Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 16, 1917, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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ill)? 3ail)ilal Ifournal
XCXDAY, AfRlL 16, 1917.
"Salem's Best Shopping Place'
At any price and particularly now for cheap mer-
chandise is being made cheaper on account of the
t upward tendency of raw materials.
i You will have to pay an r.dvance for all lines of
$ merchandise, and it is true economy to buy better
i merchandise.
$ Salem's Good Goods Store has enormous stocks,
and of the best lines obtainable, at prices very rea-
t sonable considering nresent conditions.
Don't Be Misled by baits offered on some special
standard brand, you'll pay more in the end.
Compare and investigate you'll save money.
Extra Vahie Specials at Meyers for Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday
Cotton Oluny and Torchon Le nl Insertions width up to 3
inches and regularly priced to 15c yard. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, sale price .1 6c a Yard
33 solid back Hand and Finger nail Brushes good bristles var
ious shapes, light or dark backs. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
mm pries j. ... .. 19c Eacn
Women's Percale House Drew in atripe and check patterns
dust eap to match goes with dress. Monday, Tuesday and Wcdnes-
dny, aale price ... 750
lieady-Made Linen Crash Laundry Bags, word "laundry" embroid
ered ia green, lined with white cloth and has white draw cord. Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, sale price 49c
Up Bilk Thread for tatting and crochet, all sizes in white and
colors. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Meyers price 8c a Bail
Htainped, Ready-Made Sewing Aprons of cross bar dimity pink or
blue crocheted edge. Mondnr, Tuesday, Wednesday, sale price 23c
ICO Special White Cotton Crocheted Bed Spreads
Excellent designs hemmed our order was placed last June when
cotton prices were . down. Would retail today at $2.00. Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, extra special . $1.39
Men's $1.50 "Brighton" Pajamas
In light ground with blue, black or lavander stripe patterns. Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, salo pribe $1.19
A big value in Men's Neckwear, two-piece ecru, balbriggan, brok
en sizes but if we hare your size you can save a big amount. This
is a Biiitabla weight for Spring and Summer a regular $1.00
ginde. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday sale price 65c a Garment
Sizes of drawers 30 to 38; sizes of shirts 42 to !30.
Surorise APRIL 18th
New Solid Gold Headed
Hat Pins at 2 for 23c. .
The very latest short style hat pins in several
styles of tops a solid gold top with German
silver stem. This is a big surprise value and
should attract many buyers. Sale price,
Wednesday only 2 for 23c
See the window Display. Limit four to a customer
Butterick Patterns
M uo Not rut Utt; Until 1
I J Ordering Glasses that f1
M are needed today 11
1 1 11
13 Unquestionable qual-
it'. Unsurpassed
J Guaranteed Service.
208-9 Hubbard Bldg.
Phone 109
BATTY At the homo. of his daughter,
in Marshficld, Mrs. C. M. Connor,
Suiurdny, April U, .1917,' (ieorgo J.
Batty, in his 70th year.
The funeral services will be held
Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock
from the chapel ot Wobb & dough and
burial will be in Lee Mission cemetery.
The services will be conducted by the
Rev. James ttlvin, of the First Conjjre
Kntiounl church and the Rev. Josephine
Hoekett of the Highland Friends
He is survived by two sisters, Mrs.
Mary Wooten and Mrs. L. H. Bower
man, both of this city.
Mr. Batty was born in Stnrksboro,
Vermont, August 5, xa-itt, and for sev
eral yenrg wns a minister of the Friends
church. Later he united with the Con
grcgutiimnl church with which ho was
associated for more than 20 years. He
came to Halom in 1008, removing to
Multifield shortly after the death of
his wife in 1914.
ENGI.E In Portlnnd, at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Edna Islmm, Sat
urday, April 11, 1017.
Tho funeral services will be held nt
Lyons, Oregon, Wednesday morning. He
was the father of Mrs. Carrie Kuaw, of
Jowel, Kansas; Henry Engle, of Wil
lnmueca, Nevada; Charles Kngle, of
Round Mountain, Neb., and Mrs. Kate
Soitzsinger, of Mill City. Ho wns form
erly a reaideut of this city.
All Around Town
April 17. Cherrian jitney
danee, benefit Company ii, at
April 17. Illustrated lecture on
the Grand Canyon of Arizona
at Coniinericial club, 8 p. m.
April 18. Marion County Po
mona Orange meet at Auins
ville. April 27. Bed Cross benefit,
"Oct - Rich Quick Walling
ford" at opera house.
May 4. Willamette university
annual eoncert at armory.
A dispatch from Marshfield yester
day announced the death there of Rev.
Jonathan Batty, aged 76, end that the
body would be brought here for burial.
During dull season suits pressed 60c.
Cleaned and pressed $1.00. Modern
Cleaners. Phone 300. 406 Court street.
The river has fallen two feet since
Saturday and the stage today is 8.7
feet above low water.
o -
Dr. Anna Ekola, foot specialist, is at
the Bligh hotel for a few days, before
going to Lugene.
The Department of Agriculture is ad
vertising on the bulletin board nt tne
postoffico for 200 head or two-year-old
heifers for breeding purposes and
all must bo well bred Here'fords or
Durhams. The delivery is at Klamath
Falls from June 1 to June 15. For furth
er information apply at the postoffice.
. o
The Unitarian church Sunday 11 a.
m., sermon by Pastor James M. Heady,
subject '.'Something for Nothing."
McGUIBE At tho Salem hospital Sat
urday, April 14, 1917, Henry MeUuirc,
n his 42 year.
Ho is survived by a wife and one
son. The body was sent by Rigdon &
Richardson yesterday to Hood River for
C. B. Potter, charged with assault on
the five-year-old daughter of R. O.
Clark, was arraigned in Justice Web
ster's court this morning and took until
10 o'clock Tuesday morning to plead
R. O. Clark is the private prosecutor.
Potter was brought to the county jail
Saturday evening from East Independ
ence. o
Donald W. Miles, lawyer, has moved
his office to room 003 Baleiu Bank of
Commerce bldg. Phone 376. 4-16
Instead of serving their luncheon in
the Elks' club rooms as previously
planned, the Red Cross Nurses' Auxil
iary will serve luncheon in the Derbj
building Tuesday from 11 o'clock a. in.
until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. From
2 p. m- until 5 o'clock the nurses will
serve tea at the sumo place.
Call Patton Plumbing Co., 355 Che
meketa. Phone lilUO. Try us on repair
work. 4-22
The jitney dance tomorrow evening at
the armory to be given under the aus
pices of the Cheirians for the benefit of
Company M promises to be about the
biggest affair ever held in the armory
in the way of a jitney dance. It is also
figured tliat Company M will receive a
pretty fair sized remittance as the
musicians and in fact every one associ
ated in giving the jitney has donat
ed his services. In other words the
amount taken in will be all profit and
the seven patriotic organizations in the
city will be there to either dance or
enjoy the affair from the balcony. Danc
ing will begin nt S) o clock.
Dr. D. X. Beecher, dentist, located
3-4 milo north of the fair grounds, Port
laud road. Owing to no office expenses
prices reasonable. S-21
Royalty on Elks' play, "Get-Rich-
Quick Walliugford," which will bo
produced for the third time for the
benefit of the American Red Cross so
ciety, has been waived by tho owners
of the play on account of the charitable
use to which the proceeds are to be put.
Everything now will be donated so that
i'f tho house is filled as it is believed
it. will be, a respectable sum will be
presented to the Rod Cross chapter here.
The money invested in this enterprise is
like taking rut insurance against dis
aster and calamity tor when such things
take place the Red Cross in there to aid
and rescuo and relieve the suffering.
0 ,
The navy recruiting station in the
postoffice building sent away nine men
Saturday and business continues good
today. For the week ending April 12,
the Portland district enlisted 32(i with
its eight recruiting stations, while for
the same time Salt Lake enlisted only
176, Seattle 182, Sun Francisco .86, and
Los Angeles 4(1. The Portland district
is making the best record in the coun
try enlisting men for tho navy and the
Portland recruiting officers and the
men stationed at tho other seven sta
tions have been highly complimented by
tho navy department.
There will be an auxiliary of the Am
erican National Red Cross association
formed at the Boys' Training school
this evening under the direction of Mr
E. E. Fisher, chairman o'f tho member
ship committee. Dr. Epley and Charles
Both will ing. Dr. Grover Bellinger,
of the ftate Tuberculosis hospital,
along with one ot the physicians at the
asylum farm and employes of that institution-,
will be present and give talks.
The women of the vicinity of the train
ing school tre invited to attend the
I meeting and become members of the o
Three new patients were received at
tlie Oregon state hospital Saturday
rn-miig. iwo werj commuted irom
Portland and one from Astoria,
A meeting for mothers will be held
I uesday atternoon at the W. C. T. U.
hall at 2:30 o'clock. The address will
be by Mrs. Littler and an invitation
is extended to all who are interested,
' o
The Utility guard of the Girl Hon.
or Guard will meet Tuesday evening
in the auditorium of the Salem public
library. All members are requested to
attend- The meeting will be held at 7
o ClOCK.
The grocery stock of Westacott-
Ihielsen Co. is being marked today and
will be closed out to the retail trade
beginning next Thursday morning. The
sale will be continued until the entire
stock is sold. The fixtures will also be
The Honor Guard irirla In iha fir
iuiu classes win De addressed Wednes
day evening at 7:30 o'clock in the aud-
,i"j,ui" mo iniuuc iiurary oy ur.
V. K. Brown, Dr. E. E. Fisher, Dr. C.
W. Smith, Ir. Harry Clay and Dr. C
H. Robertson. Toniiht the Honor n til Til
will meet at the Y. Y. C. A.
The state law designates a visiting
dav for school teachers, nml liwliv i,n
majority of tho teachers of the Wash
ington junior high school are getting
pointers in Portland. Professor Cian
nett and Professor Ashby are visiting
in Silvcrton.
Professor Hurst, who is recently here
from the east, is now permanently locat
ed in Salem and will devote his time
to spraying experiments, tinder the su
pervision of Prof. H. P. Bams, plant
pathologist .of the Oregon Agricultural
college. Today Mr;- Hurst was giving
his tinio to dormant dry spraying on the
Oregon State hospital farm.
"Prevention and Cure of High Blood
Pressure and Hardening of the Arteries,
by Diet, Rest and Sleep," will be the
subject of J. C. Elliott's lecture at the
First Christian church tonight. Subject
Tuesday, 2:30 p. m., "Heart Disease
and Cancer." At 7:30 p. m., "Appen
dicitis, Epilepsy and Nervousness. ' ' Ad
mission free to all lectures, including
health culture exercises. i
The members of the officers reserve
corps will meet this evening at 7:30
o clock in the company room in the
new armory. Now that the members
who are in line for training and ap
pointment as second lieutenants have
been to Corvallis and have been ex
amined by the war department's offi
cial board, there is a better feeling.
It is pretty well known that those who
went to Corvallis yesterday made a
very favorable impression on the ex
amining board.
: personals :
Four ordinance violators were up
before the police judge this morning.
Pay Liitz was fined $5 for being
drunk Saturday night. G. W. Smith was
given five days in jail for being drunk
Saturday night. E. A. Petty was given
a fine of $10 for speeding past a street
car when it was stopped to discharge
passengers. On plea of not having the
money ho was allowed to go so as to
earn the money to pay the fine. Ed
ward Vincent was charged with speed
ing past a street, car stopped to dis
charge passengers. He was given a hear
ing at one o'clock and was found
guilty and fined $10.
Now it is crackers that are about to
advance in price and wholesale houses
are makillfr the minniinenniiMit tlmt tha
cost, of materials compel them to mako
a radical advance. The good housekeep
er who has been paying 5 cents a pack
age will probably be asked to pay 7V,
cents. Tho ten cent package has gone
to 12'4 cents and tho 20 cent package
will bo sold for two bits. Bulk soda
wia proDaoiy lie sold at 15 cents
OUnd and nil swsnt trnnitc vril! lmv
two or three cents a pound added. Th
wholesale nriee nn nil uni'kno,-. trnnr!
has advanced twentv nor nnnt Wlipn
went up 11 cents a bushel iu Chicago
i Villi V,
Mrs. F. H. Reeves upent Pundny in ,
Grant Nichols, of Ellensburg. Wash.,
ia is the city.
Mrs. Anna Culbertson was a Portland
visitor Sunday.
A. Fennel, of Marion, was in the
city yesterday. ,
C. A. Bonebrake, of Waconda, was a
Salem visitor Sunday.
Earl C. Simmons and wife returned j
this morning to their home iu Eugene.
H- Clay Fox, Jr., and wife, of Rick-'
real, were registered yesterday at the I
Capital hotel. j
Louis Lachmund wag a passenger this
morning on the Oregon Electric for
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilbert returned
last evening from a short visit in Tort
land. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Prunk, who have
been spending their honeymoon at New
port, will return this evening.
Miss Cora Gilbert, stenographer for
I'nruh & Macy, is visiting at the home
of her parents iu Woodburn.
Frank 8. Ward is in Portland. He is
secretary of the Oregon Pharmacy board
and is assisting in the examinations.
Household ..Furniture. Woodry
& Greer, the auctioneers, will
pay highest cash prices for same.
Phones 511 and 224.
Used Furniture Wanted J
Highest cash prices paid for 4
used furniture.
Phone 941 or 508. af
Marion Hotel, Phone 2010
5 and 7 Passenger Enclosed Cars.
Dmgless Physician
Superintendent Hydro-Electro
Therapeutic Institute
202 to 206 Masonic Temple
Phone 1182.
Hours 9 to 57 to 9
sjc jc sfc 3)1 sfc sfc sc jjc jjc j5 sc )s sjc !
CARS of-
amy KiriD
Special rates on country trips and to
State Institutions. Office Bligh Hotel.
, For Rheumatism
General Debility and Nervous-
ness their is nothing better
than massage or electric treat-
3S1 State St. Phone 756J
ighCost of Living
This Store is bending every effort to keep down the
living expenses of its customers in these trying
times. We will not advance prices until absolutely
forced to do so.
New Tsin Tau Sport Shantung the latest novelty Silks
for all occasions. 36 inches wide hfrh colors 79c Yd.
Silk Mull, in all colors ..29c Yd.
36-inch Striped Tub Silk 59c Yd.
36-inch Striped Taffeta Suitings $1.49 Yd.
New Ginghams. "Our Own Brand " manufactured by
White Star Mills, all natterns and warranted abso
lutely fast colors llkz Yd.
New Percales, all natterns 10c Yd.
15c Barnsley Crash Toweling .soecial 9V2C Yd.
Women's Gun Metal Button Shoes $2.93 Pr.
Women's Vici Kid Lace Shoes 8-inch ton Louis
heel. ..: ..$3.75 Pr.
Women's Black Kid Vamn and White Ton . . . $4.95 Pr.
Men's Gun Metal Dress Shoes button or lace. sol. $2.98
Men's Heavv Tan Work Shoes snecial $2.98
Children's Shoes $1.95 to $2.95
Paris Model Parisiana and Warner's Corsets
69c, 98c. $1.19. $1.49 and $2.98
Commercial and Court Sis,
Formerly Chicago Store
, 1
Cabbage Contracts Wanted
In tracts from one to twenty-five acres, price $10
per ton, delivered at our factory. This cabbage to
be used for the manufacture of sour kraut.
Near the corner of Mill and Summer Streets
Do you realize 'that the
human eye is the most mar
velous, most delicate, most
sensitive and most intricate
organism of that most won
derful creation the human
Do you realize that, in
proportion to its size, it is
called- upon to perform a
greater amount of tedious,
continuous, nerve-straining work than any other part of
your system?
Are you aware that a vast number of ills are directly
traceable to the defects of overstrain of the human eye?.
That many forms of headache, cerebral troubles, nervous
disorders and even insanity itself are caused by errors of
refraction or muscular derangement of the eye?
No matter how excellent the mechanical work in a pair
of glasses, it counts for nothing unless the formula from
which the lenses are ground is the correct one for your
Remember, you are running no risk, taking no chances,
when I examine your eyes. I use no drops or drugs of
any kind as they are dangerous. My 34 years practical
experience as an eye specialist is at your service without
extra charge. If glasses are not needed, I positively de
dine to supply thef. I have fitted many thousands of
people in Marion and Polk counties and the universal sat
isfaction which I have given proves that I am worthy of
the confidence placed in me.
I change your glasses for one year, if necessary, free
of charge. No extra charges for examination. All brok
en lenses replaced while you wait, at very reasonable
Rooms 209-210-211 United States Bank Building, i
Phone 110
Tuesday, April 1 7th
8 o'Clock at the Armory