Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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These Specials will be continued until Saturday night.
Many more nnadvertised Specials throughout the store
Baby Flouncing
27inchei wide, with ruffled
edges, rerjr flee dainty pattern!.
Bought for Special Sale at $1.26;
3 days only, Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday
LI 89c
Dress Ginghams
A splendid new line, extra wide,
C-2-lnches, beautiful assortment of
pattern; 3 days only, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, f r vj
Idt 1U.
extra apecial .
Sweet Grass Baskets
Very popular and convenient for
fancy work; 2 sizes, 6 and 7
Inches in diameter, rfl Of)
3 days only OifC, OjC
Crochet and Tatting
In white and ail shades, colors
Ladles' Silk Dresses
All new styles, in Taffeta, Crepe
de Chine and Georgette Crepe
combinations, Tor 3 days only,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Less 20 Per Cent,
Boys' Indian Chief Play
Get the hoy an Indian Play Suit
and make him happy; sizes 4 to
12 years, specially
priced ..
Men's Section.
Men's Cooper Union Suits, sizes
34 to 42. Strictly high grade
garments ..made ..from ..selected
Egyptian Tarns; broken lines of
sizes, to
(Men's Section)
All Around Town
April 27 Lecture a "Homes
ef Hnglisa Writers," publie
library, by Mrs. L. B. Shel
o. April 27. Bed Cress benefit,
"Oct Bich - Quick Walling-
ferd" at opera house.
Hay 4. Willamette tuirersity
usual concert at armory.
May 4, 5. May Day festmtiei,
Willamette university.
May, 5. Founders' Pay at
May 19. Last day of register-
ing for special election,
June 4.
M. R. MouKou left this morning for
Vancouver, B. C,
'Mrs. James Kelly, of Turner, was a
Balem visitor yesterday.
. MeKinley Reed was in (ho city Wed
nesday from Aumsville.
Mrs. C. P. Boise and family, of Mon
roe, are registered at the Capital hotel.
A. Matties, of Denver, is in the city
looking over the city and country with
the intentions of locating.
Mr and Mrs. Boufi'ler, accompanied
"by Mrs. I. L. McAdams and Mrs. White
motored this morning to Vancouver, All
cave song wno enlisted.
Rev. F. E. Bauer, of Hpokane, is in
the city for a visit with Mrs. Bauer's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Garrison, of
ronn rraiem.
Mrs. L. G. Altniau is in Portland at
tending the Woman's North Pacific
Board of Foreign Missions, as a dele
gate, from the Misisonary society of the
FirBt Presbyterian church of Salem.
Leland Brown, of this city, Bon of
Attorney General and Mrs. George
M. Brown, left last night for Portland,
where he today took an examination
preparatory to entering the officers
training school at the Presidio at San
Francisco. Mr. Brown wishes to enter
the service as a cavulryman. He is at
present a corporal in the Fourth Com
A. C. of thig city
patiy, C.
Instant Relief for Aching,
Puffed-up, Calloused Feet
. and Corns
Mm 'TIZ'"
Dr. A. Slaughter, meccano therapist,
adjusts the human machine and pro
vides for its lubrication. The result is
health. Consult him free. 393 Court 8t.
0 .
Yesterday was the warmest day of the
month with the mercury in the ther
mometer reaching the 61 notch. The
river is one loot higher than two days
ago with a stage today of 8.9 feet.
Cooked food sale Saturday at Daue's
grocery, by Ladies Aid of Leslie Meth
odiBt church. 4 27
Polyanthus Narcissus
Phone 2107R.
15c per doz.
The Salem Rifle club has not as yet
found a suitable rifgle range close to
the city although tho committee ap
pointed has inspected several locations.
The range requires a desirable open
tract of 600 yards, a
to four eity bioeks,
A marriage license was Issued yester
day by tho eounty elerk to R. I. Thorn -j
as, a farmer of balem, and Si. C. Miles,
also of Haleiu. This is the groom's
second venture in matrimony and the
bride's third.
"Get-Rich-Quick WaUingftrrd" will
be siven this evening at the Oregon
State hospital and as a compliment to
the players, Dr. K. . Lee Steiner will
tender them a banquet after the play.
Friday evening the play will be given
at the opera house for the benefit of
Willamette chapter Red Cross.
Two gold medals were won by the
pupils of the commercial department of
the high school, offered by the Reming
ton Typewriter company for pupils who
can average (il words a minute, writing
for 10 minuteh. The fast writers this
month were Miss Blanche Applegate
and Hugh Walker.
A shipment of sugar amounting to
161,600 pounds was received today by
the Northwest Fruits Products company,
generally known as the Loju plant. The
shipment came in 1,600 sacks and the
shipment from San Francisco was en
tirely by water. This amount of sugar
will be used in the manufacture of
Loju and other products of the North
west Fruit Products company-
The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid society
will meet in the parlors of tho Presby
terian church Friday afternoon at 2:30
0 'clock. Several matters of importance
will come before this meeting, one of
them being the advisability of organ
izing an auxiliary to the Willamette
Chapter Red Cross.
0 '
Mrs. H. M. King, and daughter, Irene,
of Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, arrived iu Ha-
iHtance eoual ,em yesterday to spend several weeks
distance equal yisiti Bt fhe home of Mrs Joh Bart.
I f f . nn rnrnl rnntfi Nn. 7. When she
Narcissus for Sunday. Phone 2107R.''.eft ho Mr Ki,n8 the ?nwt s
iiuiiii " " . iust beginning to disappear and that fca-
lcm, with its green grass, looked good
to her.
MOREHOUSE To Dr. and Mrs. W. G
mureiiouse, April no, itUT, at their
home, 7aa South Commercial street, a
She has been named Edith.
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest cash prices paid for
used furniture.
Phone 911 or 608.
Why go limping around with aching, i
puffed-up feet feet so tired, chafed,
sore and swollen j'ou can hardly get
your shoes on or off I Why don't you
get a 25-ccnt box of "Tir" from the
drug store now and gladden your tor
tured fectt
"Tin" makes your feet glow with
comfort; takes down swellings and
draws the soreness and misery right out
of fset that chafe, smart and burn.
"Tiz" instantly stops pain in corns,
callouses and bunions. "Tia" is glori
ous for tired, aching, sore feot. No moro
shoo tightuess no more foot torturo.
Miss Alecia McElroy, recently of
Portlaud, has accepted the position as
pianist at the Bligh theatre. Blio pre
sided at the pjiftiio at the opera house
Inst evening for the Annette Kelelrmnn
picture and will play again with the or
chestra this evening. Miss McElroy is
a sister of the well known band leader
Willig McElroy, of Portland.
Karl Stataer, of Jefferson, who Is
well known in Salem, is taking his ex
amination in Portland for admission to
tho officers' reservo corps training
camp at Han Francisco- Ho was called
by tho government to take the examina
tion because ho was formerly connected
with the Philippine Constabulary and is
familiar with military tactics.
Friday 2 to 5 p. m. Englewood Cir
cle silver tea, at home of Mrs. F. S.
Barton, 1015 N. 20th St. Program. Ev
erybody invited.
The Juvenile Artisans will meet
Friday evening at Hurst hall on State
street. An address will be given by Mrs.
Ella Watt and the evening will include
a literary and musical program.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store makes free
delivery. Phono 35.
Big Hot Waffle Feed by the Moth
er's class at the Derby bldg., April
28 from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Coffee, hot
waffles, butter and mapto syrup 20c.
Proceeds to go towards the new build
ing for tho Old Peoples Home. 4-27
o .
Bev. George Holt, pastor of the First
Baptist churen, is preparing a series oi
addresses for the regular Thursday ev
ening devotional services. Tonight he
will talk on "Baptism," and .next
Thursday evening on "What Saith the
Scriptures on the Lord's Supper."
An unusually attractive window dis
play of Hart-Schaffner and Marx cloth
es is seen this week at the Salem Wool
en Mills Store. Ellis E. Cooley, Bishop 's
designer, is responsible for the presen
tation of the creations of these well
known clothiers.
Members of the First Methodist
church broke the record Inst evening
when they organized an auxiliary Red
Cross with 100 paid members. Mrs. E.
K. Fisher, chairman of the membership
committee of the Willamette chapter,
assisted in the organization.
The Women of Woodcraft, all mem
bers are requested to meet at lodge
hall Friday at 1 n- m. sharp, to attend
funeral of departed neighbor, Emma
o i
Although it is about time to begin
practicing May Day dances and enjoy
ing real spring weather, up in the Black
Rock countrv, winter is si ill lingering.
On the north side of the hills there is
snow to the depth of three feet in many
places. On tho south side there is but
little snow excepting in the ravines.
Logging crews are now working in full
Quick Action Necessary
We need Beans, Spinach -and other vegetables to
complete our acreage for the Wittenberg-King Co.
Favorable contracts, good prices. Come in and see
us this week if possible. This is your opportunity.
The William Everett sale at Turner
yesterday was a grans success. The
highest price paid for a single cow was
$110. That for a uino year old unpedi
creed cow. $195 lor mare and colt
$75 for sow and pigs. Other things in
proportion. Col Snider and Wright were
the auctioneers.
Some of the people in Minnesota are
wondering whether that winter climate
wculd not be a good country in which to
stow loganberries. William Homing to
dav expressed a package of loganberry
roots to friends at St. James hospital,
Perliam, Minnesota. So far, tho logan
berry has not beeu successfully grown
in that state on account of the winter
killing of tho cane.
The ladies of the First Congregational
church will meet tomorrow afternoon at
the home of Mrs- W. I. Staloy to organ
ize an auxiliary of Willamette chapter
Red Cross. Mrs. B. O. Schucking will
meet with the ladies and explain the
purposes of the American National Red
Cross and its auxiliaries.
Nothing like having plenty of friends.
William Allen, a conductor on the Sa
lem Street Railway has been sick for
some -time with malaria and unable of
course to attend to his spring garden
ing. In order that he1 should not wor
ry on this score, about a dozen of his
friends went to his homo yesterday ev
ening and proceeded to plant his garden
and now everything is m snip snapc.
o ' '
Friday evening members of the of
ficers' reserve training corps will meet
at the armory for instruction and a gen
eral discussion of training camp work.
It is probable this will bo the last meet
ing of the corps in a body as the im
pression is general that within a week
or so there will be a call to report at
the Presidio, San Francisco. It is un
derstood that Saturday of this week is
tho last day when applications for this
corps will be received in Portland.
The team belonging to Clarence Mer
rils, driver of an express wagon, took
fright this morning on North Commer
cial street and ran away. They circled
a block and wound up at the Schramm
feed barns on Front and Center streets.
The wagon had the tongue broken out
and one horse was slightly cut. One
horse was thrown to the ground and
dragged a short distance.
The morning papers tell of an Amer
ican gunner hitting a perissopo at
distance of 1,000 yardS. If tho report
is correct, the gunner evidently was
some gunner as shooting at 1,000 yards
at a small target is equal to putting
a gun on top of the l.add & Bush bank
and hitting a bulls eye on a target lo
cated about half way between the state
houso and Supremo court building. Then
imagine the bank building1 and target
both traveling at a pretty rapid rate of
speed, and a croppy sea to give both an
up and down motion.
The Arenz Construction Co. of 1640
South High street has-been awarded a
contract for $70,7000 worth of paving
in the city of Astoria. It is to be of a
five inch base concrete with a two and
one half inch surface. The Salem firm
was awarded .the contract in competi
tion with the Warren Construction
company and Montague & Riley Co.
Tho work will begin at once. During
the past ive years tho Arenz Construc
tion company has done about .$200,000
worth of work in Astoria.
o .
Bed Cross day at the Leslie Metho
dist Episcopal church will be observed
next Sunday evening where the work
of the society will be presented by
members of Willamette University
auxiliary. Addresses will be made by
Miss Gladys Carson and Miss Beatrice
Walton on first aid, home dietetics and
home nursing work- Miss Helen Wood
will tell ot the sewing department and
Miss Eva Grant, chairman of the Uni
versity auxiliary, about membership
qualifications. She will also solicit
members. Special music for the even
ing will be provided by Willamette
University male quartet and the Leslie
M. E. choir. Evcybodr in town is in
vited to attend these services and
especiullv those who live in South
Salem. . Mrs, E- E. Fisher, chairman of
tho membership committee of Willam
ette chapter will tell of the work In
her department.
Always at Your Service
We believe that power Ees in performances not in promises . If sincerity, indus
try, fair dealing and courteous treatment, coupled with dependable merchandise
count for satisfied customers, then we must be traveling the right road . Tbese
principles are not merely preached here they are practiced in our every day
business deafings-We want you to bow that this is a store of real service to
the community.
Hope Muslin Bleached 10c Yd.
Lonsdale Bleached HV2C Yd.
Barnsley Crash Toweling . . 9V2C Yd.
Silk Mull 29c Yd.
36-inch Silk Meteor J 35c Yd.
36-inch Tub Silk.'. '..59c Yd
36-inch Beach Suitings 59c Yd.
36-inch black and white check
Dress Goods 29c Yd.
36-inch Sport Shantungs . . .79c Yd.
Dress Ginghams, Our Own Brand,
all patterns, fast colors. . 10c Yd.
Huck Towels 17x33 9c Each
Men's Heaw Work Sox.. 8 l-3cPr.
Men's Pad Garters 14c Pr.
Men's Heavy Blue Bib or Striped
Overalls 95c and 98c
Men's Work Shoes, $1.98, $2 .49 Pr .
Men's Gun Metal Dress Shoes in
in button or lace $2.98 Pr.
Better grades at $3.49 and $3.98
ladies' Vici Kid lace. Louis heel,
8-inch top $3.75
Ladies' Two-tone black vamp, white
kid top, Louis heel $4.45
Ladies' Gun Metal Shoes, iust the
thing for garden work . . . . $2.69
Ladies' White Canvas Shoes for
Sport and Outdoor wear . . . $1 .98
t Commercial and Court Streets
Formerly Chicago Store
London, April 26. Eight British pa
trol boats attacked a German subma
rine in the Mediterranean after the
U-boat had sunk the British steamer
Kildare, it was announced this after
noon. The submarine dived and did not
In sinking the Kildare, tho subma
rine fired on the crew after they had
taken to tl,c boats. One member of the
crew was killed and eight wounded.
Sell it the Journal Want Ad Way.
Spring is looked upon by many as
the most delightful season of the year,
but this cannot be said of the rheu
matic. The cold and damp weather
brings on rheumatis pains which are
anything but pleasant, ihey can be re
lieved, however, by .applying Chamber
lain's tinjment. Aotainaoie every
Three-eights of an acre of land, 8 room
plastered house, oath, toilet, lights, 56-
foot well, all kiqds of fruit trees, in
hearing, close In, high and dry, good
location, must he sold at once. Price
H. A. Johnson & Co.
fc sjc )Jt s(c sjc jJc jc sfc sje sjc sjs
Dregless Physician
Superintendent Hydro-Electro
Therapeutic Institute
202 to 206 Masonie Temple
, Phone 1182.
Hours 9 to 57 to 9
CAR5 op
Any kind
Autos to Rent with or without
drivers. Office Bli$h Hotel
PHONE 511 OB 224
CO aT'
A 600 Candle Power $6.50
Greatest Linto value now offered .
Used ititna or hanging lamp
you Want this light
Complete with pumj), shade, mantles, torch.
Gasoline limp., lanterns, irons, mant)es,etc.
21 N. Connwfviai Sum! Salem, Orefoa.
Marion Hotel, Phone 2010
5 and 7 Passenger Enclosed Cars.
For Rheumatism
General Debility and Nervous
ness their is nothing better
than massage or electrie treat
384 State St. Phone 736J
l (JL lb lb A tla
T 'r p T J
6 O
. 0 IX J4 if l ri
K38 Pj
- il oiniioif ro
PRICES 50c, 75c AND $1