Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 04, 1917, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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77ie Daiy
: Capital Journal
A Quick, Handy Reference
for Busy People
Balern ElectrU Co, Masonic Temple, 127 Kortb Jligh Main 100
T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial street J...! TINNIN0 Main
Balem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front street Main 7
FOI! SAI.K Ten acre, best of noil,
growing crop, on a good rotul, close
in. Buildings nil now and modern
with water and light system in house
and barn. Square Deal Realty Co.
, rologist, nervous and chronic diseas
es a specialty. 35 yra. experience with
drugs, surgery and drugless methods.
Examination free. 712 State St. Phone
C5c per 100 lbs. news paper and mag
azines. Highest prices for hides aud
pelts. A large stock of logan berry
and fence wire for less than half
price. Phone 80S, 302 X. Commer
cial. 4-5
Ferry Sts. Full line nursery stock.
Italian prune a specialty. Nursery lo
cated one mile east of penitentiary.
, Address B. 6, Salem, Ore. Phone 100
. O. L, SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic s Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiropractic
spinal adjustments and get well. Of
fice 400-7-8 TJ. S. National Bank
building. Phone Main 87. Residence,
Main 828-K.
A. M. Clfugh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High atreot. Day and night phone
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of al'
kinds removed on monthly contract
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Mai
2247. Residence, Main 2272.
ON Good Real Estate Security
Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon
Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, on
approved Security. Homer H. Smith,
Boom 5, McCornack Bldg., Salem, Or.
CHAS. B. IIODGKIN Genoral Insui
ance, Surety Bonds, real estate ant
rentals. Hubbard bldg. Phone Sfl.
50 years experience.
Depot National and American fene
Sizes 2G to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
S'Slem Fence and Stove Worki, 25t
Court Htrnot Phone 124.
DBS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physiciana anr
neive apecialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkaville
Mo. Post graduatejind specialized i)
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronic diseases
Consultation free. Lady attendant
Office 505-50G V. S. National Banl
building. Phone 659. Residence, 34'
North Capital street. Phone 4fifl
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance.
fon Cedar Carap. No. .."240, meeis every
hursday eveniug at 8 o'clock in Derby
building, coiner Court and High streets.
J. Day, v. I.; J, A, Wrigtit, Clerk,
SALEM LODCE No. 4. A. F. A. M.
Stated communications first Friday In
each month at 7:So p. m. in the Masonic
i' i a r..r...t..n W Xf '
S. Z. Sulver, secretary.
Derby building, every Tuesday eveniug
or eacn weeK at 7 :3U. I.oyu 1. inguoa,
c. c. ; W. B. Cllson, K oi R aud ii.
CNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly
No. 84. meetR every Thursday at a p.
' .. In I. O. O. K, hall. A, A, Cueffroy,
M. A. ; C. A. Vllrt, secretary, Crown
lnig iore, yys Sute atwet.
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodee No. -2
J.1.!" ev",r)r. iaadf evening at 8 in the
stoLornack hull corner Court ami Liberty
sneer. i. it. &hiuu, m. vv.: h jL
McFadden. reorder: A. U. Br'owa!
f manner ; It. a. Liuoc.in. treasurer.
president: Mn. I.t,u TilUon, aecreiarr.
AH coses of cruelty or .neglect of duin
aiiiaials aUould be reported lo the
secretary lor Investigation.
Itejrular conclave fourth Friday in each
mouth at 8 o'clock p. in.. In Masonic
Teoiple. Sojourning Sir Knight are
courteously invited to meet wirn us.
(ilea C. Nlles, c.; H, 13. Tbielsen,
IIODKO.V OOCNCII.. No. 1. It. & 8. M
Stated assembly first Monday In each
month, Masonic Temple. t A, Marcus.
Thrice Illustrlouos Master: Glen. C.
Mies, recorder. . i
SALEM COUNCIL No. 2022 Knit-lit and
Ladle of Security Meets every 2nd and)
ieiue!iuay eaeu inontu at - Hurst
Hall. Visiting members are Invited to
attend. K. Walton, financier. 480 S.
Hth Street
FACinC LODCE NO. B0, A. F. & A. M.
Sruted communications third Friday
In. each month ut 7 :;:o p. m. In the
Masonic Temple. W. II. Daucy, V. M, ;
Kruest U. CUoate, eretnry.
Friday night at 8 o'clock in Derby
bldg.. Court aud nigh Sts. A. J.
Swelnlnk, C. C. ; I., s. Geer, clerk
007 Court street. Phone C93.
Ii, ff,- A. "Oregon drape Camp" No.
llltiO, meet every Thursday evening in
Derby and Lalky building. Court and
High streets ; Mrs. Sylvia Schiuipp,
1071 Marker, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per
sons, recorder, Jti North Commercial.
Phone 14.!U.i.
Lv Snlem Train No. Ar Portland
4 a m 2 Owl o :03 a m
7:l"i a ni 0 B:25 a m
fl:4". a m 10 Limited ... 11:33 a m
11:20 a m ....... 12 1:33 p m
1 :Go p m 14 4 :0U p m
4 :00 p m 10 Limited 0 :50 p m
0 :H P m 20 7 :40 p m
7 :03 p in 22 10:00 p m
Lv Portland
0:80 a m Snlem 8:33 Eugene 10:B3 a m
8 :.!0 a m
5 Limited
..10:11 a m
. . 12 :53 p m
. . 4:13 p in
. . (1:40 p in
. 8:10 p ui
..11:20 p m
1 :03 p m
Ar Salem
. 0 :30 p m
10:43 a m .
2 :03 p m . ,
4 :40 p m . .
0 :03 p m .
0 :20 p m .
11 :45 p ni .
Lv Corvnllis
4 :10 p m .
Lv Eugene
7 :33 a m . .
. . 13 Limited .
.. 17 Local .
..... 10
... 21 Owl ..
Ar balem
10 Limited
10 Limited
1 :5o p m . .
C :23 d m .
4-00 S m
7 :33 d in
12 :03 p m . .
2 Owl 4 :33 a ni
Ar Euffene
Lv Salem
33 a m 21 Owl (J :3U u m
10 :13 a m
Lv S:ilem
12 :53 p m
S Limited
, 12:23 p
Ar Albany
1 :o0 p 111
Stops at Corvulis
Ar Alouuy
Lv Salem
4 :15 p m
Ar' Albany i
0:10 p m
7 :3. a m
Ar Eusene
Lv Salem
0:43 pm
. 13 8 :30 u in'
Lv Corvallls
Ar Salem ;
. . fl :43 a m j
. . 1 :43 p u j
. . 4 :oo p in j
. . 5 ::.() p m 1
. . 7 :33 p ni j
Ar Corvallls!
...11 u ml
. . . G :30 p m !
. . . 2 :20 p m j
8:25 a m .
10 ....
..... 10
12:12 p m .
2:41 p id .
4 :10 p ni .
6:18 p m .
Lv Salem
10 :1.r am.
4:13 pm .
12 :33 p ni .
0:40 p m
3 :uo p m I
Sii.k,.i-(i,i:h Link
No. 73 Arrives at Salem 0:13 a m
No. 70 Leaves Salem 0:30 a ni
No. 73-Ar. SnlVni (mixed) ....2:00 p 111
No. 74 Leave Salem 3:05 p lu
No connection south ol Geer.
Salem, Fills Cur and Westers
No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor 7 :o a m
No. 103 Lv. Salem, motor f:43 a m
No. 105 Lv. Snlem for Multnomah
nnd Alrlie 1:40 p m
No. 1C7 Lv. Salem, motor ....4:00 p m
No. 100 Lv. Salem, motor 0:13 p m
No. MO Wav l"r't lv. Salem 5:00 u m
No. 102 Ar. Salem
No, 104 Ar. Salem ..:
No. 100 Ar. Snlem
No. ICS Ar. Salem .........
No. 170 Ar. Salem
No. 240 Way Kr't ar. Salem
. . 8 :.'io a m
. .11 :lo a m
. . .3 :13 p in
. . .0 :0o p m
. . .7 :43 p m
...2:30 p m
OiTfion Vitu Transportation Vomiianv
K.uit'a lenre Salem for I'ortlaud Monday.
Wcdnesiiny and Friday at 11 a. m. ; aud,
Tuesday, Thursday nd Saturday mornings
at 0 a. m. tor i.orvmus lue ooais ieae
Salem Tuesdnv. Thursday and Saturday
evenings at 8 o'clock. Boats leave Port
land for Saieui t 0:45 est- moraiug.
House Passed Ann?
BUI and Adjourned
U'ashintfton, April 4. After twenty
l'ive minutes debate the house this f
tcrnoou passed the annual -'.O.lHH..-UOO
army bill. The bill is the same a
that v. Im 'j ii'led in the senate last
War Resolution Tomorrow
Washington, April 4. The house ad
journed this afternoon after having
passed the military aradcmy appro
priation bill. It will take up immediate
ly the administration state of war res
ult ion upon convening at 10 o'clock
KTl'BttOKN t-l-l-Ll AND COLD
The-following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked try
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what U paid to the producer.
All othor prices are those paid the
producer. Correction are made
New potatoes, asparagus and spinach
is now on the market. Rhubarb is "0
cent a box cheaper, oranges are high
er mid bananas are up a quarter of a
cent a pound.
The pork market is strong with the
top lor pork on foot at 13 3-4 cents.
Eggs are holding up to 23 cents in
Portland us the storage demand is
... $1.40
5-(u .we
... $33
... $34
Oats, new
Barley, ton
Bran '
Shorts, per ton
Hay, cheat .......
flay, vetch
Hay, clover sjiogll
Creamery butter, per pound
Country butter
Eggs and Poultry
TgBs. trade
ERgs, cush
Hens, pound
Hens, dressed, pound
.... 18c
.... 20c
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, on toot 13(it 14 3-4c
Pork, dressed Kigl'c
Veal, according to quality. .11 (a 13 l-2c
Steers .. C(3)8e
.... 45e
:. lie
... 7t)e
Lambg .'
Wethers ,
Figs ani Dates
Black figs loe
Golden dates ..... 15C
Dromedary dates $3.75
Cabbage Tie
String garlic .' 710c
Potatoes, per 100 lbs 2y.2 3-4e
Carrots and beets ". . , $1.L'5
Green onions ... 40c
Artichokes $1
Lettuce, California, crate .. $2.7o3.75
Onions 8':.e
Celery $1.101.25
Cauliflower $2.75
Turnips $2.25
Uhubnrd, box $2
California Tadishys 35c
Cuban tomatoes $4
Asparagus 121-ic
Spinach $1.50
navels 3.23(&,3.oU
Blood oranges $1.35
Lemons, per bo $3.754.00
Bananas, pound fi'je
California crane fruit :-t Ti n
FJonila f?ral)e fruit $5.506.50
Pineapple . . 8
Honey $3;25
Cranberries 7c
Cocoanuta $1.15
Retail Price
Creamery butt;r fiOc
Country butter 40c
Eggs, dozen 30c
Sugar, cane...-- $8.45
Sugar, beet ... $8.25
i-lour. hard wheat 2.."iOr rti.2.(i0
,. '
vaitey $2.1.1(0; 2. 20
Portland. Or., April 4. Wheat:
Club $1.73
Red Russian $1.72
Bluest em $1.79
'Foityfold $1.74
Oats, Xo. 1 white feed $41.7.5
Barley, feed $42.73
Butter, city creamery 43(c?4-lc
Eggs, selected local ex. 2Sfi;29e
Hens 21c
Broilers 33c
Geese 12Lj(irl3e
Livestock Market
Portland, Or., April 4. Cattle re
ceipts 83. Market strong. Honvv steers
$9.40f9.30; cows $8(i8.23; heifers $8
fa S.3o
Hogs, receipts 330. Market steavv.
Heavy $14.4ll(ii 14.30; light $14.25ffi
14.33; pigs $llf(l 11.00.
Sheep, receipts 7)0. Market strong.
Kast of mountain lambs $l3f 13.50:
valley lambs $12.30(i 13.23; wethers
$11.7)0(al2; .ewes $10(510.73.
We can use several hundred
sacks of parsnips, carrots, beet
, and rutabaga. If you have any
call Us.
a. jniues lie 10 uc
160 fl. HigH Phone 10
Willamette Valley
Turner Tidings
(Capital Journal Special herviee.)
Turner. .re., April 3. Florin Besxe
has returned home after several days
spent with Salem friends.
Mrs. I.. M. Barzee has rented her
daughter's bouse aud moved the first
of the ee!s-
Mrs. B. ti. Briefs made a biiKiuevs
tri to Salem on Saturday.
Miss Vineta Karl spent the week-end
with home folks..
Nettie Houck and l.illie Winkler, of
Salem, were in Turner Saturday and
Sunday. Miss Winkler will give music
lessons this Kriug.
Martin Hohl had the misfortune to
fall from the "Flax Building" on Tues
day morning, receiving severe bruises.
A. L. .Bones and wife left Sunday
afternoon for a few days in the Rose
Mrs. Orcutt. of Roseburg, who has
beer visiting at the Crawford home, re
turned to Roseburg Sunday.
H. I- Earl and Mrs. Earl motored to
Salem on Friday.
Professor Willis and family are at
homo to their friends in the Bickuell
The body of Guy. La Fore arrived Sun
day night from Phoenix, Ariz. The fu
neral was held Monday afternoon from
the home of his father, Scott LaFore,
and the remains laid to rest in the Odd
Fellows' cemetery.
Mrs. Barr was in Salem on business
Kev. aud Mrs. Heatheote were wel
comed among us by an old fashioned
pound social on last Friday evening.
The affair was a surprise to the .min
ister. The evening was devoted to pa
triotic songs and talks by Rev. Mickey
and Kev. Heatheote.
Mrs. J. F. Lyle is the victim of neu
ralgia. j. M. Bonos and son Hull is Leon, 'were
111 Salem the rirst ot the week.
J. D. Humphrey has sold the meat
market to ii. A. McKay and rail move
his family to Salem soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt, of Cottage Grove,
are visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. i,
The Ladies' Aid meets at the homo of
Mrs. Nellie Gunning this week.
Tho little folks are helping with the
program for Easter Sunday at the Meth
odist church.
Mrs. Lawrence Roberts is assisting
her brother in the postolf ice in the aft
ernoon, Jlcrlo Smith having gone to
.Mill City to assist in the depot there,
Rockwell Tracy with a corps of men
worked on tho telephone line in the Mill
Creek vicinitv on Monday.
Grandma Roberts visited recently at
the home of her grandson, Lawrence
Mrs. Birdie Denver and Children re
turned from Portland on Saturday, aft
er spending 'x week with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jny Denbuui attended
the Harvey Wright sale 111 Aumsville
Mr. and Mrs- Pearl Givens visited
the latter 's brother, Mr. Albert Sav
age, on Friday ot last week.
Road Supervisor Chas. Bear is put
ting much needed repairs on the Mill
Creek bridges.
Dr. aud .Mrs. Massey spent Sunday
afternoon and night with the doctor's
parents in Polk county, coming home
early Moudav morning.
P. T. Darby and wife visited at the
home of the latlcr's sister, Mrs. D. A.
Osborn, Tuesday and Wednesday.
3C 3C 9c dC 9C 3C 3C )c 3il
$ State House News $
- 1 L U ' U 4t J fje J ife x
T rfr f T It l t 1 T
An applirntioii was filed this liiorn
ing with the public servico coiuuiissioii
by the Clackamas County Driving and
Rafting company lor a franchise to
drive logs and lumber on the Mohilla
river aud on the waters of Trout creek.
Tile application was made under the
recent act of the legislature which
places such franchises under the direc
tion of the public service commission.
The annual report of the Western
Union Telegraph company shows that
the operating income amounted to $17,
039.243.07 and the gioss income $18,
74l.705.H5. From this sum is deducted
$r,17i,87.').02 which leaves a net income
of $13,5(U,82!).34.
The Idaho Power and Klectric In
vestment company, of Ontario, report
ed that its annual operating revenue
was $594,044.C2 and. its operating ex
penses $211,748.04. which leaves a net
1 income of $:t82,29G.riS.
The report of the Tuiiliitiu alley
Electric company, of Sherwood, shows
an operating revenue of $3032.11 and
:ih operating ex)ensc of $2703.04,
which leaves a net revenue of $299.0".
One hundred thousand dollars is the
aggregate capital of the corporation
that tiled with the corporation com
missioner this morning. The "Klwood
Of the Alley in Block 47, City of Salem
Notice is hereby given thai tht- com
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose and
intention to improve the alley in block
47 of the city of Salem between the
north line of Ferry street and the
south line of. State street nt the ex
pense of the abutting and adjacent
property by bringing s.iid portion of
sanl alley to tne estatilislied grade ana
pnviliir the same with a Portland Ce
ment Concrete Pavement six inches in
thickness, in accordance with the plans,
specifications and estimates for the im
proveun.it of said portion of said al
ley adopted by the common council
May 13, 1910," which are now on file
in the office of the city recorder, and
which, for greater certainty and a
more detailed description thereof are
hereby referred to nnd made a part
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and intention to make the
proposed improvement above descrio
cd, by and through the street improve
ment department of tho city of Sa
lem. Bv order of the common council.
KARL RACK, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this 110-
tice April 4, 1917. 4 14
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Bethel, April 3. The basket wicial
Ir.si .-atnrday night was a great success
The play "A White Mountain Boy"
was well chosen and well presented.:
Cass Nichols acted the part of the hero,1
Salem Town." Mis Lucy Nichols t
was the heroine " I'nisv and Har-I
leigh King was her wealthy father
-Mr. Heck with. ' Arthur Sohul. rep-1
resented the villian and Mrs. A. L.,
Schulx aeted the itrt of the villiun's)
wite ". Madeline. " Others takiucr part!
. .. ... .
u the play were John Uain, Frank
Kuneiter, 1o' Marchnud, Mike ltettal-. 8tate, ,hrough the Swis,s miniMcr( hn,
ion, Chris Battalion and the Misses , . f , '
Rose aud Christine Battalion. The vil-''ha"enBcd ,he rtion that the Ger
lain plans the death of his wife aad B.lan government has violated the trea
bv treacherv he contrives a situation i,irs of 1J'5 and 188.
such that the heroine promises to inr-
rv him to save her lather uood name."eeiy icaie irermany and for the most
and fortune. But "Salem Town" spoils
all the evil plot and brings the play
to a happy conclusion.
The capacity of the house was not
sufficient to properly accommodate
half of those who attended. There were
representatives from all of the neigh-
boring districts including Shaw, Aums-
ville, Macleay, Stanton, Pratmu.
Rickey, Auburn. Frultlnd, Onk RldgO
and doubtless others. All of the stand-
ing room on the floor was taken andj
par of the, audience climbed on top
ui ueuL-ues in 111c unrii ui iuv uuiiav.
n.Yt " 7
Tat0 the gwindoSws!:
A number were
nnd had to look
Those up next to the ceiling were too
hot and those down front were cold.
Considering the amount of discomfort
they had to gutter, the audience was
quiet aud attentive.
Besides the play there was music ty
the orchestra, vocal solos by Miss Dav
is, and vocal duets by Carroll and Lu
cille, Robinson.
The baskets were sold by Jl. R. Cur-i
tis. Marjory Miller's basket sold for
the highest price. Cass .Mchois paid
$3.50 lor it. There were twenty six
baskets and they sold for $39.30 or an
average of $1.51. This included the chil-j
ureus D.isitets one of wnun soio lor out justification on the ground of neu
twenty five cents. Considering the traiHv that prevented lUp departurc on
range of prices the average is some a aftor the beginning of tho war of
thing to dc proud or. .''various German merchant vessels, ; eon-
fa A T, Utiiwlltnvfr ira a h nut flea tC .. . n
i ' 7.11 n-V- . 1 1 . . rrl a ltrary to the treaty of 18BS, contrary to
the Bethel Thimble club last Thursday: ..;. . . the treaty of 1799.
afternoon. The wathcr was fine. Those Br'le ,a or. ,"c " "yn,J Ke
.i iL : a i.: .i.l The American sovernment in the
woo were ineru viuoc(i iiiu line weaiui , , ... . j .1 ,
er and good time whiclr they always Appam case also contested the nght
have at the meetings. The time was of the prize to stay in American port
passed iu quilting accompanied by nier- and permitted judicial proceeding
, ib f .,,rrei.f evo.,ta m. .T M Jattainst the priBC. L ntil further notice
.uchols assisted the hostess 111 serving
lunch. Those present were Mrs. J. K
Kirkpatrick, Mrs. C. M. Robinson, Mrs.
O. H. Heinke, Mrs. L. A. Rautenburg,
ills. T. Bnhnsen, Mrs. J. M. -Nichols,-Mrs.
H. B. Hoffman, Mr. A. H. Fuest
man and Mrs. Ida S. Baker. The next
meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
11. B. Hoffman Thursday afternoon
April 12. . , ,
There will be a special school meet
ing Thursday evening April 12 at 8
o'clock for the purpose of electing a
clerk to fill out the unexpired term of
G. O. Swales.
L. A. Rautenburg has sold his farm
to W. P. Brinkley who recently arriv
ed from Texas. Mr. Brinkley bought
irll of the stock and equipment on the
place. Mr. and Mrs. Rautenbwrg will
go to California in the near future.
Mrs. S. B. Clark of Dallas is visit
ing old friends in Bethel. She is at the
1.. A. Rautenburg home today.
It is reported that C. M. Robinson
has just received a shipment of about
000 baby chix.
G. O. Swalos will have a public sale
Wednesday April 11, beginning at one
o'clock sharp. He will leave for Wash
ington on the evening ot" the following
Logging company filed to do a general
logging business with a capital of $30.
000. The incorporators are .lames Kl
wood, L. B. Menefee ami J. C. Vca'.ie.
The office is in Portland. '
Fifty thousand dollars is tho capi
tal of the American Northwest Over
seas company, which proposes to en
gage in the 'importation of goods and
merchandise? The incorporators are
Rogers Mac Veagh, Main) Zan and
Frank K. Deem. The office is in Port
land. Certificate of dissolution of Henry ti
Tire Shop was filed.
As a result of the hoard of control
calling the attention of Warden Mur
phy to the fact that mo monthly main
tenance cost of the penitentiary was too
high, the resignations of several guards
at the penitentiary have been requested
Chapel Guard Fisher, who has been in
the service of the state for the past
fourteen years, has resigned to go to
his farm "in this county. T. Parkinson
and Charles A. Sheridan, guards, have
left the service of the state. Mr. Fisher
is succeeded by A. L. Morelock.
Stock Market Quiet
Waiting On Congress
Xevv York, April 4. The New York
Kveninj; Sun financial review today
Today's stock market reflected lit
tle more than bear pressure exerted by
the professional traders on the floor
of the exchange and to some extent
liquidation on the part of those hold
ers who are opposed to war. Karly
trading was fairly active with inter
vals of strength nnd weakness in the
general list. By midday business fell
away and thereafter a gradual decline
took place, which emphasized the lack
of public participation rather than
bear initiative-
AU eyes were on vvasning on. 1 1
became evidence early in the day tnat
tho war resolution would not tie actea.
upon in either the house or senate be
fore this evening at the earliest and
more likely tomorrow, due both to
change in phraseology and to the
number of speeches scheduled in the
The most striking price movement
was in the shipping shares, which were
strong throughout, with gains of 2 to
3 pout or so; the, motor shares, which
were distinctly weak, with losttes of
i to 4 points( and Cnitcd (States In
dustrial Alcohol which receded over 4
M OEIS - '
Says Americans Are Free to
DepartNow or at Any
Time They Choose
XI' I- . !. .
iungion, Apru Germany in a
'communication addressed to the I'nitcd
American citiwns, said the note, may
Part have already done 0.
I The note, replying to this govern
jment's refusal to reaffirm the treaties
declare the L-boat warfare does not
contravene the provision of article
twelve of the treaty of 178,"i, and arti-
cle 13 of the treaty of 1799, since, thev
do not oppose blockade or obstructions
.imilar for the blockade-
fh ennm.iinieBtinn rtatrl Morh an
TUe ,rman g0VCrnment challenges
fhe KsaerHm tht it has violated ,thc
freatie of 1785, 1799 and 1828. Amer-
- - W?"
nnu ivr 1110 uiunt ri umu niiruiiv
done so," the note tuvys. '
Delayed by Conditions. ' '
"That departure from the eountry is
delayed under certain circumstances is
to be ascribed to necessary precaution
ary measures.
"Since tho provisions of article 12
of the treaty of 1785 and article 13, of
tho treaty of 171W do not oppose
blockade or obstructions similar to
, blockade, the U-boat iwartare does not
contravene them. In turn Germany has
to renroach -the United State -with a
yiolatiou of those treaties in that with-
the German government will adhere to
the maintenance of article 23 of the
treaty of 1799, inasmuch as it assumes
from the declaration heretofore made
by the state department that the
American government holds the same
view of the present situation as well
as for a possible state of war; in the
same supposition it will place a liberal
construction upon the article, that is
to say will not prevent money remit
tances to the United States and also in
particular honor imperial treasury cer
tificates and continue to allow Amer
icans to depart."
Tore Down Railing Fencing
Them Off From Approach
to Free Ferry
About. 150 indignant citizens of Polk
county, as a protest against the actions
of the Polk county officials in work
ing against a free ferry, took the law
in their own hands about 10 o'clock
this morning. There is a plank road of
points as a result of the movement for
nation-wide prohibition.
Tho steel and copper shares were
weak nt intervals, but net changes
were not considerable. The munitions,
equipment nnd other specialties ruled
fractionally lower. The ruilroad list
was dull and narrow, with here and
there a.woak spot.
Doctors Stand Amazed at Power,
of Bon-Opto to Make Weak Eyes
Strong According to Dr. Lewis
Guaranteed to Strengthen Eyesight 50
In One Week's Time in Many Instance
A Free Preieriptioit You Can Have
.Filled and Use at Home
Philadelphia, Pa. Victim of eye strain
and other eye weaknesses, and those who
wear glasses, will be glad to know that
according to Dr. Lewis there is real hope
and help for them. Many whose eyes
were failing say they have had their eyes
restored by this remarkable prescription
and many who once wore glasses say
they have thrown them away. One man
says, after using it : "I was almost blind.
Could not see to read at all. Now I can
read everything without my glasses and
my eyes do not hurt any more. At night
they would pain dreadfully. Now they
feel fine all the time. It was like a
miracle to me. A lady who used it say :
"The atinosnhere seemed ha.y with or
without glasses, but after using this pre-
gcriptio-for 15 dayg everything seems
eiear I cun rend even tine print with-
out glasses. Another who useu it says
"I was bothered with eye strain caused
by overworked, tired eyes which induced
fierce headache. I have worn glasses for
several years both for distance und work,
and without them 1 could nut read my
own name on an envelope or the type
writing on the machine before me. 1 can
do both now and have discarded my long
distance glasses altogether. I euu count
the fluttering leave on the trees nenms
the street now, which for several years
have looked like a dim green blur to me.
I cannot expreg my joy at what it has
done for me." .
It ia believed that thousands who wear
glusscs can now discard them iu u reason
Worried by Litigation, Kills
Justice of Peace, Lawyer
and One Other
Hanford, Cal., April 4. The live
of four men were claimed here today
when L. T. Denny, aged 63, prom-cent
rancher, in an insane f n ny ran amuck
in the downtown district and after
murdering three men and threatening
the life of another, was himself shot
down by City Marshil W. J. Hmes.
In rapid succession Benny shot down
E. T. (sper, prominent attorney, W.
O. Wiley, agent of the Yuba Tractor
company of Los Augeles, and Justice
of the I'eace G. I- Meadow and was
about to shoot L. Wbitcley, who ac
costed him in the court house, when
Superior Judge Short intervened and
saved Whitcley's life.
Dementia brought on by worry over
a suit broueht aeainst him bv the trac
tor company is believed to, have im
pelled Denny to the deed. Keeentiy
Denny purchased a tractor from the
Yuba company and later expressed di
satiataction with it and refused to pay
the bill when presented to htm.
The shooting began in the office Of
Cosper, where Cosper, Wiley and John
G. Covert, Denny 'g attorney, were in
conference. While tho HJia-ussion was
in progress Ienny suddenly entered,
i-arying a revolver. Without a word Of
parley, Denny opened fire. The first
bullet killed Cosper and the second
ended Wiley' life. While the shooting
was in progress, Covert and a girl
stenographer attempted to escape and
the girl in her excitement fell down
stairs and broke her leg.
Kmerging from Cosper' Offiee. Den
ny ran to the courthouse, in the same
block, and into the court room of Jus
tice Meadows. Before Meadow eourt
utter a Ford. Dennv shot him down.
Meadow had not been involved in any
way-in the -litigation over Denny's trae
tor and-the madman' reason for kill
ing him is not known.
Denny has had a reputation as ,a
"bud man'' anij on -several occasion
in the past has threatened to "get ;a
gun .and use it" against attorneys who
crossed him.-.
about 500 feet running from the land,
ing eonstrueted by l)llt county, but
the farmer have not been able to use
this road was built of planks taken from
ferry as it wa fenced of. Although
this foad was built 0 plonk taken f ropi
the bridge no one excepting those vis
ing the charge ferry could pass on it.
Just to straighten matters out aboit
150-farmers from Polk county pro
ceeded to tho plank road and tore down
the railing that prevented its use. The
guard pouted to protect the railing, sat
by and did not interfere. Today those
who have been crossing on tic ;free
ferry have been using the plank road.
Road Commissioner Culver says the
landing on the west fride will be im
proved and within a few days there
will be " much larger ferry running.
Anyhow, there was regular free aerv
ice on tho ferry yesterday for all
comers. "'.
You can get Sunkiit
Oranges wherever
uniformly good fruit
ia sold. Tissue wrappers
stamped "Sunkiit" iden
tify the genuine. Order
Uniformly Good
LA 61
able time and Tnultitu.cs more will be
able to strengthen their eyes so a to be
spared the trouble and expense of ever
getting glasses. Eye trouble of many
descriptions may be wonderfully bem-lited
by the use of this prescription. Oo to any
active drug store aud get a bottle of Bon
Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet
in a fourth of a glass of water and let
it dissolve. With this liquid bathe the
eyes two to four times daily. You should
notice your eye clear up perceptibly right
from tne start and lull .iumtln and red
ness1 will quickly disappeur. If your eye
bother you even a little it is your duty tin
take steps to save them now before it
is too late. Many hopelessly blind might
have saved their sight if they hud cared
tor their eyes in time.
Note: Another prominent Phynklsn to whaat
the shove article wai iiibmittecl, aakt: "Ye,
tlie Bon-Opto preacriiitiuii ia truly a wonderful
eye remedy. Its constituent inireilientaare welt
known to eminent eye tpecUlitfts and widely
preNcrihed by them. I have used it very mtc
cennfully in my own prai'tH-e an patient whuM
eyes were strained thriiush overwnrfc or minlit
slaiwcs. 1 cm liiithly lecomntcml it in csm at
wenk. watery, aching, msartli), itrhinK, burn
in eyes, red lids, blurred vision or for eye in
nroed from exposure to smoke, sun, diwt or
Kind. It ia one of the very few prepamlHinw I
feel should be kept on hand for reffitlar use in
almost every family." Bon-Opto. referred to
a -Hive, ia not s patent medicine or s secret
remedy. It ia an ethical preparation, the for
mula iH-iii printed on the package. Ttke putn
ufaeturern auarantee It to atrcnxthen eyeaislit
50 per cent in one week's time in many uwtanoM
or refund the money. It can be btaiaod from
any sod diussiat aud ia itutd ia tin city by
1. J. Fry and other druggists.