a sister in Portland for the past
week or more, will return home in a few
School closes June 1.
L. S. Lambert was in from his farm
on the Aumsville road early iu the
The father, mother and brother of
Mrs. Mettou Mack are stopping with
her, they having recently arrived from
their place on the coast. Sir. Kimsey,
her brother, has been afflicted with
Martin is seen on fine days
working in her garden much to the
gratification of her friends. She had
been confined to her room for some
W .E. Thomas, of Salem. ,was here
this week looking after some of his
property ltitetests. Mr. Thomas has
lived longer in Stayton than perhaps
any other present resident.
Mrs. J. W. Nipple, of West Stayton,
was in the city on Wednesday.
V. E. Robinson, circulation auditor
o.f the Oregonian, spent Wednesday in
Stayton arranging a house to house de
livery for those patrons desiring this
Ashby, of Union Hill, was in
Stayton this week.
The cemetery will be greatly im
proved this year according to plans of
the Masonic and I. O. O. F. lodges, the
owners. Representatives of these or
ganizations spent the greater part of
last .Sunday morning at the burial place
and decided to put in two crushed rock
walks running the full width of the
tract at right angles to a similar walk
to connect from the main entrance. An
other entrance will also be added. The
new walks, all told, will measure nearly
000 yards. Those who visited the ceme
tery and made the plans as outlined
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Rod Murphy, who was supposed to be
hots du eombat as the result of get
ting poked iu the rye Wednesday, show
ed he is the comeback kid by getting
four safeties out of five times up.
Drink a glass of real hot water
before breakfast to wash
out poisons.
Life is not merely to live, but to
live well, eat well, "digest well, work
well, sleep well, look well- What a
glorious condition to attain, and yet
how very easy it is if one will oiily
adopt the morning inside bath.
Folks who are accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when thev arise, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, fou!
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
can. instead, feel as fresh as a daisy
bv opening the sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out" the
whole of the internal poisonous stag
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning, before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in it to wash from the
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day'g indigestible waste,
sour bile and poisonous toxns; thus
cleansing, sweetening and purifying
the entile alimentary canal before put
ting more food into" the stomuch. The
action of hot water and limestone phos
phate on an empty stomach is wonder
fully invigora'ing. It cleans out all the
sour fermentations, gases, waste nnd
acidity and gives one a splendid appe
tite tor breakfast. While you are en
joying your oreaktast the water and
phosphate is quietly extracting a large
volume of water from the blood nnd
getting ready for athorongh flushing
of all the inside organs. '
The millions of people who are both
ered with constipation, bilious spells,
stomach trouble, rheumatism; others
wno nave sallow skins, blood disorders
and sickly complexions' are urL'ed to
get a quarter pound of limestone phos
phate from the drug store which will
cost very little, but is sufficient to
make anyone a pronounced crank on
Red Oldham did his dornedest to lose
that game to Portland. Ho wulked nine
batter and only fielding of No, 1 Or
der in the pinches saved ltiui.
The Seals fgot six hits and three runs
off llelifericli in five innings and then
Houck stopped them tdiort. But it was
enough to win as despite Oldham's
wildnesg the Heavers could gather only
a couple of tallies.
Pete Stamlridge was In fine form nnd
allowed Vernon only two hits, the An
gels winning, 7 to 0.
The Chnneniioii went wild with the
willow and
know newly wed, and Vaughn, grabbed
three hits apiece.
There is one sure way that hits never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, common liquid nr
vou front any drug store (this is all
you will need), apply it at night when
retiring; use enough to moisten the
scalp nnd rub it in gently with the
linger tips.
By morning, most if not nil, of yOur
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it, no matter
how much dandruff you may have.
You will find all itching ami digging j
of the sculp-will stop instantly, ami
a rapnor
Chorus Graceful and Pretty,
Singing Fair and Comedian '
"A tango sandwich, Hkusc." .
"A tango Mimlwiclit"
"Yes, and be quick."
"What is a tango sauiliricht"
"Some ehken, very little dressing,
nun nut ioo mticti iiiustRM ." -
Yes bo that just about rharaeteriwd b, the I'
"September Morn" at tho (!mt (i,. ei ,i,i.. """i
atre last evemng. when "she" was pre- Japt, tic r0it,j 1
seated in hvtng pose to the audience. ki mC'
Yet it must bo said that as far as tht ehn ot front rmiLV
fair September goes, the picture on the tliltion in fa BT t
easel gave a better impression of tht '' today ttituwfei'Ji
original September tliim did the poseur. pnloati Vivt
"September Morn" brought with her t was pointed tosswif,, -n
breath of the davs unnn hv in kqi. 'hn statement. t
ictn.en went wild with th muHU,nl c(,m;ilitr, fjUtJ, , , k thi, wnnwicit,,.,
got . H h.l Mouse., the well; ,,, ,,V(r. wp r ' '3 , tot thirf mm fc, ii
. Washington, X , I
"W't Ofrn,,-i-rcaa
110 "1
B uifliC Q tk, M-
arrival of Amtriui int, c
ortri m even Mm iw s
naval authority tuiNsu -
ery weoli and were irrected i ' .'KI mm M i
with crowded houses. The house wnsl""'.""? Imiitted ublintn s
medium last night, probably because tht
impression was general thut it might
bo iust a "tvi.u l,if .,, 11...
wasn't. The company hud a' vulutuinoui ! !?n Xfu um
if not for its richness; T?t fT
The show was colorful, the singhtA "K g
passable, and the chorus really graceful, th(, mt ,hc j '
and pretty. The dancing wns good and ( hastened to offcnfWs; -thoroughly
representative of what mu- ers for North sea Mbnutrw !?
sicnl comedy generally is, or is planned i .
to I1'1. " The Home Gnanli o! b '
Practically the whole burden of the turrd a couple of hrglsK
show fell on the shoulders of Rudolph ered aud were robbing tie I
l'lnstric, professor of art, who was im-i Beard. The capture wss ta .
personated by William Moore. This. Wednesday morning. J
ilroll personage shook tno House time
and time again with his odd manner
isms, sayings, and gags. His funnyacss
was natural as a bubbling spring. His
biggest hit was the song "A Spare Bib
From the Butchershnp of Life,'
You kave nrollei Wi t
Stiff, achy joints! Shan)
rheumatic pains tortasjaW
licking hack, pain to lit H
men, dintmty wen irais ;
which he. takes a fling at the theory
fKtif L-r.nifiii nun nf Ailnin's Inst ribs. I
..t.' win.:... .' a i...0i;i.Hiftlmit! These tre tec
your hair will be fluffv, lustrous. I World's Greatest Tango Dancer," was with your kulntji iH
glossy, silky nod soft, nnd look and clever and made good with the audience one
11 the time. AVri; ' '
feel a hundred times better.
above were: Dr. H. A. Beauchamp, . Prono1ll,l'e't an
James G. Gardner, Grant Murphy, H. h! the 8"bj" 1 'nt(,ra' sanitation
Hcltzel and J. M. Eingo.
Will Weddle will go to Eugene next
week to attend a grand lodge meet
ing. Mrs. Niebart, who was buried last
Saturday, had lived here for a long time
and her passing was a cause of great re
gret on the part of her many friends.
Professor James T. Matthews, of Sa
lem, will preach morning aud evening in
the M. K. church on Sunday. Rev. Ma
rion Home, of Eugene, will preach
morning aud evening iu the Christion
The women of the local W- C. T. U.
had a rally at the home of Mrs. Martha
Brown last Wednesday when refresh
ments were served and work plans out
lined. Those present were: Mrs. Anna
Stayton, Mrs I.ydia Ruble, Mrs. Ella
Ware, Mrs. Mary Follis, Mrs. Anne
Cornish, Mrs. John Thomas, Mrs. M. K.
Brown, Mrs. J. W- Nipple, Mrs. Jennie
McLollaii, Mrs. Susan Traak, Mrs.
Hutchinson, Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Mrs.,
Barbara Kirkpatrick. Little- Misses
Hilda Trask and Beatrice Lockhart
were the youthful waitresses during the
refreshment period.
City Marshal J. B. Grier is making
his rounds lor the month in the interest
of the water rent collection. He is a
few days late oil account of needed
tanning operations on his place.
Miss Ruth Fuson, the Kingston school
instructor, was in Stayton this week.
Paris, May 18. America ' second
section of fighting men went to the
front today.
The unit was composed of about for
ty Americans comprising number two
squadron of the American munitions
transport, recently organized under A.
1'iatt Andrew, 0f the American ainbu
lanco corps.
J- bailey of Cambridge, Mass-,
lale, J 9 1 0 , was in command of thn
acct ion.
Washington, May 18, Four boards of
cavalry officers wero appointed today
to visit. Kansas City, Mr-; Fort Reno,
Ok la. ; Fort Royal, Va.; and Fort Keogh,
Mont., to buy about $100,(100,000 worth
of horses and mules for the army.
Among the wedding presents to a
bride at Cove were "a cow and n
blooded sow." If all wedding gifts
were as sensible as these in these war
food times there would be moro suc
cessful marriages, in the opinion of tho
Baker Herald.
Paris, May 18. Arrival of a num
ber of Japanese gunboats nt Marseilles
to aid in combatting the submarine
warfare was officially announced to-dav.
Children Cry
rt AS TO R i A
The New York Herald todny printed
a story asserting that, a contingent o!
Japanese troops had been landed at
r,-oiiino on Anril !!). according to in
formation received in New York. The
.fapanese forces, it was Raid will fight
side by side with the Russians on the
west front.
Children Cry
Capsules immediately, ftfs
preparation, uied all wife,
centuries, combining mt" t
and herbs, well katwil p;
and used by thousands a w r
practice. The Cap""
pcrimental, make f ;
ine," or ;
temporary. They mi-,
edy and act nata?
gist, insist on
ll Haarlem OH inCab
name GOLD MEML .' f
for FinS ,
g ii Bill iim ilns iti hi ft j id Mm m mm mm ii iii imi ' ttml iii hi i ' " imiww'-
Fcr Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Sell it Journal classified ad way.
mkxFZ In
f. --JS. M s trf"
J Now is the Time to
J Plant Jl fl
J Morses other Grand Prize f
r California Seeds jC
Smen San Francisco J 11
If you
r l 1 i -i j i n J! rrav'iffl.
i esLernav vp rripn r.n rp vn ni uu-upf ti
our message get yesterday's paper and look it up. gixty yeaj
Our plant has been in continuous operation ,-ior effjcient serv-,
Over sixty years of endeavor to give you P.rol?P VhV not have us Pj
ice. Do you take advantage of this service J?n0Uffill keep
in a plate or range for you and give it a day ,"r service. !
Our office and operating departments are at youi
Just try us. . '
The Gas
Lets try it?
m pn ipi ywm mm f m . "f f fl E