THE DAILY CAPITAL JOtT.XAL. SAtEM. OREfiOV. "MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1917. NINE The Daily I CapitalJournal Classified I Telephone ant I Business f Directory A Quick, Handy Reference t for Busy People "it EVERYTHING! oiitia Lictiut .u., .uMiimc icuipie, xzi ftorth High Main 1"00 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING .AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Uain 19! TRANSFEB AND DEATAGE Salem Truck & Dray Co., orner State and Front streets Main 74 FOR SALE Ton ncrea, best of soil, growing crop, on a good rond, close in. Buildings nil new and modern with water nnd light system in house and barn. Square Deal Realty -'o. MISCELLANEOUS FLOBA A. BREWSTER, M. D. Neu rologist, nervous and chronic diseas es a specialty. 35 yrs. experience with drugs, surgery and drngless methods. Examination free.712 State St. Phone 1350. H. STEIXBOCK JUXK CO Wo pay 65o per 100 lbs. news paper and mag azines. Highest prices for hides and polts. A large stock of logan berry and fence wire for less than half price. Thone 80S, 302 N. Commer cial. 4-5 FRCITLAXD NURSERY High and Ferry Sts. Full line nursery stock. Italian prime a specialty. Nursery lo cated one I'iilo east of penitentiary. Address R. C, Salem, Ore. Thone 100 F21. 4 CJHIROPRAOTIO-SPINOLOGIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic 's Fountain Uoad, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiropractic .spinal adjustments and get well. Of fice 406-7-8 U, S. National Bank building. Phone Main 87. Residence, 1 Main.828-E. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOTJGH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clfugh morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888. RIGDON-E1CHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High Btreet. Day and night phone 183. SCAVANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contractr at reasonable rates. Yard and cess-, pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247, Residence, Main 2272. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money, at Lowest Rates, on approved Security. Homer H. Smith, Boom 5, McCornack Bldg., Salem, Or. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATB CHAS. B. HODGKIN General Insur nee, Surety Bonds, real estate and rentals. Hubbard bldg. Phone 386. tf STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIREI 50 years experience. Depot National and American fenei Sizes 20 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and' varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Saiem Fence and Stove Works, t5t "V,r treet PhotiP 124. OSTEOPATH DBS. B. H. WniTE and B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians ant nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized ir nerve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute and chronic diseases Consultation free. Lady attendant Office 503-500 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 839. Residence, 341 North Capital street. Phone 4fifl. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Offie corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. LODGE DIRECTORY MODREN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp. No. 5240, meets every Thursday erenlug at 8 oVIock in Derby building, corner Court nnd High stvwts. J. F. Day, V. O. ; J, A, Wright, Clerk, SALEM I.ODC.E No. 4. A. F. & A. M. - Stated communications first Friday in each month 11 1 7 :Ko p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Fred A. Mclntire, W. M. ; S. Z. Solver, secretary. CENTRAL I.ODC.E. NO. IS, K. of P. Derby building; every 'Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :S(j. Lovd T. liiudou. C. C. ; W. D. (iilsou, K of It and U, UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly No. 84. meets every Thursday at 8 p. bl. In I. O. O. F, hall. A, A, Gueffroy, ),,, Telephone ELECTBICAX M. A. ; C. A. Vlbbert, secretary, Crown Drug Bire, y;!8 Suite Street, A. O. C. W. Protection Lodge No, 2 meets erery Monday evening at 8 la the McCoroack hall corner Court and Liberty HIT1-.. L- M"son- M- W.i 8, A, Alcfaddcn, recorder; A. h. Brows financier; R. U.. Duncan, treasurer. ' SALEM nUSIAXK SOCIETT D. D. Keeler. president; Mrs. I.ou 'J'llUon, aecrefan. All -rates of cruelty or neglect of dum animals should be reported lo tlie secretary for investigation. Dn MOI.AV COMMA NDERY, No. 5. K. T. t-Kiuur cuur-mvo iourta many in enen month t 8 o'clock p. m., in olasoalc lempie. Sojurnliqf sir Knights ere courteously inriled to meet with us ilea C. Mies, tl. C. ; U, U. 'i'blelsen recorder. IIODSON COUNCIL, No. 1. R. & S. M. tnteu assembly first Moudny In each niontii, Masonic Temple. F. A. Marcus. Thrice illustrlouos Master; fcllen. C. Mies, recorder. SALEM COUNCIL No. 2022 Knights aud i.Huirs oi pccuriry meeis every 2nd and 4 ill Wednesday each month at Hurst Hall. Visiting members are Invited to attend. E. l Wultun, fluaucier, 48U S. 14th Street. PACIFIC LODGE NO. CO, A. F. & A. M, Stated communications third Krldny in mtu uiomn ar. i :;ju p. :m. In Masonic Temple. W. 11. Kancy, V. lOrnest II. Choate, secretary. the M, ; WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Meet every Friday nlglit at 8 o'clock iu Di-rbv bldg.. Court and High Kts. A. J. Kwelntnk, C. C. ; . I,. 8. Oeer, clerk, CU7 Court street. .Thone Sua, , R. N. A. "Oregon Crape Camp" No. 1H00, meet every Thursday evening In Derby and ljil'ky building, Court and High streets ; Mrs. Sylvia Schnupp, I17I Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per sons, 'recorder, JawU North Commercial. Phone 14.WM. , TRAVELERS' GUIDE OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. .NORTH BOVMU Lv Salem Train No. Ar Portland 4 :5 am 2 Owl (1 :5B a m 7 :t" am 0 9 :25 a m :45 a m .... It) Limited ... 11 :."t5 a m 11:20 a m , 12 1 :a3 p m 1 :BO p m 14 4 :00 p m 4 :00 p m .... 10 Limited .... 5 :50 p m 0 :S0 p m 20 7 :4U p m 7 :53 p m 22 10 :0W p in BOUTH BOUND Portland to SiiKit Lv Portland u:0 a m Salem 8:33 Eugene 10:B3 H :M a m 5 Limited .10 :11 10 :45 a m 2:03 p m . 4 :40 p m . ti :U3 p m , fF:20 p m , 11 :45 pm. Lv CorTnllls 4 :10 p m . Lv Eugene 7:33 a m , 1 :53 p m . 5 :23 p m , 12:05 p m . 7 n ..13 Limited . .. 17 Local . 1! . . . 21 Owl . . NU1CTU BOUND .12:53 . 4:13 . 0:40 . 8:10 .11 :20 1 :53 p m Ar Salem 5 :M p m Ar Salem 0 :45 a m 4 :00 p m 7 :33 p m 4 :HS u m 20 10 Limited 10 Limited ...2 Owl . . SOUTH -BOUND Lv Salem Ar Eugene G:50 a in 12:25 p in 1 :53 a m 21 Owl 10:15 a m Lv Salem 12 .55 p m Lv Salem 4:13 p m Lv Snloir ( :45 p m 5 Limited Ar Albany 7 1 :50 p 111 Stops at Corvalis Ar Albany 0 5:10 p in Ar Albany 7 :35 a m Ar Eugene 13 8:50 u m l-VUV Alil.lW LU..f.LllUfl .NuETlI BOUND Lv Corvnllls Ar Salem 8:23 1 hi 10 0 :43 a m 12:12 p m 14 1:45 p in) 2:41 p m 1(1 4 :00 p in 4 :10 p in 20 5 :.'fO p iu 1 0:18 p m 22 7 :55 p m SOUTH BOUND Lv Salem Ar Corvnllls 10:15 a m 5 11 :33 n m 4 :15 p m 0 5 ::it! p m 12:55 p m 7 2:20 p ml G:40 p m 13 3:00 p mi Salem-Ofer Link No. 73 Arrives at Salem ....... B:1S a m No. 70 Leaves Salem 0:50 a m No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) ....2:00 p m No. 74 Leave Salem 3:05 p 111 No connection aoutn 01 lieer, Salem, Ftts Citt and Western No. 161 I.v. Salem, motor 7:00 a N. lli'i I.v. Salem, motor 0:43 a No. 105 Lr. Sulem for Multnoninb ana Airlie 1:40 p m No. 1(17 I.v. Ralem, motor ....4:00 p No. 10ft rl.T. Salt-m, motor 0:13 p No. 239 -Wav Kr't lv. Salem 510 n Na. 102 Ar. Salem 8:3U No. 1U4 Ar. Salem 11 :Io a No. 10 Ar. Sslem ..Ill", p No. 10S Ar. Salem 0:00 p No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p N. 240 Way Irt ar. Salem ...2 J3U p WII.I.AMETTR RIVER ROCTR. Orftion t'ily 7Vtfiipor(tio Company Konts leave Salmi tor Portland Monday. Wednesday nnd Friday st 11 a. m. ; and Tuesday, Thursday sod Saturday mornings at C a. m. For Corvallls the boat ft leave Salem Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8 o'clock. Boats leave Port land lor Salem at 0 :43 each morning. IRY JOURNAL WANT ADS 3 THE MARKETS : The following prices for frulu and vegetables srs those skad by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what U paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the pioduce. Correction mtt saado daily. It is never down, it is always up. And uow .oats have struck the top notch welling in large lots at ."3 and 0 t-euts a bushel aud wheat is ranging from 1.30 to l.i0. . With the rapid advance in wheat, there in a eorrcsjioiiding rise in flour and todav the quotation is J.(iO to i.7i f4r the liifh the best. It seems that while barn. He formerly occupied the Farm cost of living has been sort ers Produce building. or a ,ioke for the past few years, with flour and sugar advancing and the snme in all canned fruits nnd about everything else there is in the eating j line, tue iiign cost ot living is oeeom-1 mg a threatening reality. The farmer , has the best of it as he can raise part of his living hut the man on a salary iu the city is surely up against it. Grains Wheat )1.30 Oats, new- 52( 53c Barley, ton $.'lti Bran $35 Shorts, per ton $37.50 Hay, cheat $11 Hav, vetch : $12 Hav, clover $11(2 12 Batter Butterfnt - 44c Creamery butter, per pound 43c Country butter 3032o Eggs and Poultry Eggs, trade .4 27c Eggs, cash 20e Hens, pound .- 18c Hens, dressed, pound 20c ?ork, Vel ana Mutton , Pork, on loot 14 3-4c Pork, dressed 1017c Veul, accordisg to quality. .ll(g 13 l-2c Steers ...... 68o Cows 4uM.-e Bulls 4(u5o Ewes 6c Lambs lie Wethers 79c Figs and Datea Black figs .. 10c Golden dates ....... . : 15c Dromedary dates $3.75 Vegetables Cabbage 5c String garlic 710e Potatoes, per 100 lbs 2afif2 3-4c Carrots aud beets $1.25 Green onions ............ . 40c Artichokes $1 Lettuce, California, crate . . $2.753.75 Onions .: 8V"C Celerv $1.10(3)1.25 Cauliflower $2.75 J Turnips $2.25 Khubard. box $2 California radishes 35c Cuban tomatoes ; $4 Asparagus .. 12-c Spinach $1.50 Broccoli $1.73(u2 Fruits Apples 50c$l Ora uges, navels $3.2jfu,3.50 Blood oranges $1.35 Lemons, per box $3.754.00 Bananas, pound 5VL-C California grape fruit , $30 Florida grape fruit $5.500,50 Pineapple . 8c Honey $3,25 Cranberries 7c Cocoanuts - $1.15 Retail Prices Creamery butt;r 50c Country butter 40c Eggs, dozen 30c Sugar, cane $9.20 Sugar, boot $! Flour, hard wjcat $2.i()(i)2.75 Flour, vnllev $1'.30 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., April 9- Wheat: Club $1.78 Rod Russian $1.77 Bluestem $1.82 Fortvfold $1.72 Oats, No. 1 white feed $43.23 Barley, food $44.73 Hogs,' best live $14.05 Prime steers $10 Fancy cows $S,50 Calves $10 Spring lambs $13.50 Butter, city creamery 44(S)43c Eggs, selected local ex. 30(i.'!lc Hens 22c Broilers 35(0,500 Geese 12VL-13c Portland, Or., April 3. Cattle re ceipts 035; market firm. Heavy toors $9.50fa 0.(50; light steers o'.50(S)10; cows $K(S)8.50; hoifers $SJ25(( 8.30 ; calves $7(u 10. m Hogs, receipts 1530; .market firm. Hoaw $14.50(u 14.75; light $14; pigs ll)6ffil2. Sheep receipts none. Market unchang ('d; east of mountain lambs $13C 13.50; vallev lambs $12.5Uui: 13.25; wethers $11.5bS!12; ewes $10(i 10.75. FARMERS PRODUCE CO. We can use several hundred sacks of parsnips, carrots, beets and rutabaga. If you have any call lis. Hides 180 to 22c Hens 18c 1G0 S. iiigfi Phone 10 4 4 t BIG ITEMS PLAY FAIR Seattle, Wash., April 9. Two big lo cal coruorations announced today they would keep names of their employes who enlisted in the war, on the pay roll and .give them back their jobs after thn war. FOR BURNS, CUTS and WOUNDS Dtnnls Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUB STORES TUBES 26C JARS 50C t Willamette Valley News Woodburn News (Capitnl Journal Spciul ftMrvic.) W'mulhitrti Om Aiiril tt Tli oiavra given bv the fcitth school students last! wet'k was wtll attended, the opera house being packed, (treat talent was dis- played bv the majority of the partici- punts, which was greatly appreciated." " 1 he laptain 01 I ly mouth" was taken from I.oiiKfcllow "Courtship of Miles Standish." Dr. Thomis Sims, the veterinarian, has moved his office to the -Schooler Solionl lif wm oroatlv i.,i..rmilt...l ' by some of the Ikivs answering their' countrv'g call and ioinine Com pan v I. Six senior boys joiued Tuesday "and two .Monday, in:; leaves the senior class with quite a "shortage" of bova. The boys leaving us were Elburn Sims, Floyd Rice, Bruce Kims. Asa Foote. Oscar Beck, Lee Sims, Doyle Johnson and Mncmillau Jones. Mrs. A. W. Oilles and Mrs. P. H. KU-iwer of Monitor, visited Woodburu last week. Miss Esther Plank, a studout nt Mon mouth normal, is spending the Easter vacation at home. Mrs. Ted Bowles, of Amity, was in town Friday. Charles C. Goodalo was a Tortland visitor Wednesday. Blaine McCord made a business trip to Salem Monday. Dr. Rochs and Mr. A. H. Elliott at tended the M. W. A. convention at Sil verton Wednesday. Mr. Harold Olspn made a trip to Port laud Friday. Mrs. George I.indnhl, of Monitor, is a Woodburn visitor this week. Mrs. Henry Beaman left Sunday morning for her home after having visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boa man, of this city. Mayor J. F. KteclUammer was a Sa lem visitor Tuesday. Miss Guerne made a trip to Portland Monday and purchno-.-d some now spring hats. Miss Ethel Strong, of Monitor, -spent last week end with her brother of this city. . Miss Hattie Bents, of Fargo, was a You want well SHOES for S By buying them of THE BOOTERY. Take advantage of their CASH SYSTEM and up to date methods of buying and selling shoes as well as their connections with the cliain of stores which give them buying pow er that assures the BEST GOODS as prices from ten to twenty per cent below the others, who have to allow also for credit losses and other credit expense. At THE BOOTERY you pay for what YOU GET ONLY. Here are just a very few of the magnificent bargains we can quote for your inspection. Come in and be convinced that we can save you money. - Women's Fine Black Kid, lace, sy.-inch top ; worth $8.00 per pair, now T.... $6.95 Women's Beautiful White Nubuck Bal, covered French heels; others charge $8.00, but we ask only $5.95 Women's Black Kid Lace, 8-inch top, French or Cuban heels, button or lace, plain toes ; $6.00 qual ity at $4.95; the $5.50 quality at $4.45 An All White Kid Lace, white soles and heels, or white top, black kid vamps; splendid value $4,95 8-inch Top, Lace, in Brown Vici Vamps with White Kid Tops or Black Kid Vamps with Neutral Gray Tops, at the amazingly low price of $5 . 45 Some are asking $7.00 and $8.00 for such shoes. White Fabric, 8-inch top, lace, in French or Hi-low heels, plain toes; will be all the go this year, now at $3,95 Other Ladies' Shoes $3.45, $2.95, $2.45 on down as low as -"90c" Phone fl Wip Vff W IWf VkalWS fiAl laAs ti iwB fiftlM Bolt 1 1 96 - Woodburn visitor Friday. J Mis Kthel t'usgrove is home from j Monmouth normal spending her Knstor mention. The Honor Guard Girls met in the I bawn"'n ' h ''"""T Vanity ev - jor ,Be mmp 0f C'ompanv I. Miss Esther Lnimcl. of tin- Willam - ette university, spent the week-end with Mrs. C W. Gillette. Lyons Notes (Caiital Journal Special Hervice) ! T VrMy n'8"L ., . a, , Hob Shier and family returned to j Lyons, April ..-I. A. Man, Is andiMliami Monday -morning after spvnd. '"" rnurneu nome xrom oaieni pun - day evening on motor, where they had; een visiting airs. Aiariei s Mter, .vtrs.Mn loriHinci, iviuriii.-u iu bis buw m "'u,l2e Hushey. Mrs. D. C. Abel of Hotel Abel, has been very sick for the past week. Hutl is slightly better at this writing. I . Professor I. V. Kane went to Albany) baturdav morning, whore he wont toi see his aunt, Mrs. I-anny Butler -who is quite sick from injuries received bv a fall. Father Clansey was up to the Lyons mission Sunday morning and held mass at 11 o'ciock, instead of Father Henry or Lane. Grandma Shelton returned to nor home after a visit at Crabtree Satur day morning, Mrs. Ruth Lyons and children of Lyons Bpent the wrck end ith her sister, Mrs. John Trask of Fox Valley. William Simon, while cutting wood, cut his fintrer auite bail, which laved him off the section for a few days. .Mrs. McDonald of Mill ( ity-wa vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Rav Huber, Friday. . Edd Thompson and family were vis itors Sunday at the home of 'Elmer Hiatt of Mehama. Rev. Van Winkle, pastor of the M. E. church, preached Sunday morning, his topic being "By faith."" Clvdo Maulding of Canada who has ,oeen visiting at UrownsvUle, is now visiting with his aunt nnd unole, Mr, land Mrs. E. D. Thompson, of Lyons. Mrs. Claud Wilson of Fox Valley was doing some shopping in Lyons w ednesday. Mr. Brotherton and wife of Jordan were visitors of Lyons Thursday, New Shoes save the extra dollar or You are welcomed to our new Rest Room, which has been put in for of our friends. We will be glad to have you come and use it, whether of shoes or not. St tt ss f P.! H RHnMnnMaiHNll ""I wm I'l " mi ms tm pf) mm IHKftMhftAIW (Ml Mk flfi ttMs Mhb ttfm tUtt itH Uw flaA Jiltt AHaB aH tt4 Mehasa News (Capital Journal HpiH-ial m-riee) 'who has hn ,ick for tim0 took j itirnanin, April f. oriKUDR niout i jmuch worw Saturday evening. Hut is : w"tter at this writing. The Zimmerman boys, who have been in Salem again for treatment, return ed home Sundav evenincr on motor. Mr. and Mrs." Charles Stevenson, the'scrved by the hostess. Mrs. Euckel ill telephone central of Mehama, are the proud parents of another bany boy lng a few months in Portland. Alonr.o Krie, who has betn working Mehama where he will spend the sum- mer. Sanayside News An old fashioned spoiling match wa civen at the lringle school house April ith. Thwe was a large attendance at the meeting in the school house Fri day night. Mr. Davidson ho been hauling wood lately. 11. A. Smith made a trip to Saiom Wednesday. Tho prune trees in "this section are late blooming on account of the rain and cold weather. Dudley Minto motored out this way today. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chandler wore in Salem ' Thursday. Gene Halley has been busy plowing lately. Relatives of Mrs. Beamish arc fx pected down from Portland on a visit soon. EAST HUBBARD VOTES - Mr. Amos Lais and son Bert,' of Blod- gett, came to Hubbard last Friday and visited friends at Zion over Sunday, re turning to Blodgott Monday. A number of young people of Zion took dinner at. the homo of A. L. Head ings last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver King and daugh ter Norma, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hershberger It" and you might justas Men's Medium Light Shoes, in kid and gun metal, lace and, button; special $3 ,45 Men's Fine at , Dress Shoes, A very comfortable high quality "King Kumfort Kushion" Shoe for men with tender feet; worth $7.00, go for .$5,45 Heavy Work Shoes, tan or black, lace .... -. $350 About wholesale cost now. Another big bargain Smoke Elk or " Black Lace Work Shoes with Neolin soles; worth every cent of $5.50 today ; we sell now for $3 J5 The "Bqy Scout," the best wearing shoes made in leather or Neolin soles; sizes 1 to 5lo, $.'.15; in 9 to rn $2.S5 And every pair guaranteed. Other lines for Boys and Youths as low as ... .$ 95 DON'T FORGET TO MAKE USE OF OUR NEW COZY REST ROOM 'mAmtiAtAmASiiuKMU1Mwmk9 flPlhUH slMk MHB MM BiBaWB Mil AUMSVTLLE NOTTS O. E. Parby went to Portland Tues- tMiv to bring his wife horn from the hospital where she underwent an oper ation fur append icilw. Mie renin -ed to her home here Wednesday and is getting along ni-ely. Mis Pearl Flier who rte-ived ser ious injuries from a fall some time ago is staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Matt Flier, of this place. She is abue to be about on crutches and ia improving rapidly. The Toleta club was entertained by Mrs. Ivan Putnam Thursday March 2Mh. Roll call of honor was responded to by the members. Mrs. Noyee was able to attend and resume her duties as president. A daintv lunche was entortain the ext meeting. A farewell partv was oiven Satur day evening by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Keene at their home in honor of Ilealie Young. Irogresrtvc five hundred and pedro were games played. Mias Luella Mill winning the five hundred prise, and Mrs. C A. McAllister in pedro; lavid Mills captured the booby prixe. AU en.jovcd the dainty luncheon serv ed bv the hostess. Those present weres Mr. snd Mrs. Keene and family, Mrs. Luella Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Iavid Mills Mr. and Mrs. C. h. McAllister, Mrs. Lulu Young, Miss Eva Wells, Miss Luella Mills, Miss Bessie Hawlin, Muriel Wells, Bvron Wells, bmerson Young, "Boalie Young and Vernon J&k- AUister. -Record. of Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Yoder went to Woodburn last Monday on business. John Berkey and Amos Lais made a business trip to Portland last Saturday. Misses Wilma Yoder and Fannie Hos tetlor went to Albany Tuesday morning to visit friends. They expect to return home Saturday. v A number of people from Albany at tended the mission meeting at Hopewell last Saturday, among them was Bishop J. P. Bontrager, who remained aver Sunday, preaching at Hopewell Sunday morning-and holding communion. Ou Sunday evening he preached at Zion. ' Mrs. Raehel Mishler, of Albany, has been visiting her sisters,' Mrs. Iviua Burck and Mrs. D. J. Yoder, since last Saturday. Mrs. Mishler, accompanied by .Mrs. Yoder, visited Mrs. Dan -Erb, who has been confined to her bed for over year. - ,Mr. and Mrs. GeoTge Owens .and daughter, Elsie, drove to Vancouver last Sunday in their auto to visit their son and brotheT, Norman, who recently joined the militia. Enterprise. ; - n ti H 11 n 11 11 M 11 two values to $7.00, now $4.95 I f: 1 t I I t the convenience you are in need T Y 167 North Commercial av m s ss H'i pii W ff) H it f "1 ir It IS II ti M ri H 11 ti u IS II 3