fl'J w I i FIRST OF AMERICAN 1'IEDIGAL UNIT THERE; THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAT., SALEM, onv.r. FRIDAY, MAY 18. 1917. Would They Do If j ! Never Keturneaf ,h, barest chance of uch Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. OneDackarre Parly Reaches London J!- Quiet Trip-No Submarines ' Ask Banks to Take Over Bothered Them ! Half Their SubscrroKnn r w ' J ....-never lia n c- toe nun inwven w killed or nynrl You can't be. ur illnot be yr turn next orth while taking the risk of ,a .ournelf immune from ec ihen for three centa a day ;tna- , thf protection that i du. you and I h,lL thin IntMted in an tna JbURCOMl!INATION POLICY cm of death from any cauaa in .Hdition, an amount that Vlww""' fr accidental death. 110 weekly-depending on the n Jw .ccidtnt-for dnwuility mult - accident Besides thin indemnity. .t powibly over $1W0 for low of tight. Call, phone or writ C Dyer Ins. Agency, IS. Bank ami touny asked by CREST OF SPOKANE F100DJS PASSED River Has Dropped Six Inches at Spokane Coeur d'Alene River Falling Spokane, Wash., May IS. The crisis i past. After erecpicg up to a point where each inch increase added thou sands of dollars to the damage, the front of the g'esfrst fiood since 18J4 passed today. All danger is believed ended- The Spokane river has gone down ail verting certificate, back into the treas- ' -l anrt tne urT lr ocur d'Alene river is reported to have Thin prac tice, it in .aid, ill ,event a,,d '' ten,hl feet, al- ket and facilitate float. ng of the mi-;,,, of a foot ear,v to( 1 1 u ZrlZlT """""' economic di. Water is coursing' through Spokane ,,. . , . streets today, and municipal and trac- 'nor o the 5,00n,0n,,on lg time tion company employes are tu" build Liberty loan bond issue, $2.(100,000,000 ; ing dikes to curb the water. The big worth is authorized, designed to break !nla on the vphsp! and on ilcrorations in thn tne hIiocV of the irreater lonn mnl iiroJanin.v ia ...rfn..n,inii k - it, Ul" 1 iv in in Aiiipriran a minor Tiara inn n nnpiu tvmid in. i t 1. ik.. u..ni , . , , . " wi i in. tnui i uum-iiiL'ii i ui i ui" ruutvuiic All JiritiHh nowHpapers a.limrinelv war issue. coTNinri.KHi on TTTREE Tendon, May 1. The fir.t contin gent of the United State army medical unit arrived in Kngland today, accord ing to official announcement The officer in charge of the medical unit aahl the membera went "crar.y j "cuon, mat while tired af ter their aea voyage, thev wer m,in., to hurry on the r'rench battle front. "Those at home are auxioua to jeome," he continued, referring to oth cr infiii hi uiiiib now loriiniig in the (Tnited Stalea. The army medical unit was welcom ed on the deck of the vessel on which they arrived by a British general, the American consul, Colonel Hradley, rep resenting the American cmlmssj-, and othur officials. Hoth the Star's and Stripes and the I'nion Jack were flown Wanhington, May trust companies were Secretary McAdoo to make jnoliminary urchaFe of short time treasury certifi cate to at least 50 per cent of their anticipated Mibscriptions to Liberty loan bonds. These, certificates are then to be used iiiaKing pa incuts for bonds con- iberty Phone 037 inn survey of f-nne county just i 4 shows 'ciinsi'lcrnble increase , pigs and sheep. The greatest! jg shown in calves, few having ughtered. j the fine, annearuncn of the khaki-elad men. Major Oilohrist, I!. S. A., in charge of the unit, said lie and his party hail "a pleasnnt trip across and did not meet any submarines." The vessel on which the party trav eled was met a considerable distaneo from port by a convoy and escorted to anchor. I'.ids for paving the Siskiyou high way, from the summit of the mountains to the California line, will be adver tised for soon. &mmm IVI I LI 11 M U H II ii t I i r ! II n n ii u n H II tl II II II II B II II tl u II 13 II Is a grand climax to our MONSTROUS SHOE SALE of the nast week we are go in ta outdo them all in our MfflN PlliCE-CIITTIIll, FRIDAY-SATURDAY How can yo u sell Such Good Shoes so cheap? This nuestion we answer every day by saying "It is Our Great CASH SYSTEM Just Look at This Lot of Bargains SfS GUN METAL BUTTON DRESS WOMEN'S PATENT PUMP dolb SHOES W0 values at .. ... J4.80 top, $4.50 values, at $2.95 ifSTAN AND RUfK OXFORDS WOMEN'S WHITE BUCK AoS French hee,s,$,5Ova,aes,at$50 $3.60 WOMEN'S WHITE FABRIC WTAN AND BLACK OXFORDS, V ?ood lasts, $3.00 to $4.00, val'ues Als0 many others that we can't show $1.45 here. i0E DRESSINGS, 2 FOR 35c OUR FREE REST ROOM IS AT YOUR 10c SIZE 2 FOR 15c SERVICE-TRY IT. ii p ii ti a 160 North Com'l St. n ti ii ii u ti H H II 11 11 H II tl II II H tl If ri n liokane ami Inland Knmire railway shons are aiibmeroeH. Two centrifugal pumps in the basement I T of the city hall are gaining slightly on the lake in the basement, i'our feet of water in the boiler room in the Coeur d'Alene put the fire out, one of the city's biggest hosteliies, has paralyzed the heating system and two electric pumps can just hold their own in a race with the seepage. Five hundred thousand dollars worth of lumber has been washed away from Inland Knipire mills, according to con servatico estimates. Wallace and Kel logg are still cut off from Spokane and Oregon-Washington railroad officials here said today that the lino to that part of Idaho would be tied up indefinitely. L WILL GO 10 CAMPS Those Not Already Called On ly Affected, First Call Is Julyl5 Waskingljon, May 18. The national guardsmen affected by today's order are those who have not already been called into federal service. They will be kept in their home armories about two weeks and then will be sent to the training camps. The states called out July 15 are: New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michi gan, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Minne1 sota, Iowa, South Dakota, North Da kota, Nebraska. The following wiff be called on Julv 25: - . Maine, New Hampshire. Vermont, ! Massachusetts, Hliode Island, Connecti- j cut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland,! District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Il linois, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, Oregon- The following will be called Aug ust 5: Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Okla homa, Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Colo rado, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Utah. The militia division estimates that from six weeks to two months of inten sive training will suffice to put these units into war condition. When they are out of the way, the new selective service army can occupy these camps. While no announcement is made as to the disposition of the national guard nt the close of their intensive training, the assumption previously expressed is that very soon thereafter they will be utilized for European service. Seven Per Cent of Port0rford Enlist Marshfield, Ore., May 18. Seven per cent of the population of Port Orford, the principal town in Curry county, and westernmost town in the United States proper, boarded the train here today for Portland to enlist in the army. One-third of the male population of tho town already has answered the call to the colors. No Port Orford applicant has been rejected. With the departure of the soldiers-to-be today 11 in num berthe last young men of conscrip tion age left the town. New Books at Public Library from Adam 's J.B. Littler Manager n ti ti H ti ti n ti ii N'T FORGET TO USE OUR FREE REST ROOM-You are Welcome. r Hction. Benson Lonlinessf Beresford These Lynnekcrs. Brown The Mannerings. Child Jim Hands. Donnell Miss Theodosia's heart Adam Bede. Hideout Far cry. Walpolc The wooden horse. Miscellaneous. Aldrich A hilltop on the Maine. Bitting Canning and how to use can ned goods. Clemens Extracts Franck Tramping through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. Heaillam The issue. Hollingsworth Advertising and sell ing. Mcrherson How the world makes its living. jfuller The United States navy. Mystron Retail selling and Btorcs management. Nieolay Abraham Lincoln. Peixot'o Our hispanic southwest. Purinton Triumph of the man who acts. , . U. 8. War Department Infantry drill regulations. Welsh A B C of motion pictures. Children's Books. Anderson Fairy tales. . Baldwin Second fairy reader. Bryce Fables from afar. ri YJ TT ' f"J W m ... t JLmmM t ar of END n BRICK BROS. Goods Must Go; Cash Must Come We Quit for Good War Prices Shot to Pieces The World War has jumped prices of Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Shoes to unheard of heights. Everything you eat and wear costs more vastly more. Here is a ray of sunshine for every man, boy and family. Here is re liable Clothing, Shoes and Furnishing Goods, bought before the war prices began to go up, and which we are actually selling at figures which will sur-.' prise you and, in almost every instance, less than any merchant can buy the same for at wholesale today. COME YOURSELF! BRING YOUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS! SHARE IN THESE MIGHTY BARGAINS, for, the way merchandise is going up daily, no telling what you will, pay for the same goods later. 10c Handkerchiefs $2.50, $3.50, $4.00 Derby Suits, one lot value to ! 4c Hats $25.00 Big Bargain C $7.95 Work Shirts, reg. 65c 48c Farmers' Straw Hats, Men's Garters, 25c ' - regular 25c, for men value Ladies' Auto Caps, and women, ' regular 85c for- Jgc lOC 45c Porisknit Union Suits, Suspenders, can't rot- Tw0 Piece Underwear regular $1.00, no rubber, regular 50c, Regular $1.00, 69c 29c 49 c 2-piece B. V. D. and Prokosh, regular 50c, Night Shirts, regular $1 Shoes all sold at 19c 55c Wholesale Saturday, May 19th, 9a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4p.m. ere 9 A. M.-A Clock, Value $10.00. 11 A. M. Ladies' German Silver Sterling Plate Mash Bag Purse. 2 P. M. A Gentleman's Silk Umbrella, value $5.00 4 P. M. Cut Glass Water Set, consists of pitcher and 6 Glasses. All these articles guaranteed by Gardner & Keene As a special inducement for every person to visit our sale next Saturday, that you may see for. yourself the marvelous reductions that are being made at this Quit-Business Sale and be brought face to face with the savings that are of fered, we will give away, ABSOLUTELY FREE, the above articles. Remem ber, this costs you nothing. Every time you enter our store Friday and Satur day you will be given a ticket absolutely free, whether you buy anything or not. One of these tickets, Saturday, will entitle the holder to one of the prem iumsClock, Ladies' Mesh Bag, Gentleman's Umbrella or Cut Glass Water Set. Save your tickets and also remember that you must be in the store at the time, for these premiums will positively only be given to someone in our store at 9 a. m., 11 a. m., 2 p. m., 4. p. m.,j3aturday. Store Open Saturday Evening DDF OrotfV& The Corner Store tJlA JLJWko State and I jfiPrtv Carroll Alice's adventures in Won derland. Dix Blithe McBride. Free Reading literature primer. Free Heading literature second reader. Lucia Peter and Polly in summer. Singmaster Eniiueliiie. A notnblo addition to the library shelves this week i9 the 10-volumc set "Abrahnm Lincoln." by John G. Nieo lay and John Hay. This work is more than a biography; it is a history of the United States from the birth of Lincoln to his death. Wanenton is to have a shipyard with capacity for building six ships at the same time. Two mad dogs were killed at Lake view within the past week, and it is feared an epidemic faced. of rabies is to bo Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments result from Stom ach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete recovery to Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. Un like any other for Stomach Ailments. For gale by J. C. Perry and druggists everywhere. The revolver with which Joseph Redenbaugh, alias Edward Hamilton, killed Mrs. Alice McQuillan Dunn and Patrolman George H. Connery, at Min neapolis, in April, according to confes sions said to have been made to the h'an Francisco police, has been found in a Portland pawnshop by Detective Cap tain Baty and Detective Leonard. jc sfc sjc )c rt jc c s)c sjs )jc s( sjc sc COURT HOUSE NEWS On appeal from the decision of Judge Bingham that the Bean bill, wnich pro vides for placing the Oregon and Cali fornia grant lauds on the tax rolls af ter the United States congress has de clared that title vests in the govern ment,' is to go on the ballot in June at the special election, the supreme court will hear the arguments on the case Monday afternoon at one thirty o'clock Sitting in Portland, Judge Bingham rendered the decision that will place the bill on the ballot, when the action was brought to keep it off the ballot and thus avoid complications. The at tack on tho bill wus made on the ground that it was not legally passed by the- legislature, when the house con curred in a senate amendment to the bill with a vote of only 2S to The TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS question was whether pr not this was final passage, which requires a consti tutional majority of 31, Judge Biny ham ruled that tho bill was passed le Macleny this evening will be the scene of a parent-teacher's association meeting, which will be attended by County School Superintendent Smith and M. S. Pitman, of the Monmouth state normal school, who will deliver the address of the evening. Miss Eu genia -Mclntuitf will sing. Mis. Coia Reid and Mrs. W. M. Smith will also at tend the meeting. The report of the sale of real pro ertv of the estate of Eva II. Rector vi filed this morning by Charles Rector, guardian, with the county clerk. Th) report states that the sale ot the prop erty was regularly conducted. Jts.x "LISTEN SAYS IF YOU DON'T LIKE CCmiON CORN FLAXES JUST TRY Post Toasties