Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 10, 1917, Page NINE, Image 9

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. ,. . , . j
The Daily
Capital Journal
A Quick, Handy Reference
for Busy People
- EVERYTHING 'elecTMCAL Telephone
6alcm Electrie Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High r,: ionn
X. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial itreet
Mais 1!
Palera Truck Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 74
FOli PALK Ten neros, best of aoil,
growing crop, on a. good road, close
in. Iluildings nil new and modern
with water and light system in house
and barn. Square Deal Realty t'o.
rologist, nervous and chronic diseas
es a specialty. 35 yrs. experience with
drugs, surgery and drugless methods.
Kiamination free. 712 State 3t. Phone
1350. .
65o per 100 lbs. news paper and mag
azines. Highest prices for hides and
pelts. A large Btock of logan borry
and fence wire for less than half
price. Phone 808, 302 N. Commer
cial. 4-5
Ferry Sts. Full line nursery Btock.
Italian pruro a specialty. Nursery lo
cated one mile cast of penitentiary.
Address K. 6, Salem, Ore. Phone 100
DR. O. It. SCOTT Graduate of Chjro
practices Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got ao relief, try Chiropractic
spinal adjustments and get well. Of
fice 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank
building. Phone Main 87. Besidence,
Main 828-B.
WEBB & CLOL'GH CO. C. B. Webb,
- A. M. Clmgh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 98S8.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of al!
kinds removed on monthly contract
at reasonable rates. Yard and eess
pools cleaned. Office phone Mais
2247. Besidence, Main 2272.
ON Good Real Estate Security -THOS.
Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salora, Oregon
Eastern Money at Lowest Bates, on
approved Security. Homer H. Smith,
Boom 5, McCornack Bldg., Salem, Or.
CHAS. B. HODGKIN General Insur
ance, SuTety Bonds, real estate and
rentals. Hubbard bide. Phone 386. tf
50 years experience.
Dupot National and American fence
Sizes 20 to 08 in. high. . .
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Worki, S56
Hourt street' Phone 124.
DES. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized i
nerve diseases at Los Angeles colloge
Treat acute and chronic diseases
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office 50.V50G U. S. National Bank
building. rhone 859. Residence, 340
North Capital street. Phnne 469.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills rayable monthly in advance.
M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert. secretary. Crown
1'rug st.re, 33S Suite street.
A. O. U. W. 'rotation Lodee No
meets ew.r Mol.r cfenin- at 8 la' Ilia
McCornack hall corner Cuurt and l.lVr y
Mason, M. Y.; s7 Z
Mel-add recorder: A. I Brlwo!
financier; It. B. Duncan, treasurer.
president; Mrs. I.u Tlllson, secretorr'
AM cases of cruelty or neglect of duia
anlimil. should rep.rtea Co be
secretary for InTestlgntloa.
Resular conclave fourth Friday la each
month at 8 o'clock p. ni., In Masoalc
'iemple. So.iurnlae Sir Knights are
courteously invited to meet with us.
den C. Mies, K. C.j II, 11. Thlelsen,
8AI.EM COrXClIj Sc. lOKnlglitS and
Ladles of Security Meets every -ud and
4tli Wednesday each month at Hurst
Hull. Visiting members are Invited to
attend. K. t Walton, financier, 4SU S.
14th Street,
Stated communlratloDS third Krlday
In each month at 7:80 p. iu. la the
Masonic Temple. W. H. Iancy, W. M,j
Ernest H. Cuuate, secretary.
Kriday nbiht at 8 o'clock In Herby
bklg.. Court and High sts. A. J.
Swelnlnk, C. C. ; I,. 8. fleer, clerk,
5U7 Court street. Thone 593.
It. N. A. "OreBon Crape Camp" No.
1.100, meet every Thursday evening In
Derby and Larky building. Court and
High streets; Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp,
1971 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa l'er
sons, recorder, yjMii North Commercial.
' l'hone n:;0M.
I.v Salem
4 :33 a m ,
7 :1 u in ,
f Ai a m ,
11 :20 a m
1 :,".u p m
4 :0O p m .
5:30 p m
7 :05 p m
Train Nu.
. . . . 2 Owl . .
. . . 10 Limited
12 ....
14 ....
. . . 10 Limited
Ar Portland
. 6:aiin
. 9:23 a m
. 11 :33 a m
. 1 :3j p id
. 4 :0O p in
. 0 :DO p m
. 7:40 p m
.10:00 p m
Lv Portland
0:30 a m Salem 8:P.," Eugene 10:B3
8:.-J0 am 5 Limited 10:11 a
10:43 a in 7 12 :33 p
2 :05 p m 9 4 :13 p
4:40 p m .... 13 Limited .... G:40 p
0:03 pm .... 17 Lcal .... 8:10 p
9:20 p ni 19 11 :2U p
11 :43 p m 21 Owl 1 :33 p
Lv Corvallls
4 :10 p in
Lv Eugene
7 :33 a m
1 :33 p m
r :23 p m
12:03 p m
Lv Salem
1 :33 a m
10:13 a m
Lv Sulem
12:33 p m
Lv Salem
4 :lu p m
Lv Snlem
0 :45 p
Ar Salem
20 5 :30 p m
Ar Snlem
. 10 Limited .... 9:43 a m
. 10 Limited .... 4 :00 p m
22 7 :33 p m
... 2 Owl 4 :33 a m
Ar Eugene
, . . 21 Owl 0 :30 a m
. 5 Limited .... 12:23 p m
Ar Albany
7 1 :30 p ui
Stops at Corvalls
Ar Albany
9 5:10 p in
Ar Albany
7:33 a m
Ar Eugene
1S 8 :30 1) m
Lv Corvallls
8:25 a m .
12 :12 p m .
2:41 p m .
4 :10 p ai .
0:18 p m .
'sourn bound
The following prices for fruits
snd vegetables are tbota asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer and
not what is paid to the producer.
All ether price ar th paid tk
producer. Corrections ar made
Willamette Valley News
Rock Pcht News
- -
------r-T "I
t X II
1 1 Int EIARKETS ;
jiuu. A ulo by Misg Imogene Richards'
rom ludcd the program.
CloYerdale Notes
' (Capital Journal Special fervic.)
C'luvrrdaK Or , April 10. On Tues-
To.lny'i. market chiinnes nr- aliout as
follow.; Wheat i worth H.Ho and the
top fur oats is CO cents. Creamery hut
Icr in now up to 4 centu and potatoes
arc up to throe cents wholesale. Onions
are ten cent a pouud wholesale, but
rhuharh and California .radishes are
lower. CueuinWrs are on the market
at l.oO and the chauces arc good ,ur
another advance iu sutsar.
Oats, new
Barley, ton
Shorts, per ton
Hay, cheat
Hay, vetch
Hay clover
. .")dOc
" Ti'i(yi5
Mcmnouth News
Samuel I'. Wattenburn died at his
(Capjlul Juutual S-ciiil Svrvl.-c) iheiue in Monmouth on Monday even
MoHii.uth, April lo. Lat i.lav in lle w 2 .v,,r 'J "d;
' 1 i .:i: : )
wa junior tins, (lay at the UrrK..,. vit.M wor0 VM V(HlPSiav ,ft.,dy morn.ng Dr. Moorhn-( of Salem,
normal m-hool, and was certainly eele- noon in the (hrixtian church, Rev.jsi called to doctor two very sick
brated in a truly (pila faabiou. At n Kishcr in charge. Mr. Wattenhurj hor( at C. W. Young's place,
verv oarlv hour citii-ens were wakened 'lvcs a wife, six on and four dan;li j Mf w j uU(jiev w,g t salein riitor
from thcir rccrul al.unbcr by the in- nuVaitioUMm ! Saturday.
eesaan, rinK.uK of the normal bell; .kv, Ta. uIl The W. C. T. l ladies met at Mr
rm-ket. were sent up to herald the rof. O.Imore of the O. N. S. faeulu . Gr,vbi,.. on Thunrfuy for an
dawn of ft"; great day At charn-l t. me , appeals to the iople of Monmouth to (Uv rai.;ng After th bll,ilH(8i
the eht. 2.0 xa number, marched in. snow their patriot,- m a pract.cl l . w B a t thp d
headed by thcr cla color and enrh way iv utilizing th vacant lots r 'j'xhere were about 10 present and one
wear...- a cap of purple and wh.tr own to ra. veoet.ble, and thus help , bfMt, m
The class soup, composed by t rl to tide us over these serenuou- t.mea, h fc Tfc tiDl,hpd the quilt
Moore, junior, wan then xnui; wit now that war is a eerta.nrv. . , . . ."i .At., w,
nnu-h 'enthusiasm. The main feature of I Mrs. J. O. Mcintosh who has hecn ! )Zu" 'J?rtJvt2?:
Ul... ..v.--- .... i: .1 :. v.. a t... prewm weir; airiv ayiuc
yon irst stu.it. the scene being a
railwav station, with a crent number Int Oconomowoe, Wis., one
of the seventh and
Creamery butter.
Country butter .
per pound
Eggi and Poaltrr
-ai;s. trade 2Sc
EUKs, cash 20e
Hens, pound I8e
Hens, dressed, pound 2U
?ork, Veal and Mutton j
I'ork, on foot 13(14 3-4ei
rork, dressed 1017c
Veal, according to quality. .11(213 l-2c
Steers ; c8e
Cows . 4oM..e
Bulls 43e
Ewes 5e
Lambs .. lie
Wetherj 79c
Figs and Dates
Black fl .... I0e
Golden dates 15c
Dromedary dates ... $3.75
Cabbage 5c
String garlic 7510c
l'otatoes, per 100 lbs $2.7."(i 3
Carrots and beets $1.25
Green onions ........... 40o
Artichokes .'. $1
Lettuce, California, crato $3
Onions , lbc
Celerv $1.25
Turnips 2.25
Rhnbard, box , $1.75
California radishes : 30c
Cuban tomatoes $4
Asparagus , 10(U12Vjc
of students, all apparently bent on buy
in ft tickets to Oregon, anil all very
happy iu the prospect. After lunch Ore
gon wn "seen" in beautiful colored
pictures; also some comic phscs of
school life were shown. A lovely dance
"The Spirit of the West" was a de
lightful surprise, also the ncricultrua!
orchestra, the cherry fair with its cher-
30(232t'" weuuing. inese and many otner aura
bers togetuer witli tne jolly songs anil
yells, created a happy mood among the
audience. At the conclusion of this pro
gram tho reveleT were piloted to the
gymnasium where tney were entertain
ed by a ukulele orchestra aud were
served wit hice cream cones, under
the shadow of Mt. Hood. The class is
justly proud of the successful con summa
tion of their plans and of the pleasure
dispensed by. their efforts.
Senator Gill Spoke
Th normal school was honored last
Monday morning by the presence of
Senator ,T. It. tiill "of Portland who
spoke dining the chapel period on the
subject of "Indian Lite Along the Co
lumbia,'' and illustrated the talk withe
his own original drawings. He made a
comparison between the ingenuity or
instinct of the aborigine and the intei
ine tne wuuer wun o-r oauHnier, ,. .. rp.:.. r- n? oi...
Miss Alice Mcintosh, left for her home'" "". f,,
...IS. WU ' ' in. i.il. luin. . ... ii i ,
Mrs. Ivi Fliflet, Mrs. Jos. Morris,
day this
Tho students of the seventh
eighth grades who undertook to raise
money with which to purcase a flag,
were very successful. The curds sold
well and the neat sum of $20 was rais
ed with a few days, A fine Hag has
been ordered and will soon he seen
floating from- the top of the thaining
school building.
Most all of the normal students went
homo for Easter vacation, only twelve
of the 190 who live there remained.
Boms News Notes
Mr. and Mrsi. J. V. Von I.oon and
Mrs. P. M. Kisher went to Vancouver
Thursdny to visit their boys who en
listed with company i. of Dallas. They
say the boys are in good spirits and
anxious to be on the move.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Schieble and Mrs.
Stitt lett this week for Kelso, Wash.,
whero Guy has a position as butter
Clark Hembroe shipped a mixed car
of hogs and cattle to Vortland last
fSilas Coats has been employed by
the Monmouth Co-operative Creamery
to fill tho vacancy lett by Guy Hehie
ble. Mr. Coats has-been working as
Broccoli ....
... $....1.50
Apples : . - 50c$l
Oranges, navels $3.25(S3.50
Blood oranges l.35
Lemons, per oi,..L $3,754.QO
Bananas, pound - 54c
California grape froit .......... 350
Florida, grape fruit $5,S08.50
Pineapple ....................... . 8e
Honey $3.25
Cranberries 7c
Cocoanuts - . $1.15
Betail price
Creamery butter 50c
Country butter 40c
Eggs, dozen 30c
Sugar, cane .- $9.20
Sugar, beet $9
Flour, hard w'jeat $2.00(5)2.75
Flour, valley $2.30
I,v Salem
10 :15 a in
4 :15 p m
12:55 p m
0:40 p m
Ar Snlem
. . 9 :45 a ni
. . 1 :45 p m
. . 4 :00 p m
. . 5 :'M p m
. . 7 :05 p m 1
Ar Oorvallis!
..ll::i:i a m!
. . 5 :C0 p ni j
. . 2 :20 p m ;
.3:00 p ml
gon .Cedar Camp. No. 524(1. meets every
Ihursdny evening at 8 o'clock in Derby
builitlne, corner Court aim High streets.
J- F. Day, V. C. ; J, A, Wright, Clerk,
8AI.KM I.OntiE Xo. 4. A. F. i- A. SI.
stated coininunk-iiilons llrst Friday In
each mouth nt 7:30 u. m. In the Masonic.
Temnle t..i i M. tnih.. M .: I
S. '.. Sulver, secretary.
.i rf-f:F.r:lt 1.1NK
N. 73-Arrlves at Salem 9:15 a m
v th leaves Salem "M
Na 73-Ar. Snlem (mixed) P m
So. 74 Leave Salem ......... 3. M p m
No connection south ot (.eel..
No. im-Lv- Snlem. mo or .U" J m
i.v. miiciu, ui"i" -----
P -
1f.7-I.v. Salem, motor JP"
ii-.a r ,ilem. motor '' P m
23 Way Kr't lv. Salera
... An Cnl.im
I u- i - 1 i . l ,1 tn
104 Ar. fctUein ' u
sn em '
Salem S :JT- g S
Snlem H ' P m
' :00 a m
8 :.".o a m
lilfl Ar.
1G8- Ar.
170 Ar.
No! 24i-w'iy IVt ar. Salem ...2:30 p
ySiffl -rn
""f-ITY'.'SS . TBoati leave Port
K'tor Kiel,0. : each morning.
Iterby biillillng. everv Tuesday evening
cf each week nr 7 :.'!(). Lovil T. Iliffdou.
C. C. ; W. II. t;ilson, K of 'it aud it,
EXITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly
Xo. R4. meets every Thursday at 8 p.
at., In I. O. O. F, hall, A, A, Cueffroy.
Cllh Vr(.ei C. Ilamn.ond of the ioast
nrtillerv corps, was married at f.ugem
yoVteruny. Via bride being Miss lVrtlia
Portland. Or., April 10. Wheat:
Club 1.7Hi 1
lied Hussian $1.78
P.lue.stem $1.83
Fortvfold $1.78i.-j J
Oats, Xo. 1 white feed $45.25
Ilarlcy, feed $44.30
Butter, city creamery 445T4."c.
Fggs, selected local ex. 3031e
Hens 21(u22c
Broilers 35."0c, -. .
O-cese 12li.(;13e
Livestock Market
Portland, Or., April 10. Cattle re
ceipts gO. Market steady. Heavy steers
$0.50(ti'9.7.'); light steers $9.5.0fal0;
cows 88.50; heifers $S.23(a:8.50;
calves $7(S)10
Hogs, receipts 235. Market steady.
Heavy $14.5(l(i 14.05; light $14.40(1$
14.50- pigs 11.50ftil2.30.
Sheep receipts none. Market firm,
liest east of mountains lambs $13(5)
13.50; vallev lambs $12.50(ai3.25; weth
its $11..')0(1'12; ewes $101075. Ono
lone sheep has nrrived here during tho
last week.
Hogs $16.40
Chicago, April-10. The hog market
advanced 15 cents on the opening to
dav, top prices going to $10.40 per
hundred on the hoof. The cattle mar
ket opened steady while sheep were
ten cents higher.
We can use several hundred
sacks of parsnips, carrots, beets
aud rutabaga. If you have any
call its-
Hides ISc to 22c
Hens ISc
160 S. KigK Phone 10
4-4-4-- 4-4
ligence of the civilized white of today helper for the creamery for several
years and is now competent to fui tne
position of butter maker.
C. A- Dobell has accepted a position
with the v. Davids Lumber Co. of Port
land and will begin work within a few
days. He will have the entire office
management. Mr. Dobell has. followed
this line ot work tor many Vcars anil
is well fitted ror tnis position, lie nas
engaged an overseer tor his farm and
this man will have entire charge. Mrs.
Dobell and children will remain on the
farm at least until the close of school.
John Doughty is verv anxious for the
streets to dry no as has .lust bouaht a
new rora.
Mrs. E. R.. Ostvom expects to start
Wednesday for points In California and
will be gone about six weeks. She will
visit a sister at Long Beach, old friends
at San Bernardino and investigate the
Co-operative Colony of ' Llano in tht
Antelope vallev.
Mrs. E. T. .Evans- is visiting her
daughter at Lewisville this week.
Chad Newhmisc, p , student of thr
normal, left Thursday to .ioin the N.
O. bringing the . number from Mon
mouth up to 19 at this time.
.Uon mouth grange will meet next sat
urday the 14th in regular sessiou. Hon.
C. T. Hawley will be present and will
speak in favor ot the road nonding is
Miss Daphne Ostrom returned home
Sunday from Salem where she has been
attending the Capital Business colloge
mnce the lirst ot October. Mie will re
sume her studies there again in the fal
and finish the course in stenography.
Stayton News Items
(Capital Journal Hpeciul Service)
Stayton, April 10. I.os Angeles, Sa
loin and Aumsville people moved on
Stayton Sunday ami delighted large
congregations at the M. E. church
both morning and evening with their
contributions in the way of speeches
song and sociability. A. A. Leo an
and set his audience to wondering
which of the two were really tho more
independent or able to cope with the
battle for life if placed in a Robinson
Crusoe position. The principal thought
gleaned from this most interesting iec
ture was that it would pay us to con
ientrate on the. fundamentals of life.
Parent-Teachers Met
A very interesting and worth while
meeting of the parent 'teacher associ
ation was held Tuesday eveuing in the
training school auditorium. The attend
ance ns usual wns splendid, standing
room being scarce. The most important
feature of the meeting Was th culmi
nation of Ihe movement to procure an
appropriate work of art to place at the
entrance to the training school. Mr.
Gentle, whose leetnro last summer
raised a goodly sum for the purpose,
chose a statue of Lincoln as a fitting
gift. This was agreeable to the associa
tion which voted to-order the statue at
once. The statuo-is'n duplicate of St.
Urauden's at the entrnuce to Lincoln
park, Chicago, except that the chair
is omitted. A deficit of $11 to make np
the $83 which is the prico of the statue
was made up by donations in a few mtn
utes. The following proj'rcm was then
enjoved: singing of patriotic sougs by
audience, led by Miss Mary Randall;
violin solo, Gertrude Rodgers; reading
"Tho Baptist Sunday school picnic"
by Fannie. Steinberg; song by little
folks of first and second grades; song
"Little Tin Soldier" by pupils of the
seventh and eighth grades. Prot. Hut
Her substituting tor Pres. Ackerman,
gave a most interesting talk.
An Interesting Debate
Debate, Resolved that high schools
should not be co-educationa,. Tho main
point proved by Helen Scott of the at
firmative was that when boys and girls
attend the same school the boys wasted
halt ot their tune and according to
statistics a high school student's time
is worth $10 per, day; therefore each
boy wasted $. per day and the finan
cial loss was more than enough to main
tain separate schools. This debate wastKev. F. T. Porter presenting the ora
given last week at the high school andtory, Miss I-.ugoina Mclnturtt and .Mrs,
the affirmative was given the decis- ( nsselnian rendered music, wnilo M
Mrs. V. Morris, Mrs. Fred Shepherd,
Mrs. W. J. Hadley, Mrs. O. Fame, Mrs.
Schiferer, Mrs. Cummings, Mrs. Fleet
wood, -Mrs. Hannis.
Mr. William Baker, who has been
visiting at Wheatland for tho past few
weeks, and her two umaU daughters, re
turned home Sunday evening.
Mrs. .Myrtle Graybill was m alem
Wednesday on business .
Miss I.ovetta Uarring. of Monmoutn
normal school, spent tho week-end at the
I. rams home.
Ihe basket social at the Mimmtt rim pr!, association this
niphf. Anvil 14
I- . I V J . I T" . I ' ...
spiiff oi toe ouq wrmaer. lav program
wns excellent and the baskets sold wen,
bringing in $16. Many who would have
attended were hept home on account of
the rain that evening.
Miss Ida Fellers has been sick for
some weeks past, but is reported im
proving soraj at last reports.
Mrs, t . A. Woods went to r-lom Min-
day and brought her son, Carl, home.
All will be clad to hear that lie is at
last able to be moved home.
Lost. On can opener, from the home
o'f William Baker. Somebody please
find it and return at once for Billie
needs it.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Rk Point, April 10. Agia thoso
lovely April Uowert have brought the
needing is this lov.lity to staad still,
we ar beginning to wonder if Orrgoa
is really going to have summer this
Downing snd Durby have decided to
take out their entire acreage of hl
and eed it to s-ring wheat.
Mrs. W. 11. lowning u in Portland
with her father last week, where be
was preparing for trip to Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bums and littla
daughter wero Stayton visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Darby made a
trip to Turner this w-k.
Curtis Smith spnt Easrer tide with
his parents in Silverton.
J. Leigh of Stayton ha been- in this
locality tht past week rawing wood.
Miss Rand, our teacher, gave great
pleasure to the pupils of the school and
the small tots of tho district, Friday
after recess. She had provided egas
for an Easter hunt in which all indulg
ed with much enjoyment..
8. Davenport and wife of Silverton
were week end visitors with their
daughter, Mrs. J. A. Huron. They r
ported much mud and lots of patriot
ism from their locality.
Mrs. Emma Simpson of Aumsville re
turned to her home on Sunday after
penclini several weeks with her son,
Mrs. Floreace Worthinjton is spend
ing her Easter vacation with her chil
dren at Fteaverton, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Downing return
ed from Salem Saturday.
Be sure and be at the parent-tess-h-
comiug Saturday
Two splendid speakers have been se
cured for the eveuirjg besides music,
etc., to fill in. An enthusiastic refreeh
mcnt committee i busy also, hence we
look forward to a rousing good time.
P. Darby and family spent Sunday
!with his uncle, W. U. Humphreys, of
ictor 1'oint.
and Mrs. Joseph Baker of the capital
city and their charming guest horn
Los Angeles, Miss Ma Park, W. H.
Cave who came with Rev. Porter in
tho evening and Miss Hines one of
Aumsville 's popular young women who
amo with tho lee-naiier party in tne
morning a.lilert to tn sociaummy oi
the day. in the evening the auditor
ium and side room of the church were
packed to hear the illustrated lecture
sermon of Mr. Porter. The presenco of
both parties was greatly appreciated
by Stayton people, the full day Easter
program being of groat profit to the
Rev. Marion Home will prench in!
the Christian church next Sunday. He
comes from Eugene.
Mother Taylor hag not been in the
best of health of late.
Mr. and Mrs. Haglund of Salt Lake
city who wore expected hei on Sunday
did nor arrive ,iuey wcrr iu
ited the Foster home.
Miss Helen Mielkie was in Salem
Ur. and Mrs. riorneik and Air. ana
Mrs. J. M. Kingo autoed to Salem and
back Friday night.
Miss Grace Elder is visiting friends
in Salem.
Representative Seymour Jones is ex
pected to visit Stayton next Sunday.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick, mother of Mrs.
Clam-Pratt, is out again after being
confined to the house for some weeks
by ill health.
Oilie Mack is in Silverton.
Mrs. Horace Lilly entertained Fri
day afternoon in honor of her sister,
M'iss Gladys Rice, of Corvallis. Tho
women present worn Mrs. Alva Thom
as, Mrs. J. M. Kingo, Mrs. Watson.
Mrs. E. B. Lockluirt, Miss Sestake and
Mrs. Korneiki
Quite a -number of people partook of
dinner ot the Christian church Sunday.
The Methodists also had a church din
ner. Mrs. Sweet is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mack will leave
soon for the Moscow, lduho, country
to which section they will go by team.
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash It with.
- Most soaps - and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries the
scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is
verv harmful. Just plain mulsified eo-
coanut oil (which is pure and entirely
greaseless), is much better than the
most expensive soap or anything else
you ran use for shampooing, as this
can't possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with wa
ter and rub it in. One or two teapoon
fuls will make an abundaneo oi rich,
creamy lather, and cleanse- the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses
out easily and removes every particle
of dust, dirt, dandruff and cxe.essive
oil. Thr- hair dries quickly and evenly,
and it leaves it fine and silky, bright
fluffy and easy to manage.
.. 1 ou can get mulsif ied cocoa out oil nt
most any drug' store. It la very cheap,
and a fevr ounces is enough to last
everyone in the family for months.
The establishment of a cannery at
Lebanon became assured Saturday when
articles o'f incorporation were signed,
perfecting 3 co-operative association.
The entio amount of th capital stock
$10.000,-was subscribed.
Notice is hereby, given that I have
impounded tho following described
dogs in compliance with ordinane,e No.
1404, towit: One male spaniel, white
and brown spotted, weight 2S pounds;
one female mongrel, weight 30 pounds:
two Ifcmnfe fox femora, white and
brown spotted, weight 15 pounds each;
ono small male spitz, weight 20 pounds
one male hound pup, black with whito
spots, weight Hi pounds; one oht main
mongrel, brown weight 25 pounds;
one female fox terrier, white with
black and brown spots, weight . 15
pounds; ono male brown with white
spots, weight 2fl, pou!)(lsi.JJ'he above
dogs will be killefT if not-redeemed by
owners on or before April. 14, 1917, as
provided bv said ordinance.
W. 8.' LOW, Street tmuiissioner.
April 13.
"THAT OTTtE GAME" Crabbings OmMm
A Leader-Resulb are
our Want Acb -They load
ihe way lo Better poafjons
5etler WorKerj'
Come on. .XthsCutb fw get a move oM.
1 THIS V Jy3 fluuEO OUT ; go, there v-IKE A(?UMMY r
i Deuces I ) straight. tA go- L ta aluays rTX! ASHyT
I wild sTufp ) Urf-itfoT itomI Wa Suggest )Viu6sestiT. S HSvop do