Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 18, 1917, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The Capital Journal
M;iv H li'K,
investieatinir the tlms-i vvvVfYft
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
rredJent Vie President.
eor. and Tre.
Dai'v by carrier, per year J.tW Per month
Daily by mail, per year 3 00 P month
VTsrd Lewis, New York, Tribune liuilding.
Chicago, V. H. Stochwell People's Ga Building.
Th Capital Jonrual carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation' manager, as this is the
only wy we can determine" whether or rot the carriers are following in
struction's. Phone Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you
by special messenger if the carrier has missed you.
The New 1 01 k end has leen lnvestieatmir
ion it is asserted Colonel Roosevelt has ready to follow
him to the wars, and states it is mostlv a Daner army. It
says of the ;U.8:'.2 men that make up a division. l,17o are
enrolled. 5.L'."0 on doubtful list and 25,407 are yet to be re
cruited. This leaves the Colonel, so far as his army is con
cerned, much in the fix of the boy who was chasing the
rat around a corn shock. A passer-by asked him what he
was doing? "Killing rats" was the reply as he chased
around the shock. "How many have you killed" asked
the stranger.
"Well, when I get this son-of-gun," was the reply as he
struck at it with his stick, "and two more, 1 will have
Chairman of the Chicago Board of Trade, Joseph P.
I Griffin, defending wheat speculation, savs that it was not
'.responsible for the soaring prices. He asserts that it was
ithe farmers holdine; their orain for the ton market that
' The Oregonian says the Bean bill authorizing the j caused the rise. This in the face of the fact that in the
counties in which railroad lands are situated to place such 1 48 hours following the stopping of speculating in May
lands on the assessment rolls and to relieve the counties' wheat the price dropped 4:5 centsalmost a cent an hour.
from Da vine the state tax until it is collected by such
counties means a saving to those counties of $450,000 a
Mr. Griffin ascribes this to the farmers suddenly "loosen
ing up," and sending their hoarded wheat to the market,
year. That the relusal to pass tho measure will deprive which in the same breath Mr. Griffin says cannot be done
such counties of revenues they are justly entitled to, in! because of lack of cars and transportation. Mr. Griffin
that sum. If the Oregonian s statement is correct, thenj 1S a picturesque prevaricator, but not a skillful one.
certainly the measure should nave me support oi every
Salem, Ore., May IT Editor Journal:
Referring to grunge meeting held Hi
Turner and J. 1. Robertson's state
ment that the new unto tj was uncon
stitutional. I presume this Is luiscd on
the decision covering the bicycle, tn
to mine money to build bicycle with
in Oregon. If this is the ease should
go slow in voting the fond liond as
they will be a lien agiiinst real proper
ty if auto tax should fail. Will some
(if our good rond boosters please ans
wer! WM. SMITH.
taxnaver in the state, and that means everybody, for all
are taxpayers either directly or indirectly. We must con
fess our inability to see where the placing of these lands
When volt wii-di vonr hair, be cnrefol
nhnt vou use. Most stoops and prepar-
I hhnmtmoti eoutnin too much alkali.
whieli is very injurious, as it dries the
rali and make the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is just dnin
mulsified eocoitnut oil. for this is pure
and etitirelv grenseless. It s very cheap.
and beats the most expensive soaps or
anything else all to pieces. on can get
this at anv drug store, and a few ounc
es will last the whole family for months
Simplv moisten the hair with water
timl rub it in. iibout a teaspoonl'iilis all
that is required. It imiKi's an nbiind
tiuee of rich, creamy lather, cleanses
Some timid folks object to food control or regulation
by the government because it smacks of socialism. Per-
naps, but then 11 someone is to control our food prices thoroughly, ami rinse out easily. Th
VI'nni1 IT nnr lUI Kntrnit In hm.n t-h , I . J ... : L ll utlii nm-fl i in mm -,-m., mm in
.... . V. J i 1 "uum 11 uv Ulucl l" "avt- iuc &uveillim'm UO II Uiail ,tt tll,.s, l,,kinix bri.'lit tluffv wavv
have been declared forfeited to the general government, j T iPt of Chicago gamblers? Will we not be If! US P'OOd to bundle. I tMi.l. it Ioowmis
: IMH J UI l I ll- II" Ul, U tint j
and being so they have become the property of the United; shape with our food supply regulated by socialistic meas-C, S''
States, and are therefore not subject to taxation. If thej ures as we are when they are fixed and controlled bv!
lands belong to the general government, of what use! anarchists? . ; " f
would it be to nlace them on the assessment roll? If the
Oregonian can show where the counties would be bene
fited by passing the Bean bill it should do so in the inter
est of all.
It is probable the president's proclamation setting a
day for registration will be made public soon. Don't for
get that if you are 21 and not yet :?1 you must register on
the day fixed upon for the purpose by the president.
Proper notices will be given as to day and place, and all
you will have to do is to get yourself to the designated
point, for there will be officials there to explain just what
you are to do, and when you are to do it. As at present
understood, after registration those registered will return
to their homes and wait the subsequent selection. After
this there will be another wait until the call to the colors
comes, which it is understood will be early in September.
If you are subject to registration and too sick to attend
you must get some friend to attend for you and explain
why you did not show up.
At last the army bill has passed both houses of congress J
and is m the hands of the president where it will remain
but a short time, just long enough for him to write
"Woodrow Wilson" in the proper place and then the pre
liminary steps providing for an army of 11,000,000 men if
they are needed will be completed. At the same time it
is announced that owing to the fact the supplies have not
been assembled for taking care of the army, that the call
of the first unit of half a million will not be made until
September. This will give the men a chance to aid on the
farms and at other occupations until the rush of summer
and harvest is over. Then the whole number will be called
and the work of whipping those selected into shape will be
rushed to the limit.
In the multiplicity of street trouble the Capital Journal
in an editorial Wednesday got its wires crossed as to the
suit of John Albert against the ..ity, decided by the su
preme court in his favor. The oditoriaUmentioned'the
suit as being over Church street improvements, when it
was in fact over the work on Twelfth street. There has
been no suit over Church street.
. Those Britishers are foxy chappies. Now that it is pro
posed to give the ballot to women it is further suggested
that they must be ?,0 years old before "coming of age."
They know but few women will apply under the age limit,
for by the time they are willing to "fess up" to 110 years
they will be so old they will not care two cents about the
It was not patriotism that moved the Chicago board of
trade to its drastic action in stopping: dealing in futures.
It was a few minutes after the bosses of the board of 1":,',V"lv
tiaue uau visiieu me unneu states uistnct Attorney, at
his request that the move was made.
Rock Point Items
('apitnl .lounial Speeinl Serpiee)
KoeU l'oint, May IN. The farmer
are getting pretty well done seedinj,'
except on real low ground.
1'. J. lHiby whh in tduw Mondiiy tor
a loud of seed whest.
Mrs. Civotn Pens of Portlluid visit
ed with her sixler, Mrs, J. A. liurus,
this .week.
Mrs. W. II. Humphrey of Victor
l'oint visited with Mrs Pearl Humph
rey Friday ami Saturday.
Mrs. 1 1 in I Fresh is much improved
from her recent illness.
Ifiimor has it that W. H. Iowniiii is
planning to erect a new house on his
place next to the school house.
J. A. I'.urns mid family ntid Mrs. ('.
l'cas spent Wednesday at the Darby
.School was in session Saturday,
The addresses of Mrs. M. 1,. FulUer
son anil Supervisor J- W. Ii. Smith
pleased all who were present at the
parent-teachers nieetinn Saturday niKht
-irs. .1. .1. ntaiL'ee who was i is nu-
When gambling with wheat as chips ceased, prices
dropped 20 per cent. And yet Mr. Griffin', the boss of the
gamming cien, says speculation had nothing, to do with
nign prices.
imilies of .1. A. Hums and I'.
Darby spent Sunday at the homo
Amos lirauch of Central Howell.
f . Jen,
t. A. .'-. ('
The United States v,f: i
the public to assist busi pi !'tbt
"J-dWtob in ffig
. War Bond Terms.
Denominations: $50 monA
est per cent, pSabf 5 '
ments-divided into tS'
plication and August A
Subscriptions received by mail as nO as J
I I t - .
I I I IIU . n., I ' 1 . . 1
II ... . .
nr. ami mi, i, ov,;
of Lyons tiud I,. II
Finger, were week ei
nnd Mrs, T. A. Lewis
A fleet of American destroyers is in an English har
bor, and report: "Ready for action." It is hoped they
will show they are not misnomers.
Somehow the fraternal spirit that moved the kaiser's
men to making eyes at the Russian soldiers was not pro
foundly brotherly. When a Russian regiment refused to
come out and be hugged, a storm of asphyxiating gases
and a rain of shells broke loose over their position. Prus
sian affection is much like that of the cannibal who gave
his wife a hard and thorough beating before he cooked
her, because: "he loved her tender,"
The Liberty Loan calling for $2,000,000,000 means a
contribution averaging $20 for each person in the United
States. This would make Salem's proportion $:J50,000.
However as it is not a per capita contribution she will not
be called on for that much. For the total amount to be
raised to meet the costs of the war and the loans to the
allies, Salem's portion on a population basis would be
above a million dollars.
Hindenburg would like to start a drive, but the trouble
is the sharp edge of the wedge is toward him and the dru
ing is not good.
I : '
"What can't be cured must"'" go into the coldstorace
plants. '
1 Portland is to have cayuse steaks and rib roasts soon.
If the cayuse acts the same inside of a fellow as he does
under him, the first feed will create doings that will make
the diner think he has been swallowing a small earth
quage, or that his vermiform appendix has just emptied
an incubator full of its kind inside of him.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
' ; ; ; Established 1868
CAPITAL - - - - . . . $500,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Let s keep our heads and do things sanely.
Excitement is indulged in vainly. Since
war clouds gathered o'er the nation, there's
been such frenzied agitation, so much of
useless noise and clamor, it gives a sane
man katzenjammer. A lot of busy men are
screeching; hysteric loyalty they're preach
ing; you'll shriek with them, or you're a
traitor-old Benny Arnold was no greater.
A thousand schemes no man could follow,
each morning we are asked to swalinw
you must do this or that or t'other, or you
cis ninuiui vuuiitrer nrnthov Thosn iV,,
skates are misfito nia?!,, t i. i
hPflda nnrl rln -n S:. TV, V.".111- ..-eep our
. wlllJgi5 Brtneiy. vii nistorv this fact is tell
ing: Great wars are never won by yelling ; We' 1 never
r p wK8 b?oste -s b!y ? like 80
locoed ca le I wnttTgle bf le by milling round lik
crash oi Jl7A defend lt until the
crasn ot worlds shall end; but I don't drape mv statelv
manors in forty thousand spangled banners That kind
of loyalty is easy; but when the tax coTekor teezv
comes up to ask us for our plunder, to heh to put the f oe'
Zn oftltel TbPet i0tS sePndhPav conge t
tion ot the liver. Then you will see my smiles are manv
slnely y' y' keep 0ur heads and things
youasr iieoi.le of il, .,;,.
1 1 ... ii . " ', . . ri""r'
.. ...... ..ii ii ir h pmv an.i t,.t lH.i8)
'' proc.-eils of th,- hHMiets
will be used toward pa.wiut for tioi pi
ano. Ladies are asked to briiiR lmket
and the Kvntleiuen are Hked to hrini;
toll (iiirses ami yood appetites.
Mr. and Mrs. .1, H. c;vtlv am f,,ray
and Clan nee Laiiuice of Hcotts Mill's
spent Sunday at the M. M. Mus-ee home
Mr. Launace has enlisted ami left Mua
dny for Portland. "
Miss Nellie Dickmait and Miss (lol
die Wheeler spent Hundnv ecnini; with
Mr. nnd Mrs. I). A. Harris.
N- I'rysbie spent Huudav ut the K. A.
Lewis home.
!. W, Matee has juirehased lit aires
loining the V. .1. Culver (aim, from
his father, II. V. Magee, and his broth
er, M. M. Msjjee.
K. Whitney is Jeaiiiing to run his
new car.
K. K. Mutton the assessor, for this
district lias been calling on the farm
ers this week. Kvervoae en iovs 11 visit
from Mr, Matten exeeotiiiic at this time! bor stouts raeetiiiir its ttumi I
or tne vear.
1. A. Harris attended the Krhriher
fiinerul in Salem Wednesday. .Mr. Sihri
ber was the son iii-lnw of Rev. Plainer
a runner pastor of this place.
W. Heaver of Salem has been pujjjig
I to drill n well for W, D. Horner.
The Thandorn club met tit the home
of of Mis. (ieo. Kdwnrds Wednesihiv. The
afternoon was spent heminiiifr curtains ilias been getting tie ro ' '
tor the school house. After the ladies. tion in good 8iuiic ior -
hud finislied'their work a dainty Inncli Hill Wiltfning lias rente -was
served by the hostess assisted ;,of land from Mr. fmm
Mis.s Mae Kilwsrds and Miss (inlilie jpliintetl to spuds, s
Wheeler. The next meotimr will he heldi Mr. Pomwc lias pit
Caiiital Journal Speciiil Sorniee at the home of Mrs. V. White. The I of bcnn, which he li x"" I
KicUey, .May IS. Mrs. dim liudlonir I members uresent were the Alesdnines
Of Portlnnd returned home Sunday nf-lFallou, Whitney, White, T'.uster, Kil
ter spending n week with her parents. ! wards, Cnplin(eV, Masree, Harris, Dick
Mr. and Mrs. L. Dicliinun. hiiau, Killian, Paine, Morefield, Haines,
Miss Marnnret Davis of Salem visit-iOrimiii, Miss Mae Kdwards, visitors
ed at the Kowen home Saturday. present were Mrs. Carico, Mrs. W. !
Horner, Mrs. Lloyd JirnrbniiKh. .Mrs. vv.
KU wards, Miss Wheeler and .Mi.is fccli!
Klinl,.il. Ii. .
-vis of CrooMlHslcs, h, f
"1 Knests of Mr. main iil,.fii(i
"'.' i
A Mr. Clausen of c,ilmi ( I
' ftieiidi in this S
Maw ('lira KelMrfTlL. '
over Kiimlity m t the Pt-r. .
home, i
MiwTilli nlDaSl,(i.,'
week ml it home.
It in reported tint iiJ.t '
is the possessor of i w ;
Mn Will (Jnham j fll
Kilvertoa spent the twt nit,
Ive Hamwret has Miik '
from l'ortlnd. i,
.Ir. McAllister ni Gurii
motored to Saleui on PiiJn ?
Mr. and Mti C. 8 Mwt
Salcra Sundty. i
Among those who vid H
ens day were Mr, ni JIb n ;
Hniiisden and elildni laJllr-"
Taylor and din jitter. Uu. f
A nieetiag to organize the htrl
was held at the srhool house Ik t
urilny evening. The liimtitici
well and succeeded in ef!rtn
nni?tios. A farm (imejiifi,
also aeu the sanie evciusf, srr.
The Peter Htetfen takte
with some friends moterttlUM
Sunday to view the new n
Capital .Tonrnal HkiiiI
Huiinvside, May If Aug.
Rickey News
The Original
Malted Milk
Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price.
Pratum Items
Capital Journal Special Herpice)
rratum, May 17.- Miss Anna Schroe
der returned home from Salem lust
week. She will remain at home for the
summer. .
Monroe Nye wan m,
C. II- Taylor motored to '5 ,
Arl Bonney has beffl J
Mr. Poiil of h t '
Tom Wain motored to W ?
tow.. Tuesday and ta' i
of hay. ..
(icrue and Charlie
busy lately en - j,
u;vti.cii acres of stra' i
ne'e a good crop lhl,
U1 " 0
side, V10fm
by the pupis'
J By Jaime Phelps
(leliirhti'H ni Tn... i., ... i
had uo time to talk with him. j
... nurry and dress or our quests
would bo here before 1 ,.,.,) .
receive them. '
Hob Hend(
; i f 00 ked lov,,i-v- Hhc haA 0,1
a soft old rose dress with silver trim
mings; wlver riippere and stockings
that matched nerfeetlv. ki, i..i
"."'y u asute her wrans
VlViai) Alni'fnn i -. .
,n ii "pj.eareu. juer gown
wan all black, some filmv l,,n
cut daringly low, but very becomiui;!
Hel(!n wore her white lace; and I the
:., tint 11
t. i , ..i .i.. i.,l cream our m' -
null tiuueu nurii-uiic o. - end
cheese to mv bill of fare. If the proof
of the pudding is in the eating my. Thcy all aff,y Eaff
sui.per must have been pretty fioou BB Morton had s'i
"l"o I tad bonehf fr
men wore cveninir
do hes. j. felt quite honored when j
looked around at our attractive party,
.a Httl l"0Ul1- Wlmfevei
would the boys and girls out home say
could they look i upon my prett'v
home; and my stylish friends. Right
then 1 determined, to invito lWy
Halstead t0 1Bke me a viHit
the brightest, the best dressed of the
guls, and T was sure her father who
was rich and stingy could be coaxed
to give her some new clothes. Some
way 1 must have the homo town folks
know how well I had done for myself
and l'eggy was an awful gossip.
The Supper.
We talked for a while; then plaved
bridge until about eleven o'clock;
then I had Korah serve the supper.
Even though we had no wine it was an
unqualified success. The salad was
delicious so they said; I had made
tiny fniger rolls to eat with it; and
T',,,,, l.,l ',D Iiiu .1111
,-i ............ Tint they
Kcscei.1 liivui.ix iii-i. viv an,
not once, , Tom entertained vn
while Everett talked to me. b
times I tried to nm "'Xvori.
but each time he blocked W
As Tom and Vivian seemed peim
happy I finaUy dewetea. - one
After we finished s.pr eg.
proposed some old fashioned ga"' '.
and we played like lot f k K,
til l,n a1.aV sttrnnk WO. 1
I expecreo V of
ute that some, of the oilier
the buikling would call to
wiw t T' t :
Tom." I f""d.;k
iiiHi... Lif"-
tl.ev at until thev all declared they , . y,
eotiid eat no more. , , jhad all been said ' a,--I
never tasted such delicious BalaJj j gave an '
rive me vour re- ' , Mrnfaet.on. ; , y
. ' ' . . :.. " sifiin u it tiieu, u"
einn hnfn I Olltortnll. UUK'Hi . . " W USE l . . .
M is. Heiideisoi., who had an expensive
when chef. ..,,., Tnm
"Suo is a splemiiii coon,
broke in with pride, but embarrass...,
me terribly. '
I can provie that!" Kverctt (ran
dell added; I never ate such cook w
in my life; not even at your Hoim,
Mrs. Henderson." ,
'()h, please!" I lagged,
scarlet. ,.a
Helen came to my nmw
changed the subject. , . , , i
ThV-re was one thing h'ch had
zled me all the evening. I trio m,o
course that Mr. ' Crandcll ami -
i . ... ii noir Oft. 1
morion wou.u son o i -
ml wuru
(he rest of fe
find J'
I 10 '
tor J' We'll kwF?ni
pared. f'-V I
soup out of v v:
all-''. ,'.,,. . fOBP'fc:
"VC" ', nv,m re";1:
;., tntu
our U"'L" J and
.. A HA WC "V ,
i. ...I- if .
: moment ' it p
She wentt.
t -ii
" ttL flU, end W' -,:
uv' . t... mil?" jriiis t"
ten o i
ed f