Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 09, 1917, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    SATURDAY. APRIL ?a inn tvat ;atfm nrrrnv .
- - " "iKjVAU Aiih,M, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, 1917
- .... .mil uii4i I. . . : 1
I'hone S0F2.
5 12
Tll'f I
WANTED Work on ranch, married
man with luti of experience. H care
Journal. tf
FOR RENT A 7 ami a 5 room modern
rott.ige cIum in $15 and $18. Phone
1422. 510
TTirfJO BATE8WANTK1 Beef and stock rattle.
-jj jiiiw""
a-Xcw Today:
i - JO
,ul Z thai one insertion
5r,Wfifd Advertiaoments
mt the fir.t day
a thuge, 15.
rs-For tale at Cp
;nalaffice. -p-Oi f"" ,a,e biIU
Irntl oftif'- .
T-Strictlv niOLcrn 5 room
Kr(.fll ,o thos. to
I'hone wr-.
ooth Burbaok I
Win. mown -'w. .
and stock
i-Extra good work mare. O
tor, K. 6, box 36D. tf
jWlXO DOXE-Phone 2017J.
KURSERY State and 24U.
ST-8 room modern houso,
"fte honw. I'hone 1627. tf
35 Notices for eale at Jour
tee. '
i,E-Fiist class 3 speed molor-
SMVooil cutters 2 growth fir.
r Mird. 1'honu 12F2.. 0-10
4 room modern house. I'hone
B-&0' " dairy. Frank A.
: Stavtun, Or., K. 2. 5-15
Ij; Nieo tow, just fresh. 1040
aSt 5-10
Dr. May. Phono 572. tf
-Lot plowing done; all work
teed satisfactory. Phone 2017J
D TO BUY Mohair at East
Tannery, 25th and Onk. Phone
furnished housekeeping apart
, m N. C'ottago. Phone 2203.
D Good shipping potatoes
ay top price. Salem Fruit Co.
'Itnriliiy a vellow and white
near V. XI. C. A. north Com'l.
i Phone II 12. 5-9
t position on ranch. Inquire
rnnce hotel, 12th mid Oak. 5-9
.ttE-Blnck Jersey bull 18
large. Price reasonable. 84
r 5-12
J) Man with team for about
lis plowing, adjoining city lim--fne
SO I' II or 305. 5-11
D -T rent small furnished
Must he modern. Phone
S.'T Furnished housekeeping
m x- Coni'l St. Phono 2454
i 5-10
WAXTKD One or two house to house
salesman. Apply Room 52, Bligh ho
tel. 59
WANTED Man with team and a 2
row roru planter for a few day. (jot
ter & Ferguson, 333 Mission ht. tf
WANTED 2 men take contract cut
ting ash and nifcplo logs, $2 per 1000.
Phone 747M. 5-
K's, farm implements and
Roods, at Oak Park Dairy
Turner road, Tuesday, May
Ken-lien, owner. 5-12
W CASH For second hand
! Wge and Buick cars. Dwight
J tf
Maxwell delivery car.
in good running order. C.
w. larniers cider works. 5-10
-5B7T,rcsPaaB notices,
5 Of IW1 ... . . ;
0"e3 at Capital Jour-tf
fANTED-Also veal, poultry,
Potatoes, bean. nte'
m m), .:- : , ' .
67 A oaiom l-'ruit
Bc?t of work. Hand
Jeiung Works, 19th and State
4d' gf"ns!t0,tc- toignt, sold
fei lap robo be-
e tu" lnd, "want Grove.
IeaZ1ta",i refleiv reward
ote Frono Barn. Turner.
SaSjty, close in,
m $1)75 m- H'Tped for
C5, , Must sell
J8 o.) Journal. 5.12
Ted 014 Chick8 tO
IV .1 n thrce davs. Five va
Clark, Petaluma,
55tSrFF"d ,and
0r fel i63 at a "aeriflce
' Uteres : w w ',er yea'
AX HONEST Reliable boy wants a
Rood job after June 9, prefers work
in town, will work till 1 p. m. Ad
dress 33 rare Journal. 5-9
FOR SALE t lots on North Winter
Ht. clear to exchange for house and
lot or acreage, will assume. Address
(loo. Franklin, 880 N. Winter. 5-9
WANTED Men to cut 400 eords balm
wood. Short haul good timber. Two
dollars per cord on river bank. F. P.
Farrington, Htayton, Or. K. 2. 5-11
I.O.ST Silver wrist watch in leather
I'usiug Saturday on State street, be
tween Knfoury's storo and Cottage
street. Leave at Journal office. 5-10
FOR SALE One KiOO lb. mare, will
be in town for inspection, Saturday
or before. For particulars I'hone 092,
K. A. Way, 1105 Leslie St. 5-11
HOUSES FOR SALE Houses on the
Wittenburg-King plant site are for
sale. See A. J. Anderson, or phone
544. 5 11
FOR SALE Household furniture near
ly new. Edison Diamond disc, pho
nograph. Will be sold for half value.
Household care Journal. 5-12
BEDDING PLANTS All kinds, best
for porch boxes and lawns, prices
reasonable Green houses 1203 D St.
Grnber's, phone 550. 5-15
FOR RENT Well furnished Toom with
modern conveniences in private home
$10 per month. AddreBs L T Capital
Journal. 5-9
Hide Metal company Highest cash
prices paid for iron of every descrip
tion. Before you sell elsewhere con
sult us. Phone 399. 197 S. Com'l. 0-5
WANTED A few good heavy milkers.
Fresh or coming fresh in next two
weeks. Answer soon. E. F. Long, 100
S. 25th St., Salem, Or. Phone 1322R.
FREE DIRT About five hundred
loads good dirt may be hnd for the
hauling. See at once Geo. H. Duns
ford, superintendent capital build
ings; 5-11
STR. GREY EAGLE Picked up drift
ing launche below Salem. Owner can
obtain it by paying charges for catch
ing and mooring of same. Spnulding
Logging (.'0. 5-11
I'liotographicnl history of Uncle
Sain 's navy. One hundred to be given
in Salem. No charge. Get your copy
today by culling at Bligh hotel ask
for Mr. LeDue, room 52, between 4
p. m. tind 7 p. 111. 5-9
Best buy for two stock
ranches oil the Pacific coast
for the money: 453 acre stock
ranch adjoining railroad and on
good wagon road, three hun-
died acres seeded to orchard
grass, mosquito, white clover,
about Vi of this has been sown
two years, balance sowed lust
fall, is now coming up in good
(xlmpe. 800.00 natl rspent on
woven wire fence, twelve liun-
dred acres has been cultivated.
good barn, house not in good
repair. Price $15.00 per acre,
.1-3 cash, balance terms, (i per
cent; also 2,400 acres near
North Powder, Oregon, 300
acres fine meadow, 4)5 acres
alfalfa, balance good timothy
meadow, 300 more in a body,
good grain land, 250 ft, pine
saw timber, balance pasture, is
in good shape, place can carry
800 head of cattle. Fifty head
of cattle, 15 head of bogs, 6
head of work horses, extra good
farm outfit, good farm build-
ings go with the plnce.
Price $00,000 take "2 in 'Willam
ette valley property, balance on
time at 6 per cent. Now pas-
turing 300 head of stock, $1.00
per month a head, could get
many more to pasture if so de-
sired. Salem Employment Agen-
ey, Room 14, Breyman Bldg.
Phone -848.
la Number Taking
Training As Officers
In proportion to its population, Salem
will have more young mm training in
tho officers rrsorve ramp at the Pre
xidio, San Fran iH.n. than any city in
the northwest. Of the :i who Mood the
examination at Corvallis April 13 29
signed the agreement with the govern
ment to train for three months at the
Presidio and to accept whatever as
signment might be given them.
These young men will be puid during
their three months training and also al
lowed their transportation to Sim Fran
cisco. The ten who do not report for
the lirst call are subject to call at anv
Beginning next Monday morning,
men at the officer reserve training
camii will liegin the work of learning
to be officers and at the same time,
learning something about the latest
methods of trcm-h fighting. After the
three months t mining, they will be as
signed rank and work according to dis
played ability.
The following is a complete list of
those from Salem who have left or will
leave in time to report next Sundav:
Austin, Leland A.; Axlev, Seth; Hak
er, Ernest It.; Benjamin, Harold; liooth
Warren; Hriggs, Cyrus R.; Burleigh,
Sylvester II.; Burris, Paul F.j Bynon,
A. A.; Cooper, .lames S., Jr.; Day, Rob
in D.; Duncan, Robert 1'.; Field's, Rus
sell It.; Flegel, Karl C; Fletcher,
James D.; Gilbert. Pinkhnm; Hoxie,
Harry; llarbert, Richard W.; Kennen,
Omer R.; Lamport, Merrill S.; La
Course, Orin A.; McAllister, Lee; Man
gis, Frederick E.; Miller, Paul W.;
Murdock, Louis J.; Nadon, Royal A.;
Neuiier, Frank J.; Page, Lyle j.; Pat
terson, Willium Glen; Wygnnt, Robert
Record. Production Being w
incut uj uurYi uj lflJS
F. A. Doerfler, proprietor of Mellow
Lawu Farm. 12 miles vt v,.i....
i ' ui .-niviu,
'has a herd of recistered .Icricv ..... ....
official test, which promise to command
nationwide attention. 11 row, ,. ,,iM
in April showed an averane production ' M
of 1.029 pounds of milk and 55.7 1 J"
pounds of butterfat. This is the high-i
est average production ever made in H
the Marion County Cow Testing asso
ciation and probably not surpassed by
any herd in any association. Though a
comparatively- young breeder, Mr.
Doerfler is already on the ladder of
success, where older breeders have toil
ed half a lifetime to he.
This herd was started with stock of
the let breeding in the countrv,
though untested- After a year and "a
half of testing and careful handling
the individuals have developed the pro
duction which their type and breeding
indicated. The herd carries mainly the
blood of two great sires which are still
alive. Foxhall 's Fern Lad owned by
Fox Bros, of Silverton, and Kosaire's
Olga Lad of the Cary herd. Foxhall 's
Sunbeam the high cow in the associa
tion for the mouth of April, produced
J.J01 pounds of milk ami 11.1 pounds ol
fat. SHiz7.a Foxhall, another daughter
of Foxhall's Fern Lad produced 1410
pounds of milk and 70.6 pounds of fat.
Both cows are with 3rd calf though the
latter is a senior 3 vear old. Another
- daughter of the same sire, Foxhall's
states that on the Marshfield branch jMclia Nancy V has produced nearly
the track winds through steep canyons, OooO pounds of milk since fresh Dccein-
nrougn trie mounians, ana near tne uer 2j and if she continues as expected,
shores of sinull lakes so that it really
is impracticable to funcc the right of
Petition for permission to intervene
in the crain anil farm produce rate cas
es now before the public service com
mission was asked today by the fort
land Traffis and Transportation associ
ation, the Port of Portland, and the
Commission of Public Docks. There
rates are in effect on the lines of the
Oregon-Washington and Navigation
The Rimrock Springs Farming and
Livestock company filed articles of in
corporation with the corporation com
missioner this morning with a capital
of $1500 to deal in real and personal
property. The incorporators are LeRoy
Dudley, Jerome Devine and F. M. De
Neffe. The Indian Shaker Church of Ore
gon filed articles this morning to pro
mote religious teachings at Chiloquin,
Klamath county. The capital is $200
and the incorporators are William
M,oore, Stanley W. Pedro and Robert
Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull, secretary of
the Board of Inspection of Child La
bor, has written to Secretary of State
Olcott presenting a request that the
deficiency in the appropriation for the
child labor department be put before
the emergency board when it meets on
May 28. The deticiency in mis ocpan
nient is $1000 on account of an error in
the printed session laws and the way
the bill was passed on the last evening
of the session- The legislature voted to
appropriate $4000 for this work and the
session laws contain only an appropri
ation of $31100. The board of inspectors,
laboring under the idea that the extra
thousand was available, had planned
the work accordingly.
Consideration of the Benliam Falls
unit of the Deschutes irrigation project
was taken up at the meeting of the
state desert land board yesterday. State
Engineer Lewis recently made a tour
of investigation of this unit, which
consists of 74.198 acres, listed under
the Carey act in 1903 ns Oregon seg
regation list number 20, and he report
ed that it- was not feasible to claim the
lands under that act. After a discussion
of the proposition, no action was tak-
Oil v
it is probable, however, that, the
board will shortly withdraw its petition
asking that the period of time for recla-
Auspices Pythian Sisters Club. Directed by Mrs. Ralph White.
Capacity Last Night. Everybody Satisfied.
Vernon Heathman, wanted n Seattle
on a charge of forgery and also for
Dressing a parole from the alla
Walla state prison, was brought in
from Orevillc this morning by Deputy
Sheriff Oscar Bowers and Police Offi
cer Lucas. He will be held in jail here
pending advice from the Walla Walla
i State House News t
. Protest against making Trving a non
agent station on May 10, whon an
agent has been established there for
35 years, was made to the public ser
vice commission this mor.ning by W.
R. Klussen, a general merchandise deal
er of Irving- The . letter was sent as the
result of a notice by the Southern Pa
cific company that on that date the
agent would be relieved. The letter
states that during the past four years
tho station has showed an increase of
business and that if the agent is taken
away it will not be giving the shippers
a square deal.'
The Southern Pacific company has
made application to the public service
commission for relief from the statute
requiring that all railroad rights ot
way be fenced. The relief is up to the
public servce commission. The company
t ,. IJIMIII1M '
il H """" i
IriTSI in I
' I
I I i- Last I
l Pearl White (Pathel aPelf Ij
will make a world s record for her class
of Jerseys.
B. Starr is herdsman at Mellow
Lawu and deserves much credit for his
skill. Mr. Doerfler will build new barns
silo and equipment this season. The
war has not hindered progress as far
as ne is concerned.
The second highest herd average for
April and the highest average produc
tion ever made by anv grade herd in
the association was made bv the 7
grade Jersey and mixed breed cows be
longing to II. Ij- ilarper ot Turner.
They averaged nearly 1000 pounds of
milk and 40.8 pounds of fat per cow.
The average feed cost including rough
age, was $8.43; his cow 'Bud mak
ing a protit of $2d.ul which repre
sents the value of the butterfat in her
milk over and above the total cost of
her feed. This man has been ridiculed
by his" unknowing friends for spending
a part of his cream check at the feed
mill. When are the bulk ot the small
dairymen throughout this valley going
to wake upf At present no advice can
be given on grain feeding, otfing to
unsettled conditions and the shortage
of supply, but ordinarily the produc
tion of the valley-could be increased
fully 1-3 with proper feeding. Butter
fat is dropping in price now while oth
er commodities ate soaring. .Because ir
is the one time of the year when there
is and will be some surplus and the
speculator can store on a low price. It
is predicted that butterfat will be at
least 00 cents next tall. Cows on grass,
not fed grain, will produce very well
for the next few months but next win
ter's .production will be less. Govern
ment control is needed now if dairying
is not to be further discouraged.
The average production of 313 milk
ing cows in this association in April
was 023.9 pounds of milk and 29.58
pounds of fat, sold ior approximates
$13. The average feed cost was $6.9(5,
leaving a profit of $0.04. This is the
highest average profit yet made on
winter feed by these cows. Labor is at
a premium and many heards are being
cut down to what the family can han
dle, 2 registered and 7 grade cows were
sold to the butcher last month.
(iO cows or practically 20 per cent of
all cows tested produced over 40 pounds
of butterfat, 4 over 70 pounds and 20
over 50 pounds. This splendid showing
is duo to the fact that many of the
herds have been tested for over a year.
The biggest . percentage of gain in
production and profit for the first 3
months of this year was made by the
herd of A. B. McCully of Anmsville.
By selling 4 cows to the butcherand
'buying 5 tested grade Jerseys, from
herds tested last year, the herd aver
age was increased from 29.(5 pounds of
fat to 43.3 pounds per cow.
The registered Jersey herd owned by
.Tos. Ditter near Aumsville is among
the most economical producing in tlur
association ami contributes its share
to the honor list each month. The Dit
ter family has not. waited for the popu
lar cry of patriotism; tho women foil;
have long donned the overall and help-
ied make dairying a success.
H. H. Kuen.i ot Silverton, owning
registered Holstein cattle, had 8 cows
in the honor list producing over 40
pounds fat.
Warren Gray's registered Jersey,
Bobby's Fancy Queen, is still produc
ing over 70 pounds of fat per month.
She freshened in November.
The Mt. Angel college now has 91
An action for the recovery of money
on a promissory note was begun yes
terday by Jennie Roberts against
Charles G. Boothyby and wire. The
amount of the note is given as $3300.
Judgment is asked.
In the suit to recover money on a
promissory note given by C. V. Chat
field and others to L. I. Pearmine and
W. 11. Weeks, Judge Bingham today
rendered a decree foreclosing the mort
gage and ordering that the plaintiff re
cover from the defendent in the sum
of $1000 and interest at seven per cent
with $90 attorney's fees.
Tn the suits arising out of the Black
Eagle mines on the Santiam river,
Judge Bingham today rendered a de
cree declaring that the injunction suit
asked by Stephen McBarnes ct al,
against R. F. Shire et al, dissolves and
that the plaintiffs were not entitled
to the relief asked. He also declared
that- W. 8. Risley is the owner of tho
Black Bear mining claim on Horn
creek on the north side of Little North
Santiam river and that xiiary F. Shier
is the owner of tho "Rex" mining
claim in the same locality.
German Pastors Visit
State Institutions
Members of the Interdenominational
German Pastors Alliance of Oregon arc
in Salem visiting the state institutions
and particularly the state penitentiary.
The pastors are interested in prison
reform and are making a first hand in
spection of the conditions in the peni
tentiary so they can boost for the
$400,000 appropriation that will be
voted on at the coming special elec
tion. They are heartily in favor of the
improvement proposed as it is a meas
ure productive of good morals and
public, welfare.
Among the pastors making the visit
were Rev. F. J. Eppling of the German
Lutheran church, Portland; Rev. John
ITopp of the Zion Congregntionnlist
church, Portland; Rev. A. F. Cramer of
the First German Methodist church,
Portland; and Rev. J. G. Kraxberger
of the German Luthern church at Ore
gon City.
August Kehrberger, president of the
German society of this city, took the
visitors to visit the various state in
sttutions, particularly the reform
school, the asylum and the asylum farm
i niation be extended.
Members of the publie service com
mission received a letter yesterday in
vitina them to attend a convention at
Detroit on May 22 and 23, which meet-;
ing is called by the emergency league
to consider national transportation and
rate problems. At this convention the.
proposed 15 per cent increase in freight1
rates asked by the railroads will be dis- j
cussed. It ina'v not be possible for the1
commission to attend but a represent-;
ative may be sent. j
W. J- Lander, district fire warden j
for Douglas county, paid a visit 'to i
State Forester Elliott yesterday. Mr.
Lander is als0 associated with the Asso-
elation of Timber Owners. He plans I
work lnimeoiaieii " jju-fnuuiuu UII
the fire season. i
The. snecial committee of national de-
Ifense of the American Railway associa
ting fcna sent a letter to tne purine ser
vice commission asking that coal, on j
account of the proDauie scarcny in me ;
near future, be given transportation
preference.. The letter states that iron
ore is next in importance to coal on
account of its use in the making of mu
nitions and that int be given a trans
portation preference also.
Returns are not all in for the mem
bershiti campaign of the Red Cross but
it is probable that by the. end of the
week Salem will have at least one
thousand patriotic citizens who respond
ed to tho call to aid the Red Cross
The city was divided into seventeen
districts and no home or person has
been overlooked m the campaign. I he
district under the direction of Mrs.
Arthur Benson reported 70.
Falls city will organize this week
and Kaiser "will hold its meeting Thurs
day evening.
As many of the girls in the state
house have expressed a wish to do
some work for the Red Cross, and as
they could not attend the lectures dur
ing' business hours,' Mrs. Harry K. Clay
has consented to give them instructions
in the evenings in the preparation of
surgical dressings.
cows on test and others will be added
as soon as fresh. A well bred registered
Holstein sire is used to improve that
stock showing best dairy qualities
while the poorer cows will be crossed
with the polled Angus stock on the
K. HANNEMAN. Tester.
Some of the Select
Formerly of Salem
Among the list of candidates who
were accepted for the training camp at
tho Presidio beginning May 15 arc sev
eral boys who were formerly of Salem.
Among the younger set the genial Mur
ray Wheat, student at the Willamette
university college of law and a former
member of Company M, will be readily
remembered. Murray Wheat is now prac
ticing law' in Astoria.
George A. Pritchnrd.'foimerly Oregon
inn correspondent for .Salem, and also a
member of the Statesman staff, who has
been doing desk work in the Orcgonian
office, has answered the call; many Sa
lem people will remember Andrew R.
Marker, a student at the Willamette
university college of law who has been
practicing law lu La Grande. Mr. Mark
er was well known here during his col
lego career as an orator of ability.
Cecil A. DuRette, a student at the
Oregon Agricultural college, who is well
known in Salem and a member of Com
pany M, when it was on the Mexican
border, leaves shortly for the Presidio.
Mr. DuRette is in Salem today.
George Codding, of Medford, a form
er student at the Willamette university
college of law, is on the list of success
ful applicants for entrance to the camp.
Wave of Liquidation
Carries Prices Down
New York, May 9. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
The wave of liquidation which swept
over the stock market today and car
ried the entire list downward several
points upset the calculations of Wall
Street and gave rise to extreme trepi
dation among the rank and tuo ot in
vestors. There can be little doubt that
the movement reflected the apprehen
sion which is, perhaps, the natural slate
of feeling in a great nation undergo-
incr a transition from a highly pros
perous neutral to a oeuigereni wmi
burdens and responsibilities to bear.
The efforts of the Washington authori
ties to stir the country to a full sense
of those burdens and responsibilities
mainly resulted in frightening invest
nient "interests. They have not yet re
covered from the fright and so it is
that when the stock market eases off
somewhat, from whatever cause there is
likely to be a more or less impulsive
movement to sell.
Peace rumors and the renewed of
fensive of the allies on the western
front, the still unsettled Russian men
ace, contribute to the same end of par
alyzing all initiative.
Thus the early dragging in price;
participated a -broad selling movement
which did not spend its force until
well into the afternoon session, al
though there were occasional intervals
of partial recovery. Losses ranged from
one to four points, with best resistance
perhaps in the steel, shipping and local
traction issues. But the public utilities
and specialties were again subject to
vicious bear attacks, losses of two to
four points being recorded.
A firmer tone was displayed in the
late trading.
Cincinnati-New York postpone.!, rain
R. II. K.
Chicago 7 J2 2
Brooklyn 3 tf I
Heather, Prendergast, Aldriilge ami
Elliott; Coombs and Milter.
Pittsburg-Boston, St. Louis-Phiiadrl-
phia, postponed, rain.
First game
R. H. Y-
Boston 4 9 0
Washington .. I 5 ,'
Shore and Agnew; Diimimt and Henry-Second
R. D. K.
Boston 3 ii I
Washington - 4 5 1
Mayo and Thomas; Shaw and Ain
smith. First game
R. H. E.
Cleveland 1 3 2
Detroit 4 7 4
KIcpfer, Coumbs and O'Neill; Khin
ke and Spencer.
Second game
R. H. E.
Cleveland 15 4
Detroit .': 9 14 0
Morton, Lambeth, Gould and Bill
ings; C. Jones and Spencer.
Anyone, everyone bringing a
good potato will be admitted
free to see
The thrilling patriotic sensation
al picture of the day. Every
good American citizen don't miss
this picture.
Father, Mother, Sister, Brother,
bring your friends. All children
will receive a prize.
the dates, Tuesday and Wednes
day, May 15th and Kith.
! Mir
SHERMAN At Tier home in Jefferson,
Tuesdav evening, May 8, 1917, Miss
Edith Sherman, in her ?.2d year.
Besides her father and mother she is
survived bv three brothers, Jack Sher
man, of Tlie Dalles; Clyde Sherman, of
Salem, and a young brother living at
home. Also by one sister, Mrs. Jones,
of this city.
The funeral services will be held
Thursday a'fteriioon at 2 o'clock at Jct-
f,,'s011- , i, 1
-Miss Sherman was well known in tne;
citv, having for some time been in the
office of the Oregon State hospital. j
iCTfflit Wakcj V'p
T 4
Fivo reels laughs, laughs and
more laughs. Better than
'Tillie's Punctured Romance'
" fclUlMilftlliif'l HUT ftl ' llnifcV'lilliaH m'tt-iMAimiJt
Starting Tomorrow
"In Again
Out Again"
4 1! .
ii i I'j
fi " - H
Yick So Tong
Has medicine., which., will cure
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m
until 8:00 p. m.
153 South High Street .
Salem, Oregon Phone 281
araauato .. veterin
arian, Licensed
Inspect Stock. Up-
to-Date Methods,
Medicine; and Oper
ting Table.
Phones: Office 278.
KCS. 1UU1.
420 S. Commercial