THE TUTI.V CAPITAL JOUnVAT. SATTM mr.MS TI'ESDAY. MAY 15. 1017. he Daily jpital Journal Classified Telephone and Business 0 Directory Quick, Handy Reference for Busy People ISjFfl Corns Loosen Off jffiaw!-'-WWamelfe Valley News 2 Dori Do the Work. Painlessly "I tell von. lerorc 1(.Bt, of .ci(t, II I U-.I lu try on thin titter on other f.,r rum. I t,U hut them. I iie. ban. bigot uul thev made my toe o lnif ,t wa, mur.l. r to put uii mv W I ue4 aalvrs bti( other things that ate Cloverdale Items i North Santiam News ... up.,. I J..u..l f.-, inl ,v..M ,,. ;,., Spt.ri:iI Clover.lal... Ore., Muy 15.-Mr,. Will i North Siiam. Ore.. M.y 13. Min ;"" Bi' k W,th "" 8r'H"- J Ra.hol Angel and Mis, Horm-by. ofScio. Mm Ethel trill. t tak-u to ,a-1 wer visitor iD the neighborhood this inn to the yanhturiuiu Tuesday. At liw 1 week. loport hr u getting ,!; ;,.,,,.. j Eev. MoKee of Albanv. preached .1 -., H7""3ai iu b:i,., ,!,.,. I tlie church Fridav eveninif p.n , o 1 ".rdHy. Kar, Wood, and family, of Salem. Several from the. part, twk in the I vinited at the home of bis' parents Sun nr. t-c in Salem ou Imlny Anion? them ' da v. e,e: Mr. Ijrager. Mr. F. A. Wood.! Boy SenfieM returned home after wv and family. Mr. it-on and family. eral months' visit with friend, and reta il r. mid Mm. i. A. Wcii.l nn,i ...... ti j Carl, motored to Sale,,, on Satuiday. I JuM let a little innshine in is a very Mr. Jf'sie Moore left today for , appropriate none at this dnte. i oik county, wnere e join, h,.r hits- Mr. George Ashford ami family, of ......... i,u n r...rniHg on a Turin there. Jefferson, have returned to their home Mr. Koljert Annis. of Portland, spent after several weeks' stay at Mrs. Ash- .-iwi.iin nun hid uroiner Arthur. gfcrie Co., i A. BREWPTI-.K, ai. v. iu nervous und chronic diseas- ipeiialtv. 3S vr. experience with "i mireory and (Inflow methods. . j.itta.?roe.712 flat . Phone ' M Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTalCAL Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 TKANSFEB AND DRAYAGE truck t Dray Co., corner Btate and Front ttreeti . Main 74 certified cheek will become forf eited to Mhe Agricultural College of the Stuto "i .'l'"'. May28 NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT Of the Alley in the South Block of O.iarles Cartwriglit s Addition Notion is hereby given that the com mon eouiieil dooms it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve the alley in the south block of Charles Cartwriglit 's Addition to the city of Salem from the eust line of Capitol street to the west line of lath street at the expense of the nbuttini; and adjacent property by brim? said alley to the establish ed grade, and paving the same with a si inch Portland cement concrete pavement in accordilncc with the plaus specilicntions and estimates of the city engineer for the improvement of said alley which were adopted by the common council on April lu, 1917, now ou file in the offioe'of the city record er, which for greater certainty and a more detailed and particular descrip tion thereof are hereby referred to and made a part, hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the proposed improvement of said alley by nnd through the street Improvement department of the city of Suloin. Itv order of the common council. JiAHL RACK, City Recorder. Dnte of first publication of this no tico. May 8. 1917. May lit I Corse Orlr Von Madf Try ".m,-Ui u 'Ikfy'H I'ecl Hi lit OH! i off more of the toe than they did the Mr. l'richet. of Salem. n vUiti.r at the lladley home Sunday. Surprise Orange opened at the regular lime Saturdnv with members present rind before the dinner hour there were ' tit..... .. rufliiv ffl i....... l'l i . . . i 'i.-M-in. iuis was ...... . V "it? wnii Knives and an exceptionally good iiieetinir and rcissors. but now no more fooling for , hose who could not be there missed a me. lwo drop of '(lets It' did all the treat work. It makes the com shrivel and M,-s. Fletcher, countv depute Mr get so loose that you can list nick it ! n,...i.. ai.. i.....:.,. .:. '.' t . ' . ........ orison were tne visitors trom Salem LAXD NURPEnY High and , sti Full line nursery stock. , prune a specialty. Nursery lo olie mile cast of penitentiary. m B, 6, Salem, Ore. Phone 100 20PBACTIO SP1MOLOGIST nht off with vour limters There has been nothing new discov ered for corns since 'Mlets-U'' was bom. It's the now way the common sense, simple, sure way. "Cctslt" is sold everywhere, 2"c a bottle, or sent on receipt' of price bv K. LuwreiKo & Co., Chicago, ill. Sold in Salem and recommended as the world's best com remedy by ,T. C. Perry, U. .). Fry and Opera House Pharmacy. I THE MARKETS nfnl"P flpatnofa ft? Pliirn- '- U "'""""'o v ;t 'l Fountuin Head, DaTcnport, i If you have tried everything got ao relief, try Chiropractic J adjustments and get well. Of 406-5-8 U. S. National Bank "ag. Phone Main 87. Residence, 82S-R. UNDERTAKERS ; k CLOUQU CO. O. B. Webb, it Clfugh morticians and funeral tori. Latest modern methods 1 to the profession employed. Court 6t. Alain 120, Main y88. NR1CHARDSOS CO. Funeral tors and undertakers, 252 North i street. Day and night phone 8CAV ANGER i 8CAVEKGEK Charles Soos, ;tor. Garbage and refuse of all I removed on monthly contraetf isonnble rates. Yard and eesg cleaned. Office phone Mair Resideneo. Main 2272. )NEY TO LOAN i Good Real Estate Security TH0S. K. FORD Uidd & Bash bank, Salom, Oregon -9NEY TO LOAN l Money at Uwest Kates, on fed Security. Homer H. Smith, 5, McC'ornaek BIJg., Salem, Or. AjJCEjiNDREAiESTATB , B. nODGKIX-Oenoral Insur surety Bonds, real estate and Hubbard bldg. Phone 38fl. tf jSTOVTRXPAIRINq IS REBUILT AND REPAIREP 'Mn experience. )t National and American fenct a 26 to 58 in. high. 'l and varnish, etc. itabmy and hop hooks. nco and Stove Works. 25C n efTPnt. Phone 124. QSTEOPATH & R. WHITE and B. W. WAL 4J? Tltlli(! l,n.v8icians ana -.2 Tl'9f- Grad"8te of Amer -Kb ol of .Osteopathy, KirksvUle :m, graduate and specialized ir diseases at l.os Angeles Col .Wtic mjm V. S. Nat. Bank Phone .S.,;i. Residence 1020 ' rlonn oois grange. The lecture hour was made most hioiiily interesting by the talks on the referendum Lills to be voted on at the .Time election given by J. P. Robertson. Mrs. Fletcher gave a short talk. Read ing, A Man's Prayer, by J. K. White head. Reading, A Cheese Fnctorv, bv Mis. Delgell. Then Henry Karl's" talk along the lines of how many acres the farmer win planting of various things, followed by the distribution' of blanks sent him to be filled out by the fann ers nnd returned brought out a spirit ed discussion of the same. A great many were of the 0)11111011 that this niforma ford's folks. Mr. P. A. Stevens has the prize win ner goose, having layod 22 eggs at a period, laying six of those eggs after go ing to sptt'ui". This is a goose story but a true one. Our church will observe "Children's Pay" the first Sunday in June. A good program will be rendered. Mrs. llnttie Chance visited in Leban on several davs, CLUB AT HUBBARD Thursday afternoon. May .1, the la' dies of the Neighborhood club were en tertained by Mrs. Henry Fry and her daughter, Miss Lizzie, at their homo north of liulibard. The large living room was attractive with its cheerv tire in t ho grate and spring flowers about the room. This was the first time in the history of the club that every member was present Twenty four in all. Mrs. Fry sent her automobile for those livinij at some distance. The afternoon passed quickly. Music enlivening the occasion, hvervone is The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, anil not what is paid to the producer. All othor prices are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. uuiniu- ... , .... . . tion is not to be used in a way bene- R ficial to the farmer. Most emphatically did Mrs. Davidson, R. E. Robertson and several others talk against this. There is nothing stirring in the mar kets today. Turnips lire now offered at S)2..")0 a sack or i" cents a bunch and cabbage is now five cents. Some commission houses are paying cents cash for eggs. The egg price1 end at home. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT -. t-c. Alley In Block 47, City of Salem Notice is hereby given that the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, und hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve the alloy in block 47. of t ho city of Salem between the north line of Ferry street and the south lino of State street nt the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent property by bringing said portion of said ulley to tho established grade and paving the same with a Portland ce ment concrete pavement six inches in thickness, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the im provement of said portion of said alley adopted by the common council May 11, 1!'I7, which are now on file in the of fice of the City recorder, and which for greater certainty ami u more de tailed description thereof, tire hereby referred to and made n part hereof. The common council hereby declares iN purposo nnd intention to make the abovo described improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment of the city of Salem. P.v omer of the common council. KAI.'I. HACK, City Recorder. Date of first publication of this no tice, May 15, 1917. HliiL 2! will always vary a cent or two in the city, depending on the Portland mar ket and whether the grocer is paying the market or one cent abovo, as 11 trade getter. Hayesville Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Hayesville, Ore., May 15. Mrs. Mat then is real sick with rheumatism. Miss Ruth Saucy und .Miss Emma Gronkie spent Sunday afternoon with the former's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Brown are the pa rents of a baby boy. born May 7. Miss l.ottie McAfee spent the weelc- Wheat Oats, new .... Barlev, ton Bran" Qrainj $2.50 70c $40fa'42 $43 NC? COUNTER NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT Of Washington Street Notice is hereby given that the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve that portion of Washington street between the east lino of Fir street and the west line of Liberty street, at the expense of the abutting mid adjacent property by bringing said portion of Washington street to 'the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs and paving said portion of Washington street with a Portland cement concrete paveniont eix inches thick, in accord ance with tho plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said portion of Washington street adopted Shorts, per ton $44 Hay, cheat $10 Hay, vetch $1(1 li.iy, clover $10 Butter Butterfat 3Sc Creamerv butter, per pound 40e Country' butter 3032c Eggs and Poultry Eggs, trade 30c Eggs, cash 2S(( 2!lc Hens, pound 10c Broilers 2lic liens, dressed, pound 25c Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 13 3-4(ti 14 3 -4c Pork, dressed 17',i((ilSc Veal, according to quality Pic Steers 80c Cows Cfuc Bulls 5(i?(c. Spring lambs 1 le Lmnbs, veailings 0c Wethers' , 7Sc Figs and Dates Black figs 10c Golden dates li" Dromedary dates - $3.75 Vegetables Cabbage String garlic New potatoes 10c Potatoes, per .100 lbs $2225 .Green onions 4"' Mr- and Mrs. J. F. Savage attended the "Mothers' Bay" service lit the Baptist church in Salem and lunched with their daughter. Mis. B. F. Pound. The Thimble club met w ith Mrs. A. E. Zimmerman on Thursday. Strawberries are just coming into bloom. They are just about a month later than usual. Loganberries are also Into, manv being winter killed, the fol iage is not near so vigorous as in former years, but it is too early to give any- SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL Oh Joy! No More Coras STlveityons recommends Its tha very first whole wfisat food to nppear as a delicacy accomplished bj tho Kellogg method of coolc ingf. larumMittgrand toast itsg cvzvy singfe.tiirj chred. Lookfot' thU n m Mm Spin! . . -yf Hiiiilhfct A1J Wheat Ready to Eat P. CIS O I9I7.K.T.C F.O. school and Whiskey Hill school. up Past Grand Master Hobson and Jim Mrs. J. J. Hershberger and three chil-1 Davies, who helpfd to institute the dren, Mrs. Nellie Johnson and five lodge at Gates. After the routine busi children all of Hubbard, and Miss Liz-1 ness rhe lodge doors were swung open zie Smucker of Aurora spent last Sun-land the townspeople were invited in. day at the home of John Kramer. Both Mr. Aduins and Mr. Harwood Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hostetler and gave talks. A nice lunch was served. Lorn.; LTXi 'ii COUNT EH I by tn0 common council on tho lltli day ln'V"B" and cream, io cents , May, 1917, which are now on file in eoHee and doughnuts H cents ollu',! 01 thc flt' rer'Wv ycl"K' files 10 ,-cnts. All kinds of 1 rr ftrctiter certainty and a more de-es-sluirt order, ,,,,,1 'f. .!. ..' tailed description thereof are hereby mint 11.11 . . yl K'L' uriuKs. " .'"Qimi-ii r,,l(r. r,.3j -HS.cmpany" iPaysble 1.-1 Cml?- fmipANY-Offie. mmercial and Trade trn. P'onthly in advance. CALLS FOR BIDS ft ."Miressed ',.'""'oirv ,,r iii,. - bf.arr I ; '" 1,0 '''ooivcl bv t to N. R. board of re- 'or- "'srrl . 1 'ocoixeit uy tlie ' Mac o.YT, ,'L,S "nll o'clock ail licit ,'' 1'"r ,l10 fi"''i'sh fal 1 :n:l1 the perform oil Ttl.',,'l'"'-ed for the erec- ;tf Oregon'0 "r"',,,tl,ral college, -""'SS , to t''' and material must con- - mm slice 1 icotioiiH tiiiled description therent are licreDj referred to and made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose mid intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment of the city of Salem. Bv order of the common council. KAKL RACE, City Recorder. Pate of first publication of this no tice, May 15, 1917. May 2ti. ... r ?n file ?VJu,;;;V' 1 l0'mereo At, -A NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT Of Leslie Street Notice is hereby given that the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to 'improve that portion of Leslie street from the east line of Com mercial street to tho west line of Lib erty street at tho expense of the abut ting and adjacent property by bringing said portion of Leslie street to the es tablished grade, constructing cement concrete curbs and paving said portion lueni I Lettuce, California, crate . i Onions, Bermuda, crate jCelerv, crate I Radishes California tomatoes I Asparagus .Spinach i Broccoli Cucumbers Green peas Turnips, sack '- Turnips, bunch 1 Fruits I St rawberries 1 Apples i Oranges, navels I Lemons, per box Bananas, pound California grape fruit Florida grape fruit Honey Cocoauuts Retail Prices Creamery butter Country butter Eggs, dozen Sugar, cane Sugar, beet Elonr, hard wheat Flour, valley PORTLAND MARKET $2 ......... $2 40c0 .... $2.75 , 40c 5c 40(5)75c Let folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all. lifts right out. timo .trim- is n sticky ether compound, but dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating me siihu"'"b nwv. It is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but is suffi cient to remove every hard or soft com or .alius from one's feet. Cut this out, especially if you are n woman reader who wears high heels. Simply marvelous no pain no cut ting no aches corns vanish. You never saw anything likeit in your whole life. Why suffer another minute why limp around and act like an old cripple? Comfort Corn Plasters will make you romp around like a 2-ycar-old. The old, hard, stubborn corn goes without pain it simply vanishes over night. Just ask for Comfort Corn Plasters. Remember Comfort Corn Plasters are guaranteed to give absolute satis faction or money back. Only 25c the package. . , J. C Perrv's Drug store, 115 8- Com'l. afternoons, and they are drawing tho community together in that closer re lationship which is so desirable. The refreshments served were deli cious. Mrs. Fry and her daughter were assisted by Miss Mary Xailor. Those present were Mesdames Word. Van Vleet, Crann, Leabo, Lettenmeier, Morgan, Nailor, MoRae, Schneider, Ab rams, Schwander, Nelson, Walter Grim, E. M. Grim, B. J. (trim, Earle Smith, Carrothers, Yergen, Sweet, Blew ami Miss Mary Nailor. There were 12 children present. Mr. nnd Mrs- M. D. Leabo and their son, motored to Champoeg Saturday to attend the memorial exercises held there. Enterprise. EAST HUBBARD NOTES Mrs. C. G. Yoder and two children were in Salom last Saturday on business. Mrs. Jake Egli received a letter from Mrs. Dan Good last Saturday. Mr. Good had a sale some time ago and moved to Montana. Thev like their new home nnd seem to enjoy the best of health so far. Mr. and Airs. S. J. Kauffman and children were at Chris Nofzingcr's near Bethel last Tuesday where they had a barn raising. Enterprise. FELLOWS TAKE TRIP L. J. Adams, Chas. Harwood, Henry The boys say it was a long drive, but they enjoyed the trip. bilverton Appeal- NEGLECT the treatment of Piles and the condi tions rapidly become worse. Relieve yourself by using Hlfl Till AT S2 IB B.A. M Hi. PILE REMEDY a remedy of merit and guaranteed to Schroedcr, Albin Davis and B. O. Al-i give relief. Sold only by us, 50c and len motored to Gates Saturday night to i il .00. Capital Drug Store,. Z. J. RiggS, attend lodge. At Stayton they picked lSalm, ore. of o street with gravel co com-roto. six inches thick in accordance !lt tilt" nfl'i..n r. il. .;!, fhn nlnnii anpcif ic.'l t illll S aild OStl- . ut mi; mi, ...v. j, ........ Oregon, and of thc ! mates for the improvement of sunt por-l'-ennes, 10K) Cham- i tion of said street, adopted by the com bnilili,,,, ij n... 1 !. ,',i Mnv 11. 1 !U 7. now on f., , Ulllilllll, I1IUII . Mill,. 1. .... ....... --, , i,ronni 1 filo in the office of the city recorder. fit'ici ch i 1,0 accompanied which for greater certainty and a i """""it ot ,'i 'ivo lIPr cent of detailed description thereof are hereby su.wi-'V "'' ils a Kuarantee referred to and made a part liereo . 5 ffiiit,.. .: stul 1'idder will, entrrl The eonimon council hereby declares .;: .'. accordiui, to ,. i.... hi.. ,.r,,r. nnd intention to make the 1ir...:. M11 ).,. . ons- Said choct.- i. nWn doapribed improvement by f'tli,, S( " Agricultural Col-! through the street improvement depart and , . ureiif.,1 1 c . c ni(J(l(,r I. Jul ;un Struct , s,t0 PX(eute the i , and bon.1 ,.,,: 1 1?f(,I'tance JUh? l"'tum of ,.,,f n l,. city of Salem. Bv order of the common council. " EARL RACE. Citv Recorder. Date of first publication of this 110- thing like an accurate estimate or wnai the crop will be. Verne Wif-otr came nome jrum ma to spend some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. WikoTf. Mr and Mrs. Halmert, Mrs. M. Bruit I. Mrs. L, King and Mrs. Reed at- $l((i. 1.15 I tended an old inno m-'hu.- ft it Zona on mm,?. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Wikoff entertain ed the voting people with a pint. 111 T. Reynolds' apple house 011 Friday ev- --' ai.... 11 ie even nit? was srieui ;;""50cC($Pin lilavin- old fashioned games Ice $2(Tii:t'.25 ; ream 'mid nl'ors were served the $3.754.00 guests. Those who enjoyed the fvcing 5'.'.e'woro- 'Mr- a'"1 'Mrs' Harr5' VNllioft "' $3.50 Mr and Mrs. Long, the Misses Pauline ,$5.5006.50 Oeniiv, Mabel Starr. Elsie A ikoff, S2ri l.,.,1.' SI..IWV. Lillian Starr, l-.innia $2.50 ... 45c Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hershberger and hildren and Mrs. Lavinn Biirck visited I Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver King. Miss Delink Shultz visited mends at Woodburn several days Inst week, re turning home Sunday and attended ser vices at Zion in the morning. D. J. Voder nnd family motored to Portland last Sunday and were accom panied home by Mrs. Yoder who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. rre- vost, for several days. Dan Kauffman and his daughter, Mrs. .Take Egli, and children were Sun day quests at the home ot Dan Roth anil family near Woodburn. On Wednesday afternoon the Whis key Hill school closed with a good pro gram. After the exercises a game of ball was played between Ninty-one Edna Wilson, Portland, Or., May 15. Wheat: Club $2.S5 lied Russian $2.S:l liluestem $2.85 Eortvfold $2.S5 Oats. No. 1 white feed $-. Bnrlov. feed $51 Butter, city creamery ..v E-"s, selected local ex. ....(ff'-ie liens 17c Broilers 1 Sc Geese .U WlV 12e Livestock Market Portland, Or., Mav 15. Cattle rc eJpt s Murk'et steady. Ught steers 10 75f(?11.25; heavy steers $10r HJ-oO; i(0.7i; heifers Si.5flfU 10 T :..: Market steady. , L ; YK ou tain lambs $13.25 Ford. I 'CI- vallev lambs $1313.25; wethers $11.50ril2; ewes $1 1 1 l-oO. Hog receipts 10,. Market $1J!3 I.-e Violet M'.tnd, iWinnifrod Kilchey, Hilda (iruenfelder '.,,,.1 Mi-xsrs I. T. Kevnolds, John Den- tt!C 1 .1 1 1 iert John and Fred Stettler, 40c j Frank and' Joe Fitts, Albert Wulfmey- 35c!,.v Francis and Verne Wikoff, Paul $9.10 : Fehrcr Mot ilMl1 (i''"rS'-' Christoffer- $S.S0 ' Mm Viiul Croiike, Mark Ritchey and 3.(i5(ri'3.!i0 ' ij i,,ne Cotiiien. $3.-!0(rr3.ti0i sj,.veial 'from Hayesville attended a l......i..n 1. i veu at the high school al i.-.,i, ,,,, l-'ridav evening. Among them ,.iii.. Clarence Ingersol, Oscar Noren ,,nd Gladys Webb. , The church here was nicely decorated L . b.v in honor of "Mothers' it.-v" Giadvs Webb gave a reading ..;1.1 "lv Mother's Cookie Jar, and a diiartette composed of Mrs. Reed, Ruth Sancy, 'Mr. Halbert and " Mothers' Songs." ' 'liss Patterson led thc Christian En deavor on Sunday evening and Miss 1...., ,;,.,. u-ill lend next Sunday evening, ai;.. ,,,lrev White entertained the cm ,le nt her home 011 Wednesday i..-enin', also the teachers, Miss Rotzien 1 M',uU t'ntter.HOU. ' Mr i,ud Mrs. Fillmore Tyrrell visited c.:...i.. S.-ilein on Sunday rr si Webb is now the possessor of" a 1 1 ; r.t steady; heavy $15.75fr 15.90;- light $15(i5Cci j 1 iiimn 111 iiiiwwrrirnwiwMmTMTri iiMniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiii mi wiinwHaWWT' 9-PIECE SOLID OAK I " SET ' ' ' I RfTrH IB UU M MR- Jfeaiii H V i4 1 II 1 '-V 17,' F "" itiiiii tin iummiiinini rf7 -It I : 1 in Plant Now Sweet Peas, Pansies and ail Morse's Grand Prize California Seeds Cabbage. Carrot, Onion, Bcet,Pea, Spinach and Turnip Seeds iKould be planted ot 01 . Don't take eecdi tiiat ire" just as good,' Get Morse'l. On Sale by aT Leading Dealers If your dealer doei not cirry Mor' Seeds, tend direct tor our catalogue Free Your order will be promptly attended to C.C. MORSE SCO. ' C 1 C V ! oecasmen oau imauiscu u. Consisting of 1 8-3 x 10-6 WOOL FIBER RUG 1 41-in. 6-ft. SOLID OAK EXTENSION TABLE 1 SOLID OAK BUFFET 6 SOLID OAK DINING CHAIRS Will put this beautiful and durable set in your home. (See our East window.) TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE We Handle Sherman & Clav's Fine Line of Pianos and Plaver Pianos TRADE IN THE OLD PIANO or ORGAN ON A NEW ONE E. L. Stiff & Son Four Busy Stores PHONES 941-508 404-418 COURT ST. p ' 1 v 1 Hill UL ' I 'it I " tl I 1 I I ' ot w bid, then said tice, May 15, 1917. juay zo-