TIIEDAILY C A PIT At JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. WEICT.STUV. MAY 9. 1917. THREE if limit ii i ii -ir rrili nun wwMfni'tiimiig.wMiiii Jimr nmw i art .. .ifwuw. The Real Greatness of the Maxwell h Is in Its Perfected Mechanism Mechanical perfection has made the Maxwell endurance champion of the worldthe jnost economical car to run a source of complete satisfaction to 200,000 Maxwell Owners. Let's consider the Maxwell first at a place of machinery, for that's what a real automobile ! a machine. Fano upholstery, enamel, a, highly poliihed instrument loud are excellent things, but they don't make a great motor car. Motor-car merit depend, firt, last and always, on median Ual construction, -on the part that are hidden from your view. The Maxwell has grace of form and line travels easily 4 roomy and comfortable, t novice knows that it's obvious. But, let us pick the car to pieces and sea what you actually st for your money, The Sturdy, Masterful Chassis In the first place, there is one and only one Maxwell t and that chassis not an experiment, not the whim of some designer who craves a reputation b is different or original. . wSS17- k'. Nobody is permitted to tinker with that one Maxwell model, 1 oo smart ideas are allowed to swerve it from its course 0 development, refinement, perfection along the known, proved, &a-tried principles of automobile construction. The Maxwell Engine is the Embodiment of fj;- u- Efficiency and Power He Maxwell engine Is the concrete manifestation of effi. Jlsncy and power brought up to an almost unbelievable point If perfection. It has much of the velvety smoothness characteristic of the potors in high-priced cars, -plus power, economy, reliability and simplicity, foundations of a built com- This marvelous motor is daily taking Maxwells over tens of thousands of miles of the hardest sort of going at an average cost of only $6 to $8 a month. One of these Maxwell engines just like the one your Maxwell will have went for 44 days and nights without stop ping, carrying a Maxwell over all kinds of roads, in all kinds of weather, at a rate of 25 miles an hour, on 22 miles per gallon of gasoline. ' Some Other Mechanical Factors That Make the Maxwell Great The Maxwell axles stand up like th mighty sky-scraper, they are designed, forged, heat-treated and piete in eur own lactones. The Maxwell transmission noiseless, self-lubricating, trouble-proof is the height of mechanical sanity and swety. The marvelous Maxwell clutch running in oil, cimple, smooth, wear-proof has an efficiency greater than that of any other car, no matter how high-priced. Besides each part of the Maxwell chassis is made of only the finest metal that can be procured, and then only after the material has been subjected to the most rigid tests known to science. Buy the Car That Stands the Test Don't buy a car on looks, but find out just what is inside it f if the vital parts of the car are mechanically right. The more you study the Maxwell the more certain you will be, as we are, that the Maxwell is the world' greatest motor car value. Come to our sales rooms and let us prove to you that the Maxwell is mechanically right. Roadster, $650; Touring Car, $665; Cabriolet, $865; Town Car, $915; Sedan, $985; completely equipped, including electric starter and lights. All prices f. o. b. Detroit. c Note Prices above quoted are F. 0. B. Detroit. Halvorsen & Burns FERRY AND HIGH STS. Salem Agents MatiAat i.Vmhto- a-rov v,-viiUMMHuwt ' SpHinff ol 1Q I Ju,y opened up 9'A and later gain- 'UtlllUg fl ipj.lj led , going to $2.48. September opened a 1 7 TohIo fl.J"P 7 Vl and later advanced 7 cents to II teniS OlllCe UOSC 2.0S. Flour went up 40 cents a barrel i ,r ' t 16-00 . . i it), May 9. Following yester- Coin followed the advance in wheat .uoia.l(. ftuvcj-iiment grain 'but tho influence was slight. May open- wat futures soared to vec-1 ed up 1V'; later advancing an, addition- luiKi.y. .uny wheat opened Ifll 1 ' to if I. !W Vis- -"'ly opeu ulJ " fits per Imshci this morning1 and subsequently gained . going to nwaucpQ 2 to $3.13 per bush-1 $1.4814. September opened up 2Vi and later gained 5-8 to $1.39 3-4. Oats opencd higher cut declined slightly, May opened up 3 1.4, subse quently declining , going to tid'j. July opened up a 6-, Juror losing 'ft to ii'i1'- September opened up 1. 3-8 itnd later declined 1-8 to 5(i Provisions, following the advance in hogs, showed slight gums. r vmmmmmummM.f uevmmm ins.Bmiumti i.mun, test aw aisisjHPaa i."Mm. jie. m. t w u m m.wmumm,,-,. Sj-iinw in in mitt i- n ih mi it irwi iiuum r i...ja-r.. riimmiji.J-.iinw n.A-i(prVfi;a'-''";h -wi.; ,t-T.T1 .tl tltnJ J . ' , . ..i-Jin :-'"- .. . 1 :tt saMiHUaM, $1,800,00.0,000 to Be Raised Bill Introduced (Continued from page one.) CIC IB aaW i smMal UlatMk irfaBaVailifl.l.riBliilW iiWilsi r'hr'ffl i mti Watch for Sensational Announcement twMHtrLivkwr.ffifHft ,.1-, ...... -f-M-,-tarBMM. W HERTLING HAY GET HOLLWEG'S PLACE Opposition Getting Together for Fresh Attack, Due to Speech Postponement London, May 9. Presence in Berlin today of the Bavarian premier, Count Hertling, has revived rumors in Ger many that he is to succeed Von Beth-man-Hollweg as imperial chancellor, ac cording to dispatches received via Holland. From Zurich it was reported that Hollweg had already tendered his resignation, but there was no confirma tion of such a rumor. Count Hertling is ostensibly in Ber lin to preside at the meeting o'f the torcign attairs committee ot tho ted eral council. All Holland dispatches today em phasized the existence of a serious in ternal political crisis in Germany. For weeks it has been apparent that senti ment against Hollweg among his politi cal opponents was slowly crystallizing. Heretofore the chancellor has succeed ed in weathering all opposition because of the inability of the opposing politi cal parties to get together on any con certed plan of forcing his retirement. Today German newspapers indicated a fresh attack on Hollweg likely to af ford ground for such concert of action, in dissatisfaction over repeated post ponement of the chancellor's much ad vertised speech outlining Germany's war aims. v s j 4 4? ' " ijv si,4s, , ' Mitel PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR AND JUNGLE NURSERY BIG EDUCATIONAL FEATURES OF AL. G. BARNES' CIRCUS BEINGS STATE BANKS IN AVashiiigtou, May 9. The sen ate this afternoon passed the ad ministration bill amending the federal reserve act so as to draw state banks into the federal re serve system and strengthen tlve system 's gold reserve by approx imately $200,000,000. ting On Thn ttnorl Tn ITMlth 1 ,h J Wood, maixinc It easier to ,. if It ,eU a foothold in your for r50" rt y better ' ll rLT,IT ' Wood is pure than Mo.TpJ,7t- , h '"P"1 keep ' rs sons. t',,,lioriX.yjIW? truetlena, take them as tov.T, t T4 V a vegetable blood P'W.r uJjT,r,f ?iallr reeommoaCed "ututeT" V Uy ru tor Don't ccepl " ltl!?il't fll'. else Meilcal 'icaln " without charge. Addr.s.i SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA, GAj lltWWlfTWCtflCMJ at a ' ' Ttt ft(T SKCIF ta a, aoMCtO1aV The remainder will be provided when wanted later, Wilson was told by lead ers o? both parties. The shipping board is understood to linvft nmdfi ft complete survey of all ships for sale in the United States- If owners of these ships snow any nesi tancy in selling, should the government want the ships, means will be found to bring such owners to terms. The means may bo through the bill pending which would give the president power to commandeer all shipping. Tn ;,ia,iro nmrant and efficient hand ling of all supplies in carrying out the government ship' building program, the shipping board today created the of fice of director of traffic of the board and the emergency fleet cor poration. , Major General George W. Gocthals, general manager of the corporation and William Denmau, chairman of the . j ,i tlm mrmmntment or Doara mnuuu .. -n , , David L. Ewing of St. Louis to tho new office. LAW CLASS FOE WOMEN Eugene, Ore., May 8.-Alaw class f lei is an idea which Dean K . Houe of the University of Oregon law s choo is considering today. He has no vet decided whether he will ostab nor yei u ... t s on. lisih such a course, ui - , vinced there is sufficient demand. The class would take up icgai v-. - W. U. Faculty Selects Three Students for Albert Prize Raymond Attebeiy, Mabel Garrett and Victor Collins were today an nounced by President Doncy as the candidates nominated by the faculty for the Albert Prize. By a series of complicated balloting the faculty in meeting yesterday suc ceeded in eliminating all the stu dents but the three named. The condi tions of tlie award are: The faculty 30 days before commencement shall nominate three students for tho. honor and two weeks later the student ody shall select one oi! the three by secret TTio nwnri shall lint be made to the same person more than once. It is desired to select the stuaent who, during the school year, oppor tunities considered, has made the great mt nrrxrrian toward the ideal in char acter, service, and wholesome influence. Miss Garrett aim ivir. jirieoery are juniors, while Mr.,-. Collins is a freshman. which women have particular interest, such as marriage and divorce, guardian ships, and parent and child. 3 . Safe -T- '-"Mr?., For Infante .JfVM & Invalidg .Substitutes) A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Keep Horlick's Always on Hand Quick Lunch; Home or Office. No more little white lies. No more circus hooltey days. Such childish temp-! tafrious arc taken away since education al heads have learned that a way has been provided to give their pupils an opportunity to get a greater learning in a day Trom their usual studies by spend ing it at the big animal circus. In stead of being compelled with unhappy hearts and disturbed minds to "cram" over books whose pages were blurred with visions of pink lemonade, perform ing elephants and pretty girls all " doll ed" up in spangles and fine silks; whose ears hear only the sound of the roaring lions and the beloved bark of the zallyhoo calling out the wonders of the billowing canvas heaven, their childish hearts are made happy and their education enlarged by a person ally conductsd trip through the im mense jungleland of Barnes' circus. Last season Al. G. Barnes instituted in his big wild animal circus a "per sonally conducted tour" of the animal tents, especially for teachers and chil dren patronizing the cireus in tho aft ernoon, and a a consequence city after city along the Barnes route gave full flnys from their regular studios that those who could might take advantage of this rare opportunity. This year Mr. Barnes has added several new animals to his already immense aggregation, many new acts are presented and every thing newly painted and decorated. A more concise arrangements 'for the "personally conducted tour" has been formed and a jungle nursery estab lished. Those desiring to take advantage of the personally conducted trip are re quested to be at the entrance or the main tent promptly at 1 p. m. Teach ers, children nnd their escorts will be segregated and entered first. Once in side the animal tent,' the party will be taken in charge by a competent lectur er and attendants, among them a wo man to look after the comforts of the. girls, men doing the same for the boys). Each and every den of animals will bw visited, the lecturer speaking through a megaphone will explain where each and every specie of animal comes from, and how educated to do every kind tf circus trick- The tour will end at tho jungle nursery, where a whole colony of baby animals and their mammas dis port themselves for the edification of tho kiddies. Later on. tho party nr taken into the main tent to a specinl block of seats set aside for them, either in the general or reserved section, hn their tickets call for. Attendants are placed near to cater to their needs fliiil see that none stray away. There is u big spectacular pageant opening tho program of 05 acts, presented by over 1,000 animals, 150 animal educators and 500 attendants. The J. B. Miller logging road, between Toledo and Siletz, which has been in. the hands of a receiver for the pa.t . several months, has been reorganized, the claims sgainst the road adjusted and the receiver discharged. CORNS HURT TODAY? Lift your corns or calluses off with fingers and it won't pain you one bit. Slate District Attorney Evans' Alcohol Supply Portland, Ore., May f. And speak ing of nerve, whatdoye think o' this? One or two men jimmied open a win down in the home of District Attorney Walter Evens, carefully went through the house, found 200 worth of jewelry and a quart of alcohol and safely de parted. The best, men in the police detective bureau and the sheriff's office were as signed to the ease, but the naughty burglar didn't leave even a fingerprint, and the police today had about decided to eive up the hunt- "It's a mighty good thing for that guy that he got away," observed one detective today who had been working on the case. "Believe mo, if we had caught him, he would have been prose cuted.'- Yes! You truly can lift off every hard corn, soft corn or corn between the toes, as well as hardened callusiw on bottom of feet without one bit of pain. A genius in lincinnii'i discovered freezone. It .is an ether compound and tiny bottles of this magi'', fluid can now be had fit any drug store for a few cents. , Apply several drops of this freezone, upon a ten dor, aching coin or a cal lus. Instantly all soreness disappears and shortly yon will find the corn or cal lus so shriveled and looso that you life it off with the fingers. You feel no pain while ap plying freezone or afterwards. Just think! No more corns or euf luses to torture you and they go with out causing ono twinge of pain or sore ness. You will call freezone the muio drug and it really is. Genuine freezouo has a vellow label. Look for yellow la bel. " ... li