TWO. THE DAILY CAHTAL JOURNAL SALEM. PRECOX. TUES1UY. MAY 1131917. i:-;i f By ALINE THOMPSON m MI'S. KOBr.RT MKI.XIK HO-;Mr. and Mr. William MeOilehrist. Sr V I t K 1,1,1 b missed for the m-stj This is the firt tin, Mr. Hondas row wt'pkg, having left vester- 'has heen home sin'e hiT marriage and day, with her two small sons. Robert 'her visit is the sourve of uiueh pleasure nil Ernest, for Alameda. California. 'to her many friends. where she will be the guest of her bis-j iLVv lloi"nn -ueuutro iiebsa ; A ,, proil1 f matroll!, who are ' ) nieinters tf tnrt FTldaT nmrninp crvm nasiuni and swimming vlas have been ;j;atuiririe together eaeh week at some ione of their home for lunch i Last Friday they assemble! as the Air. ana .Mrs. mutant Hondas (isa-, guests of -Mrs. William Walton ille of San rYancisvoj Thpse little luncheons of eourse are have arrived in Salem for a visit andlverv informal, the quests many times are the guests of the latter s parents, j droning in jn their "gviti" clothes. ; loose enjoying them are Mrs. VAil jliani H. I.ytle, Mrs. James A. Wilson. Mr. Hofer will join his family a lit tle later ami they will jiass the remain der of their stav in San Franriseo. vAiAnnn ana HAY FEVER Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUG STOKES Tubes 25o jars soc Mrs. William H. Burphardt. Jr., Mrs. iliarrv 11. Olinger and Mrs. Walton. I Mrs. E. F. Tage of Seattle is visit ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oeorge H. AlUen, and will be here for several weeks. An informal dinner was civen Sunday evening by R"? Itarth. who ea tertaitied several of his friend at the Ilet.-l Marion, in U bration of his "th:rtv first" birthday anniversary. Mr. a id Mrs. Charles It. Fi.her ma tored to Kugene tins moininjj for short stav. To honor the members of the senior ,Us of the Willamette Iniversity, ("resident and Mrs. t arl tlreirn lHinoy were hosts for ait informal evening on Kridar- A pink and white eolor scheme pre vailed in the decorations and refresh ments, and the eveninir was devoted to editing a newspaper to be sent to the illamette men of t ompany m. Mrs. E. C Ki. hards assisted the host ess in the serving. Mrs. T. A. Plicate (Ruth Ftigate) of Aberdeen, Idaho, is visiting her ar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fngate, of South High street, for several weeks. V V Thnrsdav the members of the Toleta Embroidery elub and their husbands assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Teeketilmrir near Mite lea v to celebrate the anniversary of Mr. Teck- nburg's biribday. The rooms were adorned with wild flowers and ferns combined with pa triotic decorations. Late in the after noon the guests gathered in the dining Beanlinci r- M smooth Nvwawul ytmth. Hrtuttt ra MuUnt nj latpcwrnHnt uwuluiU Gouraud'3 i Drienial Cream: ) Semi 10c. t,t Trfcj Slrt T. HOPKINS A SON,N.wYfc 33SS BUICK mem r A CtiUmnt f hav f3und Zereler.8 to b a aatltroctory lubri cor.t for EUICK automobiles :vl trucks. jruly yours. 7k "m Endorsed hy Igaimfdb 1 asiar kps I 7.. ZA Cp I Kev, ,"" ory to .., , ur..a I because the n-cords of their serv ice c'ebsnmer.ts shev that Zcro lene, correctiy rcf-r.ed from asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubri cation with least carter, deposit Less wear and more pew:; because Ztrcler.e k:-eps s lubricittns body ct cylinder heat. Less because, being made from asphs!i-ba',e cpjU;. it" burns clean and goes cu: cn t-xhaa&t Zerolene is the ml for .your !- v hi-.fvcr :hc r;Ve ihc r;i tat ell typts of tuicrootae mfinefc For correct giade, gel cor !,.lcn chjrt LOVerirt.- your -:ar ArrfM.'ors ct-jwjitrcard Sttsidurd Service S.-arions STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CAUFORNiA) room for a reast. Additiiitin) guests were Mrs. O. L. .Martin, Mrs. liussell and Mrs. Jesse Martia. Mr. and Mrs. Peri A. Cupper have had visiting them, Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Maxfielil of Roehesler. Minn., who are en route home from a sojourn in South ern California. To discuss plans for organizing an auxiliary to the Red t russ a meeting will be held Friday afternoon at o'clock at the home of Mrs. S. 1'. Kim ball on the Wallace road. All ladies of the west side interested in the work are invited. Several members of the Red Cross front town will be present lit the meet ing and will give talks on the work to bt accomplished by an auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. I'liiilus art) planning to go to their ranche home, The Three Oaks, sometime this week, and will remain there for the summer. Mrs. I'aultis' brother in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Claieiue Hartley, nnd Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits Anyone Who Drinte Hot Water t RUSSIA AWAKES (Continued from pa one.) "The government's attitude in the political situation was outlined on May H," the pro. In lost .on said, "to this. M. (iutchkotf subscribed. It was frankly stated then that the state was endanger ed and that it was necessary to utihte all lorcea to avert that danger. With out waiting for a solution nf the ques tion, tlutchkuff deemed it feasible to divest himself of responsibility. Th provisional government is remaining at its post, considering it km no right to luy down the burden.' Generals Resign I'etrograd, May 15. tiencrals Itrusl loff and tiotirks tendered their resig-, nations touay. iney tiRve not ret been accepted. ltrilsiloff has been venemllv .!..! as the most notable of all the Russian generals. He was in command of Rus sia's most! successful offensive that by which the Austrians were driven out of I'rremysl and tialicia. He has been in command of Russia's southeastern army since last June. l'resumnblv his resignation mi.l Hint of tionernl tiourks, a division comman der in ttaheiM. is due to exactly the smite cause us trot t-M,ti,..t. about the resignation earlier in the week ot .Minister or war iut hkoff and tieneral Korniloff, commandant of the IVtrograd garrison refusal to con tinue in charge of the army while ham pered by workmen's and soldiers' eom mittee's orders. Hrusiloff's resignation mny be con sidered exceeilinulv aerioioa urn ii,.1i.,n. ing the withdrawal from the army of one of its most talented military com- uittiKiers. H er Graduation! Sava ah Inside bath, before break- T fast helps ut look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. Sparkling and vivacious - iiierrv. bright, alert a goo.l, dear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only by pure Ido id. If only every man and woman o .Id bo induc ed to adopt the inorni-i.i ins'de li.ith, what a gratifying char.. -jo wuiil I tal'c 1 Instead of the of si'.-K ly, anaeiiiic-looking me i, women and ci) in, with imsty or nud-l.' eomplci ious; instead of tlu i.i.ti'itt.des of "teive wrecks," "rundown," "hrain faga" and pessimists ee should see n virile, optimistic throng o.; rosy il-ick ed people everywhere. An inside bath is hi 1 bv di iiiliinc each morning, before hriMkfns;, a plass ov real hot waret wit'i a , teaspoonlV. of limestone phosphate rti it to wush !'.( n' the stomach, liver, smd tt". yards of bowels t li pi n ions ilav' it. digestible waste, smir feiin-iitutjitis and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the ciUir.1 alimentary eantil before putting mirj food :nt'i the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; ninl particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable chance in both health and appearance, awaiting those who practice internal saniation. Wo must remember that in side cleanliness is more important, than outside, because the skin does not ab sorb impurities to contaminate the blood while the pores in the thirty feet of bowels do. son, Max, will accompany them. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Pace of San Francisco are visiting at the home of Mr Page's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 11. R. Page, of SM4 South. Commercial street. Mr. Tage is connected with the Grout Northern Pacific Steamship company of San Francisco. . GERMAN ATTACKS (Continued from page one.) Hollweg Refused, to Talk. j London, May 11. (hrman lmperiul nanceiior Von llethmann llollweg re fused to discuss Germany's war aims in the reichstag today, according to wireless message from Jlrl'rlin re ceived here late todav. The chancellor refused to answer iu terpellntions on Uermnuy'g peace as pirations, declaring such a statement 'would not serve the interests of Germany." Italy's Offensive Grows. Rome. May .l.. Italy ' general of fensivp is apparently well under way. The official statement rom the war office today declared: "From Tolinino to the sea our artil lery fire was intense. Our infantry at tacked rnd made considerable progress in the Plava area, on the slopes of Mount Cueeo tind on the hills to the west of and Verio ' The German Version. P.crlin, via London, May 13. Ger man forces stormed and captured St. Berthe farm, east of Fort Mulinnison near Monchy, today's official state ment declared. English attacks around Monchy w-ore broken down in annihil ating fire. --ii y L -it h ' V.7 y m4 1 Even s! the mind,. sweet r;rr. couisejt,. demure! White White v ones siripo Voiles embroidered Voiles plain Cotton Messelino Chiffon Cloths Dotted SwifS .ong Cloths Indian Head uracil ciom f'laxons Mriiis rinxuas check -""Wl 1 of material tt. fully rea:- "vuS eill'l'KI Flaxoni plain Merceline 1 oplins Galatea Cambric Ratine J ifjue Orgsadifj a ' Crp Oerlas. I ftmtt u i Xiwd, Popular Prices Always We cordially invite every Girl graduate and: Mother to see this showing whether you are it? to decide or not. U. G. Shipley Ct Quality Merchandise Popular Prf turn to her home. Hie had been a mem ber of the Christian church since child hood, and was also a member of Euvlid i'lipter t. E. tv, of this city. iSlw was very poprlnr with our people, old and young, and her death in sincerely mourned. Ssiie is survived by he.- p'r cnts, three brothers and one mte'-. i'u 1 1, h -erviees v,., vt heb t the Clinic ;inn church yesterday artcvaoon. con ducted by Rev. Ksson and atte'i led hy niany. Interment was in the city umc lerj. Jefferson Review. DEATH OF J. T. FITZPATRICK DEATH OF EDITH SHERMAN M iss Edith Sherman died at the home of her parents, V. II. Sherman nnd wife, in this city, at ll:.'iO Tuesday night, aged 22 years. She had been ill for several months, suffering intensely at times, but was cheerful and patient throughout, her sickness, she was an at tendant at the state hospital for twl years, but ill health forced her to re- Word has readied this city of the death of J. T. Kitzpntrick in" St- Vin cent's hospital yesterday afternoon at .'! o'clock. No arrangements have been made for the funeral at this writing. His mother was present at the time of death. He is also survived by his wid ow, son and daughter and other rela tives. Deceased was a conductor on 'ne Ore iron Klcetric and was on the Wood- burn branch and made his home here for some time. He had many friends in this city who sincerely regret to lionc n( his .leinise aiil iniii the Inde pendent in extending sympathy to the bereaved ones. Woodburn independ ent ! HAIK OFTEN IffilED I BY WASlfflil) WITH IC I Soap ikouM ke l wri if ou want to keep your i iru lieat Mfint mlls lilltlittp :. i poos eontain too much iU !s i u..nln kiuImib tKa hflir k: :- ruins it- The best thing formal f ordinary mulsifieJ fdfowl f it pure ami pwtlets, at i than the most expensive sr thing else yon ean use. ( f One or two trasfM" f the hair and arttp ttt moisten the hair wirtww in, It make! an Wt creamy lathrer M lv, removing every fBji jonrlrnft mid 0H(!nf f hair dries t"!'! iPaves the scalp soft, aaJ - ; ami silky, bngai, i"v- my to manage. You ran g "'T' t st any plisnnet, hi j a f,w ounces wilil. ,f t of the family '"'",,t. THE STORE THAT HAS ONE PRICE EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. RE GARDLESS OF WEATHER CONDI TION OR HIGH PRICES. YOTJ CAN GET THE SAME GOODS FOR LESS AT THE GOLDEN RULE. VII tt .ii l gWTSjHapBpqsjsjasjssjpita " 1 ' " 1 "' ' 1 ipinifirT''"'' 1 'w"""'" -.,iMWWB,.lhM(jH,t --m mmmmmm.,. . i-T, jlfn-.h ,AWr r,', , vrl ,f. J ' i n, . N 1 Nj ILa 1L VlViiir -sflNJ ii Every Day a Sale Day at the Golden Rule Store We Undersell Uj Houses J Per U Yoar Orders lie ; fin tami. plTflPIMlIP MflrWMfir iPfviiThrarn n r plLMwlw 11 ii Lil B M mm li M iiiiniiir.ii.iiiiui.f, I ! 1! i iM'iiiin.i mm ill infc nrimr lllrtlKT Mnvnlkn J! 11C .1 1 ( iw. -WUYu15 mciuidjimje lur no stores ana paying cash. wrt o m j .11. ... No. 2-Euying direct front manufacturers iaplace of wholesalers. til " TV 7" I . m hi accoants. c , , ,. no. 4---We have no credit accounts, therefore no loss on had acw Ho. b--We mark oar merchandise as low as it can be sold cn ils arrival. ffiAlS KS0r?iAY PMCES THAN OTHER SALE PRICES. WE, DAY PRICES. COME ,NANdGoK -r -"vj j. xi VXllt i T - - GINGHAM iOc to 12 2c CALICO . 7C HOPE MUSLIN ..'.'. . ' " 10c LONSDALE MUSLIN 12 1, c FRUIT OF LOOM 12c It will pay you to see our Underskirts in black, blue and green colors, at 98c, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 to $4.98. Bought right and sold right. 160 NORTH LIBERTY STREET .sn A I l,S SEE OURUNBOFMg itftA IN BLUE, GRAY, STW .,. ! JUMPERS . . BOYS' OVERALLS, GOOD PHOiNE 814 2C