Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 10, 1917, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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1 0o
Sheets and
Pillow Cases
Sheets 49c, 69c, 73c, OBc, $1.19
Pillow Cases . . . 10c, 2 for 25c, 15c, 25c
Pequo Sheets 98c, $1.19
Linen Damask
Bleached Damask 20c, 49c, 98c
65c Butchers'. Linen ". 49c
75c Art Linen 49c
Brown Art Linen 25c
New Scrim and
Curtain Goods
A large assortment of pattorns and col
ors. Golden Rule price
. . 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 19c. 25c
Bleached Turkish Towels, pair
10c, 49c
Laces and Embroideries
In every width and quality at one-fourth to
one-half less than you usually pay. Orien
tals, Allovers, Nets, Malines, Crepe de
Chine Embroidery, any desirable quality, at
one price to all, and that the lowest, quality
Good Feather Bed Pillows
Monarch, 4 pounds, each 49c
Monarch, 6 pounds, each 69c
Monarch, 7 pounds, each 98c
Monarch, Vi pounds, each $1.49
Quality, 7 pounds, each $1.98
This Spring we are adding to our chain 50 new links, making in all a Grand Total of 175 Busy Stores.
This means something to you! The bigger we get the cheaper we buy, and the savings go straight into our Patron's Pockets: It is true we keep
a fair profit for ourselves no morP. We have never taken mor. Our growth is rapid because we render a superior service and we have more than
the mere satisfaction of having succeeded, we have the consciousness i)f having dealt fairly with those who have given us success.
Staple Dry Goods
Hope Muslin 10c
Rival Apron Gingham 7c
Amoskeog Gingham 7c
Belfast Percales 12 1 2c
I.. L. Unbleached Muslin 4c
L. It. Unbleached Musiln 6 l-2c
Suburban Bleached 5c
Hopedale Muslin 10c
Fruit of the Loom . . 12 l-2c
Berkley Cambric 15c
Berkley Cambric (100) 20c
Lonsdale Cambric 16c
Pepperell Bleached 9-4 35c
Pepperell Unbleached 9-4 . . 32c
Pepperell Unbdeaclied 10-4 '. . , 30c
Calico 7c
Indian Head 15c
Black Sateen 12 1 2c, 15c
Gilbert Sateen 49c
Wasli Goods
Voile, white or prluted 10c, 85c
Fine Organdie 25c
Dainty Fl axons 16c, 25c
India Liunon. . . .8 l-3c, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c
Nainsook . 12 l-2c, 15c, 18c
Flaxon lGc.lBc
Dimity, small check 10c
Dimity, stripe 12 l-2c
Romper Galatea ;,. 18c
Women's Ready -to-Wear
Ladies' Spring Coats, the new jaunty styles,
colors and materials, $4.98, $5.90, $6.99,
$7.90, $9.90, $12.50, $14.75, $16.50
All the latest in Ladies' One-Piece Dresses,
You will not find their equal elsewhere. Silk
and wool Poplin, ...$4.98, $5,90, $6.90
Serge Dresses, the long plaited effect seems
to be very strong again this season, also
more fitted styles at $8 , $9.90, $12.50
Chepe de Chine Dresses, also Georgette, Taf
feta and Messaline in all the leading colors
of the season, $8 . 90, $9 . 99, $12 . 50, $14 . 75,
$16.50, $18.50
Ladies' Dress Skirts. Tailored and Silk, at
' $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.90, $7.90
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Knit
and Uuslin Underwear-Best grades
At Golden Rule prices. "Cheap prices" does
not mean cheap in quality in our Underwear
Department . Our Underwear is made right .
Ladies' Envelope Chemise ...79c, 98c, $1.49
Ladies' Corset Covers 25c, 39c, 49c
Ladies' Combination . . .49c, 79c, 98c, $1.49
Ladies' Petticoats 49c, 98c, $1.49
Ladies' Gowns 69c, 98c, $1.49
Children's Gowns, 6 to 14 years 49c
Child's Drawers 10c, 15c, 25c
Child's Petticoats, 8 to 14 years 25c, 49c
Ladies' Princess Slip 79c, 98c, $1.49
Ladies' Knit Vest, V-neck ... 3 for 25c
Ladies' Knit Vests 5c
Ladies' Knit Vests 10c
Comfy Cut Vests 2 for 25c
Ladies' Union Suits 25c, 49c
Children's Dresses-
Ladies Silk Petticoats
Heather Bloom and Taffeta $1.98
Charmeuse $2.69
Ladies' Taffeta $2.98, $3.98
Black Satin Petticoats . . . 49c, 98c
Colored Sateen 98c
Children's Dresses in all newest material
and color, Golden Rule prices, 49c, 69c, 98c;
and better ones for dressy wear.
Children's Bloomers in either black or white
Good Quality Sateen 25c
Good Quality Sateen 49c
Gloves and Neckwear
Ladies' Lambskin Gloves at .$1.98
Chamesette Gloves, black, white and colors,
at .59c
Ladies' Two Clasp Silk, 75c value 49c
Ladies' 16-Button Silk, regular $1.50 value,
our price 98c
A very complete line in all new styles.
Nifty linepf Ladies' Colors at
25c, 49c, 69c, 98c
Collar and Cuff Sets 25c to 98c
Auto Veils, Golden Rule Price 49c, 98c
Realizing the greatness of
small things, we will save you
pennies; your dollars will
take care of themselves.
Adomantimc pins lc
Brass Pins lc, 4c
Safety Pins 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c
Wire Hair Pins lc
Cabinet Wire Hair Pins 4c, 8c
Aluminium Thimbles 4c
Tatting Shuttle 8c, 10c, 15c
Crochet Hook ; gc
Hooks and Eyes 4c
Coats' Thread 4c
Snap Fasteners 8c
Kid Curlers 3c, 4c, 5c
Curling Irons 4c, 8c
Ladies' Scissors ..... . 25e, 49c-
Tape Measures 4C
Lead Pencils ic
Pen and Pencil combined . . .'. ... 5c
Envelopes 4c
Cork Insoles 5c
Crepe Paper Napkins .... 100 for 10c
Ink 4c
Shoe Polish, Shinola 8c
La Blanche Face Powder 39c
Mennen's Talcum 12c
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream ..45c
Cnticura Soap 18c
Peroxide, 8 ok. bottle 10c
Tooth Brushes iOc, 15c
Oilt Edge Shoe Polish 19c
Pen Holders .... 4C
Snap Tap V yd'.'ioc
Library Paste 4'c
Mucilage '." ' 4c
Dexter Knitting Cotton . . ." ' 4c
Comfort Kid Juliet $1.49
Comfort Common Sense , ... $1.49
Strap Slipper $1.49
Women's Gun Metal Lace $2.98
Women's Patent Lace $2.98
Ladies' Cloth Top Dull Kid,. $6
value $4.50
If it is a full dress shoe you want or
a good serviceable shoe for wear and
tear, we have it.
mi.l,L.U. I . I u.iiiim .1 IIIUILLIIILIIL I. Illlll I II l. ,
7 rr
Send Your Mail Orders to Us
1 60 Liberty Street SALEM, OREGON
Vici, Gun Metal, Button or Lace,
Golden Rule Price $2.98
Better one, black or tan, or dul kid in a good
range of lasts Golden Rule Price $3.50
Compare our $3.98 value with
other's $5.00 Shoes. 1
Men's .Medium .and .Heavy
Work Shoes, Tan and Black.
Built for Hard Service.
$2.49, $2.98, $3.98, $4.50
if""" "" 1 1 1 1 .- -'
JiuUJa... . - ,,,1-r..) ,- - -
Young men seem to take to military
life, according to the many letters be
ing received in Salem- Frank Bnker in
in receipt of n letter from his sun,
George K. linker, who enlisted Marcl
."! in the infantry, enlisting at the. .Sa
lem recruiting office. He is in training
at. Ft. McDowell nnd writes an follows:
"I urn in fort .McDowell niul having a
jood time. To!l those recruiting ol'ticera
that 1 mil gl:nl that I joincil the regu
lars. The weather is just like heaven
down hero."
Wit. $1, Ir .
That Affords Immediate
Relief And Effects A Positive Cure
Just ask for u package of "BnnUmComfort".
Put oneonand t he p.iia will vanishliko maj;tc.
If you have a bunion, no niaUcr how larce
how swollen, how painful and how distorted
the joint may be, use just one "Bunion
Comfort" mid you will obtain instant relief.
Buy a ox today try one or two plaster
nil if you urn not entirely satistiuil, simply
return t'ie rsm.iinderand get all your rr.oncy
b.u-k. " nunioit Comfort" li.ivj'cijied over
Tt.OJfi men and women the pa-rt year tliejr
can cm s you Why continue to sutler, when
hue in a Kuar.intoed insiaut relietf Your
money back tf they fail. H v
J. C. Ferry's Drug store, 113 S. Com 'i.
Property Owners Released
From Paying for Work
Done Over Remonstrance
"Tlie assessment attempted to le
levied on neeount of the defect iu the
publication of the notice for bids is not
vuliil and the decree is therefore sus
tained" .
With this statement Judgo Harris of
the Oregon supreme eourt shuttered the
hopes of tlu? city of Salem to collect
the assessment levied on the property
owners of 8onth Twelfth street for the
paving done between Mission street nd
the south city limits. It nlso (jnve a
glad tidings to the property owners tlint
they would not have to pay for the pav
ing. Two suits were settled at this one
time. The first is the case of George J.
Watson, and 2'J others, respondents,
against the city of Salem, appellants,
appeal from Marion county, Judge Gal
loway; the second wn j. H. Albert, re
.spuudeut, against the city of Salem,
appellant, which was decided in favor
of the plaintiff. The suit also concern
ed South Twelfth street.
The plaintiffs and respondents were
represented by John H. Carson and
Claire M. Inmau and the city by K. W.
Mney nnd (iant. Corby, with W. H.
Trindle, 11. D. Roberts, K. K. l'nge and
V. T. Slater appearing on brief.
The outline of the case us stated in
the opinion of Justice Harris recites
that notwithstanding a, remonstrance
was filed by certain property owners,
thfl city of Salem entered into a. con
tract for paving South Twelfth street
between Mission street nnd the south
city limits. On completion of this im
provement a special assessment was
levied-on the abutting property for the
Speaking (Breakfasts 1
'! i
There's a Reason
cost of the paving. '
Claiming' the assessment "was void
George J. Watson and 22 others com
menced suit for the purpose of freeing
their land from the encumbrance of the
attempted assessment. Tho city assert
ed the assessment was valid. A trial
i resulted in a decree in favor of the
I plaintiffs nnd the city npepaled.
j The substance of Justice Harris' de
Icision states that the plaintiff contend
ed the assessments were void because
cuff ivicnt. remonstrance was filed and
j because notuce for bids were not pub
j lished in conformity with provisions of
the charter. Section 2S of the charter
! directs that improvements shall not pro-
ceed "If owners of more than two
I thirds majority of the superficial area
of property adjacent to such street or
part thereof" file a written remon-
jstrance withiu a specified time.
the city contended that the super
ficial area v as 1.2til,tUl square feet
and that to be valid the remonstrance
should have S40.ti75 square feet repre- j
iiented. The remonstrance, the city;
says, was insufficient because it con-j
tained only 7ii:5SS square feet. i
The plaintiffs insisted the remon
strance represented a larger area than
admitted by the city- The difference
between calculations arose out of the
attempted replnttina of some property
adjacent to the street. The decision I
goes on to say that all the land hail,
been platted previous to the commence
ment of the paving proceedings. After I
I the proceedings began but prior to the
I expiration of time allow ed for filing of
remonstrances and before the contract
was let. an attempt was made to feplat
I without first vacating the prevails plat.
I The plaintiffs base their remonstrance
on the attempted plat and the city on
the previous plat on the theory that the
j attempted plat was void. However, the
I court says: "The view we take con-
cerning the publication of the notice
j for bids is determinative of the suit."
I There is a provision in the charter re
j lating to the publication of the notices
; making them mandatory and in the
j manner required by the charter. The
I court says: "Since the mode is the
measure of the power, a failure to fol
low the prescribed mode will invalidate
an -attempted assessment."
The decision goes on to analyze the
various provisions of the charter rela
tive to the time of publishing notices.
Regarding this time the charter says
that the notices for bids shall be pub
lished "for not less than five succes
sive days. " According to the law or
the state the first day of publication is
excluded and the last day included.
Therefore, the notices must be publish
ed five full days before the bids are
When bids were advertised on June
5, 1913, the first day -was accordingly
excluded, and the whole of June 10
w ould be required to be included. There
fore the notice for bids was not pub
lished in conformity with the charter.
The bids were, advertised to be opened
on or after June 10 but were opened
that date aud on that account'the no
tices were not published for the full
period of time.
The city srgued that even though it
was decided that the notices were not
published the full period of time as re
quired by law. the plaintiffs have not
shown that other or additional bids were
prevented or that the property owners
suffered or v.crc injured-
The decree of Judge Galloway i-s
therefore sustained. Chief Justice Mc
Bride, and Justices Bean and MeCam
ant concurred.
Several other minor cases were hand
ed dow n. Among them was the follow
ing: In the matter of V. C. Barker, a
spendthrift, claim of Vascher Brothers,
grocer, for goods sold and delivered, an
appeal taken by the guardian of Baker
from the decree of Judge Gantenbein in
favor of the claimant; affirmed by
Judge Burnett. Chief Justice MoBride,
and Justices lloore and Benson concur.
Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the
Stomach and Intestines, Anto-Intoxica-tion,
Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and
other fatal ailments result from Stom
ach Trouble. , Thousands of Stomach
Sufferers owe their complete recovery
to Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy. Un
like any other for Stomach Ailments.
For sale bv J. C. Perrv find r?m rrfrl at
1 J utuggIBi
mast I
of the
relieved in
Each Can-
K.'le bears the IMIDY
name " y
Government May Take
Oyer Some Railroads
I Washington, April 10. There wera
strong official intimations here late to
jday that the government is planning
to take over certain railroads in the
i country for mobilization purposes,
j Presidents of the leading railroads.
it-is understood, will meet here tomor
row with government officials to con
fer on mobilization plans.
The proposition of the government
taking over certain roads, officials
pointed out, would mean that the roads
would be used for military purposes on
ly and would expedite the general mo
bilization plan.
1 . r
Vse Journal classified ads " '