Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 09, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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oth tc eovs w-6 cut
lh JT0 Of O0'PltY CHEWING.
swti? surr ooht oo rxcsr
ruMou,tO. i'Ht
WAfTIIe ACHt TMra mol A Li.
themselves are
little nibble of
YOU find men who are prouJ of
milhty ivaJy to learn about the
Yv'-B CUT that does away with so much grinding and
spitting. As soon as they learn to tuck away a little of
the shreds in their cheeks and to let it alone, they find
out the difference there is between rich tobacco and
the excess-flavored stuff. The touch of salt ia W'-B
helps to brinj out the tobacco satisfaction.
M.de by WETKAN-BRTJTON COMPAXT. 1107 BrwJw.y, Kw Terk City
of 98 Seven AI Sammers Himself Good
Washington, May 7. The giant Gor-, Astoria, Ore.. May S. Notwithstaud
iitKii liner Kronpriuzesseu Ceeilie- was big t ho fact that city school teachers
justified in returning from sea to New ,aVt, g,,,- contracts for the coming
York at the outbreak of the war, to
rear at a stated salarv. increases will
Airi-ilt e.it.fnt-A rtitciiito pnnfrnnfj ie d
liver her cargo, the supreme court held h e!v(,n t,1Pra because of the It. 0. of
today. jl,., sohool board officials said today-
One Way to Cut
The high cost of living is to cut out buying Canned
Coffee. Every time you buy a tin of coffee you add
from 5c to 10c to the purchase price. HUNDREDS
of our best people are finding this out and are buy
ing our GEM BLEND. We roast and grind our cof
fee every day and it is immediately packed in a
parchment lined sack that costs us not to exceed 1
cent each.
Quality and Freshness
Makes our GEM outsell all others, no matter what
the price. Order Some Today 33c; 3 lbs. for $1.00
River sby Asparagus
Order Some Today .2 lbs. for 25c
Hood River Spitzenberg Apples, box $1.75
Los Angeles Strawberries 2 Boxes for 23c
Roth Grocery Co.
P'aces Awarded the Thirty
Five Competing
The three day shout of the Oregon
State Spurt-men's association, which
bean Sunday, closed yesterday after
noon and re-idled in .1. . Scavey win
ning t'i'st place in the state champion- j
ship contest. The s.vre lie made wasi
!. Soon places wore awarded with;
thirty five moil onipet in". The win !
ners and their scores follow: j
First .1. W. Scavey. I'ortland. SK j
Second -T. Tei'.pVion. Portland, !:-,
m -jo.
Third- I'. I!. lodo!e, Albnnv, I 1 1 - f
IV !
Fourth- llcniv Veatch Cottage drove t
!-! t.
Fifth K. II. Keller, I'ortland. !".. j
Sixth M. A. Kickard. Corvallis, !
Seventh Marl; siddall. Siih'in, t,lS,
The following scores were made in f
the state championship competition: j
Tom wilkes St."., II. 11. Veatch !K. O. j
H Wilson HO, K. ti. llawninn SI, Mark j
Siddall 91, 11. 1!. Kverding S:i, F. Tein !
pleton Siti. K. H. Keller St"., T. l. Clein-j
son .".s. J. V. Seavev tw, I .1. Holal
hail Hi", l A. Divde'n S, F. M. Troeh i
Ss Ml. H. Kb. Meson tbi. I. Hull sr.,!
Peter Whitnev S-", Charles l.eith !(). W.
K. Franco SSI, Dr. (). P. Thornton Sti,
L. H. Keid St:.. 1). Moid S4, Ml. F.. Pos
tou , M. Kickard ft 4, C. Podele S!,
K. Xickerson Sit, C. lj. Teniidetoii N!,
P.. Morris 7!t, W. W. McCornaek Sit,
II It lit 1
naraiy maae a
for the Champion
Doctors and Eve Snnrinn a
rm . n ' iFa
mat eon-Upto Strengthens ve,
In -a Week's Time In aCT5-
Portland, Ore., Mm !'. .ceitt'n
hundred fans today lonoiinee Mike
liil.l.ons the world's greatest loer. last
niyh; they saw their idol. l Sionmeis,
K" "I against the world's middle
eiuht champion and rent ;ols of
y-icf it was pfltlictic.
Somuiers didn't have a look in, from
one end to the six round at fair to the
other. Although he kept swinging in
the general direction of Mike all the
time, he was not nb!e to land one lone
solid punch. Soimneis fmihed with a
pair of Idachened eyes, and his nose
Ideil almost ri.ntinmnisK Tnon the sec
1 nd run ml to the end. Mike did not even
have a fair chance to show Ins ability
for fear of stopping .summer altogeth
er. In ihe preliminaries Muff Uronson
red Harry Casey, of Seattle, boxed a
draw, as did also .Toe (ionium, of Oak
land, and She! MeCool.
W. O. liackart SS, Dr. C. V. Cathev
K. P. Kiyas 8:1, John Palmer Sli, P
Dodele yd, K. I'. Knight 92.
'Professional or not eligible to com
pete on account of residence.
The regular program for high gun
yesterday showed the results given be
low: Wilkes i:W, Veatch U'St, Wilson l.!7,
Joy lO!-!, ('. Shilling 140, F.vcrding 134,
F. Templet on 111, Keller 130, Clemson
104, Seavev 144, Miolahan 14;'., l)ry
den 137, Troeh I4S. ickleson lib,
'Bull 12"), Whitney 13S. A. Shilling
130, Leith 142, Denuisoii 137. H
Athletes to Be Officers.
San Francisco, May St.- Some of the
jioiomost athletes western colleges boast
,nre included iu tho list of the embryo
I army officers who will 0 into training
i nt the Presidio May 15. .lames l.anngan,
( Samuel Adair, Frank (iard. Don Abel
jCy Noble, Art F.rd. Walter Coyle, Ber
nard West, football stars, are in the
1 list; Herbert Cheek and Hairy Maloney
! . . T ! 1. : .... 1.11: I '..
tj hiv imciv men; l.ouis .iimnucui, orurm"
"u tHjelto, Wendell Kuhu and tiny Hnss
" I lor are eraek all around athletes; Wil-
linm Stieh and John D Mctiavin, tennis
idayers; Paul dones, Kenneth (limn. Hoy
P. Tisdale, Andrew Carrigan, dr., Fred
Beaver, Arthur N. Selby, W. W. Wil
liams, golf stars.
Frt rTrr!llon Vou Cmn lUre
IllUtt ami I no at Home.
Hoston. MniM. Vi-tlm nf y atriln
I and other kiiraini, and thoaa
who nr cIhsm"", will l Klad ta know
I that 1'ortora and Ky Hpeeiallsla now
I srr mr ia real nnpa and help fur
! tlini. Munr whose ryes rr falllna
, nv tlify hava had tlo ir ryr rfstorvd
and many who once woro nlnssea miy
, thejr liava thrown thorn awajr. Una
, man aaya. attfr usIhh: tt: "l m .
moat lit I ml. Could nut sea to read at
: all. Now I can read everything- wlth
.ut my glassea, and my yn da nt
; hurt any mora. At niKlit they would
1 pain dreadfully. Now they feel flna all
1 the time. It was like a miracle to me."
A lady who used It suys: "The atnu.
, phera seemed haay w Ilh or wllhout
glasses, but after uhIumt this prescrip
tion for fifteen days everything seems
clear. I can road even tine print with
, out glasses." Another who used tt
1 nays: "1 was bothered with eya strain
caused by overworked, tired eyes which
' Induced fierce heailuehes. 1 have worn
jjlassoa for several years, t.oih for dis
tance and work, nnd without them I
1 could not rend my own mime on an
envelope or th6 typewriting: on the
, machine before mo. 1 can do both now,
I and have discarded my long- distance
! ajusses altogether. I can count the
1 tlutterinir leaves on the trees across tho
,ptreet now, which for several years
have looked like a dim green blur to
! me. I cannot express my Joy at what
i tt has done for me."
! It Is believed that thousands who
wear glasses can now dlfe.ird them In
a reasonable time, and multitudes more
will be able to ntrenicthen their eves
so as to oe spared the trounlo and ex
pense of ever getting glasses.
Ir. lleck, an eye specialist of nearly
twenty years practice, says: "A patient
came to me who was suffering- from
lllepharltts Marginalia with all the
concomitant symptoms, as morning
silt'lutlnatlon of the lids, chronic con-
' works more Au" T."
remedy 1 havV Vril
lunetlvitla and ei.hu u
when not c"I?u,..?r.?1thn.r: "-r
used .xpre.s,n iu,n"'l ."J1. .uj.
..-Tiriif run uui of h, r n,. .
friend suggested Ilon-? Ji,,"'1'"
this treim,t and no oniV u,M-d
s-rengt hened Vr eyes! ."'.Th
a da to dispense , 'I ," l'1 1 h
K.asses an.l her hendarha mi -V "u.n'
nor. in this lns(,,n... ".''"'If'a
ner eyesight was llm,.7,s" J f 0 y
have sinea veriil,., the Via 4 l0"'J- I
(reatment In a I t'fe1'
have seen the eyesiei !,l'lH" ""rt
M to 75 per cent in '.n.Tr" frm
L1?;- 1 " it-work, 'r.'":
.nan my oilier r
nmitri, n oculist nf m
report ultimate rr, '--L""? fm. t
and chronio canes. Mr n " .... tu
ottlc. suflrrln will, en i?m.0 i ni
The condition was so ,,f,'ct'''
tperatiou fo? rXl"!(ir,U',hft
peratlve. He for. rMortlni ,ed
operative treatment I relofii r,th
(.to and In J4 hours tl , 1V,n"
lessened, Inflma',, " ! h
gan to suhslile, ttn.t In mJ I b'
eye was cured ,",1 'r,ta n A 1?irVhe
mal vision. Another case f ,""'
eonverKent strat,is,,,ur (cross "'.
escaped the si:igeon's knifi i'yf.,
tlmeiy use of your collvrium y 4 ,e
tightened external muscl", yielded1.'0
and spots on the ee ,nli " L'lh
for Its therapeutto effect 1. '5? "ds
Ing- the lids of seore"l,ns imt Cie7,n8'
as a tonlo for t li. eyeball ?tff V
vision Is rendered u, nmt? I Ah
gis.er,s,b'r ot r ri'i..r3.cs
"'r ? '"w v,: " M ;
'"'lets i f t it.
U:..lv',' ' ;:,;;..
eyes 11..
Hhouu'" t,r ,
i; V h . .
tl.imm,.i':Bt (ru !rt
- Ik...
tailMi itwl 7
" Is , ot ...T1 lBll
''"twwiwl. iTh '" nil
Si"' f'thtaLJr
tlWras,, Tkr'.!"'llSw-i
n r r .
;i . msw dnaifc j
I Success has at last come to scientists
I who for years have sought some uieth
iod of removing the outer veil of facial
jskiu in eases of unsightly complexions,
j which would be both painless and harm
j less. The new process is so simple, so
I inexpensive, the wonder is 110 one had
j discovered it long ago. It has been amp-il-
demonstrated that "Ordinary niereol
jized wax (sold by druggists iu ounce
! packages), entirely removes, by gentle
' absorption, tho withered, lifeless sur
face skin, showing the youthful, rose
jlike skin beneath. The wax is applied
jat night, like cold cream, ami washed
i off in the morning. The absorption also
j cleanses clogged pores, increasing the
I skin's breathing capacity and preserv
ing tone, color and natural beauty of
j the new skin.
I A simple and harmless wrinkle remov
jer which has also proved quite success
1 ful ean easily be made at home in a
jiiry. All one need do is to dissolve an
ounce of powdered saxolite in a half
pint of witch hazel and bathe the face
in the solution once a day for a while.
After the very first application the
finer lines disappear and the deeper
ones soon follow.
t 'if
OoprrUUt Hart Svasff aet i Jtr
Lots of things you buy will answer the
purpose if they are "pretty good."
Not so a suit.
A suit that isn't right right in every
particular of style, fit and wear, is
wrong all the way through. There's no
hiding a collar that "sags" a shoulder
that "droops," a back that "hitches."
Of course you can't study the clothes
question the way we have done. But
you can come to us and benefit by our
years of clothes experience. .Our ad
vice is free and we stand back of what
we say.
20 $25 $30
1 T
$15 $20 $25
It ; ;
Fought a Draw.
Xevv York, May 9. Jack Britlon nnd
Mike O'Dowd fought 10 rounds to n
draw. Al Keich, local heavy, stopped
Terry Kellar, of California, iu the fifth
Keid 141), C. Keid 132. !. Keid I3SI, M.
Keid 133, Mike Poston H."., Kickard
143, C. Dodele 13S, Ballavk 131, Nicker
son 13(1, C. Temdeton 141, "Morris
13SI, McCornaek 14'J, llackert 1J!I, Ca
thev 13ti, Kiggs 132, Lewis llMI, P. Do
dele 133, Knight 137, L. Trmplcton
142, Pearson 130, Palmer 130.
High scores for two days were:
F. St. Troeh, Vancouver, Wash.,"3H!;
J. W. Seavev, Portland, 3SS; Frank
Templeton, Portland, 3SII; Mark Kick
ard, Corvallis, 378.
h. l. Keid, Seattle. 303; II. S. Bos
ton, San Francisco, 3.M; P. .1. Holahnn,
Portland, 37K; F. A. Drvden, Spokane,
Interest ;Was wakened :In
Target Practice After
Spanish War Ended
Now that the Salem Kiflo club is the
only organization that possesses rifles
nnd government ammunition nnd also
the fact thnt Salem has the largest
membership iu the state, the following
C e( f e'JC efC SC f( jjf.
Watching the Scoreboard
: H
Pacific Coast League
W. h. Bet
Salt Lake 19
San Francisco 20
Portland 15
Oakland 13
Vernon 15
Los Angeles .13
Yesterday's Results
At Fortlaud I'ortland 7,
geles 2.
At San Francisco Salt Lake 2, San
Francisco 0.
Oakland versus Vernon at Los
geles, 110 game, Oakland failed to
rive on time.
Los An-
National League
W. L. Pet.
Xew York 10 5 .667
St. Louis 12 7 .632
Chicago 14 9 .609
Philadelphia 8 8 .500
Boston .- 7 8 -4(57
Cincinnati 11 13 .458
Brooklyn 5 9 (;-) 7
Pittsburg 7 15 .318
American League
Boston 11 4 .733
New York 10 7 .588
Chicago 13 10 .565
St. Louis 11 10 .524
Cleveland 11 10 .524
Washington 6 11 .353
Philadelphia 6 11 .353
Detroit 6 .11 .353
Advertised May 8, 1917:
Ames, Mr. A. S.; Ballard, Mr! Maeli;
Baumaii, Mr. I,. K.; eBan, Mr. Mack;
Booth, Mr. V. C; Brown, Mrs. James;
Brown, Miss Veda A.; Downing, Henry;
Downs, Mr. T. H.; Eachus, Mrs. Harrie;
Edimmson, Misss Flora; Elliott, Mrs.
Celia; Fruit, Mrs. Teresa; Grain, E mm a;
Henry, Mrs. Bertha B.; Hirtzel, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis; Kipper, Mr. Fred; LaFour,
Mrs. Clara; Larson, Miss Edith; Leh
man. Mr. W. C; Lewis, Mrs. Fanney;
Mathews, Mr. Jack; Oregon Shoe Co.;
Ray, W. A.; Stewart, Walter E.: Wag
ner, Mary A.; Willuns, Mr. Lloyd;
Winn, Miss Clauda.
Astoria has let a contract for the
construction of 30 concrete wheat bins
to hold 0110 million bushels, and to be
used in connection with the municipal
grain elevator.
information mav be of interest:
The National Rifle association was m,r 'arrae nnd machine gun fire, be
organizt ' m 1871, modeled after an ! " onipieiei. repuiscu
...... ..., ,, iiidicu ve of infli,.t
the enemy's losses in Ihi. f !' I'W'1 W a,.
lies of attack. ' " Germani dfsmtj lt J,
retake Frencli position a
May Force Retirement. Dam, today o'tfiu t
London. May !.-,some of the .1..' ? M I
around Fresm.y which British t roo " Km
were compelled to yield yesterdtiv morn- Mrttmt 0 WnlliifJ
ing to tremendous Oerman attack. wn "'iwted takitif of 1 f!.!;.J
won back by Haig 's men today. trench over front o(
11 Arm. Oil Feeaoov t, l . .. I . ..
""i.e lori-cs ruu- 01 a mile ik im
ceutiHtintr for an attack- the n,', '"f
were dispersnl by our artillery," tin
British commander in chief reported.
"To the west we improved our posi
tion nnd a night counter attack regain
ed us n portion of the ground lost yes
terday morning."
"At night slightly northeast of liar
gicourt we advanced our positions." the
report continued. "Northeast of Guv
relle village yesterday evening the ca
nny attacked but was broken up by
English association of the snmo name.
The purposes of the two were the same
the training in luiirksmanship of the
men of the nation.
Very little interest, was shown in the
East of Armentieies early this
morning an enemy raiding party was
driven off."
Bulleeouit. encircled on three sides bv
Australian troops, was about to fall to
work until the close of the Hnnniah.' .. ' tue iymsa i.nitcnng rum ngluiist
American war. The returning veterans the w-ca.W hmimn -uppy lin-, run
wanted to keep up their skill as marks-. '"If ftn around Oppy to Quea.it
men. Congress soon Tms.e.l .. i;i.,l 1 lVnetratioii of the German positions
laws and the members began astonish
ing the world with their marksman
ship. The Rifle clubs are tho only irregulars
that tho war department recognizes or
at Bulleeourt, it was believed here,
would imperil the German front on the
Oppy line and possibly force a ret rent
for its entire distance. In the belief
of military experts, it might forecast
" Ol l 1 i 11 C 1
aids in any wuv with supplies. The annnieni 10 me norm ul uie cuu.
. - '. . . rntriiMi ormiioi ..Aim
I'OVernmi'iit liirnisie.-i n rit lor n vnv 1 "t'"" "
five men and 120 rounds of ammunition
The Bulleeourt operations were held
per man each year. Targets are furnish-! 0,1r f "npnrtanc to th e
ed, medals are given for high scores and "ou,,il 1 " '
prizes given each year. The national the Germans, however, was
matches are held annually nt the gov- a Mtback to tho Br.t.su am. at circling
eminent rnnire nt .Tncksonville Fliowbi. lu0 cnu 01 UIT.V
Ihe ritles are K.ag-Jnrgensen, form
f V J-'f':
Tyro nr-ov.
form-fit COLLAR
erly used by the army and now super
ceded by the Springfield. The gov
ernment offers to sell the Krag-Jor-gensens
nt a nominal cost to members
of the Rifle club.
The Salem Rifle club was organized
about a year ago with 39 members.
Now it has 175 and the chances are
good for doubling this number. A con
test has ben inaugurated with two
teams soliciting members. It is under
stood thnt th.; losing team will have nn
opportunity to pay for a banquet to the
The Rifle dub drills Friday evenings
and -shoots Wednesday evenings. In
structions in pistol and revolver prac
tice will bo given later. In-door shoot
ing haB been going on all winter and
the .Salem club has been among the high
ones in its pcore.
Out door shooting is done nt 200, 300.
500 and (.00 yards, in both rapid and
slow fire.
Tho cost of membership is $1 initia
tion dues. After that, $1 a year.
Application blanks may be had of
A. B. Poole at the Central pharmacy.
There is no military obligation for
service in joining the Rifle club. Any
one can quit at any time. Married men
are in the majority, although there is no
age limit. The Salem Rifle club is for
men who enjoy rifle practice and drilling-
Two Rend mill companies have given
their employes a raise in wages of 23
cents a day. About 900 men are on the
1 av rolls.
(Continued from page one.)
their plans. Front dispatches related
the strengthening of the German line
here with prodigal massing of German
reserves. Tho German artillery is pour
in? a flood of shells over the" British
The British artillery is endlessly bat
tering away at the enemy. The fight
ing is for the most part in waves of
small sections of troops, -who dash for
ward, are met by German detachments
and who clinch in hand to hand fii'ht
ing. Positions are advanced and pushed
back as the tido swings from -side to
While the Germans -were thus endeav
oring to prevent realization of the Bri
tish scheme of crumbling the northern
pivotal point, o'f their line, thev were
staging nnothor tremendous counter of
fensive" movement against a similar
menace on tho southern -pivot, in the
French hold on Chemin Dos Dames.
The French official statement re
veals a huge general offensive attack
by the enemy in this sector. This move
ment was beaten back with terrible
losses to the Germans. Thn war office
statement mentioned a "field strewn
German Loss Heavy.
faris, May 9 Staggering losses were
Around Cbemin kN. I
statement said, "the f,...
the Preach positiona t
force linl wl.ut .....' ?
; ' , iron, -ma
heavy lossn, A powrM a, ,
made against the platan (y
v.here the Maulting &
each other continually, a1ihoafl5
down by machiae guns andm-.
of 'fire. Wherever the; Hindi ,
ing they wen throvn back h p r
and the bayonet and they left ttt j
strewn with their dead. J
' ' French fortes attacked into
Chevrcaux and took first lited I
man trenches over 1 frost if
quarters of a mile with Upn -
Th German Verso.
Berlin, via London, Ms; )-
ia being held firmly again! ii! t
attacks, the war offite amtisei
day. An additional hundred f
have been taken there.
"At Roeux and Bulletonrt, EnU s
cal advance were wuM, fo
ment continued- "Betfti! I
burg and Corbeny and the Btnyi
road, fresh French tones Mini I
the evening after drum fire prepay s
'After fierce fighting tie iw f
driven back partly in haul WW -bat.
Fighting o the Aim id 1.
pngne fronts to lew lively. J
"In Macedonia there
fighting along the rernaslwi'
by day and night, the enemy
J . 1' it. .11 .1 k!A Wit
peated assaults, auw
7 Willi 1KB'; va-J
for "Wm
For Forty Years Lydia E. Wfc
Vegetable tompouna nas
the Sufferings of Women.
Tf hrAUr Cm nossible that there is a
country who continues to suffer with
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a i tnj am kf;
dence that is continually being PfrtU
contradiction that this grand old mkm0'
more suffering among women than any v
the world. ,r eth'siuw
Mrs. Kieso Cured Af t Seven m t
sik bottles and today enA
woman would t iot berrfit w
Compound, and flnfl B Aurora, f
itSTMRa. Karl AKikso,5U0i-" ' Bed.
Could Hardly e t
Cincinnati. Ohio.-I want .you tofg j- ,
ham's Vegetable Ctompound WJtfl
health from female troub es thatl co &
had been doctoring for a lonff tog cmwW&
to try Lydia E. Pinkham 's yegetao IamauleW
has certainly made me a well woman , g .
and am so happy as I never eecw . j
n.nrl T want orliers to know W "n0aF
Compound has done for me.
Fairmount, (cinnatL Ohio. t etotJtS
if v.. xinnt soeeial advice wi olir urn ,
cine Co. (confldential)
read and answered by ft woman
jipjiiy) j
k ";;
I 4